Sudoku (by admin - 29 Nov 10, 15:42) |
Everything relating to Sudoku, Hyper Sudoku and Samurai Sudoku. |
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Hanidoku (by admin - 29 Nov 10, 15:43) |
Comments, tips and tricks relating to Hanidoku. |
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Jigsaws (by dkmGames - 03 Dec 10, 16:11) |
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Shisen (by dkmGames - 03 Dec 10, 16:12) |
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Yubotu (by dkmGames - 03 Dec 10, 16:12) |
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Word Ruffle (by dkmGames - 03 Dec 10, 16:13) |
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Word Ferret (by dkmGames - 03 Dec 10, 16:13) |
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Word Sudoku (by dkmGames - 03 Dec 10, 16:14) |
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Sudoku Sniper (by dkmGames - 03 Dec 10, 16:18) |
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Solitaire (by dkmGames - 03 Dec 10, 16:20) |
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Tents (by dkmGames - 03 Dec 10, 16:20) |
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Hitori (by dkmGames - 03 Dec 10, 16:21) |
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Word Drop (by dkmGames - 03 Dec 10, 16:23) |
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CodeWords (by dkmGames - 03 Dec 10, 16:23) |
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Cryptograms (by dkmGames - 03 Dec 10, 16:24) |
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Acrostics (by dkmGames - 03 Dec 10, 16:24) |
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Merels (by dkmGames - 03 Dec 10, 16:25) |
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Other Games (by dkmGames - 03 Dec 10, 16:29) |
Post here for Word Hunt, Word Spy, Perfect Putt and Eagle Eye. |
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Thanks! (by tribble - 08 Dec 10, 7:12) |
Thanks to dkm and to all the people who upload new puzzles to keep me occupied with my morning coffee! |
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Welcome all challengers (by bullwinkle - 09 Dec 10, 19:06) |
See if you can beat the mighty moose! |
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Hello everyone! (by bethmerta - 11 Dec 10, 10:06) |
Thanks for the forum! |
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What countries do we represent? (by tribble - 12 Dec 10, 17:13) |
Where is everyone from? Texas, USA for me! |
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I am flattered ... (by baldpoet - 13 Dec 10, 21:53) |
... that another would choose to borrow my handle by creating BALDPOET2. Whether or not this is a cut at me matters not - I rather enjoy the notoriety. Appreciate the nod, whoever you are - thanks! :) |
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Click on cell not responding (by dkmGames - 14 Dec 10, 22:55) |
If you are experiencing the intermittent problem of clicking on a cell and it not being highlighted, it has to do with a Flash plugin problem on Firefox when using custom cursors. I do not have a solution at the moment other than disabling the pen/pencil cursor (Edit-Preferences) or using a browser other than Firefox (not a great option!) |
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error (by shortcut - 15 Dec 10, 19:32) |
game number 5187221 has two possible solutions in the upper left hand corner |
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double solution (by Lucanus - 17 Dec 10, 1:57) |
Again there is a double solution. In game 1588341 you come with pure logic to an absolute symmetrical situation in line 3-6 and column 1-7. |
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Anyone going to use this forum?? (by RebX - 20 Dec 10, 23:56) |
Is there going to be any fun stuff here or are we all just being quiet Ferrets? |
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FULL RESULTS? (by SHANTI - 21 Dec 10, 9:09) |
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Thanks and Question to DKM (by phoenix - 25 Dec 10, 8:33) |
Thanks for the message board, D! Question: Are there several Word Ferret games going on simultaneously? My guess is that there's a limit to the number of players on any one game. |
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Great game tisme (by phoenix - 25 Dec 10, 8:39) |
Hi tisme. We had a quite a series of games some weeks back, alternately eding each other out by a point or two. Great fun. I wished at the time that I could say "good game!" |
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what kind of puzzles do you prefer? (by SHANTI - 26 Dec 10, 6:03) |
I enjoy almost every puzzle but more I like places and famous painters as Van Gog or Leonardo |
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Computer Opponent Predictable (by phoenix - 26 Dec 10, 10:10) |
It would be nice if the computer could change up its strategy from game to game. But I imagine that would take some complex prgramming. |
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Hello from frozen Akron, Ohio (by KenH - 27 Dec 10, 13:20) |
I'd like to thank everyone who posts new puzzles. I am retired and enjoy starting the day with a cup of coffee and a puzzle, especially now when the temperature outside hasn't been on the right side of freezing for three weeks. I hope you enjoy the puzzles I submit as much as I enjoy going back through my old pictures looking for something that would make an interesting puzzle. |
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Speed (by Adkisson77 - 28 Dec 10, 23:38) |
How do some of you finish some of these puzzles in less than 10 minutes. I can't move the pieces that fast, even if I put them in the right place the first time. I'm amazed. |
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Speed (by Adkisson77 - 28 Dec 10, 23:39) |
How do some of you finish some of these puzzles in less than 10 minutes? I can't move the pieces that fast, even if I put them in the right place the first time. I'm amazed. |
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Ratings (by Adkisson77 - 28 Dec 10, 23:41) |
I haven't figured out how to rate the puzzles. How do you do this? Can someone tell me? |
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NEW YEAR WISHES! (by VASSILI - 30 Dec 10, 4:51) |
I wish everybody to be healthy & happy, remain a child in his heart and enjoy challenging games! |
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what do you wish for the New Year? (by VASSILI - 30 Dec 10, 4:54) |
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How Many Solutions (by dmazzucco - 30 Dec 10, 11:26) |
A question. How many ways can all the 5's be placed on a Hanidoku board? I made an effort at figuring it out. I started by identifying that there are 12 orientations for the board, including rotations and mirrors. To simplify my calculations, I always rotate the completed board so that the hex in the first column is as close to the bottom as possible. Then, if the completed board is not symmetrical, the solution represents 2, 4, 6, or 12 solutions. Then I marched through the possible solutions, eliminating wrong solutions and duplications whenever I could. I did this on a simple document. I hope it's straightforward what I was doing. I ended up with 254 solutions. I have posted the document on google docs: I'm curious if there are other ways to solve this question, or if I made errors. Please comment. Thanks |
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Love this idea (by mrschute - 30 Dec 10, 17:06) |
Hi everyone! Been away from Word Ferret for a bit. Lured by other games, I'm afraid. But this forum makes it so much more interactive. I just love it. So many good players here and this forum is a great opportunity to give credit where credit is due. Just encountered Bobo7777 and was totally humbled - especially after reading that Bobo plays while watching TV!! Time to practice... |
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Hello Staffordah!! (by athina - 31 Dec 10, 2:15) |
So many lovely pictures submitted by you today! I shall have great time solving them. Are these photos taken by you? Where are they from? Thank you for being sincere yesterday. Don't give up, try for the best always! |
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challenge results (by athina - 31 Dec 10, 2:48) |
Hello dkm! Congratulations for this site where so many people from all over the glob, have the opportunity to play good games, enjoy themselves, get in touch to eachother, and improve their brain power. Thank you! Also I have a favor to ask; if possible, to see all the results for word ruffle and shisen as it is for jigsaw |
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Suggestion for DKM - chat (by Bobo7777 - 31 Dec 10, 6:34) |
Is it possible to add a small chat box that is only operational in the 25 second span when a new game is resetting? Obvioulsy only registered players would be able to have chat (no Guests), and you could add a filter to bleep out bad language; although i doubt you would get much of that if any. I would love the opportunity to say "gg" or "_____ you are a great challenger", etc. Thanks in advance! Bobo. |
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out of curiosity... (by mrschute - 31 Dec 10, 12:29) |
I was wondering what the average age is of people that play Word Ferret. Given that the wonderful world of video games attracts younger folks, I was thinking that maybe everyone was around my age.....mid-fifties?? Shouldn't be judging really given my obsession for Wii games. |
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Happy New Year to all (by mrschute - 31 Dec 10, 12:31) |
I love this forum. It gives me an opportunity to wish all of you a very happy 2011. Good health and much happiness. |
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happy & prosperous new year 2011 to every dkm player!!! (by SHANTI - 01 Jan 11, 4:13) |
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improve score (by SHANTI - 01 Jan 11, 6:19) |
How can I improve my score in Sudoku? No matter how long & hard I try I dont see any even at the easy challenge level. Can someone help??? |
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not working on x64 systems (by sentender - 01 Jan 11, 12:53) |
hi, it seems the trial version does NOT run in a x64 environment... at least here under server 2008 r2. it does launch, but all i get is an white empty window. :( |
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Hello, Sarasvati (by KenH - 01 Jan 11, 13:07) |
Thank you for your kind words. I grind my coffee from whole beans. I think it tastes better that way. Being an American, I like big cups of coffee. I brew my coffee fairly strong, but not espresso. I would be bouncing off the walls from the caffeine. I am retired, although my wife still works. We both like to travel, so we live simply and save our money to fund our trips. Scuba diving is my hobby, which is why we go to places like Mexico and Hawaii and Palau. My wife is German, so we travel in Europe when we go to visit her family. My wife is a serious yoga student, so she goes to India to study in an ashram periodically. That's where the pictures I submit as puzzles come from. |
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Saving? (by pattyjeanne - 01 Jan 11, 20:05) |
Is there a way to save a partially-completed puzzle? |
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more curiosity... (by socks - 02 Jan 11, 14:47) |
How many use a mouse, and who types in the words? Or can some clever person switch back and forth. |
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2011 (by Tadpole - 03 Jan 11, 7:41) |
Unforgiven.....I for give you. Notgoodatthis....keep will get better....despite what you see in my history... |
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taking in borders? (by Tadpole - 03 Jan 11, 7:48) |'s cold in Ohio now..... |
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High Score Forum (by Bobo7777 - 04 Jan 11, 11:24) |
Figured this would be a nice addition to the forum. The title says it all. If you get a decent score, post it :). I just had 353 on a board with a max of 950 or so. The board setup was really ideal with -er, -ed, and an -s next to tons of useful letters. Unfortunately there was no -ing on the board, otherwise 450 - 500 would be possible. In the past 400+ wasnt "that" rare, but it seems ferret has removed the lovely "ll" combination that used to skyrocket the scores. Anyway 353 is the high score so far, but im sure with all the talent out there, its sure to fall and fall fast. Obviously honor system is in effect here, so will just trust everyone score. Good Luck!!! |
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Thanks SHANTI (by mrschute - 05 Jan 11, 14:05) |
Thanks for sharing the link to your website. Wow! Very nice. Hard to say which my favorites are, but I have to go with the floors. Very, very beautiful. I am still amazed by the fact that we are enjoying the same word game. You in Greece and me in Canada. Greece is still on my list of countries to visit. I worked with a Greek girl who travelled there quite often and shared the most beautiful pictures. Thanks again for sharing. |
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Full results (by dkmGames - 07 Jan 11, 0:11) |
Full results for today and yesterday is now available. |
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Full results (by dkmGames - 07 Jan 11, 0:11) |
Full results for today and yesterday is now available. |
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Hello Phoenix (by SHANTI - 07 Jan 11, 10:01) |
Thank you for kindly answering in all my questions! I wish you to visit Alaska and soon, as long as the glaciers are still there...!!! Did you notice there is a full result list now for shisen and word ruffle? I don't see your name at the jigsaw. There are some very nice pictures there. If you want to improve short memory ecc, there is a good site and free for 5 days called "lumosity". I'm sure you will enjoy variety of different brain games there. |
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Groups of letters (by SHANTI - 07 Jan 11, 10:49) |
I'd like to make a list of as many groups of 4 letters which- combining - give 3-4 words. RebX gave me the idea, sharing with us the group MEAT; HOTS is another I discovered today. Are there any offers? |
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ENIGMA ! (by SHANTI - 09 Jan 11, 9:27) |
WHAT DO WE HAVE IN COMMON ? (exept the same age range...) I'll let you think for a while , then I'll post the answer. |
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To Bobo, Bullwinkle, Sioux, et al (by phoenix - 09 Jan 11, 11:30) |
I have an idea to ferret out the moose. I don't know what time zones we are all in, but we could pick a time and have a mini tournament. Maybe 12 gamess, or maybe 15 minutes, something like that. People who occasionally beat Moose could "sign up" so to speak so we have a list of those taking the challenge and can write down the names before the tournament starts. That way it will be easy to jot down who won each game. We ought to record the "place" and "show" winners too (in my interest since there's no way I'm going to be the winner, but I have a slight chance of coming in maybe third). What do you think? If the moose doesn't show we'll compete without him. |
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Puzzle - Forest Floor, Innesfree Gardens (by BklynAuntie - 10 Jan 11, 14:15) |
I found this puzzle extremely challenging! |
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hand on the screen (by grandmasnook - 11 Jan 11, 10:08) |
What causes the hand to go on the screen and then the screen drags? How to get rid of it to resume play? |
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Hello daddio1962 (by staffordah - 12 Jan 11, 16:32) |
Congratulations on such a talented daughter. Her painting indicates she may be an optimist. Here's wishing here every success in a long and fruitful life. Thanks for sharing. staffordah |
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Question for DKM (by phoenix - 15 Jan 11, 11:17) |
Is there a character limit or other rules for the title of a post? I just tried to post a message three times and it didn't post. I'm wondering if there was a problem with the title I tried to use, which was "Interested in a mini-tournament? Check out "To Bobo" string" |
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How Does Scoring Work in the Daily Challenge (by phoenix - 15 Jan 11, 15:48) |
I played the challenge for the first time today and the medium level and got 2705. But I don't know how the score is calculated. It must have something to do with speed, but there must be other factors as well since 2705 isn't a time number. Anybody know? |
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The "King Ferret" Challenge -- Sunday January 23 (by phoenix - 16 Jan 11, 11:19) |
Welcome all challengers. For background, see the string at "To Bobo, Bullwinkle, Sioux, et al." We're going to try the first tournament next Sunday, January 23. The time will be as noted below, unless there's a groundswell to move it a little earlier, but no later than 9:00 p.m. UK time. The games will start with the first full game after the appointed hour (i.e. if at that time there's a game in progress, we start with the next game). We'll play 8 games and crown the first King Ferret -- the person who wins the most games! (I'll record 2nd and 3rd place winners too.) "Sign up" by reply with your time zone, so I can get all the names in my head for fast recordkeeping. I'll post again in a few days to confirm the time. Let the games begin! 1 p.m. PST -- DebM, RebX 3 p.m. CST -- Phoenix 4 p.m. EST -- Bobo, MrsChute 9 p.m. GMT (UK time) -- BlueWombat |
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to annlacko (by SHANTI - 17 Jan 11, 8:47) |
Hi ann, I often see your name close to mine [usually above], and I'm curious about you; could you share with us some "data"(i.e. age ,profession, nationality, hobbies ecc) ?... Thank you also for the nice pictures submitted by you! |
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who knew people were up at this hour (by lor - 18 Jan 11, 1:43) |
Really people are playing at 3:00 am! |
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GG Sioux (by Bobo7777 - 18 Jan 11, 11:54) |
Always a pleasure playing with you Sioux. Had to leave to head to work, but that last game was crazy (266 vs 264). Take care. |
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include hyper into challenge (by willemsmith - 19 Jan 11, 11:36) |
hyper sudoku is the most challenging sudoku there is, so include it in gamebox |
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Location of players (by Rambobo - 20 Jan 11, 10:49) |
Hi, I've often wondered where all the players come from - USA, Canada, UK or other parts of the world? Would it be possible to incorporate something within the registration / signing-in process to capture and display that (voluntary) information? |
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always second in line (sigh) (by RobinD - 21 Jan 11, 9:01) |
I wonder why it is that when I get a tying score with another player, that I always appear on the leaderboard below that person. It does not matter who gets the tying score first. I also want to add how much I enjoy this word challenge and delight in competing against others whose login names I recognize each day. They are my 'word ruffle' buddies. |
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What catagory of picture would you like to see more of? (by tribble - 21 Jan 11, 20:01) |
I love staffordah's pix of the variety of cheese and the vegetables. More pix like that would be great! |
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tips (by swathmore8 - 22 Jan 11, 8:17) |
Some tips please. how do you do it in less than 2 minutes? even if you click randomly, i find it amazing that you can click all the tiles in two minutes! |
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Football Sunday versus Word Ferret (by RebX - 23 Jan 11, 8:34) |
Um, I think there are these newfangled devices that record shows off of a TV....maybe you have heard of them! |
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Scores? (by RebX - 23 Jan 11, 8:35) |
Hey Bobo, Maybe you should post the scores of those Football games you watched instead of playing in the First King Ferret Sunday Tourney! Pawned! |
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Sioux Crowned First King Ferret (by phoenix - 23 Jan 11, 14:41) |
Fun! Looks like Sioux is the champ -- not counting guests, Sioux won 4 out of 8 games. Bobynrobyn came in second, winning two out of 8 games. Looks like McFerret and I tied for third, each winning one game. Congratulations, Sioux! Looking forward to next week. 1 -- G,G, Sioux, Phoenix, G, Tufty 2 -- Sioux, Phoenix, G, Tufty, G, G 3 -- Sioux, G, Phoenix, Tufty, Bobynrobyn, G 4 -- Bobynrobyn, G, Sioux, Phoenix, G, G 5 -- G, Sioux, Phoenix, Bobynrobyn, G, G 6 -- Bobynrobyn, Phoenix, Sioux, G, BrklynAuntie, G 7 -- McFerret, Phoenix, Sioux, Bobynrobyn, G, Highiron 8 -- G, Phoenix, [CelticWoman?], McFerret, 02020, Steve 5353 |
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No access to DKMsoftware for 80 million residents (by gru - 25 Jan 11, 18:07) |
DKM software access problems Offtop. As there is no forum or link for tech support or could not find credentials 1. DKM software is not accessible from any medical, surgical, trauma or psychiatric facility in Northern America as it is listed as "commercial game site". 2. DKM software Sudoku is not accessible from any nursing or hospis care facility in Northern America as its ISP is listed as "game or for-profit". 3. DKM software Sudoku is not accessible from any of Mac IPADs as its Sudoku is coded in Adobe Flash and IPAD browser does not support Adobe These are inconvenient |
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transcending your ordinary brain (by willemsmith - 28 Jan 11, 1:46) |
hello shanti on "higher brain": you know the "i know i know not-fenomenon"? you sure know that you never heard or saw a certain word. or: you can have a problem by matching a face to a name, but mosten you know for sure that you never have seen a certain face. not by using your short or long memory. no, you simply know. there are some processes in some realm in the brain that transcendent the ordinary brain. i think that it is possible to move some rational parts of your brain to that realm. gamerules and also memory of numberpossibilities (? i am dutch)in sodoku or tiles in shisen. it is more fun to discover this realm than with blood and sweat trying to improve your counting memory. as i earlier said: the last is hard work and the first is meditating. willem |
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02020 is King Ferret for 30th January (by BlueWombat - 30 Jan 11, 14:42) |
Scores for 30th January, with lots of people playing, even if some may not have realised just what they were competing for. So, scoring 4 for 1st place, 2 for 2nd place and 1 for 3rd place (ignoring all Guests ("G") 1 -- G,BlueWombat, pam, 02020, 2 -- pam, 02020, lor 3 -- Giadonna, kmu, pam 4 -- lor, Giadonna, 02020 5 -- G, BlueWombat, Giadonna, theoldgringo 6 -- G, G, 02020, BlueWombat, jACK 7 -- 02020, pam, BlueWombat 8 -- 02020, G, luciacarmen, null gives the winner as 02020 on 16 points. Congratulations. 2nd place - BlueWombat, 3rd place, pam. It was good fun. Same time next week ... |
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Best players stats (by dkmGames - 30 Jan 11, 20:41) |
Seeing there is a good competitive spirit here, I have added statistics on the best players (see the link on the main Word Ferret page). It is based on the percentages you score, not absolute scores, as that is the best comparative measure of your ability. |
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Double solution (by Lucanus - 31 Jan 11, 3:41) |
And again a double solution. In game 878481 you come with pure logic to an absolute symmetrical situation in the first and the last line at the outerright columns. |
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dictionary (by quiltlover - 01 Feb 11, 6:18) |
Who puts words in the dictionary? There are so many words I form that it says are not in the dictionary and I know they are. Am I the only one who sees that? |
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Sudoku for iPhone 4 (by droletbe - 02 Feb 11, 8:59) |
Hi, I played for years on my old Windows Mobile 6.x phone (an HTC Touch) with Sudoku from DKM software (I think I was having Release 3.02). I moved to iPhone 4 and could not find it in the list of Apps. The other Sudoku puzzles available do not look that good (I really like the "Hint" and "Clue" options from the Solve menu, it gives me opportunity to solve the Sudoku without "cheating". Do you have it for iPhone ? If yes, can you post me the link to the iTunes store ? |
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An apology (by Bobo7777 - 04 Feb 11, 17:15) |
In a previous thread I suggest ways to improve the leaderboard status. I recognized why my original way of thinking was flawed. I did a poor job of completely reading the rules, and believe the current system does a great job of accurately detrmining the best players for any given week. I love the system, and thank you very much for incorporating it to WF. Once again, I apologize for my initial remarks. Bobo. P.S. Happy to be in top 5, but I want Janet's spot ;). |
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New puzzle submission uploads (by tribble - 04 Feb 11, 20:46) |
Dear dkm, I may be asking too much or it may not be possible but can the puzzles that users submit be added here more often than once a day? It would be great to come to the site midday and have new puzzles as well as only in the morning. |
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Been away for a while - what have I missed? (by mrschute - 06 Feb 11, 15:32) |
Computer problems - not totally resolved as of yet? I gather the Sunday games are still going on? |
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double solution (by Lucanus - 07 Feb 11, 6:04) |
again double solution in #14244361 |
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Dirty Secrety of Sodoku Challenge (by Bobo7777 - 07 Feb 11, 9:31) |
I played about 4 games over the past few days, and think ive stumbled upon the dirty secret of the leaderboard. I played an "Easy" level, and was able to solve the puzzle in about 5-6 minutes, giving me a score around 2000. I thought I did pretty well, and went to go check out my stats and see how it compared, and was shocked to see it didnt compare well at all. I saw people with 5000+ and in some cases almost 7k??? Considering I made no mistakes, didnt use hints, etc etc.. was puzzled how i could improve my score so drastically. To test the possiblity of accomplishing these high scores I set up a test. When the game began, I immediately paused the game. Although paused you can still see the numbers on the grid. On a piece of paper i set up a Sodoku board and solved the puzzle using paper and pen (it took me a little over 5 minutes). I then unpaused the game and as fast as possible entered the numbers onto the board. This process took me about 2 minutes (i had gotten a call and thought i had paused the game but did not, so lost some time). My time was just over 2 minutes = 4600ish points. Still below the top scores. In order to get to the 5000+ level Im going to guestimate you would need a score of roughly 1:30, no mistakes. I might be wrong, but that would be world record sodoku prowess :). If some of the leaders would like to explain their techniques, I'm all ears. My official (and very fraudulent) score was 2:04, on a difficulty of 800, giving me a score of 4557. Bobo. P.S. I'm not hating on anyone. I am by far not the best at this game, and Im sure the scores of 5-6 minutes on Easy is very beatable. Just pointing out the ridiculousness of a 1:30 time necessary to get these scores. |
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Sioux reclaims King Ferret crown on 6th February (by BlueWombat - 07 Feb 11, 13:56) |
Scores for 6th February are as follows. Again, lots of people playing, even if some may not have realised just what they were competing for. 1 -- momus, sioux, bobynrobyn 2 -- bobynrobyn, BlueWombat, sioux 3 -- sioux, ellenjam, mwc 4 -- sioux, mwc, G, BlueWombat 5 -- sioux, mwc, bobynrobyn 6 -- sioux, G, mwc, BlueWombat 7 -- sioux, G, G, BlueWombat, wordz 8 -- BlueWombat and bw (tied - 3 points each), sioux gives the very clear winner as sioux on 24 points, with 2nd place to BlueWombat, 3rd place, mwc, 4th place bobynrobyn. It was good fun, but we need some help to beat sioux. Bullwinkle, janet, mrschute, amsterdam and others, where are you? Same time next week ... |
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A new challenge!!!... A message to the usual suspects :) (by Bobo7777 - 08 Feb 11, 22:53) |
Hey guys, For a while I've been chasing Janet's record of 62.2% on the leaderboard. These number fluctuate as the scores represent over the past 10 days. However I made note of her score because it was so high. It seemed almost impossible to get to, as Janet is an amazing Ferret'er. Ive noticed Phoenix making some great strides as well as Amsterdam and myself. I had a good round or two though and I finally got there and pushed the new mark to 62.6%. Woo! We have so many amazing players, so setting a challenge out there of sorts. Lets try to get 63%. Its gonna be very difficult, but I think we can do it. There are a lot of players at 58%+, so I thinks attainable. Good luck everyone! Bobo. |
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Scoring (by beths - 09 Feb 11, 5:19) |
I got all the words in all three levels today, was notified of getting the bonus points at all three levels, but in the final list I had a lower score than two other people!! How can this be? |
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question for dkm (by - 10 Feb 11, 19:10) |
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To Mommabear re: Hadrian's Wall (by BklynAuntie - 11 Feb 11, 13:41) |
Thanks for posting this picture to the jigsaws. I had never heard of it & did some research on the internet & watched some videos on YouTube. A nice history lesson for me. Have you done the walk or part of it? It looks quite nice! |
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Hi Janet (by Bobo7777 - 11 Feb 11, 22:54) |
Not sure if you check the forum or not. On the off chance you do, can you let me know a time you might be on? I find you, Bullwinkle and two of the Guests (265 and 65 of recent note)to be of great competition. Would love the chance to play you more often. Thanks. |
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Am I just slightly embarrassed to crown myself King Ferret? (by BlueWombat - 13 Feb 11, 23:39) |
Well yes I am. It was during the 3rd or 4th game I noticed that Guest 458 appeared to have won the early games, and Guest 458 went on to win all of the remaining games. So, I claim the crown, while recognising I was actually well off the pace. Notwithstanding, here are the scores from the King Ferret challenge on February 13th. 1 - G, sioux, Tomeka, G, scarlett 2 - G, BlueWombat, Tomeka, SHBUDDAH 3 - G, BlueWombat, Tomeka, G, norcalgirl 4 - G, Giadonna, G, Tomeka, SHBUDDAH 5 - G, BlueWombat, Tomeka, G, G, SHBUDDAH 6 - G, G, G, BlueWombat, SHBUDDAH, Tomeka 7 - G, SHBUDDAH, Tomeka, norcalgirl 8 - G, tisme, BlueWombat, G, SHBUDDAH so ignoring guests and as before scoring 4, 2, 1 for 1st, 2nd and 3rd places, BlueWombat wins with 18, Tomeka is 2nd with 13 and SHBUDDAH 3rd with 10. I noticed there were a lot of people playing just before the start who then dropped off. Is it the fear of competition :-), coincidence, or would there be a better time to play? |
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Multi-user Word Ruffle! (by dkmGames - 15 Feb 11, 21:14) |
Try the new multi-user version. Each round is now 5 minutes and includes all three levels. You can progress to the next level if you find a word with all the letters. Play a few rounds and let me know if the rules need refinement. |
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to vivalars (by athina - 16 Feb 11, 8:35) |
Nice -unusual-and interesting photos submitted by you: thank you so much! Tells us something about you and your pictures, please.. |
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Past daily challenges (by annlacko - 17 Feb 11, 4:06) |
Here is a question for DKM: is it possible keep the old daily challenges available for a while? They sometimes are true gems. And it would be a way to see what you've missed while on vacation. |
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hello Wombat (by SHANTI - 18 Feb 11, 3:49) |
Hi Wombat: I did enjoyed our games this morning, Im sorry I had to leave : my cooking was burning!! I returned and played one more but then I felt so tired from effort so I went to play sudoku just to relax! I'm curious about you because almost every time I play WF you are also there. How do you explain it? Also I'd like to know few things about you, if you like. |
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thanks to dkm (by SHANTI - 18 Feb 11, 4:02) |
We are all enthusiastic about the new game, thank you for taking care of us : in this site we have fun, relaxation from every days frustrating problems, we enjoy the company of other nice people who with their skills and humour make our day better and ofcourse we keep our brain in shape..!! I really appreciate the way you interfier rulling, explaining and protecting this site.It seems you are always there observing. Thank you again for all of these. |
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Second Level (by Anne1 - 19 Feb 11, 1:19) |
When I try to go to the second level after using all letters, it still will not go to the second level. Do I have to fill all the words in the puzzle as well as finding the word(s) that uses all letters? |
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Hi KenH (by SHANTI - 19 Feb 11, 10:15) |
Very nice photos from Germany. Did you go there recently? Regards to your wife: I'll give you I site where she can find a very good book relative to her studies. You will enjoyed it too. It is called "Good Company" and is available only from "London School of Economic Science" = find the site and go to the library where you may order it. I;d like to have news from you! |
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Idea for challenge (by Bobo7777 - 19 Feb 11, 23:02) |
A complete shift in Word Ruffle as its constitute.. but hey just an idea: A time limit is set, perhaps 3:00. One scrambled word is set up, for which you must solve using every letter. Once succesful you move to the next word (round 2). Only one answer per round, the goal being to complete as many rounds as possible. EAch round could become progressively harder (longer words, or more obscure words). A persons score therefore is not based on how many words you can find in the scrambled letters, rather how many levels you can achieve. Thoughts? |
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One last suggestion. (by Bobo7777 - 20 Feb 11, 21:31) |
We have the ability to to see the Next Level once we solve the "master word". Would be nice to have the option of Previous Level. Not sure if you can code this so that previous words discovered would be saved. But if its possilbe, would allow the player to easily travel through the 3 levels, allowing for better scoring. |
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King Ferret results for 20th February (by BlueWombat - 21 Feb 11, 12:58) |
The King Ferret weekly challenge continues, though it's not hugely well attended. For those that haven't read previous posts, it takes place on Sunday at 9pm UK time, 4pm New York time and 1pm West Coast time, and it covers the first 8 games that start after that time. Scoring is simple - 4 points for 1st place, 2 for 2nd, 1 for 3rd, with guests being ignored (sorry Bobo777 I'm afraid I decided to continue that way though I understand what you're saying). Here are the results and scores from the King Ferret challenge on February 20th. 1 - Phoenix, BlueWombat, G, Cliff152 2 - Phoenix, BlueWombat, Chacha 3 - G, BlueWombat, tink, Cliff152 4 - G, BlueWombat, G, G, Cliff152, tink 5 - tink, BlueWombat and Cliff152 (2nd equal, 1.5 points each) 6 - tink, G, sioux, BlueWombat 7 - tink, pernilla, G, G, sioux 8 - sioux, BlueWombat, G, tgiff so ignoring guests, BlueWombat wins with 16.5, tink is 2nd with 15 and Phoenix is 3rd with 8. I've now realised that if we include guests in the points, tink wins and BlueWombat is 2nd. Let's call it a tie. |
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Thanks (by Bobo7777 - 23 Feb 11, 8:48) |
I have always enjoyed this game. Just a note of appreciation really. Any chances of having a challenge? Hopefully scoring is just time it takes to complete? |
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mountain lake (by SHANTI - 24 Feb 11, 2:32) |
I really did enjoy this puzzle: freshness of flowers, clearness of waters, thinness of air and beautyfullness of colors! Very refreshing indeed, thank you for submitting ann.. |
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Challenge (by mags - 25 Feb 11, 1:56) |
I used to enjoy doing the Freecell challenge and seeing how quickly I could finish it. Then it was removed because you thought people were signing in under different names to get better scores etc. Can you bring it back it please? I don't know about anyone else, but if I managed to finish it once, I'd never remember the moves I made so that I could do it in a quicker time!!! |
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dkm : Question! (by BklynAuntie - 25 Feb 11, 20:06) |
Hi dkm, I enjoy puzzling on your site. Thanks for the wide selection. Today I did a puzzle called Nene - Hawaiian Goose, contributed by KenH. I had completed the entire puzzle except for one piece, which was missing. I shrunk the puzzle, hoping the piece would appear. It did not. I had an incomplete puzzle & therefore no points or pieces would be alloted to my totals. Is there some other option I could of used to locate the missing piece? Also, is there any chance of receiving partial credit? LOL! Thanks again for the site & your help. |
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Hi bethmerta (by sarasvati - 26 Feb 11, 6:54) |
Having just completed the "quiet stroll" I take the opportunity to tell you how much I like the art photos you submit. Where do you get these photos from? Are you an artist too? I wished some personal details if you are willing to offer... Thanks again for submissions |
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Question for DKM (by phoenix - 26 Feb 11, 8:25) |
I'm wondering if it's possible to add a feature in "play with others" so that you can see what words you missed in the last level. Once you click "next level" the previous level is gone. It would be great to have a button (perhaps "show" or "reveal" or "solution") that you could choose to click before clicking next level. As always, thanks for you consideration and the great site. |
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pencil delays (by SHANTI - 27 Feb 11, 11:20) |
please dkm can you help me with this problem= while solving sudoku sniper the pencil doesnt follow the mouse and is trembling so the number input delays. In the beggining there wasnt such a problem. |
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JacknEnnis claim King Ferret crown on night of the Oscars (by BlueWombat - 28 Feb 11, 0:05) |
The King Ferret title was claimed by JacknEnnis in yesterday's 8-game competition. Here are the results: 1 - G, G, tripleggg, mrschute, bobynrobyn2 2 - G, G, BlueWombat, bobynrobyn2, surfmom9 3 - G, G, BlueWombat, JacknEnnis, tink 4 - jacknEnnis, G, bobynrobyn2, SHBUDDAH 5 - mrschute, SHBUDDAH, tink 6 - JacknEnnis, mrschute, lisymon 7 - McFerret, G, lisymom, BlueWombat 8 - G, Amsterdam, SHBUDDAH, McFerret So, again ignoring guests, and scoring 4 for 1st place, 2 for 2nd place and 1 for 3rd place, placings are: 1st place : JacknEnnis : 10 points 2nd place : BlueWombat : 9 3rd place : mrschute : 8 4th equal on 5 points : bobynrobyn2, SHBUDDAH and McFerret For info, games take place at Sunday 9pm UK time, 4pm New York, 1pm California time, and are the first 8 games after the starting time. |
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challeng round times (by yogaqueen - 28 Feb 11, 10:17) |
Hi. Just wondering if it's possible to add more time to the daily challenge rounds, or are they set at 3 minutes? From reading about the scoring, it looks like it's possible, but if Thanks. |
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Previous Puzzle Option (by aquascum - 28 Feb 11, 16:28) |
Is there any way to offer previously posted puzzles from which to select in addition to the current puzzle? I am guessing that most people, like myself, do not solve all 24 puzzles that are generated daily, but might like to solve a few while they are online. Even having the previous day's puzzles and the current hourly puzzle would be great! Thanks for the consideration. Aquascum (as in, "Curse you, Aquascum!" from Finding Nemo) aka Terra |
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To Claire: Re....Father and son (by BklynAuntie - 01 Mar 11, 8:10) |
The picture of the two horses is precious & endearing! .I loved it! |
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Previous Puzzle Option (by aquascum - 01 Mar 11, 8:28) |
Would it be possible to have previous puzzles available on Word Spy? I love to play the categories and the definitions, but I have to hold myself back sometimes because I know there isn't going to another one until tomorrow. I would love to go back and do older puzzles (or re-do them) just because they are fun. Thank you for your consideration! TC |
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Dirty Secrets of Sodoku Challenge (by porkchop - 02 Mar 11, 12:49) |
I understand that there is software available that allows one to slow down their computer clock which allows them to improve their score |
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To TomHamer - Re: Rock House (by BklynAuntie - 02 Mar 11, 15:35) |
Hi Tom! .Thanks for adding the picture of Rock House to the site. It .reminded me of pictures I've seen of old monasteries located .in odd & out-of-the-way places. I was interested to find out .where it is located & I googled Rock House. I came across a .picture of it which said it didn't really exist but was .photoshopped. You may already know this. I also found a .picture of a large rock in Thailand that looks similar. .Perhaps this was the basis they used for the Rock House .picture. A very Imaginative photo even if it doesn't .exist. LOL! |
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Guest Players (by JAZZ - 03 Mar 11, 14:35) |
I suggest that players be requires to log-in, thereby enabling other players to become acquainted with each others level of play. |
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pen vs pencil (by gin222 - 03 Mar 11, 18:02) |
Why is the pen always changing to a pencil? It slows the game a lot. TKS |
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very unique photos vivalar! (by SHANTI - 04 Mar 11, 6:35) |
I do like all the pictures you submit vivalar, you have an artistic eye!! |
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Help Anyone? (by Bobo7777 - 06 Mar 11, 6:24) |
Greetings, Been trying the jigsaw and looking for some help. On the daily challenge, my times usually range anywhere from 15 to 20 minutes. I have noticed that the best times are sometimes more than 10 minutes better, so obviously my technique/speed is flawed somewhere. What techniques do the more successful puzzle solvers use when starting the puzzle? Thanks. |
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Socks becomes King Ferret on 6th March (by BlueWombat - 07 Mar 11, 14:19) |
Socks showed everyone else a clean pair of heels in claiming the King Ferret crown on Sunday 6th march. Games: 1 : Giadonna, Rumpus, tink 2 : socks, rumpus, BlueWombat 3 : Socks, Giadonna, BlueWombat 4 : tink, socks, cliff152 5 : Amsterdam, BlueWombat, socks 6 : Amsterdam, socks, mnm 7 : Amsterdam, tink, socks 8 : tink, socks, G, tripleggg So, socks wins with 16 points, then Amsterdam with 12 and tink with 11. I'd still like confirmation I'm not wasting my time keeping scores etc. If any of socks, tink or Amsterdam read this post, could you let me know and also say if you knew you were competing for the KingFerret challenge. Thanks |
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STATISTICS (by SHANTI - 08 Mar 11, 8:35) |
Since jigsaw challenge is the most visited (300 players against 150 in sudoku and 100 in Shisen}, I'd like to ask dkm to give us some information about the age ranges of the players here as well as solving time average vs age, or whatever else you think interesting. Also I wish to suggest to all jigsaw players to try Shisen game, seeming difficult in the beginning but soon becomes easier and fun! |
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King Ferret challenge - clocks change this weekend (by BlueWombat - 12 Mar 11, 6:38) |
Looks as if the clocks change in North America tonight, whereas they change in Europe two weeks later. So for Sunday 13th and 20th March, same time in USA and Canada, i.e. 4pm east coast, 1pm west coast, and the UK will be at 8pm for these two weeks, reverting to 9pm in the UK on 27th March. |
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Phoenix claims King Ferret crown on 13th March (by BlueWombat - 13 Mar 11, 23:53) |
Phoenix soared to a devastating victory in yesterday's King Ferret challenge, with only RedHerring able to prevent a clean sweep across all 8 games. Scores: 1 : Phoenix, Rumpus, kmu, mnm, SHBUDDAH 2 : Phoenix, BlueWombat, kmu, SHBUDDAH, IvyJ 3 : Phoenix, tripleggg, SHBUDDAH, julesters, mnm 4 : Phoenix, SHBUDDAH, RedHerring, tripleggg, mnm 5 : RedHerring/Phoenix (tied), SHBUDDAH, BlueWombat, tripleggg 6 : G, Phoenix, tripleggg, SHBUDDAH, unforgiven, BlueWombat 7 : G, RedHerring, Phoenix, Giadonna, BlueWombat, Doorknob 8 : G, Phoenix, Giadonna, tripleggg, SHBUDDAH, tufty That results in Phoenix in 1st place with 29 points, RedHerring 2nd with 8 points and SHBUDDAH and tripleggg tied for 3rd place with 5 points. Lots of people playing - good fun! |
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hello heidi (by sarasvati - 14 Mar 11, 4:23) |
Heidi I really loved your orchids! thank you |
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English (by BigAl - 14 Mar 11, 9:48) |
As a regular player of word ruffle from the civilised side of the Atlantic I have become accustomed to submitting mis-spelled words like "color" etc. It is rather frustrating when the game rejects old English words like "whilst","wright" or "wight". It even rejects the much used but,in context,quite accurate Saxon word "shit" |
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to minerito (by SHANTI - 15 Mar 11, 2:18) |
I see you are very good also in shisen as in jigsaw: where are you from? Do you play other games too? |
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Cursor Pointer (by fkieltyka - 18 Mar 11, 8:29) |
Changing the cursor pointer to a Pen or Pencil would eliminate the confusion as to what mode is currently in effect. Also, the UNDO option does not replace any pencil marks removed by the previous Pen entry. |
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Auto-save (by fkieltyka - 19 Mar 11, 7:40) |
It would be nice to have an auto-save option where the file is saved whenever a check is performed that results in a "Solution correct" message. |
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My daughter (by SHANTI - 20 Mar 11, 9:56) |
I did this puzzle and I think it is fantastic and perfect for puzzling with its colors, lines and shapes... Is she really your daughter Viva? She is lovely and very strong character, I wish her every success! Whenever you feel like to suggest something for our site, please contact me directly through the site. Thanks again for unique submissions, they are always outstanding. |
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02020 reclaims King Ferret title (by BlueWombat - 20 Mar 11, 23:49) |
02020 reclaimed the King Ferret title on the 20th March. Here are the scores, ignoring the pesky Guests who make keeping the score just that tad more difficult. 1 : Giadonna, 02020, mnm, RedHerring, BlueWombat 2 : 02020, mnm, BlueWombat, RedHerring, doorknob 3 : mnnm, 02020, RedHerring, BlueWombat, doorknob 4 : 02020, mnm, RedHerring, BlueWombat 5 : BlueWombat, mnm, 02020, RedHerring 6 : 02020, BlueWombat, mnm, kmu, RedHerring 7 : 02020, BlueWombat, mnm, kmu, jdavis 8 : 02020, mnm, BlueWombat, jdavis, bar Usual scoring of 4 for 1st place, 2 for 2nd place and 1 for 3rd place gives 02020 with 25 points, mnm in 2nd place with 15 and BlueWombat 3rd with 10. Next weekend, clocks change in Europe, so the UK will be back on the 9pm start. Interesting to read Phoenix's tips and techniques in the previous post, which contained two things that I never actually do - firstly I never use the keyboard, and secondly I never Rotate. A few experiments and by rotating I'm just making the same words again. So, here are some questions to answer: 1. In a brilliant piece of Machiavellian thinking, has Phoenix sold us a pup by suggesting keyboarding and rotating? Sensational way to keep the competition away. 2. Phoenix - dictionary definition "a creature of outstanding beauty OR quality". Which one are you? 3. 02020 - is that your Prison number? 4. Should this be taken seriously? |
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Re: Dog Prayer (by BklynAuntie - 24 Mar 11, 14:49) |
Loved the picture! It's adorable! Thanks, Sam for contributing it. |
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Great New Puzzles (by vivalars - 26 Mar 11, 6:45) |
The new additions the last couple days are amazing! They are colorful and fun...thanks everyone |
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To DKM: Problems with site (by phoenix - 26 Mar 11, 7:39) |
I just tried to post a message about WF not displaying scores and when I clicked "post message" I got a message saying "your requests has timed out." My message didn't post. |
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To DKM: More (by phoenix - 26 Mar 11, 7:40) |
Okay, that last one posted I think because I typed fast and didn't "time out." Word Ferret is not displaying everyone's scores. Other problems too. |
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To DKM: Word Ruffle Play With Others Not Working (by phoenix - 26 Mar 11, 7:57) |
Trouble on this game too. |
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DKM Error Message (by phoenix - 26 Mar 11, 9:58) |
"Your request has time out. Please try request again." I think the link that says "Play With Others" gets stuck on. Stays highlighted |
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Is anyone else having problems with WF showing scores? (by phoenix - 26 Mar 11, 12:36) |
or getting error messages? |
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scores not posting (by cheri - 27 Mar 11, 14:29) |
Hi DKM, I enjoy lots of games on your site and have noticed for the past few days none of my scores are registering to my account. I've tried logging off then back on as well as restarting my computer to see if it was something on my end, but found same result. Typically, this wouldn't bother me, but earlier today I made my all time high score on sudoku and it did not post. BTW, jigsaw jam daily challenge is not showing my rating either. Any advise would be appreciated. |
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King Ferret challenge on 27th March (by BlueWombat - 27 Mar 11, 22:46) |
Results for the King Ferret title on 27th March are as follows: 1 : BlueWombat, tgiff, agsone, BklynAuntie 2 : BlueWombat, agsone, tgiff, nltdz, BklynAuntie 3 : agsone, baldpoet, BlueWombat, tgiff, BklynAuntie 4 : agsone, BlueWombat, jdavis, SHBUDDAH, BklynAuntie 5 : BlueWombat, SHBUDDAH, jdavis, BklynAuntie, DB 6 : BlueWombat, jdavis, SHBUDDAH, BklynAuntie, DB 7 : SHBUDDAH, BlueWombat, BklynAuntie, jigjam 8 : SHBUDDAH, BlueWombat, BklynAuntie which gives agsone and SHBUDDAH tied for 2nd place with 11 points each and BlueWombat (gosh, that's me) as King Ferret. RedHerring - if there's a server problem again, don't forget that I've got a lawn that needs mowing. |
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film suggestions (by SHANTI - 28 Mar 11, 9:13) |
Has anybody to suggest good films-moovies ?? Recently I saw "a King's speach" top film & very inspiring and "HEREAFTER" very interesting and well acted |
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Longest Word (by anemone - 28 Mar 11, 16:31) |
What is the longest word any of you have played? How many letters and what was the score? |
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Problem? (by dortlylj - 30 Mar 11, 18:17) |
Cryptogram letters and timer come up, but no puzzle. How about more than one a day? They're fun! |
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King Ferret 3rd April - plus A Volunteer is Needed (by BlueWombat - 03 Apr 11, 23:10) |
Results for 3rd April, where only myself, Tomeka and kmu were playing together with a bunch of guests swarming around: 1 : BlueWombat, G, Tomeka 2 : BlueWombat, Tomeka, G, G, G 3 : G, Tomeka, G, BlueWombat, G, G, G 4 : Tomeka, G, BlueWombat, G, G, G, kmu 5 : BlueWombat, kmu, G, G, Tomeka, G, G 6 : BlueWombat, kmu, G, G, G, Tomeka 7 : G, BlueWombat, G, G, G, kmu, tomeka 8 : Amsterdam, kmu and BlueWombat (2nd equal), G, G, G, G, G which leaves BlueWombat as King Ferret, Tomeka 2nd and kmu 3rd. I'm unable to run the King Ferret challenge for the next 4 weeks (so hurt am I at not getting an invitation to the Royal Wedding that PinkWombat and I are going off on holiday to a ferret-free zone). So a Volunteer is needed if the competition is to continue, who may also feel that there's a better time to play - e.g. Sunday evening in North America. Alternatively, readers may wish to continue to follow the mental disintegration of RedHerring and his continuing battle against life, sioux, socks and Phoenix, who has now taken schadenfreude to a new and previously unimagined level. |
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International Flavour (by socks - 04 Apr 11, 21:35) |
So far I have discerned there are Brits, Yanks, Greeks and Canucks playing. Anyone else? |
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How much ya bench, err whats your best times? (by Bobo7777 - 06 Apr 11, 11:46) |
Curious how everyone does out there. Looking at just the Hard level big board (20), i have found my best scores to be around 5:30 to 6:00. I have a goal of getting a sub 5:00, but so far my best has been 5:07. Im sure many have bested this, so wanted to know what your best times were, to give me something to aim for. Thanks. |
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Will you ever put Sudoku on a CD? (by bajken - 09 Apr 11, 10:32) |
I really enjoy your Sudoku online. I travel frequently and cannot access it while traveling. There are many places that have no internet and phone access, and of course the travel time itself is offline, which. I would like to continue to play sudoku on my computer, but don't like the versions I have been able to buy. I would jump at the chance to purchase a CD of your version. Will this ever be possible. Thanks |
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Suitability (by jnetx - 10 Apr 11, 10:19) |
Is there anything in particular that makes a picture suitable for the image gallery? I have noticed that when I contribute several images that usually one or more does not get published. Is there a limit on submissions for one person, or maybe something that makes a photo unsuitable? I saw another post about photos of children not being allowed, yet there was a great one recently showing a child and dog praying. Sometimes even my pictures of fountains, nature, etc don't appear. I have been doing the jigsaws for several months now and only started contributing recently when I apparently had completed everything in the library. I put up several each day so I can complete them the next day at work, and must admit I'm sometimes quite disappointed when one of my favorites does not appear next day. Should I just put them in my personal area rather than the public contributions to guarantee they will be there? Many Thanks jnetx |
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A new player on the block (by BlueWombat - 13 Apr 11, 13:29) |
Isn't a sprat a type of fish? Possibly from the herring family? |
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scores (by renaud - 15 Apr 11, 7:54) |
Would it be possible to record the times with the challange scores. It would help keep this game more honest and also give an extra dimension to comparing scores with yours. |
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email and why not loading .. (by jee1804 - 17 Apr 11, 8:15) |
i was originally , I am now ...Can this be fixed .. Have been trying to upgradeto 4.0 .. it says there is an error , but it runs till the end of game .. then says an error .. but if i put a wrong number in a box and do the test fro correctness it shows the wrong number .. so i suspect that there is a glitch in my sys . .win7 , .. They know me because a key is provided to activate .. can you help .. tnx John |
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What do the "votes" mean and how do you vote for a picture? (by maddi - 17 Apr 11, 18:37) |
Sorry if I'm missing something :( |
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The word list was made by a British person? (by aztandem - 20 Apr 11, 17:49) |
Seems to me there are a lot of words used by British people, only. |
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English (by aztandem - 21 Apr 11, 6:09) |
I am American. Interesting you find the word list frustrating because it is not British enough, and I find it too British! |
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A New String (by JackSprat - 21 Apr 11, 9:15) |
Phoenix, you should have guessed by now and I am intrigued by your silence. You will be ecstatic to know that the gardening is complete and now lungwort free. I have expunged all the pulmonaria officinalis that I can find. I will have another break when it all grows back again. |
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for shisen players (by Sayana - 21 Apr 11, 13:30) |
I am a begginer in this game so how can you finish all the grid in les then 2 minutes at day challange??? |
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Shisen (by bambi - 21 Apr 11, 23:05) |
You are telling me I have already played today when I havent! Very frustrating. |
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Going back to homepage (by texdawg - 23 Apr 11, 17:28) |
after completing a puzzle, how do you get back to JJ home page to start another one? i have just been opening up the site again from scratch |
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Puzzle movements (by fkieltyka - 24 Apr 11, 10:41) |
Is there any way you can "pin" the ghost to the puzzle so that when you place a piece and the puzzle jumps slightly to join that piece, the ghost moves the same and remains aligned. |
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anner (by anner - 25 Apr 11, 13:45) |
I keep getting the message "login first to play" and I am logged in. |
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TIME FACTOR WHEN SCORING SUDOKU (by porkchop - 28 Apr 11, 6:55) |
At times I complete a puzzle in 11-12 minutes with no reported errors. But my scores run "middle of the pack". Could you offer a feature that would allow a player - at the completion of their puzzle - to hypothetically adjust their completion time on a "what if" basis to see what it would take to achieve a winning score? |
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double solution for 993301 (by Lucanus - 05 May 11, 2:25) |
in the first and third column from the left two of the tents may be switched |
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Where do you Log-in? (by BklynAuntie - 08 May 11, 9:35) |
Hi Dkm! .My site says missing plug-in! Your note says you must be logged .in. There is no log-in prompter in the upper right hand corner .like there used to be. Please help! Thank you! |
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Submitting scores (by mlangseth - 08 May 11, 16:02) |
I've played a bunch of games and the notation says, "submitting scores" then seems to freeze up. I have to click out and come back in. What's happening? Thanks. |
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Is Everying Okay in England? (by phoenix - 14 May 11, 9:26) |
JackSprat -- You've dropped off the board completely. I trust my "cough, cough" was taken as a friendly retort to the gauntlet you threw down. I hope everything's okay with you and that you're happily gardening or enjoying other non ferreting activities. BlueWombat -- I miss LOLing at your witty posts. Hope everthing is well with you too. Hi to Socks and Sioux, too. Perhaps you've all broken free of the WF addiction. Alas, I'm still hooked and there's a new group of challengers on my tail. |
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Congratulations Tufty (by phoenix - 15 May 11, 8:09) |
Great surge to the top. And way to go, Pollie -- you're on Tufty's heals. |
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todays (by bambi - 20 May 11, 21:18) |
My time is a genuine attempt at todays challenge. I find it very hard to see that anyone can do it in some of the times posted. |
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time (by bambi - 25 May 11, 21:39) |
Today I was interupted while in the middle of the challenge and took longer than I expected. sigh, never mind at least i finished |
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What happened to the downloaded version? (by Masterbas - 27 May 11, 12:25) |
I've bought Yubotu over a year ago and for the last few weeks it's been down. Is there any way I could play without having to log on the server that seems to be out? |
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help. (by bamagirl - 29 May 11, 17:14) |
I am putting my user name and password in, will not allow me to sign on. |
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The Fish Also Rises (by phoenix - 30 May 11, 8:09) |
Congratulations, Red Herring. You've battled your way back to the top! |
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Leader board (by tribble - 31 May 11, 11:56) |
I wish we could have a leader board for our times, I have no idea if I am good or bad at this since I can't compare my time with anyone else! Like dortlyl, I also wish there were more than one a day! |
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KenKen (by tribble - 31 May 11, 12:00) |
I am not sure which forum this question belongs in but I was wondering if dkm will ever include Kenken puzzles? |
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To Socks , cc Brits (by phoenix - 03 Jun 11, 10:48) |
Hi Socks. There's something that's been nagging at me that I need to get off my mind. I'm afraid you may think I disregarded your reply in the "Everything OK in England" string. I was laughing so hard at the Brits' posts that I never inquired about your kayaking holiday. I thought of you again now, as someone who may be interested in BW/PW's banana cake recipe. Not that there is any connection between kayaking and cooking -- other than alliteration and adventurousness. At any rate, how was the kayaking trip? |
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hello every body (by sarasvati - 06 Jun 11, 9:36) |
you may not see my name often from now on. Greece now is in great trouble economic as well as political, such as never has been before. We have to fight for the wellfare and independence of our country. Anyone who feels like giving any kind of support please contact me through facebook [Maro Pisani]. thanks to all and enjoy good games! |
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Hey, SHBUDDAH! (by RedHerring - 14 Jun 11, 8:28) |
What a cracking game. That 70% bumped you up a bit! |
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hand is stuck (by vanland - 15 Jun 11, 14:09) |
THe hand is stuck and will not allow me to move or pick up any pieces to put back into my work area. Any suggestions? |
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Can't play !! (by Mirabelle - 21 Jun 11, 10:44) |
Hello, first, sorry for my bad english... Then, most important : We, (Sepia and i) can only play to wordruffle, ALL the other games, Jigsaw too :(( are opening but there's nothing (no image, no ghost, no cards, no numbers, no tents, etc), even after refresh with F5. Euuhh... What's the problem, please, Doc ? Thanks a lot |
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Greetings (by Bobo7777 - 25 Jun 11, 19:40) |
Hello WF'ers. Stopped playing back in February, but came back on to just wish everyone well. I hope the remainder of 2011 treats you well. Regards, Bobo. |
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:Save:function (by JaneBrown1 - 27 Jun 11, 12:38) |
I can no longer save my current puzzle. Has anyone else had this problem? How did you fix it? |
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"save"option (by JaneBrown1 - 27 Jun 11, 13:03) |
I think it's fixed but would still appreciate input. |
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impossible times (by kcandtigger - 30 Jun 11, 19:54) |
I would enjoy seeing a you tube video of anyone that can legitimatly do one of the puzzles in less than 2 minutes. If you can, you should be proud and happy to show proof. |
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Cheater (by JetMod92 - 03 Jul 11, 22:32) |
Hey natalie13579, let's see what score you can get without cheating. I don't know if you think you are cool having your name at the top every day or what. I bet you couldn't even solve the easy puzzle. LOL!!! |
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Solve One Cell - giving wrong answer? (by bandw - 06 Jul 11, 7:22) |
Has anyone had problems with the "solve one cell" being wrong? I'm looking at today's hard puzzle in the 15 fleet size. Asking for a hint points to a specific cell, which I can't see a logical solution for so I ask the puzzle to solve one cell. The result is "Cell in row 6, col 4 is Segment - Must be part of carrier". Checking the puzzle immediately after results in "Solution not correct!" with row 6, col 4 as the offending cell. Something weird with just today's puzzle or something in the software that I am just now experiencing? |
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Hate to be sceptical but (by mags - 08 Jul 11, 1:17) |
was today's puzzle made deliberately easy just to prove that it could be done quickly? I've never finished a puzzle in under 3 and a half minutes before! |
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cheating (by divakar - 12 Jul 11, 4:03) |
yes,it is very easy to cheat but there is no fun .......every one know about the high scores.........:):) |
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Please add the "time" next to the high scores in Challenge (by geokstr - 13 Jul 11, 6:49) |
This would pretty much prove who is cheating and who is not. I've been playing this game for a couple years, have a higher than average IQ, was a CPA for 35 years (so I have a good eye and memory for numbers), and scored in the top 1% in a pattern recognition test administered by my employer. And I just finished the "hard" challenge game in 15:54, with no major hesitations, with a score of 2200+ and I am 57 on the list, with the high score being 3 times higher (and it's not even the usual "leaders" who haven't even shown up yet, like Natalie and albatros). Some of their high scores could only be achieved by plugging in the numbers from an already solved puzzle, unless they are idiot savants in this game like those who can solve the Rubik's cube in 30 seconds. Unfortunately, just banning the cheaters won't help, as they will just come back with a new ID. Perhaps the administrators could determine what is humanly feasible and ban scores higher than that, or give them an asterisk that says "We have calculated that that this score is likely not possible to achieve without cheating". Perhaps then we can get albatros and Natalie and a few others to take on someone else directly and see if they can score as high with a brand new puzzle that they haven't had a chance to solve in advance. |
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Uploading new jigsaw puzzles. (by CUPID - 13 Jul 11, 9:19) |
I have been trying to add new jigsaw pictures, but i'm not sure if they are being uploaded. I have uploaded them in the past and got a message back straight away saying that they will appear in the next few days, but this time i'm not receiving any message at all. Can anyone please help. Thanks a lot CUPID PS Love this site |
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Leaderboard (by Punkinhead - 13 Jul 11, 23:03) |
For the last few days the leaderboard does not post my score, even though the game indicated that I qualified. For example, if I score 78 and the bot scores 4, the message appears "you made the leaderboard", but my score never appears on the leadboard itself. |
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bjsellerberg (by bjsellerberg - 15 Jul 11, 12:29) |
The zoom in/zoom out function doesn�t work OK for me, sometimes I lose pieces at the edges and I can�t find them again. Can nayone help? |
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Daily challenge (by dkmGames - 21 Jul 11, 0:42) |
A daily challenge has now been added. The challenge puzzle is randomly selected between a 15 or 20 grid and medium or hard. |
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many thanks to dkm for adding the yubotu daily challenge!!! Have (by - 24 Jul 11, 1:14) |
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cheating (by Sayana - 25 Jul 11, 7:39) |
some days ago I watched the leadboard closely and judging by the acounts names I thought that some people have more than one acout and that is how they finish the puzzles so fast.........i know that because I did it to and I apologize.........i'm very sory.I'm not going to do it again because it doesn't feel right.Please stop cheating 'couse this game is to cool to cheat on it.I'm very curious how would look the leadboard if people wouldn't cheat.If it's possible to erase my other acount the name is "Eliana". |
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To stop cheating (by Derek - 26 Jul 11, 7:57) |
I have been playing for a few years and only play the hard games . I have never been on the high score list. But I also believe there are unrealistic scores and could only be achieved by cheating. My suggestion to stop cheats, Is to only allow you to enter each game once and have no pause button. As the only way I can see how a person could cheat is by entering the game copying the number pattern, pausing the game or closing it down. completing the puzzle and then entering the numbers after restarting the game. |
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Samurai Sudoku (by keiler - 26 Jul 11, 12:07) |
Just started playing SS and found it to be hard on the eyes. Is it possible to program an option to change the colors as in the classic version. I have also found that changing from pen to pencil constantly gets tedious. An option to make these changes through a mouse click would be greatly appreciated. Over all, though, a great game. |
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Cheats (by mags - 26 Jul 11, 23:42) |
Could the person who cleared the board in 1 min 57 today please post a video on you tube or an explanation as to ho they could possibly do that in so short a time? This is seriously spoiling my enjoyment of this game!!!!! |
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no more matches? Tell me. (by sud - 27 Jul 11, 17:54) |
I could go blind looking for a match that might not even be there.Let us know when it's over. |
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1.48 to finish this? (by mags - 27 Jul 11, 23:59) |
Please tell me how! If you can't stop the cheat, why don't you just stop the challenge? It's spoiling it for everyone else. |
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excellent contrast (by bete214 - 29 Jul 11, 13:19) |
great contrast today,30 July, the Biltmore estate and the old barn |
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New King Ferret (by phoenix - 30 Jul 11, 9:41) |
Congrats BirdDog. At the top and holding. |
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Challenge and cheating (by seaw - 31 Jul 11, 3:42) |
Could you disable the pause feature on the challenge - this might stop some of the ridiculously fast times being posted. Glad that you've added Yuboto to the daily challenges, Thanks |
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Puzzles for IPad (by JoyceBates - 31 Jul 11, 8:17) |
When will dkm have puzzles for IPad? When I am away from home I miss my daily puzzles and they are not archived in the newly added puzzles. Please rush this application! dkm puzzles are addictive and I need the daily 'fix'. JoyceBates |
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backbaybart1 (by backbaybart1 - 01 Aug 11, 16:53) |
I am coming along with a stroke. I had my stroke 3 1/2 months ago.... |
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i agree with-no more matches? tell me (by sud - 03 Aug 11, 7:14) |
Once I start to doubt that there may be any more matches I think I lose focus and start to play with less confidence and get longer times because of it. |
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Average score (by bjorn - 04 Aug 11, 10:29) |
I've finally gotten my 'Average score' above 3500, but the only way I could do it was by quitting early if the clock's getting close to 10:00. So some days I only finish a few puzzles, and bail out on many more, which is not really as fun as I'd like. Can there be a mode that penalizes you for quitting, and calculates an 'average time-to-finish' rather than the current harsh scoring system? |
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Difficulty Rating (by andre - 07 Aug 11, 11:31) |
Hi, Why is there a way to see difficutly ratings on my iPhone but not on a computer? |
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Creepy ads (by RobinD - 09 Aug 11, 15:49) |
How is it that your ads seem to know what products I buy online? And also the store that I buy it from? Kind of creepy... I already switched from google to altavista, thinking it might be the browser. Honestly, it gives me the creeps. RobinD |
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Already played message when you haven't? (by kibriya1 - 13 Aug 11, 5:01) |
is anyone else experiencing this message? I just logged in and it said I had already played today when I have not.... |
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no new games on the weekend? (by Imamess - 14 Aug 11, 18:10) |
I am getting a message that I have already done today's Challenge and I am quite certain that I haven't. Are there no new games on the weekend? |
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Challenge (by keithste - 19 Aug 11, 12:59) |
Wish there was more than one challenge puzzle a day. |
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Where did you get your words? (by JetMod92 - 21 Aug 11, 21:34) |
Just wondering how 'dhows' is a word but 'gar' and 'shad' is not? |
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Ferret Kings (by BirdDog - 24 Aug 11, 19:16) |
You guys are all good. I enjoy playing with all of you. There's a few standouts. You know who you are. Thanks, Brian |
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romillysmom (by willemsmith - 25 Aug 11, 1:25) |
What have you recently studied? Your score is very improved! Greetings, Willem |
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similar problem (by KentishWoman - 27 Aug 11, 1:33) |
I have been trying to upload some pictures too - sometimes I get the message, sometimes I do not - but they never actually make it to the site in either case! |
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lisymom on top! (by phoenix - 28 Aug 11, 7:49) |
You reached the summit, lisymom. Congrats! |
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Annoyed (by hankay - 28 Aug 11, 21:18) |
Why does it regularly tell me I have already played today when I have not? |
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Again Today (by hankay - 31 Aug 11, 21:31) |
Hi.... again today I cannot play..... :( I know its just a game. |
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Hate new format (by popsalo - 01 Sep 11, 11:11) |
You tweaked the regular Sudoku game in an effort to add features, but in so doing you've ruined the flow of the game. I use the mouse wheel to toggle between small and large numbers, but now when I toggle, the screen jumps and all continuity of play is ruined. I love Sudoku, but you've, perhaps inadvertently, taken the fun out of it. |
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Curiosity... (by aquascum - 03 Sep 11, 20:05) |
What was it that made you pick the name that you did for this site? Mine was from the movie "Finding Nemo" and the fish in the tank say, "Curse you, Aquascum!" because their escape plans were foiled again. So, my husband was going to use "curse you" but didn't think that it was a very nice name, especially if we weren't playing together. And since I almost ALWAYS (he he) have a higher score than him, it wouldn't be in the right order anyway. :) I used to play under billnterrac until I realized you only get one shot at some of the games, and sometimes he would log in and play first. Couldn't have that happen! :) May you all have a wonderful evening, and if appropriate, a wonderful Labor Day too! Ciao! TC |
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Possibles (by fkieltyka - 12 Sep 11, 20:06) |
I think that the Possibles Easy solve option eliminates too many numbers from many cells. It should only eliminate the known numbers on the same line, incline, and decline. Let the user eliminate out-of-range numbers, and use triangulation and other techniques to solve the puzzle. |
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why so few puzzles with >200 pieces? (by bowser - 14 Sep 11, 5:25) |
I like to do puzzles with lots of pieces, usually 252. Lately there have been some beautiful puzzles but the maximum number of pieces is only 140 or 180. Can't we have the higher number available? |
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Any reason that input is now slow and jumpy? (by cgbikes - 23 Sep 11, 19:17) |
Even logging in, I clicked in the box and started typing and nothing happened for 30 seconds. On the sudoku (regular in a new window and challenge) the cursor seems to skip around and there is a delay when I click. It only seems to happen here not on other sites or offline. Any changes that could cause this? Anyone else experiencing it? Or is it just me? Enjoy playing the games! |
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Dropdown Menus (by fkieltyka - 26 Sep 11, 10:16) |
Have the dropdown menus drop straight down vertically instead of across the screen. It makes it easier to select next menu item, especially if you are using a laptop with a mouse pad. |
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Please add puzzle time posted to the archived games (by MeredithMee - 30 Sep 11, 10:19) |
I find with all of the numbers I'm looking at, I forgot which puzzle I was doing in the archived tough classic. It'd be cool if the time of the puzzle showed on the screen, or I got a message when I clicked one again reminding me that I'd already done it. |
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would like to view ALL highest scores on Yubotu challenge. (by jbutlereagle - 02 Oct 11, 7:25) |
I'm rarely a top scorer (unless I do it very soon after new one posted :> ). Would like to be able to "view all scores for day" like unto the Shisen challenge. Right now leader board only shows top 15 for the day. |
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Leader Board (by robbo - 04 Oct 11, 10:03) |
I really enjoy the daily challenge, but I am not one of the fastest. I would like to be able to see the top 100 so that I could compete daily against others at the same standard as me. |
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show time for challenge games (by renaud - 04 Oct 11, 12:41) |
I read a while back that you were going to display the times for the challenge games so we could determine where we stood with all the cheaters. What gives? R�naud Therien |
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Tie Breaker (by Bobo7777 - 04 Oct 11, 14:25) |
What dictates what place you finish if you are tied with someone. As an example, early this morning( around 1AM) I completed the three rounds with a perfect score. Two others had already posted a perfect score, and so a message appeared that i am in third place (makes sense). Later this afternoon I see that i am in 10th place, as 9 others have also had perfect scores. So what determines what place you finish if you have a perfect score? Thanks. |
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Backbay bart (by jtviltz - 09 Oct 11, 16:57) |
Where have you been backbay? We miss playing with you. We hope thta you are well. |
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Challenge and cheating (by PeteTy - 18 Oct 11, 9:59) |
the previous post mentioned hitting <---> and just filling the red x's with ship parts. 2 ways to fix this: count the red x's a 10 fleet has 20 ship parts if there are 2 givens that 18 you need to find so if you make 18 wrong moves or red x's you lose and try again tomorrow on a good day and with no stupid mistakes i can get most of these puzzles in under 20 minutes so perhaps just add 30 seconds to the solve time for every red X .. way 2 is perhaps better, in that you can still win if you make some dumb mistakes,but it will be impossible to do a 10fleet puzzle in under 10 minutes unless you work out about 1/2 of the placements without cheating There is no reason to disable the hints ... or the check answer. |
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Pencil Color Reversed (by porkchop - 20 Oct 11, 7:47) |
Yesterday I noticed that the pencil color has reversed - e.g. red is now blue and vice a versa. The Facebook version of Sudoku is ok. Please fix the problem. Porkchop |
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Last minute challenge bug (by LazySparrow - 21 Oct 11, 21:32) |
I started playing daily challenge about 2 minutes before the deadline. So I finished it after the deadline. And my result appeared on the leaderboard for the new day. Then I played the challenge for the new day, but it refused to post my result as I was already on the leaderboard. |
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Pencil Color Reversed (by porkchop - 22 Oct 11, 7:38) |
I don't get it. Including both the pencil and pen on the Icon doesn't do much for me since I key off the color in the Icon to shift between pencil and pen. So be it....I'll adapt to the color change and still plod along in the middle of the pack. |
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jigsaw challenge (by shivasgk - 22 Oct 11, 23:28) |
I see members are solving jigsaw daily / jigsaw challenge-108 pieces, within a short time of 6 to 7 minutes. How is this possible? Just to link the border pieces it self takes 8 to 10 minutes. Can any top ranking jigsaw solver guide |
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too early challenge bug (by dkhumans - 24 Oct 11, 7:35) |
At least a half a dozen times in the past months I have been rejected from playing the daily challenge. I must be signing on before the it's ready and the challenge opens blank. Then when I try again it tells me I've already played. Is there something I should know about the timing of the new challenge for the day? |
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Difficulty rating whacked out (by bbk2bzzz - 27 Oct 11, 9:00) |
I think there is something wrong with the difficulty rating for puzzle #435243 (T). It gave a difficulty rating of 5080. I have never seen one that high in the tough puzzles. I solved the puzzle without any x or y wings. Usually the higher difficulty ratings include a number of those. In any case, I got a ridiculously high score. Xmas comes early this year???? |
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frustration!!! (by grandmakat - 28 Oct 11, 12:17) |
More than once the daily challenge has told me I've already played that day, when I know I haven't. Where can I dispute? I love the game; not good enough to get on leader boards, but aarrghh! |
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Tootsie (by Tootsie - 28 Oct 11, 21:04) |
The scoring function on 'play with others' is not functioning accurately. the post either has the correct score with no name and shows in the wrong rank or my name and some bogus score shows up - again in the wrong rank order. Can I fix this? Can You? Thanks for entertaining and challenging games. |
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pencil colors reversed (by davetuson - 29 Oct 11, 14:13) |
regret to inform pencil colors are still reversed,,,can you fix this. Thanks |
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what's up (by Sayana - 29 Oct 11, 15:27) |
under 2 min? wooow! that's a record,please tell me how are you doing it?what's the secret? |
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can't play challenge (by joerayeturco - 30 Oct 11, 9:34) |
When I click to play challenge, I receive a blank page and the game does not load. I try it a second time and receive a message that I already played. |
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Group Challenge (by cgbikes - 30 Oct 11, 10:26) |
Love it, probably a bit too much! Thanks! |
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Challenge not updating scores (by nova0311 - 07 Nov 11, 8:07) |
Which browser should I be using to get my score to post on the leaderboard? When I submit my score, it only posts less than half the time. The rest of the time it just sits there. Has this been tested in Firefox? |
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frustration also (by grethow - 12 Nov 11, 8:35) |
Everytime I have tried playing the window does something crazy...the blue square won't go away and just locks up. When I try to start over, I'm told I have already played. |
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score (by bambi - 15 Nov 11, 0:10) |
Where is my time??? I did it in 3.44 and its not there!!!! Not happy |
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today's puzzle (by misadro - 18 Nov 11, 2:16) |
a tortured animal with spears thrust into its back ..not a good choice in my opinion |
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Adding puzzles (by JetMod92 - 18 Nov 11, 16:44) |
I've tried to add a couple of puzzles and they haven't been posted. They said they would be reviewed but they have never showed up. Are there certain guidelines the puzzles must be? Thanks. |
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11/25/11 (by abdulthebear - 25 Nov 11, 2:32) |
The hard sudoku challenge puzzle for 11/25/11 does not have a unique solution. |
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Love the iPad App (by mrschute - 25 Nov 11, 13:29) |
Now I can play more often! YIPPEE!!!! |
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Giadonna (by Giadonna - 26 Nov 11, 13:19) |
In it to win it! |
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Giadonna (by Giadonna - 26 Nov 11, 13:20) |
Phoenix is the one to beat! |
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Use of ghost (by keiler - 27 Nov 11, 4:31) |
I am curious as to why the ghost picture is allowed during the challenge. Use of the ghost should, at the very least , have a penalty added. Just sayn'. |
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Thank you (by rosemary - 01 Dec 11, 7:48) |
To jnetx for some great puzzles. |
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Difficulties? (by EVANBGLICK - 06 Dec 11, 17:09) |
Have any of you found that the site is running slow and that the game freezes? |
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Christmas message and quiz (by BlueWombat - 12 Dec 11, 8:24) |
This used to be a lively little forum which was a source of good humour so I thought I might take this opportunity to set an unchallenging quiz. 1. Does anyone else remember when the games included double consonants? Or, slightly more worrying, was I dreaming? And what's happened to the X and the Z? 2. Why are there so many animals playing - wombats, ferrets, kookaburras and some more fantastical bird-dogs and a phoenix? 3. Is the demise of Red Herring temporary or will he return, and if so, what as? My money's on UponMySole, EelBeBack or HolyMackerel. Other suggestions? 4. ILuvTeresa!! Is this the first ever declaration of passion on WordFerret (not hitherto known as a dating site) and does she luv you? 5. Is it Mr Schute or Mrs Chute? I think we should be told. 6. What's the best word you've made that's not been in the dictionary? And how frustrating is that? I came up with "penalised" and "ceilidh" the other day, and neither of them were allowed. Outraged I was, although PinkWombat was unmoved. Happy Xmas (if it's not too early) to DKM Software and all ferreteers from BlueWombat and PinkWombat. |
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Points Challenge (by mindy - 12 Dec 11, 12:49) |
The last two days the chat has not worked for me. Anyone else? |
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Happy Holidays (by BirdDog - 13 Dec 11, 15:16) |
Good Post. I guess there are a lot of animals playing (and items of clothing, Socks). Who knows where we come up with these names. Happy Holidays from San Diego. Fun playing with you. |
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Help! (by jsyoung - 16 Dec 11, 4:48) |
When entering pencil or pen marks with the numbers pad or the numbers at the top of the keyboard in Sudoku the numbers automatically advance. So, if I enter the number 1 in a cell and move to the next, regardless of the key I press it enters 2, then 3 and so on. Is this a setting I have accidentally activated? If so, how do I "deactivate" so the number pressed is the number entered? |
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Points Challenge: Correct moves flagged as errors? (by shibby - 16 Dec 11, 20:32) |
I was hurrying to try and finish before the timer finished and was stymied when an obviously correct move got flagged (written in red). Here's the screenshot: This isn't the first time it's happened. I hope you guys can fix it. |
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Points CHallenge - Room Down For Software Upgrades? (by momtrader - 20 Dec 11, 7:55) |
Seems that during the past few days when I am half way thru a game, I receive a message saying " Sorry the room has been closed for software updates, please try back in 10 minutes." I go in and out of the room, but other people are still playing the same game. Is anybody else getting the same message? |
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challenge (by paulaoda - 20 Dec 11, 22:36) |
to DKM. I tried to enter to play challenge and the game was bugged or blocked. I'll try after that but I can't because I have a message telling me "you already play the challenge for today". That's not true I have not the opportunity to play for today. And it happens frequently. There is a solution? or there are problems with the program? Bye |
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Merry Christmas (by sioux - 24 Dec 11, 9:41) |
Greetings to all you Ferret addicts out there from snow-free Minnesota. The talent level on here just keep amazing me. Merry Christmas |
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Can't Play Daily Challenge! (by bonsmom - 25 Dec 11, 22:17) |
For the second day in a row, when I click on the Daily Challenge, I see the board for a second, then get a pop up ad for one of the advertisers. When I close the annoying ad, it says "Already Played" for the daily challenge. So Frustrating!!! |
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new (by Sayana - 28 Dec 11, 15:18) |
firs of all, this "play with others" thing is awesome :)) my question: i played the same game about 4 times...i'm just curious 'couse it says "new game every 5 minutes" is it normal ? and all the players are solving the same puzzle? |
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Improvement (by mojojutsu - 28 Dec 11, 21:00) |
Thanks for this site - I love to come here and exercise my brain. Any tips for improving my solution speed? The top scores are approaching 60 seconds many days. On a 12x12 grid that's more than two clicks per second to solve the problem. That seems crazy fast without factoring in thinking time. |
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Happy 2012 my friends! (by mrschute - 31 Dec 11, 22:06) |
December 31st at 11:58 and here I am playing! Need to get a life!! All the best for the new year to you all. By the way, my name is C�cile Aubrey. |
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challenge (by paulaoda - 01 Jan 12, 22:10) |
can't play challenge again. one minute after midnight I'd try to play but the game was blocked. And now I'll try again and i have the same message "you already play challenge today" but this is not true. It happens frequently. Why? |
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challenge (by rosemary - 02 Jan 12, 2:34) |
I logged onto the challenge which appeared on the screen and then went off. Why? |
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happend again (by Sayana - 02 Jan 12, 6:56) |
Exactly the same puzzle that had repeted itself on the first day that I played with others,did that again today.It was for a short time ...well I played it 4 times ,someone else said it was for the 6th time and then it stopped and we had new puzzles again.I don't know if it's important but the number of the puzzle was "#NaN " unlike usually when it's a very big number...anyway I love playing with others...lot of fun :-))thanks:-) |
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Feedback for upcoming new version (by dkmGames - 02 Jan 12, 17:17) |
Hi you excellent ferreters out there. I am upgrading the multi-user version to a "real" multi-user server in the next few days that is able to give instantaneous messaging. The new version will have the leaderboard updated frequently during the round and also allow chat. Because it is now technically possible, I am thinking of introducing another option (separate room) where every time you enter a word, it will immediately reflect in all other player's list and you will only score if you are the first to find the word. What do you think? It will affect the percent scores of course and I will need to rethink how to grade players. |
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Great Idea (by Giadonna - 02 Jan 12, 19:09) |
Wow...that sounds great. We are very competitive on here, so it will be very interesting! |
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NaN (by Sayana - 04 Jan 12, 15:05) |
Hello again :))i'm sorry if i'm being anoying but that thing happend again. It's a bit anoying but it's not the end of the world ...just that some players leave "the room" when that happens because it's boring:(...well, after you get used with it (maybe because i already know all the moves)is quite funny but that puzzle repets itself only a few times and then we're back to normal........anyway it's pretty anoying. Don't worry ,I'll stop "ringing the alarm"every time that happens.Sorry again if I've been anoying.Thanks :)) |
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Where did the average rankings per age category go? (by johnnyboymba - 07 Jan 12, 17:00) |
This was on one of the main pages, but not there anymore. Was it moved or discontinued? Why? Ty in advance, John. |
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LOST PUZZLE (by CAPTNRONII - 13 Jan 12, 6:30) |
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Samurai Glitch (by karlkaukis - 16 Jan 12, 11:04) |
Samurai Sudoku Online Play Now Menu New Puzzle Archived Puzzles Advanced Always has Sept 12 as bottom of archive list. |
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double solution again (by Lucanus - 18 Jan 12, 3:21) |
After a long time I found anew a task with two solutions: 6911821 - in the 1st and 3rd row two tents may be switched! |
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No time (by bambi - 18 Jan 12, 5:00) |
why didnt my time get registered today? Is there something wrong with the page loading? Once I had finished it went blank and my time didnt come up.:( NOt Fair |
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Why, why, why?? (by mrschute - 18 Jan 12, 17:08) |
Do I always miss the word 'beer'? Considering how much of it I drink!! Oohh....think I've just answered my own question.... |
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Thoughts On Ruffle Players (by JAZZ - 22 Jan 12, 20:34) |
I enjoy this game so much. I am an attorney under constant stress. My elixir is the ability to play with my faceless friends during the day at my desk. You guys are terrific -- very special. You know who you are. The inability to interact with each other is actually very special, yet at times frustrating. Peace. Jazz |
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it's not impossible (by Sayana - 23 Jan 12, 15:42) |
i've just finished the best challenghe ever and i wanted to share it with everyone...2:31 bloody minutes....i'm so happy :))at first i didn't think it was possible but here it is, my lucky day...i have all the respect for those who do that every day- congratulations!!! :)) |
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players with almost identical names (by mags - 24 Jan 12, 1:36) |
are some people able to log in twice to do the daily challenge? The last couple of days I've seen user names that are nearly identical apart from a number beside them, and one always has a higher score than the other. Today mdbc and mdbc2 are 1 and 2 on the board. Is there a bit of cheating going on here? If so, its unfair on the rest of us who do the challenge honestly! |
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Chat (by mindy - 24 Jan 12, 10:11) |
Chat is not working in the Green Room this morning... |
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same puzzle problem back again (by rosemary - 25 Jan 12, 9:42) |
Got in half way through then same puzzle came up again at least twice more. Boring. |
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Re Boring (by rosemary - 25 Jan 12, 9:46) |
Logged out restarted cmputer and logged in again and back comes NAN again- What is happening? Help us, please. |
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username (by gbeardsell - 28 Jan 12, 9:31) |
is it possible to change username? is it the same game (shisen) on the iPad? thanks |
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Play with Others is Great! (by phoenix - 28 Jan 12, 12:51) |
Just discovered it a week or so ago. I don't know how long it's been up, but it's terrific. Thanks, DKM! You're the best! |
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Congratulations DebM (by phoenix - 29 Jan 12, 11:25) |
Top of the leaderboard. And we are 1-2 for first time! |
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Cheating (by IanTheBest - 02 Feb 12, 2:25) |
some stupid guy cheating in daily challenge, how come he can get 12502 in the hard session. He must play the puzzle again using another login name |
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eagle eye (by jampots - 03 Feb 12, 16:16) |
what a brilliant game! whole family having lots of fun with this one. Is there any way I can edit my clues after submission? It didn't turn out quite how I meant it to.? |
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Cheating again!!!!! (by mags - 06 Feb 12, 1:44) |
I see that the numbered players are at it again! (You know who you are RN and your aliases) Is there any way you can stop this? It makes the challenge a farce if one player can copy down all the words from his/her first try then put them in to get top marks the next time. |
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Design changes (by bjorn - 07 Feb 12, 3:44) |
The game clock in the upper right is barely readable for me now with the new dark blue background. |
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Sudoku not working (by Melodee - 07 Feb 12, 5:50) |
I can't get any puzzle up this morning. Also, for some time now, the pencil and pen have been reversed. Help! |
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Having fun with Ruffle Combos (by wordsmith - 12 Feb 12, 15:56) |
I love stumbling on several words in a set that are made up of the same letters. (For beginners, I mean groups such as are-ear-era; its-sit-tis; ate-eat-tea; apt-pat-tap.) The longest set I have found is drawer-redraw-reward-warder-warred (360 points). Two 8-letter words get you 560 points (staccato-toccatas; dioxides-oxidised. I put words together in silly combinations to remember some of them: WOLVES attacking VOWELS; BLAMING AMBLING ewes in LAMBING season; She ASSUAGES our hunger with SAUSAGES; TACOS on the north COAST wear an ASCOT with their COATS; Alligators think CAIMANS are MANIACS; Will an ANNOYED ANODYNE relieve pain? You get the point! Oh, I especially like the image of SEAWEEDS that SEESAWED on the beach... |
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7-letter combos (by wordsmith - 12 Feb 12, 20:05) |
Three 7-letter words, ( 390 points) all containing the same letters: hustles/lushest/sleuths angrier/earring/rearing airings/arising/raising. Any humorous ways to remember all 3 when I only see one? |
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Player Ratings (by columbo - 14 Feb 12, 12:45) |
For the head to head matches, may I suggest that you introduce player rankings? You could give everyone an initial ranking (as in chess) of x number of points and then add or subtract points depending upon the outcome of a match and the relative ranking of each player. So, for instance, players A and B might start out with a ranking of 1500. The one that won would increase his or her ranking by 50 points and the one that lost would decrease his or her ranking by the same amount. Players would only play opponents comparable in ranking. You could also establish an initial ranking by requiring everyone who wants to play head to head matches complete a puzzle that did not require the use of a pencil. The time it takes to finish it establishes their ranking. To make it fair, disable the ability to enter numbers via the keyboard so an accountant type person would not have a dextrous (as opposed to mental) advantage. |
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stats (by msmuttma3 - 18 Feb 12, 11:15) |
After logging in and playing one game, I received a message saying my game stats could not qualify because I was not logged in? |
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play with others problem (by brunoj - 18 Feb 12, 12:23) |
your timer isn't working the game |
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problem using google chrome. timer won't start (by brunoj - 18 Feb 12, 12:50) |
on" play with others ", the timer stays at 00 when the game is accessed via google chrome. okay if using internet explorer |
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More cheating! (by mags - 19 Feb 12, 1:33) |
Can't you put a stop to this? It devalues the challenge for everyone else!!!! |
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question :(( (by Sayana - 19 Feb 12, 4:04) |
I can't play with others anymore....why ?? :(( |
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Some really good players out there.... (by mrschute - 20 Feb 12, 16:50) |
...and some real fun names. I would love to meet whoever uses 'BigDumbDog'. Always puts a smile on my face! Watch out though...'BigDumbDog' is not so dumb. I personally think it's a ploy to lull us into a false sense of security! |
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Not working (by - 20 Feb 12, 20:01) |
Can we possibly get this fixed? Please |
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Dear Janet, Why WF and not chocolate? (by socks - 20 Feb 12, 20:32) |
Am I over reading something? I was playing tonight and someone was playing VERY well called JanetBy4lent. Does this mean what I think it does? |
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Scores not showing (by mindy - 21 Feb 12, 11:00) |
Problem in the Green Room today with people playing but cannot see their scores. They are able to chat though. |
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Scores not showing (by mindy - 21 Feb 12, 11:00) |
Problem in the Green Room today with people playing but cannot see their scores. They are able to chat though. |
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save game problem (by petehayward - 21 Feb 12, 11:55) |
Why cant I save and load a game?. |
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Addictions (by mrschute - 21 Feb 12, 17:51) |
Does anyone else hide their WF addiction from their spouse? I'm often meant to be doing a chore but find myself hiding behind my iPad trying to get another quick game in. Then I hear Fraser coming and quickly hide my iPad under the cushion and act all innocent!! I'm fairly certain he knows but kudos to him for pretending he doesn't. |
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First day of Lent! (by mrschute - 22 Feb 12, 16:14) |
As a Catholic, I'm to give up something that I really love for 40 days. Now let's see...I love my husband, my beer and Word Ferret. I'm really going to miss him! |
