Sudoku Sniper is an innovative variation of Sudoku pioneered by DKM Games. It pits you against another player (human or bot) where you both attempt to solve the same puzzle simultaneously. As you enter a number in a cell, it appears in your opponent's grid. Once the puzzle is solved, the winner is determined by the player who scores the most points. Points are lost for incorrect entries and there are also bonus points on offer.
The same rules as Sudoku apply - each row, column and block must contain the digits "1" to "9".

You can either play a private game with a friend or family member, a public game against other dkmGames visitors or a computer bot.

   Computer Bot


How to play and scoring


Today's best scores against BrainyBot.   (Only your best score will be listed.)

Today's best scores against BestBot.

Yesterday's best scores against BrainyBot.

Yesterday's best scores against BestBot.