Towers is a logic number puzzle with a unique twist that requires a different dimension of thinking to solve. As in Sudoku, each row and column of the grid contains unique numbers from 1 to the size of the grid. In these puzzles, consider each number in the grid as the height of tower and the numbers on the edge of the grid represent how many towers you can see from that direction. (You cannot see a lower tower behind a taller one.)

So in the example puzzle to the right, you can see that the 5 to the left of row three means that all 5 towers must be visible, therefore the sequence has to be 1,2,3,4,5. Similarly looking from the right of the row, the clue is 1 because the 5 tower on the right obscures any other in that row looking from that direction.
Looking at column two from the bottom, the clue is 2 because the 3 obscures the 1 and 2 above it and the 5 obscures the 4.

There is one new puzzle per level per grid size each day. All puzzles are solvable by logic alone.

It is suggested you follow the Walkthrough of a puzzle to get you going.

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