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Point Challenge (by andre - 23 Feb 12, 16:27) |
I have a suggestion that many other people have as well. Is it possible not to let "Guests" play the challenge? In other words, all the "guests" should register first to play. Can this be done? Thank you. |
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challenge (by paulaoda - 23 Feb 12, 22:40) |
I played the challenge today but i am not on the scores list. and i can't play again because i have a display message telling me you already play the challenge today. It's not the first time. |
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Top 100 board (by dkranch - 24 Feb 12, 9:32) |
What happened to the top 100 board and the play with others top scores??? |
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Preferences and their effect on points challenge (by getclint - 25 Feb 12, 6:20) |
Hi, You have some preferences on the points challenge board but no explanation on the window as to whether any of them affect the scoring. Moreover even, what on earth "active number mode" is trying to acheive? Quite a brilliant thing the points challenge, especially the tough room. Would be quite good if several were run in parallel but out of sync by 30 secs so that early finishers could get a chance to start earlier again. Getclint |
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Points Challenge Results (by mindy - 25 Feb 12, 9:10) |
I love the Points Challenge and like that you enhanced it with ranking the players. Is it possible to also separate the rankings between the Green Room and the Gold Room? Because of some of the top notch players in the Gold Room some of us in the Green Room will never climb the ranks. |
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Unable to Save Private Picture (by glmarsh - 25 Feb 12, 16:48) |
Hi I have been unable to save a private picture for a puzzle. I have attempted this several times with a picture that is 640x480 and every time I go to view the private puzzle pictures the program says I don't have any. Are the pictures available immediately after loading or is there a delay? glmarsh |
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More ruffle combo fun - help us think of more! (by wordsmith - 26 Feb 12, 6:46) |
lapse/leaps/pales/peals/pleas forest/fortes/foster/softer seated/sedate/teased: he teased the seated one to sedate her? groans/organs/sarong: she groans when organs are in a too-tight sarong emits/items/mites/smite/times |
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skywalker (by skywalker - 28 Feb 12, 20:03) |
i want to know why beths wont play " play with others"? |
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jigsaw (by HelenWalton - 02 Mar 12, 10:39) |
cannot access jigsaw on line |
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cannot access jigsaws error message? (by HelenWalton - 02 Mar 12, 11:39) |
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challenge (by paulaoda - 06 Mar 12, 22:34) |
Once again I can't play challenge. I enter, I cant see anything and when I reentered I have the same message "You already play the challenge today" or something like that. I can't understand why? It happens to me frequently. And the results, I must wait 24 hours just to play. Hum... |
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Great competition (by Bobo7777 - 09 Mar 12, 19:58) |
The competiton is really impressive. Really happy to play with such good ferreters. Good luck everyone. |
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"Tough" Ratings (by - 10 Mar 12, 6:49) |
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Sticky Pieces (by ginnie1018 - 11 Mar 12, 18:12) |
In the option menu, what are "sticky pieces"? |
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Games Repeat After Awhile (by FatFingers - 12 Mar 12, 3:29) |
In Green Room, I have noticed games repeat over a 3-5 hour period. Once had same game, in back to back rounds! |
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score (by - 14 Mar 12, 23:40) |
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Score (by bambi - 14 Mar 12, 23:41) |
Why when I play my score isnt recorded? Do I need to update my page? |
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take a stand against cheaters in the daily challenge, please (by nacim - 15 Mar 12, 8:36) |
hi,i have been playing the daily challenge for more than two years now, on a daily basis, almost, got to know some big names there... guys this site is just amazing! well i do not mean to accuse any particular name but i would just like to ask to take a look at the suspicious scores we happen to see in the daily challenge, and notice that there are names that never come second or third, i mean they are tainting the game, and it is really unfair for somebody who came first in either hard or medium or easy, with hard efforts, to get his party pooped by a lousy person who just has two accounts, solves the puzzle in the first and just COPIES IT to the second. i won in the daily challenge for several times and trust me, i know how it feels like being the king of the world for one night, since we are here playing from the four corners of our mother earth. I just reiterate that it is very easy for one to know how to cheat and to proceed, but please take consideration of some fine players who yet do not want to and thank you :) |
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Cant get onto any Jigsaws (by Beckytard - 15 Mar 12, 12:52) |
None of the Jigsaws are working. I mean, i'll click on one, and the screen goes smaller than usual and none of the jigsaw pieces are there. Been like this since yesterday afternoon and I have no idea what is wrong. |
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Score (by bambi - 15 Mar 12, 21:45) |
Well at least today I am on the board. Pity about yest dont know where it went. |
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Proposal for game arrangement between mids and youngsters!!! (by SHANTI - 18 Mar 12, 16:00) |
Let us find a suitable day and time for all to play into 2 groups according to age range: mids>50 and youngs< 30! You may register your participation under this post and propose a day and the time range you can play. If you are in between (30-50 years old) you may choose in which one group you wish to play. You may also propose something different! All ideas are wellcome! EXcuse my english, I hope the meaning is clear:))) |
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Reporting A Problem (by columbo - 21 Mar 12, 22:32) |
Hey dkm developers. First off, let me say this is a great site and that the interface you have developed is excellent. A problem others have noted seems to be getting worse, and that is when one is booted out of a game supposedly for 10 minutes so that the software can update. I think I saw in your FAQ that thios was due to a browser issue. Being a Web Application developer myself, I would like to challenge that idea. Tonight, several of us were booted simultaneously from the same game. Thus it cannot be a browser issue. Are you guys using clustered servers? If so, I would suspect the problem lies in the cross-talk between them. Thanks! |
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"Sorry room has been closed" issue in multi-user games (by dkmGames - 22 Mar 12, 16:11) |
Some of you have noticed that suddenly you lose connection in the game with the message "Sorry room has been closed for software upgrade ..". This can occur for two reasons. The first is if the logic on the server side changes, the room has to be closed to allow this change to be reflected in the server. This is now very rare as there is little need to change anything. The other reason is when I have to restart the multi-user server. In this case all rooms are suddenly closed. Normally this should not have to be done but there is some undiagnosed problem that is causing the server computer to use excess cpu with time. So, after 8-10 days of continuous running, I restart the server which gives this message. Once restarted, the cpu usage goes back to 1-2%. I hope to resolve this issue soon (something to do with .NET worker processes) and do try restart only when a few are connected but there is now a lot of players 24/7. If you get the message, you can reconnect immediately. |
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Challenge (by easternvideo - 25 Mar 12, 13:44) |
I have had the same experience. You wait a long time and then you click again and it tells you that you have already played. Sometimes if you just wait and wait it will finally load and you may have already lost a few seconds when you start but at least you get to play. |
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1st contest results (by SHANTI - 25 Mar 12, 15:07) |
there have been played 26 games in about 3 hours! Here are the results for the 3 fist in each game: 1st 2nd 3d 1. hipville mikej ccocallas 2. hipville abbey... Kentish Woman 3. hipv.. Dune ? 4. ccocal fitzu hilz 5. Kentish W fitzu Dune 6. nanana hipvil natfur 7. fitzu nanana natfur 8. hipvil - - (did nt see) 9. nanana Dune suzy+fitzu (same scor) 10. Sayana hipvil nanana 11. Sayana ub ccocallas 12. Dune Sayana hipvil 13. Sayana ria hilz 14. Sayana nanana ccocal 15. Sayana Dune ccocal 16. jadefarmer mikej hilz 17. hipvil hiltz abbey 18. hiltz hipvil Sayana 19. hipvil Missmuffet hiltz 20. Sayana hitz jadefarmer 21. Sayana Dune ccocal 22. Sayana cocal Aardvard 23. ukbun Sayana ccocal 24. hipvil nanana ccocal 25. Aardvard hipvil tako 26. Sayana - - the youngsters are = Sayana (who came in at the 10th game, nanana (who left after the 15th game and came again at the end) and ukbun (who participate only at the few last games) The conclusions are yours ... I hope everyone had fun and maybe we can repeat the constest an other Sunday! Thanks everyone for joyfull participation! |
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minus scores (by rosaannette - 25 Mar 12, 20:28) |
What does it mean when it says -127? |
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Best jigsaw site. But ... (by norasan - 31 Mar 12, 5:11) |
Jigsaw Jam has the best user interface of all the jigsaw sites. The pieces look and behave like real puzzle pieces. However, I would like the pictures to be bigger, at least twice as big, with the same resolution. I'd also like to see better photo compositions. Some of them are so lackluster in lighting and composition. Is there an editor at work here? Let's bring in a photo editor. |
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Words in Challenges are found in "playing with others" (by yogaqueen - 01 Apr 12, 10:04) |
Is anyone else annoyed by this? After playing the challenge, I find some exact words being used when playing with others. Or some of the most obscure words show up there, and are also part of the challenge. Seems like an unfair advantage, or a way to force us to play with others first. |
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Good games Socks (by Bobo7777 - 02 Apr 12, 17:15) |
Title says it all :) We had about 10 games on 4/2 about 8:00 EST. Think we split it 5/5. Thanks for such a great challenge. |
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Crazy Ku Names (by pseudoku - 04 Apr 12, 1:32) |
Kydoku and I have conceived a a fun way to pass time in chat: thinking up monikers that (like sudoku) combine a word ending with "o" and "ku". Both of our "names" reflect that. So, here are some of the ones we came up with: An aggressive player? judoku A strange player? weirdoku A well-dressed player? tuxedoku A DJ who plays? radioku Someone playing from a townhouse? condoku A player who always wants another chance? redoku A connoisseur among players? aficionadoku Don King as a player? hairdoku An objectionably dressed player? speedoku A player who is also a John Denver fan? coloradoku A player who is a also a Mouseketeer? orlandoku A hard to find player? waldoku A non communicative player? incommunicadoku A crazy player? schizoku (or whackoku) A pest of a player? mosquitoku A jumpy player? expressoku A chauvinistic player? machismoku A clownish player? bozoku And so on, ad infinitum. Enjoy and please feel free to add to the list! |
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where is the fairness? (by bambi - 17 Apr 12, 8:47) |
I tried to play today and the game came up after a long while saying I had already played today! So IF I had where is my score? I didnt even get the chance. Grrrrrrrr |
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Hello!! (by baldpoet - 20 Apr 12, 11:39) |
Just wanted to say it's a ton of fun playing with/against you guys. And yes, I am bald *smile*. |
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Is the points challenge down (by supermac - 21 Apr 12, 3:52) |
Just tried to get my fix in the points challenge but got blank puzzles in both the green and gold rooms. |
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points challenge (by - 21 Apr 12, 4:34) |
I am also getting blanks, though the clock is running |
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The handleis invalid (by aaxelrod - 21 Apr 12, 4:54) |
I get that massage when I'm trying to get into Jigsaw |
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Sudoku Points challenge (by suemu - 21 Apr 12, 8:06) |
Glad it's not just me, only clock, no numbers |
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sophie (by - 21 Apr 12, 11:41) |
My Sudoku not working - April 2012 |
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Points Challege (by mindy - 21 Apr 12, 12:16) |
I've tried the Green & Gold rooms and the grid is blank :-( Odd that dkm hasn't responded to any of the postings reporting the problem... |
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time (by bambi - 23 Apr 12, 23:54) |
oh dear phone calls in the middle of the game! make for a long one. |
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Rank Index (by intuit - 24 Apr 12, 7:30) |
Is there a listing of what each person's rank index is compared to all players? |
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NO Score again!!! (by bambi - 25 Apr 12, 2:44) |
What is going on? I played today and my score wasnt posted again. I am very annoyed |
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Ipad App (by JoyceBates - 29 Apr 12, 9:55) |
Finally, Jigsaw Jam is on Ipad, but I'm having problems and need help. It requires a "sign in" but does not show a place to sign in except to register as a new user. It also requires Adobe Flash Player which Apple will not allow. Tried to download Firefox, but that didn't work either. HELP!!! |
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How can I improve my speed? (by nyctaxi - 01 May 12, 13:18) |
I find it irritating and astonishing that a very few players have 800-1000 points in the first minute when the rest us have 200-500 and build from there. I use a mouse, perhaps they type quickly. I have seen word unscramblers online. Tempting... but no. If you reply, please be kind, I'm recovering from foot surgery and just hoping to improve my game. cheers. nyctaxi. |
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Vote (by snagel - 02 May 12, 14:19) |
How do you vote for puzzles? |
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Wireless modem (by pilotx - 06 May 12, 10:48) |
One of the player's name appears and disappears during the 5 minutes on the scoreboard. He thinks it is because of his wireless modem. I don't believe a word of it. |
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Hanidoku Down Today? (by amariehurley - 11 May 12, 16:02) |
For the Medium and Hard puzzles, I get the error message: Conversion from string "" to type 'Short' is not valid. Help! |
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Top of the board (by mags - 14 May 12, 3:45) |
Can someone please explain how the same person can complete te board EVERY single day? smacks of cheating to me! |
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Where's Socks (by BirdDog - 15 May 12, 6:19) |
Where are you Socks, not even on the leader board. |
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Wondering why my post disappeared (by wordsmith - 18 May 12, 4:18) |
A few days ago one solution included SLOPPY/POLYPS. Made me laugh. Posted it, it was there for a while, then disappeared. Love this game! |
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Old puzzles? (by tribble - 18 May 12, 7:52) |
I am curious as to where all our older puzzles go, ones that were submitted a few months ago are no longer in our library of puzzles. I miss the bigger library, it gave us such a good selection! |
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Points Challenges: Numeric Keys Not Responsive (by FatFingers - 22 May 12, 22:23) |
In Points Challenge, Kiddie Room (Green). (Probably a problem in Gold Room, too.) Click a square with the mouse cursor. The square changes color, demonstrating it has been "acquired". Quickly (less than about 0.3 secs later) click a numeric key (with fingers, other hand, not mouse) and the game thinks the number pressed applies to the *previously* highlighted/acquired square. If old/last square was empty and number is wrong for that square, then points are deducted! The points go "flying" off the square that is *not* highlighted! Even though the new/correct square is *clearly* highlighted. So then we slow it down a bit, and increase the delay (say 0.3 to 1.0 secs) between clicking on the square with the mouse and pressing the numeric key (with fingers, no mouse) ... and *nothing* happens! Number does not register! Have to press the numeric key, again, to get it to register. Extremely annoying for players who use keyboard numeric keys and are fast. (not necessarily good though ;) |
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Can't play with others (by wordsmith - 23 May 12, 10:37) |
Strange - I can play the challenge, play by myself, and see all the statistics, forum, etc. Hmmm??? |
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My son drew this (by kerkhof - 26 May 12, 7:55) |
Had the samurai a little accident with his left hand ? |
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Sudoku Error (by lbrooks1 - 02 Jun 12, 16:07) |
Sometimes when I enter an external puzzle, an error message occurs that puzzle is not valid. I double check entries, and also solve the same puzzle with other solving websites |
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iPad (by dkmGames - 05 Jun 12, 0:43) |
An iPad version of DKM Jigsaw is now available from the Apple App Store. Please note that this is a "standalone" application - it does not connect to the internet or access images from this site or the daily challenge. |
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New features (by dkmGames - 05 Jun 12, 0:48) |
Some new features have been added to the online version. You can now select a texture for the background, adjust the visual thickness of the pieces and the tolerance of fit - ie how close each piece needs to be to an adjacent one before they will click together. (This option cant be changed for the daily challenge.) You can also bring single pieces to the front so they are not hidden behind larger joined sections. The zooming in/out has also been improved and the "drag board" option has been dropped. |
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log in fails (by loumi - 05 Jun 12, 10:24) |
Hi all Is anyone experiencing this: I log on to the game and I can play - but I don't appear on the board, I can't post messages and sometimes the game stops midway through, saying the game has been closed... Hmpf. Not nice AT ALL!!!!! Greetings, loumi |
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new features trouble (by jansmith314 - 05 Jun 12, 19:01) |
Hate inability to change color-looking for new site |
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Cheat (by seaw - 06 Jun 12, 13:47) |
Had a guy cheating on the points challenge today - username edgaras1500. Don't know how he was doing it, but it was a bit of a pain for the rest of us. Maybe you can block him dk? Thanks |
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Never loaded challenge... (by zjo - 07 Jun 12, 21:29) |
How can I play the game when it never loads. Teach me what to do... seems like it freezes and when I want to reload and try to get the game... it says I played it already but in fact never even saw the game... Could this be addressed? thanx |
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Facebook DKM Sudoku (by porkchop - 08 Jun 12, 6:54) |
I've enjoyed playing DKM Sudoku on Facebook for several years. But yesterday when a new version of Sudoku was posted on Facebook I was unable to launch a new puzzle after clicking on the "Daily Challenge". The problem continues today. I'm using the latest version of Safari. Is a fix in the works? |
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no go (by bobbyg35king - 11 Jun 12, 12:55) |
doesn't work, can't open |
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who cares (by Mossy - 12 Jun 12, 7:23) |
they are obviously sad excuses for people, stop feeding them the whining they are really looking for, we all know what is legitimate and what isnt. |
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For DKM: Firefox vs explorer (by annlacko - 13 Jun 12, 23:49) |
I've had to play the daily challenges with Internet Explorer the last two days. For some reason I cannot play under Firefox anymore but I don't know why. Anyway, under Firefox I have the problem that my cursor gets hung up on a block, and I toggle between pen and pencil to solve it. On IE today however, that problem was horrible, every ten entries or so the cursor would get hung up. It is most annoying when you wrongly enter a number in a box, wrongly because the cursor is hung up, and thus wrongly all the pencil marks with that number disappear. Undoing the mistake does not bring them back, of course. Any ideas what I can do different? |
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Chat room (by seaw - 14 Jun 12, 4:33) |
I like being able to chat with other platers on the sudoku points challenge. Any chance of introducing a chat room on the word ruffle multiplayer? Would any other players like one? Would probably only be used in the 30 seconds between rounds. |
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server error (by nljIII - 14 Jun 12, 5:14) |
Can't get jigsaws, only server error page. Other apps work OK |
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Points challenge (by supermac - 14 Jun 12, 5:39) |
Just to let you know the Points Challenge is generating blanks again same as in April. Thanks in advance. |
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Sound issues (by CUPID - 16 Jun 12, 5:10) |
Can anyone tell me, why only some of my jigsaw pieces make a noise when interlocking. Thanks...... |
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Tips and tricks (by pilotx - 18 Jun 12, 2:28) |
Now that I succeeded in playing a game in exactly 2 minutes, I would like to share some tips with you. 1. I set my screen on 85% --> less distances --> faster. 2. I put the board in the uppermost right corner of the screen. Somehow it is more comfortable for my hand. 3. Last but not least, I give the tiles names. |
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Can no longer log out using "Logout" button (by RobinD - 18 Jun 12, 15:05) |
Hello Moderator, The "logout" button no longer logs me out. I used to be able to logous and then do a refresh screen and see that I was logged out. Now if I logout and close out of my browser when I come back I am still logged in. Workaround: I now have to do this little workaround where -- after logging out using "logout", I then choose from the menu above in Internet Explorer, Tools/Internet Options, then Delete from there. This hasn't been "broken" for longer than a week.... just thought I'd let you know. Hopefully I'm imagining it. RobinD |
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intu�tive playing (by willemsmith - 21 Jun 12, 3:04) |
h� SHANTI. Your description of "flow" sound familiar (klinkt me bekend in de oren. andere vraag: hoe komt het dat jij zo goed nederlands spreekt (of Vlaams :))? willem |
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deedeejay (by deedeejay - 24 Jun 12, 7:04) |
The complete option and feature bar that is normally at the bottom of the jigsaw screen has disappeared. How can I get it back ? |
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A different dictionary for each game? (by patrick - 24 Jun 12, 10:41) |
Am I correct in thinking that each game uses a different dictionary (or list of acceptable words). I find it very frustrating as you need to remember which words are OK for each game. Is it not possible to use the same word list in all games? I get a lot of commonly used words (commonly used by me at least) that are not on the acceptable words lists. In the last 2 days the following aren't recognised: limbic fleam prang cloy twee breck giro bonk farl filo gimp olde busk glug torus earnt tun rota coir glebes dosh snog cation surd amine jink I accept that some of these are used in Britain and internationally, and may not be known in the US, but so what? Preemie and frosh are acceptable words in Word Ruffle and they would be used informally by a few people in the US and be completely unknown everywhere else. Maybe a bit of pruning? regards otherwise! Patrick |
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workerbee (by Giadonna - 24 Jun 12, 18:47) |
Does anyone else suspect workerbee and janet are one and the same?? ....just sayin'. |
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request for a new feature (by tribble - 25 Jun 12, 9:25) |
In addition to our "Daily Challenge" and "Today's Puzzle", I would love to have a mystery puzzle each day, one without a thumbnail or ghost image. Does anyone else think that would be a good addition? |
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Forum Moderator, please fix logout problem (by RobinD - 27 Jun 12, 6:14) |
I didn't think the moderator saw my earlier forum entry, so I am trying again. Word Ruffle is not letting me Log Out, it doesn't matter how often I press Log Out from Word Ruffle. If I then Refresh from Internet Explore or Exit I am still logged in. I can't tell whether it is logging me out and then logging me back in a second time, or whether it has not logged me out at all. My workaround is to go to Internet Explorer Tools and Delete from there. That works, but is tedious to do. Thanks, RobinD |
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Blank Grid (by casmith888 - 28 Jun 12, 5:31) |
Sometimes when playing the challenge game, I get blank grids.. Does anyone know why?? Thanks.. |
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Perfect Putt best scores? (by patrick - 29 Jun 12, 7:32) |
hi guys, no person has posted any scores for their efforts to master Perfect Putt, so I thought I'd be the first. Simple 9 under par Medium 16 under par Tough 6 under par Patrick |
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to DKM: Log intto new room message (by puzzler1 - 30 Jun 12, 7:19) |
I am getting the message that the room is full and to log in again about every other game now. Is this something with my laptop setup, or what could be the issue? Sometimes there are only about 5 players on the board; I'll get halfway through a game AFTER I've already played a couple and then will get this message to log in again. Pls advise |
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Firefox Trouble (by suzyQ - 01 Jul 12, 6:35) |
Starting last week sometime, I was no longer able to sign in to the site using firefox. I switched to using chrome and I was able to log in and play. Anyone else can't use firefox? |
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"Bring Front" (by Pocketmole - 03 Jul 12, 0:01) |
Where did the "Bring [to the] Front" button disappear to? |
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chillipepper!! (by moyez - 03 Jul 12, 2:50) | just found word ferret.Nice to see a familiar name!!! |
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tabs and saving (by tazj - 03 Jul 12, 14:54) |
Please fix the tabs,if the tab is used by another app, the puzzle in progress is gone, there is no way to get it back. |
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no shisen today??? (by sarasvati - 06 Jul 12, 8:21) |
please dkm, would you explain what is happening and when shall we be able to play the games again? |
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Server problem at dkmsoftware??? (by keiler - 07 Jul 12, 4:16) |
For the last two days I've tried to log on to: All I get is a screen that says ," Service Unavailable". What's up with that? If I click on Play Online on this page,:, I get the same thing. Karl |
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Points Challege - can't get on & getting kicked off (by mindy - 07 Jul 12, 12:34) |
Yesterday and today there has been a lot of discussion about the site. Me and others couldn't get on because it said the site was full and try again later. Also all yesterday I couldn't see the point results - said service unavailable. Today in the last couple hours I was kicked out 5 times with the box that says the room is down for 10 minutes for maintenance. Since no one else has written on the forum I wanted to make sure the programmers are aware. |
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multiple players (by easternvideo - 08 Jul 12, 17:28) |
I have more than one player in my house and once one of us plays the challenge and another person logs in on his account he is told that he has already played. Can only one person play per household or office? |
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word ruffle site down? (by yogaqueen - 13 Jul 12, 21:55) |
I've had a problem logging in to or playing word ruffle this week. Sometimes I've been able to play while unable to log in. Other times the site is completely down. Anyone else having this issue? |
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Problems with DKM (by andre - 14 Jul 12, 8:53) |
Hi, I really love this site. However, during last week it's been down for considerable amount of time. When I'm logging in it says Service Unavailable. Is anybody else experiencint it or is it something wrong with my system? |
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Problems accessing Samurai Sudoku (by Pianist - 16 Jul 12, 1:01) |
I haven't been able to access the puzzle for several days. I get to the page with the 'Play Now' button but when I click on it nothing happens. Why? Can anybody help me get past this because I'm suffering withdrawal symptoms! |
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New server (by dkmGames - 18 Jul 12, 4:34) |
The site has just been upgraded to a new server. Hopefully it will be more reliable and faster. |
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thanks for being up & running again! (by nyctaxi - 22 Jul 12, 5:42) |
apparently, only a few players want a chat area. I still think it woud be fun! O.K. Some of my word games are from other countries. dkmsoftware is from where?? So, if players do not want to disclose personal info, could we just find out what countries the dkm players are from? Cheers, nyctaxi. |
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x (by torchic1223 - 22 Jul 12, 13:28) |
why is there no x's? |
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Multi (by mindy - 22 Jul 12, 16:10) |
Is the Sudoku Multi dow? I know someone said a few days ago that is was. |
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cannot log out from center login (by RobinD - 22 Jul 12, 19:23) |
I still cannot log out from the center login button. I would like to warn others that this might be happening to them. The way to check is to log out, then either press "Refresh" (a little box to the right of the address bar on your browser), or get out of the program, then come back in. If it still says your name next to Login when you come back in, or your name is still showing up next to the Challenge button, then the logout didn't go through. The Center login is the one that I have used when starting the challenge game. I just would like to warn everyone that they might have the same problem. The workaround is to always use the login button at the top right-hand corner of the screen instead of the center login. That way the logout works. Another workaround is that after pressing Logout, to then choose Tools/InternetOptions/Delete. Thanks, I too love this game and would be brain-dead without it. RobinD |
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points challenge (by christine - 23 Jul 12, 9:52) |
I have been unable to connect all day I can play the other games but not my favourite where I meet friends who all love the game as I do. Hope it does not go on for too long. |
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server down all day (by mgemler - 23 Jul 12, 14:30) |
aurgh!!! |
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create a puzzle not working (by mcogswell2 - 26 Jul 12, 12:40) |
For several days I have been trying to create an acrostic puzzle. However when I ckick on "Get words" a message comes up: "Error 1009." |
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Data Entry (by jsyoung - 26 Jul 12, 22:48) |
When I attempt to enter a number, while in pencil or pen mode, each entry, regardless of the number keyed on the number pad, will be the next number above that which was just keyed (the counting starts over from 1 after 9 is entered). For example: If I am in pencil mode and enter the number 1 on the number pad, regardless of whateve number I depress next, and whether in the same or new cell, the number 2 will appear (even if I did not key in a #2). The next number entered will be a 3 and so on. I cannot, for example, enter a number 1 in multiple cells of puzzle in sequence without advancing all the way through nine before getting a 1 to appear. Hope this makes sense - did I toggle a control or something? And how do I reverse it? (FYI: Active Numbe Mode is "off") |
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Footsie (by Footsie - 27 Jul 12, 12:12) |
No chat today on Shishen |
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Quirks in the Yubotu (by EBChurchlady - 29 Jul 12, 21:27) |
I love this game! I play nearly every day- I like how I can be only addicted to a certain degree since I can only play 9 games per day. Sometimes I do the challenges, but unless I play in the wee hours, I can't even come close to the ridicuously short times & get on the leaderboard. I think I am pretty respectable in my times, but I don't cheat! Anyway...the last few days the game has been going crazy on me. The little icons don't show up fully & the cursor dissappears over the game board. I've not been able to complete most of the games I started. I'm wondering if anyone else has been having the same problem, or is it my laptop? Have you experienced any other issues of this kind? (I need my yubotu fix!!!) |
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Ambiguously defined hanidoku (by Lucanus - 30 Jul 12, 13:15) |
the todays medium hanidoku (Number 29227485 (M)) has not only one, but five possible solutions! (And I thought theres always an unique solution :-( - what a pity) Its not possible to upload the screanshot, so I describe the alternatives. If you try not to put the 3 in the center, but 2 fields right of the center, you come to a star of 1/9-fields in the center and a hexagon of 3/6 fields (one in the most upper-right corner, the second in the second field of the 1st line and the others accordingly in the 4th and 7th line. So you 2x2 additional solutions by chosing th positions of th 1/9 and 3/6. |
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SUPER Frustrated!! (by EBChurchlady - 30 Jul 12, 22:32) |
I love tyhis game but not if I have to fight the stupid icons. This makes 4-5 days in a row that they aren't working right! BYE |
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after a winner has been declared... (by letsplay - 03 Aug 12, 17:11) |
I think that players should be able to finish their games after a winner has been declared...what do you think? |
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newbie (by tribble - 04 Aug 12, 10:52) |
I just started playing and don't quite understand what to do! Is every daily challenge solvable? I just played it and couldn't find any more matches so I hit the quit button, I don't think that is what I was supposed to do ;-) |
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Points Challenge (by FatFingers - 06 Aug 12, 17:42) |
Would be nice if after having finished a game, when the leader board is updated every 30 seconds, the completed game scores are collected so that they are not lost in the event that we get kicked out by the dreaded "update: come back in 10 minutes" message. So collect scores as they are ready instead of collecting all at the end. Or, boot us out between games? |
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Killer Sudoku (by kmaloney59 - 07 Aug 12, 14:36) |
Killer Sudoku is the best. Maybe you can work it into your format. The other Sudokus are a yawn. Killer Sudoku is kind of like Kakuro Sudoku and is fun to figure out. I don't even bother with regular Sudoku anymore. Food for thought. |
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Upgrade to Points Challenge???? (by nonblue59 - 10 Aug 12, 16:59) |
I am kicked out of points challenge at least once a day for the "10 minute software upgrade". Is this legitimate? |
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'Play with others' - record (by pilotx - 10 Aug 12, 17:06) |
The record is actually 325 (10 aug 2012) |
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Room Closed (by hipville - 10 Aug 12, 18:48) |
I was kicked out three times in the last hour. Also my score disappears and reappears the leader board. |
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The Olympics (by BlueWombat - 11 Aug 12, 10:37) |
So why isn't WordFerret an Olympic sport? Over here in England, the Olympics is taking over the place - the TV, the papers, all the talk in the office, and we're even talking to complete strangers on the train in and out of London about what events they've been to. Also, I think there should be synchronised running, the assisted high jump, running backwards. Anyone think of some other games as well? |
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I get NO puzzle. What up? (by Scogut3475 - 13 Aug 12, 14:13) |
I get NO puzzle. What up? |
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no x (by torchic1223 - 14 Aug 12, 10:43) |
why is there no x's? |
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jigsaws (by shirlgran33 - 18 Aug 12, 11:21) |
I postively hate the new format. can not size to fit screen!!!! hate it.. |
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points challenge room closed (by supermac - 20 Aug 12, 9:16) |
For DKM info room closed unable to connect to server message today 20/08/2012 at 14.10 gmt |
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STATISTICS (by Janneman - 21 Aug 12, 6:03) |
I'm new here and can't figure out how to score points. I got 110 one day but don't now where it came from and what happened to it the next day. Thanks. Enjoy this very much!!! |
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hit count (by redcrow - 21 Aug 12, 17:20) |
I wonder if you could add a hit count column to the Acrostics puzzle selection display. |
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HyperSudoku (by Pepe76 - 23 Aug 12, 8:48) |
Last time my printer does not print the coloured background of the four inner fields. Using another PC and even another printer showed the same result. What happend? |
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New feature (by florence17 - 27 Aug 12, 6:53) |
Would it be possible to download an exe. file which would be resident on my computer ans allow me to make any of my photos into a jigsaw. I travel a lot and do not always have easy access to the internet - but I love doing my daily puzzles! |
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dajana (by DajanaBL - 27 Aug 12, 7:19) |
I don't see resultats and i dont play game because no numbers why is it?? This is in sudoku points ! Please tell me a problem :( |
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Points challenge down (by supermac - 27 Aug 12, 7:26) |
Hello DKM just to let u know the points challenge is down again today @ 12.10 pm gmt. I will give an update if i see it back again.It showed a full screen of nos. when it started a new game and if you log out log in again it shows an empty grid. |
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Server error (by glj - 27 Aug 12, 14:09) |
What's up with the jigsaw app? All I get is server error |
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donf2528 (by donf2528 - 27 Aug 12, 14:59) |
down at 2:57 PM EDT. No numbers. |
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Scores disappear from final scores (by wordsmith - 28 Aug 12, 13:27) |
Just wondering why sometimes a player's score will show up after maybe 270 seconds, but then will disappear from the final scores for that round. I've noticed it quite a few times, my own score and others' too. |
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RedCrow Puzzles (by Sasha - 29 Aug 12, 17:13) |
I mean no disrespect, but I shall not play any more of your puzzles. Your clues are often times not solvable because they only apply to how YOU think. An example.. "Playboy bunny" = "toy". How? I think you believe that making things ambiguous is a good way to make a 5 star puzzle. I have done many 5 star puzzles in which the words and clues were difficult, but still very accurate.. which made them enjoyable to attempt. With your puzzles I oftentimes figure out the answer after the fact (working backwards).. and end up thinking "that makes no sense". I dont mind challenging, but it has to at least make sense when it is done. I write this letter because I doubt I am the only one who feels this way, so if you enjoy making puzzles you might want to take that into account. Good luck. |
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Spongy cursor (by hnderson - 01 Sep 12, 17:45) |
In the last week, everytime I open a new puzzle, the cursor becomes "spongy". What I mean is that the cursor keeps going slightly after I stop the mouse and has a slight pause when I move the mouse. This makes the puzzle more challenging because I have to anticipate where to stop the cursor. There is no other site I go to that has this proboem with the cursor. Any ideas? H |
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6K Scored but not Recorded (by FatFingers - 04 Sep 12, 6:57) |
First, let me say that I am not a first hand source on this matter. However, I have heard from more than one player in the Green room's chat, that lpStoyanov scored a 6K+ score (!) about 2-4 days ago, and that the score never appeared in the top 30!! Is this fallout from the Edgar-the-cheat/hack episode, whereby scores that look impossible are thrown out? Regardless, this needs checking because 6Ks are like hens teeth. Terribly disappointing for the player to *not* have it recorded. Terribly disappointing for the rest of us not to see evidence of this superhuman feat! |
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Quizlets (by phoenix - 04 Sep 12, 19:16) |
Hello DkM. I'd like to try quizlets -- both answering a quizlet and making up news ones. Sounds like fun. But it doesn't seem to be working. I enter answers and nothing happens. There's no "submit" key. "enter" doesn't do anything. And the link to statistics doesn't work. (Also, the Forum tab is partly over the enter answer box.) I'll continue checking back to see if it starts working in the future. Hope so. Thanks. |
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No Picture Thumbnail (by GlassSpider - 05 Sep 12, 12:11) |
What is going on with some of the puzzles that there is no thumbnail. If you click on it anyway it goes nowhere, but if you hit "MORE" the puzzle comes up. Why are the thumbnails wonky on some pictures? |
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erasing letters in play box (by sparkle96204 - 05 Sep 12, 20:56) |
when i type three letters and press enter, the red line gets erased, but the letters stay in the box and mess up the next entry. i erase them and continue. just letting you know that happens. great game. thanks for your hard work. sincerely, sparkle96204 in montana, usa |
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Create Quizlets (by DrumGuy74 - 06 Sep 12, 17:32) |
When I try to create a new quizlet, I click on "create New" and it brings up the Terms and Conditions box. I click the box to accept the terms, but there is no other button to continue. It I click "Create New" again, it takes the check out of the accept box. I am using Chrome. |
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New feature option (by CUPID - 08 Sep 12, 15:43) |
Does anyone else think that a "save puzzle" option is a good idea. I sometimes find that I haven't the time to finish a puzzle, which can be so frustrating, but even worse, is having to start again from the beginning. Great site anyway....... |
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Yukon gone wrong (by keiler - 08 Sep 12, 17:38) |
I've been playing this game for several days and have found that there are glitches. The cards don't deal properly. |
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New feature option (by keiler - 08 Sep 12, 17:41) |
I agree. |
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Trailing spaces in Quizlet answers (by btobw - 08 Sep 12, 21:17) |
In the new 'Comes in threes' quiz, a couple of the answers have trailing spaces. I typed in 'myrrh' multiple times without it being accepted. The quiz was over by the time I realised I needed to add a trailing space :) Would it be possible to strip leading and trailing spaces from answers when a quiz is submitted? |
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Unicode Chat Support (by Mute - 09 Sep 12, 4:57) |
Nice if support unicode strings for chat. |
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Points Challenge blank grids (by supermac - 09 Sep 12, 5:08) |
About 10.05 am GMT both rooms are giving blank grids for dkm info. |
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Speed up you Sudoku (Points challenge) (by oops2 - 10 Sep 12, 14:57) |
Speed up your Sudoku Every once in a while there is someone in the chat asking how to improve his or her performance ins sudoku points challenge. Obviously this is not a question you can easily answer in the chat. So I thought a forum thread about the subject might be nice. I know there are people around who achieve fabulous scores, high 5ks and even 6ks. My personal best was around 5.5k so far. So I?m curious to see if other players will share their own experiences. Everyone is very welcome to do so! First of all, this is not about solving strategies. There are numerous ways in the web to learn about strategies. So maybe you should look for that first. But if you play the green room f.e. you may not need strategies too much, the puzzles usually are quite easy. So here are some of the experiences I made: Practise. Always a good advice. Try again and again, you?ll eventually get better. And there are always days when things don?t seem to work at all. Try again the next day! Play in a separate window. I have quite a big screen and I find it easier to have the separate window and scale it down to a size that makes it possible to see the whole grid without moving my head. Plus I have a shorter way to the next cell I want to fill. (Btw. I use the pen, I know others use the numpad, don?t know how they do it, but maybe it?s different then.) Be concentrated but don?t try to push too hard. I had may best results when I reached some kind of ?flow?. It?s a feeling as if the numbers came to your mind automatically. That?s the most fun when playing sudoku (for me). Start with the obvious numbers. Remember the first minute counts most. So don?t try to ?solve? a tricky cell. Go for the obvious ones and collect your points. The other ones will be filled afterwards. Avoid changing numbers. When you have filled one cell try to fill in the same number in as many cells as possible then. Changing numbers will always cost you time (and points). Look for the next cell. When you fill one cell use the time to look for the next one to be filled. Avoid mistakes. Especially in the first seconds. Mistakes then are really expensive. Ok then, this was my contribution, hope it helps. Cheers oops2 |
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Key Press Bug (by FatFingers - 11 Sep 12, 2:45) |
Please fix the bug where if you hold a key down for too long, it registers multiple times! A single key press is a key-down event followed by a key-up event. Not a key-down and after some fraction of a second going into repeat mode. |
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Clean up the forum (by Bobo7777 - 13 Sep 12, 9:25) |
Probably not high on the priority list at DKM, but... 1) If a response is made to an existing post it should be moved to the top of the forum board OR have a red flag next to it. This encourages use of the forum boards as opposed to burying them. 2) Clean up the clutter. If there are 5 posts all saying the same thing, put them in one post (we dont need to have 4 separate posts that say "DKM is down". Thanks. |
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several shutdowns every day (by oops2 - 19 Sep 12, 5:39) |
Yesterday I had 5 shutdowns, today 2 already |
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Unable to Connect to Server (by christine - 19 Sep 12, 10:22) |
I have been unable to connect to server for points sudoku all day it is now 15.20 GMT and still cannot get on. All other sudoku games are available. |
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Cannot play today? (by - 19 Sep 12, 11:01) |
No "playing with others" today????!!! What's up? |
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not working (by grizzly1 - 19 Sep 12, 11:32) |
why not working today |
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from bj (by bjweschler - 19 Sep 12, 12:10) |
Ditto here - this is getting serious! Need my fix. Have a rare day off & have to get things done with no play as reward. It's cold out besides. Oh woe. Seriously, they should either bump high scorers into the gold room, or have another (yellow?)room for us slowpokes. Anyone else feel this way (high scorers excluded)? |
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Pure logic alone. (by TSCash - 19 Sep 12, 14:05) |
About half of the Word Sudoku puzzles (for example: W091913773) end up making you guess toward the end. On that particular one, there were three 4-letter down options left, and a three column x four row block at the bottom right hand corner. All three options would have been logical entries for any of those columns, so I ask you - how is a person supposed to solve that without guessing? |
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HELLO DKM (by supermac - 19 Sep 12, 15:36) |
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Sudoku Points site down today?? (by beachwoodoh - 19 Sep 12, 17:12) |
There's no "join" link on the page. Grrrr..... |
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play with others not working (by easternvideo - 19 Sep 12, 18:14) |
Both Word Ruffle and Shisen will allow you to play the daily challenge but you can't get on the server to play with others. |
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gold rooom (by MeredithM - 19 Sep 12, 18:25) |
Suggestion - give green room 5 minutes (easier games) and gold room 6 minutes. That gives good players higher scores in gold than they currently get. Most of us are playing in the green room because there aren't many players in the gold room any more, due to scoring inequities. |
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unable to connect to server (by MeredithM - 19 Sep 12, 18:26) |
i'm having the same problem |
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Please dkm!!!! (by SHANTI - 20 Sep 12, 2:15) |
Please dkm, Do something to fix the problem to shisen multiuser, there are too many people in despair here, clicking every two minutes to see if they can play with others... and please if you can tell as when it is going to be fixed... Thank you in advance :))) |
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No server for 12+hours (by Ginaki - 20 Sep 12, 3:09) |
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server still down (by sargonsk - 20 Sep 12, 3:38) |
AS now 7:37 GMT server is still down |
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Hello DKM from goodgirl 20/9/12 (by goodgirl - 20 Sep 12, 5:51) |
Your message to supermac said that you were on vacation. You have read supermac's message and several others regarding the no show of sudoku points challenge. Surely you are not the only one to upgrade the grids, or if so, do we have to wait until your vacation is over? Would you be so kind as to tell the forum when that might be and a possible date for the return of points challenge. Otherwise I'm going to have to write a new number about; "I'm gonna drink myself to hell, 'cause I've got the no-show Points Challenge Blues". Thank you for listening. |
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wordruffle still down (by grizzly1 - 20 Sep 12, 6:22) |
yes, its still down in orlando fl. |
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hello DKM (by christine - 20 Sep 12, 8:38) |
Thanks for the reply and hope you are enjoying your holiday I am still having the problem but will spend my time setting up a self help group for all of us addicts I am thinking of calling it SADA Sudoku Addicts Anonymous maybe some of my other friends from the game may like to think of a name for the group and how we might conduct ourselves? |
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DKM sentimental reply 20/9/12 (by goodgirl - 20 Sep 12, 10:43) |
Sorry DKM, but I expected a more informative reply from you. Will we have to wait for you to come back off your vacation, or is someone else seeing to the upgrading of the grids. I wish I could draw: just picture yourself with an abundance of instruments musical or non musical like compasses, pens drawing board, drums and trumpets etc., all attached to your goodself. Because this is what I am picturing about dkm Games - a one man band. Please tell me this isn't true! If it is, you may even have rewarded yourself with a 6 week vacation. If that is so, there are going to be a lot of people world wide going nuts 'cause they can't get there fix. Thanks for listening to my ranting :0) |
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What's going on (by Footsie - 20 Sep 12, 12:09) |
Play with others day two not working |
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aaarghhh! (by yogaqueen - 20 Sep 12, 13:33) |
Haven't been able to play in days! :( |
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Patience (by wordsmith - 20 Sep 12, 13:41) |
Oh, rofewlfudr, we miss you so! I groan (organ/argon) that you came (acme/mace), then dashed/shaded away. This game allures/laurels me so - did we have a spat (pats/past/taps) ? I'm not blaming (ambling/lambing) but it's a pisser (spires/prises)! Guess I'll go to the cinema (anemic/iceman)... |
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Server Down (by mindy - 20 Sep 12, 16:12) |
I've read through all the posts about the server being down for the last 2 days. But I didn't see if DKM said how long he/she will be on vacation. Does anyone know? |
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Hello again DKM (by MeredithM - 20 Sep 12, 16:28) |
How long will you be on vacation? A lot of us are going a little nuts out here without our daily fix! Thanks |
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Multiuser server down (by dkmGames - 20 Sep 12, 16:45) |
I apologise that the multiuser server has been down for so long. The hosting company that runs my multiuser server (different from main.dkmsoftware site) messed up things and still have not righted it. Also the matter is compounded by the fact that I am on vacation and don't have access to a proper PC, only my iPad, so I cant remote connect to my server. I will do my best to try get it up in next 24 hours. |
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Multiuser server down (by dkmGames - 20 Sep 12, 16:46) |
I apologise that the multiuser server has been down for so long. The hosting company that runs my multiuser server (different from main.dkmsoftware site) messed up things and still have not righted it. Also the matter is compounded by the fact that I am on vacation and don't have access to a proper PC, only my iPad, so I cant remote connect to my server. I will do my best to try get it up in next 24 hours. |
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Multiuser server down (by dkmGames - 20 Sep 12, 16:47) |
I apologise that the multiuser server has been down for so long. The hosting company that runs my multiuser server (different from main.dkmsoftware site) messed up things and still have not righted it. Also the matter is compounded by the fact that I am on vacation and don't have access to a proper PC, only my iPad, so I cant remote connect to my server. I will do my best to try get it up in next 24 hours. |
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shisen (by keithste - 20 Sep 12, 19:42) |
Get this fixed please I am having withdrawal |
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westt (by westt - 20 Sep 12, 19:45) |
Server down again! |
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Help for server down (by cgbikes - 20 Sep 12, 21:40) |
I actually got out of my chair and walked outside. There was a large, yellow ball way high above my head. It was pleasantly warm yet when I looked at it, my eyes hurt. There were other people that looked sort of like me and they talked. They said things with their voices like, "Good morning!" and "How ya doin'" instead of using the chat box. At first I was confused but then discovered I too had a voice instead of a chat box. So I said, "Hello to you!" and even "Great game!" They seemed confused by that last one. Anyway, I'm now going outside every day now as a replacement for Sodoku Points. What are your doing? |
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Green room bias (by supermac - 21 Sep 12, 1:14) |
Having looked closely at the maths and made a few reasonable assumptions. 1.Good player will finish the gold room grid in 3 minutes. 2.Taking a48 blank grid they will average 4 cells every 15 second section. 3.The base score would be 3480 + 500 bonus + 240 for time = 4220 4.Same player will probably finish average green room grid 40 seconds faster (debatable) 5.The base score would be 3850 + 500 bonus + 440 for time = 4790 Giving some room for error and rounding it seems to me that a gold room extra completion bonus of 500 points would remove the bias. |
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shisen group page on facebook (by SHANTI - 21 Sep 12, 3:26) |
there is a group page on facebook for shisen players. If you like to join look for SHISEN GROUP (capitals) and make an add request. See you there, Shanti |
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DOWN TIME!!!! (by Mommy - 21 Sep 12, 3:43) |
Help. I am sick of not able to connect to the server. This pisses me off!!!!!!!!! |
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No need to apologise christine 21/9/12 (by - 21 Sep 12, 10:14) |
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No need to apologise christine 21/9/12 (by goodgirl - 21 Sep 12, 10:20) |
Christine, is was my fault because I did not check out who wrote the reply, no need for you to apologise. Hope you are keeping okay and catching up with normal life as opposed to points challenge fictional life. Ha ha! Even when we are not involved with points challenge, we are involved. Strange that - it's become a way of life. Blimey, sad gits aren't we??? :0))) |
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I miss the chat (by bokkasoduko - 21 Sep 12, 14:35) |
Do we have to read every post and replies to see what is happening. Somewhere we will miss out. |
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dkm (by rovid - 21 Sep 12, 15:32) |
Wouldn't be the time for DKM to explain us what happened and when the server is going to work?Just asking... |
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Amateur night on the internet (by NMRay - 21 Sep 12, 16:43) |
It seems like a good number of us were taken in by the allure of sudoku competition, rankings, chats, etc., only to find that we have entrusted our time and loyalty to a single amateur who is unable to do anything to fix the site he has created while he is on vacation. At least he's not charging us money to play, or to wait to play again. |
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Staying Strong (by Lou50 - 21 Sep 12, 20:54) |
You are stronger than any situation. You are stronger than any doubt. You are stronger than everyone else thinks you are, stronger than you were yesterday. You can do whatever it is you want, whatever you decide you are going to do. That is, everything, but to play Shisen as a group! |
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Green Room Up and Running !!!! (by FatFingers - 21 Sep 12, 21:48) |
More RUM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! |
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Multiuser back in action! (by dkmGames - 21 Sep 12, 21:52) |
Multi-user server finally back up and running. I apologise again for the long delay. The hosting company blamed a third-party product which is part of the package but whatever, it is resolved for now and I can get back to my vacation. Thanks for your patience and nice comments. I'm not sure I am happy that I have contributed to so much addiction -:) |
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Multiuser back up and running (by dkmGames - 21 Sep 12, 21:53) |
Multi-user server finally back up and running. I apologise again for the long delay. The hosting company blamed a third-party product which is part of the package but whatever, it is resolved for now and I can get back to my vacation. Thanks for your patience and nice comments. I'm not sure I am happy that I have contributed to so much addiction -:) |
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Multiuser back up and running (by dkmGames - 21 Sep 12, 21:54) |
Multi-user server finally back up and running. I apologise again for the long delay. The hosting company blamed a third-party product which is part of the package but whatever, it is resolved for now and I can get back to my vacation. Thanks for your patience and nice comments. I'm not sure I am happy that I have contributed to so much addiction -:) |
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Challenge (by Bobo7777 - 23 Sep 12, 17:41) |
Not sure if Hitori is popular enough to merit a daily challenge, but I would love to see it. Thanks. |
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Hope your vacation was excellent. Next time turn your phone off (by - 23 Sep 12, 21:44) |
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Bug (by FatFingers - 24 Sep 12, 23:21) |
Any hope of getting this one fixed? Mouse click an empty square. Square is now high-lighted. Quickly mouse click another empty square, followed by very quickly (fraction of a second) pressing a number for the new square. The game *subtracts* points from the old square, cause it was the wrong number for that square, but the new square was *clearly* highlighted! And I pressed the number after mouse clicking the square. (The computer is not keeping up with the super slow human.) Press the *same* number again, and it credits me for putting the correct number in the new square. This highly reproducible bug forces me to slow down. Is it possible for you to fix or is this 3rd party software? If 3rd party, who do I gripe to? |
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Mcogswell2 puzzles (by Bobo7777 - 25 Sep 12, 10:06) |
I really like your puzzles, and appreciate your efforts. Just wanted to let you know however, that quite a few of your puzzles have spelling mistakes, which makes it difficult to solve. Not sure if you can edit them, but your latest one you finish the quote with the word "premanent" when it should be "permanent". Thanks again for your puzzles. |
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Latest Scores (by BirdDog - 26 Sep 12, 21:49) |
The latest scores on word ferret are really impressive. I think there are by far more great players competing than ever. Everyone seems to be at their best. Thanks for the fun. |
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new problems :)))) (by SHANTI - 27 Sep 12, 2:22) |
players that have logged out, cannot log back in again... not even create a new account... I am sorry to trouble your vacations dkm, you ve been very kind with all of us addicted people - but i thought is good for you to know what 's going on... |
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server down again (by grizzly1 - 27 Sep 12, 10:13) |
server down again |
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wordruffle server down (by grizzly1 - 27 Sep 12, 10:14) |
wordruffle server down |
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now its up (by grizzly1 - 27 Sep 12, 10:15) |
now its up |
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Proposal: change background colour (by oops2 - 27 Sep 12, 13:20) |
Playing sudoku challenge the cells are getting highlighted in a light red. I think it is a bit confusing because I sometimes think it is a red number (= mistake. Maybe a different colour for highlighting would be better? |
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room closed (by ChilliPepper - 27 Sep 12, 19:08) |
why does the room close from time to time? it's a bit frustrating but may be less so if reason known! |
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thanks & brief chat room (by nyctaxi - 28 Sep 12, 1:52) |
just looking over the previous posts...I would still enjoy a brief chat area between games. Someone mentioned that just indicating country/state of origin would be interesting. (june 2012?) While the site was down...I discovered that Moyez is in Scotland, Neudog is in Texas and Grizzly is in Florida. Just fun! Thanks again dkm for keeping us up & running.!! Cheers from Washington. nyctaxi. |
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Redcrow returns (by redcrow - 29 Sep 12, 21:06) |
I am delighted to be back. Geneva was beautiful. Moscow less so. Sasha, if you read this, I would appreciate your feedback on any puzzles I submit, including the ones I published last night. I have come to value your opinion. Man, it's good yo be back home. |
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Random Letters?? (by bonsmom - 30 Sep 12, 13:32) |
I think the game would be more playable with either a totally random distribution of letters, or a random distribution of letters based on their frequency in average usage. After much playing, it def seems the "randomness" is skewed toward Q's, Z's, K's etc. -- resulting in an unplayable board. Maybe it's just me? |
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Dang it, SHUBUDDAH!! (by Sierraslim - 30 Sep 12, 14:48) |
Hi! Every time I see your name, I think, "Dang it, I'm not gonna win any of these," lol. How do you GET all those long words??? Kudos! Sierraslim (I'm new to the game, but I'm learning!) :-D |
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Can't Create Quizlet (by phoenix - 30 Sep 12, 17:16) |
Hi DK. I was going to create a quizlet, but the "Create" button doesn't respond. I'm on internet explorer 7 if that makes a difference. Thanks. |
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getting booted (by tbwall - 01 Oct 12, 14:22) |
What I would like to know is why do I keep getting "closed out"? Others are not, as I see by the scores. I am challenged enough without having to start all over. |
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Apology on Score (by Sasha - 03 Oct 12, 8:19) |
Im a new Sudoku player, and the best i can crack on the easy challenge is maybe 2500. I am always shocked when i see scores of 7k +, so did an experiment to see if it was possible or cheating. My uncle also plays on this site so solved the Sudoko on his account, and then entered the number as fast as possible on my account (which took about a minute). My score was 8300, which is a number i have never seen before, so the other players seem legit :). Although it boggles my mind how to get 7k+ as that would have to be sub 2 minutes. Regardless, I never use my uncles account to better my scores in any of the games, but just wanted to test it today this one time. I apologize if i have offended anyone, and DKM if possible you can erase my high score as it is obviously not earned. Thank you. |
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Sad news of RP Culver (by goodgirl - 03 Oct 12, 9:46) |
Richard, the twin brother of Robert [above] informed us last week that Robert had passed on aged 71 years. I wish to formerly pass-on my condolences to both Richard and Robert's family. |
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Sudoku Points Gold Room bonus change (by dkmGames - 04 Oct 12, 3:22) |
As suggested by supermac in a previous post, the bonus in the Gold room has been doubled. Completion earns 1000 points plus 4 points per second left. It is hoped that this will attract the stronger players back to the Gold room where they belong. |
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my new scoring system isnt working yet! (by nacim - 06 Oct 12, 7:51) |
hi i am nacim, i have been off for a few days and just came back to find 6k's all over the leaderborad!! and it is only now that i realized a new scoring system is on. however, i have a problem that the new system is still not implemented on my account, i am still getting a bonus of only 500 points, and i feel more like racing cars with a mule!! so please if you can give me hand in this :) thanks priorly |
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Plymouth misspelled in quizlet no longer driving around (by sbw43 - 06 Oct 12, 20:46) |
Should be plymouth not plymuth |
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It's happening again (by tbwall - 08 Oct 12, 13:54) |
Cannot connect, and getting booted SO OFTEN. I mean....I could never be as fast as pilot, but I just keep having to rejoin @ ~ 3- 4 minutes... |
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Way to go workerbee (by Dirt - 08 Oct 12, 18:26) |
I'm having a heck of a time negotiating this forum, but that would be my problem. Workerbee, that 347 is one of the biggest scores I've seen on here. Neaarly 50% of 680 possible is truly remarkable.....Kudos |
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Clicking too many times! (by brainstirrer - 09 Oct 12, 11:59) |
I seem to have a problem, whichever computer or mouse I use, that when I click on two tiles they sometimes highlight in red as usual but don't disappear. If I click on the first tile again - they then disappear! So that's three clicks to make two tiles disappear! It's slow! Does anyone else have this problem? It doesn't happen all the time but enough to be annoying! (5 to 10 times per game!)Is there anything I can do to prevent it happening? Thanks |
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Points Challenge (by mindy - 10 Oct 12, 20:05) |
The last three day I've gotten booted out at least three times each day. I just got booted out of two games in a row. Anyone else getting booted out more than usual lately? |
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Bored and Booted 11.10.12 (by goodgirl - 11 Oct 12, 18:25) |
Can DKM tell me why I have been booted off nearly every game that I've played after pm on this day. I know when it is going to happen because I can't reply in chat. Then low and behold the message comes up; "THE ROOM IS CLOSED". |
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Bored and booted from 11th October (by goodgirl - 12 Oct 12, 15:28) |
Dear DKM please don't close down the multi user games just because I keep getting booted. I was not complaining just merely asking. It would be most unfair to the other players who aren't getting booted frequently. I would rather not play for myself than spoil it for everyone else. I, like all the other players think this is the best thing since sliced bread and would feel terribly guilty and responsible if you were to close it down :( |
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Cheaters (by Dickkatz - 12 Oct 12, 15:33) |
Awhile ago, there were posts about cheaters. Certain people always scored high every time. Even when I made no mistakes, they beat me by quite a bit. It became apparent that something was up and some speculated that these people were cheating. I can now confirm that they were. It is very easy to do. Just call up two windows with the same game and split the screen. Use one to "guess" and the other to put in the correct answer. When I did that I was able to keep up with the cheaters. But I don't want to win by cheating. Where is the pleasure in that? So, now I play by the rules and ignore the people who are obviously cheating to see how I've done. I could name names but it is obvious who the names are. |
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Lobby? (by Kydoku - 13 Oct 12, 14:20) |
Hi Derek. I have a suggestion, if there is any time for tweaks. When playing the Points Challenge, and deciding which room to join, would it be possible to list the players in the room, on the main screen before entering? And/or, the number of seconds remaining in current game, or before start of next game. Those two things might influence which room I'm going to join, as I sometimes go as much for the chat, as I do for the play. Also sometimes I may be popping in for just a game or two, and the room with a game about to start would be the one I'd pick. Just a thought - if it's a lot of trouble, I understand, but if not, I think it would be a nice enhancement. Thanks! |
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quizlets (by phoenix - 13 Oct 12, 18:43) |
Sorry quizlets is going to be removed. If it were continued, creators should put in alternate spellings, abbreviations, shortened names. For example, I entered Exxon but it didn't register because the company was exxon mobile. This is one of many many examples. Very furstrating. But thanks for trying out a new game, DK. |
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New player (by sooner - 15 Oct 12, 21:56) |
Hi I'm Sooner and somewhat new to the game. I used to play as a guest and was so happy the first time I beat Birddog that I decided to finally join. I'm from Massachusetts and delighted to play against all of you! By the way, does anybody else get cramping in their fingers?! |
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Sudoku Multi (by Bobo7777 - 16 Oct 12, 9:32) |
Any possibility of having two rooms for this game to separate the great from the average? I can normally solve the puzzles in "Sudoku Multi" anywhere from 6 minutes to 12 minutes depending on difficulty. But far too often players are able to solve them in sub 4 minutes. While I applaud this effort, would love to be able to compete against players of my skill level. Thanks. |
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Suggestion to Developer (by applauseav - 16 Oct 12, 13:41) |
My wife and I love Acrostics. We'd like to see some means of keeping track of puzzles we've already solved. Thank you Applauseav |
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brief chat area again? (by nyctaxi - 18 Oct 12, 4:07) |
Good rounds Chilipepper! Thanks. |
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Rank Index (by Nevermore - 21 Oct 12, 3:57) |
Once upon a time I saw a chart or list that equated average Rank Index number with age but I have never found it again. Has it been pulled? If not, could you kindly advise where I can find it? I am curious is all! |
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Noticed that DKM actually seems to read these posts (by Nevermore - 21 Oct 12, 4:08) |
So taking a minute to say you are an amazing person. A little while ago, I had a few problems getting into the site (and I still have a September 9 game archived in the archived game, lol) and tried to go elsewhere to get my fix and was COMPLETELY reminded of why this is the best site period. Did not like anywhere else at all and did not like anything I could download. I do a couple of hard games and a tough game everyday and feel "funny" if I don't. I love this site and I repeat, you are an amazing person. I totally ignore everyone getting their shorts in a knot about cheaters etcetera. For me, it is a golf experience. I do it for me and don't much care what anyone else's score card says or how many times they moved the ball. A huge thank you for this site. |
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sudoku points not working (by trumpai - 21 Oct 12, 7:36) |
empty grids now |
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empty grids this morning... (by beachwoodoh - 21 Oct 12, 11:30) |
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Sudoku Challenge (by supermac - 23 Oct 12, 3:20) |
Blank grids again at 8.18 am GMT |
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how (by torchic1223 - 24 Oct 12, 12:26) |
how do u do the same game? |
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Invisible (by hokus - 27 Oct 12, 14:47) |
Hi, since 2 days I am invisible on the scoreboard. Can chat and play but furthermore invisible. Anyone else the same problem? |
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Room Closed Bug (by FatFingers - 28 Oct 12, 4:31) |
Got booted. The usual room closed message. Scored my highest ... ever... Steaming. |
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help (by marekkgb - 28 Oct 12, 19:30) |
Hello I'm Polish, I need someone to help show me the next move. Thank you My mail 200004013000050207000302906782469001000000604060100708043500002820000475500248009 |
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empty grids again (by trumpai - 29 Oct 12, 5:08) |
just notifying |
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Empty grids (by jaclou - 29 Oct 12, 9:20) |
All day today |
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Help (by shilpi - 29 Oct 12, 10:41) |
I can't see numbers. Numbers have gone disappear.I can't chat also...pls help. |
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Empty Greed (by andre - 29 Oct 12, 11:02) |
Not only do I have to be concerned with Sandy here in Philly, now the multi doesn't work. WTF? Is the world coming to an end? |
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sudoku grids (by davek - 29 Oct 12, 11:54) |
It broken :( |
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Sandy.... (by NIKHIL - 29 Oct 12, 15:04) |
s it coz of SANDY |
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Can't play Challenge today-- grrrr... (by beachwoodoh - 30 Oct 12, 12:18) |
The cursor won't let me select anything. |
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Eagle Eye Puzzle 4E94-6830 (by Sebas - 01 Nov 12, 7:07) |
Seems to be an error: this is Dubai instead Abu Dhabi Are diferents Emirates. |
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DKM Hacked? (by Dune57 - 02 Nov 12, 9:34) |
My anti virus program gives a warning when i open the jigsaw mainpage. They suggest that DKM may have been hacked. The malevolent site should be: m_dot_addthisedge_dot_com The problem does not occur when i visit other sites, so i think my anti virus program may be right in thinking that you have a problem. You may want to look into this |
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Empty grid (by oops2 - 05 Nov 12, 4:09) |
here. Nov 5th |
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empty grid (by ABOMAN - 05 Nov 12, 5:17) |
empty grid? |
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empty grid (by christine - 05 Nov 12, 8:43) |
me too |
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Empty Grid (by sargonsk - 05 Nov 12, 12:48) |
Tough time for the addicted ... |
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Empty grids problem (by dkmGames - 06 Nov 12, 1:48) |
I have made a change that hopefully will remove the intermittent problem of empty grids. Please let me know if it still occurs. The problem of the room closing on some users still needs to be resolved. |
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Daily Challenge picture (by ken07 - 07 Nov 12, 8:15) |
I am just wondering why the daily puzzles are recycled? I have done several that I have also done ~ 1 year ago. |
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Empty grids problem (by chumper - 10 Nov 12, 17:23) |
Still getting empty grids. Been going on for a week or more. |
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No cards (by chumper - 10 Nov 12, 17:26) |
No cards in any of the games. Is that a new way to win every game? |
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No puzzle. (by chumper - 10 Nov 12, 17:28) |
No puzzle shows after clicking on Solve This Puzzle. |
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scoring (by Rickymcg - 11 Nov 12, 8:00) |
would it be possible to show completion times in daily challenge along with rating. What the time difference in my crumby efforts and those elite crowd? Thnks |
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support for Windows Phone 920 (by keithcrozier - 11 Nov 12, 11:36) |
Please support! |
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Room Closed (by ABOMAN - 12 Nov 12, 4:22) |
I keep getting room closed. Is there anything I can do? |
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Room Categories for Sudoku Multi (by starryshadow - 15 Nov 12, 4:07) |
I replied to another topic on this but it was an older thread, so I wasn't sure if it would be noticed, and I'm posting my suggestion here as well. I've been thinking separate rooms would be nice, as well. Before I found online Sudoku here, I thought I was super fast with great tricks and strategies, but I'm not as good as I thought (an aside: I would imagine Sudoku worldwide prize competitions and winning them... ha! you?). I've found I'm maybe a little above average in skill compared to other players on this site. When I play Sudoku Multi, I am either playing against people who can finish in less than half the time I can (creating the feeling of not wanting to bother since I know I will not have a chance to win) OR I am playing against someone slower than me. In this instance, I am winning by a mile, and ALL THE SUDDEN, the person leaves the room, leaving me all alone with no competitors to make it fun.Boo! It's rare that the game ends in a close call, but that is when it is the most fun. So what to do? A)Set up two or three separate rooms for Beginners, Intermediate, and Advanced. Each category can have more rooms open up under it if the first room gets full. B) Or, set it up so the first person to open the room has to "name" it or select an option that will classify the skill level desired in that room. What fun is it for Super Sudoku Pro's to come into Sudoku multi and find no one is good enough to give them the thrill of competition (other than affirming your Sudoku super powers, of course)? What fun is it to find you are getting better and faster by playing Sudoku Points and Sudoku Classic only to come back to Sudoku Multi to find that chances are still good the room will have a maniacally fast player and you still have no chance to win? So, yes, please... separate rooms by skill level or at least the ability to enter a room description, such as "Newbies only please" or "Warning, don't enter unless you have something in common with Sonic the Hedgehog, Speedracer, and Wile E. Coyote's greatest foe." Thanks for listening and considering! |
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Empty Grid AGAIN!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (by andre - 15 Nov 12, 9:38) |
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Error Message (by jeank75 - 15 Nov 12, 11:39) |
Got this error today 11/15/12.. The handle is invalid. (Exception from HRESULT: 0x80070006 (E_HANDLE)) |
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Cheers fellow wordies! (by nyctaxi - 15 Nov 12, 18:58) |
I'm bouncing between the last three previous posts. I shall just start a new one with which to respond. Yes, I am an art teacher. Most are grad students, which allows me time to indulge in what dkm has to offer. I too, Chillipepper, have wondered how other players can spend so much time on word games! Not us though! Five minute rounds are perfect. As to my handle, my son was a New York cab driver a few years ago. Actually, my "neck of the woods" are in Washington state, not DC. Two of my red cross friends were deployed to NYC after the storms & are still there. Thanks for asking. Through the recent forums, I know the location of nine players. I would love to know more of the geographic locations of players. Win, lose or!!! Cheers, Nyctaxi. |
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Server Down (by mindy - 15 Nov 12, 19:32) |
Server is down for Points Challenge :-( |
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Points Challenge (by GutZ - 16 Nov 12, 21:20) |
The scores I see are truly amazing! Some 4k and 5k scores. I have broken 2k once. I have only been at it for a while though. I have gone back to trying the easy puzzles in classic. My scores seem to be somewhat similiar to what I score in Points. Is there some relationship? Are you using active number mode? How do you do it? Is it just from playing 100's or 1000's (or perhaps 100's of 1000's? ;-) ) Thanks for any advice or tips. |
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shisen and ipad (by paulaoda - 17 Nov 12, 1:14) |
can i play "with other" and "challenge" with my ipad and how. Is this free. I just can only play a solitary shisen. |
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Playing with an iPad (by mindy - 17 Nov 12, 20:48) |
I am considering buying an iPad and have heard from some players that they cannot use their iPad to play Points Challenge, Daily Challenge and Multi games. Is this true and if so why not? I currently use my MacBook laptop and use Safari to play these games. |
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Multiuser game server undergoing maintenance (by dkmGames - 18 Nov 12, 23:57) |
I have been forced to reprovision the multi-user server due to problems with Plesk - a Windows virtual server control panel. I believe this may take a few hours. This will affect Sudoku Points, Sudoku Multi, Word Ruffle Play With Others and Shisen Play With Others. Sorry for the inconvienience. |
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Multi-user undergoing maintenance (by dkmGames - 18 Nov 12, 23:58) |
I have been forced to reprovision the multi-user server due to problems with Plesk - a Windows virtual server control panel. I believe this may take a few hours. This will affect Sudoku Points, Sudoku Multi, Word Ruffle Play With Others and Shisen Play With Others. Sorry for the inconvienience. |
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Multi-user undergoing maintenance (by dkmGames - 18 Nov 12, 23:59) |
I have been forced to reprovision the multi-user server due to problems with Plesk - a Windows virtual server control panel. I believe this may take a few hours. This will affect Sudoku Points, Sudoku Multi, Word Ruffle Play With Others and Shisen Play With Others. Sorry for the inconvenience. |
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server down (by Mommy - 19 Nov 12, 0:52) |
When do you think it will be up again? |
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Muli-user back up (by dkmGames - 19 Nov 12, 6:55) |
Multi-user back up and running. Make sure you refresh the page to get latest. |
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Multi-user back up (by dkmGames - 19 Nov 12, 6:55) |
Multi-user back up and running. Make sure you refresh the page to get latest. |
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Multi-user back up (by dkmGames - 19 Nov 12, 6:55) |
Multi-user back up and running. Make sure you refresh the page to get latest. |
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No server (by westt - 19 Nov 12, 19:54) |
Server still down!!! Help!!! |
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Could "C" Clear pencil marks? (by GutZ - 21 Nov 12, 16:30) |
It sure would be nice if "C" could clear pencil marks. You might be able to finish off a puzzle with "C" three times. |
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Need my CGs (by peacequester - 21 Nov 12, 16:45) |
Is the site down? Been trying to get Cryptogams for 3 days and it keep clicking with an alert as if there are none available. I'm hooked ,,, need them! ARGGGGGG |
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Happy Thanksgiving! (by bobynrobyn2 - 21 Nov 12, 21:06) |
Let me be the first to say it, everyone have a great day! |
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Sudoku Points on iPad (by dkmGames - 21 Nov 12, 21:33) |
Sudoku Points is now available on the iPad and other tablets. |
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Username not appearing (by joolz1 - 23 Nov 12, 14:39) |
Each time I play the Sudoku multi it will only sign me in as a Guest number xxx even although I'm logged into the site with my user name. Anybody know how I can get my username to appear while playing multi? |
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My name is not on result list in Sudoku Points (by Sedma - 24 Nov 12, 17:47) |
Today, happened three times in a row that my name didn't show on result list. Sometimes it shows on few seconds but disappeares before counting down, but sometimes doesn't show at all. I always login with my user name. It's very frustrating because it happens too often imo :( |
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Cheers, fellow wordies, Part 2 (by wordsmith - 25 Nov 12, 14:13) |
Wordsmith here (d-Misthrow). All aboard, here and abroad? pepp-Chillier chippier over in France? Oyez zyme up in Scotland? bg-Droid in sunny San Diego? o-Nudge out Texas way? au-Bomblet in Sussex? hx-Opine in the Windy City? I'm a grannie, nearing end of earning wages. I've lost lots of Daily Challenges, a beta player who gets beat by forgetting "abet". My husband, an artist who greets me with egrets, feared I was deafer but deduces I am seduced, steeped in the deepest Ruffle. He seems riled at the idler I have become, perhaps thinking I deserve to be severed (from Ruffle, not him)? I feigned feeding him a tater treat - he compiles polemics to prove grease agrees with him. Oh, me, I dawdle and waddle, (images of ageism,) off to an alcove to ponder coeval. That's me. How about you? |
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Best player here (by robertwrath - 30 Nov 12, 7:47) |
Player screen name "PLR" is nasty. This guy always scores among the top all the time. BOL to him!! |
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Hi BlueWombat (by phoenix - 01 Dec 12, 13:01) |
Nice to see you in Word Ruffle. Got to run now. Phoenix |
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Challenge is Down (by mindy - 02 Dec 12, 14:27) |
Hey DKM, Points Challenge has been sluggish all morning & several of us have been booted many times. And the site just sent down - unable to connect to server. |
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Multi-user down? (by OldKingSol - 04 Dec 12, 21:06) |
Can't get in, didn't see any status messages. Just querious. :-? |
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Points is down (by MeredithM - 04 Dec 12, 21:22) |
about 6 pm PST ; shisen multi also down |
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Sugestion: Active number mode (by petree - 05 Dec 12, 17:32) |
Typing will be faster in active number mode if you could change the numbers with the keypad buttons! Thanks! |
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challenge (by paulaoda - 06 Dec 12, 0:29) |
the last two nights i played the challenge but my score doesn't appear. If I try to play a second time, the message say that YOU ALREADY PLAY. Dont understand what happes with my scores. |
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not again..... (by tbwall - 07 Dec 12, 12:53) |
cannot connect for my midday daily fix!!!! |
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Server is down (by bokkasoduko - 07 Dec 12, 13:26) |
Server is unable to connect. It's weekend and I miss my sudoku thrill. LOL |
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word ruffle down? (by grizzly1 - 07 Dec 12, 13:48) |
When is it up? |
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bummer (by Wiley - 07 Dec 12, 14:50) |
still down @ 14:49 |
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Multi-user server problems (by dkmGames - 07 Dec 12, 18:47) |
Sorry about the multi-user problems. I have restarted the server again (although it was running) but do not know why the problem of not being able to connect is happening. It seems to go for a few days okay then the problem. I recently upgraded to Version 2 of the multi-user server - don't know if that is the issue or possibly the introduction of the Javascript client (iPad version). I have disabled the iPad version for the moment to see if that could be causing issues. |
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Problem with game (by Ginaki - 08 Dec 12, 4:37) |
Hi DKM, There still seems to be a problem with the sudoku challenge the game opens but no actually game starts ,hope you can fix this problem soooon!!thankyou. |
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Login status being repeatedly lost (by patrick - 08 Dec 12, 8:41) |
Hi, I login. Start a game. Play one game under logged-in name. Open a different game, try to play it and and find myself already logged out. Seemingly the logging information isn't retained when moving from one site to another. Is this a known or common problem? Regards, and thanks, Patrick |
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anagram excellence (by nyctaxi - 09 Dec 12, 16:07) |
I know I've played too much ruffle when I drift into sleep seeing an arbitrary # of letters, (my choice), trying to create words. Now, I'm doing it w/ferret! But, I am getting better. Going in circles may be an asset. The late, great, Nora Ephron said that she did that w/the now extinct, scrabble blast. Bonus points.. I have only achieved that once on the first level and received 436 pts.? How is that calculated? I actually don't have the patience or desire to remember those three letter words. I am astonished and inspired by wordsmith. Thanks & Cheers. nyctaxi |
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profession/old people (by nyctaxi - 09 Dec 12, 16:43) |
Once again, I'm going over previous (not devious) posts, trying to remember everyone who responded and being overwhelmed when trying to respond. Clearly, someone needs to organize these posts. Oh, that would be me. Most of us who respond are; 1. retired. 2. hoping to retire. 3. wish they were retired. 4. spend too much time on word games. Don't even go into anagrams here. ha. nyctaxi |
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gender (by nyctaxi - 10 Dec 12, 0:11) |
Think I forgot Phoenix in my last post.. I'm guessing that you are not even close to retirement? O.K. back to gender. 1. Wordsmith is a woman. Originally, I thought an old hippie man w/brown, graying, long, braided, pony tail. Sitting in his shop. 2. Chillipepper, a young, hispanic woman. Speaking of retiring....goodnight all. Snotcop must be a young mother. |
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to unpredictable (by shanansadler - 11 Dec 12, 18:23) |
Sometimes the cards move sometimes not. Sometimes you can select them sometimes not. Sometimes you can move a whole row and sometimes not. Shall I go on? |
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happening ALL THE TIME!!! (by tbwall - 12 Dec 12, 23:50) |
I am having to click on tiles so many times, no matter how slowly I do so. It is NOT enjoyable when this happens, but it does get me off of this addicting game! Hard to even click in on the leader board or chat. I am not smiling now... |
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Samurai Sudoku (iPad Support) (by Samurai007 - 13 Dec 12, 5:49) |
Under "Help" it says via Edit Menu - Preferences option you can "display the timer", "automatic display of errors", "sound effects", and "enable Active Number." Unfortunately, I only have three options: Automatically Show Errors, Sound Effects, and Active Number Mode. How do I turn off the timer? *Love the game.* Thanks. -SS |
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Server down (by Ginaki - 15 Dec 12, 13:17) |
I'm beginning to think that the server goes out for a drink on Saturday night!!Same thing happened last week. Please fix quickly thankyou. |
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down again today (by Aardvard - 15 Dec 12, 14:37) |
Got a couple games in this morning, but down for awhile - I need my weekend fix! :-( |
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can't connect with server (by - 15 Dec 12, 14:49) |
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Server still down (by casus - 15 Dec 12, 15:18) |
server still down |
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A little iffy post from Wordsmith (by wordsmith - 15 Dec 12, 19:11) |
Caff, naff, niff, tiff, diss, doss, fess and suss. Don't know what some of them mean but they work! |
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Especially for nyctaxi (by wordsmith - 15 Dec 12, 19:18) |
Like these? aah, abs, ace, act, ade, ado, ads, aft, age, ago, aha, aid, ail, aim, ait, ale, all, alp, and, ant, any, ape, apt, arc, are, arm, art, ash, ask, asp, ass, ate, awe, awl, awn, aye. Methinks I have become obsessed! Or at least obnoxious... |
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Order of posts changed (by dkmGames - 16 Dec 12, 19:47) |
I have updated the display to be sorted by last reply instead of just original topic date. Now you will be aware if someone posts a reply to an older topic. |
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Order of posts changed (by dkmGames - 16 Dec 12, 19:48) |
I have updated the display to be sorted by last reply instead of just original topic date. Now you will be aware if someone posts a reply to an older topic. |
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Order of posts changed (by dkmGames - 16 Dec 12, 19:50) |
I have updated the display to be sorted by last reply instead of just original topic date. Now you will be aware if someone posts a reply to an older topic. |
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to everyone of my fellow addicts! (by moyez1 - 18 Dec 12, 4:47) |
Merry Christmas to one and all!! |
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Time zones and/or night owls (by wordsmith - 21 Dec 12, 6:49) |
It's 6:30 am where I live in Western Massachusetts and already 57 folks have played the daily challenge, including NeuDog in Texas. Or maybe people just couldn't sleep wondering if the world would really end! |
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difficulty clicking (by tbwall - 21 Dec 12, 14:18) |
I have restarted and rebooted, but I cannot click on the tiles. Any other suggestions? |
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Old Puzzles? (by springchick - 22 Dec 12, 9:58) |
Are previous days puzzles no longer available? I thought I got there before by choosing 'load puzzle' but now that doesn't give me anything. Admittedly it has been a while (thus there would be many old puzzles I could solve:-) |
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Server is down (by bokkasoduko - 23 Dec 12, 15:05) |
And I need to play sudoku weekend is nearly over. |
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sudoku scheme (by frataz - 23 Dec 12, 15:52) |
Sudoku scheme is too large for my little screen. |
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Multiplayer down. (by OldKingSol - 23 Dec 12, 16:16) |
Just noting it in case anyone else is experiencing the same issue and wonders if it's only them - it isn't. :-/ |
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Multiplayer down (by Conan - 23 Dec 12, 16:59) |
I'm getting the Try Again Later message... |
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Merry Christmas to everybody (by terete - 24 Dec 12, 15:12) |
We are now beginning to celebrate the 24th in Spain. Feliz Navidad y a?o 2012 Terete |
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Buon Natale! (by Giadonna - 25 Dec 12, 15:37) |
Merry Christmas from Pittsburgh! |
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Auto Remove Penncil Marks for Sudoku iPad? (by basil666 - 27 Dec 12, 8:04) |
Is there a way to set preferences for pencil mark removal for the iPad version of Sudoku Points? |
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word ruffle scores (by stormy1 - 28 Dec 12, 6:16) |
How on earth are such large scores obtained? When I play others I am in the hundreds but others are in the thousands. Am I missing something,other than a brain? |
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Points Challenge down (by justmac - 31 Dec 12, 6:41) |
The Points Challenge has been down since 11.15am GMT. |
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challenge (by tbwall - 31 Dec 12, 7:39) |
So, very interesting this morning. I went to bed before 10:00 last night, woke up early (6:30), and went to play the challenge while waiting for my coffee. I was "informed" by the server that I had already played. I live in Chicago and none else in my house plays shisen. I wonder if I did well...... |
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is ruffle down? (by grizzly1 - 31 Dec 12, 7:44) |
is it down, ????? |
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Unable to connect (by easternvideo - 31 Dec 12, 11:22) |
I haven't been able to connect for the last 4 hours. Another lonely day without Shisen. :-(( |
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Happy New Year (by Ginaki - 31 Dec 12, 13:14) |
Hope you all have a wonderful new year!!!Looking forward to playing sudoku in 2013 and I wish you all the best. |
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still down (by grizzly1 - 31 Dec 12, 13:30) |
ruffle, is ruffled, and ruffling feather, feathers and feathered. when is it up, upper, ups, ??? |
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Points Challenge down (by mindy - 31 Dec 12, 13:48) |
Server has been down all morning. DKM - are you on holiday? |
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Happy New Year to all Sudokuists (by goodgirl - 31 Dec 12, 14:53) |
Hope everyone has a good and peaceful new year. Here's to those who play sudoku points challenge and all their families. AND... may there be peace in all parts of the world. |
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Its down again! (by davek - 31 Dec 12, 15:00) |
I guess I should have something to do today besides playing sudoku....... But i dont LOL |
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Message to just mac (by goodgirl - 31 Dec 12, 15:12) |
Listened to Henry girls on youtube, superb, beautiful harmonies and very talented musicians. Thank you mac for telling me about them. They're from Malin, County Donegal-did you know that. Of course you did. Just in case don't see you before, HAPPY NEW YEAR to you and your wife. |
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And a Happy New Year to all of you from jws3 (by jws3 - 31 Dec 12, 17:19) |
Hopefully a New Year without the downtime on the servers! |
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Flaws in the iPad version in Points Challenge (by basil666 - 31 Dec 12, 17:27) |
I tested out a theory my son had that by continuing to enter a corect response over and over again in the same cell...would result in scoring points again and again. I actually let this go on for over 9800 points to see what would happen!!!!! I hope that the 'powers that be' will take that score off the board as I honestly did not mean to foul up the leader boards......sorry I didn't think this expose through. BUT....if we figured this out---who else is using the FLAW! |
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Happy New Year (by Shebo - 01 Jan 13, 3:25) |
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Server is unable to connect. (by bokkasoduko - 02 Jan 13, 14:46) |
Thnx DKM for fixing the problem as quick as only you can. Happy new year to you and your family and friends. |
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unable to connect again! (by geordiemam - 02 Jan 13, 15:17) |
I need shisen |
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complain complain (by bjweschler - 02 Jan 13, 16:11) |
4:10 pm & down again - please fix - amen. |
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Sudoku Points challenge 2013 from goodgirl 23.03 2/1/2013 (by goodgirl - 02 Jan 13, 18:36) |
So this is the beginning of two thousand and thirteen there's no points challenge in rooms of Gold OR Green. What should we do when our server is down... Should we lose our smilies and just wear a frown :( ? "No, this is not good enough" do I hear you say? Let's storm DKM kingdom upon this January day. For friendship and sanity we must unite.... WAIT... on second thoughts... Let's just contact DKM and plead our plight. Dear Sirs... Please wld you be so kind as to... |
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down again (by grizzly1 - 03 Jan 13, 8:53) |
down again |
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stormy1 (by stormy1 - 05 Jan 13, 21:55) |
Trying to play the Challenge and keep getting "puzzle done for day" Any ideas? Also, when playing others my score doesn't add up, only 1 round only. Do I need to log in for this game? |
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distance (by andeb4939 - 06 Jan 13, 13:24) |
the distance needs to be fixed. it is way to hard to find a place the way you have it now |
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Level 3 (by stormy1 - 06 Jan 13, 14:25) |
Cannot access level 3. As soon as it shows on screen it reverts to level 1 and I have to start again. Help? |
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I need your opinion (by GuilinGuy - 07 Jan 13, 0:44) |
Yesterday, in the Daily Challenge, I finished third with a score of 5216. The first and second place finishers, SantaFe and PLR had scores of 11689 and 11479. So waddya think? Could they possibly be that good? Do you think I should declare myself the winner? The same think happened about a month ago. I finished 5th with a score of about 5000, and the four ahead of me were all above 10,000. Two days ago, Homerson44 had a score of 23045!!! If you are one of the people with the really high scores, come and defend yourself. For the rest of you, tell me what you think. Thanks. |
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No "blog" or "spam"? (by JDC1949 - 10 Jan 13, 11:16) |
I'm hopelessly addicted to Word Ferret, just love it, but how can an online word game not include "blog" and "spam" in its dictionary? Can the dictionary be updated? |
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Jigsaws (by Marylarre1 - 11 Jan 13, 15:59) |
Hello! I?m new here and I have a question: How can I find some jigsaws contributed by a friend? Thanks! |
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Searching for Sargonsk (by goodgirl - 12 Jan 13, 10:29) |
Has anyone heard from Sargonsk {Franco} lately. I haven't seen him since before Christmas. I do hope you are well franco. :) |
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Games very tough in green (by bokkasoduko - 15 Jan 13, 14:37) |
Some of the games in green is really tough sometimes. We can immediately see it on the top score scored for that game usually 3k and lower. It would be more fun if all the games was easy and not some easy and some tough. Thank you ....... |
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can't play challenge (by beachwoodoh - 16 Jan 13, 11:27) |
WHY won't the cursor change to an arrow and let me play the challenge? I thought maybe I wasn't giving the game enough time to download, but that's not it. There's definitely a glitch :( |
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Points Challenge down (by justmac - 19 Jan 13, 10:07) |
The points challenge is down at 15.00 GMT. Before that it was very frustrating as it was booting players out left right and centre. |
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Abusive Player (by mindy - 20 Jan 13, 14:16) |
DKM, we have a person in the Green Room right now that is being rude. His name is GIANCARLO |
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me too (by davek - 21 Jan 13, 10:46) |
i was wondering were my friend sarg is |
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Suggestion for Preventing One Kind of Cheating (by FatFingers - 26 Jan 13, 22:17) |
To prevent cheating by hacking the Flash app memory and plugging in a high score, simply send back the client's whole solution (81 byte string, no big deal) and verify. (Hope you are checking for *all* recent replies, and not just replies to recent posts ;) |
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Cannot open Jigsaw (by Footsie - 28 Jan 13, 13:52) |
28 jan - not able to open Jigsaw at all |
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problems with game (by sooner - 28 Jan 13, 19:52) |
Is anybody else having problems with the game operating properly? I keep signing in and get a blank page. I'll keep trying! |
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Tournament (by perky - 29 Jan 13, 16:40) |
I realize that our great host is continually fighting bugs on Word Ruffle ... but at some point I think it would be fun to have an elimination tournament designed by none other than Mr. DKM! |
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Something Fishy going on on Multi (by andre - 31 Jan 13, 9:41) |
Hi, I started to notice some strange things on Multi lately. There are guys who don't fill the grid for about 2 minutes and then complete the puzzle during the 3rd minute. I suspect cheating but I could be wrong. Anybody else experienced this? |
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Are we down? (by basil666 - 31 Jan 13, 10:32) |
Am I the only one who cannot get on? Play later......! |
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multiplayer down? (by paulaoda - 31 Jan 13, 10:55) |
Unable to connect to multiplayer since 9h20 am. |
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Challenge games (by joalsan - 01 Feb 13, 23:49) |
Challenge mode starts on its own while I'm playing a regular game. It happened two different days. |
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RobinD (by perky - 03 Feb 13, 23:42) |
You are the best. I watched you destroy jughead in 3 straight games. My congratulations. |
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SpeedCross (by dkmGames - 04 Feb 13, 19:16) |
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New game SpeedCross (by dkmGames - 04 Feb 13, 19:27) |
To all you great word buffs out there, give the new game SpeedCross a go. It is not original but the multi-user angle could be quite different and fun. Please let me know how it can be improved and what the multi-user should look like. You can comment on the new SpeedCross topic in the forum or privately from the main web page of the game. |
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New SpeedCross word game (by dkmGames - 04 Feb 13, 19:28) |
To all you great word buffs out there, give the new game SpeedCross a go. It is not original but the multi-user angle could be quite different and fun. Please let me know how it can be improved and what the multi-user should look like. You can comment on the new SpeedCross topic in the forum or privately from the main web page of the game. |
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"PLAY" Button (by Shebo - 05 Feb 13, 18:33) |
I cannot find a "Play" button to start the SpeedCross game |
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Challenge response times? (by Milano - 06 Feb 13, 14:00) |
I'm new around here but what's with the brutal response times while playing Sudoku Challenge? I can wait 5 - 10 seconds after a mouse click and as much as 30 seconds at times. I realize it's a free site but playing against the clock or other players is hopeless with these kinds of issues. Anyone else experiencing this? |
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Down time????? (by basil666 - 07 Feb 13, 10:03) |
I can't get on to Points it just me? |
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multiplayer down (by geordiemam - 07 Feb 13, 14:16) |
Anyone else having trouble today? |
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aimee (by aimee - 07 Feb 13, 14:56) |
what's going on?? sudoku has been down for much longer can it take?? |
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Earth-sheltered house for sale (by Conan - 07 Feb 13, 17:15) |
Please go to to take a look. And if you know anyone that's interested, please direct them to my site! Thanks, everyone, Conan |
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ruffle down for 2 days and counting (by grizzly1 - 08 Feb 13, 14:31) |
when are we back up? |
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Ruffled likes duffer but not duffel! (by wordsmith - 09 Feb 13, 8:34) |
Oooh, frustration in today's challenge! |
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Please reply on the tough grids issue in the green room (by bokkasoduko - 09 Feb 13, 10:13) |
Hi DKM. Hope you had youre coffee already and are up and about. Could you lets us know if there must be tough grids in the green room as the green room is actually the easy grid room. Some of us it getting very upset with the tough grids in the green room and feel if we want to play tough grids we will play in the gold room. Is there anything that you can change so that some of the grids is not so tough please. Thanking you for this great site where we can have our daily sudoku fix. |
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Many Pieces (by aredwood1 - 09 Feb 13, 11:43) |
Would like to work larger puzzles but can't save them to continue after shutting computer down. |
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No more "Solve Possibles Easy"? (by shibby - 14 Feb 13, 1:21) |
Hi dkm support, I've been playing dkm sudoku for many years now. My favorite game is the daily "tough" puzzle. It's fun and reasonably challenging. It's tough enough that I can rarely solve it without using pencil marks. However, I find it tiresome to manually fill in the possibles for all the blank cells. I've been using the "Solve Possibles Easy" function to do just that: fill in possibles by only considering simple eliminations. It didn't perform any additional inferences so I felt I was still doing the fun part. When I was playing the game today, I saw that "Solve Possibles Easy" has been replaced by "Solve Possibles Easy/Medium". This mode goes well beyond the old "Easy" version. For instance, it now solves box line pointing inferences. In my view, that's enough help to take the fun out of playing the game. Why was the change made? Can it be reversed or in some other was support reducing the drudgery of filling in simple eliminations? Thanks, Kev |
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3rd Room in Points Challenge (by supermac - 16 Feb 13, 13:25) |
Hello DKM would it be possible to have a 3rd room in points challenge with simple grids for beginners. Seems it would be a popular way to go from feedback in green room. Maybe we could lock Bokka in this Blue Room. PS I preferred green before recent changes. |
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Leader Boards (by rayb - 16 Feb 13, 13:55) |
Would it be possible to post separate leader boards for the green room and the gold room? Before the scoring was changed in the gold room, my weekly score would be somewhere around the midpoint of the leaderboard. Now I am barely holding on because the board is so crowded with people scoring high in the gold room. The "goldies" get to see their names frequently enough in the top scores of the day, as it is. |
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Note to goodgirl (by supermac - 17 Feb 13, 6:48) |
GG The mouse is a logitech MX.Lot heavier but much more stable than basic models. Also try it for your hand size before buying. Quite expensive at about ?40. C U later |
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Ferret down? (by nyctaxi - 17 Feb 13, 16:41) |
I have been unable to "play w/others" for several days now. Able to play solo. Any one else experiencing this? Thanks, NYC Taxi. |
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Score disappears (by wordsmith - 17 Feb 13, 23:21) |
Goodness, four times in the last hour my score has suddenly disappeared at the last moment when I've been playing with others. Oh, well, at least I never was ahead any of the four times and my score did show up most of the time. Hmmmm..... |
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Multiplayer down (by Conan - 18 Feb 13, 19:24) |
I am unable to connect. |
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Play with others (by storyliker - 23 Feb 13, 3:12) |
See that most of them finish the board with 200 points. What is the trick to finish the board fast????????? |
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Points Challenge (by supermac - 23 Feb 13, 3:59) |
Oh dear its Saturday again in Points Challenge. Unable to connect to server 9 am GMT. |
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MULTIPLAYER DOWN (by geordiemam - 23 Feb 13, 5:52) |
Anyone else having problems - I'm in the UK - Newcastle upon Tyne - - heavy snow this morning disrupting travel, but I didn't think it would affect Shisen! |
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Unable to Connect (by sjmont - 23 Feb 13, 8:13) |
5:11 AM PST and still no Points Challenge. Please help DKM! Thanks :-) |
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down boy (by bjweschler - 23 Feb 13, 10:06) |
Refuse to scrub the floor - valium sounds like a better option ☹ |
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Regarding symbols in chat☺☻♥!!! (by Ginaki - 23 Feb 13, 10:40) |
Hi everyone . I keep getting asked how do I put symbols into chat.!!It's really quite simple if you have a classic keyboard with a number pad on your righthand side, Firstly you have to press the ALT key and keep it pressed down whilst pressing a number on your number pad e.g number 1 is a smiley ☺ number 2 is ☻ number 3 is ♥ and so forth If you have a laptop you have to first put your laptop on num lock by pushing fn then f11 then you press ALT and the Fn key ,keep presssing down (located on the lower left of the key board) and then the letter L key which is three,for a heart, for example. I hope that makes sense to you. You can also make different symbols doing different numbers. ☺☻♥♦♣♠• - - - ♂♀♪♫☼ - ↕‼¶? ↨ ←∟ that's just 1-30 it goes higher... ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥☻☻☻☻☻☺ unknown Some computers can do it with their keyboards, but those that can't, just copy the heart from somewhere (here, for example) and hold cmd+V (if using a Mac) or ctrl+V (if using Windows) Hope it helped!!♥ |
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addicted (by scbmusic - 23 Feb 13, 12:33) |
darn. server down and i need my fix this sat. morning. hope all my new sudoku buddies are doing well. look forward to playing with you soon. |
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Speed Cross - WordRuffle (by wordsmith - 23 Feb 13, 13:30) |
Hmm, I have just spent 2 years learning all kinds of unfamiliar words that WordRuffle accepts. Now along comes Speed Cross with a whole different set. Yesterday's winning entry alone included ab, bi, fet, pe, hons, zin. I see most of them are on The Scrabble Tournament List, as are ag, ef, mi, oy, eta, and quey from previous winners. But "hons" isn't on either list. Short for honours, I guess. Sigh. |
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Can you believe it Mac 4808 and booted !!!!!! (by bokkasoduko - 27 Feb 13, 12:59) |
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Abusive player (by Steph1960 - 02 Mar 13, 21:04) |
ANDYWILLIAMS in multiplayer very rude and nasty. Told me I sucked when I commented that a grid was difficult. |
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No server (by Mommy - 03 Mar 13, 2:20) |
Is the program down for anyone? |
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multiplayer down again (by geordiemam - 03 Mar 13, 5:41) |
I'm in withdrawal!! |
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ruffle down (by grizzly1 - 03 Mar 13, 7:42) |
its doooooowwwwwnnnnn |
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Hey, it's a weekend (by pagan - 03 Mar 13, 10:41) |
I half expected it yesterday! It just came a day later. |
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To DKM - Question re Server (by phoenix - 03 Mar 13, 11:55) |
DKM -- You provide such a great site for us that I hesitate to ask this question, but I'm frustrated so here goes. It seems like the server for Ruffle and Shisen goes down every day or so recently. I hope this is not the new normal -- is it? Or perhaps there's a fix in sight that would reduce the number of server outages? Any info on what to expect would be appreciated - and maybe reduce the frustration. Thanks |
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Question re Server (by phoenix - 03 Mar 13, 12:00) |
Below is a repeat of my post on Word Ruffle. Posting here because the question relates to both Shisen and Ruffle as they appear to use the same server. Thank goodness Ferret still works when those two are down. DKM -- You provide such a great site for us that I hesitate to ask this question, but I'm frustrated so here goes. It seems like the server for Ruffle and Shisen goes down every day or so recently. I hope this is not the new normal -- is it? Or perhaps there's a fix in sight that would reduce the number of server outages? Any info on what to expect would be appreciated - and maybe reduce the frustration. Thanks |
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Points Results (by dkmGames - 03 Mar 13, 18:30) |
The Sudoku Points results tables have been changed to show the top 100 scores from yesterday and only the best score of any individual player. Also, the Rankings table now shows the top 300. |
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Resetting my high score (by Zone15 - 05 Mar 13, 11:40) |
Is there any way to reset my high score? Somehow I got a bug and got a ridiculous high score of like 10,xxx. |
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What gives? (by Kudos2u - 05 Mar 13, 22:46) |
I am a new member playing for the first time today. I did #182972792 (H) and was told the solution was incorrect. I Printed my solution, as I did not know if you could save it on site to review. How do you get the people to verify it? |
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rankings (by sparkle96204 - 06 Mar 13, 14:45) |
It's cool you are showing the top 100 scores now, but is it possible to stretch the top fifty list out so we don't have to scroll to see it all? Kathy in Montana |
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Larger fields? (by Keenado - 07 Mar 13, 5:55) |
Hi, dkm. I remember there was a trial version of Yubotu that we were able to download to our computers and it had puzzles that were 20?20 fields big, if I'm not mistaken. Is there any chance of incorporating that size in the regular Yubotu we have here? |
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top 100 scores rankings (by sparkle96204 - 08 Mar 13, 16:14) |
It looks like there's only one entry for each player on this list. I'm pretty sure I had more than one score over two thousand, but I'm only on the list once. Not complaining, just observing -- I play for love, not points. Thanks for the fun game. Kathy in Montana |
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Recipes (by kpcofgs - 09 Mar 13, 11:18) |
Carmelized Balsamic Crimini (Portobello) Mushrooms Roughly chop one medium onion. Carmelize it in a couple of tablespoons of your favorite oil. Remove the onions from the pan. Clean your mushrooms, and slice them about 1/4 inch slices. Put them in the oil and brown them for a couple of minutes. Return the onions to the pan. Drizzle all with balsamic vinegar. Chop some fresh Italian flat-leaf parsley and toss with the mushroom/onion mixture just before serving. Salt & pepper if desired. From kpcofgs - enjoy! |
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No games in sudoku multi today? (by YumMum49 - 12 Mar 13, 9:46) |
Hi don't seem to be able to play sudoku multi today? Can connect to the server etc. but there aren't any games to join so create a new one but the page comes up blank (even though the clock is ticking..).. |
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game sticking (by Ginaki - 15 Mar 13, 17:36) |
Hi DKM for the past few hours the game in green room keeps sticking ,the chat still works but no game starts.!! |
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are we down? (by - 15 Mar 13, 22:52) |
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Congrats to Jeff2012 (by wordsmith - 16 Mar 13, 9:42) |
Wow, that was an impressively long first-place stretch in the Top Weekly Rankings - I counted at least 7 days in a row, until jughead nudged you out yesterday. |
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Server Down (by phoenix - 16 Mar 13, 16:09) |
Just reporting that server is down. |
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Server up (by phoenix - 16 Mar 13, 16:34) |
Might have been my computer. Multi-use is working fine. |
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the site is weird again.... (by tbwall - 16 Mar 13, 18:41) |
doesn't want to let me play multiplayer, then says I can join, but it doesn't really let me play....never quite connects....what is a girl to do????? |
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Server is Down (by - 16 Mar 13, 19:28) |
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Sarah (by SarahK - 17 Mar 13, 0:53) |
why the server is down on almost every weekend recently ? When the problem is going to be fixed ? |
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Point Challenge (by sonu - 17 Mar 13, 1:49) |
Server down |
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♣♣♣Happy ♣St♣Patrick's ♣Day& (by Ginaki - 17 Mar 13, 2:47) |
may the irish luck help sudoku fix it's problems!! |
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Multiplayer down again (by easternvideo - 17 Mar 13, 9:45) |
I can log in and play for a few seconds but never long enough to finish a game. Wouldn't it be nice to play Shisen without all the problems? |
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How is the rating determined (by casmith888 - 17 Mar 13, 13:15) |
When playing the classic version how is the rating determined? |
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Happy St. Patrick's to all............ (by basil666 - 17 Mar 13, 15:04) |
Enjoy today and be sure to be 'wearing the green'! Hopefully those leprechauns will get to work and fix the time-outs this site keeps throwing...then we can all rejoice! |
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Try It (by illogical - 17 Mar 13, 15:34) |
Love trying to solve the puzzles. Wish more of the ones that solve them would make a few of their own. Right now there are only 2 of us creating them. Its really not that difficult. Actually the hardest part is coming up with a quote. |
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Server down? (by hallsrus - 17 Mar 13, 16:29) |
I still can't get on to either green or gold rooms. Anyone else having trouble? |
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Well, this is new! (by Kydoku - 17 Mar 13, 19:05) |
Hi! This post is mostly for Derek's benefit, in trying to troubleshoot the "multi" issues that crop up from time to time. Since green and gold were down, I went to try the Sudoku Multi, which I rarely play, but since Points Challenge is down, decided to try. I think that is normally down also when Points Challenge is (i.e. same "multi" code), but was/is working fine. So, maybe since one is working and the other is not, that will help track down where the issue is? Also, a REALLY odd thing happened there. After playing many games with no issues, there were two of us left: tv and I. We finished a grid at EXACTLY the same time, and the "wd" screens actually overlaid each other. Then, instead of a countdown to the next puzzle, it started changing grids, very rapidly (<1 sec) switching from one to the next to the next. Really odd effect, have never seen that before, but must have uncovered a bug. Just thought you'd like to know! |
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Multiuser problems (by dkmGames - 17 Mar 13, 19:10) |
Sorry about the latest batch of problems with the multiuser server again. As I said previously, the problems are all isolated to multiuser games (ie Sudoku Points, Multi, Shisen and Word Ruffle). The problem is intermittent (went for two weeks okay before last few days) and near impossible to debug especially as I did not write the multiuser server code. The only thing I can do at the moment is try change a few variables to see if that makes a difference. Thanks for your offer Dave but the problem is not the web hosting. I have a special virtual server hosting only the multiuser stuff (separate from main dkmsoftware site) and the only thing running on that machine is the Java multiuser socket server. CPU is around 0-2% and there is tons of bandwith. |
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Plane on Eagle Eye (by Tabor58 - 19 Mar 13, 14:37) |
Hey, IsItReal -- wish I could give you a 6 for that one. Excellent puzzle!! |
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Abusive Player Again (by Steph1960 - 19 Mar 13, 20:39) |
Again ANDYWILLIAMS...3/19/13 in muliplayer..Tomkcpa won grid...I told him well done and ANDYWILLIAMS typed 'FUCK HIM HE'S A FAG" and then he left. This is not the first time I have seen his abusive behavior. |
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The Guessing Game in Points Challenge (by supermac - 24 Mar 13, 7:21) |
I have been meaning to write this up for some time and now that the points challenge is down seems a good time.Recently I have seen players talking in chat (mainly green room) about playing sreategically (guessing) in order to get higher scores.Like most Sudoku purists I would agree with your policy to discourage guessing, however the current penalty points doesnt go anywhere near being a deterrent. Lets take an example (Im going to use gold room scoring) where a player takes 3 guesses in a grid and two are wrong. 1 First guess incorrect penalty say 1 x 90 = 90 points 2 Second guess correct penalty = 0 points 3 Third guess incorrect penalty say 2 x 80 = 160 points Total Penalty 250 points Upside player using this 'strategy' finishes grid early achieving 1000 completion points + 4 points per second within time say 150 seconds @ 4points = 600. Upside total is 1600. Conclusion : I dont blame the players who do this more so the scoring system that encourages it (we are all human except lp haha). I know also that any increase will hit players making genuine error but we are granted the luxury of seeing mistakes- red- in points challenge that we dont get in other versions. Anyway another grid will be along in 5 or 6 minutes.My proposal is simple 1000 points for 1st error , 2000 for 2nd etc. |
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Missing Column and row totals (by patrick - 24 Mar 13, 11:12) |
Hi, twice I have started the daily challenge game and have found that the numbers denoting the total number of objects in each row and column are missing - thus making the game completely unplayable. Is this just me, and is there anything I should do about it? Thanks, Patrick |
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all the letters (by sparkle96204 - 24 Mar 13, 11:36) |
This is the best codeword I've found on line. Can you really call it a codeword if you don't use all the letters? Isn't that one of the rules? It's a lot of fun. |
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What Wrong? (by MissEdith - 28 Mar 13, 16:13) |
I am having problems trying to connect with the Shisen game, I have all the things I need for it to work and I stll is unable to get it. Here are the things that is downloaded on my computer that I want this game on: Adobe AIR Digital Edition2.0 Flash Player 11 Activex Flash Player 11 Plugin ReaderXl (11.0.02) and Shochwave Player 12.0 Here are six(6) good reasons that the Shisen should be working on my computer. EDITH BLKAEY Please e-mail back THANK YOU |
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create quizlet (by monarchbfly - 29 Mar 13, 16:45) |
I don't understand why I can't publish a puzzle. Do I have to sign in somewhere before it works? |
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Just Curious (by Ronnie64 - 30 Mar 13, 22:28) |
First and for most this jigsaw sight rocks...Love it best on the web !!! So one of My questions is as follows, Is there a way to delete puzzles out of My Private puzzles once They are played?? I breeze through Them pretty quick and I'm not sure how much space We have for new Ones??? Keep up the Good Work on the Site !!! Super Job... |
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Server Down? (by sjmont - 03 Apr 13, 8:57) |
Is the server down again? I am only able to get blank grids in both green and gold room of points challenge this morning. Thanks Derek! |
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Server is down (by SarahK - 03 Apr 13, 17:05) |
Dear DKM, Are you having your mood swings again? Please fix the problems and let your players be happier. Thanks. |
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Green and Gold Down Again (by mindy - 04 Apr 13, 17:12) |
Hi Derek, I played for awhile this morning and just came back to play and both rooms are down :-( |
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sudoku and word ruffle (by SarahK - 04 Apr 13, 17:42) |
Dear DKM, Blank and blank, both sites are having problems. Pls fix and many thanks. |
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oh no its broken again..... (by davek - 04 Apr 13, 21:08) |
I want my money back... Oh ya Its free.... Love the sight dkm. Appreciate all the work you do to keep it going. |
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Shisen is down (by mindy - 04 Apr 13, 22:52) |
Derek, sorry to add to your headache but the server for Shisen is down |
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Up again (by dkmGames - 05 Apr 13, 1:03) |
Well, after much stress it turns out latest batch of problems was GoDaddy's DNS servers on the multi-user hosting machine (they have a temp fix for me now). Anyway I have also implemented another change that I hope will obviate these and other problems. All up and running - lets hope permanently. |
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down again (by Anne1 - 05 Apr 13, 1:04) |
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Blank grids (by getclint - 05 Apr 13, 6:26) |
Due to the flash upgrade, you may not just need to F5 refresh the page to bring the numbers back. You may need to clear your cache. For Firefox users Its under history but remember to untick every box other than clear cache or you will get sad. The new flash upgrade is then forced to load :-) |
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no game (by GrandmaLopez - 05 Apr 13, 12:45) |
I cannot get a game in Sudoku points |
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Still no Pre-filled-in number spaces on opponent's grids in Mult (by blorchy - 05 Apr 13, 13:32) |
I downloaded and put in new Flash, cleared cache, refreshed. Is it me or your new server/programmng? |
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Help (by woobaby - 05 Apr 13, 14:24) |
Hi guys the grid with numbers still isn"t coming up tried pressing F5 and nothing I'll keep trying |
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Change in daily leaderboard (by rayb - 05 Apr 13, 19:07) |
Maybe Derek posted it and I just missed it, but there's been a change in the daily 100 leaderboard which I think is quite an improvement. Instead of the monotony of the same names appearing over and over, it appears Derek is now posting the single high score that players got on the previous day, so that there are now 100 different names on that list. WD Derek!! |
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NEED HELP: NO NUMBERS AT ALL (by andre - 05 Apr 13, 23:01) |
Hi, There are no numbers at all in the grid. I installed new Flash, rebooted the system, see other people playing but there are no numbers in my grid. What should I do? |
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Ruffle not working? (by phoenix - 06 Apr 13, 13:52) |
Hi DKM. Multi Player Ruffle comes up with a blank screen when you enter the game. The Ruffle Challenge works and Multi Player Shisen is working, and there's no message saying "unable to connect to server." It seems to be a problem just with Ruffle. Thanks. |
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Bug in Tents (by chrisp - 06 Apr 13, 14:59) |
On several occasions (about 6 times in the last week)Tents has stopped working. When filling the grass before adding tents, it stops working and you cannot add grass or tents etc. There is clearly a bug in it which needs fixing. |
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Server down !!! (by Ginaki - 07 Apr 13, 1:22) |
:((((((((((((((((( |
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Pencil color (by bjorn - 07 Apr 13, 7:28) |
I have trouble tracking my current pencil color-- could you use blue (or pink) to highlight the current square, when the pencil is blue (or pink)? |
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invisible numbers (by soon2b60 - 07 Apr 13, 9:42) |
where are the numbers ????? |
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Mags (by BirdDog - 08 Apr 13, 21:59) |
You have found your niche, well done. |
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Sudoku Points Statistics - Top 100 Scores Yesterday (by petreero - 11 Apr 13, 3:03) |
Since 2-3 days I think it's showing the top of the day before yesterday. |
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My Sudoku Stats (by mindy - 16 Apr 13, 13:02) |
I just noticed this new feature on the Sudoku home page. My high stat doesn't make sense. It shows my high as 5400 and I'm pretty sure it's 5079. |
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Speed demons (by zredwood1 - 17 Apr 13, 15:46) |
Nice puzzle 4/17. I would like to watch someone do this in under 7 Minutes. |
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Disappearing Tiles (by addie - 21 Apr 13, 9:48) |
Anyone having this problem...When I hit , undo, sometimes the letter disappears altogether leaving me with one less tile to play with and if I do it again, I have two less... |
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Unfair games (by Daffodill15 - 21 Apr 13, 13:14) |
Sometimes Merels stop working properly and the computer starts to play unfair and say that it formed a mill when it didn't. Has that ever happened to anyone? |
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They give you lots of clues. (by Daffodill15 - 21 Apr 13, 13:18) |
Something that make these codewords easier is that they give you lots of clues. Who agrees with me? |
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green room (by organicfran - 21 Apr 13, 16:40) |
some of us from sudoku points challenge green room have started playing shisen and love it! we would like to request a 6 minute game like the sudoku green room so that we can play at our own level and see the game through a little further. some do not like being at bottom game after game. what say? respectfully with thanks, frances |
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Better Quality Images for Daily Challenge (by LynniAeon - 22 Apr 13, 4:21) |
50% of the Daily Challenge images are like amateur tourist snap shots. You have so many others to choose from why use such poorly composed, low contrast,low quality images? I avoid doing these puzzles when I login to play on a casual basis. Anyone else agree? |
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Freecell bug (by chrisp - 22 Apr 13, 17:31) |
Autoplay sometimes causes freecell to seize up. All you can do is close the game and start again. |
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Room Closed and Clock Issues (by mindy - 22 Apr 13, 18:38) |
In the Play With Others the room keeps closing and says to log back in in 10 minutes. And after the clock clicks down to zero it sticks at zero but you can keep playing, after a bit the clock starts counting down from 29. Please fix, thanks DKM. |
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timer? (by Danybouy - 22 Apr 13, 21:56) |
the timer on the Shisen screen appears to be down. Is there something I am doing wrong? I usually play as a single user. |
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ads flashing during a game (by davek - 23 Apr 13, 9:04) |
Please stop the ads from flashing while play is active.. I felt that i was in the process of having a great score only to be ruined by an ad. Have the ads flash during chat time.. I would be less angry and more likely to actually read them. |
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challenge timer (by geordiemam - 24 Apr 13, 16:50) |
Challenge timer down - always showing 0 |
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To DKM (by Footsie - 25 Apr 13, 9:50) |
Very slow operating. Have to click 3 or 4 times to get any response |
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PEABOWS (by davek - 26 Apr 13, 16:19) |
anyone seen peabows lately??? |
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Advice on reducing my image file size (by bluesky53 - 26 Apr 13, 20:15) |
I have dynamite personal photography but my files are big can anyone give me a quick resize lesson so I can upload great quality digi pics? |
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codewords my fave in the paper and now online (by bluesky53 - 26 Apr 13, 20:28) |
Thank you for Codewords game feature here at DKM. It was always my favorite in the newspaper and I agree with other post re using all the letters...that has always been a rule..all alphabet used. So far I am very pleased with your site and the selection of games. Great big selection of Jigsaws too...which definitely gives you a thumbs up over other sites. Thanks again |
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Trouble with being able to select and move puzzle pieces (by puzzler1 - 27 Apr 13, 10:12) |
Is there a new flashplayer or something I need to download? In the last week or so I'm having trouble actually selecting and dragging a puzzle piece. Maybe my mouse is the issue, but I don't have a problem with it on anything else I do. If there is a new player I need to download, what is it and where do I find it? |
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Daily Challange (by GSN - 28 Apr 13, 0:40) |
No rank is coming in daily sudoku for me |
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To Wiserangel crayon Puzzle The best (by bluesky53 - 28 Apr 13, 12:38) |
To the angel who uploaded the crayon pic for a of the funnest puzzles I have ever done. I give it 50 stars. Brilliant. You are a wiser angel. To everyone else: there are other puzzle sites where some of us originate from..and one thing they do not have...a forum and a rapidly expanding database of subject matter...puzzle selection here quite good. As soon as I figure out how to reduce my own photo file sizes I will upload my own pics for puzzles. |
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Pearls - great puzzle concept (by sidecar - 28 Apr 13, 13:24) |
Once I got my head around the rules I can't stop playing it! Need a mobile version :) |
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BIRTHDAY WISHES 2 goodgirl (by NIKHIL - 29 Apr 13, 13:28) |
many more HAPPY RETURNS of the day to patsy... :-) |
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Pingwiny animal pic (by bluesky53 - 29 Apr 13, 17:50) |
Wow..this was tough..great puzzle choice |
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"Hi" to All (by sooner - 29 Apr 13, 22:06) |
Every once in a while I like to check into the forum..."Hi" to all of you. I enjoy playing Word Ferret with such great competition! |
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new version (by brownie - 30 Apr 13, 15:06) |
according to post...having trouble with time should get new version. How? |
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seads4 (by seads4 - 30 Apr 13, 19:04) |
Why is it not giving me my time on Shisen? This is a new problem. I usually have a time in the range of 5 to 9 minutes. NOW it is only showing seconds (such as :22). Is anyone else having this problem? |
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How to clear browser? (by seads4 - 01 May 13, 15:45) |
How do you clear browser options? I have tried pressing F5 on the Shisen page and nothing changes. |
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Timer (by seads4 - 01 May 13, 19:39) |
OK. I updated Adobe flash. I cleared my browser. I have pressed F5 on home page, on Shisen page, and on game page. Each time I have restarted my computer. I am frustrated to say the least. What else can I try to be able to play Shisen? |
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Already Played? (by puzzler1 - 03 May 13, 9:45) |
Tried to bring up the challenge page a couple of times - nothing showed up. Rebooted, installed new Flash player update, logged back in and Challenge says I already played today - nope - didn't - couldn't see the page to play....was this issue with Flash player and since I couldn't actually see the game to play it (it was in the background) then when I logged off - it thought I had played? |
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BIRTHDAY GREETINGS TO NIKHIL OF BANGALORE (by goodgirl - 05 May 13, 14:46) |
Happy birthday Nik, may you have many happy returns. This is a very sincere message sent to you from Patsy goodgirl. ?????? |
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I can not get on puzzle site. I keep getting error what does thi (by tinysanchez - 07 May 13, 10:32) |
Server Error in '/' Application. The handle is invalid. (Exception from HRESULT: 0x80070006 (E_HANDLE)) Description: An unhandled exception occurred during the execution of the current web request. Please review the stack trace for more information about the error and where it originated in the code. Exception Details: System.Runtime.InteropServices.COMException: The handle is invalid. (Exception from HRESULT: 0x80070006 (E_HANDLE)) Source Error: An unhandled exception was generated during the execution of the current web request. Information regarding the origin and location of the exception can be identified using the exception stack trace below. Stack Trace: [COMException (0x80070006): The handle is invalid. (Exception from HRESULT: 0x80070006 (E_HANDLE))] [FileLoadException: Could not load file or assembly 'Jigsaw, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null' or one of its dependencies. The handle is invalid. (Exception from HRESULT: 0x80070006 (E_HANDLE))] System.Reflection.Assembly._nLoad(AssemblyName fileName, String codeBase, Evidence assemblySecurity, Assembly locationHint, StackCrawlMark& stackMark, Boolean throwOnFileNotFound, Boolean forIntrospection) +0 System.Reflection.Assembly.nLoad(AssemblyName fileName, String codeBase, Evidence assemblySecurity, Assembly locationHint, StackCrawlMark& stackMark, Boolean throwOnFileNotFound, Boolean forIntrospection) +43 System.Reflection.Assembly.InternalLoad(AssemblyName assemblyRef, Evidence assemblySecurity, StackCrawlMark& stackMark, Boolean forIntrospection) +127 System.Reflection.Assembly.InternalLoad(String assemblyString, Evidence assemblySecurity, StackCrawlMark& stackMark, Boolean forIntrospection) +142 System.Reflection.Assembly.Load(String assemblyString) +28 System.Web.Configuration.CompilationSection.LoadAssemblyHelper(String assemblyName, Boolean starDirective) +46 [ConfigurationErrorsException: Could not load file or assembly 'Jigsaw, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null' or one of its dependencies. The handle is invalid. (Exception from HRESULT: 0x80070006 (E_HANDLE))] System.Web.Configuration.CompilationSection.LoadAssemblyHelper(String assemblyName, Boolean starDirective) +613 System.Web.Configuration.CompilationSection.LoadAllAssembliesFromAppDomainBinDirectory() +203 System.Web.Configuration.CompilationSection.LoadAssembly(AssemblyInfo ai) +105 System.Web.Compilation.BuildManager.GetReferencedAssemblies(CompilationSection compConfig) +178 System.Web.Compilation.WebDirectoryBatchCompiler..ctor(VirtualDirectory vdir) +163 System.Web.Compilation.BuildManager.BatchCompileWebDirectoryInternal(VirtualDirectory vdir, Boolean ignoreErrors) +53 System.Web.Compilation.BuildManager.BatchCompileWebDirectory(VirtualDirectory vdir, VirtualPath virtualDir, Boolean ignoreErrors) +175 System.Web.Compilation.BuildManager.CompileWebFile(VirtualPath virtualPath) +86 System.Web.Compilation.BuildManager.GetVPathBuildResultInternal(VirtualPath virtualPath, Boolean noBuild, Boolean allowCrossApp, Boolean allowBuildInPrecompile) +261 System.Web.Compilation.BuildManager.GetVPathBuildResultWithNoAssert(HttpContext context, VirtualPath virtualPath, Boolean noBuild, Boolean allowCrossApp, Boolean allowBuildInPrecompile) +101 System.Web.Compilation.BuildManager.GetVirtualPathObjectFactory(VirtualPath virtualPath, HttpContext context, Boolean allowCrossApp, Boolean noAssert) +126 System.Web.Compilation.BuildManager.CreateInstanceFromVirtualPath(VirtualPath virtualPath, Type requiredBaseType, HttpContext context, Boolean allowCrossApp, Boolean noAssert) +62 System.Web.UI.PageHandlerFactory.GetHandlerHelper(HttpContext context, String requestType, VirtualPath virtualPath, String physicalPath) +33 System.Web.UI.PageHandlerFactory.GetHandler(HttpContext context, String requestType, String virtualPath, String path) +37 System.Web.MaterializeHandlerExecutionStep.System.Web.HttpApplication.IExecutionStep.Execute() +307 System.Web.HttpApplication.ExecuteStep(IExecutionStep step, Boolean& completedSynchronously) +155 Version Information: Microsoft .NET Framework Version:2.0.50727.4234; ASP.NET Version:2.0.50727.4223 |
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Oops, scores missing again (by wordsmith - 08 May 13, 17:44) |
Three times in the last hour my final score has vaporized. Once it was one of my highest, 3200+. Ouch. Not that I play only to get the highest score. Never. |
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shisen timer (by seads4 - 09 May 13, 9:35) |
I have tried using Google Chrome as a browser and many other avenues. Nothing works. The only time I received a correct time, I went to regular google -- put in shisen -- tried the free trial of dkm Shisen. I am tired of waiting for this problem to be rectified. |
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Cat in flowers /animals/ Pic LOVELY!! (by bluesky53 - 09 May 13, 15:11) |
To Cecileet Thank you for the darling and uplifting "Cat in Flowers" pic. A warm and fun puzzle. Cannot decide if those are azalias or bouganvillas....definitly a good puzzle choice Thanks |
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Lane of Purple trees (by silversal - 10 May 13, 15:09) |
These trees are absolutely fabulous. Thankyou Lovebytes4U. Can you tell me what they are called? More importantly would they grow in a large garden in Buckinghamshire, England? Kind regards, Silversal |
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Constantly getting kicked out (by jws3 - 10 May 13, 21:59) |
Every time I get in, the room closes and I'm out again. What's going on? |
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Daily Challenge. (by GSN - 11 May 13, 0:45) |
Not getting the rank though the points are awarded. Something fishy |
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Success (by seads4 - 14 May 13, 14:42) |
By some quirk of fate, I found a different way into shisen that allows me to get a time. |
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Room Closed again and again. (by blorchy - 18 May 13, 22:08) |
This is also happening to me. We have cable modem. |
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How to solve faster? (by ciceros - 19 May 13, 21:08) |
Hi, I'm interested in know how to solve Sudoku faster. And how best players do it? Does the players that do scores up to 5K in the easy level memorize all the possibilities checked? Does somebody have any other tip to share? Thank you!!! |
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booted (by tbwall - 19 May 13, 23:42) |
I have been booted all weekend! stinks. |
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score is disappearing again and again (by rajgupta9011 - 24 May 13, 11:27) |
hey can anyone tell why score is disappearing again and again, i have fast speed internet but score is still disappearing :O |
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booted (by paulaoda - 25 May 13, 15:48) |
I can't play today, i'm booted all the time. It barely happens to me. What's the problem today? I use the same computer. |
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booting (by sjmont - 25 May 13, 20:58) |
booting has been happening to some extent all day, but now it is almost constant - some of us 7 times in a short period of time. 5:56 PM PST here Derrick. It is clearly not our internet connections causing the problems, I am hardly ever booted unless the site is experiencing problems, Please help! I have been away for a couple of days and have not been able to play. |
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not working (by sjmont - 25 May 13, 21:02) |
Word ferret is not working now either! (In addition to sudoku points challenge). Hope you are not gone for the whole weekend, but of you are, Derrick, enjoy and have a good time. |
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Hmm, it's happening again... (by wordsmith - 26 May 13, 19:04) |
But this time, not only do my scores sometimes disappear for no reason I can see, sometimes my name is not even up there as a player, even though the scoring is taking place as usual. Strange. |
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Play with others top scores (by Aardvard - 27 May 13, 11:51) |
I guess I don't really understand the top 100 - my top score yesterday was 248, but my top score from yesterday shows as 173. I'm also confused about the last seven days scores, those usually seem higher than my average, ...although I don't do any calculations. |
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Room closed / booted from server (by dkmGames - 27 May 13, 21:48) |
I am trying to deal with the problem that some have where they are "booted" intermittently from the server and have to reconnect. Any of these problems that have been happening over the last 46 days or so are not because the multiuser server has gone down (those problems appear to have been solved). The "room closed" message is actually inaccurate - it should say "server connection lost". I have just made changes where it will try reconnect you automatically if you lose the connection and keep your game "state", ie you can continue uninterrupted provided the reconnection is successful. It will display a message when it is attempting this (although it might be short lived if you reconnect immediately). If you are playing as a guest, your guest username will change. Let me know if this helps. |
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App (by redcrow - 30 May 13, 0:50) |
Is there any chance that you might set up an app for (in my case) Android, not just for Sudoku, but for DKM Games as a whole? |
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Booted / room closed (by dkmGames - 30 May 13, 21:18) |
I have implemented a change to try deal with the problem when you lose the connection in multi-user Shisen (probably would get the message "Room closed"). If you lose the connection, it will now try auto reconnect and keep your game "state", so that you can continue uninterrupted. |
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Chat not working (by Conan - 31 May 13, 13:59) |
I have been successfully reconnected to the game after my connection was lost. However, chat doesn't work after reconnection. Also, the servers seem really slow since these changes. Anyone else experiencing these problems? |
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review games in green again please (by bokkasoduko - 02 Jun 13, 12:29) |
Hi DKM, could you please check the difficulty of games in green again.........some of them are very tough again .......... |
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Booting or something else? (by pagan - 07 Jun 13, 8:49) |
I have been reading posts about booting but haven't found the answer, since my problems have been somewhat different. Unlike many who complain about booting problems, I am pretty sure that mine are caused by poor connection. In short, my score keeps disappearing before the final results are displayed. This is especially annoying when I manage to get a very good result. It is interesting that my chat continues to work normally. I experimented a bit and "discovered" that keeping the connection live helps preserve the score till the end. This may sound contradictory, but chatting does not seem to be as effective as refreshing the page. I opened a results page in another tab and kept refreshing it through the game end and managed to save many scores. When I did not do that the scores disappeared. Of course this isn't a real experiment, and my conclusions may be based on pure coincidence, but if someone is having similar problems, I suggest an experiment with refreshing to test the idea further. |
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My Sudoku Stats not updating (by FatFingers - 11 Jun 13, 1:36) |
The personal stats page is not updating for me. Also, would hope the stats would be a little more sophisticated than just a line graph of last 5 games. What I would *really* like to see would be hypertext links around each name on the SudokuPointsResults page. Click on your name/handle and a little Ajax driven window pops up, retrieves and displays the high scores (and dates) used for computing the player's rank. Hmmm? |
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Disgusting advertising (by - 15 Jun 13, 22:31) |
Does anyone find any of the ads pornographic? I do. |
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Word Sketch (by Kejo - 22 Jun 13, 11:33) |
I would really LOVE to try out this new game, but unfortunately, the rooms are always deserted ... Kejo |
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BIRTHDAY WISHES 2 Karesz... (by NIKHIL - 23 Jun 13, 16:52) |
Many More Happy Returns Of The Day Karesz ☺☻ |
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Birthday Greetings to Dear Karesz :))?????? (by goodgirl - 24 Jun 13, 5:45) |
Many, many happy returns of the day karesz, have a good one! Lots of love Patsyxxx |
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HAppy Birthday Karesz (by davek - 24 Jun 13, 6:33) |
hope its great |
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to kare (by kostovira13 - 24 Jun 13, 15:19) |
happy birthday kare |
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Happy Birthday Kare! (by mindy - 25 Jun 13, 0:07) |
Hi Kare, hope you had a great birthday. Sorry we didn't play together today :-( See you soon in the green room. Mindy |
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backspace (by sparkle96204 - 26 Jun 13, 14:40) |
This is a great game, but it's a real bummer to get booted out when I hit the backspace key on accident. That doesn't happen in any of the other games. Hitting the backspace key is an easy mistake to make, almost a reflex. I made the mistake a couple of times in the last week while playing the daily challenge. When that happens, I don't get to continue the challenge because I can't get back in having already started. |
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Mahjong XD (by Sayana - 27 Jun 13, 9:07) |
Ok this is definitely harder than shisen, the games seem impossible to solve but hey...I said the same thing when I started to play shisen so I won't quit untill I finish at least one ....What I wanted to the rules are the same? "the tiles must be conected by 3 or less lines" ? Do you think you could make a demo like in shisen? That would be great :) |
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Playing with Others-Getting Booted (by mindy - 29 Jun 13, 14:06) |
Several of us keep getting booted. One game I was able to play all the way through and when the clock ran out it let me keep playing and added to my score as I matched pairs until all pairs were matched and it recorded me with a final score of 144. |
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To DKM (by wordsmith - 29 Jun 13, 23:29) |
First, thanks for keeping my favorite game going so well most of the time. Do you know why so often lately my user name/score never appear at all when playing with others, even though everything else is working just fine? Or my name/score will not appear until the very last second. Or it appears until the very end, then disappears at the final moment. Is it something I am doing? Just so puzzling! I see it happening with other players too. Thanks! |
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Shock news - tgiff gets less than 50% (by BlueWombat - 30 Jun 13, 5:59) |
I don't know how tgiff does it. Scores are consistently astonishing but I did see one game where tgiff failed to get to 50%. Nearly fell off my chair. Personally, I'm very pleased with 50% and delighted at anything close to 60%. Tell us, tgiff, what's the secret? |
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Once again mouse wouldn't work (by jaysonbarker - 01 Jul 13, 7:15) |
This has happened on both my laptop (Win7) and my desktop (Win8)--the mouse has the blue square on it and will not function--then I have to close the challenge and can't do it again |
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word sketch (by nyctaxi - 02 Jul 13, 10:27) |
I too would love to try this new game! I finally have been able to connect, but, I am the only one in the room. I am wondering about the difference between the "teal & olive" play areas. Perhaps, you could post a new game sign on the home page of many of the more popular games. That is how I found out about Speed Cross. Thanks for all of your effort DKM. Cheers, nyctaxi. |
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Mahjong (by Sayana - 03 Jul 13, 8:58) |
So when is the daily challenge coming on mahjong? I'm curious how others are's just...competition can be a motivation so...I'm looking forward to that ^_^ |
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Main Reason for Booted Out (by lynxx - 04 Jul 13, 16:32) |
We get booted out because DKM is getting very popular, and too many people for their server capacity. Popular is a GOOD thing for DKM (and for us, in the long run), |
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Scores > 144? (by lynxx - 04 Jul 13, 16:35) |
How do people ever get those Big Scores and Bonuses? I suspect they use some kind of cheat/auto program? My personal best score is 104 (sigh). Of course this is just sour grapes! |
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Daily Challenge (by farzaneh - 06 Jul 13, 15:34) |
Thanks for the daily challenge, some days it's the only thing that keeps me together! remember when I was at the bottom of your list! achieving scores here, has made my days!! Thank you ;) |
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daily chalange (by kostovira13 - 07 Jul 13, 10:18) |
why can,t i log in today at all, with my name, or like a guest.Was so happy, after 3 days finaly have time, and unpleasant surprise. |
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Repeating Grids (by mindy - 07 Jul 13, 14:08) |
I'd say in the last 10-14 days or so that some grids are the same as the previous game played. I had never seen this before but it seems lately that it's been happening quite a bit. I don't like playing the same grid two games in a row :-( |
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already played challenge, NOT (by Aardvard - 07 Jul 13, 17:58) |
Maybe I'm impatient, but when the board doesn't pop up after a few seconds, I click play challenge again and it says I already played - second or third time this has happened |
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Happy birthday to Misses (by davek - 08 Jul 13, 22:01) |
Happy birthday to Misses where ever you are.... Enjoy |
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Server connection failed (by bokkasoduko - 09 Jul 13, 19:05) |
Clock stucked and then no server connection. |
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View Jigsaw puzzles (by snagel - 10 Jul 13, 18:15) |
Is there a way to see just the puzzles I have done? |
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Mahjong (by dkmGames - 11 Jul 13, 3:52) |
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To all you Sudoku pros (by dkmGames - 12 Jul 13, 1:38) |
I am so impressed by the speed in which many of you pros are able to complete a puzzle that I am thinking of recording some of the winning games in Sudoku Points and then letting others replay the solving at the actual speed it was originally solved. I think this could be quite informative to see the styles of solving and how fast it is possible to solve. Would any of you mind if your "works of art" became public? |
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Voe? Vaw? I'm clueless ... (by Kejo - 12 Jul 13, 16:49) |
I really enjoy studying "yesterday's winner board". It helps me to enrich my vocabulary and improve my scores. But what do the words "vaw" and "voe" mean? I can't find them in Merriam-Webster - or in the DKM Word Explorer. Does anyone have helpful links or an explanation? |
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sudoku pros (by capejan - 13 Jul 13, 4:29) |
would love it great idea |
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Leaderboard (by mindy - 14 Jul 13, 19:27) |
Yay! Thank you for adding the Daily Challenge. The Leaderboard only shows the top 15 can you revise it to show all players scores? Thanks. |
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Sigh (by wordsmith - 14 Jul 13, 21:22) |
My final score of 2284 just disappeared at the last moment. |
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Recorded Points Games (by dkmGames - 16 Jul 13, 2:40) |
Following on from my previous post, you can now replay some winning Points games from the previous day. There is a link to them on the Sudoku Points page. Already it has exposed very suspicious entries from the highest ranking player - see for yourself. I think this will be good to remove any non genuine players. |
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Scores not correct (by easternvideo - 18 Jul 13, 0:30) |
If I don't solve the Daily Challenge and try to go back it will suddenly clear the page and give me a score. I thought you had to solve the puzzle to appear on the Leaderboard. |
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oops (by bambi - 18 Jul 13, 1:43) |
that took awhile. |
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Great Job DKM! (by miak - 18 Jul 13, 18:14) |
Thank you dkm for youe newest inclusion (recorded games). I find it very stimulating, encouraging and enjoyable. Do keep up the good work. |
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Solvable cells in recorded games (by dkmGames - 19 Jul 13, 0:43) |
A new feature has been added to the recorded games to show all the cells that are logically solvable at each stage. (Does not include advanced strategies). The stats at the end then show the number of guesses. It's very easy to miss the fact that a number entered correctly could also logically have been placed elsewhere at that point. So some guesses are inadvertent. There is a link on the page to toggle this feature on and off. |
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Let's play Word Sketch! (by Sayana - 19 Jul 13, 15:15) |
I saw a couple of posts about Word Sketch from people who want to play it so ...I was thinking if there are so few(at least I guess) of us(who want to try it)... we should establish a specific time of the day(and day) when to enter the game.... If anyone is interested leave a reply to let me know you are in and also the country you are from...and if you know the GMT of your country would be great...if not it's ok( I'll look it up) :-) The GMT is to choose a suitable time of the day for each of the potential players :) If we gather enough players(at least 4) we should decide on a specific day and give it a try...the game seems interesting... I hope my english won't fail at me :D |
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I am not in the recorded games (by terete - 20 Jul 13, 11:04) |
Hi dkm. Yesterday I was the 17th in the top scores with 5577 but my game was not recorded :( |
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ie 9 (by brownie - 24 Jul 13, 10:28) |
I have tried to log in to mahjong and am told that I need to upgrade to ie9. I already run ie9. What am I doing wrong. |
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TWO USER-NAMES??? (by joolz - 26 Jul 13, 12:20) |
Hi Derek, I've just noticed that I seem to have two usernames - joolz and joolz1. Most of my games have been played under joolz1 (I think!). However I seem to have been playing today under joolz. Don't know how I've managed to amass the two usernames so if poss can you amalgamate all my scores under the one user-name? Thanks. PS I think you do an amazing job with this site and I enjoy watching the recorded games too - that was another great idea of yours! |
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For somebody not "guessing" in green (by bokkasoduko - 26 Jul 13, 13:35) |
2 Guesses for yesterday game in green is hmmmmm against what he said in the post ? LOL .....or is the guessing in gold making him getting used to guessing and then he guesses in green too ? |
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New date and time +first impressions - Word Sketch (by Sayana - 28 Jul 13, 17:15) |
First of all congrats to Dkm, who is a bloody genius, for bringing this yet another cool game to us (^o^)/ The first try went all over my expectations. The game is really fun to play, challenging,patience tester and really puts your brain to work :)) For those of you who want to have fun ...I highly recomand it :)) For those of you who haven't tried it don't know what you're missing :D For those of you who already tried it and liked it, the next date could be 30 august,the time could be the same 10pm( on GMT+2) but if you want to change it just come with your suggestion in a reply :-) I'm sure in time the game will get popular,if not it's ok we have a forum :))) untill then ...I'm so looking forward to the next one! Have a great day all and God bless you! |
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Hello, GoBlue87! (by wordsmith - 29 Jul 13, 10:29) |
You seem to be an amazing player. But we never see you on the "Play With Others" option. Join us!! |
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word sudoku (by chicacammal - 30 Jul 13, 2:29) |
how to you get to a new game, I finished the game with word absurdity, but can't get to a different game. |
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Recorded games : ) (by lpStoyanov - 30 Jul 13, 8:07) |
I am not very active nowadays and I've just seen that new feature. All I can say is...That's amazing! I cant believe how far you cаme with this game ; ) I saw some games today and I am very disappointed because I saw great players using guessing technique. I hope the score system will be changed. I cant see any skill in that guessing and it doesn't deserve to get high scores. To me high scores require amazingly fast logic and great skill, no just finding key numbers by guessing. I saw there are many posts about scoring. I am sure you know better then me what and how to change. The game is perfect now. It will be more fair if one day there is anti-guessing actions. I want to say that I admire what you are doing for this game. Congratulations for the great job : ) This make us all(i hope so) feel very happy : ) |
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Spelling error in Word Sketch (by Kejo - 30 Jul 13, 9:47) |
I found it rather annoying yesterday that the correct spelling "barbeCue" was *not* accepted, but the wrong spelling "barbeQue" was. I would appreciate it if this error could be corrected. |
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Scoring (by Ladytx - 31 Jul 13, 4:12) |
I must have something wrong in my settings. If I clear the board in 6 minutes, I get a score of 144. If I clear the board in 3 minutes, I get a score of 144. How are the higher scores working? |
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Word Sketch...again... (T_T) (by Sayana - 31 Jul 13, 16:57) |
The game is awesome ...but we get kicked out ...A says "Conection to server lost"'s obviously annoying, but we hope it's just because it's the 'beta version'. Two days ago we lost the conection but it was only for a brief moment and it didn't we're loosing it multiple times and not all of us in the same time, takes us down one after the other like in horror movies :))) but unlike horror movie we can get back to the game if we reconnect ...the diference between the two ocasions is that, today we had more players than usual:)) ...wich is good after all the advertising we did... :P more thing ...on one ocasion I had to draw 'raincoat' and one of the players answerd wright but the game didn't took it as being right...weird...I printed the screen and checked it was spelled correctly... ...anyway I hope the problem is solvable ^_^ Thanks and have a great day :) |
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Multi for iMac (by andre - 01 Aug 13, 10:21) |
Hi, I just switched to iMac from a PC. As a result Multi isn't working as Mac doesn't support Flash. Is there a way around it? I'd hate to continue to use a PC just for that! |
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Lets call the post "guessing" and see how many gives opinion (by bokkasoduko - 01 Aug 13, 15:57) |
Hi all, lets start a post where everyone can give their opinion on guessing, it's not always possible to know that in some of the other posts there is also opinions on guessing if you don't open the post and read it. My opinion is in the points challenge games of 5 and 6 minutes the 50/50 guessing must not be considered as a cheat and must not be penalized, anyway if the guess is wrong, you will be penalized with the deduction of points for an error made. I still want to know why guessing is an option in the points challenge games and my understanding thereof is that we need to finish the games in 5 or 6 minutes and it's not like the daily challenges, if you made an error you can go back and start the game over. You need to finish the game as fast as possible and when you get stuck and the clock keeps ticking you consider a 50/50 answer (2 numbers that can fit in) and guess one. I don't know the X and the Y's and the "wings" strategies so well, so sometimes I could be "guessing" but actually be using the x and y's and wings strategies, who knows. Anyhow, I would like to see other opinions on this topic, there is already in other posts opinions form lp, mac, joolz, mia, and others. And then if DKM could comment on why the option to guess was brought in the points challenge games of 5 and 6 minutes in the first place, maybe that will also give clarity on the reasoning behind this madness. Love to you all and DKM, really great site and I enjoy to play the points challenging games......with a few guessing now and then ......LOL |
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Sudoku Points guessing, scores etc - your comments (by dkmGames - 01 Aug 13, 21:18) |
Hey guys, thanks for all your comments on this subject - seems people have strong views. Here is my understanding of it and then I propose some possible changes for discussion. 1. Guessing is not cheating as I have stated before. It's in the rules, so let's drop that word. 2. I can fully appreciate why many love the idea of being able to guess and get immediate feedback if right or wrong. It helps to solve the puzzle much quicker and with the time limit, it's nice to be able to finish the puzzle. But it does undeniably add a bit of a luck element to the game. But it is a part of Sudoku Points and should not be removed for those that like it. 3. I did not specifically introduce guessing as an element of the game, rather I wanted to give immediate feedback to the scoring and so needed to reveal if the input was wrong. So guessing is an artifact of this. You would not guess so freely if you did not know the result as you may end up in big trouble going forward and most likely never complete the puzzle in time. 4. Where I think the problem is (if there is one), is that the penalties for guessing are not quite stiff enough. It very often pays to guess and will likely result in a higher score than if you took the time to fully work out logically each entry. Remember, for all the games in both rooms, there are always cells that can be solved using just the basic strategies, so "being stuck" means you just have not seen them. There is no need for naked pairs, box line pointing or any other technique that is time consuming to identify. There is no doubt that those who never guess deserve to always get a higher score. 5. From the Sudoku purist's point of view, showing incorrect entries immediately (therefore allowing guessing) is wrong. It is a pure logic game and you should only fill in a cell that you are sure of else face consequences that could be worse than some negative points. Okay, that said, here are some possible options: 1. Leave everything exactly as is. 2. Increase the penalties for incorrect entries a bit. I propose 200 points for first error, 300 for second etc. (but this still may not be higher enough). 3. Introduce a third room (or change Gold room) to not reveal errors immediately. What will happen if you enter an incorrect number is that you will still get the score added and it will not show red, but internally that score will be added to a penalty total. At the end, your score will be reduced by those points that should not have been added. So, you will not actually lose any points for errors, just not score any for those entries. If you re-enter a correct value, you will score for that. If you finish before the time limit, you deserve a bigger bonus than before as you did it without any feedback on errors or incorrect guesses (if you were brave enough to do so). Hope that makes sense. Let me know your thoughts. |
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New window (by easternvideo - 02 Aug 13, 8:38) |
Love the new game and thank you for adding the Daily Challenge. Would it be possible to have the games open in a new window the way Shisen does? Thanks. |
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Zooming IN accidently (by Bullfrogggg - 10 Aug 13, 16:10) |
Occasionally, I accidently ZOOM IN (I think when hitting right click on mouse) and it will not let me zoom out. Any suggestions? |
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Chat for word ruffle (by Aardvard - 11 Aug 13, 18:48) |
It would be great to have a chat option for word ruffle. There are some great players in there! |
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Do Not Record My Games link (by FatFingers - 12 Aug 13, 0:58) |
Where is the "Undo Do Not Record My Games" link??? I clicked the link without looking, thinking it was a "Next" page link. Why'd I do that? Hey! I'm FatFingers!!! So, at any rate, sign me back up for recording my games or gimme a button so I can do it myself. I want all to see the power of Dat Dingers! Bwa-ha-ha-ha.... ;)) |
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recorded game 7.3k in Sudoku Points (by petreero - 14 Aug 13, 4:16) |
I would like to see the recorded game of spox1276 :-) score 7325. It must have been so fast! No more recorded games for gold room?! :-( I should now play in green too. |
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cannot see recorded games for gold room! (by petreero - 15 Aug 13, 8:50) |
since Monday or Tuesday, I think, we cannot see the recorded games for gold room, just for green! thanks! |
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1v1 (by Mahamaya - 18 Aug 13, 9:17) |
Any chance this game could be further developed to be played directly versus other person/people? Not only the daily challenge. |
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when to play word sketch (by SHANTI - 20 Aug 13, 5:45) |
we managed to find each other 3+ players on the same time each evening around 9pm european time and we do play for at least 2 hours. I find this game brilliant !!! Apart from improving language and spelling, enhances imagination and creativity - a very good brain exercise... Also we interact with each other more than any other game!!! some helping tips = when the word refers to a country we put a flag at one corner if it is a continent many flags... if it is a person's name a circle with a question mark inside we also need a hint if the word is a verb... any suggestions?? |
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slow slow slow (by geordiemam - 20 Aug 13, 10:51) |
Keep loosing connection today - game still playing once timer at zero - need my Shisen - I've done my leg in and I can do precious little else!! |
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inappropriate words Word Sketch (by elkster - 20 Aug 13, 11:28) |
I was very disappointed when right in a row the words "pee" and "poop" came up in Word Sketch. I don't think that anyone who Plays in interested in having to draw or even guess such playground words. I also think and have heard from others, that all of the Computer Terms are not very much appreciated. In Addition to that, the same words Keep coming up game after game. With the thousands and thousands of English words available, it would seem there could be better variety. What does everyone else think? |
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Idea for Verbs (by elkster - 20 Aug 13, 11:45) |
A better idea than my previous one for a Symbol for a Verb (since you shouldn't use letters) would possibly be an arrow to Show movement and if it is an "ing" ending put a circle around it. |
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Idea for Verbs Word Sketch (by elkster - 20 Aug 13, 11:46) |
A better idea than my previous one for a Symbol for a Verb (since you shouldn't use letters) would possibly be an arrow to Show movement and if it is an "ing" ending put a circle around it. |
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Recorded Games and Top 100/300 Do Not Always Update (by Mute - 21 Aug 13, 3:52) |
Still Buggy. in SudokuPoints, Wednesday am (21 august), the top 100 yesterday scores, and recorded games, did not update. top 300 did update. Suggested Enhancement: put date and time at top of score tables for top 100, top 300, and recorded games. that way, we can see when, or whether, the tables have updated :) |
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Rejected Pictures (by N56629 - 22 Aug 13, 1:18) |
I've posted a number pictures and can not figure out why they were rejected. All of them are good quality or better. What am I doing wrong. I try to test every one to see if are usable. Thank you |
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wordruff down (by grizzly1 - 22 Aug 13, 10:40) |
when coming back up |
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'Please upgrade your browser to IE 9 or above' (by Kejo - 22 Aug 13, 12:08) |
But I AM already using IE9! Why is the start button gone so I can't play? |
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Word Sketch: 'Please upgrade your browser to IE 9 or above' (by Kejo - 22 Aug 13, 13:15) |
Same here as in Speed Cross - I AM using IE9, so why is the start button gone so I can't play? |
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Hints in WordSketch (by Sayana - 22 Aug 13, 15:25) |
If there is someone to give a hint in the game that is THE PERSON WHO DRAWS ...and that person should decide {[(based on how hard the given word is/seems and the accuracy of his/her drawing)]} whether a hint is needed or not and that person should NOT use letters, there is a 'HINT' button in there in case you haven't noticed...I don't want hints from anyone else but the person who draws... ~~You guessed the word? Hurray, good for you ...but don't do that, don't tell me the word,let me put my brain into action, let me learn more english and the correct spelling,LET ME HAVE FUN GUESSING IT and laugh when I look at the crazy things that I or other players thought the picture was and so on...~ ...It's like when reading a book about mistery murders and when you are a few chapter away from finding who's the murderer your friend comes in and says "Oh, it was the butler! :)) " ...and you are like "Agh, I thought it could be the butler...but thanks for the spoiler, reading and finding on my own wouldn't have been fun at all (T_T)" ...yeah,well this is my opinion , I mean no ofence... |
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Mouse doesn't work again (by jaysonbarker - 23 Aug 13, 6:05) |
Couldn't play challenge at all--only had the blue square showing and couldn't click it off |
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new window (by Napoca - 25 Aug 13, 9:02) |
would like so it could scale the board up. Thanks |
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Peabows (by Wiley - 26 Aug 13, 10:55) |
Caught the tail end of a chat saying "too bad about peabows" - anyone know what's happened? |
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Verbs in word sketch (by elkster - 26 Aug 13, 13:54) |
How about a triangle with the Point down for verbs. Symbol should ALWAYS be in the upper left Corner - not to be confused with drawing. If the verb is a gerund (with "ing), then the triangle should have a circle around it. Would this work? |
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Few "human opponents" (by BabsSF - 29 Aug 13, 19:31) |
Lately, I never see anybody else with a game going. Any suggestions? |
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Top 300 Score Waay Too Low (by Mute - 01 Sep 13, 3:55) |
My top 300 score is reported as 5677 on 2013 Sep 01. But by my accounting, I should have 5820, about 140 points too low. Can I please have the rest of my points reported :) |
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Server Down (by mindy - 05 Sep 13, 11:06) |
For the last hour I've been trying to play Points Challenge but it says the server is down :-( |
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ruffle down again (by grizzly1 - 05 Sep 13, 12:02) |
its down |
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Server problem? (by bandw - 05 Sep 13, 12:19) |
Can't connect to the server for multi-player Shisen or for Word Sketch. Can play Shisen challenge and Mahjong. Is it my system or is something going on with the server? Thanks! |
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Can't play with others! (by gabbagabbaho - 05 Sep 13, 12:57) |
Able to play alone, but "play with others" option says server is down. Hope you can fix soon. |
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Further question on games in green (tough) (by bokkasoduko - 05 Sep 13, 15:26) |
Hi DKM, if possible could you check if all the players get low scores on one game how the solvable blocks on that specific game looks. We played one game and got 5 5k's and 11 4k's (16 players) and the next game the highest score was a low 4k and the other 15 players got 3k and lower. The next game there wasn't even a 4k only 3k's. The comments immediately in the chat was "that was a toughie" a chat we used frequently these days "that was a toughie". I still feel some of the games in green is tough which is supposed to be "easy" in green and "medium" in gold. Would appreciate your feedback on this question. Thank you. |
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word sketch (by SHANTI - 09 Sep 13, 6:33) |
To my poor opinion, he best way to solve the hint or no-hint problem is to leave the first room for new players where hinting is allowed in order to encourage them to keep playing and learn the game (also the words could be easier) and the second room to be for advanced players with harder words and no hints... I dont mind not having hints, now that i ve played the game for some time, but without them would be terriby frustrating in the begging...and i do remember kejo was very helpful to me then. I also, in return, feel obliged to help new comers to get into it - also with spelling which is a matter for foreigners as well as english speaking players... Thank you all for your enlighting posts and wish you to enjoy it and not to take it so seriously, after all :))) |
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"Top 50 Rankings Last 7 Days" (by wordsmith - 09 Sep 13, 10:22) |
Congrats to Guava for 7 days straight in the number one slot! Just overtaken by Jeff2012 - go, Jeff! Dwilli and RobinD hold steady in slots 3-4-5. I love it when several of these folks are all playing at the same time. Especially when once in a while, not too often, I manage to beat them. |
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My thoughts on hinting and word sketch in general. (by estherfano - 09 Sep 13, 18:35) |
Hello Word Sketch Players, I?m fairly new to Word Sketch, but I would like to give my observations on the matter of hinting. Firstly, Word Sketch is a Beta version. Meaning there will be ongoing improvements and additions and it?s still in its infancy stage. In any beta version game, there are issues. I personally would like to see a broader color palette as well as a greater variety of words. Many seem to pop up repeatedly. In my opinion that is what makes it less of a thinking game. Dependant on your frequency of play, you have a greater advantage over others when words come up repeatedly. The correct guesses are so quick that newer players do not even have the chance to guess as the drawing is only partially finished. Also, most players will draw the same picture, so if you play with those players on a frequent basis you have a great advantage of knowing what the drawing is. Once a guess is correct, the drawer cannot use the hint button to help the other players. I?ve been in both games were hinting is used quite frequently and in others where there is no hinting. Either way does not matter to me. It is just a game and games are to be fun. So what makes it fun for the majority of the players currently playing in a game is fine by me. Also, it is not like the other games which you can immediately play. You have to wait for 3 players to start. I believe what some of the players are doing by hinting is not so much a disrespect to DKM or other players, but they are trying to help individuals who are new to the game, not familiar with the spelling, English not being their first language, etc? They are trying to help increase attendance in the rooms so if you wish to play, you actually can at any given time. I do not view the hinting I?ve witnessed to be in anyway disrespectful or breaking the rules or cheating. The context is to be helpful. Some new players get frustrated and then do not wish to play again if they never can get a correct guess. I think until there becomes a greater following on this game, some leeway if used with discretion should be given. A couple days ago, a player came in and said, ?Could we please not use hints.? No one was upset and all were agreeable. If the players in the room say we are hinting to help ?so and so? since they are new or for whatever reason, I think the new person joining should respect that. They could just ask, ?Is there anyone here who wishes to play without hints??, and those players could just move to the other room. I really do not think that anyone wishes that Kejo refrains from playing Word Sketch. I just think everyone needs to be considerate of others feelings and wishes. Also, everyone gets a bit silly sometimes in Word Sketch, it is part of the fun, for me at least. Sometimes I may get a bit silly and my jokes may not seem funny to some, and I apologize if I have in anyway offended someone unintentionally. That was not my intent. |
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hard yubotu (by guitarpena - 11 Sep 13, 19:06) |
can anybody give me some help on how to solve the very hard 20 ship yubotu without cheating. |
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how do they do it (by kmslattery - 17 Sep 13, 8:44) |
I understand the possibilities of high score. My high was 223. Never again. My question is what scanning method do the sperstars use? I scan horizontally rows top to bottom. Then go back and look for other possible matches. How do others do It? kmslattery |
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Apology (by Deedra - 18 Sep 13, 19:31) |
I recently sent a photo, Harvest Moon Over the City, that may have been offensive to some puzzlers since it received a pretty low rating. I am so sorry if there is something offensive in the puzzle. I do try to look photos over carefully, but I may have missed something. Again, I apologize if the puzzle is not appropriate. I enjoy puzzles posted here and would not want to send along a puzzle that offends. Thank you for understanding. |
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Sketch (by kmslattery - 19 Sep 13, 8:54) |
After a game and oor showing by estherfano, elkster asked if esterfano was "in sketch"? the answer was no, but I am now. I enquired what sketch was and they both signed off. Curious. |
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Idea to help reduce guessing (by akimbo - 19 Sep 13, 19:47) |
I really like the statistics that come with the recorded games. And I'm very competitive with myself. I think it would help me when I'm playing if, at the end of the game, I could see not only my bonus and score, but also, like in the recorded games, the time it took me to complete the grid, and number of guesses and pure errors. I could definitely see myself feeling a lot more guilty about taking a chance with a guess if it got pointed out to me each and every game. And hopefully that will help me be a better player. I appreciate any and all input. |
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Better Dictionary (by horganbj - 19 Sep 13, 19:49) |
This game needs a better, updated dictionary. So many words are not allowed. |
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my ignorance (by kmslattery - 20 Sep 13, 0:56) |
In my post "sketch" I intimated sketch might be a leg up program to beat Shisen. Ignorance abounds. I apologize to any who may have been affected. |
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Multiple penalties (by supermac - 21 Sep 13, 6:04) |
I play grids using mouse and number pad. To make my numbers lock in first time and not have to rehit and waste time I tend to hit the number hard. I notice when I make a mistake I can get double or treble penalties presumably because its echoing the same number as a result of my method. Anything that you can do DKM? This morning early in a grid I went from 300ish to minus 260 because of 1 error so game over effectively. |
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Like, Like ,Like (by prodmell - 22 Sep 13, 6:47) |
I do like this site, it has so much to offer; my young grandson and I use it together when he comes to stay - he's just getting into jigsaws and its a good way to do it - no bits falling on the floor. |
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button placement in the app (by easternvideo - 22 Sep 13, 9:51) |
I just bought the Word Ruffle app for android and have a little problem with the placement of submit and end buttons. They are reversed so while I am in the habit of submit being the first button I now find the first button is end. Is there a reason for this? |
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Tiny numerals appearing in Shichi (by IH82BL8 - 23 Sep 13, 16:00) |
How do I get the appearance of the numerals to change back to normal size? Thanks. |
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No hint game Word Sketch (by elkster - 24 Sep 13, 12:39) |
Hey Kejo, Sayana and Phoenix.... I'd be happy to join a no-hint game. My reasons for supporting hints have been expounded upon - and I think it is clear that the reasons were not for my own benefit but as a way to build the community of players and to help others with spelling and language difficulties so they would not get discouraged too soon and not come back. Believe it or not, I actually agree (very much) that the drawer should not give letter hints - especially if they still have the opportunity to click the hint button. (I admit that I am occassionally guilty of having drawn letters - mostly after pressing the hint button - but only in unusual circumstances not as a general policy.) Anyway, I do find all of you fun and challenging to play with and would actually enjoy a "no-hint" game for a change of pace and the chance to play with different players that I find enjoyable to play. I hope I would be welcome. |
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new window (by easternvideo - 25 Sep 13, 8:23) |
Once again the Daily Challenge started without me. By the time I went to that tab I only had 3 minutes to play. |
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sbcmusic (by kostovira13 - 26 Sep 13, 14:27) |
somebody knows what,s happened with sbcmusic, don,t see him on the list at allm, was here a few days ago, nr, 33 , but now, between 300 players can,t find him? |
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Archived games (by Sedma - 27 Sep 13, 18:46) |
I recently discovered Hanidoku and I like it a lot. But I can play only one easy game a day. Can you make an archive for some old games? Thank you in advance. |
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I lost my Keys (by davek - 28 Sep 13, 15:16) |
Has anyone seen my car keys? Last seen in my hands coming up to my front door after work. Reward for any information leading to the discovery of their where abouts. No questions asked. Thanks |
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If only I could remember these! (by wordsmith - 29 Sep 13, 18:11) |
aback abed abet ado afar afire again ajar akin alit amass amiss anew arid arose aside askew atop awash away awed awry |
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Come Back Peabows (by sjmont - 30 Sep 13, 16:28) |
We all miss you Peabows - please come back! |
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I'm tempted yet.......... (by RedHerring - 06 Oct 13, 13:37) |
Should I? Dare I? Can I? |
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error (by bambi - 08 Oct 13, 4:47) |
Wwhat has happened to the puzzle page? |
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ruffle down (by grizzly1 - 11 Oct 13, 8:13) |
ruffle down |
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results for friday 11.10. 2013. (by kostovira13 - 12 Oct 13, 3:17) |
morning, i look at the list but can,t find me. on the winning games you can see that i made one 5075 easy. i made better one 5152 but was booted. OK happened that,s things, please check this. |
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results for saturday (by kostovira13 - 13 Oct 13, 7:37) |
i,m again onthelist winning games with 4957, but not again on the list first 100 for previous day? |
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Finally! (by bonsmom - 16 Oct 13, 0:48) |
My first perfect score! I am so thrilled! (but still not fast enough for first place ...) Some of you are sooo good at this! |
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Daily challenge (by mcogswell2 - 17 Oct 13, 17:01) |
I do the daily challenge puzzle - usually fairly early in the morning. I usually find myself between 62 and 100 on the leaderboard when I am done. If it's later in the day I may end up 192nd on the leaderboard. But I always wonder - out of how many people who have done the puzzle. Is there any way to find out |
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ooh! (by wordsmith - 18 Oct 13, 10:52) |
Psst, ssh, shh - aah, aha! oohs, oohed, huh? hah - oops don't try ahs - ugh! hmm... |
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Who is TGIFF? (by mrschute - 18 Oct 13, 15:23) |
At 92.5 today, I have to ask 'Man, woman, machine?'. That is bloody amazing! Bet you even Data would fear having to face TGIFF. Anyone there? |
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Daily Challenge (by Kejo - 19 Oct 13, 13:15) |
I think it's a great pity there is no daily challenge in Tents. Why? Not enough interested players? |
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Private delete option? (by pghtinman - 20 Oct 13, 8:24) |
how do delete pictures in private puzzles? |
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Green Room Problems (by mindy - 21 Oct 13, 14:19) |
People are getting booted. Clock is stuck. I got the message lost connection trying to reconnect - which it did and after that no one could chat. |
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clicking doesn't remove tiles (by flygirl33 - 23 Oct 13, 13:52) |
When I am clicking my mouse to remove the tiles, I often get a freeze. That is, the red lines are showing but the tiles haven't disappeared. I can only remove them by clicking on the first tile again. I waste a lot of time re-clicking. Does anyone else have this problem? |
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clicking again (by flygirl33 - 24 Oct 13, 11:39) |
To clarify: when two tiles are clicked they are outlined in red, but they don't always disappear. Then I have to click the first one again. Why is that? It doesn't seem to matter how hard I press the mouse either. |
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Determining Ranking (by mumu - 25 Oct 13, 10:05) |
When two -or more- players are tied at the end of regulation play, what is the criteria used in ranking one player over another. Thanks. |
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Print numbers? (by crabmann - 30 Oct 13, 19:51) |
What happened? I usually print the Sudoku puzzle every day to work on at breakfast. In the last day or so I can print the frame with lines but the doesn't print the numbers (file/print). If I rt clk on screen and "print" that does not work either. This has been working for at least 7 years. My printer prints everything else in all colors and black. |
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Missing parts of jugsaws (by axiris - 01 Nov 13, 9:29) |
I did some jigsaws and in the end of I find that some of the parts are missing. How should I Tried arrange bring to front and didn't find those pieces. What shall I do except restart? |
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Seahorse Puzzle (by bet0001970 - 03 Nov 13, 2:44) |
Thanks GeorgiaGirl! That was not an easy one, but definitely fun. I enjoyed it thoroughly. It's nice to have one of those thrown in there once in a while. Bet0001970 |
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Ubinam (by dkmGames - 06 Nov 13, 0:10) |
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Misspelling- attention elkster (by BabsSF - 06 Nov 13, 9:32) |
Elkster, I think you have misspelled the city name in puzzle D52F-44EE. Babs |
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Help with new ideas, please. (by dkmGames - 07 Nov 13, 19:43) |
I am thinking of adding some multi-user versions of SpeedCross and would appreciate your feedback. I don't want to spend time on something that may not attract enough users so only want to do it if I think I can get many more users than currently playing the single version game. Of course, there is the classic 2-4 player turn-based game, but I want to do something that is not available anywhere else on the Web and is not turn-based. I was thinking along the lines of a new game every five minutes where any number can join (may have to limit at some level) and you create as much as you can all on the same board simultaneously. There are a number of rules that can be made - only add to your words or only to other player's words for example. The board could fill up quickly so that needs to be dealt with - maybe a board 4 times the size of the standard one? Maybe everyone shares the same tiles? Let me know your thoughts. |
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Advertising Ubinam (by BabsSF - 08 Nov 13, 9:30) |
Good suggestions, elkster! I have also posted in the Shisen chat every time I am there. The numbers playing have increased, but we need some more wdventurous puzzle-makers! Babs |
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Welcome Dune57 (by BabsSF - 09 Nov 13, 11:02) |
Thanks for the puzzle, Dune! I found a URL I could track, but your hints were the most help. Fun "walking around," too. Babs |
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Welcome gohounds! (by BabsSF - 09 Nov 13, 19:14) |
Nice to see another new puzzle maker! I have to tell you that your first clue to Puzzle ADC5-E5B6 is the answer to the ONLY question I got wrong in my comprehensive exams 44 years ago. And I have never forgotten it. Ahhh memories. Babs |
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coomon words (by moyez1 - 10 Nov 13, 5:38) |
"babysat" and "yearly" seem to come up too often! |
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Little problem with multiple answers (by dkmGames - 10 Nov 13, 18:12) |
Sorry guys, I just discovered a problem with multiple answer checking. If there was a space after the comma, I was not removing it when checking so alternate place names may not have been accepted. Problem now fixed. When creating a puzzle, if a name has an apostrophe (single quote) or dash, its not necessary to specify alternate without as I strip these when checking input. I will write up tips for creators but need more of them! |
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Welcome bondo! (by BabsSF - 11 Nov 13, 16:34) |
You are sincerely welcome to the puzzle-posters group in Ubinam. I had to use all your clues and Wikipedia to solve this one! Babs |
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Misspelling elkster (by dkmGames - 12 Nov 13, 18:16) |
In your puzzle D52F-4C82 you mention allowing city name but you spelled it incorrectly. (Good that you allowed it else too difficult) |
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Commercial web link appearing? (by BabsSF - 15 Nov 13, 11:02) |
Somehow a commercial web-link inserted in my puzzle D068-1BBA appears when I run my cursor over the type "tourist attraction." Is this something on my computer only, or do you get the same? If anyone does, I guess the puzzle should be deleted. If not, I need some computer hygiene run! Babs |
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My deficiency (by lynxx - 17 Nov 13, 1:20) |
The city or object is immediately identifiable, but I am having fits trying to satisfy the requirement for exact title. I usually have to give up because of capitalization, or leaving out the word 'street' the country, or some other small thing. Guess I need more direction than the blanks in the title. |
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Download problems (by tdsmith - 18 Nov 13, 11:26) |
18 Nov 2013 I can not download the Sudoku puzzles generated from the Menu screen. e,g, I select "medium" and no puzzle is downloaded. tds |
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FULLSCREEN (by judy61 - 19 Nov 13, 3:40) |
how do i get my game fullscreen |
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Way to go, Lynxxx! (by elkster - 21 Nov 13, 5:17) |
Welcome to puzzle-creating! Loved your puzzle and looking forward to more, I hope. Elkster |
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No sudoku (by Wiley - 21 Nov 13, 9:04) |
nothing but a blank page when attempting to get either points or daily challenge |
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Ad banner at top of game (by myaquadome - 21 Nov 13, 16:29) |
The ad banner at top of the game cuts the lower portion and the game cannot be played. Can you rectify thus problem? |
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Babs! Problem with a hint (by elkster - 22 Nov 13, 4:35) |
Babs.... I need to point out that in one of your hints you state "Fleming's "Smiley's People." Ian Fleming did NOT write Smiley's People.... it was John Le Carre. Please, please correct this! Only reason I am a bit passionate here is that John Le Carre is in my top ten of authors of all time!!!! And should never be confused with Ian Fleming .... they are leagues apart in my estimation. But I'm happy to see a mention of that triology (Honourable Schoolboy; Tinker, Tailor, Soldier, Spy; and, of course, Smiley's People) - hopefully some new readers will be introduced to this fabulous series. The BBC production of the books with Sir Alec Guiness was also great. In fact, I saw an interview with Le Carre in which he stated that he was sort of upset because Guiness's portrayal of his protagonist overtook his own mental concept of Smiley! Later, Elkster |
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Yubotu is down for two days (by DeeJay59 - 22 Nov 13, 6:38) |
Game will not generate any new puzzles nor daily challenges. It just hangs at the "generating puzzle..." status line |
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jigsaw shapes (by dances - 23 Nov 13, 15:44) |
I am new here. Is there a way to change the jigsaw shape? |
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Kristina rocks (by rhw111 - 23 Nov 13, 17:02) |
Any chance Kristina could blog with the mere mortals? |
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change jigsaw shapes? (by dances - 23 Nov 13, 20:42) |
is there a way to change the shape of the jigsaw pieces? |
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Go To Page button ?? (by betarose51 - 25 Nov 13, 2:53) |
I am methodically working my way through all of the pages. Is it possible to add a "Go to Page _____" button? I'm only on pg. 192 now and it is already so time consuming to get to the right page. Thanks and I love these puzzles. So many of the images are simply stunning. |
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Much as I love SpeedCross ... (by Kejo - 25 Nov 13, 10:29) |
... I doubt that I would play a multi-player version much. I find the solitaire version particularly appealing because it requires a *totally* different strategy. I like that. But let me express my thanks for the great games you provide here. I especially appreciate the fact that they come with "no frills" and are extremely well made. |
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Sudoku Classic - Daily CHallenge (by lynxx - 25 Nov 13, 12:10) |
Is it possible that there is more than one solution to a puzzle? Sometimes I fill all the boxes nicely (I believe), but my solution is not acceptable. Thanks for info. |
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ruztyboy (by ruztyboy - 25 Nov 13, 15:39) |
grizzly1, your a bear to play against. |
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Perfect Putt (by Bobo7777 - 25 Nov 13, 20:57) |
Can there be a list of high scores for each level? Im curious how my scores compare to the best players. As for other suggestions... more courses, more surfaces, more stuff :). Thanks! |
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can see only page one of results (by bowser - 26 Nov 13, 15:33) |
Other pages are indicated (234) but will not open. |
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Change format of Forum (by dkmGames - 27 Nov 13, 19:55) |
I think the forum as it currently stands does not work well. If you are interested in more than one game, you have to click on each game to see if there are new posts. I think all posts should be on one page, latest first. Of course each post should have a topic as well as a title so you can quickly pick out the ones you may be interested in reading. Also, this will allow general posts that are not game specific. Unless there are strong reactions against this, I will implement soon. |
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Change format of Forum (by dkmGames - 27 Nov 13, 19:56) |
I think the forum as it currently stands does not work well. If you are interested in more than one game, you have to click on each game to see if there are new posts. I think all posts should be on one page, latest first. Of course each post should have a topic as well as a title so you can quickly pick out the ones you may be interested in reading. Also, this will allow general posts that are not game specific. Unless there are strong reactions against this, I will implement soon. |
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Change format of Forum (by dkmGames - 27 Nov 13, 19:57) |
I think the forum as it currently stands does not work well. If you are interested in more than one game, you have to click on each game to see if there are new posts. I think all posts should be on one page, latest first. Of course each post should have a topic as well as a title so you can quickly pick out the ones you may be interested in reading. Also, this will allow general posts that are not game specific. Unless there are strong reactions against this, I will implement soon. |
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Babs How did you do that? (by elkster - 28 Nov 13, 3:20) |
I tried to create a puzzle that you created (a certain white structure in a city with a lot of water. Loved the puzzle - especially exploring the twists and turns between the old buildings! Brought back lots of memories. Also the other puzzle of a place in Germany - surprised me - I knew about it because we almost had a business meeting in that town and I was checking out what there was to do or see it the area. The meeting never happened, so unfortunately I never got to see it - but I recognized it immediately! Have you been there or how did you know about it? - not really a major tourist place, I don't think. |
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Problem with today's game (by elkster - 30 Nov 13, 4:15) |
Today's game gets locked up on question 3 and doesn't accept letters for the first word or move to next question. |
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Love the new chat format - another great idea of yours! (by Kydoku - 30 Nov 13, 13:17) |
I spend my time mostly in Sudoku, but sometimes venture out to other games, since there are so many good ones here. Having the forums all in one place is a great idea. For one, it can help us see where there is a lot of activity going on, and maybe get out of our "ruts" and discover something new! And having the filter, to get to only Sudoku (or whatever you choose) makes it easy to go back to the old setup if we like. Another first class job - with the idea, and with the implementation of the idea. Thanks for keeping this site fresh! |
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aaaand (by AnandSolanki - 30 Nov 13, 22:17) |
Is there any reason why I cant get Sudoku puzzle today? |
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Survey feedback (by dkmGames - 01 Dec 13, 23:06) |
Thank you all for the fabulous response to the survey I posted last week. For my comments, please see the DKM Games Blog. I have resurrected the blog as another means to update users on news and other material. |
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strange new words (by Grammargirl - 03 Dec 13, 13:12) |
While I am really happy to have the expanded dictionary in codewords, some of the words now are so obscure that I am losing interest in the game. Is there any way you could use the same dictionary for all the word games? Word Drop, for example, seems to only allow common words. I'll bet a lot of these new words in Code Words would not be allowed in Word Drop. Also, I was surprised to see the exact same word twice in one puzzle one day last week. |
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thoughts... (by tbwall - 07 Dec 13, 9:56) |
I solve jigsaw puzzles on another site where I can size the pieces down and have a more open space to solve. Any chance of that happening here? I can solve much faster on that site. I do love the many options you have, and most of the pictures are really typically fun and challenging, so I thank you for that. Also, why is it that I need to sign in specifically to the jigsaw page? |
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New daily mystery challenge (by dkmGames - 08 Dec 13, 6:12) |
A new mystery challenge has been added today. You do not see the image beforehand and don't have the thumbnail and ghost options. For those that felt the ghost feature should not be allowed in challenges (perhaps rightly so), this new challenge obviates that issue. If the ghost option is still active in this challenge, it means you do not have the latest version. Please flush the browser cache. |
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Jeff2012 needs our help! (by wordsmith - 08 Dec 13, 11:34) |
Poor Jeff2012, he's been stuck in first place since mid-September! Going for a 3-month record? What a player, would love to watch how you do it, Jeff2012! |
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Jigsaw piece cut (by dkmGames - 12 Dec 13, 4:39) |
The way jigsaw pieces are cut has been improved (in my opinion) to make the pieces look much more like traditional jigsaw pieces. If you don't like the new look, you can set it back to the original by unchecking the "Classic Cut" in Options. This change is purely aesthetic and does not affect the joining of pieces logic in any way. |
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KGB (by rosag - 12 Dec 13, 4:46) |
How do you do it!!! fantastic score any details for the low scores??? rosag |
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help nothing's happening (by dandan59 - 12 Dec 13, 13:16) |
word ruffle has stopped working - help what's wrong? when I hit the button nothing happens. |
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Loosing scores (by bruno2007 - 13 Dec 13, 10:33) |
I keep loosing scores. Bad connection? No. I only loose my best scores, almost always. |
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DKM SuDoKu for android market?? (by zaman999 - 13 Dec 13, 12:44) |
I was wondering if we could have DKM for the android users. Please let me know if there's one already or could we have this sometime in the future? |
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new word (by sam - 13 Dec 13, 18:13) |
A word to add to the accepted list of words: stook stook [stuːk] n (Life Sciences & Allied Applications / Agriculture) a number of sheaves set upright in a field to dry with their heads together vb (Life Sciences & Allied Applications / Agriculture) (tr) to set up (sheaves) in stooks [variant of stouk, of Germanic origin; compare Middle Low German stūke, Old High German stūhha sleeve] stooker n Collins English Dictionary ? Complete and Unabridged ? HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003 |
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invalid puzzle (by bigmike567 - 16 Dec 13, 18:46) |
I got a message of invalid puzzle after I entered the sudoku puzzle of 12-6-2013 from the Chicago Redeye. Anyone else have this problem? |
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Challenge Scores (by EVANBGLICK - 17 Dec 13, 12:25) |
I have not been able to check the Challenge scores greater than 50. Has anyone had a similar problem? Thank you. Happy Holidays. |
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Yubotu not inputing pieces like before (by zjo - 18 Dec 13, 20:52) |
Not sure why? but I'm not able to enter the piece that I want to. Was something changed in the program or is my computer acting up? |
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Impossible scores (by smarty - 19 Dec 13, 18:45) |
As i understand the scoring in Guess the Movie, each movie is worth a maximum of 190 points, with one point deducted for each second it takes to correctly input the name of the movie in question. A cursory review of scores (there is actually a 950 today, indicating that each movie was correctly identified and typed into the appropriate spaces with no time elapsed) makes one think that perhaps all players are not playing fairly in this game. |
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Glyndwr - great puzzles but spelling error (by elkster - 21 Dec 13, 3:34) |
Hi Glyndwr, have enjoyed your challenges very much. However, your last post - the answer is misspelled. It is not Duchesne Incline but the DUQESNE Incline.. Look forward to more of your puzzles. Elk |
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mystery puzzle (by tribble - 21 Dec 13, 10:08) |
I am really loving the mystery puzzle challenge, thanks so much for creating it! I think I might even like it more than the regular challenge, it's so fun to guess what i am building! I am curious if we can have a leader board for both puzzles? I am too lazy to click the leader link for the mystery ;-) |
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How to find mystery puzzle? (by phoenix - 21 Dec 13, 20:04) |
How do you get to the mystery puzzle? I don't see any mention of it on the jigsaw jam page. |
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Tournament (by mumu - 22 Dec 13, 9:02) |
I'm attempting to organize a 16-player tournament to be played sometime in January or February. It would consist of 4 divisions with four players in each division. The top player in each division would advance. Due to varying time zones, I will endeavor to place competing players within reasonable hours for play. Before going into more detail on logistics, I first want to determine if there is enough interest to proceed. If you are interested, post your player name here (and your time zone)or email me at I'll keep you advised. mumu |
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★*˚?。?*。?*。★*˚?。?*。?˚?★*˚?。?*。?*★*˚?。?*。?*★ ★*˚?。?*。?*。★*˚?。?*。?˚?★*˚?。?*。?*★*˚?。?*。?*★ ˛?_██_*˚?。?/ *˚?。?*。?*★*˚?。?*。?*★*˚?。?*。?*★ ˛. (?• ̮•)*.。*/♫.♫*˛.*˛_?_____*˚?。*。?**˚?。?*。?*★ .?( . • . ) ˛?./• '♫ ' •.˛*./______/~*˚?。?*。?*?* ˚?*★ *(...'•'.. ) *˛╬╬╬╬╬˛?.|田田|門|╬╬╬╬╬*˚?。?*。?* ♥♥ MERRY CHRISTMAS FROM MY HOUSE TO YOUR HOUSE! |
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Scoring problem with Mahjong game (by Oblio - 30 Dec 13, 1:51) |
I just finished a Mahjong game (288 tile, non-time attack mode). I used no hints and did not undo any moves. As I approached the end the score went up to toward the expected 14,400. However, upon solving, the score changed to "You Scored 9830". |
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just a thought (by tbwall - 01 Jan 14, 12:12) |
I would love for the mystery puzzles, when they are places, to be identified with regards to location. And I still love them. |
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blue and pink pencils (by morfula - 01 Jan 14, 13:20) |
The pencils were followin into the boxes where we were erasing or we were making the numbers large with the blue pencil. Now the pencils are not following the hand into the boxes and it makes it difficult to know with which pencil we are working at the moment. It does not make the game more interesting on the contrary makes it more time consuming and confusing if we have erased by accident some of the numbers. Is it something that the sudoku people changed or is it something that I did by accident. |
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can not open new game (by nira - 02 Jan 14, 4:39) |
i can not open new game |
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Scoring questions (by zazzo - 05 Jan 14, 20:53) |
When I play the game, I have points deducted for incorrect letters, but no deductions for seconds used to solve the puzzle. I also do not receive clues after 30 seconds. Any suggestions? |
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Where has the mystery puzzle gone? (by Brafford - 06 Jan 14, 1:23) |
I played the mystery puzzle one day and enjoyed it. However, I haven't seen it again. Where has it gone? |
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No One Playing Word Sketch? (by phoenix - 07 Jan 14, 16:41) |
It seems like no one is playing Word Sketch anymore. Maybe I'm just not lucking out on times, but whenever I check the room there's no one there. I think it might be because of the tension over playing by the rules (I was proponent) or perhaps because there were so many repeated words. In any event, is anyone still playing? It's a fun game that could get better if these issues could be worked out. I'd hate to see it go. |
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Happy Holidays post from Joolz (by bokkasoduko - 08 Jan 14, 9:16) |
Derek, Just a wee note to say Have a great Christmas and New Year - you definitely deserve it for all the good stuff you do with this site. Myself and many others spend countless enjoyable hours here - I must get round to trying the other games sometime but I can't seen to drag myself away from sudoko - I'm! Keep up the great work - it's much appreciated. Slange Var as we say in Scotland!! PS Forum wouldn't let me make a 'new post' hence 'replying' in this one! |
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already played (by easternvideo - 09 Jan 14, 19:21) |
Why does it say already played when I haven't? |
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Thank you (by zjo - 10 Jan 14, 18:32) |
LeslieAnn I like the pictures you've uploaded for the jigsaw puzzles. Keep putting them on. Happy New Year. |
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no hints here either (by Grammargirl - 11 Jan 14, 12:38) |
Playing 15 grid med level, I got stuck and asked for a hint. Nothing came up. My solution was "correct so far", but even solve one cell failed to give me anything. Only by guessing a piece and checking solution - it was wrong - was I able to continue. Is this just my system? I am going to reboot and see if that helps. |
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All Time Sudoku Points Score! (by scbmusic - 11 Jan 14, 18:58) |
Congratulations to LpStoyanov for beating his own record by 2 points and thus breaking the all time high record in Sudoku Points with a score of (drumroll)...... 6852!! Congratulations lp !!! |
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Happy Birthday (by goodgirl - 12 Jan 14, 13:36) |
I would like to take this opportunity to wish Sweetie [Ginaki], A Very Happy Birthday for today. |
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Can't post target picture (by moored4 - 13 Jan 14, 1:50) |
I tried 3 time to post in eagle eye and the target picture did not appear! What am i doing wrong? |
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New game/idea testers (by dkmGames - 14 Jan 14, 17:44) |
I am looking for some keen gamers who would like to help me test new games and ideas and provide feedback. If you are interested, please email me at and let me know what games/puzzles you play and your username. Thanks, Derek |
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Problem (by gecko - 16 Jan 14, 9:32) |
The last two puzzles (1/15 & 1/16) have been messed up. |
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Possible? (by phoenix - 17 Jan 14, 12:01) |
Hi Derek. I love SpeedCross. Would it be possible to add the use of the delete key and/or backspace key to undo a letter entry? I use my computer keyboard, and it would be faster to be able to use those keys instead of having to use the mouse to click on "undo." Just a thought, if possible. Thanks again for another great game! Oh, one other thing. I sometimes use the left/right arrow keys to get to a space, but when I use the down arrow key, it shifts the board up so that I don't see the top row. I don't know if that's a function of my computer or something that happens to everyone. |
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Spanish? (by DJ29 - 17 Jan 14, 13:53) |
Well that is a whole different twist to the Crytograms! Solve in Spanish and then it reveals English! |
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Where are the other puzzle makers? (by BabsSF - 17 Jan 14, 22:06) |
I have been the only one posting puzzles for a while. Where are the rest of you all? I have more fun doing them than solving them! |
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chromebook? (by cgbikes - 17 Jan 14, 23:12) |
Thinking about getting a chromebook but not sure that sodoku will play on it. My Android devices don't run flash so the games don't work on those. Anyone using one and does it work? |
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problem (by jazz4u - 18 Jan 14, 8:55) |
Cryptograms doesn't seem to working lately. I usually solve it every day, but the puzzle is not responding like it usually does. Has been this way for the past 3 days. |
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SUPER SCORE PETREERO 6928 (by Ginaki - 21 Jan 14, 3:20) |
Congratulations petreero.... must be a record for gold....amazing !! |
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What's happening with the timing of Shisen games? (by flygirl33 - 21 Jan 14, 7:11) |
Lately, when playing Shisen, whether with others or alone, I find that the tiles are not being removed after clicking on them. Sometimes there is no red line but the tiles will disappear anyway. Other times the tiles will be outlined in red, but there will be no red line and it requires clicking again to make them disappear. Another quirk is that sometimes the red line and outlined tiles just hang for 1-3 seconds. Today in the solitary game the last two tiles in each game with outline and red line hung for 10-15 seconds. In those instances the clock stopped as well. As all the games are timed, It's more than a bit frustrating. |
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Restarting (by tribble - 21 Jan 14, 19:54) |
I wonder how everyone else feels about being able to restart both the daily challenge jigsaw and the mystery puzzle jigsaw after finishing most of the puzzle? Just my opinion but I think the challenges should be like the Shisen daily challenge, once you start it, you can't finish half of it and restart again. Especially the mystery puzzle, you can almost finish it to see what the picture is and then restart with an advantage. |
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Can you edit puzzles? (by BabsSF - 23 Jan 14, 9:47) |
I would like to add better commentary to my puzzles--can you edit like in Ubinam? |
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Unsubscribe (by bruno2007 - 28 Jan 14, 7:30) |
My 5 K's keep disappearing. How can I unsubscribe? |
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whaler39 (by whaler39 - 28 Jan 14, 9:17) |
clues incorrect/ do not match puzzle. since quotes started. flash updated |
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hints change correct letters (by mcogswell2 - 31 Jan 14, 13:36) |
Also clue letters do not correspond to the same letter throughout the puzzle. Sometimes the hints have the same letter three times in a row. |
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Shift key for pencil marks? (by capbanks - 31 Jan 14, 14:55) |
I play sudoku every day. A day or so ago I noticed the shift key no longer works for pencil marks. I didn't change anything in preferences, it just happened. Has anybody else seen this? |
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We are all booted off. (by susanall - 31 Jan 14, 22:15) |
I have been trying to play for the last 30 minutes. At first only some of us were booted off but now everyone is. What's going on? |
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Archive (by Marguerine - 01 Feb 14, 10:24) |
After selecting an archive the dialogue box does not always disappear. |
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Scheduling Chat Box on Word Sketch Page (by elkster - 02 Feb 14, 7:56) |
Derek, why not put a chat box on the Word Sketch entry screen where players who are interested in playing can post messages about when they would like to play - that way it would be right where it is needed and would not interfere with other games. Think everyone would love that and it would bring new players to the game because the biggest problem is going there and no one playing. Elkster |
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Word Ferret Daily Challenges - with a twist (by elkster - 02 Feb 14, 8:06) |
Derek, my husband and I would love to see two Daily Challenges for Word Ferret and we think it would be very popular and extremely competitive. One with the regular 3 minute game. Since at any given time on Word Ferret there are different people, this would give players the chance to match themselves against more players. But the other would be where the boards always have 200 or more words available. Time given should be 8 minutes (6 too short and 10 too long). It is always frustrating when you get a good board and see tons of words and then time is up. When we play the board game Boggle, if there are lots of words we, by mutual agreement, extend the time (sometimes even twice). It really makes you think harder and is great fun to have the time to come up with longer words or compound words. Makes you a better player all the way around. It would only be appropriate for a challenge board to have the longer time - not as a regular game and it would be most important to only use game boards with lots of words (200 plus) or it gets boring. Please consider these. Thanks, elkster |
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cestitke (by kostovira13 - 03 Feb 14, 4:31) |
Happy birthday ikirik |
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Ikirik's birthday (by goodgirl - 03 Feb 14, 4:42) |
Happy birthday ikirik, kosto as just announced it in the gold room. Have a lovely day. From patsy goodgirl. ☺☻♥☻♥♫♪ |
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Scoring Problem (by panda52 - 05 Feb 14, 18:21) |
When I complete the Daily Challenge, my score is posted on the leaderboard for the Mystery puzzle instead of on the leaderboard for the Daily Challenge. Then when I complete the Mystery puzzle, it says I already have a score posted for the Mystery puzzle. Why is this? Is there any way to fix it? |
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Brand new game (by dkmGames - 05 Feb 14, 22:24) |
Just posted a new game called "Triplets", under the "Other" menu. Your feedback and suggestions for improvement would be appreciated. Thanks, Derek |
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puzzles don't appear (by steu - 06 Feb 14, 13:01) |
Does anyone have any idea why the Sudoku and jigsaw puzzles no longer appear on my screen. It happened about 3 weeks ago. No problem with some other games? |
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great (by geordiemam - 08 Feb 14, 16:25) |
loving it - very addictive - stuck on level 22 |
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Triplet reset (by Sasha - 12 Feb 14, 11:43) |
I think the game is great, and appreciate you adding it. I think it would be nice to be able to reload a level once it is over to try to "better" your overall score. This can be accomplished one of two ways.. 1) When a level is beaten you have the opportunity then, and only then, to accept the score or try it again (even though you beat it). Once you move on, you can never go back to that score..or.. 2) You can pick whatever level you want, whenever you want, and work on that level. Each level is independent of each other, but obviously all added together to get your final score. |
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Bottom rows "shadowing" movements (by BabsSF - 12 Feb 14, 14:18) |
I have repeatedly had the bottom two rows "shadow" icon movement, with the bottom row freezing to any but a match from above. Bombs and firecrackers shadow their movements to the lower right, then freeze. Hint does not work. I can play the games but it is quite difficult. Exiting and restarting does not help. HELP! |
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level 22 anomalies (by sparkle96204 - 12 Feb 14, 19:15) |
Derek, A strange thing happened when I was in level 22: I got a new screen where there were no moves. I pressed hint and didn't get a hint. I looked carefully at it till the time was up and didn't see anything I could move. Just letting you know in case you want to look at it. It was shortly before 4pm Mountain Time in case you have a log you can look at. At 4:25 -- I was still on level 22 -- the shuffle banner came up when I could see a move that could be made. I thought you might like to know about that. Thanks for the fun game. It would be nice to have a junior game that can be finished quicker. Thanks |
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stuck on Level 24 (by nyctaxi - 12 Feb 14, 23:46) |
I'm now trying to follow all of the posts...I play on a home pc & laptop and have had no issues w/returning to the level that I have just completed or anything on level 22. My problem is that I can't go beyond 24! arg... I came close tonight though. Color & shapes are brutal, they hurt my eyes & give me a headache. Why, you may ask, do I continue to play?... Perhaps there will be more bombs & fruit in level 25. It would be fun to have a high score too! Is anyone else stuck on 24? Any tips? Thanks & Cheers, nyctaxi. |
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Scoring in daily challenge (by dkmGames - 13 Feb 14, 17:31) |
In order to provide variety in the daily challenge, its nice to introduce days that have objectives to complete (like remove shaded cells or get fruit to bottom). You should be rewarded for achieving these objectives before time up and always score higher than if played through to end. I think the current 200 points for completion plus 10 points per second left may not be sufficient. What are your views? |
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level 25 (by nyctaxi - 14 Feb 14, 0:46) |
I am totally stuck on level 25! I even put on my night vision yellow glasses which eliminate glare. Good bye's been fun. Thanks Bobo & Grammergirl for your responses. I actually had a score of 109,330 on one level (yes, I record everything) which did not appear on your new & improved leaderboard. It has been most interesting to follow the trajectory/progression of your refining the game to accommodate the players. Thanks DKM! |
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Rumpus' score. Nice work. (by Bobo7777 - 14 Feb 14, 3:42) |
Just wanted to write a message congratulating Rumpus, whoever you are :). Last week when i started triplets i saw Rumpus was the leader at almost 165k. When i completed the levels, my score was a meager 120k (at the time 21st best, now it is not even good enough for the top 30). So decided to try again, and really focus on points, and not just besting the levels. I did everything in my power to beat your score Rumpus, and was able to get to 147k...still almost 20k shy of your record! I will keep trying, but I honestly have no clue how to bridge the gap. Whatever you did to amass that score, I am truly impressed. |
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Leaderboard (by susanall - 14 Feb 14, 8:11) |
I like that I can replay the daily challenge even though my second or third time won't count. |
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destroying fruit (by vmm - 14 Feb 14, 12:33) |
How does one "destroy fruit" in level 18? |
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some features don't work for me (by Grammargirl - 14 Feb 14, 22:15) |
Turns out that there are a few things that don't work for me. 1. My game always returns to level 1 when I close it and come back. 2. I don't know how to adjust the size of the grid. 3. Nothing ever happens when I press the hint button. Does anyone else have these kind of problems? |
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New scheduler (by dkmGames - 16 Feb 14, 1:17) |
Following on from previous discussion, I have added a calendar (link on main Word Sketch page) where you can indicate the times you are available to play and see when other players are interested in playing. Its very simple - click on the times you want to play. Hope it works but, of course, the problem is getting people to know about this (very few read the forum). |
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only one tile on screen and it's blank (by suzyQ - 16 Feb 14, 1:44) |
For several days now... whenever I try to play mahjong only one tile is shown on the screen and it is a blank tile. How do I fix? All other games are loading fine. Mahjong used to load fine. |
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Jigsaw pictures (by silversal - 16 Feb 14, 16:30) |
The beautiful photography and artwork on the jigsaws are amazing, thank you so much for the time and patience to everyone who contributes these wonderful images. |
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Five Best Players (by mumu - 16 Feb 14, 19:18) |
I realize that DKM has a rating system but it is flawed (percent of total score each round). Entering a game late or leaving early skews the round score and hence, the player rating. That being said, I would LOVE to see a tournament pitting these (IMHO) five best players against each other; In no particular order, JEFF2012, ZEPHYR99, ROBIN D (my favorite), 4STRINGLOU and JUGHEAD. I have played long enough against these word-nerds to know that these are the very best and I envy their tremendous skill. |
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Trouble with bottom row (by starbuck - 16 Feb 14, 21:53) |
Neither my pen nor my mouse can move anything from the bottom row up. Can't swap from the row above the bottom row down either without a lot of clicking and floating shapes and lost time. Is anyone else having these problems? Generally, I can't move the bombs either when they are available. |
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Daily Challenge (by easternvideo - 17 Feb 14, 10:02) |
I have two people in my household and only one of us gets to play the Daily Challenge. We use two different computers and yet it always says to the second player - you have already played. I don't have this problem with any of the other games we play. It also occurs at my office where there are three players. Only one gets to play the Shisen Daily Challenge. |
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Triplets lack of auto-save feature (by Oblio - 17 Feb 14, 13:13) |
I chose "Exit" at the completion of a level and when I came back Triplets asked me if I wanted to continue where I left off. This is very convenient but led me to believe that the feature was a standard auto-save type feature. Later, after reaching level 20 (and around 120,000 points), I had to leave the game and turn off the computer. When I tried to resume the next day,I found my entire game was reset and Triplets required me to start over from scratch. It took a while to get to level 20 and to have my game scrapped without warning was, shall I say, unpleasant. Moreover, it also made we aware that a sudden power loss for any reason would wipe out any effort I put into the game. When an entire game takes a relatively short time, that's not a big deal, but with Triplets the time investment is significant. Since it is environmentally insensitive to leave a computer on all night while I sleep (and all day if I'm away at work) Triplets lack of an auto-save makes it a game I must avoid. |
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Why Does My Phone Ring When I Am Doing The Daily Challenge (by Pheobe - 18 Feb 14, 15:49) |
No tips on how to do or challenge to DKM to get things right just thought I would give my excuse for such a score. Its my mother she calls every time. A poor work person blames their tools I blame my Mother |
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something is different (by Grammargirl - 18 Feb 14, 21:59) |
I don't know if you made some changes or if I did something different, but when I started the game tonight it brought me to my last level!! Also, there is a ticking sound when the clock is running out. I like that. Was that always there for others? The hint still doesn't work, but hey, bringing me back to level 22 is a huge help. |
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game stops (by jazz4u - 20 Feb 14, 6:34) |
Anyone having issue with the game freezing mid-stream? I get close to the next level, then everything stops and I have to refresh, which kicks me back to the same level. I have yet to get past level 3. :- |
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Best times (by Bobo7777 - 20 Feb 14, 12:23) |
Ok I am curious as to how this game works. To see if i even like it. But i have never seen any person there, ever (always 0/8). Does anyone play? If so, how can you possibly get 8 people??? I live in eastern time zone... Does anyone know what time (if any) the game is active. |
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Symbol not on grid (by bandw - 21 Feb 14, 8:48) |
Got stuck today on the third or forth movie name (the one with the clue "In order to catch him, you must become him"). There is a character in the name that is not available on the screen keyboard. Of course it's on my actual keyboard but I could not figure it out and didn't think to use it there?sder I haven't run into this before and doubt it's going to happen often but thought it might be worth pointing out so you could be aware when selecting movie titles. B&W |
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Won't let me play!! (by dburgess - 21 Feb 14, 13:22) |
Anyone else having this problem? |
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Level 25 (by phoenix - 22 Feb 14, 0:59) |
Triplets is another great game. Thank you, Derek. But I find level 25 is so hard on the eyes that it's not fun. I understand you want to make it the hardest level but could you think about doing it in a way that doesn't produce so much eye strain? If it's all going to be one color, could you not use both octagons and circles (which look so similar it produces eye strain to differentiate). The diamonds and hexagons are also hard to see. My hope is that you'll either differentiate the shapes more or use color to help differentiate them, or maybe make the outline of the shape bolder or thicker. Thanks. |
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Games won't load (by toots - 23 Feb 14, 0:20) |
I have never been able to play Triplets or Mah Jongg because I get a blank screen when I click on "play". Any answers out there? |
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Why can't I get a quicker time? (by toots - 23 Feb 14, 0:27) |
I have been doing these for a very long time, but am never withing the first 100 scores. How do some people take only 8 minutes to solve the puzzle when it takes me 20? What am I doing wrong? What are they doing right? Equipment? |
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Problem with Schedule (by elkster - 23 Feb 14, 7:53) |
Thanks Derek for posting the calendar. However, I tried to add my name to time that tribble posted. When I was on the screen, my name showed up and true to the explanation, the box turned green. However, when I went back to see if any more players had signed up, my name had disappeared and only tribble remained. This could be the problem at the moment why you are not seeing anyone else. And don't worry, you did not go to this trouble for nothing - once we get the word out about the schedule - it will be used a lot. thanks again, elkster |
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Who is DKMGames? (by Bobo7777 - 23 Feb 14, 20:11) |
I just wanted to say how appreciative I am of DKMGames and the massive amount of work/attention you bring to the site. My question is about you. Who are you? :) What was your inspiration for making this site? What is your background that allowed you to even accomplish this task? Is this your main job, or a hobby? Or are you retired? Do you get paid well for all your efforts (I sincerely hope you do)? Do you plan to release any of these games as an individual app(Surely triplets would be very very successful as well as many other games)? How many hours to you devote to the site each day? Those are just a few questions. I'm sure others have some as well. You dont have to answer them if it is too personal, just curious. Thank you once again for your tireless efforts. |
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Freezing (by ejs - 24 Feb 14, 5:24) |
Are other people experiencing freezing? |
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Tips and suggestions - keyboard v mouse (by bandw - 24 Feb 14, 10:22) |
Is anyone willing to share their tips and suggestions for SpeedCross? I've tried using only the keyboard but cannot seem to find a rhythm that flows well. I wind up still needing the mouse and switching between keyboard and mouse is awkward at best. Dragging each and every tile with the mouse isn't much fun. It may be that I just need more practice. How do you play the game? |
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Level 22 (by vmm - 24 Feb 14, 12:56) |
Is it even possible?? Driving me crazy! |
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Scheduling (by terrij - 24 Feb 14, 16:13) |
I have tried to schedule a time to play, but do not know how to save it on the calendar. Help please. |
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Mystery Challenge (by toots - 24 Feb 14, 18:59) |
Is there a way to hid posts regarding the MC until the new puzzle is available. If someone posts "where are the lox and cream cheese", I know the puzzle will have something to do with bagles. I don't want to know that until I have finished the puzzle. Yeah, I guess I could refrain from reading the posts until after I solve the puzzle, but they're just OUT THERE. Maybe you could put them behind a button: you have to poke it to see the messages, but only regarding the MC. I like reading the regular puzzle comments. Just a thought... |
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create game "Play" function not working (by elkster - 25 Feb 14, 4:42) |
I tried to create a game level in Triplets - which seemed rather interesting. However, you need to play the game before, you can publish it. When I clicked on Play, there was no game board that appeared as stated. Please advise if there was something else to do to indicate you are finished with the creating, before the board can be played? |
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Blank screen (by ukdave100 - 25 Feb 14, 12:33) |
Hi. Been playing your Sudoku for over a year. A few days ago, when opened, the playing screen is blank, no 9x9 grid. I have seen your response to someone to reload Flash Player, but I am on Windows 8.1 and can't reload it. It says the latest version is already loaded??? |
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not logged in (by Grammargirl - 26 Feb 14, 21:38) |
If I played all levels from 1 - 25 without logging in, does that mean my score doesn't go up on the leaderboard? I didn't realize I wasn't logged in until I switched to another game and tried to play the daily challenge and the system asked me to log in first. |
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Schedule (and to Terr and Tribby) (by elkster - 27 Feb 14, 2:54) |
First, help me, DKM, my name is still not remaining in the time slot box after I leave the window!!!! Second, hey guys, please realize that the time slots you are putting in are in the middle of the night over here - that means Shanti and I are asleep!!!! I am six hours ahead of EST so please adjust. Til I get the problem fixed with my ability to schedule - keep on posting times and I will try to join. But please make it about 4 - 5 hours earlier. |
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'No more possible matches' (by Bobo7777 - 27 Feb 14, 8:16) |
I see two problems with 'No more possible matches', and how the board is reshuffled, that perhaps could be changed. 1) When bringing fruit to the bottom. Lets say you get the fruit very low to the ground, and through no fault of your own (if anything through great skill), there are no more possible matches. The board reshuffles, and always goes up higher than when it started (never lower, at least through my experiences). I think the fruit should always remain on the same row.. just shifted left or right. 2) If there are no more possible matches, once again through no fault of your own, you are forced to use your explosive. Explosives are rare items that are used with great strategy. By forcing you to use them early on in the game negates their effectiveness. 2 cents :) |
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Statistics (by Sedma - 28 Feb 14, 15:48) |
I was just wondering would it be possible to put some statistics beside public created triplets, like number of plays, the best score or/and the nick of the person who made it? With number of plays we could see if we made god job by creating a game or we have to put more efforts in it. I also want to thank you for excellent site you made. I play every day, I can't go to bed if I don't play an hour or more :) |
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Mute Button (by buckeyefan - 03 Mar 14, 2:35) |
Dear DKM.... Is it possible that you could create a mute button so players can mute certain people if they're being rude or annoying? |
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Advertising idea (by elkster - 03 Mar 14, 4:00) |
'Derek, have some great ideas on how to increase traffic to your site. There was a game some years ago called "tangleword" which I am sure you probably know... I will bet that there are still a lot of players out there still searching. Word Ferret is very similar. There were ALOT of players who were absolutely in love with this game. The site had a lot of server problems and people went into withdrawal when it was not up. I am sure there are old "Tangleword" players out there STILL looking for it. My suggestion is that you include Tangleword in your google search parameters and put on the link that Word Ferret is much like the old Tangleword. Also, advertise on other game sites, using something like any "tangleworders" out there. Believe me, they will come. One other suggestion is that you include a chat on Word Ferret, because when they come, they love to chat and it will be "hail, hail, the gang's all here" Most likely they will all like Shisen, too. Just a suggestion: the Tangleword site, for your info, at ANY time day or night, usually had 8 rooms of 30 people playing - so this could be huge for you. |
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Need to Register? (by lynxx - 03 Mar 14, 12:18) |
After many weeks of enjoying the jigsaw puzzles, this morning I am instructed to register in order to play. I am logged in at DKM, I checked on this. Was some treaty with Jigsaw Jam broken? Is Australia in political turmoil like the Ukraine? Should I simply go ahead and register? |
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Bug? (by FatFingers - 05 Mar 14, 2:29) |
Clicked logout button from forum page and got : mess=You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'OR Parent = ORDER BY Date' at line 1 problemo? Not reproducable. |
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Daily Challenge (by Bobo7777 - 05 Mar 14, 20:12) |
Out of curiosity, why is there no daily challenge with word ferret? |
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no sound on Shisen (by Grammargirl - 05 Mar 14, 22:00) |
I played Shisen right after playing triplets and noticed there is no sound. When you make a match on triplets, there is a confirming click sound. On Shisen there is nothing. Is there any way you could add the sound effects to Shisen? |
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Backgammon, anybody? (by Kejo - 06 Mar 14, 11:28) |
Backgammon is a game I would love to play here at dkm. It's the only game I really miss here and have to play elsewhere. Are there any other Backgammon players here? Derek, would you possibly consider adding Backgammon to the site? |
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Full Results (by BirdDog - 07 Mar 14, 9:43) |
I just noticed the full results pages will advance now using IE. Before, nothing would happen if you clicked on a page number. Now I can see how low I can go... |
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Bake off (by silversal - 08 Mar 14, 11:32) |
Our Village Flower Show (started back before WW2) included Veg, Cookery, flower arranging, specimen plants, craftwork, photography and three children's handiwork sections. This jigsaw was extremely close to the passions shown by the entrants. Sadly our Show closed last year - young people aren't keen on the work that we used to do to stage and run the show. If I could buy a photo of your Bake Off showing a few of the cookery class entrants, the two remaining retirees would want to hang it on their kitchen walls. Is it for sale anywhere, or is your artwork only available in its original format? Hope I haven't embarrassed you by asking, and thanks for super jigsaw pictures that you make. Silversal. |
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Level 24 (by jazz4u - 10 Mar 14, 19:42) |
Hopelessly addicted to this new game, but I cannot crack the code to get past level 24. I will keep trying unless anyone has any suggestions. |
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No warning re login? (by starbuck - 13 Mar 14, 22:02) |
This is the only game that I play where you can do the Daily Challenge without logging in. It would be nice to have a warning or be made to login first. I had a great score yesterday and only noticed too late that I wasn't logged in. :-( |
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Already played challenge (by Grammargirl - 15 Mar 14, 14:02) |
I believe there is a glitch somewhere. For the last 2 days, when I played triplets challenge or guess the movie for the first time, I got the message that I had already played. My husband got the message when he tried to play the Sudoku challenge. I realize that for some of the games it is IP address, but we are definately getting these warnings when neither one of us has played. The first day, I thought maybe I had played late at night the day before and that would explain it, but today I knew I hadn't played these games before. Any thoughts? |
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strange event (by sparkle96204 - 15 Mar 14, 19:08) |
I was on level twenty-three when the tiles were shuffled. After the shuffle, there were three in a row from left to right in the lower right corner -- three rows from the bottom and one column from the right -- and they didn't move. I clicked on the right one then the one next to it and it took and the program did the right thing with them. Everything was okay after that except I didn't achieve my objective, but that's not surprising for me. Just wanted you to know. This is a really fun game. |
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Matches don't work (by CW - 15 Mar 14, 19:47) |
Great game, but sometimes 1. Won't let me make the match of 3. Especially on the challenge, one of the symbols will not match. Makes the game nearly impossible. 2. Sometimes I get the "no more matches available" when there are still matches left on the board 3. Bombs & dynamic explode prematurely. Hard to get them to an inner cell without another cell in the path exploding first. Ruins my strategy and I loose the bomb. |
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Drop out of Challenge (by bandw - 21 Mar 14, 10:40) |
Would it be possible to add a feature to the Yubotu Challenge where one could drop out of the challenge and get help solving the puzzle? I imagine it similar to the Shisen Challenge where Quit is an option but the puzzle can still be solved. I regularly find myself stuck in the Challenge and would like to see where I went wrong. Thanks for all you do! B&W |
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full session (by sparkle96204 - 21 Mar 14, 15:05) |
Derek, it would be neat if we could get to play for the full amount of time allotted for a level even after we've achieved the objective. This may be something that is really bad to do and that's why you don't do it, but we could get ba-zillions of points. It would be very competitive. Maybe it would be bad since a fruit may be destroyed on those levels, but it seems like it would be harmless on the other levels. Thanks for listening. Kathy in Montana |
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scoring question (by Grammargirl - 22 Mar 14, 21:26) |
If a cascade produces a rainbow, do you still score 400 points for it? And if you have exploding pieces that you don't use, is that worth any extra points? It seems a big risk on the fruit levels for the extra 50 points you get for the row of 4. |
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Sunday Challenge (by Grammargirl - 23 Mar 14, 0:26) |
Now that was brutal. I don't know if it is just my monitor, but 2 of those shapes were very close to the same colour. Is that deliberate? |
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archives of the challenges (by Grammargirl - 23 Mar 14, 15:57) |
Derek, have you any plans to make the previous challenge games available in an archives? Because they are different than the regular game, I know I would enjoy going back and trying them again. I would treat it like a warm up before checking out the new daily challenge. |
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"Destroyed a Fruit - Try Again" (by phoenix - 26 Mar 14, 22:04) |
Derek, can you explain how fruits get destroyed? |
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The Best (by BogglinRat - 28 Mar 14, 16:19) |
This is the only game I play every day. Don't know if you have eliminated cheaters yet, but it doesn't really matter. Suzyq, I wait for your scores every day. |
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Challenge games not loading (by Brafford - 29 Mar 14, 10:41) |
Anyone have any idea why challenge games in Word Ruffle, Mahjong and Shisen aren't loading for me? I've closed my browser and tried again, but still no challenge games. |
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Guest Players (by perky - 30 Mar 14, 18:13) |
I am curious as to why very talented players with laudable scores do not sign in with their game IDs, but prefer to play as "guest 12345". I enjoy playing with known entities that identify themselves. DKM- with it being mandatory to "sign-in" for the challenge, why not the same for "play with others"? Just sayin' |
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"You are in ____ place" (by Bobo7777 - 31 Mar 14, 8:33) |
A very minor suggestion here... When the 5 level round of Guess the Movie is over, it tells you your score, but not how that score compares to everyone else. In almost every other game it gives the score and says what place you are in up to that point. The current system forces you to hit the "back" button, then "refresh". This is not a major undertaking obviously, but the streamline of the other games is definitely preferred. |
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Do total (25 level) scores update if you do better? (by BabsSF - 31 Mar 14, 10:57) |
Hi Derek- last night (2110 DST) I increased my overall total to 199490 (I hope I remember that correctly), and I still see my old score listed. Can you check on this, or tell me if I have misunderstood the process? BabsSF |
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Weird Occurence (by Bobo7777 - 01 Apr 14, 10:24) |
Had an unusual event occur, and not sure if there is any way to fix it. A puzzle bomb was two squares away from a piece of fruit. However, i had no possible matches other than to move that bomb one square closer to make a triplet.. thus detonating the bomb, and blowing up the fruit (game over). However, it was my only possible move (using hint, to verify). Damned if I do, damned if i dont. Not sure there is any way to code for this very rare occurrence, but it was unfortunate. Maybe every round a player is given one and only "shuffle" button to manually rearrange board. Not sure. Thanks :). |
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Problems with tiles (by judithweaver - 01 Apr 14, 16:37) |
I am having difficulty with the triplet tiles. The tiles in the bottom row cannot be moved, and if I incorporate them in a match, then the upper tile slides down over the bottom tile, which can still be seen under it. What is going wrong? |
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level 19 hints? (by Grammargirl - 02 Apr 14, 12:37) |
Does anyone have a secret on how to get through level 19? That's the one where you must move one fruit but there are no explosives. I was on my way to a new high score but got bogged down on that level as usual. 2 hours later and I'm ready to throw in the towel. And realize that once I leave the game, for reasons unknown, when I come back I'm at level 1. |
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Scores are not the same (by Sedma - 02 Apr 14, 14:19) |
When I play single level I get much higher score than when I play it within all 25 levels. Why is that? It's hard to make a strategy when you know that you, for the same play, won't get equal score. |
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games are not loading (by agnesvw - 05 Apr 14, 7:46) |
games are not loading after registration |
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hint button (by sparkle96204 - 06 Apr 14, 17:48) |
The hint button isn't working. |
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Sketching again ^_^ (by Sayana - 09 Apr 14, 16:15) |
Hello, so I played this game again after a long while, I missed it a lot and even if there was only me and terrij it was fun and I realised I need to study English more. Anyway in the last round there was this word 'firewood' and even if terri was typing the right word, it didn't work...maybe it was just a little bump, anyway we'll play again tomorrow...hopefully :-))) |
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seems more difficult lately (by Grammargirl - 09 Apr 14, 17:43) |
Has something changed in the way word hunt is generated? There seem to be far more instances of words that are almost there but a letter is missing or a couple of letters are switched around. I am not complaining, it seems more challenging in the past few weeks. You think you have the word, but it isn't complete. I am just wondering if it is random or deliberate. The words are in the puzzle, but it takes longer to find them. |
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Scoring problem for challenges (by sjmont - 14 Apr 14, 7:46) |
Hi DKM. Only for the past two days have I had a scoring problem in Jigsaw Challenges. When I complete a puzzle, my name and score is on the leaderboard. But the next day, when I check full results yesterday and mystery results yesterday, i am no longer on the leaderboards. I have been logged in at all times. Not a big deal, as I am not a fast puzzler, but my scoring has been appearing fine up until this time. Thanks! |
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32 perfect scores! (by wordsmith - 16 Apr 14, 8:29) |
Wow, 32 of us solved the challenge perfectly yesterday, 4196 points. I've never seen quite such a high number. Can we have one like that about once a week, please - you know, just for keeping the morale up! |
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New Tile Sets (by hotrodmom - 17 Apr 14, 22:34) |
I think it would be fun to change up the tile sets. This one makes my eyes cross lol (I play so much). Could be an easy addition to Mahjong too. |
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sudoku sniper (by bokkasoduko - 19 Apr 14, 11:35) |
Hi DKM, the challenges in Sudoku Sniper is sometimes stuck and don't want to start a new challenge, the block stays there to continue with new challenge. We have to go out of the game and start over again. |
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3-letter words (by wordsmith - 22 Apr 14, 11:33) |
I find it so frustrating when I miss just one 3-letter word and lose mega points. So I decided to take a closer look the last couple weeks - sure enough, they are always words I know but there are a lot of them. So far I've found 38 that begin with "a" and 40 that start with "s". Give me a "j" - I only see 4 of those. |
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Jeff2012 will be back... (by wordsmith - 23 Apr 14, 9:26) |
Molycat - congrats!!! Right up there at the top of the list by a slender margin. Such perseverance. Jeff2012 probably welcomes a minor break after months and months at the top. |
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Scoring (by Bobo7777 - 23 Apr 14, 15:38) |
Derek... pretty please with a cherry on top... can you change the tie breaking system for the word ruffle in the daily challenge. Today I got a perfect score and finished 17t :). Current system is z>a and lowercase>CAPITALS so having my name start with a capital B, no fun! I dont care how u set up a tiebreaker, base it on time to complete, or time to solve all 3 big words or time of day completed.. but can it be based on something... seaw and zephyr are killing me with these lowercase high lettered names :D :D :D Thanks |
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How ist top 300 average calculated? (by oops2 - 24 Apr 14, 9:04) |
Hi dkm, could you please explain how you calculate the top 300 average? We had the discussion how much one improves with one good score. Would be interesting. Thanks in advance Steve |
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Bombs (by sparkle96204 - 24 Apr 14, 9:23) |
The bombs aren't being pulled out today. |
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Cheating On Daily Challenge (by anonymous - 28 Apr 14, 17:30) |
Okay, I cheat in the technical sense. I am a senior and I use Word Ruffle as a brain exercise. After completing the Daily Challenge, I retake it using another name to determine if my memory can recall the missing words. No ego involved --- just a way of testing my level of dementia. |
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♥ஜ۩۞۩ஜ ♥HAPPY BITHDAY (by Ginaki - 29 Apr 14, 7:27) |
♫♪♥♥[̲̅̅H̲̅][̲̅̅A̲̅][̲̅̅P̲̅][̲̅̅P̲̅][̲̅̅Y̲̅] [̲̅̅B̲̅][̲̅̅I̲̅][̲̅̅R̲̅][̲̅̅T̲̅][̲̅̅H̲̅][̲̅̅D̲̅][̲̅̅A̲̅][̲̅̅Y̲̅]♥♥♫♪Happy Birthday to you ♪♫•*?*•.¸¸♥ ¸¸.•*?*•♫♪ Happy Birthday to you ♪♫•*?*•.¸¸♥ ¸¸.•*?*•♫♪ Happy Birthday !!!!! ♪♫•*?*•.¸¸♥ ¸¸.•*?*•♫♪ Happy Birthday to you! ♪♫•*?*•.¸¸♥ Have a wonderful birthday sugar ,many happy returns. XXX ☺ |
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Top scores with one group of letters (by wordsmith - 30 Apr 14, 13:00) |
We all can do are-era-ear and ate-tea-eat in our sleep. Sometimes I mess around with getting automatic on less frequent but high scoring combos, like these: Just 2 words of 8 letters = 560 points. (And double if you finish the level, of course.) After a couple years of making a list, I can't find more than 16 such pairs. Assuages/sausages and buttered/rebutted seem easy but I sometimes forget incenses/niceness and lessened/needless. My fingers go all to pieces on staccato/toccatas! Is it cheating to keep a list near at hand?? Next highest score comes from the only group I know of for 300 points, 5 words, 6 letters. Drawer, redraw, reward, warder, warred. That one pops up about once a month, it seems. Continuing, we get 260 points for just 2 words of 7 letters. Not sure how many of those there are. The 5 words of 5 letters that I have noticed are "only" 170 points, but they show up quite often and are usually easy to remember. Prose. Bares. Emits. Lapse. Yes, each of those makes 5 words, by my count. So just messing around here - I wondered what I would do after I retired last year! |
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Show who is online, and what they're playing? (by akimbo - 05 May 14, 16:33) |
Just wondering if that's possible, especially in games with chat. It would be fun to see, and be able to go visit and play with a person you see in one of the games. Thanks! Kim |
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Can't play Why? (by keithste - 05 May 14, 20:31) |
I just got a new computer and it won't let me play Shisen-any ideas? I can play most of the other games. |
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Birthday card from sweetie to sugar on the 29th (by goodgirl - 06 May 14, 5:48) |
Thank you so much for the birthday greetings sweetie, that was lovely of you to do it. But how on this earth did you remember? L O V E L Y ♥♥♥♥♥xxxxx♫♫♫♪♪♪☼☼☼☼☼♠♠♠♠♠☺☺☺☺☺ |
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change time (by japiazza - 07 May 14, 1:01) |
Maybe I am missing something, but can someone tell me how to change the time on Speedcross |
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daily challenge, already played? (by sgreeneps1 - 07 May 14, 22:02) |
For the past few days when I attempt to play the daily challenge the board comes up that I have played already? |
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Weird challenge glitch? (by bandw - 08 May 14, 0:34) |
Anyone else experience a weird glitch in today's daily challenge. I got to the third title and the used letters from the second title did not clear. Could not use any letter that had been attempted in the second solution. |
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Playing Against Players (by mumu - 09 May 14, 15:41) |
There are some players I love to play against and others I dread because I'm in for an ass-kicking. I love playing grizzly1 because he/she is so challenging. We will go back and forth. It's terrific. Wordsmith and Ruztyboy are both fun to play against and especially when I BEAT'EM. I have no chance against gillespie, zephyr, 4stringlou and the old reliable robin. And Jeff? Fuggetaboutit! I just want you folks to know that I really enjoy your presence in my life. You are very special to me yet I have no idea who you are. Amazing, isn't it? |
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Glitch in daily challenge (by smarty - 10 May 14, 12:30) |
I'm unable to move correctly in today's mahjong challenge. My equipment is working fine in all other areas, so I assume it's something to do with the challenge itself. |
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HAPPY BIRTHDAY MAC (by Ginaki - 10 May 14, 20:30) |
\ , `| ) ( .-""-. | | /_ { '. | | (/ ` } ) | | ^/ ^`} { = ( { ) '-, { {{ _.' ) } ) .-' ( ( /'-.'_. ) ( } _( { _/ ) '--' `-; _.-' / / / _.' .' / / /. ' / _ |`- _ . -/| - _- ` _.-'`_/- | - - - - \ }` `{ { -__- } } { . {` `} } -___- { { } } } { H A P P Y { B I R T H D A Y ` ' -____- BREITHLA SHONA DUIT MAC, HAVE A PERFECT DAY MAY ALL YOUR DREAMS COME TRUE. LOVE AND KISSES GINA :))XXX ♥♥♥ |
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Happy Birthday to Mac (by goodgirl - 11 May 14, 4:51) |
How old? Never! You really look much younger!! lols :) Have a lovely birthday mac. May you get everything you wish for and plenty more, but not too much mind cus it could make you go blind!!!!!!! Lots of xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx's from Mistress goodgirl♥♥♥ xxx |
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Waiting for Sudoku points to finish (by getclint - 12 May 14, 4:33) |
Hey Derek All, brilliant generally - but with Sudoku points it quite often happens that everyone is finished and we're all waiting for the 5 or 6 minutes to count down with no-one actually playing. Why not scan the players points table for unfinished players and if none detected, complete the current game and start the 30 second countdown to the next game straight away. Clint (getclint) |
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top score not accounted for (by Finnegan - 14 May 14, 14:51) |
Hey Derek, Finnegan/Jaime here. Yesterday I achieved a 5994, and somehow didn't show up for the top scores. The top score I was given was 5785. Anyhoo just thought I'd mention it. Lots of love, Finnegan/Jaime |
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New "Memory" Game (by Bobo7777 - 15 May 14, 3:55) |
First off, very nice game. Thanks. Has anyone successfully completed level 31? Not sure if its a bug, or part of the game. Levels 1-30 ran smoothly, but 31 wont let me complete. Thanks. |
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New memory game (by dkmGames - 15 May 14, 4:34) |
There is a new memory training game called Pairs now available. Let me know how it can be improved. |
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Where can one see the leaderboard? (by mjd74 - 17 May 14, 11:39) |
Is there any way we can see the current ranking of best scores and user names? Thanks! |
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Yesterday's scores didn't count (by oops2 - 18 May 14, 8:18) |
What a shame :-( |
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Play against computer bot (by dkmGames - 22 May 14, 0:38) |
You can now play Pairs against a computer bot. There are various skill levels and other parameters you can choose. It can be a lot more challenging as the bot will select random tiles initially (disrupting when you are trying to display and remember them in sequence). |
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Zorder issue with popup prefs, scoreboard and chat on linux/ubun (by getclint - 22 May 14, 18:01) |
Hi Derek Well, just got my lovely linux/ubuntu ssd installed in the lappy and escaped winderz forever but dkm sudoku points wont display the popups. The windows are there but you can only mouseover the active objects to make them visible, otherwise the whole popup layer is hidden, or rather I believe zordered behind the main board and not brought to the front. All the other js/jquery I've tried in FF on this platform works just fine, so any thoughts? Thanks and regards Clint |
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No game today? (by Grammargirl - 23 May 14, 16:16) |
Is there a problem with Codewords or is it just my ancient system? When I bring up the game it just gives an empty grid, whether I try it in a new window or just press play now. Nothing happens when I press check, reset, hint or even give up. I went to the archives but the most recent game listed was from Wednesday. Wednesday's game would display, but I had already played it. I didn't play yesterday so I don't know if there was a game for Thursday. Other games seem to come up OK for me today. |
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Linux Ubuntu 12.04 users, solution for sudoku points (by getclint - 24 May 14, 7:43) |
Further to my previous post about Sudoku points, where popups for leaderboard and chat weren't visible on a device with Linux/Ubuntu 12.04 operating system using the Firefox browser. My solution was to download and install Google Chrome (from a legit Google site of course!). Sudoku points works perfectly in Chrome on Ubuntu 12.04 and the problem is solved. Please note that this issue does not affect Windows users, it only appears to affect people using the particular combination of Linux, Ubuntu and Firefox. Game on :-) |
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Game malfunction (by smarty - 24 May 14, 10:46) |
The challenge for May 24 is malfunctioning. I first noted that moves took place without the usual sliding motion as pieces changed places, just a flash change. Then the game stopped working altogether, with a series of numbers (scores?) appearing on the grid, along with the pieces. |
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Need harder puzzles (by zombiedude - 27 May 14, 14:01) |
I have been doing sudoku puzzles for a long time and the "Tough" puzzles aren't really that hard. Should they sometime add a harder difficulty using more advanced strategies like sword-fish, wxyz-wing, x-y chains? |
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no game again (by Grammargirl - 28 May 14, 12:05) |
There must still be a problem in codewords. I get a blank grid again today and I know I played yesterday, but that game doesn't come up in the archives. Speaking about yesterday's game, it was decidedly more detailed than previous games. At first, I thought I had brought up the wrong game. The grid had far more words to complete than usual but it was good. Thanks for keeping things interesting for us. |
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No Puzzle (by jaglin69 - 29 May 14, 9:33) |
I have had to re-build my computer from scratch after a motherboard failure and now I cannot get a suduko puzzle when I click on play game, the banners are there at the top of the screen. Any ideas please. |
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Input Problem (by lynxx - 29 May 14, 12:57) |
Can't figure out how tp input letters. Clicked center square, tried to drag letter, got highlighted in blue. Score zero, awww... What am I missing, please? |
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how to change games (by charlesseal - 29 May 14, 17:02) |
are there only three gamesfor pearls |
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Recorded games (by bokkasoduko - 30 May 14, 9:56) |
Hi DKM, too many people wondering why I'm not on recorded games, so put me on to recorded games again please.........Sudoku points lovers and addicts - just remember I love the guessing game sometimes :) Especially when the games in green is so tough !!!!!! |
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guests (by nyctaxi - 31 May 14, 23:37) |
Hi Derek, Once again, thanks so much for providing all of us w/this fun, challenging game site. I know others have posted requests previously re: "the guests". I understand why you allow it and I agree. They just irritate me! Login or don't play! They can't even read the forum to know how much they irritate others. Perhaps my "knickers are just in a knot". Cheers & thanks, nyctaxi. |
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Jeff2012 (by BirdDog - 01 Jun 14, 0:31) |
I think Jeff2012 should change his name to Jeff2112. When we're getting spanked, at least we can be thinking of a great rock band. |
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Orchis, Rosa and Campanula (by Arioso - 02 Jun 14, 13:52) |
oops, something went wrong, these pictures should be portrait, not landscape, sorry |
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Daily Challenge (by easternvideo - 03 Jun 14, 9:29) |
I just played the Daily Challenge but my score does not appear. |
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Resetting "automatically remove pencil marks" and window size (by jws3 - 03 Jun 14, 18:06) |
Somehow, my office computer doesn't check the "automatically remove pencil marks" box and I have to reset it every time I log on. It also defaults to the small window size when I click "play in a new window". My home computer does those things automatically. How can I change the office computer? |
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Shisen Clock (by mindy - 05 Jun 14, 12:36) |
Clock isn't working right. After it ticks down to zero it's maybe 30 or more seconds before the game actually ends. Not that I'm complaining because it's at least allowing me to finish the games I've played ;-) |
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Sudoku server is slow (by bokkasoduko - 05 Jun 14, 13:23) |
Hi Dkm, Sudoku server has been giving problems the whole day. Clock gets stuck and connection is lost a few times. Thank you ........ |
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Leaderboards (by tribble - 09 Jun 14, 10:54) |
Derek, would it be possible to have a mystery puzzle leaderboard below the regular puzzle leaderboard? |
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Samurai Sudoku (by Laurie - 09 Jun 14, 12:17) |
I can only pencil 4 numbers into a box. When I select a 5th number then it changes my fourth number to that one. Shouldn't I be able to put in all numbers from 1 to 9? Thanks! |
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Results never showing (by OldManAl - 11 Jun 14, 20:59) |
I have an ID and my results never show. Not the averages or my occasional high number. I play the "tough" every day and probably a couple of "hard" ones each day. A day or two ago, I scored a 6892 on a "tough," which would appear to have been the high of the day, but nothing showed. In fact, my scores have never showed, including my very pedestrian average in the mid-2000's. Not a big deal, but what does a person need to do? |
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played for the first time (by redcrow - 13 Jun 14, 22:29) |
i just played triplets for the first time. loved it. highly addictive. one small flaw: it would not advance me to the next level after i had successfully completed the previous one. there should be an option to replay the current level or advance to the next one. |
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New version (by Keenado - 14 Jun 14, 4:50) |
Yes!! Thanks, Derek! Finally the undo button does the awesome thing of undoing full rows/columns when we misclick. Thank you! |
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Unsupported now for Windows XP? (by akimbo - 14 Jun 14, 8:47) |
I have one little notebook computer that is still running Windows XP. A few weeks ago, it stopped loading the daily challenge and mystery puzzles. I can get to the jigsaw page, but can't see the pieces when I go to solve. I presume this is because of Windows XP. I can solve the puzzles on another computer running Windows 7, so I'm not without options. I was just curious if I am right about this issue. Thanks! Kim |
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Memory High Score (by Bobo7777 - 15 Jun 14, 17:10) |
Curious as to what the high scores are out there. Im sure someone has busted 9000 or so, so feel free to throw out your score here, and if its a high one, maybe offer some tips? Im sitting at 8420... but am making lots of mistakes towards the end, so trying to improve there. |
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Roll over ads (by phoenix - 15 Jun 14, 22:29) |
Hi Derek. For the first time on your site there are roll over ads. Looks like they're all related to Coke or the World Cup. One of the things (of the many, many things) I have loved about your site is that no ads open or pop up unless I click on them. I understand that advertising pays for the site, and you do so much for us that I hesitate to ask, but if possible can you not let roll over ads on the site? As always, Thanks, phoenix |
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bug in daily challenge scoreboard update (by bflandrena - 17 Jun 14, 6:55) |
My score was not recorded in the triplets daily challenge today. I verified that I was logged in: I did the sudoku daily challenge soon after and my score was recorded. Secondly, when I tried to replay the triplets challenge it said that I already played it, so the server knows my account name and status. I ended the triplets challenge in a strange way. I was dragging a bomb across the grid when time ran out. It allowed me to place the bomb and the explosion went off and it clicked as if it were replacing some cells even though the clock was stopped. I did not notice if the points were incremented. I did get the pop-up saying that I had not completed the challenge, but never got the second pop-up giving my position on the scoreboard. When I checked the scoreboard, I'm not there. At the time my score (6720, I think) would have made top 15, and I was neither in the top 15 leaderboard nor the complete listing. This happened about 5:15 AM EDT if you want to check the logs. Is there a race between bomb-placement and scoreboard update? |
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Public game list being retired? (by BabsSF - 18 Jun 14, 16:54) |
Seems like the bottom of the list (oldest) 5-6 public games have been removed. Is there a limit to the list length? I did not see any "Page 1-2" link showing at the bottom |
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New Places? New Structures? (by shazzabat - 19 Jun 14, 10:38) |
Hi, how do I ask for new places or structures to be added to the list? For instance, Edinburgh Castle? Bowes Museum? Blackpool Tower? Thanks |
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Game re-appeared (by ukdave100 - 21 Jun 14, 7:14) |
Just to let you know. Since my post of 25th Feb pointing out blank grid, I have occasionally checked the site. Lo and Behold, today the Sudoku game is back up and working!! |
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Server Problems (by mindy - 21 Jun 14, 22:40) |
Playing Sudoku in the Green Room and the clock is stalling. Earlier I could not get connection and then later when I could the clock kept stalling and could not chat. Now when I play it says lost connection and when I click on to reconnect it starts over with a new game and a new clock. Also in Shisen and the clock is stalling, was doing this earlier and still is now. Others are saying they are having connection problems and getting booted. |
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Problems getting into Word Ruffle (by carolyna - 22 Jun 14, 8:28) |
Having problems with Word Ruffle at the moment, keeps telling me that round is over after each game, then takes ages to get back into game, often halfway over before I get in. |
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More bugs in triplets daily challenge (by bflandrena - 23 Jun 14, 7:09) |
If you select the daily challenge, but then don't start it (i.e., hit the browser "Back" button before starting), you are disqualified from the daily challenge. This makes no sense; you haven't seen the grid or actually started the game. Further, your name doesn't appear in the list of scores for the day. So one part of the game says you have already played and another part says you haven't. The "already played" state bit needs to be set when the game starts, not when the challenge goal is displayed. Once you are disqualified and you try to play again and you get the "already played" popup, the browser controls appear to be disabled until the popup is dismissed. In fact events generated by browser controls (e.g., back button, refresh, etc) are queued and then the entire event stack is executed when the popup is dismissed. This is extremely counter-intuitive. If the controls look like they are disabled, then they should be disabled and not come back to haunt you at some later time. |
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Memory/Pairs (by wordsmith - 24 Jun 14, 9:51) |
So I played Memory/Pairs for the first time yesterday and my WordRuffle ranking immediately went up. LOL. But boy were my eyes bleary and I hate the ones with playing cards. Great new game. |
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Fit tolerance (by akimbo - 24 Jun 14, 13:02) |
It can take me up to 5 tries to get a puzzle piece to attach to its neighbor(s). I'll never be on the leaderboard even if you have an answer for this problem, but I'm curious what makes this happen (or not happen as it were.) Flash player? Video card? Mouse speed? Thanks! Kim |
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new dictionary (by rleskosk - 25 Jun 14, 0:52) |
The new dictionary includes words without vowels (I think I've seen "psst" and "ssh" but can't recall for certain), foreign words that may not have fully been accepted into English yet, and variant spellings. Today, for instance, "schlepp" was used, but that spelling does not occur in DKM's Word Explorer -- only "schlep". Challenging is one thing (and welcome), but the current dictionary goes well beyond that to make guessing necessary. |
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sudoku grid (by shivasgk - 26 Jun 14, 13:24) |
Sudoku grid is not appearing in Sudoku game. Also, Sudoku games do not load. This is happening for the last 2 weeks ( Earlier there was no problem. I use Google Chrome for browsing. If I use Internet Explorer for browsing, the games load properly. Pl. let me know the solution for this problem. |
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Moving Ghost (by ken07 - 27 Jun 14, 6:47) |
One thing I find annoying is that you can drag the ghost view around. This happens when I mis-click a piece and select the ghost image which causes it to move. Is here a way to lock it to the center of the screen? |
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its BROKEN (by davek - 27 Jun 14, 20:24) |
I'm shaking and twitching from withdrawals. I need my fix. OR I could check myself into a Sudokaholics rehab center. Only 12 steps away from....... Hey wait a minute I don't WANT to quit. LOL Give me a double shot of those numbers please..... |
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sudoku points challenge down (by sjmont - 27 Jun 14, 20:56) |
Sorry Dave and hi! I am having the same problem, but I have no withdrawal problems as I am retired and have played quite a bit today - not to rub it in or anything. But here is the good news - I was dumber than a box of rocks today and did not help my average at all! So you are still the King! Hope it is back up this weekend, but,of course, that is not usually a good time for fixes! Hope we get a chance to chat this weekend. May I suggest word ferret, or jigsaw jam for a mild diversion, but unfortunately no chat. |
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Sudoku and Yubotu in LInux Mint (by Vining - 29 Jun 14, 14:15) |
Just loaded Mint as my OS and find that the Sudoku Challenge and Yubotu do not operate quite right. Are there settings I need to alter? I miss my games! |
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clue is wrong (by jamelan - 01 Jul 14, 7:34) |
Racoons are not marsupials |
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questionable pop-up from flash player (by Wiley - 01 Jul 14, 9:20) |
I keep getting a pop-up from flashplayer saying "dkm wishes to store information on your computer" with options of 'yes' or 'deny'. I have been clicking on deny - no response does not let you access the game - it does not go away until you choose one or the other. Is this legit or another phony fake flash player ruse? |
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Happy birthday erikayu (by buckeyefan - 02 Jul 14, 2:00) |
happy 24th |
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Doesn't work (by bpat - 03 Jul 14, 14:16) |
The board is grayed and I can't click a space. I also can't drag a tile to the board. I'm on a Win 8 PC using Chrome as a browser. |
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shisen isn't working (by luvpuzzle - 04 Jul 14, 14:03) |
I can't get the shisen game to come up at all. It completely freezes the screen and I have to go out and come back to get to any of the other games. Any suggestions? |
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changed tab shape (by lynxx - 05 Jul 14, 12:19) |
I am not happy with the change two days ago in the shape of the tabs for the interlocking pieces. For some inexplainable reason, the new shape makes it very difficult for me to see how a shape fits in the overall puzzle. I hope this is not a permanent change. Thanks for listening to a silly complaint. |
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isn't working (by sdispirito - 07 Jul 14, 12:53) |
shisen isn't working |
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Please help (by mirela - 09 Jul 14, 16:10) |
Hi DKM ! I want to report a verbal assault made by Andrei69 to me days in a row. He admitted he wached my chat for a long time ago(he never play only watch). I asked him many times to stop but got instead just insulting words. I like sudoku v much,i spend a lot of time on this site but since Andrei started this mummery i became worried and v retained because 2 inquisitive eyes are watching me every moment. I don't want to quite and leave this site only because a darkened mind undersood my kind words in the wrong way. But for do it i need to help me to get back my pleasure to play sud in here. Multumesc! (Thank you !)Mirela |
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EXIT button (by Sedma - 09 Jul 14, 16:13) |
I have one suggestion. I play public triplets every day. When I finish one play, I want to play another game. When I push the EXIT button I would like to see list of games again, not triplets home screen. I'm sure that people who play public games don't play only one game. Is it possible to make it so? |
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FALS, FALS SI ABUZ (by Andrei69 - 09 Jul 14, 16:36) |
Hi DKM ! I want to report a verbal assault made by Andrei69 to me days in a row. He admitted he wached my chat for a long time ago(he never play only watch). I asked him many times to stop but got instead just insulting words. I like sudoku v much,i spend a lot of time on this site but since Andrei started this mummery i became worried and v retained because 2 inquisitive eyes are watching me every moment. I don't want to quite and leave this site only because a darkened mind undersood my kind words in the wrong way. But for do it i need to help me to get back my pleasure to play sud in here. Multumesc! (Thank you !)Mirela |
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Monday challenge malfunction? (by bandw - 14 Jul 14, 0:24) |
Monday's challenge has a problem. The second title comes up without clearing the tiles used from the first title. Thanks! |
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Play with Others error messages (by bandw - 15 Jul 14, 15:09) |
I have had the "lost connection" error message several times today. Is something going on with the server? or is there something I should do to trouble shoot from my system? |
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An offensive word 15/7/2014 (by saspol - 16 Jul 14, 7:02) |
I can only assume that this website is not here in the UK otherwise they would be well aware that a particular word of 8 letters starting with g and ending with g is offensive and considered racist. You may wish to remove it. |
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Offensive words? Or no? (by RobinD - 17 Jul 14, 9:06) |
Hello everyone. Recently someone in the Codewords forum wrote an entry concerning an Offensive Word, so I was curious as to what answer he would receive and whether anything would be done about it. For me, playing the Ruffle game now for years, there have always been words on the boards that I found either offensive, racist or "not a word". They make me uncomfortable. Because the boards repeat, and often, I have been faced with those words again and again and again. I have not mentioned this before because I realize this is an International game and what offends one person could be fine for the next person, so I have simply closed my brain to the word possibility rather than type a word that bothers me. Yes, I let myself lose a board (hard to believe, I know!) rather than type something that bothers me. It could be that I am simply too sensitive, but would like to hear from other people. RobinD |
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Pop Up Ad (by phoenix - 18 Jul 14, 13:42) |
Hi Derek. There's another pop-up ad. It's popping up when I'm in Solitaire. The ad is from Alienware and it's for the Alienware 17 laptop. It just popped up again while I was typing this post It appears to be from Google (has the "Adchoices" selection in the upper right corner of the static ad). Thanks, Phoenix. |
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Samurai (by rotciveroom - 19 Jul 14, 9:24) |
I cant resize the puzzle |
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Problems with your site- download popups (by smallmeadow - 21 Jul 14, 23:29) |
I am not able to play the games I enjoy because of these popups for downloads. My computer protection is disallowing java related items also. This was a great site but it has been messed up and until you stop all the junk, I am going to have to not play . Some of your advertising is of questionable values. This site used to be one that teachers could direct middle school students to for an activity, but all the dating site ads are really not appropriate. For home use, I would personally be satisfied with cutting the downloads that want to impede me and that are not beneficial for computers. |
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More pop-ups from Google Ad Choices (by phoenix - 23 Jul 14, 0:48) |
Derek, there are more pop-ups coming from the Google Ad Choices. The latest one is a Dell storage solutions ad. I don't think I have malware or other bug because this is a corporate computer with heavy firewalls and virus/spyware protections. The ads are in the normal spot and have the normal "Ad Choices" button in the upper right corner. They are all hover ads and pop up when the cursor breezes over them. My previous post was also an ad a laptop. |
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cant play (by banersam - 23 Jul 14, 0:54) |
your game is not coming up ... something is wrong. |
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Daily Challenge? (by Kejo - 24 Jul 14, 8:57) |
I really love playing "Tents" and often wonder whether the following changes/additions might be possible: a) Daily Challenge b) Improved "Undo" (like in Yubotu) for undoing entire columns and rows c) Level "Hard" Or is the game just not popular enough? |
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point scoring (by timm - 24 Jul 14, 22:26) |
I finished the Daily Challenge in 4 minutes but still only scored 1900 points. How is the scoring done? |
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does not upload (by banersam - 25 Jul 14, 1:55) |
why does the game not come up ? second day in a row. sudoku is fine . |
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Hard vs Tough (by fmcleod - 25 Jul 14, 8:10) |
Hi. Not sure how you generate Sudoku puzzles, but seems to me that "Hard" and "Tough" may be getting swapped in your algorithm, or something. I usually can complete a "Tough" in 10+ minutes ... even if almost 20 minutes, the score may still be around 2600 or so. If I do a "Hard" in around 12 minutes, the score comes in around 1800-2000. |
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Memorable (?) sentences for fun (by wordsmith - 25 Jul 14, 11:48) |
Please add to my list! Sentences made with sets of words that can be spelled with different combinations of the same letters (are/ear/era): Sea shanties help work a CAPSTAN; CATNAPS don't. The pet COBRA loves CAROB. SOBBING GIBBONS? Where?? She likes SOLEMN LEMONS but merry MELONS. It's good to see they are TIDYING the estate with DIGNITY. The police think he TEASED the SEATED guest to SEDATE her. She GROANS when her ORGANS are in a too-tight SARONG. Don't SCUTTLE my request for CUTLETS - the GREASE AGREES with me. Even the NICEST INSECT practices INCEST. Food allergies? BARLEY BARELY makes me BLEARY. The DEACON CANOED to her church while the CLERICS rowed in CIRCLES. The farmer is BLAMING early LAMBING on his AMBLING ewes. |
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Game doesn't load (by taichimomma - 26 Jul 14, 11:32) |
Past few days I've had the same problem loading the game. Shows one tile and can't get rid of it, can't load new game. It works on my IPad but not on my PC; am using Firefox, but same thing with Internet Explorer. |
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Mahjong won't play (by kathymac - 27 Jul 14, 8:56) |
Game does not come up. Only 1 blank tile shows. This game has been doing this for over a week now. Please fix - love this game! |
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Daily Challenge only had one blank tile (by susanall - 27 Jul 14, 10:12) |
When I tried to play the Daily Challenge today the screen opened with one blank tile on the left. I clicked on it and it turned yellow. |
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Need Clarification on FAQ re Pop-ups (by phoenix - 28 Jul 14, 0:51) |
Hi Derek. I have a question. In the FAQ re pop-ups and the Google Adsense program, you say "There are never any popup ads and never any that you are forced to watch or read before being able to play." The Adsense program now has a lot of rollover ads that pop up if you're not very careful where your cursor is (and frankly it seems even when my cursor is not on the ad). Do rollover ads not count as pop ups? |
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tips needed - how to score higher (by Bcubed - 28 Jul 14, 18:11) |
Played this one all the way through at least 10 times and the most I've been able to score is 154,500. Anyone have any tips on how to generate a higher score? |
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new timeline and change name (by maxodus - 29 Jul 14, 7:24) |
my english is n,t good, but i.ll try explane. I was hacked, played before like kostovira, but don,t want go anymore on that proofile, and don,t want my friends and sudoku friends have problems. Was one hard attack. I open new facebook profile with new name, and start play with new name, is possible terminated old kostovira, don,t know how off login, i know is possible play only with one name. Old name don,t existe anymore |
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Technical difficulties. (by ctuchel - 30 Jul 14, 12:46) |
Does anybody else have the problem with Speedcross that only the Daily Challenge is playable?If I try to play anything other than the Daily Challenge I do not get the opportunity to set the time and no tiles appear in the rack. Been true for sometime apart form periodically. I play on a Mac. |
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Problem with game - does not load correctly (by gene - 01 Aug 14, 12:44) |
Only gives 1 blank tile. Has been down for 24 hours. |
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Liked it (by justken37 - 03 Aug 14, 8:55) |
All of my squares were blank. I suppose I should have scored higher. |
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need more color contrast (by Aardvard - 03 Aug 14, 10:53) |
In your triplets game, can you put a little more color contrast into the forms for the more color challenged? Case in point today was the hexagons - reddish and brownish were very difficult for me to differentiate. ....or is that the point? |
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arrange (by walterswife - 06 Aug 14, 0:50) |
Even if you accidently hit the arrange button some of the pieces go away and never come back. I just finished a puzzle that even after I put in all the pieces I had and I kept pressing arrange only 4 pieces ever showed back up. It is so frustrating. ugh! |
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New Game (by dkmGames - 07 Aug 14, 4:05) |
Just released new puzzle JigCross (Jigsaw Crosswords). You need to reassemble the crossword puzzle from pieces. Your feedback on how it can be improved is most welcome. |
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Today's Challange (by BirdDog - 08 Aug 14, 7:55) |
Just curious. I've never seen this before. I got all the words in the challenge today (and so did quite a few others) and scored 4628. One player scored a 4848. Thanks DKM for the site.... |
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Have screen shot of rollover ad (by phoenix - 08 Aug 14, 15:36) |
Derek, I finally got a screen shot of a rollover pop-up ad that appears to be from Google Adsense. What e-mail address should I send it to? It won't paste into this post or into the "contact us" box. |
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daily challenge? (by Grammargirl - 09 Aug 14, 1:20) |
I know don't play many challenges, (and I don't play many games with others) but one game I play every day is codewords. Because there is only one game a day, when I have a good game, I often wish I could show it off. Maybe there are not that many people who play it, but I wonder if it were more competitive, if some others would give it a try. Any chance you could set this up for a daily challenge? Then again, does it even give a score? |
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todays challenge - problems? (by suzyQ - 10 Aug 14, 1:25) |
Today I started with Blights will all the letters; then I was given a full replacement of letters, for which I used the S from the previous word and created the word salt; at which time I was one letter short after the scoring. So I hit the recall button and the T in salt was returned. Something's wrong? |
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NO puzzle today (by desper - 12 Aug 14, 2:37) |
from 2pm - 3.45ish Australian time- logged in and waited patiently but no puzzle appeared- board was blank! Then scored 0 as having done the challenge which was not there. sob! |
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Bad connections? (by bruno2014 - 14 Aug 14, 13:29) |
No. We only get booted when we have good scores. |
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No grid or game (by greembriar - 14 Aug 14, 22:57) |
I'm using windows 7 home premium with IE 11. For the past month I have not been able to load a Sudoku grid or game. Checked the forum and found one entry suggesting Adobe flash Player. Verified that Flash Player is installed. Any suggestions. BTW, can play DKW Sudoku on three other computers with the same software configuration. |
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Memory Game... Jiggy Challenge (by Bobo7777 - 18 Aug 14, 22:24) |
Greetings Jiggy, Wooo, I saw you passed my high score on Memory, so i took it as a challenge and finally got it back. I know you are very talented at this, so I assume my score will fall soon enough. I am not going to try and best my score until you do, so good luck. And thanks for the competition of sorts, even though we have never spoken. Good luck, im rooting for ya! bobo :) |
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daily challenge (by Grammargirl - 19 Aug 14, 0:12) |
Well, that was interesting. I started the triplets challenge with one minute until the next day's game would come up. I did really poorly, but my score ended up on the board for the next day's challenge. (number 1 but I'm sure not for long) Then I played the challenge again where it was a different game and I did much better (over 8,000) but instead of getting on the board, it said I was already on the board. I guess I need to finish the game before the next day starts to avoid that happening again. Live and learn. |
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New options (by dkmGames - 19 Aug 14, 0:57) |
In addition to what I posted yesterday, I have made some other changes. When you have determined whether a square in the grid is white (will contain a letter) or black, you can click on the square. Each click will cycle from "white" to "black" and then back to "unknown". Also, there is a hint option to display the grid layout. If puzzles are proving too difficult, you may find this is the way to go - show the grid layout. |
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32 perfect scores on Daily Challenge! (8/19) (by wordsmith - 20 Aug 14, 8:42) |
But rats, (arts, tars, star, tsar), I missed 2 short words in level one. A little comforting to see a couple other usually good players didn't make the cut either. And terrific to all who did! |
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Needs a Good Proofread (by lynxx - 21 Aug 14, 20:53) |
415E-6996 is incomprehensible. Not spelled correctly either. |
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What is the fastest this game can be completed? (by Conan - 24 Aug 14, 15:54) |
Although a computer could theoretically play each tile match almost instantaneously, there is still a lag built in for the drawing of each set of matching lines, followed by an additional lag for the tiles to disappear before the next set of tiles can be selected. With those lags delaying completion, what is the fastest any given game can be completed? |
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color contrast problem (by peggotty - 25 Aug 14, 13:09) |
In today's challenge (August 25) two of the octagons were so similar in color that they were indistinguishable. Challenging is good but impossible is just frustrating! |
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syncronize the clock please (by davek - 26 Aug 14, 7:24) |
the game ended with 2 seconds left on the clock I had one number to go. I could have easily put the number in but the game ended two seconds early. I didn't get my bonus. WHAAAAAAAA LOL not a big deal still had fun. |
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username change (by brunoj - 31 Aug 14, 10:08) |
Is there a way to change my username in Shisen? I tried once before and failed. |
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numbers disappear (by Sedma - 02 Sep 14, 11:51) |
It happens to me for last few days. In the middle of the game, one or more numbers just disappear from the board. They come beck when (if) I finish the game. It happens in multi sudoku and points challenge. It's getting more and more frustrating :(. I'm using Chrome and it's up-to-date. Is it only me? Sometimes it happened in hanidoku too, but when I rolled over with mouse it became visible again. Then after some time, everything was ok, no disappearing. Now, numbers disappear again. But at least I don't have to finish the game to see all numbers, I can just roll over to make them visible. That doesn't help in sudoku :( Can you take a look into it, pls? |
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Changes to Word Ferret -- Likes? Dislikes? (by jeffgamer - 03 Sep 14, 13:18) |
Today's Word Ferret was different in a few ways. Wondering what people think of the alterations? My likes: * I like that the scoring is updated as you play, so you can see whether you're ahead or not. Competitive Sudoku does to have that here, too. * The smaller print in the list of words allows you to see more of the ones you typed before it's pushed off-screen. * You can now scroll down the list of words you've typed, to see if there's something you missed and to see what you've already used. My dislikes: * New words that you find are put on the bottom of your list, not the when you get a word that's good, you don't see if added to your list if you've found enough words to fill the box. * The leaderboard only updates once per day. I really liked that it was updated after every game. You can then see if you've advanced in the standings and what your new percentile is. This is probably the change that, to me, is the biggest loss. (And, of course, we've lost all the stats from before 9/3/14....for some, that'll be an opportunity, for some a bummer....) |
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Don't work no more (by ffejsrem - 03 Sep 14, 22:36) |
I cannot play the game vs others any more on either my iPad or my laptop. I get a message that read "Oops. Page not found. The stats page has two columns now but one is empty and the other has a single score of 8. What happened? |
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I pad? (by ffejsrem - 03 Sep 14, 22:43) |
If the app is going to require flash player, then that's curtains for us who play on the I pad. What's the plan? |
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New Site doesn't work (by Dickkatz - 04 Sep 14, 2:24) |
I can't get the button to hyperlink |
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unable to 'play with others' anymore (by me1234 - 04 Sep 14, 9:40) |
what do i need to do to 'play with others'. even when i select it, it goes to a single player. if someone could help, it would be appreciated. |
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On the train, on the plane, in the car.. (by ffejsrem - 04 Sep 14, 13:08) |
Mr Schute--not a beer at the pond for me, but during my commute. The flash to IOS fix mentioned above--how's that done? |
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Chrome Browser (by Dickkatz - 04 Sep 14, 13:49) |
The button to "play with others" won't work on the Chrome browser. |
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cannot get onto play with others (by carolyna - 04 Sep 14, 20:57) |
Page keeps coming up as ?ops page not found"no matter what I try |
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No playing with others??!! (by natosio - 04 Sep 14, 21:55) |
Without the challenge of playing against others, Word Ferret is just not that entertaining. Please bring the group play option back! |
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For those having trouble with new system (by theprisoner - 05 Sep 14, 9:50) |
I cleared all the cookies for DKMsoftware in my browser and the new link for play with others then worked. |
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lost connections (by Wiley - 05 Sep 14, 19:02) |
Anyone else having this problem? After such a long time the old bugaboo reappears. |
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New platform (by judy - 05 Sep 14, 22:33) |
What happened? Word Ferret has lost it's mind. It can't calculate correctly and stops mid game. No fun anymore. |
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iPad? (by ffejsrem - 07 Sep 14, 8:51) |
Is there a version coming for iPad players? I thought an earlier post said it was in the works. If not yet ready, will there be some announcement of it? Can't hold a laptop while riding an exercise bike, but an iPad, oh yes... |
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Missing word (by Alice2 - 10 Sep 14, 5:13) |
Admin should add KITING to the database. |
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iPad follow up (by ffejsrem - 10 Sep 14, 11:38) |
Great! It works well and even has a rotate feature. But are the statistics being incorporated when the scores are generated by iPad play? Yesterday, I had a number of scores between 50-64% yet my high score for the day is listed at 48%. I wonder if my overall score for best 10 games includes iPad play. |
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Question about points (by alyoshak - 11 Sep 14, 0:23) |
I do not see points when I log in and play. How does the point system work? Where do I look to see what points I have? Any answers would be much appreciated. Alyosha |
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Memory (by Bobo7777 - 12 Sep 14, 13:30) |
Any possibility of a daily Memory Challenge? Or is there not enough interest in the game to merit it. P.S. There is no "memory" category in the topic list to create a new post. |
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I AM LOGGED IN BUT NOT SHOWING ON THE FINAL SCORE LIST (by rachelwalker - 13 Sep 14, 5:16) |
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Update (by bandw - 15 Sep 14, 3:00) |
When do the jigsaw puzzles update? It is three hours after the other games have rolled to the new day and the jigsaw is still yesterday's image. |
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Site redesign looks good (by cgbikes - 15 Sep 14, 10:24) |
Like the new color scheme and look. yeah! |
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site design (by david55 - 15 Sep 14, 13:41) |
The border on the top, blocks the view of time and points |
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New design (by helencrozier - 15 Sep 14, 13:46) |
The border obscures the top part of the screen so sudoku is unusable. I am running on MacBook Pro, OX 10.9.4. BUMMER! |
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One more problem but much better over all (by helencrozier - 16 Sep 14, 10:45) |
The top banner is now tamed. Thank you for your speedy response. I think the only remaining problem is that ad on the right side bar obscures the pause button. This is on a MacBook Pro running OS X 10.9.4 It's a 13-inch (1280 x 800) display. I'm too technically incompetent to understand the very thorough explanation you provided yesterday:) |
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Can't logout (by zazzo - 17 Sep 14, 8:32) |
When I try to logout in Sudoku, nothing happens. When i tried the logout button in Forum I got an error message. Has something changed? |
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Mahjong Alignment (by BirdDog - 17 Sep 14, 9:13) |
New site looks good. Mahjong board is aligned to left side of screen now though. It's hard to get used to. Any way of centering it? Or does it need to be this way. Thanks |
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LOVE this feature (by ebellspain - 18 Sep 14, 6:34) |
REALLY like Ubinam... even better than Eagle Eye. I use it for my kids to learn about different areas of the world. |
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Still a problem with scoring I think (by mrschute - 18 Sep 14, 9:53) |
Sorry to be a pest but it seems odd that I show up on the 2 lists one day and the next day my score is reflected on the previous day's tally but not on the 7 day listing. As well, just finished a game and my score didn't appear at all. |
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List of Triplett levels (by Cosine - 18 Sep 14, 16:58) |
Where is the list of levels from which one can select the levels to be played on Triplets? |
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Change suggestion (by bandw - 18 Sep 14, 19:24) |
Derek, I saw your earlier post that interest in the game was lagging. It made me ask myself why I don't play more often. Part of the reason my interest lagged is because it takes a long time to get the "pay off" of seeing how my score rates against other players. Having a competitive nature, I want to see how I am doing against others. Going through 32 levels takes some time and I cannot judge how I'm doing as I go. So I think more frequent feedback would help maintain one's interest in playing the game. Suggestion: How about breaking up the 32 levels into groups (perhaps Beginner, Intermediate, Advanced, Expert) and having top scores for the different groups? Thanks for all you do with the site. The new header and especially the weight-lifting brain and a welcome update. BandW |
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Dictionary (by Keef - 22 Sep 14, 10:59) |
Really disappointed that when doing your update, that you didn't update your dictionary too. Far too many everyday words are still rejected. |
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Gong (by gong - 22 Sep 14, 23:40) |
Why it is impossible to log off from clicking log off in the corner ? My wife and I are sharing one computer for games. Please instruct. |
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Dictionary (by wordsmith - 23 Sep 14, 7:49) |
Hello, dkmGames, from a loyal fan! I have posted before that the dictionary should be left up to you. Yes, there are words that the game rejects but part of the fun is remembering which ones WON'T work. However, I see you posted this on Word Ferret today : "Please let me know the everyday words that are missing - I can add them." Would you want that for Word Ruffle as well? If not, that's fine with me! |
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Daily challenge Tue Sep 23 (by jazz4u - 23 Sep 14, 11:55) |
Game quit working midway through the challenge. some squares wouldn't clear and others were blank. Just wanted you to know. |
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Identify mystery puzzles (by smarty - 23 Sep 14, 12:57) |
The mystery puzzles are fun and challenging, but the lack of identification after completion is often frustrating. For landscapes and seascapes, the location should be given. For artwork, the name of the artist should be included. Adding this information would give mystery puzzle solvers a little more sense of accomplishment. |
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Multi-user for tablets now available (by dkmGames - 24 Sep 14, 1:01) |
You can now play multi-user Word Ruffle on your iPad or 10" Android tablet. |
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I was wondering (by davek - 24 Sep 14, 7:09) |
Do you ever play any of these games? I think it would be fun to play you in Sudoku. |
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New and old design (by roo - 25 Sep 14, 5:51) |
Hi Derek, Although I think your new design is brilliant - just as everything about your site is - I actually preferred playing on the old page set-up (sorry !) Could we have the option of the new one or the old "Classic" version ?? |
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Safari and private browsing (by dkmGames - 25 Sep 14, 22:05) |
I have just discovered that if you set private browsing in the Safari browser, it will not write to local storage. This will cause some of the HTML5 (not Flash) games to stop working. These include Triplets, Pairs, Mahjong, SpeedCross, Guess Movie, Ubinam and Eagle Eye. Local storage is used to store preferences, saved games, and pass parameters from one page to another. I think some have reported these games not working or stopping working on a Mac - this is most likely the cause. In the updated version of Sudoku for the iPad, I have introduced some preferences. If you are using private browsing on an iPad with Safari, I have now trapped for the error and Sudoku will work but will not save any preferences or games. Private browsing on Firefox, Chrome and IE do not have this problem. |
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no warning (by Wiley - 26 Sep 14, 9:35) |
The sound "clicker" signifying the last seconds of the game is not working for me. Is this a site problem or just my problem? |
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Inputting puzzle (by Micksfsd - 26 Sep 14, 23:09) |
First time trying to use new version. After I key all numbers for new puzzle and tap the checkmark icon, it hangs up on "Validating puzzle" |
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logout does not work? (by FatFingers - 27 Sep 14, 7:39) |
Logout button does not log me out. (chrome on xp) |
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Arrangement of possibles (by JaneyB - 27 Sep 14, 22:14) |
Today the possibles are arranged slightly differently in the squares and I think it's harder to handle them . Will they stay entered this way.? Sorry to be picky. I think you have a great site. |
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tile arrangement (by kathymac - 28 Sep 14, 11:49) |
When I try to change tile arrangement to play different format, I get error message of H223246. Has been doing this for awhile now. Can you please check this out? Love to play Mahjong but like to switch up the tile arrangement too. |
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New design (by starbuck - 29 Sep 14, 11:41) |
Looks great and works well for me. Thanks again for all you do! |
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Green & Gold Shisen? (by akimbo - 29 Sep 14, 16:02) |
Hi there. I've been playing Shisen for a couple of years, and have only completed the grid 8 times. Is there any possibility of creating a "green room" where you would have an extra minute to work on the grid? Besides having the sense of accomplishment of finishing more often, there would also be more time for chat as you improve your game. There's just a few seconds to chat when you never finish. I don't know what you would do about scoring, though. Thanks for your consideration. Kim |
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Top 100 scores from yesterday glitch? (by jeffgamer - 01 Oct 14, 13:30) |
Today's October 1...our first first-of-the-month since the changes to the site...and the Top 100 Scores From Yesterday list is empty. There may be a glitch in the new system, causing it to not work correctly on the 1st of the month. Just thought I'd post this for Those In Charge! ;-) |
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Daily Challenge (by dkmGames - 02 Oct 14, 20:55) |
A daily challenge is now available for Pairs memory game. Each daily challenge will be randomly generated selecting either different icon sets or symbols or cards or numbers and different time limits but the grid size will always be 6x6. Let me know if anything should be tweaked. |
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Points Challenge Best Scores (by sjmont - 03 Oct 14, 10:44) |
DKM, could you please look into why my 4959 from yesterday, October 2nd, is not posted in the list of best scores? Thanks! |
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HTTP Error 404.0 - Not Found (by keiler - 03 Oct 14, 11:23) |
Tried playing Mahjong and got this message "HTTP Error 404.0 - Not Found The resource you are looking for has been removed, had its name changed, or is temporarily unavailable." The challenge played fine but not the game. |
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Sudoku (by dacgal - 03 Oct 14, 22:39) |
Why is the Sudoku grid so big now? It doesn't fit in the display of the phone. Pairs does the same thing when it gets into the higher rounds when the grid is larger. It is useless when you have to slide the screen back and forth. I have a Motorola Droid RAZR Max HD, so it is not a small screen. |
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Does not load today (by Moosha - 04 Oct 14, 7:03) |
No clue loads today |
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Now this one is not loading (by Moosha - 04 Oct 14, 7:51) |
In the daily challenge |
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not loading (by bpiazzo - 04 Oct 14, 9:12) |
Speedcross daily challenge is not loading for me today. |
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Not Unique Puzzle (#26880) (by rajeshk - 05 Oct 14, 14:36) |
Today I first time solved Perals Puzzle but found it non unique (have multiple solutions). Once you solve this puzzle look at left down corner. There are two valid solutions, one covering these two squares including left down corner and one without it. |
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Best scores (by farsifabio - 06 Oct 14, 10:14) |
Hi, has anybody noticed that the the best scores does not work |
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Bottom row inaccessible (by jdasher - 07 Oct 14, 4:36) |
The bottom row of symbols can not be accessed or moved. They only change if a vertical triplet is created from above. |
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Domain redirect (by dkmGames - 08 Oct 14, 1:45) |
Currently there is two domain names pointing to this site - and It is not advantageous to have this situation for search results etc so from today addresses will be redirected to You don't really need to change anything but at some point it would be better to update any bookmarks you may have. The only implication for now is that you will probably need to login again if you logged in previously under as the login cookie will not be carried over. |
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best scores (by sjmont - 08 Oct 14, 7:47) |
Again my best score from yesterday October 7th in points challenge is not posted - I had a 5032, not a 2715 as listed. Yet my average for the day reflects the higher score, |
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Shaded Cells (by ubu - 08 Oct 14, 19:53) |
On the screens which require clearing shaded cells, there is no difference between the shaded/non-shaded cells. |
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Speedcross letter placing wierdness (by leighbarker - 09 Oct 14, 4:05) |
Speedcross seems to be pulling letters from existing, already scored words rather than from my hand. Tried quitting & restarting Firefox, and restarting my Mac. Can't put the letters back, either. |
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Daily Challenge not loading again (by bpiazzo - 09 Oct 14, 9:17) |
When I tried to play the daily challenge, I got a blank board and no letters today. This happened last week, and then was resolved until today. Is there something I need to do? |
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cells disappearing (by sewista - 09 Oct 14, 17:08) |
yesterday and today I've had the same problem with a bad cell in the tough classic sudoku -- the first time you click on an adjacent cell (to type in a possibility) the number in the bad cell disappears. subsequently all you see is a blank cell that will not come back. yesterday it was the 4 in the top right sector; today it's the 6 in the top left. closing the game and coming back later doesn't fix the problem; the same thing happens when you start over. I have not continued to play long enough to tell whether it's just the one cell that's bad or whether there are others. |
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Yukon (by sam - 10 Oct 14, 15:59) |
Would it be possible to add a "hint" button? And an icon to show when "no moves" are left? |
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4 cells in a row (by sam - 10 Oct 14, 16:01) |
When 4 matching cells are lined up, it would be nice to eliminate all 4 cells rather just 3. Sometimes the 3 cells to the right are eliminated and I was wanting the 3 cells to the left eliminated. |
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Wierdness continues (by unknown2 - 10 Oct 14, 16:50) |
I am having the same problem as BirdDog.I also use the mouse to play.I think you should check it out.Thank you. |
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Sudoku Multi? (by blorchy - 11 Oct 14, 14:42) |
Hasn't worked for me for days. Just loads a blank window. |
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No letters (by pepper - 12 Oct 14, 9:11) |
Speed Cross letters not loading. Hard to play the game with no letters showing. |
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Was it broken? (by Luciana - 12 Oct 14, 20:02) |
Seems as though Speed Cross was functioning just fine with lots of dedicated players. Is it possible to return to what was working? |
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Saving (by samsam69 - 14 Oct 14, 11:04) |
Can your game in Word Ferret be saved? If so, how? |
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Limited Intrest? (by N56629 - 14 Oct 14, 14:38) |
"Please note - due to limited interest, these statistics will be discontinued shortly." Yeah, right! What's next? The end of the daily challenge? Fix it, don't eliminate it. |
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Site revamp (by dkmGames - 16 Oct 14, 0:50) |
As you will have noticed, the JigsawJam site has been revamped to bring it in line with dkmgames. Some of the page names have changed so if you get page not found, please go to home page and reselect. All the functionality has remained the same but a couple of hardly used features have been dropped (stats, embedding in your site and Jigsaw World). A new save/restore feature has been added. You can now save a puzzle and then return to it at any time. To restore a previously saved puzzle, use the new link on home page or in the Jigsaw solving page, the "Restore" button. (If you do not see the Save and Restore buttons in the toolbar, you still have old Flash file in cache). |
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mouse pointer (by kimbers37 - 17 Oct 14, 10:39) |
I used to be able to scroll through the options for tents/hitori/sudoko and the mouse pointer would show the appropriate option. However, it no longer does this for me and I find it extremely frustrating as I now waste time looking at the side box. I used to be quite quick with the daily Yubotu challenge but now it takes me MUCH longer. What happened and can it be fixed? |
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Top 10 Scores (by petehayward - 22 Oct 14, 1:51) |
Why do the people that are at the top of the "hard/medium" level insist on getting on the top of the "easy" level as well. Cant you just play at the level you obviously are, leaving the levels below you alone.? |
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Flash Player won't load (by jlmer - 23 Oct 14, 14:10) |
I can play the jigsaw puzzle and some of the other word games but Word Ferret give me the message Flash Player won't load. I've downloaded it and Adobe and reinstalled but still get the same message. Help! |
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Bottom row inaccessible and bombs too (by LindaLee - 24 Oct 14, 7:01) |
In addition to the bottom row being inaccessible, any bombs that are made available, also cannot be accessed from the side of the puzzle. This has been the situation for around a week now. |
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"save" (by auntiea - 24 Oct 14, 18:08) |
the chance to save a puzzle in progress is an absolutely brilliant move... well done!!!! |
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point challenge problem (by tv - 24 Oct 14, 18:14) |
i can not clear the ad on point challenge, so i can not play it,what can i do? |
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Adobe flash player (by wordsmith - 25 Oct 14, 7:13) |
I got a message that my flash player was outdated and had been disabled (or cancelled or something) and to download the updated one. Which I did and now the message is "Blocked Plug-in" meaning I can't play WordRuffle. Would appreciate help - thanks in advance. |
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I'm sorry for cheating (by Grammargirl - 28 Oct 14, 16:57) |
I feel awful. I figured out how to cheat by watching someone else play the game and then playing on a different system, but I didn't think through the fact that my score would be displayed for 2 days on the high scores. I just wanted to see how easy it was, but now I am just embarrassed. I am sorry. |
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Can't access lots of games (by LindaLee - 29 Oct 14, 4:37) |
Hi Derek, I can get into Jigsaws and see today's challenge picture, but when I click onto it, it won't load. Same happens with other challenges, including Shisen, Yubotu, word ferret, and also unable to load other puzzles. Hope the problem can be fixed soon. Linda |
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Alltime best (by oops2 - 29 Oct 14, 5:46) |
Hi Derek, lately pia7978 scored a fantastic 7k on Sudoku Points Challenge. That made us chat if it would be possible to have an alltime best list. People on the chat were very positive about it. Would that be possible? What do other players think about it? Regards steve |
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Personal high scores? (by Kejo - 30 Oct 14, 16:19) |
Today I scored a whopping 1565 points (in approx. 12 minutes) on SpeedCross. I always play "untimed" when playing alone. I wonder - what do other players score when they play untimed? Scoring 1100 oder 1200 points in just five minutes in the daily challenge is awesome. I can usually reach that when I play untimed, but never, ever in just 5 minutes. I take off my hat to those who can. |
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Rate Jigsaws (by keiler - 31 Oct 14, 11:27) |
I used to be able to rate a puzzle after I completed it. I no longer get that option. Am I missing something? K |
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'In your first set of seven tiles, there will always be at least (by Kejo - 01 Nov 14, 19:32) |
That's what the SpeedCross page says in the description of the Daily Challenge. I have my doubts. :-) Today, for example: BCMMUYH Did anybody really find a six-letter-word in this first set of tiles? |
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Surgery Time (by scbmusic - 04 Nov 14, 10:37) |
Sorry I didnt get a chance to say bye to you guys, been prepping, running errands. Back surgery tomorrow morning. Hope to see all you guys soon, when depends upon when I can sit upright as well as be coherent from the medication. Miss you guys, see you soon. Wish me luck. Sean (Scbmusic) |
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Game has been updated (by dkmGames - 05 Nov 14, 1:52) |
Merels has been updated to offer an 11 and 12-man version in addition to the standard 9-man game. The board in 11/12 game has four additional diagonal lines which makes it more challenging. The "Fly" rule has also been introduced as an option. This rule allows you to move a piece anywhere on the board when you are down to only three pieces. Also the Bot AI has been improved (I think!) If you have not tried the game, give it a go. |
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Problems (by pokerplayer - 05 Nov 14, 9:47) |
The swap button works only occasionally. Also, sometimes I move a letter to the board and it changes. For example, today I put an "X" on the board, but when I did so it changed to an "L". Any ideas on how to fix this? Thanks! |
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New app for iPad and Android tablets (by dkmGames - 06 Nov 14, 19:13) |
There is now a free app for iPad and Android tablets (preferably 10") for solving the jigsaw puzzles. The solve functionality is identical to the desktop version (except no rotate). Also, you have access to the last 3 days of puzzles and can do the daily challenges. Just search for Jigsaw Jam on iTunes or Google Play or Amazon Apps. |
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Leaderboard in Sudoku Sniper (by Anne1 - 08 Nov 14, 1:56) |
Why can't I see leader board results? |
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How many people play? (by Finnegan - 08 Nov 14, 4:34) |
Hi Derek, Finnegan/Jaime here. Just curious as to roughly how many people play this game each day? (or course only the top 20 are revealed). Love the game. Am always thrilled if I find myself in the top 20.....but still wonder how much of a feat it truly is. Jaime |
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How do you score so high? (by Grammargirl - 09 Nov 14, 14:46) |
I can't believe the number of players who consistently score in the high 200's. And Pilotx with a 7 day average over 300 boggles my mind. I'm just happy to clear the board in the allotted time. Is there some secret? Do you start in the middle and work out? Or always top down? Bottom up? Any suggestions? |
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missing words (by Grammargirl - 09 Nov 14, 16:07) |
If you are still looking for common words that aren't in the Word Ruffle dictionary, I noticed today that reno is not there. I realize it is short for renovation, but considering we have ref and rev, I would think anyone who has been through a reno would absolutely call it a four letter word - or maybe that's the issue ;-) |
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Swap Button? (by jdasher - 10 Nov 14, 19:00) |
Where did the SWAP button go? I understand it has been tempermental of late, but to disappear altogether. Without it, the great players will truly be identified. |
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swap button fiasco (by singletonia - 11 Nov 14, 0:24) |
That non working swap button just ruined my game! help! |
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new swap doesnt work! (by desper - 11 Nov 14, 0:26) |
Take swap function away if you must, - i prefer to keep it- but anything would be better than having a swap button that doesn't work. can this be fixed please? |
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thanks for fixing the "swap" (by foodle - 12 Nov 14, 6:49) |
Phew! wonderful. Thanks a lot. |
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daily challenge Nov 14 (by Grammargirl - 14 Nov 14, 19:24) |
That was fun. You really have to pay attention to the shapes and colours. I haven't seen one like that for a long time. |
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jigsaw titles (by coonrapids - 15 Nov 14, 21:01) | I think I finally solved the problem. No ( ' ) allowed. Right? Can I still resubmit the picture? I don't want to waste your time or mine. |
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Today's challenge Tue Nov 18th (by jazz4u - 18 Nov 14, 11:16) |
Like to work the daily challenge, but yellow color scheme today was difficult to distinguish. |
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New card game Hearts (by dkmGames - 19 Nov 14, 20:20) |
Card game Hearts now available - see under Cards menu. Multi-user game with live players will be forthcoming (if demand there). Also other card games to follow. |
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Graceland? (by Aardvard - 22 Nov 14, 12:46) |
Just did the Graceland puzzle - there is no Graceland mansion in the opening photo. |
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challenge 11/25 (by skeeter1 - 25 Nov 14, 21:05) |
None of the brown square tiles could be moved in today's challenge, though the other shapes worked just fine. (Is this a new twist perhaps? :-) It was a little frustrating when there were scores of brown rows all over the board, and no moves. I noticed the high scores were unusually low today as well, so I'm guessing I wasn't the only one with this problem. |
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Best score results November 30th (by unknown2 - 30 Nov 14, 7:06) |
I just completed the PLAY NOW mode and my new score is 289218 points but i don't see my name on the board.Can you explain why?Thank you. |
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Daily challenge (by dkmGames - 01 Dec 14, 17:25) |
Instead of currently just showing winning game scores, I think it would be more interesting to have a daily challenge where all get dealt exactly the same hands. It's just a matter of working out the scoring - should not just be your score when game over. If you win you should get a bonus. I was thinking that when game over, your score is 101 minus points accumulated and if you win, you also score the difference between yours and all the other players. (Obviously highest score is best). So, if the game ends and you win with 10 points, you score 91 plus for each other player, the difference between 10 and their points. Any comments or suggestions? |
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Change email address (by SisterThree - 03 Dec 14, 13:52) |
How can I change my email address? Thank you for your assistance! |
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Best long words (by Bobo7777 - 09 Dec 14, 17:46) |
Figured I would start a thread for unusual long words that one might stumble upon while playing. I do not mean long words with common prefix/suffix, like "sporting" or "crumpled". As an example, today I was playing and found "post", then realized i could make "compost", and to my delight realized i could make... "composite" 32 points :) If you are able to score a long word (8+ letters) that are unique words, feel free to share them here. Good luck ferreters :) |
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Card games are terrific (by smarty - 09 Dec 14, 19:14) |
Hearts and Oh Hell are two of the better additions to the rack of games available on this site. The play is reasonably unpredictable, doing a good imitation of how real people would play, and I haven't been able to identify repeat hands, although I have played the two games a fair amount since they became available. Well done, Derek! (But those icons for the other players are UGLY!) |
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Challenge (by smarty - 10 Dec 14, 16:18) |
I don't understand the rationale for the scoring system. First, why is there an arbitrary limit of 151 points? I suggest the scoring should be based on opponents points total minus players points against. If you want to award an additional 26 points for "shooting the moon", so be it. On the day in question, my score would have been something in excess of 300, plus an additional 78 for taking all the points in three hands. I don't know how the second person scored, but the net effect for me was a score of 149 because of the arbitrary limit of 151. Seems to me I should have had a score about 230 points higher. |
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Daily Sudoku Challenge (by stoppelr - 16 Dec 14, 8:03) |
It would be interesting to know what part of the world my challengers are from because I've been at this for many years and it's nice to see the same nicknames on the board day after day, i.e. Frodo, annlacko, walkien, JUAn2, Bostonguy24, etc. and myself. signed: stoppelr |
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Shooting The Moon (by mumu - 19 Dec 14, 15:40) |
The Hearts I have played in the past gave the "shooter" an option of adding 26 points to the other players' total -or- subtracting 26 from the "shooter"'s score. This is important. Say I am trailing Dolly by a score of 40-10 and poor ol' Bertie has 74. If I shoot the moon, I lose the game to Dolly. Whereas if I opt to deduct 26 from my score, the game continues and now I only trail Dolly 14-10. |
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Changes (by elkster - 23 Dec 14, 5:33) |
HI DKM Popped into forum and saw this post. The new game format is very good. Like seeing others scores in real time - gives inspiration and improves playing, I think. It does not bother me to have best scores updated daily, and not every game. Otherwise, it becomes obsessive. However, a suggestion might be to update a bit more often - maybe 2 - 4 times per day. Another point that I do miss is the extension to one decimal place - because at least if you changed a bit - you know it. It sometimes takes a long time to move from one full point to the next. Overall, VERY good changes --- and thanks! |
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Letter to Santa Ferret (by elkster - 23 Dec 14, 5:55) |
Dear Santa Ferret, Where oh where, is our promised CHAT in Word Ferret. Ferreters love words, give us a chance for some creative word play between games. Will Santa Ferret please stuff our stockings with the goodies of Chat and Daily Challenge? We will all be good little boys and girls, if he does. We will leave virtual milk and cookies, even. Thanks Merry Christmas |
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Word Ferret Daily Challenge (by elkster - 23 Dec 14, 6:27) |
What we need is a daily challenge! Desperately! NOW It also might be interesting to include on the banner for each day - the top score possible for reference, to know how well you did in absolute terms. Again, suggest two daily challenges ( I had written this post before): Challenge one: normal game, normal time. Challenge two: 6 - 8 minute game. Criteria for the game board is 200 words or more. This would really give a chance for those games which have "so many words, and so little time." Comment - even when we played real Boggle, we had an agreement that if the board had tons of words, we would extend the time with one more turn of the sand timer by agreement of all playing. Made it a lot more interesting, challenging and fun. Please, please give us this day our daily Word Ferret challenges! |
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Santa Baby, one more thing.... (by elkster - 23 Dec 14, 7:06) |
(with all respect to Earth Kitt) Santa Baby, one more thing.... Just slip a few double consonants into the games'll see A few double R's, double L's, double T, S, C, B and D's Think of all the fun it'd be, think of all the words that we will see. Santa honey, it's just one little double we really need. And I mean on the game board, baby, it's agreed. And Santa cutie, don't forget to fill our stockings with a little Chat... ...and challenge..... and maybe the occasional Q, X or Z. Santa baby, that's really not a lot. Santa, sweetie, we've been angels all year. We believe in you, let's see if you believe in us. So Santa Baby, hurry down the program tonight. Hurry. Please. Merry Christmas, to all our friends at DKM! elkster and mixter |
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Chat (by JAZZ - 23 Dec 14, 20:19) |
I noticed that Sudoku Points has a chat option where you can opt in or out. Any chance to have that option in Word Ruffle? It would be nice to congratulate the winners and commiserate with the losers. Plus, I would love to know where all these verbal masters call home. |
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HAPPY CHRISTMAS DEREK! (by joolz1 - 24 Dec 14, 12:19) |
Derek, Just a quick note to say have a very merry Christmas and thanks again for all the wonderful work you do on this site! |
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Merry Christmas! (by sooner - 24 Dec 14, 20:26) |
Merry Christmas to you all! |
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Best wishes and thanks! (by wordsmith - 25 Dec 14, 7:45) |
Derek and all you Word Ruffle folks that I love seeing every day: YREMR SAMCHSTIR!! |
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Happy Holidays! (by highiron2 - 26 Dec 14, 11:20) |
Happy Holidays to you Derek! Thank you for dkmGames. |
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error message - games won't load (by ntorrington - 30 Dec 14, 15:48) |
TypeError: Error #1009 - this also happens with YuBotu and Tents |
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Happy 2015! (by dkmGames - 01 Jan 15, 2:33) |
Happy New Year to all you loyal gamers. And thanks to all those who have already expressed good wishes. |
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problem (by geordiemam - 02 Jan 15, 2:30) |
Can't solve final clue - when you get to it there are already letters highlighted and its just stuck - boo hoo???? |
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No possible moves (by Sedma - 02 Jan 15, 18:58) |
I've got that (or similar, I didn't remember) message in today daily challenge 5 or 6 times. And it wasn't for the first time. It happened in few daily challenges before. It took valuable seconds of game. The worst thing is that there were still few possible moves. |
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Hanidoku Edge Conjecture (by RCraigen - 05 Jan 15, 0:32) |
My late wife and I used to spend evenings tag-teaming to solve the original Hanidokus with pencil-and-paper. Our favourite level was called "ego deflating", though we rarely surrendered -- sometimes we had to solve by brute force using elimination -- I always thought those were very inelegant. We had never found this site, but I must say this is a nice interface although slightly limiting as we had a few "special" notations that helped us keep track of more complicated combinations, that aren't anticipated in this system. For example there's a distinction between a "possible" entry in a cell and a "necessary" entry in a row, and one needs to keep track of both at the higher levels. Before she passed away, she observed something that caught my interest, as I have a PhD in mathematics and my specialty is combinatorics -- but I was unable to make any nontrivial progress on the problem. Based on hundreds of puzzles we'd seen, she formulated the following conjecture: In any legal Hanidoku completed puzzle, there are at most TWO distinct runs among the 5-cell edge lines. Thus one might have 1,2,3,4,5 three times and 3,4,5,6,7 three times or 2,3,4,5,6 once and 5,6,7,8,9 five times -- But one cannot have sides on a single puzzle using runs 1,2,3,4,5 2,3,4,5,6 and 3,4,5,6,7 At first I thought the observation was a coincidence; maybe there was some natural drift toward fewer distinct side-runs, but surely there would be exceptions in a large enough sample. So we searched through the known solutions databases and came up with no Hanidokus that violated the rule. So I thought "okay, it must be an artifact of the algorithms used to generate the puzzle". So I attempted to create Hanidokus by putting three different sequences on three sides of a frame and completing it. I found myself unable to produce such an example -- all the ones I tried turned out to be impossible. I have not tried very many, though, as I'm too lazy to code this, so I was working by hand. I have tried to come up with an analytic approach. Although this falls within my academic specialty, I admit I made no progress worth discussing here. Also I'd rather not prejudice the attempts of anyone who takes up the problem, as you're just as (maybe more!) likely to succeed using inventions of your own than trying to complete my aborted lines of reasoning. I doubt any really deep methods are necessary, though it may require some very clever extended reasoning. I still don't know whether the conjecture is true or false. I'll add that we occasionally used this as if it were a theorem (it's not -- it's still just a conjecture) to solve some of the harder ego-deflating puzzles, which saved us from laborious brute force exercises. If one accepts that those puzzles have unique solutions (we've encountered a few exceptions to that rule) then the mere fact of arriving at one constitutes a proper solution, so we had no qualms about this. Anyway, anyone intrigued by this, please give it a try. Or, if you're ever stuck on a nasty Hani with some blanks on the edge, try using the conjecture as a rule and see where it leads. Do let me know if you make progress. If anyone solves it I'll be happy to give credit to you -- there are some recreational math journals that publish such things. |
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Most popular games? (by tribble - 05 Jan 15, 11:22) |
Just curious, what are the top 3 most popular games? |
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Flash freezes? (by bjorn - 06 Jan 15, 17:15) |
Isn't anybody else being driven nuts during timed games by frequent pauses of several seconds, waiting for the screen to catch up to cursor moves etc? It's been getting worse for a month or two; at first I thought it started after a Flash upgrade. I'm using Firefox on Windows, and I'm about to look elsewhere... |
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Reincarnation of RobinD (by mumu - 07 Jan 15, 15:50) |
Just had a hunch that Molycat is the reincarnation of RobinD. Molycat appeared shortly after RobinD left in a huff. Just sayin'. |
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Missing option on ipad app (by Nanalynne - 07 Jan 15, 20:18) |
The help says that there is an option "check input". This seems to be missing on the ipad app and would be helpful. |
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Samurai sudoku (by Nanalynne - 07 Jan 15, 21:09) |
Love this app on ipad. But would like the ability to reset all the games results so i can play again. Especially if you are not going to release more games. |
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Daily quite a challenge! (by tink - 09 Jan 15, 6:39) |
I like the new daily challenge for Word Ferret, but I find it hard to do well. Anyone else think it's harder than the normal puzzles? |
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multiple solution (by mickz28 - 09 Jan 15, 9:22) |
Has anyone ever found more than one solution to the 16 grid tents? |
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Lag Time (by BirdDog - 12 Jan 15, 15:20) |
I haven't been playing Ferret, wanted to get back into it. I saw some favorites playing there, Socks and others. Now I see why I may have stopped. Game hangs. I never know if it will recover or it's "over". It seems in between rounds the game may not continue. Or waiting to see final scores, I'm unsure if game will recover and go to next round. I don't recall seeing this on any game but word ferret. Other games have been loading very quick lately. And, I can never post here without saying you're great Derek...... |
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Jeff2012 is back! (by wordsmith - 12 Jan 15, 16:00) |
Hooray! A bunch of us missed you, even though you mostly outplay us! |
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anomaly (by mumu - 12 Jan 15, 17:08) |
Derek: WR running very slowwwwww. Here's an oddity. Finished a game (playing with others). Waited and Waited and Waited. Signed off, signed on again. When I came back on, it was the middle of the old game that I had just completed!/? |
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Spades (by phoenix - 14 Jan 15, 12:19) |
Hi Derek. I love playing Spades. But my partner Pam is driving me crazy. When I lead a middle non-trump as first of that suit (e.g. a 6 of hearts) and she has the Ace she doesn't play it! She goes just a little over, loses the trick, and then her Ace gets trumped in subsequent play. Why is she programmed like that? She should play her Ace. If I lead a very low card (e.g. a 2 or 3 of hearts) then she'll play her Ace. But otherwise she gives up the trick. p.s. I missed joining others in wishing you happy holidays so will now -- Happy New Year and thanks for all you do! |
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Undo with Auto Remove Pencil Marks (by furboo - 14 Jan 15, 14:30) |
This site is fantastic and your Sudoku is the best! I have one very minor issue: With the "Auto Remove Pencil Marks" option turned on, if I accidentally enter a number in pen mode that removes pencil marks, and then press "Undo last input", the number I just entered is removed, but the pencil marks are not replaced. I guess maybe this is why it's worded as "Undo last input" rather than "Undo". Thanks for a great game! |
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Game has blocked after few seconds in daily challenge (by Sedma - 14 Jan 15, 16:41) |
As I wrote in the title. Game has blocked after few seconds and I couldn't make any move. Before daily challenge I played few games from public games and everything was ok. Here is a print screen. |
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timing (by grandmasnook - 14 Jan 15, 20:29) |
I can no longer change the game time. The default is 3 minutes. I click on the three, but nocw cannot put another number there as I used to. |
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unable to enter letters (by yiayia - 15 Jan 15, 1:32) |
Tonight, not only did the format of Guess the Movie change (must enter puzzle number), but no letters were entered, either by typing or clicking on them. I was unable to tell incorrect letter choices, either. Also, there was no ranking listed for today's or yesterday's puzzle. |
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Daily Challenge (by ubu - 15 Jan 15, 13:47) |
No more daily challenge? Any plans for more puzzles so daily challenge can be reintroduced? |
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challenge (by geordiemam - 15 Jan 15, 16:52) |
Where has the daily challenge gone? |
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'You need to score as many points ...' (by Kejo - 16 Jan 15, 5:33) |
When I play the Daily Challenge, I often trip over the instruction "You need to score as many points in 180 seconds". This doesn't make sense. Surely it ought to be "You need to score as many points *as possible* in 180 seconds", or "... as many points *as you can* ..."? |
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Oh no! (by lynxx - 17 Jan 15, 17:33) |
As a woman, I think I should resent "blonde jokes". But it WAS funny. |
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The Movie Game (by keithste - 18 Jan 15, 10:22) |
I miss the movie game-bring it back in it's old format-Please |
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Full Daily Results (by kaitiaki - 19 Jan 15, 6:47) |
Can't see the full daily challenge results for Shisen for about a week now. My browser goes to the page, but it is blank. I'm using a MacBook Pro with Safari. Thanks, Doug (Kaitiaki) |
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more, please (by BogglinRat - 20 Jan 15, 19:19) |
Dear Derek: I agree totally with the discussions on GtM. I for one am jonesing for another competition. On rare occasions I have scored 900+, in the 800s a few times and I sweartogod I have never cheated...I'm not that creative. Most of the charm is in having *movie* oriented questions, so Wheel of Fortune would be nice but not the same. PLEASE do what you can to restore my favorite feature. From the volume of responses it sounds like I'm not the only one who feels this way. Thanks for all you do. |
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Can't create puzzle - Glitch? (by lynxx - 21 Jan 15, 1:07) |
Tried tp make two separate quote puzzles, got messages "may only contain punctuation .(? -or). each time. Removed all punctation so only letters left, Still got that error message. What to do? |
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adding new variants of sudoku (by sameersinha - 21 Jan 15, 2:27) |
How about adding more puzzles like Kakuro and new variants of sudoku like jigsawSudoku and XSudoku? |
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Those darned ads (by BogglinRat - 22 Jan 15, 14:12) |
Ads block the "Read Post" button on the first few entries in Forum so I can't even read them. Can something be done? |
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Score not on Leaderboard (by KateMc - 23 Jan 15, 14:20) |
On several days that I have played the Daily Challenge, my score does not show up on the Leaderboard. Although I am logged in, it only tells me the score and not where I placed. If I try to play it again, it knows I have played it before, but my score is still not on the list. Any ideas? |
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no load (by bambi - 26 Jan 15, 2:13) |
all that is on the page is an exclamation mark in a circle |
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Ads are in the way (by Sbrand22 - 26 Jan 15, 13:08) |
Please remove the ads at the bottom of the page. The message from requesting a clue are covered by the ad. Thanks. |
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reply (by bambi - 26 Jan 15, 21:00) |
many thanks for that explanation. I have often wondered why that was happening to me. |
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daily challenge (by ginpan - 30 Jan 15, 8:42) |
did not appear my name on the list, today that my score is quite high... |
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Scoring System (by Tufty - 01 Feb 15, 8:24) |
Really love the daily challenge - but not sure the scoring system is quite right. It makes sense to deduct points for undoing a move - but I wonder if the penalty is too high - or the bonus for winning too small. There have been quite a few times when I've got almost to the end - but have not been able to move - so I've gone back a few moves to correct it - and managed to get it out - but ended up with a worse overall score than if I'd just sat it out with an incomplete grid. Seems to disincentivize trying to complete the grid. |
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Color scheme for the daily challenge (by jazz4u - 02 Feb 15, 10:08) |
Who picked today's colors? The two beige tones were tough to distinguish or maybe my eyes are old. :-) |
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Click far from tile (by akimbo - 06 Feb 15, 8:48) |
I can't play this game because I have to move my mouse far to the left of each tile in order to click it. It's actually more than a tile's width away from the tile where I have to click. Do you know of some setting that I have to overcome? Thanks, Kim |
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Daily Challenge (by Bobo7777 - 06 Feb 15, 15:18) |
I think after completing the challenge, the remaining unsolved words should NOT be visible. First off, only a partial list can be seen (as you cant scroll down), so really isnt that needed... but more importantly, it allows the chance for cheating to occur from those with 2nd accounts. Not mentioning any names, but just seems there are always randoms that appear out of no where on the top (above erikayu, myself, buckeye, monihempel, etc just to name a few). Not saying that these randoms cant truly be talented players, but i have my suspicions. And since the list of unsolved words is only a partial one anyway, i dont see the problem in getting rid of it all together, just to avoid the possibility of "2nd account" cheating. Any objections? |
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tracking personal best? (by Grammargirl - 07 Feb 15, 15:38) |
Since Shisen is so popular, I wonder if there is any way you could add tracking someone's personal best score. I know that there are a lot of games played in a day, and I'm not suggesting that each personal best be listed for all to access, but is there any way we could see our own best score? |
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New favorite challenge! (by tribble - 09 Feb 15, 10:55) |
I am surprised there aren't more people playing the SpeedCross challenge! I thought I was doing well coming in at 32nd for the day until I looked at the the full results for the challenge and there was only 40 people on the list ;-) If you haven't tired it yet and you like Scrabble, you will love this game! |
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no more moves (by Grammargirl - 10 Feb 15, 7:33) |
Wow. I just played a round of Shisen and got to the point of "no more moves" when I had only taken off 26 tiles. I didn't think that was mathematically possible, but I was playing alone, not with others, and you can ask for that hint. |
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throwing out (by astronomy - 10 Feb 15, 15:32) |
why is points throwing me out all the time |
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problem playing pairs (by dacgal - 11 Feb 15, 14:54) |
When I try to play pairs on my tablet, the pairs won't remove from the board. Actually, most of the games won't work correctly or at all on my tablet. I am using the games for android tablets. I have a Samsung 10.1 Tab 2. |
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log in problem (by chip - 11 Feb 15, 22:35) |
I'm regularly being omitted from results in Shisen. Today, while logged in, I'm not showing up on any of the results. |
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Snapped Out (by jdasher - 13 Feb 15, 6:29) |
I'm getting 'snapped out' every time I play the Challenge when I use Google Chrome. |
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troubles? (by karmatree - 13 Feb 15, 12:45) |
Is anyone else having difficulties with the countdown to the end of the round? If I have ten seconds left to play and the sound countdown begins, I can't enter anymore letters even though there is time left on the board. Last evening, it would not even post my score or name. Is anyone else having these problems? Thanks |
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astronomy desperate (by astronomy - 15 Feb 15, 16:23) |
I am being thrown out every game for days - does this mean I cannot play anymore??? |
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Play Others (by easternvideo - 19 Feb 15, 16:05) |
Can this game be set up to allow Play Others? |
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inconsistent loading. (by nyctaxi - 19 Feb 15, 20:03) |
Hey Derek, My concerns could be posted on many forums. Just wanted to start fresh. 1. I loved Speedcross when it was new. I did reasonably well. Actually quite well. I enjoyed playing alone to hone my skills, as well as, the challenge. Then, I could no longer access the single mode to practice, only the challenge. O.K. Doing well enough. I can still access the challenge, but, not allowed to swap now! Totally frustrating. 2. Mahjong will only load about every few months. 3. Went on the "cards" page and enjoyed a few of those games. Subsequently, the screen was still green, but, would not load Bertha, Edgar & Sam as my "oh hell" partners. (: When I googled a few sites & accumulated cookies? the page would then load. When I run my three more access to the card games, until I google some sites? 4. I have also been unable to load triplets for the last year. 5. I don't understand how I can receive some parts of a game & not others. Being unable to access the speedcross swap is the most irritating. Thanks, NYC TAXI. |
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Statistics (by Bloodstone - 20 Feb 15, 21:37) |
I can't find the statistics button that used to be on the main page. Has this been discontinued? |
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New game: Word Mesh (by Kejo - 21 Feb 15, 2:10) |
Love it! Thanks for this new game. |
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scoring (by rhw111 - 23 Feb 15, 8:58) |
What would be the difference in time of two players who both finished a hard sudoku... one with score of 3000 and the other with a score of 6000, obviously on the same day, same sudoku. |
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Need more punctuation marks (by csampsonsd - 24 Feb 15, 15:13) |
The creating an acrostic, list of allowed punctuation marks is too short. In quotes in particular, you might need the exclamation point (!). I've also needed the "double quote" mark ("). |
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Challenge and play with others (by Moosha - 25 Feb 15, 6:57) |
I do not get these options on my IPAs Air 2. Most other games are fine. Can this be fixed? |
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Cannot connect to server (by Wiley - 25 Feb 15, 11:01) |
Sudoku points not responding - is it the site or is it my computer? |
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server (by meredith - 25 Feb 15, 13:27) |
Server down |
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New multi-player version (by dkmGames - 26 Feb 15, 18:22) |
There is now a version where you play against others in real time. The scoring is different (see help). It is designed not to be all about speed but rather building up a good word grid by the end, especially utilizing high scoring letters (like Scrabble). There are 12 rounds instead of 10 giving more tiles at the end. A round ends when first player uses all tiles or 60 seconds are up. Hopefully this version will gain traction and there will be enough players to always have at least one game in progress. Please give feedback about scoring and things you think could be improved (but try a few games first). |
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Score is odd number (by Awry - 28 Feb 15, 14:18) |
I notice that when playing Shisen Challenge, sometimes the higher scores are odd numbers. How is this possible as we remove the tiles 2 at a time? |
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Lost score (by Aardvard - 01 Mar 15, 17:56) |
I was working through the games and my score went backwards. I was approaching 100,000 around level 8 and it went down to about 53,000 :( |
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technical difficulty (by bhrosene - 06 Mar 15, 11:36) |
Not every day but periodically when I do the challenge the screen flickers off and on and stops the game. I cant reenter as it says I have already played that day. Only on hearts have I had that happen. thx |
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Chat on word ferret (by elkster - 08 Mar 15, 9:31) |
Derek, You've been really great at responding to our requests - and we all appreciate it. One thing that would make Word Ferret more popular would be to a chat screen. It is frustrating not to be able to congratulate someone on a great game, or know what word put it over the edge for some one. I know I would play more, if there was a chat - and I think others would too. Please consider this again - and thanks in advance. Elkster |
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Disturbing Ad Imagery (by Oblio - 09 Mar 15, 12:16) |
I was about to play Samurai Sudoku when I noticed disturbing ad imagery on the screen. The domain was and the ad text had to do with lowering interest rates (OK so far..). The text included began "Obama Urges..". There was an unflattering picture of man who was certainly not Obama, and the portrait was atop an outline of a ribbed condom. The imagery clearly had nothing to do with the product and was a not-so-subtle secondary message that "President Obama is a D%#khead". I have occasionally encountered ads like this before, and while I am sure it appeals to some, the secondary message is, at best, deliberately offensive to others. (Still OK so far..., free speech and free country - I don't have to like everything I see). However, I feel it reflects very poorly on DKM products and felt it necessary to share that it spoiled my visit to your site. DKM deserves a better class of advertisers. |
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Score Card (by myaquadome - 09 Mar 15, 15:47) |
Id there something wrong with the calculation of # Checks on the Score Card? |
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Codewords (by Neleh - 10 Mar 15, 5:54) |
I am new to the site, but love your codewords software - its easy to use, and very effective. Any chance of more than one a day? Or different levels (they are quite easy and solvable in 2 to 3 minutes) ? Or open up more of your archive? |
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Suggestion on grid (by elkster - 10 Mar 15, 6:39) |
Hi Derek, Elkster here, asking the probably impossible. Seems like there are many times, and hearing it also from other players, where you need to move ALL the letters to make room to add new words. This is a big pain and waste time - but if we need to, guess we will live with it. Now, my idea. Would it be possible to add a feature, where let's say if you right click on the mouse, you can grab all connected letters and move them as a block to different position on the grid? This would be a great help - if it can be done. Do not know how feasible it is - in terms of programming, but I come to the game programming guru in all humbleness. Thanks for consideration of this suggestion. |
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leaderboard (by bpiazzo - 10 Mar 15, 9:29) |
Hi dkm. When I played speedcross today my score didn't post. Usually at the end of the game it shows what number the score is on the board. Today it just showed the score and it is not on the board. Is there anything I need to update, or do? Thanks. |
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Square issue (by Moosha - 12 Mar 15, 17:29) |
In today's challenge the square in column 11 row 9 would not let you place a tile.. This happened in the 10th game. I moved all its tiles up one square to make it work. |
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DKM Sudoku Team (by joolz1 - 13 Mar 15, 15:35) |
Derek, I was browsing the forum and noticed that way back in September you talked about wanting to put together a DKM Sudoku Team to challenge other sites. Just wondering if you got many/any replies about this?? Thanks again for all your great work on this site! |
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Time of day for word ferret challenge (by elkster - 15 Mar 15, 17:27) |
Dear Derek, I realize we are all in different time zones, but with all other games it seems that the challenge board remains the same for the same 24 hour time period that is recorded. On the Word Ferret, if I go back in after a certain time, the board is different, and I get a message that I already did the challenge. That would mean that in the course of 24 hours, and the period that the game is ranked, we are playing on different boards depending on when we get in. Is there any way to synchronize this for all time zones so that the board we are playing is always the same board, no matter what time zone you are playing in? It is possible other challenge games work that way too, and we are not all playing the same board, but that is harder to check out. On Word Ferret especially, it is a bit annoying, as some boards are much easier than others and obviously so. Just a tiny that has been bugging me, and maybe there can be a simple fix. Thanks elkster |
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Clock is delayed (by mindy - 16 Mar 15, 10:32) |
Hi DKM. The last couple of days the clock hasn't been working right in the Green Room. After the 6 minute countdown is pauses for a bit and then the countdown starts for the next game and it stays at 1 second for a while. Can you please check this? Thank you! |
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Some Ramblings (by mumu - 18 Mar 15, 17:01) |
Derek: You have created an amazing site. I have been in awe over the past few years as DKMGAMES has grown in proficiency, ease of use and its slowly growing expansion. Some random thoughts: 1. Any chance that Wordruffle "play with others" could be formed into divisions or steps? For example, every player would begin in, say, Division One and advance to Division Two after averaging say 2000 over the course of say 10 or so games, and on to Division III after posting over 2500 on average and Division IV after a 3000 average. This, I believe, would make playing more competitive inasmuch as one would be playing with similar competent players. When Molycat (god bless her) plays, the game is over before it begins as she tends to score 4000+ per game. 2. What is with allowing Guests to play with others? Often times, in Shisen one will encounter a "Guest" who scores 300 points. That kind of anonymity in the face of superb talent is rather odd. Guests should not be allowed to play as guests in player v. player. We are anonymous enough with our own chosen "handles". 3. I think Word Mesh is an outstanding idea but the pace of the player v.player game is just not right. It needs more work. 4. Just my two cents but YOU should market your games. Being familiar with many game sites, yours is the shining star. You should make some money on this. Market this baby!!! |
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Time limit on daily challenge (by dkmGames - 20 Mar 15, 0:13) |
Yesterday's winning score was achieved in a time of 2 hrs 57 mins. While it is commendable to spend so much time trying to optimize the score, I think perhaps the daily challenge should have a time limit - say 10 mins. Perhaps all single user games should have this limit?? Comments, please. |
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Worts, yes. Wort, no. (by wordsmith - 20 Mar 15, 20:18) |
Interesting that "worts" is accepted but not "wort". Let's have another beer. |
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Word Mesh wish list (by tribble - 21 Mar 15, 18:06) |
Derek, when a correctly spelled word is entered properly in the grid, is it possible to make it shaded like they are in SpeedCross? We all get a lot of "red screens" when a tile isn't properly centered or incorrectly spelled. Hitting the submit button works sometimes to check spelling but not always so it would be great for spelling as well. My second request, is it possible to center the game on the page? Also, one bug we have noticed is that when two people hit the submit button at the same time at the end of round 12, we all get double scored. So instead of getting say...140 as a score, we get 280 And one more bug, lol. If an unused tile isn't 100% centered in it's square, we can't place a tile anywhere on the board until we figure out which tile it is. Sometimes it's so slight that I can't tell which one is the off centered tile. thanks! |
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Chat room (by dkmGames - 23 Mar 15, 0:19) |
Do you think I should introduce a general chat room (independent of any game)? I did implement a couple of years ago and no one visited. Am willing to try again if you think it will be frequented. It will give players a chance to get to know each other outside the time constraints of a game. |
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Guess in replay games (by shiva49 - 23 Mar 15, 5:33) |
Hello DKM it is nice to see winning replays. This is in referance with my replay of 6065 ref number =5&date=150322. It has been stated as one guess . Particulary the placing of 4 on R8C8 ( Row & Collumn). It was logicaly a correct move . the position for 4 was either R9C2 or R9C3 the only place left for 4 on right hand bottom block was was R8C8 . Same logic was applied for the next 4 on the bottom middle block at R7C6 . so please check your software or please upgrade it. It is very annoying to see such a good & fast game as one guess thogh there are no guesses. |
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Portrait style height limit (by BellFree - 23 Mar 15, 11:36) |
First, I'd want to thank you for your efforts with this site; this is the best jigsaw design I've found. I do have one question. Is there a reason why the private puzzles can be up to 640 pixels on the long side while the public puzzles, if they are portrait style, are limited to 550 pixels? |
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Unable to submit? (by waltmae - 24 Mar 15, 11:32) |
I like this new game - just started having this issue where I am unable to 'submit'. It's just frozen. Anyone else I having this problem? Or is my PC "sick"? |
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No numbers (by toender - 25 Mar 15, 8:24) |
If I try to open a new sudoku puzzel no numbers appear at all |
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Previous day's winning puzzle (by bandw - 25 Mar 15, 8:57) |
DKM, Thank you for showing the previous day's winning puzzle. �although I now feel completely inadequate at the game! Holy cats, Tufty! Expropriates? Great board. |
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Missing piece (by sjmont - 25 Mar 15, 10:59) |
I was missing a piece today on the mystery challenge jigsaw and therefore could not complete the puzzle. |
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Making long words count before the last round (by annlacko - 25 Mar 15, 11:57) |
Hi Derek, Is there a reason, in the single player mode and in the daily challenge, why long words don't earn bonus points until the end? I think I would like it if bonus were awarded all along the game. |
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Another offensive word in Codeword for Wed 25th March 2015 (by AliceJH - 26 Mar 15, 7:11) |
Oh dear. Another offensive word .... the "N" word is a very offensive racist word , which is now banned here in GB. Apart from that, excellent puzzle. Thank you. Alice |
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Chat room (by tink - 27 Mar 15, 3:56) |
I agree with karmatree that maybe you could put a notice in the multi-player games so people are aware of the chat room possibility. I play Word Mesh a lot and there is a group of "regulars" in there and we try to chat a bit but there is really no time between games, as it is very quick. |
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Shuffling when there are still moves (by Aardvard - 29 Mar 15, 0:17) |
This has happened several times. The message pops up that there are no moves, but I can see that there are still moves. |
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resubmit? (by GuilinGuy - 29 Mar 15, 0:26) |
Derek, I have been playing here for a few years, and I am addicted to sudoku. You do a great job. I have been livng in SE Asia for a long time (hence the name Guilin, the city I was living in when I joined). I am currently living in Vietnam, and I have to put up with poor internet service. Often, when I finish a game, my service has been interrupted while I was solving the puzzle, and my score does not post. This is annoying when, as today, I finished the daily challenge with a high score, but it is not in your results. Any way a completed puzzle can be submitted again? If not, I'll have to live with it. I appreciate your work on this website. |
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Tiles not snapping to square (by dkmGames - 29 Mar 15, 5:26) |
I have done some changes that hopefully will have solved this problem. As I can't reproduce, I don't know if this is the case. Please let me know if you still experiencing this problem. I did find a problem that if you drag a tile too far off the end of the grid, the tile disappears. This has been fixed. |
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New letters at the top are in the way (by annlacko - 30 Mar 15, 4:19) |
Hello Derek, I know this has been asked before, but I lost track. It is about the new letters that are placed at the top of the board in word mesh. It is easy to work around them when you are playing by yourself, but when playing with others, they can get in your way easily, and even make valid words invalid by connecting a letter to the top. Also, it is impossible to move the grid up or left if letters are in the way. One must furiously move letters out of the way to move the grid to be able to make a word, all of that before someone else finishes the round and 2 new letters arrive ... in short, mouse dexterity becomes crucial. That is a shame, because I don't think that is what the game is about. Are you working on a solution for this - like maybe placing new letters outside of the grid? Or will I have to learn to live with this? Either way, I love the game and I have fun playing it, so thanks for your dedicated work! |
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Chat (by unknown2 - 30 Mar 15, 13:53) |
To all players who like to play the Word Mesh Multi:I'd like to say that each one of you is a unique and really good player,and i also want to thank everyone of you that says good words every time i score high.I'm not a snob or a robot or anything else.I just don't like participating in chat rooms,i'm more like a face2face person.So do not misunderstand whenever i don't answer.I am a typical 45y.o.housewife and worker from South Europe,married and mother of a student,who likes to play word games.I am happy and honoured to compete with such good players!Good games and good luck to all! |
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Points possible (by rodrigo21 - 30 Mar 15, 21:42) |
On March 30, 2015, some players got more points than my challenge said was possible???? what's up with that/ |
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Scoring system (by Tufty - 31 Mar 15, 7:59) |
Just wondering whether we need another tweak to the scoring system. Judging by the winning grids over the past couple of weeks - there are basically two different types of game that come up - each requiring a very different strategy. On the one hand, there are those grids which contain lots of vowels and lower scoring consonants which can be completed really quickly (although not by me unfortunately!) - typically within 1-2 minutes - leading to time bonuses of 180-240 points. In these games, it is practically impossible to get a top score by getting a 12 letter word. On the other hand, grids that contain few vowels/lots of higher scoring consonants cannot generally be completed quickly - meaning that it can be difficult to get a large time bonus - thereby favouring players that go for the long word strategy. Is there any way that we could modify the scoring system so that players using the different strategies can compete more directly against each other - rather than it simply coming down to the particular type of game that comes up? One possibility might be giving small bonuses for medium length words - so that we can try and 'top up' our scores a bit - whichever strategy we go for: e.g. 5 letter bonus = 10 points, 6 letter = 20, 7 letter = 30, 8 letter = 40, 9 letter = 60, 10 letter = 80, 11 letter = 100 and 12 letter = 140. That way a speed player might be able to supplement a 'slower' 2.5 min game with a 6 letter word to get a total bonus of 170 - whereas a long word player could add a 7 letter word to a 12 letter word to get the same bonus of 170. |
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iPad app glitches (by oddorange - 31 Mar 15, 13:51) |
On the jigsaw jam ipad app, I've noticed a glitch that will occasionally occur when starting a new puzzle. Sometimes, after you finish a puzzle and start a new one, and then click the "options" button on the middle of the puzzle, the timer skips ahead to the time it took to solve the last puzzle. For example, sometimes I solve a certain puzzle in 5 minutes. Then I start a new one. A minute into my next puzzle I click on options, and the timer changes from one minute to five minutes. Another example: Once I did a big puzzle that took me an hour, and when I finished it I started on the daily challenge. During the daily challenge, I happened to press on options, and after I finished it said My time was an hour when it was only 15 minutes. |
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Inconsistent perfect play (by Franst - 01 Apr 15, 8:31) |
Sometimes the game misses a perfect play and at others awards one when I've had a mismatch. What are the rules? |
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Facebook posts (by dkmGames - 02 Apr 15, 1:01) |
tribble, thanks for posting on dkmGames page. I see it is on the left side but don't know how to make it post on main timeline. I think because it is a website page (not personal page), there is no option to do that for third party posts. But there are many things I don't know about Facebook usage. Still, please keep the posts up (and that applies to all you Facebookers out there). I will start posting more there as well. Perhaps a post on your page (so all your friends can see)? I have a separate Jigsaw Jam Facebook page which needs to get moving. So posts relating to Jigsaws should go there. |
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Challenge (by Moosha - 03 Apr 15, 5:47) |
The tiles are very slow in placement and removal today. |
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Alternative word (by AliceJH - 04 Apr 15, 9:21) |
Fished today's (Sat 4th April 2015) Codeword puzzle with letter F to spell "AFAR". Can I suggest that the word "AJAR" would have been equally valid as the J is unused. Thank you. Alice. |
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Challenge Game (by arley - 04 Apr 15, 10:11) |
More often than not when I select Play Challenge, there is a message (in red) at the top of the puzzle that says "You have already played today". Yet I have not played, and I am certain of this fact. My husband also encounters this message on a regular basis. We each have our on user name, and we do not play on the same computer. Why do we receive this message? |
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archived games (by Grammargirl - 06 Apr 15, 21:53) |
There is some kind of glitch in the list of archived games in Codewords. I have gone in a couple of times this week to play games from the last 2 weeks and there are 3 games listed with dates in May. I assume these are somehow left over from last year as it is still only April now. It's not a big deal but I thought you should know. |
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score didn't register (by dacgal - 07 Apr 15, 9:16) |
Yesterday I scored a 9572 which would have put me in second place, but it did not register and change at midnight. Are you able to check this out? Dacgal |
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Doesn't score. (by dacgal - 07 Apr 15, 10:33) |
I just found all the words and all spaces were completely filled in with more than 2 2 minutes left and the game didn't stop. The clock kept going like I had more words left to find. When it ended, it said I only scored 74%.???? The same thing happened the other day. It's hard to get all the words so you want your score to reflect it. |
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scoring (by swathmore8 - 07 Apr 15, 14:17) |
The scoring favors quicker players with shorter words |
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Word Sketch is back (by dkmGames - 09 Apr 15, 7:36) |
I have reinstated the Word Sketch game with a few little improvements and addressing some of the previously known issues. Let's hope there will be enough players to make the game work. I think it can be a lot of fun and very social. Unfortunately the nature of the game really needs three or more players at once. The game will now start once there are two players but this is really just practice mode. Even if you are the first player, you can still practice sketching until a player joins you. You can find it in the "Other" menu. (If does not show up, press Refresh) Let me know any issues. |
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Spoiler Comments: Thanks! (by lynxx - 09 Apr 15, 14:05) |
Thank you for your brilliant solution to people posting spoilers to the mystery puzzle. That "link to comments" works very well. Now we have nothing to complain about. |
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chat (by nyctaxi - 09 Apr 15, 15:50) |
Hi Derek, As I mentioned in a previous post; 1. I am quite new to ferret on a daily basis. 2. When I first started my scores were 10-20pts. I had never played a game like this before. Words in circles. I'm having fun trying to improve my game. I actually had a 116, of course, everyone else had 230+. 3. Onto chat...I play several different times per day am & pm PST. I have never seen anyone chat. My point is......I used to be able to see the game board for 29? seconds before the next round. This helped me to see what I had missed. Now, the chat screen covers that up right after the game. Love DKM games & we all have many more serious issues in our lives....perhaps, I just wanted to complain. (: Thanks & Cheers, nyc. |
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word sketch (by nyctaxi - 10 Apr 15, 17:50) |
I had fun playing sketch again. Thanks. I'm still confounded as to the scoring; which I was before it was discontinued. How is it that several players can give divergent answers and still get credit? One player says...bush. another ones says... tree. Yet another one guesses moon & they all receive credit when the answer was forrest. Perhaps, we used to play by different either guess the word or not. Keep playing until someone actually gets the word. Thanks & Cheers, nyc. |
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Full rooms and on Word Mesh (by elkster - 12 Apr 15, 3:55) |
Hi Derek, Your games are (Word Mesh and Word Sketch) are catching and more people are playing! If a room is full, and a player wants to start a new room on both of these games, there could be a problem of getting enough players in the new room. Is there someway that could be developed to notify the full room that a new room is open - so that some players can move over to the new room? It is frustrating when you know others are playing and that there are enough players for two (or more) rooms, but you have no way to let anyone know. Please consider some options because as Jazz explained she had to wait, it has also happened to me a couple of times. |
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Record Games in Points (by Mute - 12 Apr 15, 4:13) |
Where is the "Record my games" link/button on the SudokuReplaySelect.php page? Only a "Do not record my games" link/button. I would like to record games. |
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Protocols for Drawer (by elkster - 12 Apr 15, 4:45) |
Derek, As we are playing, we have more or less come to consensus on some symbols to us to categorize a word while drawing. I noticed that you mentioned the ear for "sounds like" on the rule page. Perhaps you can post these symbols also on that page, since we all commonly use them and are pretty much agreed. It will save us letting new players know on chat. 1. A verb is signaled by a square. 2. If it is a gerund - "ing" verb - then a circle goes around the square. 3. A country is signaled by a Flag. 4. For a continent several flags with a circle around it. Thanks |
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To Tribble on how to make board Scrabble more fun (by elkster - 12 Apr 15, 6:49) |
To Tribble (and any other board Scrabblers): Hi Tribble, This is in response to your one time comment that you found playing the board game Scrabble too slow after playing Word Mesh. We also had that problem and came up with a way, years ago, to solve and it really improved the game playing. Very simple but it made a HUGE difference. We altered the real Scrabble game rules to solve the problem of too many vowels or consonants on your rack. It is sort of like Word Mesh. Each player can take as many letters as they want from ONE word already on the board - as long as they leave the board intact overall - meaning all words are words and all words are connected. This really makes the game more fun and interesting to play - as the board changes constantly and you can get the letters you want. And, generally, you eliminate the penalty for having to exchange letters from the kitty. Everyone playing must, of course, understand the rule - and agree to the rule. Funny thing was - we ran into a REAL SERIOUS Scrabble Player (notice the proper noun), and she had a total fit about that rule. Then after about 3 hours of thinking about it, she acknowledged that is was "OK" - only because on the Scrabble rules (inside box lid), it says something like "rules can be changed or added, if all players agree." So much for people who are afraid to break rules - unless they are given permission (which of course, in and of itself, negates the concept of rule breaking). Whatever, but it is quite amusing to see people's reaction to the new rule change. Most really like it, it is really simple (even kids get it right away), and it only takes a few rounds for people to see how much more fun it is. The game moves faster and is more interesting. It becomes easier, but also more challenging at the same at time - since everyone has the same opportunity to reuse the "great" letters. Scores can go through the roof - and you need to strategize a bit differently. Also, it is a great opportunity to get points - if you can manage to take the high scoring letters and use those wisely. And a caveat here, too - the same players who agonize over every words - are still going to agonize over how to really get the big scores (and ace the others out of being able to use them at the same time). But even that becomes an intriguing aspect. It also changes the rhythm of the game because instead of just waiting for your turn and trying to figure out how to use your own measly letters, you are constantly thinking of how to use the "free" letters - and that can change by each successive player's move. It allows for a lot of creativity but you need to make sure to remember (and watch the other players) that you can ONLY take letters from ONE word, not more - in order to maintain the integrity of the "rule." If needed to keep the board intact, you can replace a letter in the word you take from (with letters on your own rack), but you do not score for that - only on the new word (s) you make, as normal. Suggest you try it. If you do, let me know how it works out for you - think you will love it as it takes the tediousness and frustration out of the board game. Happy scrabbling - Sorry Derek, we can't always just play games on the computer!!But we can ALWAYS play games. |
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correct guess not recognized (by bandw - 13 Apr 15, 9:55) |
DKM, We had an odd incident yesterday playing Word Sketch. Terri correctly guessed the answer but it was not recognized by the game. The word was backpack. Other players noticed at the time and I managed to get a screen grab in case that is helpful. I haven't played much Word Sketch since it has been back but I am glad it is back. B&W |
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3 Different colors of Pink Stars??? (by elkster - 14 Apr 15, 4:02) |
Dear Derek, Triplets is NOT my kind of game, but I generally play the challenge anyway. Two colors of pink stars was bad enough, but THREE? This is more frustrating than fun. Oh, one more little question, can you please order the topics on post in alphabetical order, it would make it easier to post. Thanks for all you attention to word sketch, and making our requested changes so fast. Suggest you might want to post a message about Word Sketch on some of the other game pages - and even on Jigsaw Jam. Puzzlers would probably really like this game, and a lot of players on the DKM site are still not aware of the game. Even some of our normal players from before. Thanks for everything - you are great. |
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How do the leaderboard winners DO it so quickly? (by Susanm - 14 Apr 15, 17:47) |
I feel good if I get in under the hour. but 6 minutes!!! What is the secret? I don't think it possible to even move the pieces in that time. |
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Point change (by Bobo7777 - 15 Apr 15, 19:33) |
I think there should be a scoring change for correct answers given AFTER a hint is revealed. Example: Three people guess correctly. Player 1 did it BEFORE the hint, Player 2 and 3 did it AFTER the hint. Under the current scoring format, there is no advantage of disadvantage to needing the hint from the guessers point of view. The score would be as follows: Player 1 = 10, Player 2 = 9, Player 3 = 8. I think the -2 point hit that the DRAWER incurs should go to the guessers as well. So using the same example above, the score would be as follows: Player 1 = 10, Player 2 = 7, Player 3 = 6. The current system doesnt really incentive guessing without a hint. Thoughts? |
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Favorites (by Sedma - 16 Apr 15, 13:56) |
There are lot of beautiful games in public games section. When I say beautiful, I mean in colors, shapes and difficulties. But unfortunately, when new game come in, the last one goes out from the list. Would it be possible 1. to throw out one with the less plays or 2. add button/link (something like "like" in Facebook) and to throw out one with the least likes and the oldest date of upload or 3. add button/link so we can put game we like in our favorites (new category) Thanks for your answer. |
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more words please (by karmatree - 16 Apr 15, 16:13) |
Hello Derek, We are thoroughly enjoying our time playing word sketch. A few of us have noticed that many of the words are repetitive; and although I'm sure you are busy with this site, still we are hoping you can find the time to add some new words to the game. Thanks again for this wonderful game. |
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Winning board (by annlacko - 18 Apr 15, 13:15) |
In the multi-player version, I would love to see the winning board at the end of the round. Is that a possibility? |
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Spades goof (by shucha - 20 Apr 15, 1:07) |
I just had a computer opponent bid 14...of course, there are only 13 tricks to be had. Along with the computer partner, they lost 170 points on the hand. I'm guessing that the computer uses an algorithm to approximate the number of tricks that their hand wins on average, then applies a percentage chance of bidding up or down a certain # of tricks (e.g., 50% chance of bidding exactly, 20% chance bidding up one, 20% chance bidding down one, 4% chance bidding up two, etc., 1% chance bidding up three, etc.). If this is the scenario, there should be code to prohibit a computer player from bidding over 13, either as an individual OR as a team. In this case, the computer player DID take 12 tricks - an impressive hand, for sure. But not impressive enough to achieve the impossible. |
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Stuck (by akimbo - 20 Apr 15, 15:50) |
Hi. Currently we're just getting a countdown clock over and over, no picture to draw. Any ideas? Thanks, Kim |
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Game not working HELP (by karmatree - 20 Apr 15, 16:34) |
Derek we have an emergency. Word sketch is stuck and won't work. All of us can chat, but that's it. There are no words coming up and the countdown sometimes comes up then sticks without any words showing. HELP we are desperate. |
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Timing on guess time (by elkster - 21 Apr 15, 3:57) |
Hi Derek, first thanks for all the changes and requests that you have quickly responded to and accommodated to make the game better. It is great that the round can now end automatically when all players have guessed and it saves us waiting (too long) for the next word to come up - when everyone is finished and got it. However, there is a general consensus, that somehow the time between the first correct guess and the end of the round is shorter than it was before, and this is a bit too fast. Especially when the room is many times full with 8 players, more time needs to be provided for guesses before the word is displayed and the round is over. Currently, Rumpus timed that at 20 seconds and it seems that 1 minute would be better. The short time is frustrating for all players. Many times, I am just putting in my guess and the round ends in the middle of my typing. Also, for the drawer who may have put a lot of thought and effort into a drawing concept - and how to improve it so people finally get it - the time is suddenly up without the chance to refine the drawing. Both circumstances are equally frustrating and could be curtailed with a longer time for all guessers. Also, it sort of pressures the drawer into putting up a hint, rather than trying to make the drawing better. One reason this is particularly important is that often the first guesser has the advantage of having seen the word before - or really understands the thinking or drawing style of a particular player - and can instantaneously guess the word with just a part of the picture - while the other players need more time. The real fun of this game is the challenge to get it without a hint being given, and also to both improve your own skills at drawing and getting a word or concept across. The game is more about the refinement of your own drawing skills - and the appreciation of others' skills - than about speed, points or winning. That is where we really have a meaningful experience of playing. I also believe this would create a bigger audience for the game, as new players entering can be quite intimidated when it goes so quickly because the regular players are guessing so quickly and then the round is over before they even have a chance to participate - or the time to get used to drawing on the computer. No one minds waiting while the drawer is still drawing - or to give more players the opportunity to guess (and there is always a lot to chat about anyway). The only annoyance was that when ALL had guessed - we had to wait for the round to end and then for the pause between rounds. But we really could us a bit more time to give more players a chance to guess correctly - and the drawer to really show off their best or even come up with a better depiction of a word. One minute after the first guess would be the best suggestion for starters and then we can evaluate how that works. Truly believe it will enhance the game, and that new players will be more likely to come back. The regular players will also have a more fulfilling experience - because many actually practice and want the time to present a better drawing. One minute from first correct guess to end of round - unless some one else has a different idea. But let's try that for now, please. Thanks for all. |
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Booting problem (by tribble - 21 Apr 15, 22:46) |
Derek, I am still getting booted when backspacing. Sometimes it happens when I am backspacing in the guess box and I think it happens in the chat box, too. Several others today also had the booting problem. It doesn't happen all the time, I am trying to pay attention to pinpoint it for you but everything happens so fast. It seems to only happen when the drawing is live, not when we are waiting for the next round and chatting. Not sure about that, though. |
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Fantastically Fun (by karmatree - 22 Apr 15, 22:17) |
Hello Derek, I must applaud you for your dedication to making Word Sketch a fantastically fun game to play! Is there anything you can do about the time zones on this planet so everyone is awake at the same time I am, therefore increasing my chances of more playing time? Seems you can do everything else to correct any problems. Truly, though, Word Sketch is a great game and I am loving every minute of it. |
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Daily ranking table (by wordsmith - 26 Apr 15, 20:53) |
Even though I have been playing this game for ever so long (obviously a favorite of mine) I still don't understand how the scores are figured for the top players each day. I see it says, "the best way to rank players is to look at the percentage of the total score achieved for each round. The Ranking table is determined by the average of your best 10 percentage scores." Once in a while the percentage correct is shown in a round but mostly it doesn't seem to be. How does it work? And is there a way to see the percentage more often? Thanks! |
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Backspacing myself out (by annlacko - 27 Apr 15, 13:27) |
Dear Derek, let me start by saying that Word Sketch is way more fun than is good for me, so thank you for providing the game. One annoying issue that I have is that I manage to boot myself out of the game on more than one occasion. It happens when a round is over, my cursor is in the 'guess' box and I clear the text in the box with the backspace button. I irrevocably get thrown out of the room. Quite sad when I find myself in the lead (that is rather rare for me), but I shrug it off and continue to have fun. Is there any way this inconvenience can be fixed? |
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Second top game is being recorded (by vikram - 29 Apr 15, 3:28) |
Hi Derek, From last few days, i am noticing that my second top game is being recorded. If there is any coding bug then please try to resolve it. Thanks. |
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Full results link (by pams22 - 29 Apr 15, 10:33) |
Am I the only one who can't get to the full results for both daily and yesterday? Neither link will work. :( |
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New Sudoku version - Frame Sudoku (by dkmGames - 01 May 15, 3:35) |
Try the new Sudoku derivative - Frame Sudoku. I think you may find it quite challenging, especially at first. I have tried to build in solve aids, specifically streamlining the "Solve One Cell" feature. Let me know how it goes. |
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Letters (by mags - 02 May 15, 5:11) |
Is there a finite number of letters in this game? A few times, when I have a good score (of 1000 or more) and a fair amount of time left I find I have no more letters left, and sometimes just have to wait till the clock ticks down to get my score for the day. |
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Listed as player three times in one game (by lynxx - 02 May 15, 15:26) |
I left the game and returned 10 minutes later. When I rejoined, I was listed twice. I closed Word Sketch, joined again, and wast listed three times ! Do I need to log out of dkm or close the browser if I need to attend to real life for a few minutes? Word sketch is very addictive; I love it. |
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Forum Ideas (by oddorange - 02 May 15, 19:43) |
In my opinion, the forum should have an option for changing the way the posts are sorted, like letting you sort by date created instead of date last replied to. Also, it would be nice to be able to search the fourm. |
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Frame Sudoku (by mindy - 03 May 15, 22:46) |
Has anyone tried playing this new game? I've played it twice and took me almost an hour to play each game. Either it's a very tough game or I'm just dense. I'd like to hear from anyone else who's played this game and how you did. |
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Accoustic signal (by oops2 - 06 May 15, 12:16) |
Hi, what about an accoustic signal at the end of shisen multi like in sudoku points so taht I don�t miss the start of a new grid? Regards steve |
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Lagging (by karmatree - 06 May 15, 23:34) |
Hello Derek, Only while playing WordSketch, my laptop lags continually. It doesn't begin immediately, but after a few rounds. This does not happen on any other game. Many times I don't even know if someone else has guessed the sketch or if I have guessed correctly and suddenly the game is over or a new word has already begun. Or sometimes I have made 5 or more guesses but I don't see them appear until near the end, so I don't know if I am on the right track or have even guessed correctly. I don't keep other windows open during the game. Any ideas? Thanks for always trying to help. |
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Daily Challenge (by supermac - 13 May 15, 5:35) |
Has something been changed in the scoring for the easy grid in the daily challenge. Yesterday I finished in 1.52 - no mistakes/corrections at the end and expected a 5k score but only got a 3.1k. |
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Chicken/chook (by Bobo7777 - 13 May 15, 14:21) |
Title says it all. Had a word today that appeared as follows ... "chicken/chook". No clue what a chickenchook is, or why there is a slash between them. Just bringing it to your attention to remove or fix it. Thanks. |
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colour blind (by geordiemam - 14 May 15, 1:08) |
I love playing triplets - play the challenge everyday but I am colour blind - its usually ok coz there is a slight change in shapes but recently some of the games have involved shapes that are the same except for only a slight change in shade - this is very frustrating as to me they all look the same! |
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showing missed words (by yiayia - 15 May 15, 1:15) |
Is there a way to see the words missed from levels 1 and 2 at the end of the game? It does show level 3 (or the last level you were on) missed words, but I have often wondered what I didn't get on the earlier levels. |
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Problems with site? (by petehayward - 15 May 15, 2:59) |
For some reason I cant get in to the daily Sudoku challenge this morning. There's just a exclamation mark. |
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Playing in a new window (by basil666 - 15 May 15, 20:07) |
I don't know how to make my sudoku screen bigger...even when I am playing in a new window it is small. Any suggestions? |
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change password (by kirkpete - 16 May 15, 19:06) |
HOW do I change my password? |
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almost identical colors (by sewista - 17 May 15, 7:16) |
I am getting so sick of daily challenge puzzles where there are two colors so close that they can't be distinguished. This morning's puzzle had two different shades of off-white triangles that I could not tell apart even by looking very closely. Is this supposed to be a game of matching shapes or a game of testing color acuity? If the latter, sell it to the American Opthalmologists Association for their game board. It's no fun for the rest of us. |
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Puzzle not clearing correctly (by jazz4u - 17 May 15, 7:42) |
I played the challenge this morning, but the puzzle was not working as usual. I had several places where I couldn't clear pieces, and at one time I had six in a row. |
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New game - Killer Sudoku (by dkmGames - 17 May 15, 21:19) |
I now have Killer Sudoku available, quite a popular Sudoku variant. I think you will find the puzzles a little easier to solve than Frame Sudoku but definitely harder than regular Sudoku. I have also spent a lot of effort evaluating the steps required to solve a puzzle so as to grade the difficulty levels accurately and also give a good "Solve A Cell" explanation. |
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Royalty-free pictures (by BellFree - 18 May 15, 13:49) | This site a list of the best places to get free stock photography. You can browse, select and submit here without any copyright worries. |
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ads at top ruining my game (by JohnW - 22 May 15, 20:25) |
The new ads on top of the page while playing Sudoku prevents access to the bottom row. Needless to say, this prevents me from playing the game at all. I can't scroll down or click off the ad. Please help. Thank you. |
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Protocols for drawers (by karmatree - 23 May 15, 0:19) |
Hello Derek, A number of repeat players took a vote and we have decided to add a new helpful hint. We are now going to draw a star in the upper left corner to denote a famous person. It can be used for actors, characters, singers, or any proper name of a famous person. It was a unanimous decision, therefore if anyone disagrees with this idea, please post in the forum. We would like to hear from those who love to play Word Sketch, or even from those who don't play too often. Thanks, Karmatree |
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Ban The Guests (by mumu - 23 May 15, 17:34) |
I played WordRuffle today and I was the only player among 8 who was not GUEST. A lot of GUESTS in Shisen, too. I don't get it. I enjoy playing with players who I have a history with. My vote: Get rid of the bastards. |
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Chat Chat Blah Blah Blah (by mumu - 23 May 15, 20:11) |
Derek- A few months ago, you had indicated that chat was coming to wordruffle. Well? The chat on shisen is so inane..e.g., gg bob, thx, mildred, wd gertrude, etc. etc. It is a waste of bandwidth. Of course, given the time constraints and lack of talking points, it's pretty understandable. But on wordruffle, palyers can discuss "words" and the meaning of words and strategy. Give it a chance. BTW, chat on Word Sketch is BRILLIANT --- funny, even sarcastic, and helpful. A great group of players. Just my 2 cents. |
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connection to server (by karmatree - 27 May 15, 15:59) |
It's wonderful when there is the opportunity to play Word Sketch for an extended period, as not often players are able to do so. But during those rare moments, I find, when in the Sketch room for a while, suddenly I or others lose the connection to the server. I can be drawing like a maniac, wondering why people aren't guessing, so I continue to draw like a maniac, only to notice that I have lost connection. A few times it has occurred while there is only one player left, and of course since I have abandoned them, they also leave, and the game is over. Is there a glitch you can fix Derek? Thank you - Karma |
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number of players (by bsmart - 30 May 15, 22:11) |
it would be interesting to know how many players try the challenge per day like the shisen challenge |
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Daily Challenge (by flygirl33 - 31 May 15, 14:48) |
I haven't been able to see the scores for the daily challenge lately. Neither the current day or the previous day. Anyone else having this problem? Thanks, Flygirl |
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Challenge Scoring (by Bobo7777 - 01 Jun 15, 12:47) |
How is a person's daily challenge score tabulated? Today i won with a score of 7. It took my 8 rounds to get the first person over 100. I had 1 "shoot the moon". Do all three things go into account for score? If it is listed on the Hearts page I apologize in advance, I could not find it. |
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Need More Players (by BirdDog - 05 Jun 15, 2:57) |
We need more players for Word Sketch. Currently we can get games going up to about 8 players, but only mid-morning or early afternoon Pacific Time. How about we check for or initiate a game at the top of any given hour and see if others join? Trying to start a game at designated times might increase the chance of getting a game going. Those who haven't played Word Sketch are missing out. Great game and great chat. |
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Archives? (by AliceJH - 05 Jun 15, 6:02) |
How about archived puzzles so I can practice? |
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My score on Daily Challenge today is bogus (by harmony - 05 Jun 15, 10:25) |
Just so y'all don't think I'm better than I really am, my score on the daily challenge today is from yesterday's board rather than today's challenge. I think I started playing just before midnight EST yesterday, but I ended the challenge after midnight. Somehow it worked out that I played yesterday's board but ended up on today's leaderboard. Interesting phenomenon, but I'm sorry to appear as if I did so well when in actuality I did not. I'm sure all you word ferreters were questioning the authenticity of that score anyway. |
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Eraser for the drawing window (by elkster - 06 Jun 15, 8:17) |
Hi Derek, Having great fun on Word sketch again and appreciate all your work and improvements on the game. There is one little thing which would really be helpful in the drawing and give us a chance to better our skills. Is it possible to add an eraser block to the drawing panel? It often happens that you are drawing and then realize that what you put in before is out of kilter as you continue drawing. Currently we have to dump the whole thing or backspace several times and then redraw the entire picture. Often it is just a line that was too long or something doesn't match up, and all you want to do is erase a little corner so that the picture makes better sense and the meaning is clear. This has been mentioned by several other players during games, but I have not seen the request here. Thanks for in advance for considering putting this feature into the game. Sure it will be greatly appreciated by all. |
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Killer Soduko Hard level (by Grammargirl - 06 Jun 15, 11:10) |
For those of you who hesitate to try the hard level of killer sudoko, try today's. I sometimes play the hard because 2 games just isn't enough ;-) and today, June 6, I finished it in less than 1/2 hour. It usually takes me more than an hour. I'll bet some of you number people could do it in 15 min. |
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Daily challenge (by Sedma - 08 Jun 15, 12:19) |
Pls, can you remove option "New" from the daily challenge in Yubotu? I sometimes automatically go to that option when challenge started. And of course, I can't play challenge anymore :( In any other game I play, there is not that option. Thank you. |
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Wish List (by blitzfitz - 08 Jun 15, 19:42) |
I have two wishes regarding the puzzles: 1. The puzzle wouldn't jump every time you added a piece, but mostly 2. That the window that appears at the end of the puzzle asking for a rating or telling you your position on the leader board would either not cover the puzzle or be moveable. I like to look at the puzzle for a minute or two before I give a rating. That window is annoying. |
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killer sudoku (by foxy - 08 Jun 15, 20:21) |
Hey there... I am addicted to the Killer version - combines more skills. I think there should be a point system on it somehow though... so if you make a mistake it docks your score - but this is a great game. There should also be a time advantage - and MORE GAMES.... 3/day isn't enough. Ohhhh... and of course - there should be a chat room :) |
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Ken Ken Puzzles (by jhmenzel - 10 Jun 15, 7:33) |
One of your software designers want to construct Ken Ken puzzles for this site. It might be a great addition. |
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Playing Games (by marianrobin - 12 Jun 15, 21:25) |
Why can I play many games but not all? For instance I can play Mahjong but recently unable to play Sudoku. Thanks, Marian |
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Misspellings in dictionary (by akimbo - 15 Jun 15, 8:19) |
We regulars have gotten used to trying multiple spellings for words, so we have our work-around, but still, it's SATELLITE, not SATTELITE, and it's GYPSY, not GIPSY. Just saying. Thanks DKM! Kim (Are there any others, players?) |
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daily challenge (by bflandrena - 16 Jun 15, 11:32) |
I played the daily challenge today and was presented with a blank rack. No buttons worked. When I left and came back in, the letters were in the rack. As far as I can tell, unlike the other daily challenges, Speedcross does not warn you that you already played. So I played the challenge only to have my score nullified. I did nothing special originally; just pressed the "play challenge" button. |
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closed window (by karmatree - 17 Jun 15, 11:13) |
I was playing word ruffle and just scored 3500 plus points and accidentally closed the window prior to the round counting down to zero. I believe it was at approximately 29 seconds. Will this score still register for the day? Thank you, Karma |
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Sudoku stopped working (by 183sgt - 17 Jun 15, 11:43) |
The Sudoku app on my iPhone 4s stopped working. I tried reloading it from my library and nothing changes. I tried to find a version to download to my library and it was not available in the iTunes store for the US or Australia. Any ideas |
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wrong vowel (by grogs42 - 19 Jun 15, 5:52) |
cryptogram 19/06/2015,should read woman not women. |
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Brand name words (by annlacko - 20 Jun 15, 17:33) |
Hi Derek, we are having lots of fun in the word sketch room, but when the word to be guessed is a brand name, lots of players from around the globe are never going to guess it. I suggest those words are removed from the list. Today the words 'visine' and 'tupperware' came up in just one round, I am sure there are bunches more that are just about impossible to guess for your average Romanian, Estonian, or ... Belgian in my case. |
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same IP different person for Administrator!!!!!! (by Kate16 - 22 Jun 15, 6:17) |
I would like to play shisen, but I cannot because someone else in my household has already played the challenge. I have a separate ID but it seems not to matter.... A bit disappointed. Kate |
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Please remove inappropriate or offensive words (by annlacko - 22 Jun 15, 17:06) |
Derek, just today as I was playing Word Sketch, the word 'cripple' came up to draw. We thought it was probably offensive to some, and therefor it would be better to remove it from the list. Also 'amputee' is apparently on the word list, another word that could offend people. I have no problem with these words in a game of scrabble for instance, where you depend on the luck of the draw of your letters, but I don't think it belongs in this game. Meanwhile I shall try to come up with some other words as a replacement for this wonderfully entertaining game. Ann |
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Popularity of Game (by karmatree - 23 Jun 15, 17:13) |
Hello Derek, I can imagine your frustration with receiving requests to make changes with Word Sketch; yet there doesn't seem to be enough players to support your spending time on those improvements. Perhaps when a request is made, prior to spending the time to make a change, we should open the forum up to others opinions first. An example would be that I would love to see the colour white added as others have requested, yet I am not bothered enough by the words we see that I would ask for a change. It is a shame that it appears as though the game is not popular, but anyone who tries it usually comes back and with time becomes a regular. Sometimes time constraints are what stops someone from playing more often. May I suggest that this game be listed under "Word" games as well as under "Other"? I believe players who are interested in the word games would also like Word Sketch. For example, I am only interested in word games (except a few Sketch regulars have turned me on to another game), so I look only under the "Word" category where I found a favorite and then would sometimes play a few other "Word" games. The only reason I found out about Word Sketch is because I do read the forum. I loved it and still do love playing the game, but when I first began playing it I couldn't find it because I expected to be under the "Word" category, and then of course discovered it under "Other". Many times I still go to the "Word" category forgetting that it is listed unde "Other". To me it just seems like the type of game that will catch on especially to the people who enjoy word games. If it is not too much trouble to add Word Sketch to that category, perhaps we will have other "wordies" join us who are addicted and who rate Word Sketch 10 out of 10. Thank you once again for your dedication. Karma |
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scheduling games (by Grammargirl - 24 Jun 15, 14:11) |
I thought you regular players were going to try to get a game going on the hour, every hour. I had to check in several times before I found anyone else playing. I will admit that it was a lot more fun than I expected, but both times I played, suddenly everyone was gone and I was left alone:-( I imagine I will try again a few times, (it was that much fun) but it is a problem finding a game so I am sure that's why it's not played more. |
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where have I been? (by Grammargirl - 30 Jun 15, 2:17) |
For those who wondered where I went, I needed to reconfigure my mouse. I realized that my mouse was set for left-handed (It's actually more efficient - mouse on left, numberpad on the right) So all week I've been drawing with my left hand. Having switched it back after 15 years, I need to relearn how to operate a mouse with my right hand. I will be back to the game - just give me a day or two playing shiesen. |
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Derek - Multiple challenge attempts from same IP address (by getclint - 30 Jun 15, 3:20) |
Hi Derek, Obviously, members of the same household play the same challenges and equally obviously, some players are soooo insecure that they will consider getting high scores in challenges by having multiple user ID's. Why not derestrict challenge attempts by IP address as you suggest but maintain scoreboard integrity and credibility by publishing an extra column in the results table giving the number of attempts from same IP address (assuming this is the mechanism you've used to block such activity before). With two players behind our firewall, we could live with that and desperado's would be properly revealed. Magor league cheaters will then need to have multiple accounts and physically travel around to different locations. Maybe if they're that desperate, they deserve the points for trying! Just a thought... |
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Reformulation? (by ffejsrem - 01 Jul 15, 11:54) |
Is there a new logarithm in effect for Word Ferret online competition? Virtually no one's scoring above 70% now for 4-5 days, quite a change from the past month or so... |
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Missing tiles (by gramx6 - 01 Jul 15, 13:15) |
When trying to play the challenge game today not all the tiles appear. Missing several right at the start. Anyone else having this problem? |
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Codewords not working? (by gjw - 03 Jul 15, 12:40) |
Play Now is giving a blank screen. |
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Conversations, not quotes (by lynxx - 06 Jul 15, 2:05) |
Seems to be turning into a darned chat room. Grump! |
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Mystery Challenge (by elkster - 08 Jul 15, 17:15) |
Dear Derek, Have lost interest in Jigsaw challenge mostly because it is possible to go back in, and redo the puzzle after not completing it, For the basic puzzle challenge, when there are aids such as the thumbnail available, no problem, and it should be kept that way because it makes it a fun challenge and learning experience. HOWEVER, if the mystery challenge is supposed to be an advanced challenge for jigsaw puzzlers - it SHOULD BE ONE CHANCE AND ONE CHANCE ONLY. Otherwise, this is a joke for puzzlers and anyone can come back in and complete the puzzle, knowing the final picture. It is very interesting that previously on chats, people have been "upset" that someone gave the picture away and "spoiled" the mystery, when all you have to do is complete the puzzle minus ONE piece and go back in, and complete it at a top time score,. SO, my suggestion is to keep the normal challenge as is, but for the Mystery Challenge, there is ONE chance and ONE chance ONLY to complete this puzzle, Would love to hear other's feedback, because Jigsaw in general has ceased to be of interest to me, because anyone can do this any number of times, and get a good score. For the Mystery Challenge especially, this is not exactly reasonable That is all I have to say about this,. |
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Multi-user games - PLEASE NOTE (by dkmGames - 12 Jul 15, 4:40) |
The multi-user games server has been moved to a new computer. If you cannot connect, please make sure you refresh the page (close browser if necessary) to make sure you have the latest Flash file that points to the new address. |
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Repeated consonsants today (by theprisoner - 12 Jul 15, 7:12) |
Games today have some double consonsants and many seem to have a Z. Is this a deliberate change? |
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Site unavailable (by Wiley - 12 Jul 15, 11:14) |
Sunday morning and I cannot play my favorite game :-( |
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Can't join game with others (by flygirl33 - 12 Jul 15, 20:51) |
After clearing the browser history (firefox) I could get the Shisen page, but never got the 'Welcome' message. I tried joining another multi-user game (Word Ruffle) and then x-ing out and immediately joining Shisen and then I can got in. Unfortunately, I have to do it each time I want to play. Very fiddly! Any other suggestions? Thanks |
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sudoku points inaccessible (by KAPSS - 14 Jul 15, 10:49) |
Tried all the steps. Can't get in. Why did you screw with something when it wasn't broke?? |
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repetitious words (by RayB - 14 Jul 15, 18:52) |
I've only been playing Word Sketch for a little over a week, and I've already seen one word three times and several others twice. I've also contributed at least two dozen suggestions for words, and have seen none of them in that time. Perhaps the site would be more attractive to players if there were a greater variety of words to sketch. |
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still having trouble (by flygirl33 - 15 Jul 15, 10:18) |
I still can't get in using Firefox, but I managed to get in with IE. today, however, as I was waiting for the game to finish and a new one to start, I was booted out and now can't get back in again. Any suggestions? |
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unable to connect to server (by geauxsaints - 16 Jul 15, 9:30) |
Having problems with the site. Unable to connect to server today on Shisen. |
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Cannot connect to Server (by scoot1950 - 16 Jul 15, 15:44) |
I have been unable to connect to the server in order to play Word Ruffle with others. This has been ongoing for almost a week. Is anyone else having this problem? |
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Unable to connect to server (by yiayia - 16 Jul 15, 15:49) |
For about a week now, I can't connect to server to play Word Ruffle or Shisen with others. Word Ferret is not a problem. I am the only one who uses this computer for games. Any suggestions? |
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Top 50 Rankings (by ejs - 18 Jul 15, 6:36) |
Does the Top 50 scoring take into consideration extra points earned by getting all the words? |
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"Brainy Bot" Not That Brainy (by zuina - 18 Jul 15, 20:22) |
I get that the "Baby Bot" and the "Better Bot" would be programmed to make dumb moves so that we mere humans might be given a fighting chance. But if we've selected the Brainy Bot option we're usually looking to be challenged, so it's frustrating when the computer "lets us win" at this level by making obviously stupid moves. Can't the algorithm be tweaked so that the Brainy Bot actually tries its best? |
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Daily Challenge Score Listing (by TxBill - 19 Jul 15, 6:43) |
In the Daily Challenge score listing, if more than one person has the same score, how is it determined their order on the the list? For example, the other day, ten of us had the same score, but even though I was the first to post THAT score, I was listed as seventh out of the ten. It doesn't make sense, so please explain it. |
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Speed question (by akimbo - 21 Jul 15, 6:57) |
I would like to find out how it's possible to do the entire daily challenge in under one minute. What input method do you use? I am clicking and placing letters with a mouse. With this setup, it's not physically possible to move all the tiles in that amount of time, even if I made complete nonsense with them. I know there are some amazing talents that play this game. I'd just like to know the mechanics of the movements. Thanks, Kim |
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DKM Facebook Page (by lynxx - 24 Jul 15, 0:38) |
Found it just today! Go check it out, everybody. |
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have not been able to play with others (by thewall - 25 Jul 15, 19:44) |
I have been unable to join into playing with others for quite a long time. I keep getting the message to try later. It is frustrating. |
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Shisen multiplayers "lost connection" (by paulaoda - 27 Jul 15, 0:26) |
Hi Eric, I had not problem to play with others in shisen after the modification you did in servers, but I'm loosing connection several times in a day. The most of the time it happens after finishing the round and while I waiting for the "getting scores". Any suggestions? because I don't have a clue. Paula |
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no chat (by 1oldgringo - 27 Jul 15, 10:47) |
Sometimes in pseudoku points I will type in the chat box, but when I hit enter, or the on screen prompt it simply deletes. Is this a software issue, or am I the culprit who needs to change a setting somewhere? Curiously, it doesn't always happen. |
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fuzzy challenge (by geordiemam - 28 Jul 15, 1:51) |
My colour blinds eyes found todays challenge very fuzzy! |
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Game will not load (by RayB - 29 Jul 15, 13:58) |
I was in the middle of playing a game of word sketch when the game froze. Words I typed would not appear. I exited the screen, reloaded the game, and no game room would load. I exited my browser, reloaded it and your web site, still no game room for word sketch would load. |
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Ban member (by RayB - 30 Jul 15, 13:41) |
While playing word sketch a member with the name BPodojil entered and started writing obscenities and drawing them in the game. He/she/it should be banned. |
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New Scoring Proposal (by pseudoku - 01 Aug 15, 13:09) |
I would like to propose a modification to the way sudoku games are scored. As it stands, I think more emphasis is being placed on speed than upon logic. It is possible to score very well with only a guess or two (even if wrong), with better than average mouse/keyboard/touchpad agility. To remedy this problem, I suggest that you award a full bonus to anyone completing a puzzle with an error count of zero, and a half bonus to all others who complete the puzzle. I would also suggest you change the penalty for errors to always be a multiple of 100, increasing exponentially with every additional error (100 points, 200 points, 400 points, 800 points and so on). But make it so a player can never have a score less than zero. |
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Kudos To The DKM Development Team (by pseudoku - 03 Aug 15, 15:22) |
I just thought I'd take a minute to offer a well-deserved "pat on the back" to the DKM Development Team. Having worked as a Web Application developer myself, I can say that the interface for your sudoku puzzles is quite good - better than anything I've seen elsewhere, in fact. It's one of the reasons I play here. I recently returned to playing here after a two year hiatus and this site has become almost a Disneyland of pen and paper and card games. Wow! And the other players are as amiable and nice as ever. Well done, guys! |
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Ruminations Upon Solving Sudoku Puzzles (by pseudoku - 03 Aug 15, 16:18) |
Though I am not a real, but only a phony, ku (the pun in my moniker), I will nonetheless hazard a few thoughts on sudoku puzzles. Sudoku is a game of logic. But it is also a game of perception. One has to be able to "see" (and not gloss over) the numbers laid out in front of him. But, then, he must also be able to "see" the logical implications of those numbers laid out as they are. The first kind of seeing has to do simply with mental alertness, mood, concentration and what not. The second kind of seeing comes from practice and improvements in the kind of logical reasoning applicable to sudoku. Sudoku Points not only tests one's perceptual and reasoning abilities, but his agility with input devices as well. I will never be at the top of the leader board for this very reason. Though I have an MA in English, I cannot type to save my life. But if I could, I have thought that the best combination for input speed would be a mouse combined with a dedicated number pad. Years ago, when I would set up a Quake II tournament for my kids and I on a company LAN, I read that the world champion (who won, as I recall and among other things, John Carmack's Lamborghini) clearly thought that playing with a mouse and keyboard (rather than just the keyboard) was essential to being the best. It struck a chord in me because that was how I played (mind you, using only about four keys in the same area) - that was how I was able to maintain a higher "frag rate" over my highly competitive sons (laughing out loud). Has anyone ever tried what I suggested with Sudoku Points? The logical reasoning used in solving Sudoku puzzles is always a process of elimination. One picks off the "low hanging fruit" first by scanning rows and columns to determine where unplaced numbers must occur, given the layout of the visible numbers. Sometimes almost an entire puzzle can be done this way. But normally one runs out of luck and must then resort to more sophisticated and time-consuming methods to proceed. These methods require that you keep track of things in your head, such as the place a couple of numbers must occur in a block while you figure out where the other three or four numbers cannot occur in order to see where at least one must occur. I hate using a pencil to solve sudoku puzzles. It takes all of the fun out of the game and turns it into a long and drawn out procedure - a clinical exercise. If one cannot reason a way to a solution without elaborate formulae, then one might as well just do quantum physics. The question is: can one solve any and every sudoku puzzle without using a pencil? I rather suspect that most puzzles can be solved this way, that there is a kid of shorthand way of arriving at the same solution just using your eyes and mind. Chess grandmasters think in patterns more than in chains of reason. I played one once, along with 50 other people. We were all experts and masters and he spent about 5-10 seconds for every turn at every board. Remarkable. Was he smarter than all of us? Probably not - at least in any general sense. He had just gotten to a point of being like Neo in the Matrix. Are there similarly "patterns" in sudoku, that when known would enable one to breeze through most puzzles? I suspect so. Well, enough of such ramblings...see you online! |
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SQL Bug (by FatFingers - 06 Aug 15, 7:24) |
Derek - mess=You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'OR Parent = ORDER BY Date' at line 1 when logging out from ReadPost page. No biggee. |
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i keep loosing connection and other things (by paulaoda - 07 Aug 15, 16:27) |
Hi Derek, Like I said before, I continue loosing connection. But its not just that. Yesterday I logged in, I started playing, I finished the board, I got the message "well done" your score is 171, the clock was working well, but I was not in the leader board, so I was playing where? It was obviously that it was shisen multiplayers, but I was nowhere. Or I finished the game, I was in the leader board from the beginning but at the end, when "getting socres" I just dissapear again. It happens to me several times in the same day. I never had these problems before, this started after the computer was changed. I refresh the browser (it is the same that I was using all the time, Firefox), I have not history or cookies. We checked the internet connections, WI-FI, router etc..etc... but nothing wooks. Do you have any idea or suggestions to try to fix it? Thanks a lot |
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wrong user (by MrArmandillo - 08 Aug 15, 10:35) |
Came to play a bit of Yubotu and found myself logged in as someone else! Weird! |
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Anybody out there? (by Kejo - 09 Aug 15, 16:11) |
Sure, it's vacation time, but still ... currently a pretty lonely place, WordSketch ... where are all my fellow addicts? ;-) |
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Connection problems (by RayB - 10 Aug 15, 22:02) |
People are randomly booted from Word Sketch while playing. Today at 7:59pm MDT the game disappeared while 3 people were playing. I was unable to reenter the existing game or establish a new one. |
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user name change (by nyctaxi - 12 Aug 15, 18:50) |
Hi Derek, How would I change my user name? As I posted a few years son was a NYC taxi driver on the night shift...yikes. Hence, my username. Thankfully, he is back in the Pacific NW of Washington state. Anyway, I would like to change my user name. How would I do that? Thanks, NYC for now. Cheers. |
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love this game (by sooner - 13 Aug 15, 8:58) |
I just discovered Word Sketch and absolutely love it! I'm still learning but enjoying every minute. I will try to mention this game while playing Ferret which is another one of my favorites. I do check in a lot to see if anyone is playing and it does seem to be slow but I lose my other games when I check in. Let me also take this opportunity to say "thank you" for such a wonderful site Derek. I really enjoy the games! |
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new words (by terrij - 13 Aug 15, 15:07) |
RayB challenged us last night to add 10 new words to Word Sketch. I submitted my ten words. Have you all submitted yours??? |
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switched out of game (by sooner - 13 Aug 15, 23:19) |
just wondering if this happens to anybody else...I was in Word Sketch (all alone) and another player came in. No sooner did I start to draw and lost the screen...just wanted to let others know I was not being rude. |
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Lexicon (by pseudoku - 14 Aug 15, 0:15) |
Just out of curiosity, where did DKM come up with the lexicon for this game? |
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Killer Sudoku (by sgreeneps1 - 19 Aug 15, 1:43) |
Enjoy the game, having speed issues with choosing a number, inserting a number, changing to pencil mode or any move. It takes 10 to 30 seconds per move. Using IE with only one window open. Regular Sudoku works fine. Any suggestions? Thanks |
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Perfect Score?? (by Bobo7777 - 20 Aug 15, 7:36) |
This morning's challenge (8/20/2015) had a challenge with a perfect score of 5040. Yet first place has 5068??? Is this a glitch where top place score is reflective of yesterdays game and carried over during the midnight switch over? Thanks :) |
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connection problems (by 2fingers - 24 Aug 15, 23:51) |
Anyone else having the game freeze when playing with others, scores for me keep updating but the rest freezes. Odd since my play seems to keep going although it usually will not reload the next game and I have to refresh. I am on Chrome browser. |
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Kudos to klfay42156 (by Macduff - 26 Aug 15, 20:08) |
Snappy clues on your latest puzzle, klfay. :) |
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Word Ferret Newbie (by Kejo - 27 Aug 15, 13:28) |
Recently, I've been playing Word Ferret occasionally. I've tried the Daily Challenge regularly for a week or so, but my scores really, really suck so far. I always end up as one of the worst players of the day although I'm usually quite good at word games. I guess I probably have to get more practise to develop a better eye for possible words and combinations, but I thought maybe you good ol' Word Ferret veterans might have a couple of tips and hints for me how to improve my scoring ... ? |
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major problem with site 6:25pm EDT (by RayB - 27 Aug 15, 18:25) |
The Word Sketch site is having a "nervous breakdown". People are getting booted every few seconds, and words typed in either dialog box appear after 5 seconds after they are typed. Help! |
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Spreading the Word (by sooner - 30 Aug 15, 13:04) |
Hi All, I just wanted to let you know that I have been asking the Ferret Players to try Word Sketch. It might be a good idea to mention it to the players in the other games that you play. The more the merrier! |
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Cannot access Jigsaws (by tnx4asking - 31 Aug 15, 17:31) |
Is Jigsaws discontinued? I can no longer access and I get the following message: The page you tried to access does not exist on this server. This page may not exist due to the following reasons: You are the owner of this web site and you have not uploaded (or incorrectly uploaded) your web site. For information on uploading your web site using FTP client software or web design software, click here for FTP Upload Information. The URL that you have entered in your browser is incorrect. Please re-enter the URL and try again. The Link that you clicked on incorrectly points to this page. Please contact the owner of this web site to inform them of this situation. |
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HELP can't access (by tnx4asking - 01 Sep 15, 10:50) |
I can no longer access and NOT A TEMP HICCUP and I get the following message: The page you tried to access does not exist on this server. This page may not exist due to the following reasons: You are the owner of this web site and you have not uploaded (or incorrectly uploaded) your web site. For information on uploading your web site using FTP client software or web design software, click here for FTP Upload Information. The URL that you have entered in your browser is incorrect. Please re-enter the URL and try again. The Link that you clicked on incorrectly points to this page. Please contact the owner of this web site to inform them of this situation. |
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example 2 (by quangle - 01 Sep 15, 17:45) |
Sorry guys, what is shown as the target is not actually the Big Hole. The big hole is about two kms west of the picture you show! |
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'Twin' names (by LouisB - 01 Sep 15, 19:32) |
What stops someone having two names, using the first to find out where the principal risks are and then using that info when playing under the second name? For example, it is interesting to see how many of the top scores come 'late in the day', so to speak. |
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Stableford Scoring (by LouisB - 01 Sep 15, 19:42) |
This excellent game (i.e. the 'TOUGH' version) would be enhanced if a twin scoring system was used, namely by adding a 'stableford' score that reflects the points achieved (par =2; birdie =3 and bogey = 1). That would avoid a 'bad hole' defining the quality of the round. |
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Really? (by hibakusha - 01 Sep 15, 20:14) |
Bathos? What the F? |
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Help! Can't access games after Flash update (by Macduff - 01 Sep 15, 20:35) |
This morning I installed the latest update, Adobe Flash Player 18 ActiveX, and now none of the games appear in the game window. When I click "play" it just shows a blank screen with a tiny "save" or "disk" icon in the upper left corner. I'm lost without my dkm Games. HELP!!!! |
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Why, oh why ... (by Kejo - 05 Sep 15, 3:04) |
... is there no letter X in Word Drop? And why are so many words that are accepted in Speed Cross rejected in Word Drop? It's a pity that they obviously don't use the same dictionary ... |
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won't open in new window (by Mommy - 06 Sep 15, 5:51) |
Sudoku Points won't open in New Window in Chrome. It does open in Firefox though. Can you fix it please???? |
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Time (by dbny - 08 Sep 15, 12:58) |
How do I get the daily challenges to start at 0.00 without having to restart my computer every time? |
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Words rejected (by Teomatt1 - 09 Sep 15, 0:45) |
Elocute and elocuted were rejected |
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would like a tweak (by sewista - 09 Sep 15, 11:02) |
I wish we could toggle on a feature that would automatically pop up when there are no moves. it would save a lot of time searching. (I know you can ask, but that has to be done each time with two clicks.) People who like to search could turn this feature off. |
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"Unable to give hint" (by bandw - 09 Sep 15, 16:20) |
What in the world have I done? I was stuck on Frame Sudoku and asked for a hint to know which cell to look at. The message returned was "Unable to give hint". So I asked to solve one cell and got "Unable to solve cell". Checking the input as it stands says "Solution correct so far". How is that possible? |
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memory types? (by alfredk - 11 Sep 15, 11:25) |
I often place in the top 10 in challenges using either objects or faces, but do terribly with with numbers, shapes, and, especially, cards. I wonder what this says about the structure of my memory. Do people who do well with subjects a do poorly with, also do poorly at ones I do well with? |
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Today's Challenge (9/12/15 (by Bobo7777 - 12 Sep 15, 0:23) |
There is going to be a lot of good scored today!! Its 12:20 EST (which means only 20 minutes into the challenge) and so far top 3 scores are: Teomatt1 - 705 Me (Bobo7777) - 685 rodrigo21 - 634 With 23 hours and 40 min to go, should be some amazing scores posted for todays challenge. Good luck all! |
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Multi player rankings (by elkster - 14 Sep 15, 4:33) |
Hi Derek, still loving the site and your responsiveness to player requests. Is it possible to add a scoring element to Shisen that would calculate based on top score per game as played - similar to the word ferret scoring. Many of us (like me) just cannot get to the top speed (335 as I understand it) but are good players, and manage to get through games that others cannot. Just a thought that might give more players a chance to shine - even if they are not speed demons on the board. Thanks in advance for considering this request. Elk |
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Hearts Challenge Results (by algoldman - 17 Sep 15, 12:12) |
My score for today 09/17/2015 did not post. I had 29 points and won so my total score should be 122 but no score shows. Why? |
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Time the daily puzzles/games next day (by sgreeneps1 - 18 Sep 15, 23:53) |
What time does the Sudoku games change to the next day? Same question for the Jigsaw? Enjoy them both every day? Thank you. Did notice US Eastern time, but not a time. |
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Archive (by LouisB - 21 Sep 15, 13:57) |
Why not further enhance the quality of this game by creating an 'archive' (as in Code Words), especially for the more 'vicious' examples; the 'challenge' hands are usually much more demanding than the 'random' hands. |
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Misspellings (by RayB - 21 Sep 15, 17:17) |
Some of us recently saw a sattelite (sic) flying around the earth in one sketch. If you run into another misspelled word in Word Sketch, please post it here. I'll try to collect them and see if we can get Derek to eliminate the misspellings and add the correctly spelled words to our vocabulary. |
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Windows 10 (by susanall - 21 Sep 15, 18:31) |
I play on two laptops: Acer windows 8.2 touch screen and Dell Windows 10 touch screen. Any plans to make Triplets compatible? |
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Word Ferret Challenge -- Sept 23 (by sam - 23 Sep 15, 17:57) |
While playing the challenge today on my ipad, a computer error message popped up and said it would reload the game which it did. But, I don't see my score on the leader board. I never do very well but it's fun to see where I end up placing everyday. |
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Slow log ons (by ejs - 24 Sep 15, 9:42) |
When I click "play with others" it's taking a really long time to log in, and another lengthy time before I can join. Anyone else having this problem? |
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Owl (by karmatree - 26 Sep 15, 13:14) |
This message is for bobo777. I had to sketch "owl", but the rebel in me drew it in mid-air. No tree in sight. However, BirdDog did pitch in and remind me that owls go in trees. |
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Triplets glitch (by alfredk - 29 Sep 15, 16:49) |
I get a glitch when I explode two exploding things (it doesn't seem to matter whether they are crackers or bombs) in quick succession. The tile animation goes away making moves instant, and tiles that cannot be manipulated appear either above or on top of normal tiles somewhere on the top of the board. The game remains playable (and it's actually pretty fun to play that way) and the timer doesn't seem to be effected. I've been able to repeatably trigger this glitch in Chrome and Firefox running under Linux. Linux doesn't have the greatest flash support in the world so that might be the cause. Has anyone else experienced this? Can anyone replicate it on a Windows/Mac machine? |
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Log in not working (by cbnc - 06 Oct 15, 11:39) |
Anybody else having trouble with logging in? I enter my ID and password over and over. Sometimes I get logged in, sometimes this can go on for 20 tries and I still can't log in. Any ideas? |
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Challenge Oct 8 - 66 Words (by elkster - 08 Oct 15, 4:57) |
The Challenge board today has only 66 words in total. |
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pause? (by redcrow - 12 Oct 15, 23:25) |
How about a pause function in Triplets? It is a bit embarrassing when you get interrupted by a phone call or something in the midst of a game only to have the game time out and make that rather rude noise, whereafter you have to explain to the caller that you were not, in fact, making rude noises at him (regardless of how well deserved such a rude noise might have been). |
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can't play with others (by birdgirl - 13 Oct 15, 10:43) |
I can't get the screen to load in the "play with others" mode. Play alone and daily challenge work. Any suggestions? This has been going on for some time. Thanks. |
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Not getting the puzzle (by helencrozier - 13 Oct 15, 19:41) |
Hi, When I click on Classic Sudoku, "Play Now", "Menu", "New Puzzle", "Easy", nothing happens anymore! No puzzle gets populated. This could be the end of a serious sudoku addiction that has been ongoing for years!! Seriously though, 'I've been playing for years and for the last two days the game has disappeared. I run on Apple's Safari Version 9.0 (9537. |
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Close standings today (by zephyr99 - 15 Oct 15, 1:40) |
Molycat and dwilli at 1 and 2, that's pretty common lately. But 3 through 6 in the weekly standings are as follows: qedmike - 4678 zephyr99 - 4672 gillespie - 4667 karmatree - 4666 The four of us are separated by no more than 12 points for today. I just thought that was kind of interesting. Good job everyone. |
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Sudoku points (by tink - 17 Oct 15, 3:43) |
Having a problem with the Sudoku Points the last two days. The server seems to be down because I keep getting an error message when trying to access the page after clicking "play now". |
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not getting puzzles (by quintokid - 20 Oct 15, 13:31) |
having same issue also |
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Good Puzzle (by lynxx - 21 Oct 15, 21:19) |
Good job, KimH1963, and welcome ! |
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can't access game (by foxy - 25 Oct 15, 1:18) |
I haven't been able to access this game in about a week... is it permanently gone? |
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de stresser (by renabean - 26 Oct 15, 11:49) |
I have been playing word ruffle for about a year now. The first thing I do when I get off work is head to my computer to play. It really helps me wind down from a stressful day at work. I'm not the best by far. I am in awe with the top five competitors. |
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sudoku points (by astronomy - 28 Oct 15, 17:15) |
I keep getting minus numbers even though I may only have made a couple of mistakes. Very frustrating when I know I have done well. Why is this. |
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98 %? (by CecileA - 30 Oct 15, 8:50) |
Looked at the stats this morning and saw that Cardealer scored a 98% yesterday. Is this the highest ever? Very impressive. Never saw Cardealer before. |
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sudoku points scoring (by astronomy - 30 Oct 15, 12:54) |
why am i getting -1000s after only making a few mistakes. Very frustrating. Also even having finished |
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98%? (by ffejsrem - 30 Oct 15, 16:58) |
Car dealer doesn't appear in the Top 50, meaning that s/he has not played 10 games in the past week. I played in the game where s/he scored a 98% by getting all but 1 word. The other players included at least 3 folks who are usually in the Top 10. As I recall, no one else broke 60%. I played on for another 45 minutes, but Cardealer did not play again. In fact, I probably play about 2 hours a day what would my mother say?), but I've not ever seen Cardealer before or since. Don't wish to sound like sour grapes, but I am suspicious about that score. |
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Scoring Flaws (by hibakusha - 30 Oct 15, 17:49) |
I note two significant weaknesses in the multi-player statistical format: 1- It gravely punishes those who enter a game late and score a hideous score; 2- It rewards those (you know who you are) who bail-out of a game moments before the conclusion in order to avoid being "graded" for that particular game. Remedy: Only "grade" those games where the player begins at the 5:00 mark, irrespective if they subsequently bail-out. That will have an effect on the standings. Bet on it. |
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Bonus for difficulty in Sudoku points (by jws3 - 01 Nov 15, 0:33) |
There should be another bonus for difficulty. The daily game rates the difficulty and gives extra points for quickly solving the more difficult grids. There's no reason the same couldn't be applied to the points game. |
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No Matches Available error (by highiron2 - 01 Nov 15, 13:35) |
Often in Triplets the game says "No Matches Available" (or words to that affect) when there are. Has any one else noticed this? |
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sudoku points (by okabi - 02 Nov 15, 13:56) |
After 10 attempts over 36 hours, I cannot connect to the server, although with another computer in another country I did with no problem. Any explanation? |
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human dictionaries? (by renabean - 04 Nov 15, 22:21) |
Renabean here, I am just amazed at molly cat, dwilli, karmatree and the regular high scorers. How do you do so well? There are so many words that I have never heard of. You must have amazing iqs. I am also curious where some of you are from. I am from Idaho. |
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Can't Stay Connected (by jdasher - 08 Nov 15, 19:06) |
Verizon Fios changed some equipment in our house a week ago, saying that besides solving the immediate problem of no service, they had upgraded equipment and speed. Now I can't stay connected, most noticeable with Shishen Multi-player. I get bounced off every few minutes, having to reconnect, restart games. Shishen warning appears briefly when it happens, but most of the time I don't catch it. Any thoughts or ideas on the problem? |
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more Killer Sudoku (by Grammargirl - 10 Nov 15, 11:22) |
Is there any chance you could provide archived Killer Soduko games? Now that I've been playing the version for a while, I find I am getting through all 3 offerings in less than 90 minutes and I'm looking for more. It's only 9 am and I've played all my usual games already. Guess I can try to kill a couple of hours on Word Sketch if anyone else is there. |
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More words added (by dkmGames - 11 Nov 15, 22:54) |
I have just added another 1500 words to the Word Ruffle dictionary. It has been a very tedious exercise going through thousands of words not in the WR dictionary and deciding which ones are common enough or appropriate to be included. Of course there will still be words that have been omitted that people think should be there - it will never be perfect. |
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thanks (by gillespie - 12 Nov 15, 11:30) |
Thank you, and on my birthday. How |
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How's Mirela? (by Wiley - 15 Nov 15, 11:41) |
Missing one of our favorite players - does anyone know how she is doing? |
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Level 3 (by mumu - 17 Nov 15, 16:48) |
Just throwin' this out there: I have found that if I leave Level 2 at 3:00 or more, my chances of hitting 3000+ increase exponentially. Is this my imagination? Doubling your score in Levels 1 and 2 just aren't that significant. What say you? |
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How to obtain only the Hard or Tough puzzles from the Archive (by jeffericon - 17 Nov 15, 19:50) |
Is there any way of accessing only the Hard or Tough puzzles through the Archive where I am able to input the puzzle number. At the moment I have no idea what level of game will come up. I just want to be able to access the Hard or Tough categories. Many thanks |
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Challenge: Subtle color difference... (by Twinkle - 18 Nov 15, 12:01) |
Todays challenge had an extra twist - two of the colors used had an almost imperceptable color difference (at least on my smart phone). At first I thought something had gone wrong on the game, because it wasn't accepting the match. But I did finally realize that the colors were slightly (barely) different. It would be nice if when two very similar colors are used, that they're at least used with different shapes. |
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missing words (by Strut - 22 Nov 15, 10:33) |
Although I find this game addictive, I can't play it anymore because of so many words that are not "listed". I love learning new words but find it too frustrating when fairly common words are not included. Also what's up with including Spanish words? |
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Musings (Harumph!) (by mumu - 23 Nov 15, 19:27) |
It sure would be fun to confirm Derek's rating system .I would love to see a playoff system whereby No. 1 plays No. 8 (Molycat v. grizzly1); No. 2 plays No.7 (gillespie v. zephyr99); No.3 plays No.6 (dwilli v.qedmike) and No.4 plays No.5 (beam v.karmatree). Then the playoff would continue. It would sure be easier to organize if we had chat here. What I do not understand is that there is chat in Shisen (where languages are diverse, i.e. no knowledge of the english language is required to excel -and- I am sure that non-english speakers thrive but DO NOT chat due to their lack of english) but there is no chat in WordRuffle where english is celebrated. Go figure. |
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New idea / opposite of word sketch (by akimbo - 24 Nov 15, 22:45) |
I just saw an ad for a game called, I think, "What Am I?". It would work opposite of word sketch, where only one person knows the word (the drawer), and everyone else has to guess. In this game, the person doesn't know what the word is, and everyone else gives clues until the object person guesses what he is (in the live version, the guesser has a sign on him/her, or a headband with the word. Have I explained it correctly? Thanks, Kim |
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type error #1009 (by ruthmather - 30 Nov 15, 7:44) |
What is type error #1009? |
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Hey Bobo7777 (by mumu - 30 Nov 15, 19:36) |
Hey Bobo7777 --- Have you heard from karma? I noticed her stats are off the leaderboard and I don't see her at WordSketch either. I know she really likes you so I hope everything is good and the tree is in bloom. |
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It's about the fun, right? (by SGib - 01 Dec 15, 12:32) |
I think most everyone agrees (with maybe the exception of Bobo) that Sketch is about the fun and not about the score. If I'm playing and not having fun (which rarely happens, but does happen), I just come back later and play. No biggie, Ziggy. (We should make up a universal fake excuse for times like this..."syl, time to feed my zebra" or something equally unbelievable.) lol |
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Cant wait! :) (by Bobo7777 - 10 Dec 15, 9:32) |
Oh man. Just went to start my morning ritual of Word Ferret Daily Challenge and am shocked to see the top score is 740+. In addition, the top 10 scores are all 600+. This is unheard of. Cant wait to play, would be awesome to win todays challenge more than most. Good luck all! |
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Daily Challenge (by OldManAl - 12 Dec 15, 14:02) |
I do the Sudoku Daily Challenge about 5 days per week, always the hard. I'm usually somewhere around the middle of the pack -- only rarely in the top 25. But what I notice is that if I get through a puzzle more quickly, that there are usually more scores shown, while ones that I struggle with have fewer scores. I attribute this to people trying the puzzle and giving up (as I've done a few times). But if I simply give up and look at the rankings, I'm not shown at all. So if I'm 45th out of 135 on given day, that means that I'm better than the 90 with lower scores. But I wonder how many started the puzzle and never finished? I'm not interested in seeing that on a daily basis -- it's not that important to me -- but I've always wondered what a rough estimate would be of those that try and simply give up. |
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Woe is me! (by featherhead - 14 Dec 15, 20:08) |
I am so sad. My old laptop finally bit the dust, and I am using a little Zenbook. Unfortunately, the keyboard on it won't work with Word Ruffle. I am so low-tech; I wondered if anyone had any suggestions. Incidentally, I love this game site and all the players! |
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registers when room freezes (by karmatree - 18 Dec 15, 20:32) |
Hello Derek, I was happily playing a round, all while the ticker was counting down as I heard the wonderful "cash register" sound, knowing I had completed the final round. My score came out at 4872. I looked up at the list of players and noticed all the scores were frozen in the low 2 - 300's only on the list but not on the gameboard. I saw that there was not a countdown to the next round. The connection was not lost as sometimes happens. The word was "recently", and the time was approximately 8:23 pm EST. Will or did this score register? I figured I would ask since this has happened in the past, and I am happy with achieving that score. Thanks |
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happy christmas (by BlueWombat - 19 Dec 15, 7:30) |
As I disappear off to the sun for two weeks of a word ferret-free existence (Pink Wombat is very happy about that), I'd just like to wish everyone a happy Christmas and New Year, especially Derek at dkm, plus all of you fellow addicts. I'll gradually plummet off the leader board, but I'll be back! Best wishes to you all BW |
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All The New Words (by mumu - 20 Dec 15, 15:30) |
Is it my imagination or is the inclusion of 1500 more words made it more difficult to complete a level? Derek: On your WordRuffle home page, it's not "ommitting" - it's "omitting" Shame On You! LOL |
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Adobe Flash Player Snafu (by blitzfitz - 24 Dec 15, 14:14) |
I have a problem with Adobe FlashPlayer and your site. I am a diabetic and have progressive nerve damage to my hands which causes a finger or two to drop without so much as a by-your-leave and create havoc. This causes an Adobe Flash Player options window to show up and freeze my Firefox browser. The Adobe window is also frozen. Heretofore, I have had to close the browser and restart to get out of this mess. Today, my son figured out that if I tab through the selections on the Adobe window until I get to the close button and then hit the space bar (not enter) I can get rid of the Adobe window and get on with my puzzle. I'm sure I'm not the only diabetic with nerve damage using your site. I wonder if there is something in your coding that could prevent Adobe from freezing everything up like this. Just thought you should know. |
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WordRuffle (by mumu - 25 Dec 15, 15:58) |
yrmre shirtacsm, ot eon dna lal. |
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why is same game presented again? (by siouxzq - 28 Dec 15, 10:23) |
When I get done with one game and select another, why does it present the SAME game again? |
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Happy new year's eve (by unknown2 - 31 Dec 15, 4:05) |
I wish to all dkm players a happier new year!Keep playing all nice games of this site! U2 |
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HNY!! (by joolz1 - 01 Jan 16, 16:05) |
Happy New Year to all Sudoku players and, of course, to Derek! Thanks again Derek for all your wonderful work on this site. As we say in Scotland.... 'SLANGE VAR'!!! - especially to you Kare! |
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Farewell, Fellow Word Rufflers (by Molycat - 03 Jan 16, 1:32) |
Hello, As one of several changes I need to make, I am saying farewell to my beloved game Word Ruffle. It seems to be taking up an inordinate amount of my time since I have lost control of my habit over the past months. I will certainly miss the challenge of playing with you all and look forward to seeing how you all do in your future play. A big thank you to Derek for all his work on this site; it is just right! |
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Challenge 1/3/16 (by tracemark - 04 Jan 16, 8:32) |
With 8 letters remaining to be played, how can the daily winner score 801? |
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Scroll Wheel functions (by DeeJay59 - 04 Jan 16, 18:58) |
Has something happened to the programming to make my mouse wheel ineffective? In Sudoku points, I've always used the wheel to toggle between pen and pencil modes. In Yubotu, I could scroll through the various ship parts and row/column clearing icons with a quick flick of the mouse wheel. These don't work any more! |
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The Shisen Handicap !! (by LindaLee - 04 Jan 16, 19:52) |
Hello Derek, I am wondering if you could introduce another game into the Shisen repertoire - the Shisen Handicap ! Could you use our historic scores, to give each of the regular players a handicap, and then could you give us a game where our win is based on an adjusted score, taking the handicap into account? I ask for this as I'm never going to get fast enough to be in the same league as a the usual winners, and with a handicap game, it really would pit us against each other in a new and fun way, possibly increasing motivation for those who aren't able to be as fast. Not that I need more motivation - I'm already an addict! Let me know if you need help with the maths. Not that I know much about handicaps, but I'd be happy to look up the required information, which I'm sure isn't that hard to master. cheers, Linda Lee (my email address if you want to reach me about sourcing handicap information is |
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No ADZ or ZED (by pdesign - 06 Jan 16, 7:19) |
Really???? |
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Essence of Word Sketch -- An Appeal (by phoenix - 17 Jan 16, 14:59) |
Word Sketch is one of my favorite games on the site. I have laughed until my sides hurt and my eyes are watering. I've been amazed at the creative ways people go about their drawings. I've been challenged, searching my brain for the answer when everyone else has already guessed it. And I've been challenged to try figure out how to draw when it's my turn. The chatting, the silliness, the sometimes very artistic drawings, the sometimes undecipherable chicken scratch drawings -- the game is so multidimensional, a total hoot, and I absolutely love it. I don't care about the scores, it's all about the fun and the challenge of discovery. But there is one thing that takes all the fun and the challenge away for me. And that is when players give away the word, whether in the guessing box or in the chat box, by saying the word or giving letters. It's one thing to give a hint like "think simple." That's fine. It still calls on the other person to think. Or it seems fine to say "spelling" when the other person has already thought of the word but is having trouble spelling it. But to say the word, or say part of a compound word, or to use letters to spell out part of the word, just zaps the whole challenge of discovery. I've seen arguments in the forum about this, usually focusing on the "rules," with one person defending the no letters rule and the other person arguing for freedom and fun and protesting fussiness and rigidity. But my appeal is not about "rules" or "freedom versus rigidity" -- like I said I don't care about my score and I don't play the game as a competition. My appeal is about the essence of the game, which is to discover the word from the drawing. And when you take away the discovery part it ruins the fun, at least for me. |
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Essence of Word Sketch -- An Appeal (by phoenix - 17 Jan 16, 15:00) |
Word Sketch is one of my favorite games on the site. I have laughed until my sides hurt and my eyes are watering. I've been amazed at the creative ways people go about their drawings. I've been challenged, searching my brain for the answer when everyone else has already guessed it. And I've been challenged to try figure out how to draw when it's my turn. The chatting, the silliness, the sometimes very artistic drawings, the sometimes undecipherable chicken scratch drawings -- the game is so multidimensional, a total hoot, and I absolutely love it. I don't care about the scores, it's all about the fun and the challenge of discovery. But there is one thing that takes all the fun and the challenge away for me. And that is when players give away the word, whether in the guessing box or in the chat box, by saying the word or giving letters. It's one thing to give a hint like "think simple." That's fine. It still calls on the other person to think. Or it seems fine to say "spelling" when the other person has already thought of the word but is having trouble spelling it. But to say the word, or say part of a compound word, or to use letters to spell out part of the word, just zaps the whole challenge of discovery. I've seen arguments in the forum about this, usually focusing on the "rules," with one person defending the no letters rule and the other person arguing for freedom and fun and protesting fussiness and rigidity. But my appeal is not about "rules" or "freedom versus rigidity" -- like I said I don't care about my score and I don't play the game as a competition. My appeal is about the essence of the game, which is to discover the word from the drawing. And when you take away the discovery part it ruins the fun, at least for me. |
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More On Score Stats (by mumu - 21 Jan 16, 16:48) |
In the never ending bitching about the scoring statistics, here is the latest with an example: Player A: Scores 3000 30% of the time and plays 30 games over a 7-day period. Her "Rating" will be LESS than 3000 [Nine 3000 games + one sub-3000 games]. Player B: Scores 3000 10% of the time and plays 100 times over a 7-day period. Her score will be 3000 [Ten 3000 games]. Now who is the better player? Which brings to mind the old Mark Twain bromide, "There are three kinds of lies: lies, damn lies and statistics". (Smile) |
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Windows 10 (by Wiley - 26 Jan 16, 17:38) |
Ever since I upgraded to Windows 10 my screen has been stretched width-wise making it difficult to play. Has anyone else had this problem? I think it is related to my Microsoft Display Driver. Any genius out there who knows how to fix this? |
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whats happening (by bambi - 30 Jan 16, 3:10) |
Not sure if its my computer on not. But no pictures are showing when I click them to do the puzzle. Just an exclamation mark on an empty page. Very Frustrating |
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brunoj (by brunoj - 06 Feb 16, 18:41) |
congrats to largemarge, no 1 on 2/6/2016 |
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restore saved puzzle (by bowser - 07 Feb 16, 20:45) |
Lasr two times I have saved puzzles it hasn't worked. I get a blank page when I try to restore. |
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Adobe Flash Player Snafu (by bltzftz - 10 Feb 16, 1:20) |
Because of problems with Adobe Flash Player, I have had to de-activate it and can no longer work your puzzles. I will miss you. You have the very best puzzles. |
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Best Game Ever ! (by lynxx - 18 Feb 16, 18:15) |
When do we usually play? I used to find people on Sunday afternoons, but not lately. Everybody has such a busy life... |
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Sumi (by Bobo7777 - 21 Feb 16, 8:01) |
Has anyone seen Sumi play? Ever? Outside of showing up to play one solitary game (The challenge), and winning by 100+ points every single day against the very very best players, i have never seen him/her. Just curious. |
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speed test page (by karmatree - 22 Feb 16, 13:20) |
DKM games and Shisen players: I am in awe of the high scorers of Shisen. I often wonder if speeds are determined by the device (type of mouse or touch screen or tablet used) coupled with the agility of the player. I often have troubles with my touchpad mouse becoming possessed by an outside force and wandering across the screen without my direction. Also, many times I have to click 3 - 4 times on one tile just for it to become highlighted prior to clicking on the second tile and then at times it still won't disappear once both tiles are highlighted. I wonder if there is any way for DKM games to post a test screen with each tile having the same character on it in order to test our "actual" speed. I believe that even if I played my best game, it would be impossible for me to reach even as high as 270, but would love to know for certain. Also, please, I would greatly appreciate replies from the high scorers as to whether you are using a tablet, or touchscreen, which I assume would facilitate a speedier game than most. I have never used a touch screen or a tablet, and have no idea if tile removal is immediate once touched or if there is any form of delay. I can't imagine what it is like using a regular mouse on a desktop computer, figuring that the touchpad on my laptop makes it a slower game to begin with. I look forward to reading some of your replies, as well as whether it is possible for DKM games to post a "speed test" game so we can check our speed. Thank you Karmatree |
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Mahamaya score (by Traveller - 25 Feb 16, 0:13) |
1876 was awesome |
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Sunday Game (by karmatree - 27 Feb 16, 15:45) |
Word Sketch players, let's try to play tomorrow. Who's in? |
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preferences (by coura - 02 Mar 16, 10:19) |
how do you change preferences? |
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dropping out of multiplayer games (by 2Crispy - 11 Mar 16, 17:17) |
Today I'm getting dropped from the final score of multiplayer games of Word Ferret. Maybe this is a way to get me to do more work? Tried reloading WF page and opening it in a new browser window. |
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Connection lost error message (by bandw - 13 Mar 16, 20:35) |
Is the "Connection lost. You will need to reconnect." error message a problem on my side or something going on with the server? |
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Rating Window (by bltzftz - 15 Mar 16, 19:56) |
That thing really annoys me. I like to take a minute to look at the completed puzzle before I can come up with a rating. The window covers most of the completed puzzle and is unmovable. So, 9 times out of 10 I don't rate the puzzle because I want to get rid of the window so I can look at the picture. Anybody else have this problem or am I just becoming a cranky old lady? |
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wrong score posted (by karmatree - 15 Mar 16, 21:05) |
Hello DKM games, I was so happy when I scored 278 yesterday, thinking I would never be able to score that high. I notice that my second highest score for the day of 222 was posted instead of the 278. Could you please let me know what happened? Thank you Karma |
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daily challenge (by lucija - 17 Mar 16, 17:11) |
Which website still has the daily challenge sudoku in a blue frame, the menu button in the left upper corner including the archived puzzels, and the numbers vertical on the right to be played on a android tablet? When finished it tells you the time, score and rating. |
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dingdongers st paddys puzzle (by saxifrage - 17 Mar 16, 21:19) |
sorry too good to only give 1 star |
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where are the preference options (by Tut - 20 Mar 16, 23:02) |
My first time here and there is no path to preference settings. |
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Yesterday's challenge (by wordsmith - 24 Mar 16, 8:27) |
37 people got a perfect score on yesterday's challenge - don't think I've ever seen so many. And yep, I missed one word ["sins" of all things!!!] Words were Stogie/Egoist, Insides, and Snogging. Go Wordrufflers! |
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not loading plugin (by mutchdan - 24 Mar 16, 9:39) |
error message : Could not load plugin. Which plugin would that be ? |
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rankings (by davek - 26 Mar 16, 22:01) |
Would it be possible to keep the rankings separate. Say one for green and one for gold. One that plays only in green can never compete with someone in gold score wise |
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bottom row stuck (by ptglpat - 27 Mar 16, 7:01) |
Bottom row getting worse over the weeks and now totally stuck, Cannot move pieces nor use bombs or dynamite. Now unplayable - pity as it is my favourite. Can it be repaired - can I play it properly again? |
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New 8-letter word pairs (by wordsmith - 30 Mar 16, 16:49) |
For the longest time, at least 3 years, there have been just 16 sets of 8 letter words which can make two different words (rivaling/virginal; impeding/impinged; buttered/rebutted). Now all of a sudden I see two new ones - maybe added together with the extra 1500 words recently? Spoiler alert: gnashing/hangings and, my favorite, blobbing/bobbling! Who knows, maybe there will be more new ones. |
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Save Puzzle (by qujo - 30 Mar 16, 16:53) |
Can anyone tell me how to use the "Save Puzzle" function on the Menu? I had a particularly difficult puzzle that I restarted a couple of times. When I finally had to leave (without solving it) I hit Save Puzzle, thinking I could return to that same puzzle later, but I don't see how to call back that puzzle. Maybe I'm misunderstanding this function. |
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Killer Sudoku colors (by spangjs - 15 Apr 16, 14:37) |
It would help my older eyes if each killer sudoku area could be a different color. Check out the killer sudoku on BrainBashers |
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Are all puzzles really solvable? (by qujo - 22 Apr 16, 20:21) |
Is this just "in theory" that all puzzles are solvable or has it really been tested. A couple of times I have restarted a very difficult puzzle and after several unsuccessful attempts, I've restarted again and immediately hit the solve button before making any moves only to be told that the computer can't solve it. If the computer can't do it, there's little hope for my pea brain. |
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game throwing out - sudoku points (by astronomy - 24 Apr 16, 7:15) |
why just keep throwing out - for days now. |
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difference in number of cards originally displayed (by nyctaxi - 01 May 16, 20:05) |
Hey Derek, Hearts challenge is fun. I have never understood why most times I'm dealt 13 cards to Begin the game...and other times, I'm only given ten cards to Begin the game. Not a huge issue, just annoying when I want to beat Dolly, Bertie and the other strange computer guy. Thanks & Cheers, nyctaxi. |
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delayed reaction; slow response (by joerayeturco - 04 May 16, 5:50) |
When connecting tiles there is a delayed reaction. Is it the game, or my computer? Thank you. |
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Where have all the owls gone? (by BogglinRat - 07 May 16, 12:12) |
I've been looking for weeks for somebody on this most fun of games. Little Ratty will go to bed tonight hungry for WordSketchers. Won't you help? |
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More on misspelled words (by RayB - 08 May 16, 14:32) |
The denizens of Word Sketch who play on the site most often have developed a couple of conventions to deal with words that are misspelled or which have British spellings. Misspelled words are indicated by writing MS during the sketch, and British spellings are indicated by writing BS while sketching. No other interpretation of BS is intended or permitted. While the "official rules" do not allow using letters while sketching, there is no provision for spellings which deviate from correct American English spellings either. If someone has a more effective way of dealing with this problem, your suggestion(s) are welcome. |
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"Flag Inappropriate" (by bandw - 16 May 16, 15:14) |
Why do initial posts not have the option of being flagged as inappropriate? Replies to posts have that option. |
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seizure-inducing banner ad (by bjorn - 18 May 16, 4:07) |
that's just evil |
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can't get sudoku games to work (by alyoshak - 20 May 16, 19:21) |
can't get sudoku games to work. using firefox on a windows 10 box. |
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Sumiraja cheats here, too (by akimbo - 26 May 16, 9:56) |
Congrats to the players that do so well without cheating. |
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Rude guests (by terrij - 29 May 16, 7:40) |
Some guests have been joining lately that seem to enjoy rude and crude behavior. I wonder if it might be possible to add game rooms for registered players only, still keeping rooms where everyone can play. Seems like a possible solution. Thanks. |
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sumi continues to annoy others (by nyctaxi - 29 May 16, 18:50) |
I have been a bit behind on the forum, I see that sumi tops the leaderboard in word ruffle as well as the other games. Just a thought re: "rude word sketch players", if you can't cheat, annoy. Sumi is having fun w/you sketch players. Can you cheat at Shisen? Have fun everyone. Thanks Derek! Cheers, nyc. |
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Who is Derek? (by hibakusha - 04 Jun 16, 16:02) |
I am hoping this becomes a fun thread. I often wonder who Derek is but he is rather shy about exposing his personality. Here is who I think Derek is: A 48 year old Arizonan who retired at the top of his game as a software engineer at Sun Microsystems. He drives a Volvo and lives off his retirement with his two kids and cat. He enjoys jazz and travels a bit, especially to Asia. Not much into sports, he prefers hiking and solitary driving in the desert. |
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Spades (by phoenix - 07 Jun 16, 0:31) |
Hi Derek. In the card game Spades, a player should not be able to lead spades until a spade has been played on a trick (i.e., to trump the led suit). But the computer opponent is able to lead spades early (while I cannot). This happens in the two-player game. I'm not sure if it happens in the four-player game. If you get a chance to fix it, that would be great. I know how busy you are, so if and when you can get to it. Thanks! |
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Doubly Terrific? (by ffejsrem - 07 Jun 16, 9:09) |
Was anyone playing a couple of nights ago when the nickname "Mr Terrific" started showing up twice in every game? I was puzzled as I'd always assumed that our chosen names would be unique and not repeatable and that a new player would be prevented from choosing a name already in use... |
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The Never-Ending Challenge (by Gusboy - 07 Jun 16, 15:05) |
Anyone else get an endless challenge yesterday? The counter hung up at 44 seconds left to go. I kept playing until I had scored well over 30,000. Got tired and gave up. |
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Sumiraja, Bleuraja, Anyraja... (by Bobo7777 - 08 Jun 16, 15:55) |
Derek, can we get an official response from you regarding the removal of the word list after the challenge? This seems like such an easy fix to an obvious cheater. And outside of one person who isnt impacted by ___raja (finishes under top 50 but likes to see the words), everyone would like the list removed to prevent obvious cheating. I understand all cheating cant be stopped, and you have attempted to ban, but it isnt working. Your response either way is very much appreciated. And thanks in advance, regardless of your decision. |
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daily challenge repeat (by sewista - 10 Jun 16, 20:23) |
Today's challenge was a repeat of one from earlier this week! Unfortunately I only remembered two or three words that I missed the last time -- too bad, I could have set a world's record. |
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pinto (by nyctaxi - 11 Jun 16, 19:07) |
Hey Derek, I have been wondering for quite some time now, why "pinto" is not accepted. It is a horse. I used to have two. It is a high fiber bean which I try to eat on a "regular" basis. This does not affect my amazing cumulative high scores. Just having fun. Cheers. NYC. |
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Derek do you? (by karmatree - 12 Jun 16, 21:45) |
Hello Derek, I have enjoyed reading the posts about the mystery of Derek. I hope you don't mind answering the following questions: Derek, do you ever play these games? If so, do you play against others? Finally, assuming you play, which is your favorite? Thanks for all the fun Derek :) Karma |
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Results Page (by ejs - 13 Jun 16, 5:35) |
I'm not able to access the results pages for Word Ferret or Ruffle. |
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FONT (by swathmore8 - 14 Jun 16, 7:44) |
Hate the new font. Too light for us old folks |
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Game won't load (by keiler - 16 Jun 16, 17:40) |
About two weeks ago I started having trouble loading a game. I go to the home page , other, then shisen and play then......... nothing. What am I doing wrong? Really enjoy this site. Keep up the good work it is appreciated. Keiler |
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Words that are not recognized (by Teomatt1 - 17 Jun 16, 18:03) |
Elocute is a word |
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Points Statistics (by mindy - 17 Jun 16, 20:37) |
I know this has been posted in the past, but Derek I don't recall that you responded. Would it be possible to separate the rankings between the Green Room and the Gold Room? |
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cheating (by maryeliza - 28 Jun 16, 16:26) |
would it be possible to log on with one account, take a screen shot, figure out the words with as much time as needed then log on with second account and type in your list I don't think that not publishing the list of words would stop this behaviour |
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Must mystery jigsaw scores also be a Mystery? (by elkster - 03 Jul 16, 2:22) |
Hi Derek, Is it possible to also add a box with the top Mystery jigsaw scores on the front page of the Jigsaw challenges? It is nice to be able to simply see what the top scores are - and no reason to keep that a mystery to have to be uncovered. Do realize that you can click on the results but it would be nice to have them posted along with the regular jigsaw challenge scores. Thanks, elk |
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stuck? (by nyctaxi - 06 Jul 16, 18:37) |
Has anyone else had an issue today w/letters disappearing when you try to submit on level two? Would not submit and would not clear either. I tried numerous times! This has never happened to me before. I just moved to the next level, although I was not ready to. Hummm. |
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never ending play (by capejan - 07 Jul 16, 8:29) |
Today I played approx 20 minutes before ending the challenge with a grenade. Something must be clearly wrong here. Apologies to everyone who did it in real time. |
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Cannot open games (by raechka - 08 Jul 16, 3:30) |
Cannot open any game, but "Others". Reinstalled Adobe Flash Player to no avail. Can anybody help? Please!!! |
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Timer Stuck (by jdasher - 09 Jul 16, 21:22) |
For the last 3 days, efforts to play the Challenge are for naught, as the timer gets stuck. Any solution in sight? |
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Complaint about Nasties (by lynxx - 10 Jul 16, 15:44) |
12:30 PM PDT Disruptive filth and personal attacks from "slimjimboner" and "Noclip543". Threats and vulgatity. Moderator please handle this, thank you. |
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love the ruffle! (by nyctaxi - 10 Jul 16, 22:39) |
Just checked the stats today...160 players and the top 14 had a score of 5064! I need to spend more time on this site to up my game. Thanks Derek. cheers, nyc. |
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Ads cover scores (by pk1 - 11 Jul 16, 9:21) |
The ads that pop up on the left side of the page now cover the scores for the day. Any ideas of how to move OR delete these? Thanks |
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Start a game! (by SGib - 11 Jul 16, 11:57) |
I have heard from SO MANY players of Word Sketch that they can never find a game going. I have a feeling that many people are reluctant to be the "starter" of a game. No game going? Start one! If you don't want to practice your drawing skills while waiting for another player (which, by the way can be really beneficial), open another browser window and do some surfing while you're waiting. Give it a while, though...not just a few minutes. Also, as for me, I like to check in at 9am, noon and 3pm (Pacific). |
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Saved puzzles (by zredwood1 - 12 Jul 16, 15:36) |
Is there a time limit before a saved puzzle is removed? |
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Policing the site (by RayB - 13 Jul 16, 17:47) |
Note to Derek: I'm sure you have better things to do than play policeman for this site, but there are several "things" that insist on populating the Word Sketch game and draw obscene sketches and make obscene guesses. I and others have left notes in the Word Sketch section of the Forum trying to call your attention to them. We would appreciate your reading the entries under "Nasties" in that portion of the Forum and taking action to block the offenders. Thanks. RayB |
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chat? (by nyctaxi - 14 Jul 16, 12:47) |
Just for fun.... l know Derek has enough more serious issues to address. But, why no chat on Ruffle. I'm sure we have brought this up before.... I can't remember why there is no chat on Ruffle? Perhaps, we would be too "wordy". Much like Ferret and Shisen, it would be fun to exchange brief comments with others that we have played with for years. Thanks & Cheers, NYC |
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Hibakusha (by mumu - 17 Jul 16, 21:50) |
Hi friends. I used to play Wordruffle and eventually turned my friend Hibakusha on to the game, along with some other homeless folks I encountered in San Francisco. Hibakusha died of a stroke today at 77. As his name suggests, he was an atomic bomb survivor of Nagasaki and was left with 3 fingers. He was so proud that he was competitive in this game despite his disability. I will miss him. |
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Lost Connection (by kookoovaya - 18 Jul 16, 19:35) |
Derek Today I gave up playing Word Sketch as the connection was continuously being lost. This is the first time I have had such a bad problem, often the connection is lost at the start of a game and then after re-joining it works ok. The regular player I was playing with has a horrendous problem of lost connections so much so that it can happen after every sketch and every day. Is this the fault of our server or is there more of a problem with Word Sketch than other games on your site; which dont seem to have this annoying hiccup. |
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wrong "solve one cell" (by anniej - 19 Jul 16, 11:22) |
I have found that while playing the 'medium size 16' tents puzzle (the most difficult) and I am stumped, I first try for a 'hint' and if that doesn't work I 'solve one cell'. I have found many times that the logic behind the solution makes no sense. Today's puzzle(7/19/2016) had a solution that made no sense but I went along with it. As soon as it filled in the tent I 'checked input' and it said 'solution wrong'!! Has anyone had these issues? I have always been very good with logic puzzles and I am wondering if the programmer of this game was on something when programming this game?!!! |
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Shades of grey (by Kejo - 21 Jul 16, 0:45) |
In today's Challenge, the two shades of grey were extremely hard to tell apart ... |
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High Scores (by BirdDog - 21 Jul 16, 5:05) |
Impressive scores on the challenge today, especially Bobo with a 720 |
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No puzzles (by SGib - 22 Jul 16, 11:21) |
All this week, when I access the daily challenge and mystery jigsaw puzzles, when I click "Solve" there is no puzzle. :-( Anyone who knows me from Sketch can tell you that it's probably my computer, but thought I would post this just in case it's a DKM issue. Derek? (Thanks for your ongoing support!) |
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Unable to connect to server (by Mommy - 26 Jul 16, 4:45) |
For the last two days, I could not connect to server. :( Anything to do with the new Flash update? |
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daily challenge (by rhw111 - 26 Jul 16, 12:08) |
What is the time difference between a score of 3000 and a score of 5000, more or less...I realize it differs by the day but I am asking for an approximate time value. thx rhw111 |
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Submitted puzzles (by annlacko - 26 Jul 16, 12:35) |
Am I the only one who sometimes finds a submitted puzzle a beautiful image, only to find out it is an image generally available on the web? I think a submitted image is of so much more value when it is the work of the person who submits it, rather than some impressive picture that comes straight from the internet. |
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Suggestion (by klazzic - 26 Jul 16, 17:25) |
Dear DKM games: New to WordRuffle and it is an challenging and addictive game. My only complaint is the volume of words available. I am a "hunt and peck" type and the labored typing puts me at a disadvantage. So many 3-letter words. Have you ever considered dispensing with the 3-letter words in favor of words having a minimum of 4-letters? Thanks for your consideration. This is a nice site. Clean and simple. |
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Missing results (by sjmont - 27 Jul 16, 13:37) |
Hi Derrick, The results for the Word Ferret Challenge, and also for Word Ruffle Challenge, have been unavailable for the past few days. |
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Missing Results (by WGLover - 29 Jul 16, 9:42) |
`I won the challenge with something over 1200 - I think 1249, at least so far today, and it didn't show up. boohoo |
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No results after challenge (by sooner - 01 Aug 16, 12:44) |
Just wondering if anyone else is having this problem...sometimes when I do the challenge....nothing if I never played. No results show up on the list. |
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killing a fruit (by ejs - 09 Aug 16, 8:32) |
What causes a fruit to be destroyed? |
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Error in puzzle Aug 15, smallest size, the hard version (by jimberg - 15 Aug 16, 6:14) |
There are two possible completely valid and correct solutions for the hard smallest yubotu puzzle today, Aug 15 |
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Puzzle #300963 - multiple solutions (by Sailgirl - 15 Aug 16, 13:01) |
I solved this puzzle, but it was a different solution from the official one. I have a screen shot showing a correct (no duplicate numbers in any row, column or 3x3 square) solution, with multiple entries marked wrong. |
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DKM POLL (by klazzic - 15 Aug 16, 16:54) |
Hey DKMers: CLINTON or TRUMP (or Johnson or Stein) ? |
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time to finish hard puzzle (by rosag - 17 Aug 16, 10:31) |
If you did 20 hard daily challenges and got a 5000 on each one...what would be the average time it took to do each one? |
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sluggish response (by sewista - 20 Aug 16, 10:11) |
For the past several days I have been getting very sluggish response -- takes as much as a second for a switched tile to register. Then in the middle of the game it might freeze altogether and never let me finish, with a tile sitting there between spaces. |
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all card games (by nyctaxi - 21 Aug 16, 14:10) |
Hey Derek, I have been playing and enjoying all of the card games for several years now. I'm wondering why I can see the game screen, but, never the players and I am not allowed to start a game until I visit numerous websites and collect enough cookies to display and play. I'm one of those who likes to "clean" frequently. Thanks. |
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Only 6 tiles available (by akimbo - 24 Aug 16, 9:40) |
The far right tile on my "tray" of letters was not available for me to use on the board. It was frozen there. Any ideas? Thanks! |
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2 new colors, please (by SGib - 26 Aug 16, 11:35) |
Hi Derek, We love sketch! Sometimes I laugh so hard at the sketches, guesses and chat that my stomach hurts!! I know you had mentioned the possibility of a new color or two...we have discussed it amongst ourselves and would LOVE the addition of white, and if possible, orange. Pretty please?? Your devoted fan, Sally |
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Size (by farfa - 27 Aug 16, 9:42) |
Hi when I "enlarge" the window the grid stay the same size? any suggestions? |
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To Triplets High Scorers (by skeeter1 - 28 Aug 16, 12:20) |
I've played Triplets for a while, but only cracked the Top 10 once or twice. Yet I've seen the same names on the high-scorers list again and again. It's frustrating the heck out of me, because whenever I reached the "minimum" score, the game is over, even with lots of time left. Is it just a matter of speed-- beating the clock for the bonus points, or is there some other trick I'm missing? (It does take me a while to catch on to the obvious sometimes :-). I understand if you Triplets masters don't wish to share your secrets, but if you are feeling generous, I'd be grateful. |
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Tough Puzzle on Daily Challenge (by GuilinGuy - 29 Aug 16, 1:23) |
Derek, I'd love to see a tough puzzle added to the daily challenge. |
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No Moves (by ejs - 31 Aug 16, 15:55) |
I had an interesting occurrence. When the first board appeared, I couldn't see any moves, so I clicked "hint". No hint was given, even when I clicked it a couple of more times. I still couldn't see any moves, so I just gave up and let the timer play out. I'm guessing the original board had no moves, so there was nothing to hint. |
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9-4-2016 challenge (by Bobo7777 - 04 Sep 16, 0:16) |
Was the first person to play the challenge today, with a score of 715. It feels like there is DEFINITELY an 800+ out there. Im predicting i wont be in top 5 by the time the day is over. Good luck ferreters :) |
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Daily puzzle (by Serendipity - 05 Sep 16, 11:49) |
I cannot get the edges button to work. I am fairly new to this, hope you can help Many thanks |
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Free Cell? (by bandw - 05 Sep 16, 21:44) |
What happened to Free Cell? I don't play it often but looked for it today and couldn't find it. Is it gone from the site or is my browser not updating for changes? |
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Hearts not yet broken (by flagman - 07 Sep 16, 22:18) |
I just encountered the following situation: Sam led a heart before they had been broken which should mean that he holds only hearts in his hand. However on the next trick he sloughed the Queen of spades. I was under the impression that he should have been forced to lead the Queen of spades before breaking hearts. Am I wrong about that? |
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not a word??? (by leighbarker - 10 Sep 16, 5:24) |
UNREPAIRABLE is not a word? Really?? dictionary .com thinks it is. |
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No Hint (by ejs - 21 Sep 16, 6:28) |
Yesterday, in the challenge, when I asked for a hint, I couldn't find it! I (thought) I tried every permutation and combination, but still no match. And when I asked for a second hint, I got the same one, so that must have been the only move. Could it possibly be that the hint was incorrect and there were no moves? Or is this just sour grapes from me--because I couldn't find the move, I couldn't continue, and came in dead last! (Although I'm a pretty poor player even when I finish!) |
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Can't access the game board... (by ffejsrem - 22 Sep 16, 5:39) |
...for the past hour and a half. Not on my iPad, not on my laptop. No way to play with others. Anyone else having problems? |
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No Access (by sjmont - 22 Sep 16, 6:50) |
I also cannot join any of the multi-user games - word ferret, sudoku points challenge, etc. Word drop becoming pretty boring. Perhaps I will just do some spinning and knitting. |
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no access (by grizzly1 - 22 Sep 16, 7:35) |
We need this to work! |
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Multi player access :( (by tink - 22 Sep 16, 9:28) |
Still can't get in either! |
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Green/Gold Rooms, unable to connect (by ElKabong - 22 Sep 16, 10:21) |
He's dead Jim! |
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Thanks Derek (by LindaLee - 22 Sep 16, 11:33) |
Derek, Thanks so very much for your wonderful web site. I have been playing shisen for a few years now and am still improving my PB. You have given me hours of enjoyment - I really love the chat facility as well. I nearly always do the daily challenges. My daughter visited a fellow Shisen player on the other side of the world - they had coffee together. We met playing Shisen. What are we going to do when you retire from looking after this web site? Linda |
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unable to connect (by Wiley - 22 Sep 16, 11:35) |
Just don't kick Derek - just wake him up |
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Unable To Connect (by mindy - 22 Sep 16, 11:54) |
Unable to connect to Shisen and Sudoku :-( |
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and Sudoku Points (by tjones - 22 Sep 16, 12:28) |
I am having trouble connecting with Sudoku points and word ferret. |
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connection (by sarimarais - 22 Sep 16, 12:35) |
Hi Derek, Any idea when the server will be available again? |
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long day (by grizzly1 - 22 Sep 16, 16:41) |
Having ruffle down for group, makes for a long, very long day at work, especially when working from 5am till 10pm. |
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CONNECTIVITY (by morelikeme - 22 Sep 16, 17:29) |
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downer (by grizzly1 - 22 Sep 16, 17:36) |
This is getting renal, or is it learn, near, earn, lea, ale real, lane, lean, elan, nae, etc |
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Classic Sudoku (by Dale4us - 23 Sep 16, 19:38) |
I am unable to connect to Sudoku, please help! Or let me know what to do, very frustrating. I need my game! |
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Thank You...Thank You.. DKM (by nyctaxi - 23 Sep 16, 19:38) |
We are all happy gamers again. Any insider tips so we will be even happier? Cheers. |
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SO GLAD SITE IS BACK! (by joolz1 - 24 Sep 16, 6:17) |
Yeah thank you so much Derek. So many of us were having real withdrawal symptoms when unable to get our daily fix......Sudoku points especially! Keep up the great work with this site - it's greatly appreciated! joolz1 |
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No screen (by rvanwade - 24 Sep 16, 11:53) |
I have read where others have their Sudoku back........ mine isn't. What can I do? |
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no screen (again) (by bik4u62 - 24 Sep 16, 19:10) |
Hi Derek. Is multi-player off on the new OS again? |
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For those with Addiction problems .. read on (by BlueWombat - 25 Sep 16, 10:08) |
We are becoming increasingly concerned with the problems of addiction and dependency upon dkm software�s games, highlighted by the recent downtime of the multi-games server. Responding like a coiled spring to this opportunity, the Caring and Sharing department of Blue Wombat Enterprises would like to offer you a new and exclusive counselling service. For a mere $2,000 per month (cash only or cheques made out to our bank in the Cayman Islands), we would highly recommend this new and exciting offering. It covers chat lines, group counselling with fellow members and, for those in severe difficulties, a fortnight�s retreat in a wifi-free location in a remote area of the English hinterland, all run by our team of trained therapists. This is an additional service that runs side by side with our other offerings. �Alcoholics Synonymous� is led by Ivor Hangover, and Alcoholics Eponymous has lead counsellors of Jack Daniels and Jim Beam, with occasional guest appearances by Captain Morgan. Applications via this Forum are guaranteed to be treated confidentially. This new service also includes a pricing structure guaranteed to ensure there�s no riff-raff. Genuine addicts only may apply. |
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Today's challenge (by theprisoner - 29 Sep 16, 10:49) |
Surely not a normal challenge board? I Hardly anyone got more than 100 points. I lost the will to live after three minutes. |
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Print (by crabmann - 30 Sep 16, 9:55) |
Windows 10, Firefox - Forced to download Windows latest update 1607. I can no longer print the puzzle. If I use IE it will print but the grid is very faded. Help!! |
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Multiplayer game will not show score (by socks - 30 Sep 16, 22:33) |
Help! For the past two days, I have been able to join a multiplayer game, but it will not show my score at the end, and then will not play a new game. I can play and post a score on the challenge. I'm getting a bit paranoid...have I been blacklisted or cut off from playing too much? Might have to sign up for BW's withdrawal retreat. |
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Help preserve Word Sketch (by RayB - 01 Oct 16, 17:03) |
I've heard in the Word Sketch site that DKM is considering eliminating this game because it attracts few visits. He's right in that regard; finding a game at odd hours is difficult, and there is a core group of only 8-10 players who regularly visit the site. I encourage others who haven't played the game to give it a try. It's a good test of creativity and imagination, and doesn't require an overwhelming intellect, which is probably why I enjoy it as much as I do. It also has an ever-present chat box which, when combined with the sense of humor of most of the players, offers another good reason to play, as we critique each other's sketching abilities or disabilities, as well as just general good fun. For those who haven't tried it, it's an interesting twist on the other games on this excellent site. As one wag put it, it's like trying to sketch using a bar of soap. Now doesn't that sound like fun? |
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Sudoku hd for iphone (by Frank2236 - 01 Oct 16, 21:44) |
I have enjoyed dkm sudoku hd for many years on my iPad Particularly like that I can click on a number and then place that number in several spots on the board without clicking the number again In all other games I must first choose the board Space and then the notation number or final number Thus it takes 2 clicks for every notation and every final number for each space QUESTION will DKM be porting the Sudoku HD I so enjoy on my iPad over to the iPhone? If so - how much $ |
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Too much fun (by SGib - 03 Oct 16, 11:58) |
All you who love to play DKM games, read on! If you would like to play with others at the same time, chat while playing without missing anything, meet some new friends and laugh until you cry, come and check out Word Sketch. A lot of times there is no one there to play with, but not to worry! That gives you plenty of time to read the rules...not a lot of them, but some good tips; practice your drawing skills, especially helpful for new sketchers since there are a bunch of pen colors and widths; and be praised as a hero who was brave enough to start a game AND wait for another player to show up!! We have a LOT of fun in Sketch and are particularly kind to new comers (as we all were at one time) so come join (or start) a Sketch room and enjoy!! |
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Hurricane Matthew (by grizzly1 - 07 Oct 16, 4:01) |
Thank God for Word Ruffle! Called into work at 230am till 9pm in Orlando, waiting on the storm now at 0400 hours. |
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can't log in (by jlmer1 - 07 Oct 16, 11:38) |
I play suduku and work the jigsaws. My problem is I can log in using facebook on suduku but when I go to the jigsaw I have to log in again and can't remember my password or user name evidently. i go to the "change password" and "user name" but it doesn't work and there's no help or contact available. Anyone have any ideas? I tried logging in again and it tells me the email address is already registered. Getting to be more trouble than it's worth. |
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Weird behavior on Chat... (by skeeter1 - 17 Oct 16, 14:20) |
Hi Derek, Don't know if this means anything, but, with all the illicit doings on FB and other websites these days, I'm hypersensitive to unusual postings. I hope this doesn't sound paranoid, but... FWIW, the chatroom in Word Ruffle has been pretty dormant for a while, with only the occasional "good game" and hellos shared by a few of us regulars. But a few minutes ago, a whole bunch of users I've never seen before, most names preceded with the number 22 (22tomassoj and 22mofieldd were the only two I managed to record) popped up at the same time, and immediately filled the chatroom, most greeting each other and then writing nonsense posts ("asdfjkl;," etc.). Most scored less than 200 points and seemed to sit there dormant. I'm just wondering if these are in fact users who have been playing other games previously. |
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Pieces move slowly (by keiler - 19 Oct 16, 16:42) |
Hello all: Been a while since I've been to the site and I am finding that when I try draging pieces their movement is delayed by quite a bit. Ant suggestions? Thanks in advance: Karl |
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difficulty of "Easy" rated Sukdoka (by lspark - 25 Oct 16, 9:38) |
Is it me only?? I find the "easy" rated many times more difficult the "difficult" rated Sudoku. Why is that? |
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Cannot open puzzle....Why not? (by kj - 29 Oct 16, 14:47) |
Why not? |
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ELECTION for WordRufflers (by wordsmith - 08 Nov 16, 6:56) |
con coin tonic cot coil eel icon ice into lee lice lei lien let line lie lint lit nice nee noel net note nit once not teen oil tile tee tine ten toil tic tone tie tin ton |
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Help ! (by chocky - 09 Nov 16, 5:32) |
My pen/pencil choice keeps changing on it's own , which means I keep entering the wrong numbers and losing points. What am I doing wrong ? |
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Sumi (by BirdDog - 13 Nov 16, 9:40) |
Nobody's commented on Sumi lately, but I still find it amusing. |
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highest score (by jughead - 16 Nov 16, 2:35) |
A bit puzzling how someone can get a higher score than the game. I believe I won the entire game along with someone else who had the exact same score as me, yet another player got a way higher score. Hmm. |
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incorrect score (by gbf50 - 20 Nov 16, 2:58) |
on saturday 19th november my best score was 4329 and has shown on table as 3908 |
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sudoku sniper (by jens - 20 Nov 16, 12:03) |
bei sodoku sniper hab ich auf 'pause' gedr�ckt, konnte dann nicht weiter spielen, weil ich nicht wieder ins spiel kam - es blieb die ganze zeit 'pause' |
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still can't get jigsaws (by JaneP - 21 Nov 16, 21:09) |
I have a 2-year old Mac Pro in good shape. I just updated Adobe and understand that Flash is part of that. I restarted my laptop after the update. Chrome is also current. I still can't get Jigsaw to open a puzzle. Do you have any more suggestions. I get the other games just fine. |
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just for fun...Word ruffle (by nyctaxi - 30 Nov 16, 17:55) |
I can't recall how I came across DKM games about 8-9 years ago. Recently, during a word ruffle game...thanks to chat....Wordsmith and I reconnected a bit. She remembered that my son drove a cab in NYC a few years ago. Hence my game name; NYC.. which I should change now that we all live in the northwest. I got a bit nostalgic and looked @ my notes from many years ago. A few of you are still playing. I hope I don't violate anyone's privacy....but here goes: Neu Dog....Texas Grizzly........Florida Jughead.....Western Canada....I'm from Canada too. Bird Dog....San Diego Phoenix.....Chicago Blue Wombat...Sussex, Sooner...Mass Moyez...Scotland Derek....Aussie.... Thanks as always. I think it's fun to know the state/country of origin of everyone I beat @ Ruffle..... or not...or just keep trying Thanks & Cheers Everyone. |
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Fun tournament (by rmpaladino - 02 Dec 16, 1:17) |
RED (Mirela & Bokka) vs GREEN (Dellia & Rose). Weekend mid-December � dates & times to be announced. Join team by checking Poll on DKM Sudoku Friends facebook page. If not on facebook, tell us in playchat. ALL WELCOME TO PARTICIPATE! |
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Unable to load certain games (by jodee - 02 Dec 16, 6:29) |
Since November 24 or 25 the Sudoku, Yubotu, and Free Cell games will not load on my computer. I'm not having any problems with Mahjong, Shisen, Word Ruffle or the jigsaw puzzle. Is anyone else having these issues? Does anyone know what's going on or how to fix it? |
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Team list for Green and Red team (this far) (by bokkasoduko - 02 Dec 16, 10:57) |
Name Red Green akimbo G bethww G bokkasoduko R Briar R CecileA R dellia G eastham09 G FF (FatFingers) G Finnegan G Foxy R garystho G gtnorsky11 R joolz1 R karesz R KH G killerrick R KimMc1963 G LLM R loulou R maryblue G MeredithM G Mhd 7 R Miranda82 G mirela R Nickhil R Orca R Phi42 R playu4keeps R rajeshae G rmpaladino G sarimarais R shanhunter G shiva49 G sjmont R Sonu R slc R StefanB R Szjani67 R tisme R Yogleen R |
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GGDVCCB (by Kejo - 03 Dec 16, 18:07) |
OK, it's not the daily challenge, but I just started a normal game and got the starting tiles G - G - D - V - C - C - B Um. What the heck ...? |
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games locking up (by tklinger - 04 Dec 16, 7:38) |
all of a sudden I'm having trouble with solitaire and Sudoku locking up. anybody else? |
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error in showing results of challenges (by Helmut - 04 Dec 16, 15:16) |
HTTP ERROR 500 "Die Seite funktioniert nicht" ("i. e. the page does not work") does anybody have the same problem? |
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Green vs Red tournament times and updated list (by bokkasoduko - 05 Dec 16, 12:26) |
Hi everyone. So as the rosters for red and green are filling up the tournament will be this weekend, December 10th and 11th. I would ask that the team rosters be finalized by Noon Eastern Time (New York City) by Friday and that list be sent to me so that I can update the scoring sheet. The tournament will be like before with cumulative scoring. That way all skill levels will be contributing even if they are not winning. I want this to be all inclusive. Ray Los Angeles New York London Timisoara 6:00 am 9:00 am 2:00 pm 4:00 pm 9:00 am Noon 5:00 pm 7:00 pm Noon 3:00 pm 8:00 pm 10:00 pm Saturday as well as Sunday. Updated team list Name Red = 28 Green = 19 akimbo G bethww G bik4u62 R bokkasoduko R Briar R cdavidson514 R CecileA R dellia G eastham09 G FF (FatFingers) G Finnegan G Foxy R garystho G gtnorsky11 R joolz1 R karesz R KH G killerrick R KimMc1963 G LadyRo G LLM R loulou R maryblue G MeredithM G Mhd 7 R Miranda82 G mirela R Moosha G Nickhil R Orca R Phi42 R playu4keeps R rajeshae G rmpaladino G Rumpus G sarimarais R shanhunter G shiva49 G sjmont R Sonu R slc R sparry09 R StefanB R Szjani67 R tisme R wreckingball R Yogleen R |
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Scoring for Sudoku challenge (by OldManAl - 05 Dec 16, 17:56) |
I do the "hard" Sudoku on most days when I get a chance. Some days, I am able to go through the puzzle without significant pauses between marking the squares, while other days I am forced to look around for a while before I can continue marking. So my scores typically contemplate zero errors (backtracking), but will be higher or lower based on my speed (and perhaps on the puzzle's difficulty). My scores typically run from the low 2000's to rarely as high as 4000. And a score of 3000 may put me as 40th out of 120 (or something like that). But I wonder -- presuming a lot of others who complete the puzzles don't backtrack -- how much faster a person is that scores 10% or 20% higher than me. Is it just that these folks mark a little more quickly, or is the speed difference so much that they're clearly thinking a lot faster than me. Just curious. |
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Green vs. Red Tournament - Dec. 10 & 11 (by rmpaladino - 06 Dec 16, 22:54) |
A P P E A L All GREEN team members: New team totals are Red 28 and Green 20, If you have time & inclination to help recruit, please try. EACH 1 INVITE 1. We don't want our mean GREEN team to get too lean. |
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Final list of players for Red vs. Green Tournament, Sat. 12/10 & (by rmpaladino - 09 Dec 16, 21:21) |
Name Red = 27 Green = 20 akimbo G bethww G bik4u62 R bokkasoduko R Briar R cdavidson514 R dellia G eastham09 G FF (FatFingers) G Finnegan G Foxy G garystho G grey G gtnorsky11 R joolz1 R karesz R KH G killerrick R KimMc1963 G LLM R loulou R MeredithM G Mhd 7 R Miranda82 G mirela R Moosha G Nickhil R Orca R Phi42 R playu4keeps R Relassad R rajeshae G rmpaladino G Rumpus G sarimarais R shanhunter G shiva49 G sjmont R Sonu R slc R sparry09 R StefanB R Szjani67 R Toys G tisme R wreckingball R Yogleen R |
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Session Times - Red vs. Green Tournament (by rmpaladino - 10 Dec 16, 0:12) |
Some requested clarification of playing times for North America: SESSION TIME ZONES - NORTH AMERICA Eastern Central Mountain Pacific 9:00 AM 8:00 AM 7:00 AM 6:00 AM 12:00 PM 11:00 AM 10:00 AM 9:00 AM 3:00 PM 2:00 PM 1:00 PM 12:00 PM Signed-up players may participate all or any of these 1/2 hr. sessions Saturday & Sunday. |
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Killer Soduko (by Serendipity - 10 Dec 16, 2:52) |
is it possible to enter more than one combination when using pencil? |
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Thanks for the new words! (by wordsmith - 11 Dec 16, 8:44) |
I love this parky weather, she said in her usual sarky way. Right. |
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what time is tournament today (by wreckingball - 11 Dec 16, 11:45) |
What time is the tournament today? I am clueless. Wrecking ball |
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Red vs Green Tournament Results (by playu4keeps - 12 Dec 16, 13:53) |
I want to thank everyone for joining us for the Red Vs Green Tournament. Total Points Red- 1,352,072 Green- 1,127,266 Top 5 Games Szjani67 5591 Szjani67 5543 Rumpus 5499 Rumpus 5480 Finnegan 5450 Most Victories Rumpus 12 Szjani67 12 Finnegan 2 joolz1 1 playu4keeps 1 For the most up to date announcements and results please join the DKM Groups Facebook page at: |
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Trouble connecting to sudoku, word ferret rooms (by eastham09 - 14 Dec 16, 13:04) |
Yesterday and today I seem unable to connect to sudoku and word ferret rooms on my PC and not on my I-pad - both use the same internet connection and I'm wondering if it's just me. |
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Ferret not Working (by sooner - 15 Dec 16, 21:12) |
I have been unable to get into the multiplayer setting. I am able to play solo but that is all...any suggestions? Thank you! |
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Challenge Leader Board (by flagman - 17 Dec 16, 9:18) |
I have enjoyed the Hearts Challenge since fairly recently discovering this web site. I formerly played a Microsoft Games version which kept cumulative statistics. After playing thousands of games, my winning percentage was about 58 percent. Perfect scores were possible but not too common. I believe that the laws of probability prevent a player from consistently getting a perfect or near perfect score (challenge players know what I mean by perfect.) Recently on this site, octocheets has apparently found how to get a perfect score. My guess is that the pronunciation of his name gives us a clue as to how it is done. I have decided to express sorrow for, and then ignore, any player who does not play by the rules. |
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Seasons greetings (by BlueWombat - 17 Dec 16, 9:46) |
I'm going away for two weeks in a ferret-free zone. Major withdrawal symptoms anticipated and I'll plummet down the board and fade away. Gone and probably forgotten. Happy Christmas etc to all who play Word Ferret and especially to Derek at dkm. See y'all in the New Year. BW |
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octo and octo (by bsmart - 17 Dec 16, 15:00) |
We either have another Einstein in our midst or something is being done to accumulate perfect or nearly perfect scores daily. Takes the fun out of the game. |
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Spades...Spades..spades (by nyctaxi - 17 Dec 16, 18:56) |
Hi all card players, My online friends....Adele, Pam and Tom never cheat. Only the program which informs us that they have played an invalid card. Invalid cards are always counted as valid! No worries....I still win almost always. Win, lose, draw....Fun. |
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lost puzzles (by bete214 - 19 Dec 16, 17:19) |
I've lost the backlog of puzzles. Now I only have about 7 pages of 10 each. Did you delete the older ones? How can I restore the older ones? |
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Still having trouble ferreting (by socks - 20 Dec 16, 23:29) |
I know that lots of folks in the past week have had trouble getting into the multiplayer games, and if they do get on, there are unpredictable dropped connections. Derek restarted the server a few days ago, and it has improved somewhat, but still happening enough to be frustrating. Anything else that can be done? Or do we just have to live with uncertainty? |
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Shisen play with others (by gythio - 21 Dec 16, 1:18) |
Still having trouble with this. Anyone else?? |
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Lost (by zredwood1 - 21 Dec 16, 14:59) |
Where are saved puzzles stored? |
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jigsaw (by jens - 22 Dec 16, 3:23) |
Since yesterday your jigsaw doest work; cannot do challenge or surprise puzzle, also normal puzzles does't work. Jens |
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jigsaw (by jens - 23 Dec 16, 4:37) |
You told me, I have to download the last version of flash player to solve my problem to get the new jigsaw - i have the newest version of flashplayer on my computer and it doesn't work - maybe you made it as an app, I cannot get the jigsaw since 3 days - what can I do? - jens |
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Merry Christmas to all (by grizzly1 - 23 Dec 16, 5:57) |
Just wanted to all and everyone Happy Holidays! It's been a great year of ruffle. |
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MERRY CHRISTMAS DEREK (by joolz1 - 24 Dec 16, 10:44) |
Wishing a very Merry Christmas to you Derek, and thanks once more for providing us all with a great site and many hours of fun! Also wishing all the best to my sudoku points friends! |
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Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays (by foxy - 24 Dec 16, 15:52) |
Wishing all my friends a wonderful holiday season. May your new year be full of good health, good cheer, prosperity - and lots of wonderful memories. Cindee (aka Foxy) |
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scoring me too high! (by jughead - 25 Dec 16, 1:18) |
I won the first level, missed one word on the second level, won the third level and it gave me not only a perfect score but said I was #1. Sorry friends because at least two of you scored higher than me. Merry Christmas! |
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Multi-user connection problems (by dkmGames - 25 Dec 16, 19:09) |
A number of you are experiencing slow connection problems when playing multi-user (Sudoku Points, Word Ruffle, Word Ferret, Shisen). No software changes both on the server and client have been made for many months but something else appears to have changed in the last while. I can only deduce that the latest Flash player versions have done something which affects making persistent connections (how multi-user works). I have tried updating the latest Flash library (3rd party software) inside my games that communicate with the server but has made no difference. Why I also think it is something in the Flash player is that the versions of Sudoku Points and Word Ferret on the iPad and tablets appear to connect instantaneously. These versions do not use Flash (the client library is written in JavaScript). For those that are having connection problems and also have an iPad or tablet, let me know if you are experiencing any problems on these devices. I'm not sure where to go from here. |
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wha' happen to karmatree (by JAZZ - 29 Dec 16, 19:34) |
Karmatree was the top leader in WR for ages. All of a sudden, poof! she's gone. Hope all is well with her. |
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jigsaw doesn't work (by jens - 30 Dec 16, 6:30) |
You toldme, my flashplayer is working wrong. I have the latest version of flashplayer, but since two weeks jigsaw doesn't work on my computer - sudoku and others run without any difficulty - I'm sorry, but since you changed your program jigsaw doesn't run on my computer - perhaps it works on a smartphone or something like that - but not on my computer. -- jens |
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Wrongly reshuffled board (by alohatami - 30 Dec 16, 16:11) |
This has happened more than once to me. My triplets board will insist on reshuffling due to "no more moves", but there's clearly a move available on the board. It would be nice if we could dismiss the "no more moves" message and go back to the board when this happens, rather than having to accept the reshuffle. Just a thought. :) |
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Hint doesn't work (by Sedma - 31 Dec 16, 11:17) |
Hint in triplets doesn't work when I play in Google Chrome. It works fine in IE. |
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slow server (by garystho - 31 Dec 16, 18:45) |
Anyone else notice server getting slower? |
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Countries represented (by RayB - 03 Jan 17, 19:13) |
Looking back on some old forum postings, I came upon one in January 2010 that asked users to indicate where they're from. Oddly enough, I didn't see a single name I recognized, so I thought maybe it was time to renew the question. Where are you from? New Mexico USA here. |
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sadhu??? (by DeannaD - 06 Jan 17, 7:24) |
you won't acknowledge so many English words as correct answers yet you have the word sadhu???? |
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Sudoku Points get-together (by akimbo - 08 Jan 17, 10:59) |
We are starting to organize a get-together for all us friends who play Sudoku points. It will be this spring, and we will meet at Disneyland near Los Angeles, California, USA. I can be there. Mirela says she will come. Who else? Help us decide on when we can do this. Exciting! Kim |
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First puzzle I tried has two solutions (by aliceabusmus - 08 Jan 17, 14:28) |
Doesn't bode well. Pearl puzzle 8x8 #14080 has two solutions. |
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keep getting kicked out/ room closed (by grizzly1 - 10 Jan 17, 6:28) |
Don't know why I keep getting kicked out with messages such as room closed. I have good connection. |
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it's not working (by rachelwalker - 10 Jan 17, 17:03) |
Server slow, hard to join room, not recoring scores on the board, chat doesn't always work and keep getting kicked out. So basically cannot play - been happening for over 2 weeks |
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Server (by BirdDog - 11 Jan 17, 23:37) |
Word Ferret multi-player is connecting very quickly for me once again. The only problem before was that it connected slowly, but worked fine after that. |
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Spades (by flygirl33 - 24 Jan 17, 11:15) |
I've been playing games of Spades lately. Although the rules state that spades cannot be played until they are broken by one player playing them on another player's trick or if that is the only suit held by a player, I find that several times the computer player has led a spade on the first trick played even when it turns out he had other suits. However, when I try to lead a spade on the first trick I am prevented from doing so. Has anyone else had this happen? It occurs in both the 4 and 2 handed game |
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Speed (by akimbo - 27 Jan 17, 10:15) |
How is it possible in the daily challenge to move all 25 tiles in 58 seconds? I know some people are really clever with short words, but I don't find it physically possible to more the tiles that fast, even without making words out of them. What input secrets do I need to know? Thanks for any help you can give. |
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Jigsaws down today? (by lynxx - 31 Jan 17, 3:23) |
My computer is slow, but the jigsaw page is not loading today. I miss my puzzles. |
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Why not lubber? (by DeannaD - 03 Feb 17, 7:11) |
you give credit for bey but not lubber?! |
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To play TENTS properly, BORDERS are needed. (by aliceabusmus - 03 Feb 17, 16:42) |
Many versions of TENTS ignore the fact that when solving, the player will often need to mark a BORDER between two cells as well as draw line connecting a particular tent to a particular tree rather than simply placing TENTS and EMPTY SPACES. Doesn't matter for easy puzzles, but solving a difficult puzzle will *require* this ability -- or it isn't really a difficult puzzle. |
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New version and multi-user server (by dkmGames - 05 Feb 17, 20:07) |
Although the third party multi-user server seems to have improved, I have embarked on creating my own multi-user server designed to be very lightweight and built specifically for DKM Games. First off the rank is a reworked multi-user Word Ferret. It is written entirely in HTML5/Javascript and works the same across desktop and all mobile devices. Currently, there are two rooms - GREEN with same functionality as current Flash version and I have added a challenging GOLD room. It is a 7x7 grid and only words 5 letters and up accepted. Also, as soon as you enter a word, it is displayed to others and they cannot enter it. Stats for the GOLD room not accumulated as yet. All the parameters of the game (such as grid size, word length etc) are configurable. More rooms can easily be added if demand is there. Please give it a try and feedback/ suggestions would be appreciated. It is new and not tested under load of many users, so please be understanding if any kinks need to be ironed out. |
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New game (by ffejsrem - 05 Feb 17, 21:58) |
Meanwhile, what's going on with the original 25-box multi-player grid? It's going on 3 days now that all the games have max point totals of 225-1300. It's virtually impossible to score 70% or better and very few folks are even breaking 60%. Is this related to the new game grids? |
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Word Ferret new multi-user rooms (by tink - 06 Feb 17, 4:06) |
Hi. Some feedback on the new multi-user games: I play on an iPad and the ability to drag to make words is great! Also, I like the challenging gold room. There does seem to be a problem though...when I go into the rooms, it always starts at the beginning (i.e. starts off at exactly 5 or 6 minutes instead of maybe entering after the game has already started). Also, no one is ever in there playing which I find odd because there are people playing in the regular older version of the multi-user. ?? |
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New Games THANK YOU and a suggestion (by elkster - 09 Feb 17, 10:54) |
Hi Derek, Thanks - love the new game formats as they are closer to the board game and to the internet Tangleword. Love that scoring system. Makes it more challenging to only be the first one to get the word to score, so it saves a lot of the same old repeated ending 4 and 5 letter words, as you see someone locked into a pattern. One observation from long experience in playing - it does not necessarily follow that increasing the grid size makes it easier to find longer words - in fact in most cases it is reduces the number of words formed because you get too many blocks of adjacent vowels or consonants. Also the board becomes harder to scan with so many letters and it is harder to focus on letter groups. Suggest trying a board with same parameters of play but a 6X6 board instead of 7X7 - if possible. Great job on the format - the playing field is very clean, love having chat next to the board, and letters are clear and crisp. Many many thanks. I had stopped playing for a while because I lost interest in the pure race scoring but will come back more often for this. |
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game time (by terrij - 09 Feb 17, 15:48) |
Are we still planning a game for Saturday? If so, when?? |
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Sketch Sat. 9am PST (by SGib - 10 Feb 17, 11:49) |
Come and play! |
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Unable to Connect (by jdasher - 11 Feb 17, 16:53) |
Can't seem to connect to Shisen this afternoon. Dialogue box times out and shows 'Unable to connect...' |
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server (by garystho - 11 Feb 17, 17:00) |
unable to connect |
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Can't connect today (by skeeter1 - 11 Feb 17, 17:31) |
Same issue as Sudoku players seem to be having-- game won't load. Thanks for any and all help! |
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Error message (by tribble - 12 Feb 17, 10:45) |
Derek, I am getting this message when trying to play the jigsaw challenge: Warning: mysql_connect() [function.mysql-connect]: User jigsaws already has more than 'max_user_connections' active connections in D:Hosting5925204htmlconnection.php on line 12 mess=User jigsaws already has more than 'max_user_connections' active connections |
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error msg (by wh - 12 Feb 17, 10:56) |
when trying to select from library get this msg: Warning: mysql_connect() [function.mysql-connect]: User jigsaws already has more than 'max_user_connections' active connections in D:Hosting5925204htmlconnection.php on line 12 mess=User jigsaws already has more than 'max_user_connections' active connections |
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Thumbnail pic too small (by keiler - 13 Feb 17, 12:03) |
I just got a new Mac and do my jigsaws on Foxfire. The thumbnail pictures are so small as to be useless. Is there a way to increase the thumbnail size? |
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New scoring proposal (by dkmGames - 14 Feb 17, 16:28) |
I think the scoring in SpeedCross needs an overhaul. Currently it rewards you too much for making multiple word in a turn which ends up with boards filled with 2 and 3 letter words. I propose the new scoring which keeps word letters and special squares (double word etc) the same but rewards more for the number of tiles used in a turn. (Can't use word length else you can add a word leaving out the 's' at the end for example and then just add that letter immediately after.) 4 tiles used bonus of 4 (was 2) 5 tiles used bonus of 8 (was 5) 6 tiles used bonus of 20 (was 10) 7 tiles used bonus of 50 (was 20) For number of words formed in a turn: 2 words bonus of 6 3 words bonus of 20 4 words bonus of 50 Comments please. |
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New multi-user (by dkmGames - 16 Feb 17, 22:25) |
Multi-user play is now available similar to other games. A new round every five minutes and scores are updated immediately. The winning board is shown at the end of each round. The board resizes according to your screen size and it should work well on an iPad in landscape or portrait mode. Note that the new scoring proposed a couple of days ago is now in effect for all SpeedCross versions. |
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Multi User Game (by JDC1949 - 18 Feb 17, 13:20) |
I like the challenge of the 6x6, 6 minute, 5 letter words game, but after having played it a good bit now I think the reason not many people are playing it is because the rule that only one person can find each word restricts the game to the elite players. When I play against the super ferreters, and we all know who they are, I get demolished. The pleasure and reward of Word Ferret is finding words, so when every word you find has already been found it's very disheartening, and the fun evaporates. Some will say I need to improve my game, and of course that's true, and I'm always trying to do that. But the fact is the majority of us ferreters are never going to be anything other than mediocre players. So I'd suggest leaving the current room open for the elite players. It must be great fun for them to go head to head against each other. But how about another 6x6 room that works on the usual scoring system in which you race against the clock to find as many words as you can? That's the fun game for the average player. |
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Just saying hi to derek (by davek - 20 Feb 17, 16:52) |
Hi Derek. Its been a very long time. How are you? I'm hoping your doing well. |
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Speedcross new scoring system (by Dette34 - 21 Feb 17, 17:36) |
I might be in the minority (reading other posts), but I really don't like the new scoring system for speedcross. Half the fun for me was getting big scores for making multiple words at once and in this way the game was unique. It feels too much like scrabble now, i'm missing the old scoring system |
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Next tournament coming soon !!!!!!!!! (by bokkasoduko - 22 Feb 17, 15:52) |
Hi fellow sudokians. Next tournament is coming soon. Feel free to ask any questions which we will answer as soon as possible. |
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Multi-user migrated to new computer (by dkmGames - 23 Feb 17, 0:21) |
All multi-user games have been moved to a new computer. Apologies if some stats have been lost in the process. Please refresh the pages that invoke the multi-user Flash files to make sure you are running on the new computer. The old will keep running for a few days for those that have old pages in cache but your stats will not be updated. Statistics each day will now be aligned to USA Eastern standard time. |
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Best player statistics? (by ffejsrem - 23 Feb 17, 6:12) |
No data today? Top 1000 players? Something's changed here... |
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**********NEW TOURNAMENT********** (by bokkasoduko - 23 Feb 17, 8:56) |
**********NEW TOURNAMENT********** Hi Everyone. My biggest priority for tournaments is inclusion. So for this next tournament it will be a handicapped tournament. By that I mean that I have historical data from the last tournaments and extrapolating from previous data I was able to get average scores for each player. If a player�s average score was below the group average, that player receives a boost in their score. This way no matter what the skill level of a player, they will be contributing on average with everyone else. For example: If a player averages 4100 and the group average was 4300 that player would receive an additional 200 points to their scores. If your score is above the average, congrats! But you receive no additional help. So here are the details on the next tournament. * Date Saturday, March 4th (Only 1 day this time) *Times (adjust for your time zone) London 2:00 PM 5:00 PM & 8:00 PM (See below) * Each session will be 30 minutes. Many players arrive early for warm up. * There will be 3 teams Red, Blue and Green. I will randomly assign the teams based on average score to make it as fair as possible. There will be a sign up sheet that Mirela Ochirosi and Estelle Basson will assist with the names. Regards Ray Duncan |
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Experiencing delayed action (by basil666 - 23 Feb 17, 10:17) |
After playing a game or two of Sudoku Points I get a delay for a second or two after every entry. Any suggestions in order to fix this problem? |
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?? (by Wiley - 23 Feb 17, 20:08) |
The results won't load - 8 pm on 23 Feb. |
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HI Derek (by bethww - 23 Feb 17, 23:28) |
Hi Derek! Thanks for keeping us entertained! I feel I know the players after these years of playing together. And I actually met Meredith in person because of this site. Thanks for all the work to keep it going! |
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FatFingers (by bokkasoduko - 24 Feb 17, 0:10) |
Hi FF. I hope you got the messages about multi-user games moving to new computer and that you are on the new computer. :) If I don't see you in green room, you most probably still on the old computer for scores. |
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Autoplay audio ad? (by bjorn - 24 Feb 17, 3:17) |
I was playing Sudoku and an ad started playing audio from somewhere. I closed the DKM windows and it went away, so I have to guess you guys hosted it. I can't abide this and will go elsewhere if I get it again. |
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Mulit player (by salsa - 24 Feb 17, 11:15) |
What happened to multiplayer word mesh? |
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Multi will not load (by phxfab4 - 24 Feb 17, 12:01) |
Tried multiple times |
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Multi-user server on old computer now shutdown (by dkmGames - 24 Feb 17, 18:47) |
If you cannot connect to a multi-user game, it is because you are using an outdated Flash file that is not referencing the new computer where the multi-user games are now hosted. Please refresh the main games page that has the "Play With Others" button on it. |
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New Tournament 4th March 2017 (by bokkasoduko - 25 Feb 17, 3:36) |
Lets see who wants to play in next tournament!! This weekend is too quick upon us, next weekend is the 4th and 5th of March. Provide your answer in a comment below this post and I will update the spreadsheet in this post. The final date is the 4th of March, only 1 day this time. See Ray's post for more details. smile emoticon:) Nickname Participate Yes Participate No bik4u62 Yes bokkasoduko Yes FatFingers Yes garystho Yes joolz1 Yes madjayjaz Yes mirela Yes szjani67 Yes sjmont Yes CecileA Yes marlindet No foxy Yes akimbo No amc310 Yes playu4keeps Yes eastham09 Yes KimMc1963 Yes JimmieJoeJob Yes bethww bogdanN Briar dellia Evymon fahim Ginaki gtnorsky11 Insiya jws3 killerrick LadyRo LLM lp MeredithM Mhd 7 mindy Moosha Nickhil Phi42 rajeshae rmpaladino rovid Rumpus shanhunter shiva49 Sjakie slc Sonu sparry09 Toys Un2u Yogleen |
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Best scores? (by ffejsrem - 25 Feb 17, 6:36) |
I scored 60+ three times yesterday but the highest score listed is 48 and I don't appear on the list at all. Only 19 players are cited. What's up? |
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sudoku points results (by Viks - 25 Feb 17, 10:14) |
I scored 50+ three times yesterday but I dont apper on the list all ??????? |
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Word Sketch doesn't work (by akimbo - 25 Feb 17, 12:06) |
Hi Derek. We are trying to play Word Sketch and have gone out and refreshed several times, all the way out to the home page. We either get nothing happening, or we get a message, "waiting for a second player...". There are three of us in the room. Any ideas? Thanks! akimbo, tribble, and karmatree |
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Site problems (by RayB - 25 Feb 17, 12:20) |
I just came from an unsuccessful attempt to join the Word Sketch game, and while I could get into the game, the game itself wouldn't start, although others were there as well. I left and tried to join communal games in Sudoku and Shisen, and in each instance I couldn't join the room. I'm assuming there's a problem on DKM's end, because I can get into individual games without problems, and I can otherwise move around the internet as usual. Thanks for sorting this out, Derek. |
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what is up w sudoku? (by gtnorsky11 - 25 Feb 17, 14:01) |
What is wrong with this game on this site? I can't connect for over 24 hours... What is up?????? |
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Problem loading Multi-player Shisen (by DebM - 25 Feb 17, 14:02) |
My multi-player site will not load on Shisen either. It has been occurring since yesterday, Friday, Feb. 24. |
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Sudoku idea (by bjorn - 25 Feb 17, 14:17) |
How hard would it be to add a 'where you went wrong' feature that shows the state of the board when you made your first mistake? I think I must have a faulty strategy that repeatedly trips me up but I can't guess where... |
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Multiuser Thanks! (by salsa - 25 Feb 17, 20:01) |
Thanks Derek for adding the multi user in Word Mesh back online. Appreciate it. |
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will not connect to play with others (by Robere - 26 Feb 17, 6:35) |
When will this be fixed? |
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WS still down (by kookoovaya - 26 Feb 17, 11:09) |
Word Sketch still down. Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr!!!!! |
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Technical issues with the Server (by DCLioness - 26 Feb 17, 17:33) |
The system has not be able to connect to the server for the past three days. I cannot play against others. When will this be fixed |
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Tournament 4th March update (by bokkasoduko - 26 Feb 17, 23:38) |
This Saturday 4th of March is the time for the next tournament!!!!Only 23 players confirmed to play so far. Sign up will end on the Thursday night before the tournament so Ray Duncan can make the teams on Friday for the next day's tournament. Nickname Participate Yes Participate No bik4u62 Yes bokkasoduko Yes FatFingers Yes garystho Yes joolz1 Yes madjayjaz Yes mirela Yes szjani67 Yes sjmont Yes CecileA Yes marlindet No foxy Yes akimbo No amc310 Yes playu4keeps Yes eastham09 Yes KimMc1963 Yes JimmieJoeJob Yes KH Yes gtnorsky11 Yes Phi42 Yes Rumpus No Briar Yes sarimarais Yes Karesz Yes MeredithM Yes bethww bogdanN dellia Evymon fahim Ginaki Insiya jws3 killerrick LadyRo LLM lp Mhd 7 mindy Moosha Nickhil rajeshae rmpaladino rovid shanhunter shiva49 Sjakie slc Sonu sparry09 Toys Un2u Yogleen |
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Problem to connect to single game (by Yogleen - 27 Feb 17, 13:25) |
My I pad is not connecting to server of sudoku points |
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iPad operating system 10.2.1 (by MSS88 - 27 Feb 17, 20:39) |
Greetings. Since last week I have not been able to have access to any of the games on my iPad (purchased in January with iOS 10.2.1). but I still have access on my computer. I know that flash player does not work on tablets and I understand from the forum that you are phasing that out any way. Any suggestions on how to get access on my iPad? Thank you kindly. MSS |
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Server issue (by timm - 28 Feb 17, 6:27) |
I can play daily challenge but have not been able to connect to server with my computer. I am able to play with my lap top |
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Have you closed the new games? (by rachelwalker - 28 Feb 17, 7:33) |
Was just starting to try the new games and now the server is down - have they gone? |
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server issue (by wreckingball - 28 Feb 17, 16:01) |
when will the server be up again for sudoku points? |
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PLEASE READ RECENT POSTS IF HAVE A PROBLEM (by dkmGames - 28 Feb 17, 17:44) |
Please can you read recent posts before posting about a 'problem' on the site. Please ... Case in point is users posting about the multi-user server issue (Sudoku Points / Shisen / Word Ferret) when often the top post just before they post explains the issue. There have been multiple separate posts about the multi-user games (at least ten in last few days) yet more new posts pour in daily on the same issue. If you are experiencing a problem that persists for a while and may not be specific to you, the forum is the place to check first. (I guess those that read this are the ones that know this already but worth a try.) |
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connection to multiple user (by fflap2 - 28 Feb 17, 20:02) |
installed latest Flash Player & still can't get a connection |
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Update on tournament for 4th of March - 28 players so far (by bokkasoduko - 01 Mar 17, 7:49) |
Nickname Participate Yes bik4u62 Yes bokkasoduko Yes FatFingers Yes garystho Yes joolz1 Yes madjayjaz Yes mirela Yes szjani67 Yes amc310 Yes CecileA Yes playu4keeps Yes eastham09 Yes KimMc1963 Yes foxy Yes JimmieJoeJob Yes KH Yes gtnorsky11 Yes Phi42 Yes Briar Yes sjmont Yes sarimarais Yes Karesz Yes MeredithM Yes Gerbera Yes killerrick Yes shiva49 Yes bethww Yes rovid Yes |
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Server Issue (by JAZZ - 01 Mar 17, 15:02) |
GOTCHA DEREK !!! lol |
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can't connect (by cogrammyof8 - 01 Mar 17, 15:36) |
I've been unable to connect to the "play with others" for over a week. I can play the daily challenge ok. Any help would be appreciated! |
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New scoring system comments (by dkmGames - 01 Mar 17, 22:13) |
Now that you have had a chance to play a few rounds with the new scoring, what do you think? A couple of players have indicated they prefer the old system. Yes, I know scores may not be as high as old system but surely that is not a measure of whether the scoring system is better or not. Can always increase the bonuses more. I personally think the boards are more balanced now without so many two and three letter words. Another idea I have is to keep your average score per move. As you can make as many moves without having to wait for others (as in scrabble), this will make you think more about each move and not just dump many low scoring words as quick as possible. |
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Tablet use (by dbny - 01 Mar 17, 23:18) |
I used Google play to get app to use on my android tablet. Still when I use to find an art picture I would like to do I get kicked back to being told that I need to get the app. Is there a way I can access the larger library on my tablet? |
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Updated list for Sudoku tournament 4th March - 32 players so far (by bokkasoduko - 02 Mar 17, 5:37) |
bik4u62 Yes bokkasoduko Yes FatFingers Yes garystho Yes joolz1 Yes madjayjaz Yes mirela Yes szjani67 Yes amc310 Yes CecileA Yes playu4keeps Yes eastham09 Yes KimMc1963 Yes foxy Yes JimmieJoeJob Yes KH Yes gtnorsky11 Yes Phi42 Yes Briar Yes sjmont Yes sarimarais Yes Karesz Yes MeredithM Yes Gerbera Yes killerrick Yes shiva49 Yes bethww Yes rovid Yes slc Yes dellia Yes rmpaladino Yes wreckingball Yes akimbo No bogdanN Evymon fahim Ginaki Insiya jws3 LadyRo LLM lp marlindet No Mhd 7 mindy Moosha Nickhil rajeshae Rumpus No shanhunter Sjakie Sonu sparry09 Toys Un2u Yogleen |
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New non-Flash based version (by dkmGames - 02 Mar 17, 19:25) |
There is now a non-Flash based version of Sudoku that has just about all the functionality of the Flash version. With the move away from Flash and problems it causes many, you may prefer this version. The tablet and phone versions have also been upgraded to full functionality (obviously excluding all the keyboard navigation and custom mouse cursors in the desktop one). Let me know if there is important missing functionality or areas that should be improved. |
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Ruined (by pdcosimo - 03 Mar 17, 12:54) |
What did you do to Sudoku mobile game? It's ruined. It was perfect and now it is the most awful unplayable game to be found. |
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Connecting to Word Ferret on ipad (by sam - 03 Mar 17, 22:01) |
I can't seem to connect to the "old" multi-player Word Ferret. Is it gone and the "green" game is the replacement? I've read through the word forum and FAQ and see about "refreshing" but I'm not sure how to do that on my ipad. No one else seems to be playing on the "green" room when I play. Thanks for your patience answering my questions. |
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Something's changed... (by ffejsrem - 04 Mar 17, 0:11) |
...and this will sound like sour grapes perhaps, but it just ain't as much fun when the chances of getting high scores (i.e. 70% and up) have been severely curtailed. Admittedly, I haven't had as much time to play, but the flood of games with double letter, 4 t's, and multiple s's on the boards seems to coincide with the depressed scores. Used to be that there would be 6-8 players daily with best scores in the 70s and now it's 2-3. I'm nostalgic for the way it used to be. If it ain't broke, don't fix it is a motto I believe in, so I'm not sure why this new "fix" arrived. |
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Trouble remains on tablet with points (by MSS88 - 04 Mar 17, 0:43) |
Sorry to ask again. Sudoku Points does not work on my tablet since the recent changes. I've tried using new window and also use refresh but no go. I checked that the url is correct and no go. I keep getting redirected to download flash, which of course I can't on my tablet. Game is great on computer. Any suggestions and thanks. MSS |
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3 Teams for today 4th of March tournament (by bokkasoduko - 04 Mar 17, 1:45) |
Hi, Meredith cannot play anymore, so the teams is now 11, 11 and 9. We are going to need a few more players or have to shuffle a little bit to get more equal. bik4u62 1 joolz1 1 madjayjaz 1 szjani67 1 eastham09 1 KimMc1963 1 JimmieJoeJob 1 sjmont 1 shiva49 1 rmpaladino 1 wreckingball 1 FatFingers 2 garystho 2 mirela 2 amc310 2 playu4keeps 2 gtnorsky11 2 Karesz 2 Gerbera 2 killerrick 2 slc 2 davecr 2 bokkasoduko 3 CecileA 3 foxy 3 KH 3 Briar 3 sarimarais 3 bethww 3 rovid 3 dellia 3 |
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Connecting (by pepper - 04 Mar 17, 16:32) |
Unable to connect to server. Anything I can do to fix this? |
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Results of the tournament 4th March 2017 (by bokkasoduko - 05 Mar 17, 3:12) |
Hi fellow sudokians. The final results is not available yet. We will post the results in Forum as soon as we have it. |
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after updated what? (by wreckingball - 05 Mar 17, 15:52) |
I'm trying to play sudoku points and haven't been able to get on for over a week. I got the latest version of adobe flash, but there is a button or something I have to hit to be able to play. I have no idea where such a control is. can someone help me. I need a sudoku fix. I'm desperate. steve |
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And the winners of tournament 4th March is.............. (by bokkasoduko - 06 Mar 17, 10:39) |
The Lions !!!!!!!!!!! |
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Speedcross Multi Player issue (by JDC1949 - 08 Mar 17, 11:29) |
On the whole I enjoy the multi player room a great deal, but one feature takes some of the pleasure out of it. In the single player versions you only need to click once on a square where you want to start a word. Then you can use an arrow key to move directionally, and after that the focus moves automatically. In multi player you have to click on your first square, then on your second square as well before the focus will move on its own. That might not sound like a huge issue, but it actually slows the game down a good bit, and it's tedious. I'm also getting confused now when I go back and forth between the two versions. I also wish the swap bag was in the same location as in the single player versions. That's another cause for confusion and delay. It's great fun, though, competing head to head, and the chat is a terrific addition. |
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New Scoring system (by slough - 08 Mar 17, 22:28) |
I agree, I think it's the best game, too, but I'm no longer competitive now that the rules have changed and consequently no longer play. An idea just occurred to me. Could we have both types on the website. The "Chunky SpeedCross" and "Traditional SpeedCross". Thanks! |
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Scoring Position (by Adkisson77 - 10 Mar 17, 21:10) |
I'm not real good at the game but have won occasionally and really enjoy playing Hearts so this is trivial, I know. For example, when I played early today (middle of the night) and got a perfect score, only about six people had already scored and I was #2 with a perfect score. Now, I am #16, and the last one with a perfect score. Often, I get moved to last place in the group and can't figure out why. I thought maybe it was names that included numbers or they were dropped into alphabetical order but that isn't the case. I don't understand why my name keeps moving down. I really don't care but am curious as to why this happens. |
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New game (by dkmGames - 14 Mar 17, 4:24) |
Just posted a new card game called Nertz. If you like Solitaire you might like this. It is a multi-user version where you play against others. Or alternatively, you can play against computer bots. It can be found under the Cards menu or on the Solitaire page. (If not there, press refresh.) Any comments, suggestions for improvement will be welcome. |
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Connection Problem (by phoenix - 15 Mar 17, 17:00) |
Derek, I've read your messages about refreshing page to get Flash to work. I had no problems until a couple hours ago. So checked the forum, so your posts, tried refreshing page with the "play with others" button," tried refreshing main page and all other pages -- all to no avail. Games come up fine in IE (without any refreshing), but will not work in Chrome (with multiple refreshing). I prefer Chrome. Any ideas? Thanks. |
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Error when trying to log out, or view forum messages (by patrick - 16 Mar 17, 13:00) |
When trying to log out, or when trying to view forum responses I get the following message: mess=User dkmgames already has more than 'max_user_connections' active connections I can't read forum messages, so I won't be able to view any response to this message. Regards anyway, patrick |
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Problem with Spades card game (by flygirl33 - 18 Mar 17, 7:52) |
Please fix program so that computer players are not allowed to lead spades before they are broken. it is not unusual for a spade to be led on the first trick. Thanks! |
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Ranking Not working (by wh - 18 Mar 17, 9:12) |
Get time, but not rank? |
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Scores haven't been showing up for past few days (by skeeter1 - 18 Mar 17, 12:09) |
Since Thursday, my scores haven't appeared on the daily tally, only the weekly list. I haven't played much, but did score over 4000 at least once on Thursday and again yesterday. (I know I was logged in, so that's not the issue.) Thank you for looking into this! |
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getting daily challenge (by sewista - 23 Mar 17, 7:45) |
Several times in the last two weeks I have clicked on the daily challenge and instead I get Level 4 of the regular triplets game. (The challenge comes up if I close that window and try again.) |
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Multi player (by zenn - 24 Mar 17, 23:58) |
I haven't played this for a while - tried this week and the window opens and stays blank. Has something changed? |
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New option request (by gastong - 26 Mar 17, 16:36) |
It would be nice for newcomer and relax player to have a button that would show all the other identical tiles on the board. Of coarse that would disqualify for the better score racers ;) |
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Multi-player version: Come play! (by Kejo - 27 Mar 17, 12:48) |
Hello out there, all you word-game lovers, the new multi-user SpeedCross is great fun and excellent brain gym. Come play! |
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Scoring? (by Merryshine - 27 Mar 17, 17:11) |
Hi, I am new to this game and I don't know how to score. Can someone point me in the right direction? |
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The room has been closed (by nofeathers - 29 Mar 17, 21:08) |
For the past week or so, about 6 out of 8 games I play end with the, "Sorry, the room has been closed" message. Am I doing something wrong? Could it be a problem with my computer? I am just an old person trying to hold on to my last few brain cells by playing your most excellent games. |
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New Word Search puzzles (by dkmGames - 30 Mar 17, 2:35) |
There is now a "classic" version of Word Search puzzles available. Up until now there has been Word Hunt and Word Spy but this version is non-Flash based to run on all devices including phones. It also offers unlimited puzzles at three difficulty levels. |
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Unmasking Jeffgamer (by BlueWombat - 30 Mar 17, 8:27) |
A number of us use names that can disguise our real identity, and I realise that I�ve been fooled by Jeffgamer into thinking that because his WordFerret name contains an actual name, then that really is his name. Brilliant disguise I now realise, as it was revealed in a chat recently that actually Jeffgamer�s name is Veronica. Brilliant, but you�ve been unmasked. Another feature of Jeffgamer�s tactics appears to involve creating vast amounts of chat. Last time, there were reference to Bobo777�s Marbles, plus something about female coastline vendors purveying conches. And while we�re all trying to work out whether these are relevant comments or incoherent ramblings and wondering just what hallucinogenic substances are involved, Jeffgamer has quietly racked up 50 points in the next game. As a game winning strategy, a quite superb piece of out of the box thinking. Veronica � I salute you. BW |
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cheaters (by snwrngr - 01 Apr 17, 22:52) |
Why would one cheat? Your sick ... get help! If your going to use two user names (or more God forgive),,, make them a little different from each other! I'm talking to you senz7 and your alias sens77(?). It's sad you got best score two days in a row. Don't feel bad though, I'm sure your not the only one. |
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Ad on page kept pausing my game (by alohatami - 04 Apr 17, 0:51) |
The subject says it all. There was some kind of ad on the page that would automatically play. And I guess every time it restarted, it would pause my Word Search game. I could not tell what the ad was. It just looked like an elongated black rectangle. But periodically a play button would appear. It was rather irritating to play this way, and I finally quit the game. FWIW, I was on the hard level. I don't know if there are different ads on the different levels, and I wish I could tell you what the ad was, but that information was not showing. |
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trapped on level 24 (by gbf50 - 04 Apr 17, 10:58) |
cant seem to find the way out tried for days now anyone else been stuck Am I missing something perhaps, or is this just the way the game goes |
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Speed Cross scoring change (by charlieT - 05 Apr 17, 8:56) |
Does anyone prefer the old "flawed" scoring system? I do. |
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New game - FreeCell Points (by dkmGames - 06 Apr 17, 0:29) |
I have just posted a new multi-user game called FreeCell Points where you solve the same FreeCell solitaire deal as others at the same time (something like Sudoku Points for Solitaire). You can now compare your solving skills against other players. For those experienced FreeCell players, your input would be appreciated to fine tune the points scoring. |
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No Tournament for the 8th and 9th of April (by bokkasoduko - 07 Apr 17, 0:02) |
Hi fellow Sudokians. There were not enough players (only 10 at a stage), so the tournament for this weekend 8th and 9th of April is cancelled. We will arrange for another tournament after the Easter Weekend. :) |
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Meeting happy trip (by mirela - 07 Apr 17, 1:36) |
Dear sudokian friends. as many of you already know I will come in States to meet a small part of you { unfortunately I can't go everywhere in this huge country ). Here is my itinerary: 22 May Tampa 23-24 May Panama City 25-27 May Tampa 28-29 May Dallas 30-31 May Denver 01-03 June Los Angeles + Stevenson Ranch 04-08 June San Francisco + Livermore 09-10 June Seattle + Fox Island 11-16 June Vancouver Canada If any of you live in these towns or in the neighborhood of them and you would like to meet me and Florin please let me know about this. I would be happy to meet you. That is my trip for. Hug you |
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Game mode (by SGib - 08 Apr 17, 10:35) |
Could Nertz include a game mode where players collect points from round to round (similar to word sketch) and the game ends when a winner reaches 100 points? |
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Slight problem (by Moosha - 08 Apr 17, 13:57) |
To often a player will join the game play an ace or two and drop out and rejoin the same game. When this happens they are dealt a new deck. Since you can only play on 16 aces, when the board is full of aces you are unable to play your aces because of the player who dropped out and rejoined played more than four aces. |
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Scoreboard. (by Julieburger - 11 Apr 17, 14:04) |
How do you check challenge leaderboard throughout day? |
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Recording challenge (by Bonnieblue42 - 11 Apr 17, 17:36) |
My score does not record in the challenge? |
Flag Inappropriate | (by waltmae - 11 Apr 17, 18:04) |
Sooooooooooo disappointed! Unable to solve the third clue in Guess the Movie because the " / " was unavailable in the title Face/off. But can't complain, the is the very first time I have been disappointed with your games, DKM! So thanks for all the other good times! |
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No show (by lilywcpa15 - 12 Apr 17, 8:58) |
For the past few days, I've been unable to get the grid. Why is that? |
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Whist deal algorithm (by RayB - 12 Apr 17, 13:47) |
I enjoy both the Whist and Oh Hell card games here. If Derek is really ambitious, maybe some day he could set up challenges in those two card games similar to the challenge he established in Hearts. Over time I have noted that there seems to be a bias in the algorithm for distributing (dealing) cards in Whist game AGAINST the player. Using the conventional point count of 4 for A, 3 for K, 2 for Q and 1 for J, one would expect on average to be dealt a hand worth 10 points. Similarly, one would expect the be dealt 3.25 trump cards per hand over time. But I have found that the player gets about 8 points per hand on average, and 3.1 trump cards on average. Moreover, where a "better than average" hand would contain > 10 points and at least 3 trumps, or > 3 trumps and at least 10 points, those hands are less frequent than what would be expected. I played 15 hands in the course of two games today, and had 2 "better than average" hands, while encountering 6 "worse than average" hands, where both the average point count and the number of trump cards were fewer than average. I don't know if the algorithm is subject to tinkering, but if so it would be desirable for the player to get hands of average value over time. |
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New non-Flash based versions (by dkmGames - 12 Apr 17, 20:06) |
FreeCell, Yukon, Klondike and Eight Off have been rewritten to run without Flash and are available on all platforms. Links can be found on the home page for tablets and phones and the desktop version link can be found on the main solitaire page or the Cards page. |
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Inconsistency (by JAZZ - 13 Apr 17, 18:29) |
Hey Derek: I have noticed that in the course of "playing with others" over a period of time, some words that are acceptable in some games are NOT acceptable in others. I cite "piss" and "fro", as examples. You messin' with our heads, ausie boy? |
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New Tournament 22nd April 2017 !!!!!!!!!!!!! (by bokkasoduko - 15 Apr 17, 4:56) |
*************************NEW TOURNAMENT************************* It will be April 22nd. We are trying some new things. First, it will be HOUR LONG SESSIONS. The times are attached to this post. Second, there will be 4 sessions each with 10 games (40 possible games). Your best 20 scores will be counted. So all you have to do is make a minimum of 2 sessions (but the more you play the better your chances of high scores). There will be 1 sign up sheet that Estelle Basson will handle. I need to have the final list of all participants by Thursday the 20th. Depending on how many sign up, there will be at least 3 and maybe 4 teams that will be generated at random so that there is no favoritism. We are trying some new things and we can evaluate how things go afterwards. Los Angeles 3:00 AM 6:00 AM 9:00 AM 12:00 PM New York 6:00 AM 9:00 AM 12:00 PM 3:00 PM London 11:00 AM 2:00 PM 5:00 PM 8:00 PM India Std Time 3:30 PM 6:30 PM 9:30 PM 12:30 AM Timisora 1:00 PM 4:00 PM 7:00 PM 10:00 PM UTC or GMT 10:00 AM 1:00 PM 4:00 PM 7:00 PM For example, if you are UTC+4 (4 hours ahead of UTC) your first session would begin at 2:00 PM Any questions, reply on this post and we will come back with an answer. Also reply on this post with your name and if you going to play in the tournament. Lets all have fun and have a good competition! |
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Possible cheaters (by LouisB - 18 Apr 17, 13:16) |
The evidence for 'twin names' has been clear for a long time and, in reality, who cares if cheating makes them feel better. An interesting, and common, phenomenon is that many of the highest scores (especially 151's) are scored 'late in the day', so to speak, probably due to extensive practice using the 'sacrificial' name during the day. Still it's a great game and it would be even better if Derek was able to 'archive' some of the 'very difficult' examples so that we can play them on following days (as in Codewords). LouisB |
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Rankings (by phoenix - 18 Apr 17, 14:03) |
Hi Derek. Do Free Cell scores count in the rankings if there's only one player? Great new game. Thanks! Nertz too. |
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Word Sudoku now available for all devices (by dkmGames - 20 Apr 17, 5:04) |
There is a new non-Flash based version of Word Sudoku which runs on tablets, phones and also PCs which you may prefer to the original Flash version. Same puzzles, one per hour. |
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Teams for the tournament of 22nd April 2017 (by bokkasoduko - 21 Apr 17, 9:25) |
As soon as we have the 2 teams we will post it here :) |
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Unsecure site (by blitzfitz - 21 Apr 17, 10:45) |
According to a message I got today from Firefox when I tried to log into Sudoku, the site is not secure. I managed to log in anyway as I have nothing anyone would want to steal. And, I gave up any illusions of privacy after I filled out my first security clearance application in 1955. I'm not worried for myself, but someone should look into this. ID theft is a growing problem. |
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DKM - Hacked Flash Client in Points Challenge (by FatFingers - 23 Apr 17, 3:33) |
Dear DKM - There is a hacked Gold room game by a player named "Jing" in Points Challenge. Please see: You will note the game "ends" abruptly at 3:28 with a 6405 score and the puzzle only 1/2 complete. Evidently the Flash client has been hacked. |
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New version (by dkmGames - 23 Apr 17, 20:51) |
There is now an updated version that has additional options of two extra tilesets to choose from and also three board sizes (original 144 tiles or 216 tiles or 288 tiles). The version is not Flash based and works on tablets as well. |
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Challenge (by Bobo7777 - 25 Apr 17, 8:05) |
I have always enjoyed this game and it seems it would easily lend itself to have a challenge. Is there much popularity in this game Derek? Enough so to warrant a challenge? Thanks. |
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dont blame me (by leengee - 25 Apr 17, 18:03) |
playing challenge today, and the timer suddenly added an hour. Got so many points it had to put a 0 in front of name to make it fit. Feel confident you scored at least one place better than you think you did today. |
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EEEEEEEK! (by mominski - 27 Apr 17, 8:22) |
I love word games; play 'em every day for the past 50 years. Love Word Ruffle. Mostly. It has become obvious that the words were created by a British person because of the British slang words (which I probably wouldn't know if I didn't watch so much BBC). That's fine, I can figure that out, but what I can't figure out is why some words are there and some are not. For example, why is the word 'lei' in the DKM dictionary, but the plural, leis, is not? There are quite a few instances where the singular of a word is used, but not its plural. There are also instances where a plural is allowed, but not a singular (ecus is in the dictionary, but not ecu). There are also common words not included, such as mesa, pinto, etude, gringo, blog, orca, etc. etc. Up until recently, the word 'fro' was allowed, but now it's not. This is a legitimate word, as in 'to and fro' meaning back and forth. Now that word is gone, which I don't understand. DKM, I can give you a whole list of stuff you're missing! |
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help me derek (by nyctaxi - 28 Apr 17, 16:40) |
I just enjoyed a game of play w/others ferret. I then went to play w/others ruffle and could not pull up the board. Next onto shisen play w/others either. No challenges either. I did not change anything. This occurred in less than a one minute time frame. Any suggestions? Thanks. |
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Another try to organize a game (by RayB - 30 Apr 17, 22:11) |
Listen up, sketchers. If you enjoy(ed) word sketch as much as I have, maybe you'll be willing to try to get together some time(s) on a regular basis to indulge in a little nonsense drawing and guessing. Rather than set a time, I'm going to ask for people to indicate when is the best day and time for them to play, and for time please include your time zone. (Kate, give it to me in PDT, please.) I'll look through the responses and try to set some time(s) and day(s) up when we might be able to get a quorum. Thanks for participating. Still no white and orange. :-( RayB |
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Scoring bug? (by Kejo - 01 May 17, 14:48) |
I believe there's a bug in the scoring system. Today I had the word "quire" already on the board. I added "en" at the top and "s" at the bottom, thus covering *two* "triple word score" tiles in one move (and expecting a great score), but I got only 48 points for this move. How is that possible? It was the multi-player version. |
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Gone for now (by grizzly1 - 02 May 17, 3:19) |
I'm going to miss playing with everyone at least for now. I've been blocked by my employer from accessing anything online with the word games in it. (DKM Games). Take care- Grizzly1. |
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new to this (by fujamadook - 03 May 17, 2:26) |
Hi to all. This sounds a lot like pictionary, which i love! Please be patient as i pick up the shortcuts! How long does it generally take for a player to come along? It's about 4pm (ACT) here which is probably the wee small hours where most of you are. No doubt that's why it's quiet online ? I'm in for an organised game. Anytime is fine with me (I'm on Aussie time) |
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Setting prevents loading (by Tothiwim - 03 May 17, 13:14) |
I was trying to add some filters on my main computer for the internet in general, and managed to change something that only allows access to Play in New Window up to the point where I select the Tough game date and the blank game page opens, but nothing ever loads. Any idea what setting needs to be changed back? Works fine on my other computers. |
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is an email appropriate? (by fujamadook - 04 May 17, 10:14) |
I'm keen to play a game but am yet to find another player. Is it ok for me to post my email address so that i can be contacted when there is a game happening. Otherwise i think i have to check quite often or i'm disconnected from the server (i think). |
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Board locks up in Points (by jws3 - 06 May 17, 22:45) |
My board keeps locking up in the Green Room in Points. Everything locks, and then when it frees up, time has still been running. |
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Bug in today's challenge? (by Kejo - 07 May 17, 0:11) |
Today the "Convert Sections" didn't workds in the Daily Challenge, and neither did "Check Input". I had to use the correct icons to replace every single section before the puzzle could be completed. |
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Chess now available! (by dkmGames - 08 May 17, 4:14) |
You can now play Chess - with others, your friends or pit yourself against the computer. Have fun ... |
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chinese checkers (by dellia - 09 May 17, 4:59) |
Can you make here a version of chinese checkers, so we can play together? thanks Derek :) |
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can't try again! (by alison0809 - 12 May 17, 10:14) |
Todays challenge has me stumped! I left it with the intentionof returning to try again, but it tells me I've already completed the challenge for today, which I haven't. I'd like to retry it till I finally get it. Now I'll never know what the solution was. (still love it though) :) |
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Freezing of deck (by carolyna - 12 May 17, 20:56) |
I am also having the problem of the deck freezing at times, and occassionaly not being able to "send"the aces up, even when only playing with Bots. Love the game! |
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Archive Games? (by Kejo - 14 May 17, 9:35) |
I play Yubotu almost every day. Best logic game ever! When I've done the day's nine new games and the Challenge, I often wish there were an archive of past games to play at random. Could you consider adding this feature, Derek? |
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Rankings (by Bobo7777 - 14 May 17, 21:28) |
I really am glad you added chess Derek. Havent played in ages, but always loved it. The computer is tough! Which brings me to my question... What level of computer can you beat so far? I tried 7 and didnt fare well at all. I did beat level 4, but it was a very close match, so when i try 5 I will have to be at my best. Anyone else? Anyone beat 10?? How high have you guys climbed? Good luck all. |
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f bombs (by pippy - 15 May 17, 12:47) |
language in nertz getting out of hand, donna 17 dropping f bombs nickab talking about his c#*k - please take care of this |
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Windows 10 big update (by akimbo - 16 May 17, 13:19) |
Does anyone know if the updated Windows 10 is preventing me from playing Sudoku Points? |
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Is something wrong? (by Kejo - 16 May 17, 15:57) |
Multi-player: I keep getting a blank board, no tiles, game won't start. |
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New one-on-one version (by dkmGames - 17 May 17, 2:54) |
At last you can now play against another person in a turn-based manner like Scrabble. You set the time limit each player has for all their turns but you can also play a leisurely game with no time constraints. A rating system has also been introduced (based on the Chess Elo formula). The current multi-player version has not proved popular - I hope this one will be more to your liking. I think it is a good game, but then I am biased -:) |
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Not on Leaderboard (by ejs - 19 May 17, 5:40) |
Occasionally (including today) my score doesn't show up on the leaderboard at all. I don't always do all that well, so it can't be I'm filtered as a cheater! |
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Speedcross grid blank! (by flat - 22 May 17, 2:30) |
I can't get the regular daily Speedcross to work either today- it stays blank. |
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players not playing (by terrij - 23 May 17, 14:36) |
Seems like there are several players that stop playing, but do not leave the game, which limits the number of players that can play. Is there a way do delete a player after a set number of games, if they have not played? Thanks. |
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Moved to new server (by dkmGames - 24 May 17, 3:48) |
JigsawJam has just moved to a new server. Previous was not very reliable - hopefully new one will be better and faster. You may notice some loss of data - private puzzles and maybe your name missing from challenge today/yesterday. If you can't connect, please be patient as DNS for the domain name resolves to new server address. |
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finished at last (by gbf50 - 24 May 17, 19:47) |
shout out to grammar girl . completed level 24 and 25 at last, think thats enough of triplets. |
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Suggestions (by SGib - 25 May 17, 9:30) |
I think Nertz is fun! I think Derek may have already addressed one of my suggestions to subtract just one point per left over Nertz card from players' scores when the game ends. The other is to make an option to play to 100 (or 50) points. I mentioned this in an earlier post. The game is played so quickly, it would be a nice addition. We played this game in my family when I was young. Everyone had a deck of cards with different card-back designs (so you could tell who had played what) and we played to 100 points. This could be an added option instead of the only game mode. |
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size 25 fleet? (by alison0809 - 26 May 17, 7:07) |
I recently purchased Yobotu for my phone (android) but only have the option of fleet size 10 or 15. Should it have a 25 fleet? Thanks. |
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learning difficult games (by marij - 26 May 17, 20:15) |
I was able to learn the easy shisen games very quickly. I can do some of the medium difficulty games but only a few tiles of the hard games. Is there some way I can watch skilled players do the difficult games? I went to YouTube but could only find demonstrations of the beginning games. Thanks |
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New multi player (by dkmGames - 27 May 17, 3:57) |
You can now play Mahjong against others (same as in Shisen). I have removed all menu options in this challenge (except Undo). Let me know if necessary to add any back (like check for matches). If regular single player Mahjong does not work, please press Refresh (or F5 key) as I re-organized code. |
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fonts too small (by be - 31 May 17, 12:39) |
Something has changed et the web site. The fonts are very very small. With word search there is no possibility to resize the game - so it is nearly impossible to play. (I use Mozilla Firefox) |
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Can't select tile (by alfredk - 02 Jun 17, 10:00) |
Hey Derek, In Mahjong multiplayer, I have a hard time selecting the top tile in the board that has like a big fin down the middle. If I click around a little I can get it to select though. Love the new multiplayer BTW. Thanks |
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Puzzles and religion (by Rapscallion - 07 Jun 17, 15:04) |
What's with so many religious references in the puzzles - most notably in the cryptograms? Can you please stick with secular quotes? |
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Games for your website (by dkmGames - 08 Jun 17, 22:16) |
If you have a website or blog and interested in including some games on your site, you can now do so. There are five games to start and I might include others, depending on demand. The games are fully functional and you can include them with one line of code. The page link to get the games is in the footer on each page. |
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Change to Daily Challenge post time play (by eastham09 - 10 Jun 17, 12:13) |
I've noted that now, when the time has expired in the daily challenge board i can no longer continue playing to see how much further I can go on the grid. Before that (up to what, 2 weeks ago?) when the time was up and I got the notice of where I was in the list of players I could go back to the grid and learn from it - like how to play better. Was this an intentional change for some reason? |
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Can I find out how long I've been a registered member? (by eastham09 - 10 Jun 17, 12:15) |
I have been wondering just how long I've been playing the various games on DKM and would like to know if there is a way to find out when I created my account and then perhaps even when I first played any particular game? |
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multi player grids (by tribble - 10 Jun 17, 14:01) |
Derek, are there more grids we can use in the new Mahjong multi player? I love having different grids and the more the merrier! Also, do some of them come up more often or is it completely random? |
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New version (by dkmGames - 14 Jun 17, 23:36) |
Cryptograms has just had a complete rewrite - now non-Flash based. In addition, you now have the ability to create your own cryptograms which you can share publically or keep private. It will also work on tablets - phone to follow soon. |
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Solution incorrect? (by alison0809 - 18 Jun 17, 8:04) |
The solution for the last puzzle on the new puzzle menu list seems to be incorrect. I think?? |
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crazy eights (by alison0809 - 18 Jun 17, 12:31) |
Could I have someone a bit cheerier to play with? Sam always seems grumpy! Lol. |
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not possible (by Kate16 - 19 Jun 17, 8:36) |
challenge started with: LLL TT N R .... no word is possible and not possible to change or pass... WTF .... how anybody can progress from this starting position and get points???? |
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Good idea? (by SGib - 19 Jun 17, 8:52) |
I, like lots of others I suspect, love the games, but also come here to be social. Derek, would it be possible to include a tab on the home page, maybe between "Other" and "All," that reads "play with others" or "join others" or something like that, and have a listing of all the games you can play live with others? I realize there is limited room for tabs...just a thought. |
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game acting up (by bandw - 23 Jun 17, 11:43) |
I've seen this set of circumstances one before and didn't report it. It just happened again so I'm documenting just in case it's something that matters. It's been a couple of weeks since it happened the first time. I've played many times since then without incident so I have no clue what triggered the problem. It feels like some odd hiccup with the server. I started a game with two bots. At some point during the game, delee joined but the game didn't reset the way it usually does. There were four of us playing; the two bots, delee and myself. I have a screen shot of the game at this point - showing the four of us with scores in the game - if that helps. If nothing else it shows that I'm not imagining that there were four of us in the game :) I exited that game and went back to the 'join an existing game' screen. Delee was the lone player listed in an ongoing game. I joined that game and we played briefly before it was clear that something wasn't right with the timer. The "No scores for 60 seconds�" message showed up too quickly. The shuffle happened immediately after one of us had just scored a point. Delee and I both exited that game. There was another existing game with raven playing. I joined that game and saw that the timer was acting up there too. This game also forced an end even though we were scoring points. Then the "Game ended - no one completed." message repeated so many times it filled the entire chat box. The "Well done" screen showed up with "NaN seconds to next round". I have a screen shot of this too. Whatever it is it won't keep me from trying again later or from playing the other games that I spend way too much time enjoying. San |
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Misspelled words (by Punkinhead - 24 Jun 17, 21:09) |
"Athelete" is not a valid English word. This is probably the third misspelled word I have caught in the word search puzzle this week. I prefer not to play if the words are not legitimate. |
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Silly sentences just for fun (by wordsmith - 26 Jun 17, 9:29) |
OK, take the longest word in any WordRuffle puzzle, make a sentence mostly with shorter words that show up in the solution. Here we go: In the VICARAGE sat the VICAR with CAVIARE and a CIGAR. We RAVE at the CAR in his CAVE and RAGE at the AVARICE. INFO FIT FOR you: the FOCI of a TON of FRICTION over the INTRO to IRONIC FICTION turned a RIFT into a RIOT by a TRIO TORN by its FONT. What ROT - I need a TONIC. OUR AGING GANG is LAGGING, FLAGGING, after our FINAL FLING with FLAN. OK, your turn! |
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Unable to progress (by birdoman - 26 Jun 17, 10:10) |
I've not played for a few days and now cannot get beyond the first round. Is there an explanation or remedy please? |
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Can't play challenge (by zoom - 26 Jun 17, 11:23) |
For some reason the board is empty and I can't play the challenge. Thought it would fix itself but it's been a couple of months. |
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A more challenging strategy (by rogervena - 28 Jun 17, 17:34) |
We target to remove only the tiles within the outer frame. In the 288 version this gives a max removed-tile score of 220 The maximum we have achieved is 210 (and kept a screen-capture of the result) |
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the word 'letter' (by alison0809 - 29 Jun 17, 8:33) |
Am I going mad or is the word 'letter' missing from todays medium puzzle?? |
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Jigsaw Sudoku (by sameersinha - 03 Jul 17, 7:07) |
How about starting jigsaw sudoku? Most of the other sites have it. I have been awaiting for years for it to start here. |
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last row of the square.... (by Kate16 - 03 Jul 17, 7:37) |
it constantly happens to me that when placing the letter anywhere on the last row it is immediately bounced back into the holding place... it seems to me that the holding row/place is too close to the grid ... anyone having the same experience? |
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?? (by Wiley - 04 Jul 17, 9:52) |
I was happy to get two 5K scores yesterday, however, they did not show up in the "results". Yes, I was logged in. Perhaps someone who played with me can verify my scores. |
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Game won't come up (by Smark - 05 Jul 17, 18:47) |
Hi, Love the new play with a friend version when it's working. Yesterday and today, however, when my wife and I tried to play each other, the game board came up for the opponent but not for the game initiator. When we swapped, same thing. Please check it out. Hope it comes back. |
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Flash player won't save puzzle (by keiler - 07 Jul 17, 16:00) |
Flash won't save started puzzles. Checked Firefox and found that it isn't supported any longer, along with others. How can I save puzzles now? Thanks for all your hard work. GREAT SITE. |
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checking sudoku (by duggie - 12 Jul 17, 16:48) |
In a completed sudoku all 9 rows, columns and grids must contain all the digits 1-9. If this is the case then the sum of each row column and grid must equal 45 (sum of the digits 1-9) I have developed a sudoku spreadsheet where each square is split in 2, top bit is for for possible numbers (small font) and the main part for the actual number (large bold centred font). It also show the sum of each row, column and grid. As the required sum of 45 is reach the total is highlighted in blue but if the sum exceeds 45 it is highlighted in red. When the puzzle is solved correctly all the totals will be highlighted in blue. |
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One or more matches available (not) (by akimbo - 15 Jul 17, 12:10) |
I did the Mahjong challenge this morning, and felt that I was stuck, so I used the help button to see if there were any matches. It told me that one or more matches were available. After looking for a while longer, not making any more matches, I gave up, and used the "solve" button. It told me there were no matches and I would have to undo. In Mahjong Multi, the players frequently say the game tells them there are available matches, but we can't find them. Can you tell us what the issue is? Thanks! Kim |
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Hard puzzle (by alison0809 - 15 Jul 17, 12:54) |
WoW ! Number 2 on the leaderboard at the moment! (Wonder where I'll be tomorrow!!) Lol! |
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Guest players (by RayB - 15 Jul 17, 15:29) |
I sometimes play Nertz using bots while waiting for other players to arrive. More often than not, the arriving player is an anonymous guest. I realize that having an "identity" on the DKM site is not a requirement, but I'm off-put by people interrupting a game in which I'm actively engaged when the other party won't even take the time or effort to sign in. Any thoughts, Nertz players? |
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R.I.P. (by RayB - 15 Jul 17, 15:46) |
After weeks of looking for players on Word Sketch, and sometimes leaving the game open for 30 minutes in hopes another player would venture in, I've concluded that Word Sketch is dead. I saw a suggestion from 2014 in this Forum, with a response by DKM, that there be some kind of "board" where one could leave a message about being available for a game. I don't think I've ever seen this "board" (maybe I don't know where to look), but perhaps it could have helped. In any event, Word Sketch, Requiescat in Pace. |
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best score for all levels (by gbf50 - 16 Jul 17, 10:48) |
what section of pairs do you play to get on the best score for all levels leaderboard |
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best score for all levels (by gbf50 - 16 Jul 17, 10:48) |
what section of pairs do you play to get on the best score for all levels leaderboard |
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Image seems to upload, but nothing is there (by Bastette - 17 Jul 17, 0:44) |
I've been uploading images to my private puzzles, and it's been working fine. But one of them, although it went through the motions of uploading, did not actually get the image. The thumbnail is there, but if I click on "More," there's just an empty box. If I click "Solve," there is no image. The image is a supported format (.jpg) and it is smaller than 640x640 pixels. Why wouldn't this one upload? Also, I'd like to delete this thumbnail since the actual puzzle isn't there, but I don't see any delete function. Is there one? Thanks. |
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Brand new logic puzzle game (by dkmGames - 18 Jul 17, 2:26) |
There is a new logic puzzle called Suguru. Very simple rules but can be very challenging to solve some of the puzzles. (Been quite a challenge to generate them!) Give it a go - I hope you like it. |
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New games (by jazz4u - 18 Jul 17, 16:43) |
I have always enjoyed your games and really like the newer games. This site is my morning wake up with my first cup of coffee. I have a set of daily challenges that I work. Now I can add some new ones. Thanks for continuing to keep it interesting. |
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Already a bit addicted! (by joolz1 - 22 Jul 17, 16:00) |
Yeah I like this one Derek! Have managed a few easy and a few hard boards so far. It would be interesting to compare times against other players. Any chance of a daily suguru challenge? |
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function of game site (by JLilien - 23 Jul 17, 12:57) |
Why doesn't my site work anymore? It does not show a puzzle when the Play Now prompt is pressed after loging-in. |
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More Killer Sudoku's per day, please (by bpat - 26 Jul 17, 17:11) |
Is it possible to have more of these per day? Like every hour? I assume the system is generating them, and it wouldn't be a hassle for someone to have to create them. Thanks! |
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locations (by 2l82cook - 30 Jul 17, 8:32) |
would love to see the locations listed =for example where is that incredible stone wall located or that gorgeous abandoned house |
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The "You won!" box obscures the menu (by bpat - 30 Jul 17, 23:32) |
The menu choices for all the puzzles from 6 Tough through 8 Easy are obscured by the "congratulations" box when you win a puzzle. Could that be moved over to the right a little? Or made smaller? |
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Where are Codewords? (by Faochagach - 31 Jul 17, 11:27) |
What's happened to Codewords over the last couple if days? You click on "Play now" and all you get is a blank screen. |
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Page layout / Mahjong Multi style (by akimbo - 31 Jul 17, 11:27) |
Hi there. I very much enjoy the layout of Mahjong multi, with the chat and leaderboard off to the right side, so it is always open for viewing, instead of covering the grid. Is that a possibility for Sudoku multi? Thanks, Kim |
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Hint in Mahjong multi-player (by RayB - 31 Jul 17, 13:22) |
In the challenge format of mahjong, requesting a hint costs points, but one is told how many matches are available, and highlights a part of one of them. In the multi-player format, requesting a hint also costs points, but one is not told how many matches are available and most importantly, no help is given in finding one of the matches. I think it preferable to adopt the entire hint sequence from challenge into the multi-player format, but if hint isn't really going to help, then no points should be deducted. In fact, at this point hint is no help at all. |
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Thanks (by yiayia - 31 Jul 17, 22:46) |
I just wanted to take a minute to thank you for all the work you do on this website. I really enjoy so many games (far more often than I should!), and enjoy chatting with fellow players. It's also great that you look for our feedback and keep working to accommodate us. It's a lot of fun, and keeps our brains sharper. Thanks! |
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Voting in jigsaws (by lordmerren - 03 Aug 17, 18:33) |
I can't figure out how to vote for my favorite jigsaws. Anyone know??? TIA |
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Can't play today (by salsa - 08 Aug 17, 0:05) |
Tried to play Yubotu and it said I already played today. Haven't yet. hmmm... |
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iPad (by mindy - 09 Aug 17, 13:18) |
I just got an iPad. On the DKM home page I followed the link to purchase the iOS app for iPad. The app is only showing basic games Easy, Medium, Hard, Tough. How do I login to play (specifically Sudoku Points)? Please help! Thanks! |
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mozilla firefox update (by paulaoda - 09 Aug 17, 18:28) |
Hi Derek, I had today an automatically update of Mozilla firefox. Playing shisen mutiplayers, I can open the chat window but I can't see or read what people are writting and I can't see if I write something. But I can see the all players (even myself) and the preogression of the game. In my husband computer I can read people's chat and I can read my own chatting. So this is so rare and we have not a clue. Also I can't see the results on the challenge leaderboard. Do you have any suggestions? I suspect that may be something has changed with colours and/or letters, because even I can't see very well the gray areas. I hope you will understand what I'm saying because is very difficult to explain to you this bizarre situation. Than you for your help. |
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log in (by mscaligirl - 12 Aug 17, 14:01) |
unabe to log in. even tried re-registering using different name and email address. Registration accepted, still not able to log in. Help? |
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Not following suits (by rlt788 - 17 Aug 17, 14:07) |
While playing the second hand, I led a Ace of diamonds and the other three players played Ace of Hearts, nine of clubs and three of clubs. Since this was only the second hand and I only has three diamonds to begin, there was no way the other had no diamonds. Since I led diamonds, I should have won the trick but Bertie led a 10 of diamonds. Seems to be a problem with the programming at times. I've had this happen before. I have pics but can attach them to this. |
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General Chat Room? (by dkmGames - 23 Aug 17, 19:29) |
I was thinking of adding a general chat room (independent of any of the multiuser games). You will be able to chat to all in the room or send private messages to any one of the participants. Do you think it will be used? Not going to work if hardly anyone goes there. |
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Score question (by JimmieJoeJob - 24 Aug 17, 14:42) |
Green room sudoku: Example: I finish, at 180 seconds score update and I have 3000 points ABC123 is right behind me with 2950 points At 210 second score update, ABC123 jumps over me with a score of 3030 points At 240 seconds, I have 3000 and ABC123 has 3030 500 point bonus is calculated at finish, reds are calculated as they occur |
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Score (by myaquadome - 27 Aug 17, 15:50) |
How score is calculated on Sudoku? |
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New general chat room (by dkmGames - 28 Aug 17, 2:11) |
As promised, there is now a general chat room (under new top menu heading of "Social") or get there by: Hopefully it will be well frequented and not abused. |
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Leading spades before broken in Spades (by OldieM - 29 Aug 17, 22:23) |
I can not lead a spade unless they have been broken, but other players can. |
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Reproducible Triplets error (by bflandrena - 30 Aug 17, 7:30) |
Hi Derek, I was finally able to find a way to reproduce the error in triplets where it displays the no more moves popup when there are valid moves available. I hope you recall that this bug has been reported many times over the years. It is in the triplets challenge of today, August 30. On the initial board note that on the far right of the grid and 3 rows from the bottom there is a move for the pink diamond. Do NOT make this move. Instead, move the aqua star in the bottom left corner one square to the right. Then move the blue hexagon that is on the far left and 3 rows from the top one square to the right. At this point you should get the no more moves popup even though there is the move for the pink diamond noted above on the far right of the grid (there are actually several other moves available). Good luck in debugging this. bobf |
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Echo in chat room (by RayB - 01 Sep 17, 18:31) |
When I entered the chat room it showed my name twice, and everything I typed was printed twice. Another person joined the chat room, and although her name only appeared once, everything she typed appeared twice. Is there an echo in there? |
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FORUM rather than chat room (by joolz1 - 02 Sep 17, 6:14) |
Derek, My personal opinion (for what it's worth, lol!) is that there's no need for a chat page. I visit Forum often as I like to keep updated with people's views. As you'll know, I spend quite a bit of time on your site (although limited due to work commitments etc) and I prefer to spend that time PLAYING rather than simply chatting,,,,,,,that said, I do think the 'quick chat rooms' in various games are a great way of getting to know others with similar likes. I get the feeling that not everyone actually knows that the Forum site exists........maybe making the Forum button more obvious would help that.........????? I (like many others) think your site is brill.........thanks again for all the time you spend in keeping us amused! Joolz |
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Kudos to Derek (by RayB - 02 Sep 17, 11:17) |
I'm not much of a gamer--those who've seen my name on most of the challenge boards where I play may remember that I'm always always close to the lowest score--but the dkm site offers a surprising number of games which I find appealing. But there are other aspects of the site which make it unique and appealing beyond the games themselves. First, it's free, and there an no "buy-ins" buried in the site which you need to purchase once you become involved with the game. Second, while there are ads on the site, they're placed to the side where you can look at them or not. You never have to wait for an ad to finish before you can play. Third, if you find a problem with the site, you can leave a note and expect to get a response and resolution pretty quickly. For all this I have to say "WD, dkm!" |
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game time (by terrij - 02 Sep 17, 13:38) |
Always looking for a player on the one-on-one speedcross. Let me know what times you are available |
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Samarai sudoku (by Papillon54 - 03 Sep 17, 2:14) |
I play Samaria sudoku in my iPad and love it. However, I thought there were supposed to be unlimited games of each difficulty. How does one refresh the games so that they are different? The easy category games are all listed as "Solved" and I would like some new easy games. I notice Samarai Sudoku is not in your list of topics. Is it no longer supported? Thank you |
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Foul language (by flygirl33 - 05 Sep 17, 13:35) |
I've been treated to some particularly obscene language while playing Nertz today. Between 0900-1100 PDT three people were trying to force others out of the game using language usually only heard in the gutter. They were Nickab, donna2017, haleighlynn2. When asked to stop they got even worse. It was a really unpleasant experience. Is there any way to ban them from using the site? Thanks. |
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unlike anything else (by lynxx - 07 Sep 17, 0:15) |
What an intriguing game! It's fun if it's fast. It's competitive, but you sure need other players to make it go. "Just one more time....." |
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restart game while playing w/others (by Grammargirl - 08 Sep 17, 12:45) |
I enjoy playing mahjong with others but I have noticed that some players find it's easier to exit the game and rejoin starting over with 0 points to try to complete the grid, than it is to undo. Obviously it depends on how much time is left and how many tiles you have removed as to whether that's a good strategy, but I was wondering if you could add a button to the screen, maybe beside the undo button, with the option to restart the grid. Part of the fun when playing with others is the chatting. When you exit and rejoin, you lose the thread. It's just a thought and I don't know how many of the players would want that option available, but this post might spark the conversation. |
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FB chat room... (by foxy - 08 Sep 17, 23:54) |
Hey there Ray... I hope you stay safe through all this hurricane panic. Hoping all goes well for you and all the others in the path of Irma... stay safe. When you get a chance (absolutely no rush) - can you send me an invite to the FB dkm group? I thought I was a part of it already, but I don't see where I can access it. Let me know when you get a chance. Thanks - and all my best wishes go to you... Cindee |
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No Hints (by ejs - 09 Sep 17, 7:58) |
Several times recently I've hit the "hint" button and got no hint. I've had to use a bomb or firecracker to get the game going again. This had never happened to me before the incorrect "no more hints" message got corrected. Could this be related? |
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New grids (by tribble - 09 Sep 17, 22:36) |
Derek, do I remember you saying that the Mahjong multi player game will be getting new grids? We are all waiting patiently, lol. There are a few grids that are more fun than the others and if we do get some new grids it would be nice to retire the grids that aren't as popular! BTW, thanks for hooking me on another game ;-) |
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Timing too short on challenge boards last 2 days (by elkster - 11 Sep 17, 2:23) |
Hi Derek, hope you are well. On Pairs challenge, the last couple of days the time is set at only 100 seconds. This really seems too short - especially for a board with 18 tiles. Generally, I finish with seconds left - sometimes more than a minute if I get lucky, but usually somewhere around 40 - 50 for easier boards. On boards with 18 tiles, however, even when game is set 150 or 180 seconds - it is generally pretty close to the end. Let's see if anyone else agrees that this time is too short. Have noticed very low scores overall for these two days - even for very good players. Thanks for your attention to the matter. |
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Hurricane Irma (by terrij - 11 Sep 17, 7:16) |
I made it through the rain, I kept my house protected I made it through the rain, I kept my sanity I made it through the rain and found myself respecting All the others who got rained on too And made it through....Terri |
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upsetting events today (by gbf50 - 11 Sep 17, 16:01) |
Hi Derek I love this site and love playing. Today I was playing nertz and had some great fun games with melly and tinuviel . A player called cherish 21 joined and told me to DIE DIE DIE Is there a way to check that cherish 21 cannot return |
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new features not working (by Bcubed - 12 Sep 17, 10:18) |
I have the new restart button showing on my screen, but it does nothing. I also understand that the boards are now numbered, but the number does not show up either. I play on a pretty powerful laptop. Any thoughts as to why it's not working? |
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install adobe flash (by loverboy - 12 Sep 17, 11:06) |
Am told to install adobe flash but nothing happens when I right click on the install application |
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New logic puzzle (by dkmGames - 13 Sep 17, 3:01) |
Just posted a new logic puzzle - Nonograms. Give it a try. |
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Time remains when game ends (by akimbo - 13 Sep 17, 8:54) |
Hi. I've had this happen a number of times. This time I took a screen shot. The daily challenge in Triplets said I needed to score as many points as possible in 180 seconds. I got a "challenge over" message when there was still 1:07 left on the clock. I admit there are things I don't understand about the scoring, but that just stymies me. Thanks for helping me understand. Kim |
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Something is messed up on card movement (by alohatami - 13 Sep 17, 13:33) |
I'm not sure exactly when this started (yesterday, or the day before), but FreeCell has been behaving oddly when I play on my computer (not sure about the android phone, but I will pay more attention next time I play and update accordingly). Just now, I moved a pair of two cards onto another stack, and the top of the two cards stayed where it was supposed to, but the bottom card flew up to the top, to one of the four card holding spots. A few moments later, even though I only had three of the four holding spots filled, it was acting like all four of them were filled, and wouldn't let me move a pair of cards to another stack. I couldn't even put a card into the blank spot. Other times, I'll be moving single cards to different columns, and the first two will move as they should, but the third one will fly up to one of the holding spots, even though it should have stuck where I placed it. I thought maybe I was just trying to move cards too fast and not paying enough attention to when I let go of the mouse button. So I tried a game very slowly and carefully, and was still experiencing these weird problems. Did something change on the FreeCell programming recently? |
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Full Screen problem (by zredwood1 - 18 Sep 17, 9:03) |
Using Chrome, when going full screen the bottom display has a white band. Requires a "reload" to go full screen. Ok when using Firefox. Using win7. Any Help? |
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Adobe download (by mlangseth - 18 Sep 17, 12:16) |
I keep getting an "adobe must be downloaded" message and Adobe IS downloaded and installed on my new computer. What do I do? |
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Gone? (by bandw - 19 Sep 17, 18:43) |
I'm not seeing Chat anymore. Did it just not take off? |
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can't see entire string in left column (by CW - 23 Sep 17, 19:07) |
For example today's 12x12 puzzle wanted six 1s in one of the lower rows: "1,1,1,1,1,1". But the column is so skinny only five 1s showed "1,1,1,1,1" Can you increase the column size in the larger grids so that the complete clue is visible? Thanks! |
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Ccleaner trojan (by grey - 25 Sep 17, 12:51) |
I just wanted to alert folks to a possible infection from Ccleaner . Search "ccleaner flofix trojan" and much related hoopla can be found there regarding the incident, and ongoing updates. |
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Want to Read Forum Posts (by lynxx - 27 Sep 17, 16:35) |
Unfortunately, I can't click on "read posts" for forum messages because of the AdSense material on the right of the page. When I click the box to close AdSense, I am taken to an AdSense page. Too bad, because I like to find out what my player friends have to say. |
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Suduko HD for iOS 11 (by Frank2236 - 27 Sep 17, 20:59) |
When can we expect suduko HD to be updated for iOS 11 |
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Sudoku puzzle is not loading on page (by mjd74 - 27 Sep 17, 21:05) |
I'm not seeing a Sudoku puzzle loading for Classic or Daily Challenge. Have tried two different browsers, including incognito setting. Anyone else seeing (or, not seeing, technically) the same? |
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numbrs are regular outside box (by carmen51 - 29 Sep 17, 3:29) |
if i see 5 1 then i not expect to see 6 black in that row/col as the solution show, yes i see i miss 1, but all are ok according the visible numbers. should i assume the missing i just fill in and correct accordingly if no other violation is created then extr number? |
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Why ILlike It (by lynxx - 01 Oct 17, 18:33) |
Nertz is fun because the games are short and can go so fast. However, the best reason for the fun is because the regular players are so civil and friendly. This one's a winner. Thanks, Derek! |
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New puzzle game (by dkmGames - 05 Oct 17, 20:20) |
Just posted a new puzzle game called Map It (under the Other menu). Essentially it replaces the old Ubinam but has a much better format and hopefully will prove popular. There will be one new (computer generated) puzzle per day, but it will rely on users sharing puzzles for all to enjoy. |
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Possible Bug? (by Kejo - 10 Oct 17, 14:47) |
I believe there might still be a bug in SpeedCross. Today I added to "LEAD" to make "PLEADERS", covering two "Double Word" tiles in one go and was surprised to score no more than 40 points. Was I wrong in expecting more? |
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New game! (by dkmGames - 12 Oct 17, 1:04) |
Another game just added called 2048. This is the first game not written in-house but I felt was worth including in dkmgames. It has been very popular on mobile devices. |
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can the puzzles be timed? (by leengee - 13 Oct 17, 15:41) |
Hey - just wondering if you'd considered putting a timer on each puzzle. I can eventually pin down the location pretty good, as others have said, by googling phone numbers, street signs, advertising for radio stations. It makes for a fun little puzzle, but anyone can do that. Wondering if you lost 1 point for each second or something, that would mean even if you got a perfect score, if it took you 18 minutes or so, you'd get zero. Just a thought. |
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I'm having proglems (by donstrout - 14 Oct 17, 14:36) |
When I try to play sudoku or pearls. The site comes up,when I press play now the screen goes blank. Can you help? |
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skipped first three places (by mamaBK - 16 Oct 17, 6:03) |
I started the random puzzle today and it started with puzzle 4. Didn't get to see the first three. Anyone else have that problem or did I do something to cause that? |
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Any one interested in limited "undo" key? (by elkster - 16 Oct 17, 6:27) |
Hi Derek and all, Would it be possible and would there be interest in have a limited undo function on 2048? My idea would be just the ability to back up one time, not multiple back ups on any one move. Two reasons: 1. Using the "up, down, left, right" keys, it is easy to hit wrong key by mistake and that is frustrating. 2. Sometimes when you have progressed pretty far, it is maddening to have to start all over, and there could be a better choice of move available. Don't think this would change the game parameters all that much, because generally when you get so far, there really are not a lot of options for moves - but in the occasions when it does happen, it would really be appreciated to be able to undo and continue. Also, maybe possible to limit that option to something like 3 times in any one game, or even once a game if that suits everyone better. I believe it would make playing more fun, because you would have a better chance of making progress in the game, rather than having to constantly go through the starting rounds over and over. Comments, feedback .... just an idea that others may find interesting also...... |
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problem with bidding (by birdgirl - 16 Oct 17, 13:07) |
every Oh Hell games has one number whited out that I am unable to use as a bid. It always seems to be the number that I want to bid. Anyone else experience this and is there a way to correct it? |
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any one interested in mouse instead keyboard (by carmen51 - 17 Oct 17, 1:31) |
laptop is not easy using keys, just put 4 points to hover the moue will be more convenient |
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My score not on board (by ejs - 24 Oct 17, 5:59) |
My scores have not been on the board on lot lately. Yesterday I would have been #12! This is disappointing. |
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lspark (by lspark - 24 Oct 17, 12:34) |
today's Sudoku challenge easy much to hard. Easys are constantly as hard as mediums. give us a break guys. |
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Not sure how the scoring works for the Random (by JoseWest - 25 Oct 17, 13:29) |
If you get 1000 points for getting the exact location and 100 bonus points for getting the correct country how is it that there are scores are 5300 or 5400 instead of 5500? Every location was exact (thus the 5000 points) but only 3 or 4 of the 100 point bonuses were given out instead of all 5? |
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Question about Crazy 8s (by jaketonis - 29 Oct 17, 12:33) |
Notice that the dealer gets to dump several cards at one time while I am limited to one. What's the deal with that? |
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anyone around to play a game? (by jampotsii - 29 Oct 17, 16:13) |
anyone around to play a game? |
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sudoku points (by astronomy - 31 Oct 17, 5:55) |
why do i get minus 700 for 1 mistake |
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Lost game (by girulux - 31 Oct 17, 14:37) |
It cut me off after round 2 even though I completed it, then wouldn't let me in to round 3 and said I had done the puzzle today! I thought it might display my score for the two rounds but it has not done. Anyone else had the same problem, or can explain it? |
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Add to mobile also? (by tink - 31 Oct 17, 18:35) |
Hi, Derek. Wondering if it is possible for you to make Word Sketch also available on tablets? It would be much easier for me to draw with my finger than with the mouse! I am a horrible drawer anyway, but this would help I think. Maybe it's too difficult to implement but thought I would ask. Thanks! |
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New logic puzzle (by dkmGames - 31 Oct 17, 20:35) |
I have just posted "Towers" logic puzzles. I think you will like them - will require a bit of different thinking at first. If the grid size 6 puzzles are not hard enough, I will generate size 7 puzzles. |
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glitch in the play (by RayB - 01 Nov 17, 15:00) |
I just played a hand of Oh Hell that made we wish there were some kind of instant replay. The first trick was the spade Ace led by North, and I played a low spade to it. The second trick was a low spade led by North, and I played the King, expecting to capture the trick, but North took that one too. The third trick was the spade Jack led by North, at which point I knew there was an error in play and discontinued the hand. Has that sort of thing occurred elsewhere in the game? No big deal, just thought I'd point it out. |
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Loading (by grimm - 04 Nov 17, 16:54) |
Acrostic puzzle will not load ... how can this be corrected? |
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Not loading (by casmith888 - 04 Nov 17, 21:14) |
Sudoku has started not loading for me in the last two days. Any suggestions?? |
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Map It on iPad (by jampotsii - 05 Nov 17, 10:33) |
Is anyone able to successfully play Map It on an iPad? I find it drops out and reloads the webpage at some point every time, meaning that I am unable to complete all five locations and upload a score. Also - quick question - if a location does not allow you to move from place to place to obtain clues, how are we meant to discover where it is, or is it a case of if you recognise the location you are ok, if not you have no chance? Really enjoy the concept of the game though, and improving as time goes on! Thanks |
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Popout challenges not coming up (by Aardvard - 05 Nov 17, 17:33) |
both Shisen and Word Ruffle challenges are not showing up - I just get a blank screen. |
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New format sucks. (by russ - 05 Nov 17, 20:12) |
The new format is terrible. Go back to the old one, please. |
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Puzzles for green and gold room (easy and medium) (by bokkasoduko - 06 Nov 17, 4:46) |
Hi Derick, some of the puzzles in green room seems a bit nasty for easy puzzles, if possible could the puzzles for green and gold room be reloaded somehow for some of the puzzles in gold room seems super easy in stead of medium as it should be for gold room. It's then that I wonder if the puzzles for green and gold room doesn't sometimes get mixed up ? |
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Flash version buttons (by dkmGames - 06 Nov 17, 6:17) |
You may have noticed I changed some of the "Play" buttons. All the buttons that invoke Flash based versions now have a lighter blue color. This is to clearly demarcate which game versions are Flash based and which do not use Flash. Every week there are a few feedbacks reporting that the puzzles suddenly do not come up. In just about every case it is a Flash player plugin problem in the browser. No Flash files have been changed on the server for many months and if possible I don't plan to update them. If I got a dollar for every time I have to inform a user that the Flash player needs to be reinstalled, I could be quite wealthy now. Most browsers now insist that every time the Flash player is upgraded that the user needs to install the latest. It is a real pain! (The Flash versions on this site only require a player from a few years ago). Unfortunately I cannot programmatically determine when Flash does not load. I don't know how to convey this to the users and what the best way is to deal with the problem. I have a blatant message on the feedback screen and now also on the new Post screen. I guess marking the Flash buttons and these messages is a first step. I am reluctant to place a message on every page that uses Flash. |
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Somewhat Buggy? (by lynxx - 06 Nov 17, 15:02) |
Great game, love it, although it often crashes. Maybe not enough vid memory in my computer? Have re-installed Flash, no improvement. |
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Poker Solitaire (by sjmont - 07 Nov 17, 16:09) |
Hi Derrick, The poker solitaire seems to have been down for at least a couple of weeks. No big deal, but if you have a chance, could you take a look at it please? Thanks! |
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Bugs (by robertoroma - 09 Nov 17, 3:18) |
Hi! I love Towers but there are some bugs to be fixed: - I play using the arrows of my PC and the Whole page moves up and down which is quite uncomfortable (Windows 10 with edge): it would be most appropriate to have the possibility to play in a new window - this morning I made the unbelievable time of 00'' as the challenge page closed for some input I can't remember (maybe Enter?), then I reopened the challenge and it correctly said I had already played but I tried to clear all inputs, hoping to have the possibility to begin anew the challenge (without my result being taken in consideration as it happens in other games) but it immediately told me that I made the record... Hope you'll manage to handle these errors because it's a wonderful game! |
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Curated Puzzles (by jampotsii - 10 Nov 17, 12:00) |
2 great new puzzles added by mooduc - thanks :) I love exploring new places via Google maps - you never know what you'll discover! |
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12-square puzzle not available (by Prose65 - 11 Nov 17, 2:03) |
Hello, when I try to do the 12-square nonogram, I get a box which says "failed to get puzzle" with an ok button to press. All the other puzzles are accessible. |
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Login issue (by puzzler1 - 12 Nov 17, 9:22) |
the games are asking me to log in every time and even when I do, it still tells me I need to log in to play the challenges...and my login name is showing up right next to the challenge title - I managed to finally play Shisen, but can't get into Mahjong or Triplets challenges. I've logged in multiple times...and as you can see, my login must work or wouldn't be able to post this message. any ideas? |
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Opponent has "left the game"? (by Smark - 12 Nov 17, 15:46) |
My wife and I love to play the Speedcross play-with-a-friend together. Unfortunately, the game often thinks one of us has left the game when neither of us has. Frustrating. I hope DKM can find a fix for this. |
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Difficult Hearts Challenge on Tuesday, 11/14 (by flagman - 15 Nov 17, 8:10) |
I found this to be a really tough challenge. Senz7, did you really get your perfect score in one honest attempt? If so, I apologize for doubting. Enough said. |
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New Puzzles Daily?? Not Happening. (by nanonano - 16 Nov 17, 6:54) |
I am not seeing new puzzles daily. It is the same puzzles every day. Why? |
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No new Nonograms? (by Extra - 16 Nov 17, 11:33) |
Hope there will be new ones soon :(( |
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High score problem? (by Dune57 - 21 Nov 17, 4:25) |
Last weekend i logged in on my girlfriend's computer, and got a great new best score. Now, when she logs in and plays the game, it says she has to beat my best score, not her own. Which is annoying for her. And on my own computer the game still says my old best score is the score i have to beat. So far I haven't beaten my old best score again. But what will happen when i beat my old best score? Will i loose my best score in the DKM results? I hope not :) Anyway, i was wondering if the cookies can be made user dependant. And thank you very much for all the new games in the last few months. They're great. |
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Whist glitch (by RayB - 24 Nov 17, 9:54) |
There's no category on your list for Whist, probably because very few play it. I ran into a glitch today when East took the trick, but the resulting message was that it was my turn to lead. I could not play a card because I hadn't taken the trick. The only remedy was to close the game. Not a big deal, just thought I'd mention it. Your site is generally flawless. |
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Crazy Eights really sucks (by jaketonis - 24 Nov 17, 21:00) |
This is the most lopsided game I have encountered. I can see why they don't list it on the options because it is so skewed in favor of the opponent it's really frustrating. The programmers did not use too much skill or imagination in putting this game together. No more for me. |
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One-On-One oddity (by akimbo - 27 Nov 17, 11:57) |
I have saved a screen shot so you can see. Let me know how I can get it to you. I was playing a game with terrij and she had 3 letter u's. I had the q. I thought it would be nice if I swapped the q back to the tile bag so she could have it to use. Right after that, it said "tile bag empty" and Terri never got the q. Any ideas? Thanks! Kim |
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Can't play challenge (by dawsan1 - 28 Nov 17, 10:29) |
My husband introduced me to this site and I have enjoyed both Yobotu & Nonograms. I set up my own account and now when one of us plays the challenge, the other signon says that the challenge has already been played (even though we have separate accounts). I suspect it has something to do with the computer's IP, but we really are two separate people (not trying to cheat) Is there any way to fix this? |
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Ferret Glitch (by Bobo7777 - 30 Nov 17, 0:12) |
Played the daily challenge at 11:57 PM Nov 29th, scoring 534. The game ended after midnight but scored for today, Nov 30th. I then played the challenge for the 30th, and it allowed me to with no message. I scored a 503, but got a message saying I already scored for today. So for anyone who cares and competes on the challenge for top spot... My score today for Nov 30th is 503, not 534. The 534 was for yesterday. |
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Word Ruffle (by paraordie - 01 Dec 17, 8:32) |
Very disappointed in sites use of of the Lords name in combination with the word damn in today's challenge in the second round. Looks as if I'll need to find another site to play. |
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Yubotu and Tents (by Mollenkamp - 01 Dec 17, 9:46) |
Are you going to update Yubotu and Tents? I paid money to get more games and after the update I can not play them. Please reply. Thank you. |
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Forum (by Bobo7777 - 01 Dec 17, 17:22) |
Is it possible to create an "edit" post button available for _____ minutes after the post is sent? I try to edit it before i post, but for some reason always seem to catch my errors after they are posted. If its labor intensive, then obviously ignore.. just curious. Thanks. |
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A click outside the grid (accidental) creates image (by theodores - 03 Dec 17, 12:58) |
When one accidentally clicks outside the grid (at least I think that is the only cause) the grid becomes an image (smaller) and the game stops. It's impossible to go back, only reload works and one must start over. Does this happen to anyone else? |
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Server Down? (by alohatami - 14 Dec 17, 2:40) |
I haven't been able to access Free Cell this afternoon/evening. I keep getting an "unable to connect to server" message. I'm hoping this is only a temporary situation? |
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Can't play with others (by flygirl33 - 14 Dec 17, 9:45) |
I can play with others in Nertz and Shisen, but not Mahjong. Would that still be a Flash problem? |
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Scoring (by flygirl33 - 14 Dec 17, 9:49) |
How does the scoring work for the leaderboard in Challenger Hearts? |
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We're missing someone (by joolz1 - 14 Dec 17, 15:12) |
Kissing Bob (you know who you are!) - You are very much missed in Sudoku Points green room.......come back....please!!! |
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"Play With Others" down? (by JDC1949 - 14 Dec 17, 15:21) |
When I go to the "Play With Others" board and click on Play I get a grid but no letters, and the five minute clock isn't ticking. I downloaded the latest Flash player and restarted but "Play With Others" still doesn't work. The "Play Alone" and "Challenge" boards work fine. Anyone else having that problem? |
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thanks (by nyctaxi - 14 Dec 17, 20:02) |
Thank You..Thank You.. Derek! Up and running again. Happy Holidays to you and all fun DKM gamers. Cheers! |
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Size 5 not generating (by pippy - 19 Dec 17, 19:46) |
Hi there - first, I love Suguru, it is challenging and relaxing. Yesterday and today the size 5 puzzles give a message that says "Puzzle not found or generating". Yesterday that showed for all 3 puzzles. Today it only shows for Easy and Tough. Just thought I'd let you know. Thanks for the great puzzles and games!! |
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Make it a timed puzzle (by Aardvard - 19 Dec 17, 20:31) |
This would be great as a timed puzzle with higher points for less time taken for each guess. I think you could get close with most of them if you took enough time with Google so the current scoring handicaps players. |
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iPad problems (by ffejsrem - 19 Dec 17, 23:02) |
Derek Suddenly, this afternoon, I can no longer get Word Ferret to load on either of my iPads. I can log in and select Play with Others. The screen then reads "Connecting to server" but it never connects. Was something changed today that has caused this issue? I've been playing on two different iPads with different OS (11 and 9) without incident for a couple of years now. Help! |
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Sudoku Points (by ladybug29 - 20 Dec 17, 5:57) |
Help! I can no longer access Sudoku Points on my iPad. Has something changed. |
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Sudoku point (by Yogleen - 21 Dec 17, 2:44) |
Sudoku point is not loading on my iPad |
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Non-Flash problems (by bjorn - 21 Dec 17, 12:58) |
Windows 10 just updated and won't let Edge play Flash without reinstalling it from Adobe, which I'd hate to do because Adobe has been so obnoxious. So I'm trying to get used to the non-flash Sudoku design, but the changed layout for pencil marks is really bothering me. When I've got most squares marked and try to scan for patterns I can reduce, instead I see a big noisy mess and give up. Also I can't catch up on any archived games. The new layout cuts off the bottom row of pixels so I have to guess at 8 vs 9 by position. (I use a large font for my vision.) |
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iPad Sudoku Points, Multi-Ferret and multi-Ruffle (by dkmGames - 21 Dec 17, 17:50) |
I have identified and fixed the problem of no connection for Sudoku Points and original Word Ruffle multi-user on iPad. Turns out a crucial file that was hosted on a third party server was removed but I now have a copy on my server. If you still get "Connecting to server ..." and no connection, press Refresh on that page to get updated link. |
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Countries coming up frequently (by carolyna - 22 Dec 17, 16:04) |
Is it just me , or do Brazil and the USA seem to be disproportionately represented in the random puzzles? I am really enjoying all puzzles, by the way! |
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Happy Christmas (by nyctaxi - 25 Dec 17, 2:11) |
Thanks Derek for continuing to provide this unique site! Even though I'm not a top player on most games... except spades :) I enjoy the opportunity to participate and marvel at high scores. World wide chat is fun and informative as well. Happy New Year. Thanks. |
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Adobe Flash problems with Firefox (by platon - 26 Dec 17, 6:01) |
Has anyone got a solution to this problem? Simply won't load in Firefox but OK in Internet Explorer. |
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No towers puzzles today? (by jampotsii - 30 Dec 17, 6:47) |
Aside from the daily challenge, I can�t access any towers puzzles on my iPad today. �Puzzles not found or generated� |
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difficulty tweaked? (by jampotsii - 30 Dec 17, 9:38) |
has the difficulty been tweaked in the last couple of days for Map It? there have been 2 views (at least) with no arrows at all, so cannot move around, only spin on the spot and zoom in and out, which obviously makes it much harder to locate. i wondered if you felt too many folks were achieving full marks necessitating a change. having said that, several people managed to get today's Indian office spot on - what did you find that i missed?? still a great game though! |
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Using & creating Map It games (by snickers12 - 31 Dec 17, 2:44) |
I only discovered the Map It game a week or so ago, and find it quite engrossing; also quite time-consuming. Even when you can move around a little, though, the puzzles sometimes include a spot that's inside a store and I do not see how anyone could figure those out. One was inside a jeans store that turned out to be in a mall in India; you couldn't even get outside the store to see its name or anything but part of a hallway in the mall. No way to figure it out at all, that I could see. How does one generate a puzzle to add to the collection? |
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Lowest percent to qualify for the next round? (by kayrod66 - 02 Jan 18, 11:19) |
I assume 60% moves to the next level plus a certain number of participants, if needed, to "make the cut." Low 40s recently to move on.... always nice to see it was really that difficult... |
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Hijack? (by BellFree - 08 Jan 18, 14:35) |
Is anyone else being redirected to "" when they click on "More" in the puzzle library? |
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edit or delete eagle eye puzzle (by iffywedges - 09 Jan 18, 11:27) |
I just created an eagle eye puzzle and realized it was too easy given the labels that show up. I could have rearranged the clues to make it more interesting but there is now way to change it now. I wish there was a way to stop it from being published so I could do it over. Now I have to wait a long time and try it again when the old one is far down the list. |
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Leaderboard keeps dropping my high scores (by jeffgamer - 14 Jan 18, 8:43) |
Frustration: Yesterday, I had a particularly good day playing Word Ferret, with a couple of really high percentage wins in the standard 3-minute competition. My two highs were a whoppin' 80% and one in the low-to-mid 70's. But the leaderboard that tracks the top 100 scorers of the day includes neither of lists my high of the day at a 66%. This is not the first time it's happened...multiple times my highest games have failed to appear on the leaderboard. (I've popped messages to the moderators of the board but haven't ever heard back about it, so I don't know if they receive my inquiries or are aware of the problem.) Has anyone else experienced this? Any thoughts? |
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Skeeter1 amazes us all! (by wordsmith - 14 Jan 18, 15:18) |
Sunday, January 14, 2018, 3:08 pm: Skeeter1 (well, there is only one Skeeter) scored a whopping 6996! Possibly once there was a score over 7000 - but this was mighty close. And mighty nice! Glad I got to see it. (I was runner up with a blazing 2798, lol.) |
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lack of cards (by carmen51 - 16 Jan 18, 19:27) |
once and a while i dont see cards are played or should be played it hangs the game |
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Level Six displays no words (by gabootsza - 22 Jan 18, 3:00) |
Level 6 only displays hypens and no words. |
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Add an "a" cheat sheet! (by wordsmith - 23 Jan 18, 8:39) |
I bet I�m not the only one who finds �fire� but forgets �afire� or �rid� but not �arid�. So I made a cheat-sheet of 56 words I�ve found, starting a known word with an �a�. End result is 4, 5. 6, and 7 letter words. Yes, I am retired and have time for such nonsense! What have I missed? abed abet abut afar ahem ajar akin alit amen amid anew arid atop away awed awry aback abase abate abash abuzz acute afire again agate agent alien alike alive aloft alone along amass amiss aping arose aside askew await awash ashy awing abased aboard abroad abound adrift agreed alight aright ashore astray awaits abashed alright atoning |
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Today's Random (1/27/18 (by iffywedges - 27 Jan 18, 19:56) |
I so enjoyed today's challenge. I wanted to give it 5 stars before realizing, via fora, that the daily random challenges are computer generated and not randomly selected from the curated puzzles as I had imagined. Two of the first four sites were easy to get but I really enjoyed meandering a bit before making my guess. The next two were quite challenging and frustrating but I managed to find landmarks then trace my way back to the original location and maintain my perfect score. When beginning the last location I said to myself, "please don't be in Russia!" Sure enough, there I was. I find Japan and Korea nearly as difficult but Russia is the worst. This puzzle however was a real joy. I was wondering if any other solvers employed some of the tools I used. The first key was the street sign saying how far to a certain city. The name was in Russian of course, but I went to a website listing the 300 largest Russian cities with the English and Russian side by side. I found out I was 265 (kilometers I supposed) from one city but had to turn around to get another coodinate. Then I used the compass and a mileage calculator to get closer. There were actually three cities involved none of which were the beginning location. Turns out the distance was actually given in miles. The only English I saw anywhere was Bubble Waffles but this was no help. I abandoned that and determined I was about equidistant between A and B with C up north. My final confirmation of the starting location was the gigantic athletic field. I never strayed far from the starting location as I have found getting back can sometimes be the hardest part as it was two of today's locations. Cheers to all and much thanks to Derek for your creativity and attentiveness to the forum. |
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Sudoku points top scores (by sjmont - 28 Jan 18, 15:06) |
Derek, not sure why, but yesterday at about 5:30 PM Eastern time I had a 5060 in Sudoku Points, but it never showed up in the top 100 scores. I stayed the whole game until the clock counted down, in fact, stayed for more games and did not lose connection. Joolz1 said to tell you that she was my witness. I forget who else was in the room at the time, Green room. My high score for yesterday was listed as 4647, which was my second highest score of the day. Thanks in advance for checking into this. |
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Help with Russian (by iffywedges - 29 Jan 18, 13:19) |
Thanks to tribble and jampotsii for your replies. I am new to this and not sure how much more time I can waste! It is interesting that we 3 used different methods with that Russian location yesterday. I really felt like Sherlock Holmes when I thought of the list of Russian cities with their English translations, then with the mileage calculator to triangulate. Any tricks for South Korea? |
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Today's Random 1/29/18 (by iffywedges - 29 Jan 18, 13:37) |
What happened? I am loving life right now because I was not the only one to miss a perfect score and Peppysmom came way up! How on earth do miss by one point?! or four?! Cracks me up! In my case I got careless in Peru. My mistake was in trusting the location of Caldo de Gallina then thinking I was close enough to get the full 1100. I moved around after the result and saw all the words I had initially noted just over a kilometer away from where I had guessed. Bummer, but so much more fun to see scores in the 5400's than ten 5500's. That location in France was so beautiful I did not want to leave. The 3D view of that area left me pining for places I know I will never see. As usual, I got lost while meandering. I was pretty sure where I was going to put the X but was just trying to make sure I wasn't off by a kilometer again. I tried to go down one street, intending to turn right around when suddenly I jumped into a store and out a back alley or something! This time I was able to get back to where I was but it was just dumb luck as I frantically hit buttons and tried to comprehend the compass. Wow. If anyone wants to share their experiences I would love to read them. |
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Nice Leaderboard 1/29/18 (by iffywedges - 29 Jan 18, 22:25) |
It was so nice to see fewer perfect scores today. Congrats to all the perfect scores who managed to avoid the pitfalls. I am curious to know how many "runner ups" such as myself met their Waterloos in Peru. |
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Yikes! 1/30/18 (by iffywedges - 31 Jan 18, 19:34) |
So there I was, about to drop the pin on the fourth location and maintain my perfect score, when I hit the back button on my browser by mistake and was ushered back to reality. I could not re-enter the game and was blocked from any further action. This has happened before and I thought I understood how to avoid it. There are no prizes or money involved in this puzzle and I have learned to accept and actually enjoy the occasional imperfect score, seeing that 5500 is practically unavoidable to someone with the time, determination and tools. I understand some players might be so compelled as to abandon their quest and start over after making a mistake on a particular location but see no reason why someone couldn't pick up where they left off and continue. Sometimes I like to start a puzzle before bed then continue in the morning, but haven't dared to log out for fear of losing playing privileges. Has anyone else had this happen? The other thing I find frustrating is that one's places aren't saved from session to session. Sometimes I have an idea for a puzzle then begin to acquire locations but don't actually create a puzzle. If I log out I lose those locations. I think I should be able to save a large number of locations and even improve on them if I want before deciding to create a puzzle. This flaw creates a serious restriction on people's ability to create a puzzle without knowing exactly what they want to do and having enough time to do it before logging out. I am sure I have read elsewhere that there are no plans to improve this game and I understand the reasons. Looks like we have about 10 diehards worldwide. Just putting it out there. |
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New Map It Gem (by iffywedges - 01 Feb 18, 21:03) |
I love the puzzle created by jampotsii called "Flying High". It was just challenging enough and offered some spectacular views of different situations one is accustomed to. The location in Scotland was off the hook and Costa Rica was another brilliant starting point. In the U.S. most airports are located 20-40 miles from metropolitan areas with little interesting scenery anywhere. To see major landing strips right next to large bodies of water and with, the case of Scotland, major thoroughfares running right through their guts was exhilarating. Great job sir or madam. I don't know how you decided on your locations but they were perfect. Even the last one, which wasn't hard to get, was a nice place from which to peregrinate and see new things. You have the true spirit of the game. I have been inspired to proceed with some new puzzles I have had in mind. |
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fun fun fun (by saxifrage - 04 Feb 18, 3:00) |
just challenging enough for my simple mind thanks |
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hard to believe (by terrij - 04 Feb 18, 9:09) |
Hard to believe the 4 second score by Twan today |
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SuperBowl (by Bobo7777 - 04 Feb 18, 14:40) |
Bobo doesnt ask for much in life. As long as I have my health, I cant complain. But as a native Philadelphian, I have loved my team for many many years. And in return we dont have much to show. So just one time.. just this one.. sending out positive karma for my beloved Eagles to win later today. E.A.G.L.E.S EAGLES!!!! |
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Improved bot play (by smarty - 04 Feb 18, 15:25) |
Maybe it's my imagination, but I sense a change in the play of the bots in the hearts challenge. One used to be able to depend upon the opponents discarding their highest cards in every suit, including hearts, once it became obvious that I was shooting the moon. Now, on some occasions, one of the bots will hold onto a high card to foil that attempt. I don't score as well as I used to, but the game is a lot more challenging (pun intended) with this injection of some brains into the bots. Anyone else notice the change? |
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Need a quick 390 points? (by wordsmith - 05 Feb 18, 7:27) |
Here you go: 390 points if you find any of these combo-sets (all same 7 letters). So nice if they ever pop up, even nicer if I can remember them. You're welcome. airings arising raising ambling blaming lambing angrier earring rearing claimed decimal medical deletes sleeted steeled dieting editing ignited dishing hidings shingdig earning grannie nearing eighths highest heights hustles lushest sleuths letters settler trestle |
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Incorrect points for today's random (by jampotsii - 05 Feb 18, 9:43) |
Hi Derek Something went awry with the points awarded in today's random challenge (5th February). I pinpointed all 5 locations exactly but my total points awarded was 5200, not the anticipated 5500. I imagine it failed to include the 100 bonus for correct country on 3 of the locations. I noticed Momscot scored 5300 - suggesting he/she possibly missed out on 2 bonuses as well, as it would be unusual to gain a score ending 00. |
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Valid and invalid words - kind of weird? (by Kejo - 09 Feb 18, 12:26) |
I really wonder why some words are invalid while others are not. A really peculiar example is the word JEW which is not accepted, whereas YID is obviously perfectly OK. Is there any explanation for this? |
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Full title on Daily Mystery Challenge Puzzles (by sjmont - 10 Feb 18, 9:32) |
Derek, would it be possible to reveal the full title of the mystery puzzle when it is solved? Sometimes it is possible to Google the partial title given, for example, to find out the location, some of the history, etc., but I feel that searching for the location of today's mystery would be an exercise in frustration. |
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Wrong starting location (by iffywedges - 12 Feb 18, 0:37) |
I recently created a puzzle ( 529d6) in which one of the starting locations came out as a fixed point with no navigation possible. That was not my intent and I would like to create the puzzle over. Would it be possible for you to delete the original so I don't have to give the new one an awkward name, such as "Paddy's Pub Crawl With Correction" and also so there is no near duplication of the puzzle? |
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Lost in Slovakia! (by birdoman - 12 Feb 18, 11:52) |
Arrows disappeared and could not be recovered. Like the game though. |
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not being given bonus points at times (by carolyna - 13 Feb 18, 2:12) |
Some days recently, i have found I have not been given the 100 bonus points when being in correct country. love the game, thanks for keeping it up! |
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Are you ready for the next Tournament ? (by bokkasoduko - 13 Feb 18, 2:40) |
All players must be in green room at the same time, we then play 5 games in 30 mins. The scoring is most of the time highest scores, but sometimes there is a formula worked out to help with all scores accumulated through the games. We play about 3 or 4 slots of 30 mins each, 2 or 3 hours apart, 15 or 20 games in total. Ray do the stats for us to keep record of all scores made and which team is winning. We are all over the world, so therefore in different time zones, so your slots in which you will be playing, could be 6 am in the morning or 4 pm in the afternoon. Some of us do screenshots of game played, when the clock strikes 0, so then we have all the scores played during that game. Therefore you must not leave the games before the clock has striked 0. |
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deleting curated puzzle (by iffywedges - 13 Feb 18, 19:25) |
Derek, would it be possible for you to delete a puzzle from the curated list? There is a slight error in one of the locations and I would like to clear it up and do it over. |
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Way to go Dilbert! (by iffywedges - 15 Feb 18, 21:31) |
Congratulations to Dilbert for having the only perfect score on today's challenge. I, myself, gave up after over an hour on the first location. I went in every direction, took screen shots, translated all the large signs, looked for phone numbers, looked for highway signs to no avail and finally said **** it!. I took a stab at the Ukraine based on the sign announcing a "beach tennis" tournament in "Cherkasi" which I could not find on any may and finally settled on "Cherkasy". If I had been close enough to continue I would have proceeded to the next location but I was over 1,000 miles away so, as I said before, I just said, "**** it". I really don't enjoy locations in the former U.S.S.R. I can handle Slavic and Scandinavian languages to a degree, but to see nothing but Russian letters everywhere I look just doesn't interest me given the amount of time I have. Most of the signs I translate are very generic, like "auto parts" or "cultural center" or "antiques". I do wonder if it is the same kind of experience for someone who knows Russian but not English to find a spot in, say England or U.S.A. Cheers all. |
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Glitch (by suzyQ - 16 Feb 18, 11:07) |
I was the only one in the room - the other player may have left or not scored yet, not sure. Anyway I played a card to the top row of shared game board - it didn't tuck under the second row like usual. The message said I was a fraction too late. I played several other cards to the shared game board and the card that didn't tuck in finally came back to the original stack it was in. However, the card that was left in that place showed that I could still play the card I had tried to play. I tried to play it again and it immediately came back with the message that I was a fraction too late, and again the card left in the stack was one less than the card I was trying to play - I tried three more times and it continued to tell me I was too late even though it didn't show that card in the sack when it gave me my card back - AND I was the only one in the room at the time. I continued playing - not playing that card and I Nertzed, but still there was a glitch in that game. |
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Aexaa Wins Gold (by iffywedges - 17 Feb 18, 22:34) |
Beautiful and poignant puzzle by Aexaa with Olympic Games locations. Every location reminded my of the beauty and tragedy of the games. The fourth location was one of the most poignant views I have ever seen. I remember the majesty of those games and the subsequent horror. The joy on the faces of the people in Beijing, knowing the kind of repression they are living under and seeing how we are all searching for happiness and excellence was another brilliant marker. Finally, seeing the desolation and abandonment in the last location brought it all home. People are suckers for spectacle and the promise of riches, or at least betterment, can energize a project for a time, but the aftermath, bereft of any true enrichment, is always overlooked and/or forgotten by the main stream. Thank you Aexaa! I will never forget graffiti on foresaken toboggan runs! |
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Sky high! (by wordsmith - 19 Feb 18, 20:08) |
Reposting this first part from Sunday 14 Jan 18, 3:08 pm: "Skeeter1 amazes us all! Skeeter1 (well, there is only one Skeeter) scored a whopping 6996! Possibly once there was a score over 7000." Update: today, Monday February 19, 2018, 1:15 pm, drealen, who is frequently sky high traveling for work, had a new reason to feel sky high: a whopping high score of 7020! bf50 scored 4246 and hey, I was close behind, ahem, at 3120. Skeeter1 buzzed in just in time for the cheering... I wish I had noticed the 8-letter word. |
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Oh my ... (by Kejo - 01 Mar 18, 1:40) |
Daily challenge today was extremely difficult. Those two different tan-coloured stars were practically impossible to recognize as being different ... they even had the same number of points. |
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keyboard use on external ipad for game (by hedyc - 01 Mar 18, 15:06) |
error in previous message which I can't seem to change. I meant Word Ferret not Word Ruffle. I bought a keyboard for my ipad so I could play the word ferret as I do on my desktop but the keyboard does not enter in the letters. Any ideas? |
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Brutal! (by fujamadook - 03 Mar 18, 9:52) |
Wow! Wordmesh is brutal today!!! |
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Less than 60 seconds Rule in Easy Daily Challenge (by nacim - 03 Mar 18, 21:45) |
Dear Admin, Mr Miller, I hereby submit to you this complaint about the 60 second threshold in the Easy Daily Challenge, as i think it is really excessive, in the Easy Puzzle only As a matter of fact, earlier tonight i solved the Easy Daily Challenge in 55 seconds, which rating was 773, with a score of 9205, but unfortunately the score was not admitted by the system, and i was not even featured in the standings! You know the easy games, especially those with low rating, are 99% about speed, and it is a shame to have such a great finish and a great score to finally find out that it was banned. Although, in the Classic section such low rating easy puzzles are likely to be solved in less than 60 seconds. It doesn't happen all the time, but it certainly does happen. You probably can review such high scoring, very fast finished games, just like you can review my Easy Daily Challenge puzzle for 3/3/2018. Can you please find a solution for this such as allowing very fast finishes to stay such as to monitor them and keep them if they prove to be fair play: ie no guesses, no copying, no rigging whatsoever, because as far as i remember such a monitoring process was possible with the recorded games in the Points Challenge? because i mean it is a pity to see a great game scatter to the wind after being literally awesome. Thanks and regards, nacim |
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Game keeps "Locking-up" (by Volunteer28 - 07 Mar 18, 5:00) |
Not able to do many of these daily challenges, the Game keeps "Locking-up", I place flag and then press "Make Guess" and nothing happens. there is some flaw somewhere. |
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Adobe Flash (by judithweaver - 13 Mar 18, 10:35) |
Most of the puzzles I try now want me to install Adobe Flash - this is quite new. What is it about? |
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Today's challenge March 13 (by jampotsii - 13 Mar 18, 11:12) |
In today's challenge I was stuck inside two rooms of an art gallery for location 4. There seemed to be no way either to get outside, or to even access the rest of the building. I could find no clues on any of the exhibits (their name-labels were too small to read), nor anything else to help, other than cyrillic Russian-type writing on two doors, and 220V over the electric plug socket. After a while of intense searching in vain, i plumped for a Russian location at random, but my question is - What did I miss such that other players could pinpoint the location precisely to score 5500 points or almost that score? Answers on a postcard please, Dilbert and Aexaa! |
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Average/High Score (by JAZZ - 13 Mar 18, 14:23) |
On the generic sudoku game (easy,hard, tough), is the average score / high score that is posted at the completion of the game, the avg/hi scores for that particular game or my avg/hi scores. I understand "rank score", but have never gotten a handle on the avg/hi score stats. Thanks |
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Puzzle Rating (by iffywedges - 15 Mar 18, 8:49) |
My most recent puzzle "Where's Paddy's Pub USA went from a rating of 5 after six plays to 3.5 after seven plays. I dusted off my abacus and discovered that is mathematically impossible. I was surprised, amazed and delighted that people seemed to like it so much and considered I had found a winning formula. My first Paddy puzzle was designed to make you look for the pub from a nearby starting place. I played it myself and found it difficult to find a couple of them which may have caused frustration in the casual player. This latest puzzle starts you at a pub and you only need to find out where in the world it is-not too difficult given all the locations are in large cities in the U.S.A. Like Aexaa's "Olympics" and jampotsii's "Flying High", one gets to see new places and sights and tool around a bit if so inclined. I am not in a rating contest with anybody and figured the bubble would burst eventually, but feel confused now. Maybe there was a glitch causing all ratings to register 5's and the administrator corrected it. In that case I would wonder why the puzzle was being rated so low. Any ideas? Too easy? |
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New game (by dkmGames - 16 Mar 18, 0:39) |
Been a while since I posted a new game but now there is one - Minibridge (under Cards menu). I have been working for a long time trying to get a decent version of Bridge programmed and teaching myself at the same time. It has been challenging - got what I think is now reasonably good card play AI (better than the other card games here) but got bogged down in trying the learn and program all the bidding with it's complexities and conventions. Then came across Minibridge which I think is great - especially for those not familiar with Bridge or are thinking of learning the game. It is essentially Bridge without the bidding and is quick to learn. Give it a try. |
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new board request (by Bcubed - 18 Mar 18, 10:47) |
Hey Derek - many (5 so far) of the top ten players have requested a change, please. We would like to see boards #2 and #3 replaced with new boards. Both boards are near impossible to play and causing tons of frustration. Any chance of a change? |
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chat box (by cheezit - 19 Mar 18, 13:39) |
Chat box pops up in the tile box and covers some tiles. How do I fix that? |
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Let's help Volunteer28! (by iffywedges - 19 Mar 18, 20:20) |
I am reposting this as an original post in case my reply became buried in the thread or you became too jaded to continue seeking help: @Volunteer28 I think I know what you are talking about. After you click on "Make Guess" you see a world map, right? Then you zoom in and sometimes drag the little man onto the map, right? After you drag the man and are satisfied with your location you click on Make Guess and nothing happens, right? Been there, done that. Look in the upper left corner of the puzzle and see if you see a box with an arrow pointing to the left, (the same thing you see on google maps). Click on the left arrow and that box will go away returning you to a screen where you can plant your flag. This got me several times and I still find the ending routine somewhat confusing and still live with the fear of being "locked" as you describe it. I rarely use the little yellow man when making a guess, although at times it is necessary. What I do instead is use google maps till I know where I am, drag the man onto the map and leave him there, then go back to Mapit and duplicate what I did on googlemaps, using that page as a reference when planting my flag on Mapit. I hope this takes care of your problem. It wasn't until I read your latest post where you said you weren't going to street view and everything was working that my memory was jogged. |
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Map It Masterpiece (by iffywedges - 19 Mar 18, 20:27) |
We seem to like arches. Congratulations to Jampotsii for the highest puzzle rating I have seen yet. I have been contemplating a puzzle of train trestles and thought you had beaten me to the punch before doing the puzzle and realizing none of the beautiful underbellies of bridges were for trains. Tonight, my friend, I will introduce a cousin to your great puzzle. BTW one of your locations inspired an entirely new puzzle! |
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Canasta would be nice (by iffywedges - 19 Mar 18, 20:37) |
Derek, have you any plans to introduce possibly the second-greatest and most cut-throat card game of all time, Canasta to the site? I have found your simulations of Hearts to be par excellence, whereas all the software and simulators I have tried have been too silly or soft. I am a deck-freezer and card-holder and have not found an available vehicle to test my talents. There must be a bunch of enthusiasts just waiting for your latest offering who could hand me my lunch. I think you have covered just about every other base I can think of (I came here because of Yubotu) and wonder where your next move would be. Full on Bridge (your mini-bridge is a marvel) or Canasta my friend! |
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Flash player (by nofeathers - 21 Mar 18, 12:23) |
I bought a Chrome book and now my flash player won't work. I've downloaded an extension for chrome but the I can't use the keyboard with it. I have to use to touch screen. Does anyone know a fix for this problem? Thanks, Nofeathers |
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Map It Random 3/21 (by iffywedges - 22 Mar 18, 10:17) |
Did anyone guess the 4th location perfectly? If so, how? I think I spent two hours there running down every Colloseum store, every Intersport store, every Goldsmith and could not read any other sign clearly. Most irritating and frustrating location I have ever played. |
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what's in a name? (by NeuDog - 27 Mar 18, 13:01) |
I'm curious about the many interesting and clever names of our players. I'm NeuDog and my last name begins with the letters n-e-u. Working as a building mechanic and machine mechanic we call each other dogs. I'm NeuDog. Others are called RedDog, SaltyDog, JunkyardDog, ScrappyDog, etc. How about our name? |
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frozen leaderboard (by nyctaxi - 29 Mar 18, 15:20) |
For a few hours this am, PST...Mahjong leaderboard was frozen after a few plays and also would not post my chat. Humm... Anyone else experience this? |
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cheaters (by avidgolfer - 31 Mar 18, 10:45) |
Jeannesnum1 and CoreyO are both cheating on Word Ferret, obviously using online boggle board solvers to get the highest scores every day. Their scores are significantly higher than everyone else, including longtime players who are often the top scorers (legitimately) on a daily basis. They should be banned from playing the game. |
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Want to Read Forum Posts (by lynxx - 31 Mar 18, 13:27) |
Unable to read forum messages. Those intrusive Adsense commercials cover the "read" button. If I click to close the ad, Google wants to argue about why I am seeing it and the forum "read" button is still unusable. Sigh. |
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Daily Challenge (by iluvbassets - 01 Apr 18, 0:37) |
Daily Challenge seems not to be working for April 1 .... maybe an April Fool's joke? There don't seem to be any moves available from the start, but "hint" function doesn't show anything either. |
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my navy places (by holland57 - 02 Apr 18, 14:13) |
have a go at my new 1, i admit the 1st is v tough so its in xxxxxxx, the rest r well doable,, enjoy,, use google |
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my new 1 (by holland57 - 02 Apr 18, 14:18) |
just checked the 1st 1 is doable |
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Wrong tile turning over?! (by bobynrobyn2 - 04 Apr 18, 20:50) |
For the past 2 days on the challenge, when I click a tile it turns over the 1 below it or a random tile somewhere else on the board? Pretty hard to match when the right ones aren't turning over! |
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today's challenge April 8 (by jampotsii - 08 Apr 18, 9:47) |
Only 4 locations in today's challenge? First one labelled 1/5, then you go straight to 3/5, 4/5 5/5, so not sure what has happened to the second location. Hence full marks are 4400, not the usual 5500. |
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Daily Challenge in Hearts and other games (by grams92 - 09 Apr 18, 15:53) |
You have already played today. Do you wish to play again? (score will not count) No I did not already play today!!!! I did not play. I tried to play and nothing happened. Most days I can play. Some days nothing happens and I refresh my screen and I can play. Other days I refresh my screen and get this stupid error message above. Obviously if I did not play my score will come up as zero points. Obviously if my score shows zero points then I DID NOT PLAY TODAY. This doesn't just happen in Hearts but in other Daily Challenge games also. There is nothing wrong with my Flash Player!!!! grrrrrr |
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in da burbs (by holland57 - 11 Apr 18, 14:57) |
does what it says on the tin,,, prepare to travel |
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The Guess Words button not working on Acrostics (by orca - 11 Apr 18, 18:02) |
Hi, The Guess Words button does not appear to be working on Acrostics. I enter the text in the Mystery Text box, select a Category and then click the Get Words button. I usually get a "Failure" message. Sometimes the Words list populates but not with any of the words from my Mystery Text. FYI. Thanks for the web site. |
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new spanish puzzel (by holland57 - 14 Apr 18, 7:46) |
just nailed it with a score of 4982-woohoo |
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Wrong location again (by iffywedges - 17 Apr 18, 11:22) |
Derek, thank you for the deletion. I did the puzzle again and got the same result on the second location. I was very careful with my entry. Please delete it again and I will choose a new location. |
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Remember You're a Womble (by jampotsii - 17 Apr 18, 17:00) |
I just posted a set of two new challenges remembering those loveable little creatures, The Wombles. They all originally chose their names by looking at a map, although i have had to be a little creative with a couple of them for the puzzle. In each set there is one location which is immoveable - one is intentional, the other just 'happened'. Hopefully some will recognise and/or be able to guess the location of our favourite Great Uncle. The second should have enough clues to enable you to google a location. For anyone who is unfamiliar with our furry friends, here are the words of their theme-song: Underground, overground, Wombling free The Wombles of Wimbledon Common are we Making good use of the things that we find Things that the everyday folks leave behind Uncle Bulgaria, he can remember the days When he wasn't behind the Times With his map of the world Pick up the papers and take them to Tobermory Wombles are organised, work as a team Wombles are tidy and Wombles are clean Underground, overground, Wombling free The Wombles of Wimbledon Common are we People don't notice us, they never see Under their noses a Womble may be Womble by night and we Womble by day Looking for litter to trundle away We're so incredibly utterly devious Making the most of everything Even bottles and tins Pick up the pieces and make them into something new Is what we do Underground, overground, Wombling free The Wombles of Wimbledon Common are we Making good use of the things that we find Things that the everyday folks leave behind Happy Wombling Everybody! |
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today's random challenge (by jampotsii - 20 Apr 18, 8:56) |
How cool is that? An uphill street has travelator walkways to ride on! |
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Super slow (by sleeli - 25 Apr 18, 20:24) |
Has anyone else experienced a big slow-down in response time for this game? I haven't noticed it in any other game. |
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Huge font in 14x14 Puzzle. (by mongokino - 01 May 18, 1:49) |
Hi! Last couple of days the font in the 14x14 Nonongram Puzzle is huge -regardless of zoom, hence unreadable. All other puzzled work as usual. Win 10 Home 64-bit. Chrome. Thank yo |
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The Kentucky Derby Sudoku Tournament is on !!!!!!!! 5th of May (by bokkasoduko - 03 May 18, 4:09) |
Saturday 5th of May, there will be four slots of 30 min each to be played, we know everyone cannot play all four slots because of the difference in time zones, so a decision will be made of how many games (scores) will count for the tourney. Los Angeles 3:00 AM 6:00 AM 9:00 AM 12:00 PM New York 6:00 AM 9:00 AM 12:00 PM 3:00 PM London 11:00 AM 2:00 PM 5:00 PM 8:00 PM India 3:30 PM 6:30 PM 9:30 PM 12:30 AM Romania 1:00 PM 4:00 PM 7:00 PM 10:00 PM Hungary 12:00 PM 3:00 PM 6:00 PM 9:00 PM Texas 5:00 AM 8:00 AM 11:00 AM 2:00 PM Canada 6:00 AM 9:00 AM 12:00 PM 3:00 PM Maryland USA 6:00 AM 9:00 AM 12:00 PM 3:00 PM Greece 1:00 PM 4:00 PM 7:00 PM 10:00 PM Panama City 5:00 AM 8:00 AM 11:00 AM 2:00 PM Denver CO 4:00 AM 7:00 AM 10:00 AM 1:00 PM Pennsylvania 6:00 AM 9:00 AM 12:00 PM 3:00 PM Bulgaria 1:00 PM 4:00 PM 7:00 PM 10:00 PM Jordan 1:00 PM 4:00 PM 7:00 PM 10:00 PM Kentucky 6:00 AM 9:00 AM 12:00 PM 3:00 PM New Jersey 6:00 AM 9:00 AM 12:00 PM 3:00 PM Netherland 12:00 PM 3:00 PM 6:00 PM 9:00 PM Minneapolis 5:00 AM 8:00 AM 11:00 AM 2:00 PM |
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Timing issue on last pair (by OtterPop - 03 May 18, 10:37) |
The issue occurs when the last pair is made before the time runs out but before the pair is physically cleared from the board. The game will say the board level is incomplete and then finish removing the completed pair from the board. This results in the 'incomplete level' message being displayed over a completed board that is now empty. This occurs irregardless of whether the score is high enough to complete the level. |
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The Winners of Kentucky Derby Sudoku Tournament is ......... (by bokkasoduko - 05 May 18, 16:39) |
Fillies !!!!!!!!! Fillies Colts Games Played 163 112 Victories 6 14 Total Points 610600 459552 Top 5 Scores #1 5429 szjani67 #2 5413 MeredithM #3 5268 szjani67 #4 5158 slc #5 5149 FatFingers Most Victories #1 6 slc #2 5 szjani67 #3 3 FatFingers #4 2 bokkasoduko #5 2 Kydoku Best Series #1 92864 slc #2 88318 Kydoku #3 82156 playu4keeps #4 76901 bokkasoduko #5 76432 sarimarais |
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Game Optios for Challenge (by jdasher - 09 May 18, 6:30) |
Part game and game are the only options available in the Challenge. On the games where N/S is Declarer, best scores possible show slam and grand slam options. Can you provide these options? |
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Correct country bonus not being awarded (by jampotsii - 11 May 18, 7:50) |
Hi Derek Today i was not awarded the correct country bonus for any of the locations, hence my final score was 5000 points even though i correctly identified all 5 locations. Having contacted you previously about this issue, i deliberately waited 3-4 minutes after completing each location to see if the bonus would appear, and when it didn't, i took screen shots which i can forward to you if required. I haven't attempted the challenge for the past few days so i don't know if you have altered anything, but certainly some players were able to achieve over 5000 points today, although no-one has, as yet, been awarded the 5500 max. |
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Random 11 May - I was robbed! (by dilbert - 11 May 18, 8:00) |
Although I got every location almost exactly, I didn't get any bonuses for being in the correct country. Is there an explanation? Thanks for a great puzzle. |
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Similar colours in today's challenge (by Kejo - 12 May 18, 1:16) |
Again, I found the Daily Challenge very hard to play. Today there were two polygons (heptagon and octagon, I think?) that both had a pale peach colour and were extremely hard to tell apart. |
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Unable to create puzzle entry (by Aexaa - 14 May 18, 5:13) |
Good morning, when trying to create a new puzzle I found that it is impossible, for me, to create a new location in �my places�. I can press �add place� all I want, but nothing happens... |
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watertowers (by holland57 - 17 May 18, 9:09) |
just bagged a 4999 on this one u need to make em tougher lol |
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Top and average scores clasic sudoku leaderboard (by 1King - 21 May 18, 18:15) |
What are the top and the average scores among all players in classic Sudoku? Of all the players, what is the top and the average score? |
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Marbles and all the amazing players (by Bobo7777 - 22 May 18, 14:17) |
Long long ago, on a ferret board far away... I declared that the next game played would be for all the marbles (every last single one of em). Amazingly this tradition has continued all these years later, with the declaration of MARBLES! signifying that the next game is the most important and therefore the game you really want to win (it also give Jeffgamer time to roll up his sleeves). I bring this up because I just wanted to point how amazing the Ferret community is, and how much fun it is to play against such an amazing and talented group of players. The game used to be dominated by Bullwinkle, Socks, Bullseye, Janet and myself many years ago...but so many players have improved to the point that every game is a fight for first amongst scores of players, the competition is simply spectacular. So thank you to Jeff and Moni. To Erikayu and BlueWombat and BirdDog. To the twins FF and MS888. To rachel and mary and 2fingers and 2crispy. To Tisme and Rumpus and DebM and Harmony. To some oldtimers i remember from the past named Phoenix, Sioux, Shanti, Elkster, Rodrigo, NYCtaxi, Qujo, and MrsChute. And cant leave out a special thank to Socks, who i have personally battled more than any other ferreter and who forced me to become as good as I can to get a win. See you all on the boards, and good luck getting my MARBLES :) (I know i have left out many players, but doing all this on memory, so my apologies!). |
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harbours (by holland57 - 22 May 18, 16:32) |
hope you like it all probs not easy, that Japanese 1 today was a bugger |
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Oops... Undo is missing in Nonogram challenge (by Gabriel1196 - 23 May 18, 8:06) |
Not Towers ... Please add ... Tks |
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Mapit snafu (by iffywedges - 25 May 18, 0:28) |
Once again, Mapit puzzle starting points are coming out differently than designed. Usually the zoom is different and frequently the angle is different. I can live with those. But another puzzle of mine came out with a fixed start point which was supposed to be navigable and because it was a different angle than I chose the main feature of the view not even present. It went from my favorite place to a meaningless unsolvable location. Any ideas on this? |
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Today's challenge - a rerun? (by Kejo - 25 May 18, 0:57) |
I'm not really sure, but is it possible that today's challenge is a rerun of yesterdays's? Seemed rather familiar ... |
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davs 1 (by holland57 - 27 May 18, 14:59) |
4998 dav good try |
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todays random (by holland57 - 31 May 18, 16:07) |
how the hell did u get the russian 1? |
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game crashes (by ajantha12 - 05 Jun 18, 17:29) |
minibridge is fantastic. but the game crashes unexpectedly . i am using a seaminkey browser. i have windows 7 - what should I do? |
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Points allocation (by properjewel1 - 13 Jun 18, 11:26) |
Why do we only get extra points for grand slam and not for a small slam in the Minibridge Challenge? |
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challenge wierdness (by leighbarker - 14 Jun 18, 2:21) |
Just got my best time ever on the Nonogram challenge - 1:37. But it doesn�t appear in today�s results. It knows I did the challenge, but my score is lost :( |
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no random puzzle today? 16/6/18 (by jampotsii - 16 Jun 18, 11:48) |
i was unable to access today's random challenge |
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Map It R.I.P. (by iffywedges - 21 Jun 18, 22:04) |
There has not been an original puzzle contribution to Map It for nearly 3 weeks. We have lost jampotsii as a creator and the play counts have been reduced by almost half since I began playing and contributing in December of last year. The curator has eliminated further pages of curated puzzles and will not answer my questions about regularly occurring glitches, which, I suspect, are the fault of google maps and not dkm games, but without support and an appropriate response I am left to wonder in frustration. It has been nice seeing the creations of jampotsii and Aexaa, both of whom I feel show great imagination and have caused minor stirrings of envy in me from time to time. I have tried to provide levity and humor to the process in my way. (I don't know if anybody caught it but my puzzle named �Archies� was a direct response to Aexaa's �More arches�, a brilliant riposte to jampotsii's �under all the arches�, which was, at the time, the most highly rated puzzle on the list.) The random puzzle seems to be alive and well and I may play from time to time, but I have gotten over my compulsion toward perfection and have saved a lot of time in my life thereby:-). I doubt I will continue enthusiastically henceforth, but will check to see if interest has been renewed. I have over a hundred bookmarked locations under 12-15 folders for different puzzle ideas but, really, with four out of my last five publications being flawed and with no way to prevent these occurrences without editing allowances, I give up. My last puzzle, for instance, begins with a fixed location which I did not choose. For those interested in what I tried to enter there, go to googlemaps and enter Mississippi river headwaters. I am sure I can count on Aexaa and jampotsii to do me the honor. There are three fixed locations. None of the fluid locations led to anything recognizable so I rejected them. The one I chose showed the entire area blanketed in snow, with a sign, not distorted in any way, announcing the beginning of the Mighty Mississippi. It is one of the most beautiful things I have ever seen. I dearly wish that could have been the first thing people saw when they tried my puzzle. And again, for my "Odd Hominem" puzzle, there is a fluid location which I chose for # 4, Florence, Italy. It came out as a fixed location with mildly interesting statuary but which conveyed nothing of the concept of the puzzle and which location could only be guessed at. If you can find the right starting point you will see a mime artist standing on a ladder holding a four foot level perfectly level. It has to be seen to be believed. Cheers all. p.s. The most recently entered puzzle on the site is �letsgo� by biebar. I played it and rated it 5 because it was interesting, contained some nice views which were challenging and had no major flaws. But to see it with the most plays and the highest rating of any current puzzle on Mapit is a travesty, in light of the highly conceptual and brilliantly executed offerings of jampotsii, Aexaa, and, frankly, myself. I smell a rat. I think biebar has played it at least ten times (probably more) and rated it 5 each time. Just sayin'... |
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Today's Random Doozie (by iffywedges - 01 Jul 18, 18:43) |
Was today's random hard enough for anyone? Holy you know what! I saw the scores, Dilbert, but please tells you did not ace it, that you struggled a bit! I wasted over half a God-given morning on it. Great fun. I could have been worse though. Imagine the easy American intersection replaced by Japan or Korea! |
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Brutal! (by fujamadook - 06 Jul 18, 9:48) |
What a brutal game today. Well done to those that managed to win!! |
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Log in (by papayeverte - 08 Jul 18, 11:39) |
Dear DKM, I couldn't log in to Jigsaw (being without my computer) since few days. I do not remember the password for my username susba. Could you send it to me by mail, please? Thanking you in advance. susba |
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Puzzle not found or generated (by n4n3tt3 - 10 Jul 18, 2:35) |
That's the popup-message I get when I click "new" and/or "play challenge" in both Firefox and Brave. Please help! |
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Why only one new puzzle per day? (by bpat - 14 Jul 18, 12:56) |
These are computer-generated, right? So it should be easy to have more than one set a day? Please? Thanks! |
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Easy Challenge Today (by flagman - 19 Jul 18, 6:50) |
The cheaters shouldn't even have to cheat today. |
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Challenge score not being recorded (by sjmont - 21 Jul 18, 10:59) |
For the past two days, my scores in the word ruffle challenge have not been showing up in the listing. Yes, I have been logged in. Any idea why this is happening? Thanks! |
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Spades are being led (by flagman - 23 Jul 18, 8:07) |
Twice within the past couple days, I have observed hearts being led before they are broken--once by Bertie during the Challenge on 7/23/2018, and once by Dolly, I think yesterday but not during the Challenge. In both cases, the guilty player had just taken the Queen of spades and had other cards in hand besides hearts. Thanks. |
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Giving trick away (by Tigers - 25 Jul 18, 17:54) |
Why tricks are taken expensive if cheaper is possible? Example U have ace&queen behind the king. The king is not play so the queen is high already, the ace is play so the queen is lost Why are tricks play in wrong order, so high cards are not play sepertly and lose a low card or need to trump. Why are tricks from partner taken over with trump? |
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Inappropriate Bias (by nwstl1 - 26 Jul 18, 20:04) |
Quoting Jerry Falwell's (or anyone else's) extremely biased thoughts about religions other than his/their own is highly inappropriate for this space. Please don't make Cryptograms a platform for bigotry and hate. |
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Map-It Gem About To Become Extinct (by iffywedges - 31 Jul 18, 19:49) |
Anyone who appreciates the potentiality of MapIt curated puzzles should rush to play "As Seen From Above" by Aexaa (Obd81) before it disappears from the site. If it is supplanted by two more original creations it will be gone. I don't understand why older puzzles cannot be archived but I have promised not to whine if the game is allowed to exist so I will offer it as a question only. To me this is the most underrated puzzle to date (3.3 you kidding me?). The idea seems to have been that you would figure out where you were then zoom out to receive an overview of the area and then perceive a most surprising yet obvious image or icon of some sort. Please give it a try and keep MapIt alive! ps. Many thanks to new contributors gleefulj and ber42. "Bridges" and "Find It" were welcome additions to the list of possibles. |
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Tied Ranking (by ProudGay - 01 Aug 18, 19:24) |
Hello DKM: Ever considered ranking ties in the following way: 1. 100 Joe 2. 99 Bill 2. 99 Sam 4. 97 Jill 4. 97 Sue 6. 91 Pete This is pretty typical in ranking ties in sports. Or is it a software nightmare. I enjoy your games. Thank you. |
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Another test (by dkmGames - 04 Aug 18, 1:32) |
this is "'xxxx'=='"''' |
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16k tile (by Bobo7777 - 08 Aug 18, 20:12) |
One day, I do not know when, I will get that 16k tile. I just now happened to get my personal best score, but somehow I feel disheartened rather than joyful. I suppose it is the pursuit, and not the attainment, that drives us all. To be continued... |
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Towers Challenge Puzzle Not Available (by pkramer - 10 Aug 18, 0:47) |
For the last two days, when I try to play the Towers Challenge, I get a message saying the puzzle is not available. When I try again, I get a message saying I already played it today. What's going on? |
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Challenge not available (by smarty - 11 Aug 18, 12:26) |
When I tried to play the Minibridge Challenge today, I got a message saying "Challenge not available". I played a game of minibridge without the challenge, then tried again to play the challenge, only to be met with a message that said I had already played the challenge today. I checked the scores for the challenge, and there were no scores. Hope this isn't a recurring problem. |
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missing the +/- zoom control on screen (by jampotsii - 12 Aug 18, 14:44) |
Is anyone else missing the +/- zoom control on the screen when on the guess the place map? I have it on the streetview window, but not when i go to the map. |
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Rattie (by kayrod66 - 14 Aug 18, 10:41) |
You are my target each day for the games on here, if I can come close to you (or rarely surpass you) then I consider it a job well done. Thanks for your unintended enjoyment of this site and the games on here. Kent Toronto, Ontario |
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hollister banner ad (by bjorn - 16 Aug 18, 2:32) |
physically nauseous, come on |
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oranges (by geordiemam - 16 Aug 18, 3:20) |
I love doing triplets though I'm colour blind (98%deficient according to one of the tests) however todays 3 shades of orange had my eyes wobbling! |
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no map-it challenge today? (by jampotsii - 18 Aug 18, 9:11) |
when i opened today's random map it challenge, the screen was blank, and as there are no names on the leaderboard for today i assume nobody else can access it either. if you do fix, please can you clear today's users so we can try again? thanks |
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Poor Square Color Contrast (by gdubb0919 - 18 Aug 18, 12:17) |
Seems the contrast between gray (unmarked) squares and white squares is poor. I've completed several larger puzzles accurately only to discover it is not complete as I am having trouble deciphering between gray squares versus white squares. Suggest a darker gray or even a different contrasting color be used. |
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Fix needed to bot play (by smarty - 19 Aug 18, 21:40) |
On several occasions in "Play mini-bridge plus" I've seen my partner trump a trick I have already won. None of those times has resulted in an advantageous lead for the partnership. I haven't seen the same play in the Challenge mode, but if the glitch is in one mode, it seems there's a good chance it is in both modes. Don"t know if this is something that can be fixed. |
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Prefiy?! (by Jelloid - 23 Aug 18, 10:47) |
I'm a big codeword fan, first time on dkm today - I've never come across this word, and nor has Google. Disappointing! |
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random puzzle 8/25 (by iffywedges - 25 Aug 18, 22:31) |
I would be very interested in hearing from anyone who got a perfect score today. After scoring perfectly on the first four locations, and thanking my lucky stars that I had dodged Russian and Korean locations, the 5th location seemed impossible to guess given the limited amount of navigation possible. I tried every avenue many times, zoomed in and out and rotated many times and finally just gave up. I knew it was somewhere in southeast Asia so planted my flag in upper Greenland, hoping to score 0 and end with a score of 4400, thus indicating that I had aced at least 4 of the 5 locations. To my chagrin I actually was awarded points for my effort! After seeing the actual location revealed I wandered about a bit to try and find out if I had overlooked some secret avenue. It seems there were roads that linked up leading to larger areas which may have been the keys to solution, but they never showed up when I was stuck next to the cemetery, adjacent to a large house with no signs of any kind. How did you manage, please. |
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random challenge 8/25 (by iffywedges - 25 Aug 18, 22:51) |
By all accounts today's puzzle was a pushover. Congratulations to all the honest players who managed to score 150 or above and also to those who were close. I did not fare so well because of one decision to try and shoot the moon and one decision to play a 5 when I could have played a 3. To those who feel they have to cheat in order to show up with 151 every day by playing 2 or more times under different accounts, please examine your lives. I assure you, everyone knows how you do it and no one is impressed. You are anonymous for g-d's sake, so where is the payoff?. BTW where were you today fujamadook? You missed your chance for a top twenty! |
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New game Bricks (by dkmGames - 27 Aug 18, 3:21) |
Just posted a new game called Bricks (under the Other menu). It is a departure from the usual brain puzzles. I'm sure there are lots of improvements/enhancements that can be added - let me know. I also have a "level editor" to create your own levels of the game - will release if there is enough interest. |
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Virus (by dacgal - 27 Aug 18, 8:30) |
You have some kind of virus attached to your programs. I cannot open anything that uses flash player. I have gone to adobe to reinstall and I am repeatedly told that my flash is up to date. I keep getting a message that it doesn't detect flash on my computer and to click the link to get flash updated. I did that once before and I got a bad virus that was almost impossible to get rid of. It almost ruined my computer. That is why I go direct to Adobe now to download the updates. I hope you resolve this issue. I cannot play many of the games. |
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Adobe Player (by bobynrobyn2 - 27 Aug 18, 21:41) |
When playing Word Ferret and Triplets I keep having an Adobe box popping up making play virtually impossible! Is anyone else having this problem? Is there something I should do? It has options like show all, zoom in, zoom out, settings... Any advice would be appreciated! |
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Daily challenge (by dkmGames - 29 Aug 18, 1:13) |
A daily challenge has now been added. You can play as many times as you like and only your best score for the day will be posted. There is also a bonus at the end if you complete the level. Let me know if you think the bonus should be altered. There are three levels of difficulty one of which will be randomly selected each day. |
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Oh Those Definitions! (by lynxx - 29 Aug 18, 19:54) |
To John Reardon: Thanks for breathing new life into the acrostics. Your word definitions are unique and funny (if I can figure them out). Thank you, John. Appreciation to you. |
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Ball trajectory locked (by judithweaver - 31 Aug 18, 7:12) |
I got into a situation with bricks where the ball was going backwards and forwards horizontally without ever moving up or down. What does one do then? |
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Spades (by tocguy - 01 Sep 18, 13:49) |
The AI apparently does not comprehend the play strategy to employ after it has opted to bid 0 points in a round. The AI erroneously plays its hand from the bottom ranked cards despite its partner, the User, playing high ranked cards to allow the AI to dispose of its high rank cards. |
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Kicked out (by skeeter1 - 01 Sep 18, 17:45) |
Oh maaaan, I was almost done with level10 (Game one), and must have clicked outside the box, and the whole screen disappeared. When I clicked start again, the notice I got was "restart level 9?" (?) I clicked Yes, and was back on level 1, with a score of 0 :-(. This happened once or twice before, but I wasn't as far along... I'm pretty sure I didn't hit the Exit button either. |
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Chrome is indicting that Jigsawjam is not a secure site (by wh - 02 Sep 18, 21:15) |
Also is not secure Tag shows in URL field. ????? |
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Mozzilla browser also indicates that jigsawjam is not a secure s (by wh - 02 Sep 18, 21:28) |
mozzilla shows an unlocked icon. But when one logs it with ID and password a very clear message shows that the site is not secure. |
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Available on phones (by dkmGames - 02 Sep 18, 21:48) |
You can now play Bricks on your phone. Please note that due to its size, all the levels and daily challeges are different (only 9 columns instead of 13) so the leaderboards will only show phone scores. |
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one on one (by fujamadook - 04 Sep 18, 11:18) |
Hi. I'm trying to play one on one with a friend set up as a normal challenge. We both reinstalled adobe flash but it doesn't work past the first players turn. Says the second player has timed out whereas in fact the word entered, which is correct cannot be submitted. Hope you can help! Thank you. Alison |
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hi judith weaver (by fujamadook - 04 Sep 18, 11:25) |
Fujamadook here. I didn't know what i was doing when i set up a google account years ago, hence the name fujamadook! I'm Alison. I try to beat your scores every day Judith! Sometimes I win, but mostly it's you! I love the games and the friendly competition! |
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Can't play (by Mommy - 07 Sep 18, 6:48) |
I'm a Mac user using Chrome. Downloaded adobe flash, restarted, still getting the blank page. Please Help |
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Laser Shots (by ejs - 08 Sep 18, 8:22) |
If you've earned multiple points, do you still get them for each shot when in Laser mode, or only single points for Laser shots? |
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Challenge score not posting (by skeeter1 - 09 Sep 18, 10:42) |
I've played the challenge at least five times today, and none of my scores have showed up on the board. I played two rounds when the challenge was first posted and there were only three players listed then. My most recent game was a few minutes ago. (I scored 10410, which should put me at #15.) I also noticed that my Triplets challenge score didn't show up today, though my Ruffle scores still post. I am always logged in when I play (first thing I checked). Thank you for checking into this! |
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Add more games? (by Bobo7777 - 10 Sep 18, 10:29) |
Thanks again for adding bricks. If possible, and if interest dictates, could youadd more games? Just finished game "five" and am really enjoying it. |
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New game Tilt It (by dkmGames - 17 Sep 18, 20:38) |
Just posted a new game that I dreamt up called Tilt It (in Other menu). You "tilt" the board (change gravity) to guide your ball and try to remove all the pegs. Ideally it's designed for mobile devices (uses the accelerometer) but I think it works well on PCs. Let me know of any things to improve it. |
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login not working (by elkster - 19 Sep 18, 5:13) |
Hi DK, My login info is coming back with error message but it is the exact same as my DKM games info and I have no problem there. Can you help? Thanks |
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Jigsaw Jam (by patilou - 19 Sep 18, 14:53) |
I have had the same login and password for 5 years, today it is suddenly invalid and I cannot log on or change password/login. Please help! |
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https - SSL security (by dkmGames - 20 Sep 18, 1:32) |
dkmgames now has a SSL certificate. I have decided to only implement https (security) on the account pages - ie login, registration and account profile. These are the only pages where you enter any sensitive data and so the only ones that require encryption in my opinion. All other pages only display content and you click on required options. The user database for jigsawjam is the same as dkmgames and is stored on the dkmgames server. All logins via jigsawjam will go through the secure pages in dkmgames. |
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iPhone app? (by nsmark - 20 Sep 18, 13:30) |
I see a reference to playing on a phone for the new game Tilt It. What is the app that allows DKM games to be played on a phone? |
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Problems with Flash using Chrome (by lynxx - 21 Sep 18, 2:18) |
Today I cannot enable Flash in the settings for Chrome. Will download and try again. Google says it will support Flash through 2020, but after that faster technologies will be used. How will this affect our beloved games? |
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Puzzle Disappeared (by DeannaD - 21 Sep 18, 7:58) |
Was in middle of first level, tried to move puzzle to cover up annoying ads showing on side of my screen. Puzzle disappeared. When I tried to click on puzzle again, I got "you have already played today." But my score (which would've been very low bc I was still in the middle of level one) wasn't posted. How can I continue playing the puzzle??? |
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Puzzle won't save (by keiler - 23 Sep 18, 15:02) |
I can't save a started puzzle. I use Firefox on a mac os ( Sierra) and understand FF is blocking third party sites, along with others, from using Flash and are going to a different way of operating. At any rate, I'm pretty confused by the whole mess and can't get my puzzle fix. I've tried everything I can think of to fix the issue but no luck. Can you help? I really appreciate all your efforts and have enjoyed many hours of play. Best regards |
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Jigsaws are freezing (by bpat - 23 Sep 18, 16:15) |
Over the past week or so, I've had several jigsaw screens freeze and stop responding to any input. I'm on Windows 10 Home Edition, using Chrome Version 69.0.3497.100 (Official Build) (64-bit) |
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Kapowie! Fruit all gone. (by lynxx - 24 Sep 18, 21:05) |
Hi, Trendsetters -- could you please tell me what makes the fruit blow up so unexpectedly? |
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Spades (by vclink - 26 Sep 18, 9:51) |
There is a flaw in the Spades program. It should be programmed so the partner always goes higher if you currently have the trick if you have bid zero. Currently it will let you take the trick even when it could have saved your nil bid. |
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blank screen when select image (by marty12345 - 28 Sep 18, 20:01) |
I have a MacBook Pro and just checked to see if I needed to update Flash. System Prefs says no. When I first checked the jigsaws early this morning, the puzzles came up normally. But when I went back later in the day to do one, first I was unable to log out from the initial jigsaw screen and had to go to the main dkm screen to log in. And now trying to solve an image just gives an empty screen. Please help. |
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Daily top 100 "practice" scores (by PeeDee - 30 Sep 18, 0:30) |
Not sure why my game name, PeeDee, does not appear on the top 100 list when I clearly have made the grade for the day. This has happened a few times now. Love your games by-the-way; thank you! |
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Retire some grids (by tribble - 08 Oct 18, 10:53) |
Hi Derek, the Mahjong regulars have a favor to ask, can we retire grids 2 and 24, please? Both grids are annoying us ;-) If we can add some grids, the favorite one is #7 (the W grid), maybe you could flip it upside down to create another grid! (the M grid!) Thanks for all you do! |
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Can't connect to game (by smarty - 09 Oct 18, 9:54) |
When I try to play Free Cell, the message "connecting to server" comes up, but nothing else happens. I'm able to access other games I play on this site without a problem. Anyone else experiencing this problem? |
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Can't connect to server (by bdownes - 09 Oct 18, 10:56) |
FYI - Can't connect to Mahjong server 10/9/18 10:50am EST. Able to connect to other servers. |
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dual solution (by elindros - 10 Oct 18, 2:34) |
today's puzzle has 2 solutions. tiles 23/25 can be changed to spell EDIT and OWE instead of EXIT and ODE. |
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Walkthroughs (by Morse - 11 Oct 18, 4:53) |
Hi all This is a very good site and I have been using it virtually daily for some years. I have only recently come back to it after illness and am having to re-learn the trickier parts of Sudoku during my recovery. I'm really sorry to see that walkthroughs are no longer available to help understand the strategies and would be very happy to see this facility re-instated. The page does say that walkthroughs are coming if the "Solve one cell" is used but does anyone know when might that be please? |
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Unable to zoom in on 1st puzzle in challenge (by BlueWombat - 11 Oct 18, 12:03) |
I don't know if anyone else is getting this problem (in fact I know most can't have this problem because you can't get 5,500 if you do), but on the first puzzle in the daily challenge, I'm unable to zoom in at all as the + and - buttons on the map just aren't showing. This started a couple of weeks ago. And then it's OK for the remaining 4. Any suggestions? |
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Game Size (by Dsad - 15 Oct 18, 9:24) |
Unable to reduce game size to fit Galaxy S9. Suggestions. |
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"Arrange" Doesn't Work (by pkramer - 15 Oct 18, 21:29) |
The "Arrange" item on menus for both the Daily Challenge and the Mystery Puzzle stopped working on my computer. Is that something I can fix? |
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Calling all those in Canada (by BlueWombat - 23 Oct 18, 1:17) |
Purely in the interests of science, I was wondering if our many Canadian players had noticed if their scores had either increased or decreased as a result of the legalisation of cannabis. Presumably if there�s no difference, we can only assume that they�ve always been as high as kites. Sent from the office of the head of BlueWombat Research. |
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Hi Score (by Bobo7777 - 25 Oct 18, 10:55) |
Lara7, has been a pleasure going back and forth with you over high score on both levels. I "think" Ive maxed out the score, which im sure you will hit very soon. Always fun to have a little competition, good luck to you! |
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anyone heard from slc? (by Wiley - 25 Oct 18, 19:31) |
Wondering if anyone heard from slc - he lives in Mexico Beach, Florida |
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Warum ist diese L�sung nicht richtig? (by sPA505 - 29 Oct 18, 10:32) |
Hi zusammen, warum erkennt das Programm meine L�sung nicht als richtig? Hier ein Screenshot: Musikalische Gr��e Holger |
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daily challenge? (by socks - 04 Nov 18, 16:04) |
Hi there, Is it possible/worthwhile to have a daily challenge? It would be fun to try and solve the puzzle without tempting to check and to compare time scores to others. If it is not in the cards, sobeit, I will continue to appreciate the game as is. Thanks, Socks |
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bricks - only blue square (by ptglpat - 05 Nov 18, 11:05) |
I have reloaded Adobe Flash Player and rebooted but still only get blue square for Bricks. Anything else I can do as really enjoyed it. I am using Windows 8.1 |
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Does not accept external Sudoku (by MHG - 08 Nov 18, 16:46) |
Read anarticle about hardest Sudoku puzzle here: Tried to manually enter it to nonFlash version to try it out using pencil marker, but the software does not accept it as a valid puzzle. |
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e-mail from dkm team re: possible data breach (by nyctaxi - 12 Nov 18, 15:59) |
On 11/10/2018, I received an e-mail; subject..dkmgames/jigsawjam user data base breach. I don't play jigsawjam, but, read on. Well written paragraphs explaining how to change your password if necessary. I think it was your e-mail password as well. Signed by the dkm Team. I found this e-mail rather odd as I don't recall giving my e-mail address nine? years ago when I joined. Perhaps I did. Anyway, I expected to see some response on the forum which I did not. So, today during some brief mahjong chat I just asked players. no response. I have an excellent computer tech who has checked my security for years and I also trust Derek and this site as well ! I would just like to know if anyone else has received this e-mail? Thanks! |
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Apparent breach of user database (by dkmGames - 12 Nov 18, 17:42) |
Unfortunately there appears to have been a database breach on the website. While I don't feel there is much cause for concern, the responsible action is to inform all registered users in the database. I am in the process of trying to send an email to everyone but this has been challenging so far (can only send a few via my mail server as bulk emails get blocked as potential spam user). I have now signed up with a company to help perform this task. Below is a copy of the email that I plan to send to everyone. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dear user, It has come to our attention recently that the user database has been compromised. We are not sure when or how it happened but have since taken a number of steps to try prevent this happening in the future which includes the encryption of all passwords in the database. Fortunately, as you are aware, we do not ask or record any personal identity information in the database - just a username, email and password. So thankfully there is little threat to the breach but we feel it our responsibility to inform you of this incident. You may wish to change your password - to do this, login and then click on your username in the top right on any page. In the unlikely event that you have used the same password on other sites - specifically your email account - you may wish to change the password on those sites as well just as a precaution. It is disheartening to know we are now part of the very high percentage of websites that have been compromised by cyber attack. According to Wikipedia, it is estimated that in first half of 2018 alone, about 4.5 billion records were exposed as a result of data breaches. Thank you for your support and understanding. Please note that this is a "no reply" email address. Regards, DKM team. |
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Daily challenge (by Brainy - 23 Nov 18, 1:40) |
My thanks to you all, been doing daily codewords since retirement to try and keep the brain cells buzzing and this booted up another eight! |
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Puzzle submissions (by annlacko - 25 Nov 18, 7:11) |
Is the purpose of jigsaw puzzle submissions to submit your own work? Or can one also go on the internet and just submit any image they like, as long as it meets the acceptance guidelines? I find it more valuable and interesting to submit one's own images. What do others think? |
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New game Gomoku (by dkmGames - 26 Nov 18, 5:04) |
A new game called Gomoku has been added (under Other menu). Very simple rules but quite tricky to master. I may have to calibrate the computer difficulty levels - 'Beginner' may be a little hard. Also I hope that I have made the Advanced level challenging enough. Feedback would be appreciated. |
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Best browser to avoid glitches? (by shucha - 26 Nov 18, 11:08) |
I know lots of people have had problems (at least in the past) where MapIt challenge kind of freezes up...the map won't zoom, and then the next location is just a black screen with the movement arrows (and all following locations). I have had it happen twice this week. I generally use Safari on a Mac...but I would gladly use a different browser for MapIt if someone told me that there was one that didn't glitch for that game. Thanks! |
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Can't connect to server (by terrij - 28 Nov 18, 10:42) |
Anyone else having problems?? |
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Any chance of getting a smartphone version? (by Kejo - 30 Nov 18, 14:55) |
I am a great fan and enthusiastic player of SpeedCross and would love to play it more often. Is there any chance of getting a version for smartphones in the near future? I would really enjoy that. |
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New game Sudoku 16 (by dkmGames - 03 Dec 18, 22:59) |
Sudoku getting a little easy? Try the new Sudoku16 - 16 rows, columns and blocks. |
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Server is down (by smarty - 05 Dec 18, 15:23) |
I've been trying to play free cell and keep getting the message "unable to connect to server-try again later." I'm not sure you (dkm) know the server to this game isn't operating. |
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relation of score time in hard sudoku (by rosag - 10 Dec 18, 9:45) |
What is the time difference between a score of 3000 and a score of 5000 for example in any given hard daily sudoku? An average time difference is sufficient for my question. answer appreciated |
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Bonus lost (by birdoman - 12 Dec 18, 12:06) |
Leading players lost 100 points after bonus not awarded. But really enjoy this game. |
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Sudoku 16 (by davek - 14 Dec 18, 19:24) |
WOW. what a challenge i like it. how about sudoku 25 whens that coming out?????????? LOL DONT EVEN worked great for me but i think the clock is running WAY fast it took me 66 minutes to figure it out. should be more like 8 minutes, just kidding the clock is fine thanks for coming up with this mr dkm,,,,, it was fun |
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Harder? (by Brainy - 15 Dec 18, 2:07) |
Are these getting harder or are you all getting better? Still a great challenge, my hats off to anyone who can get below two minutes....awesome! P.S. Morris 1960....word ruffle is really addictive as is word drop, thanks. |
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Crossover between games (by nsmark - 15 Dec 18, 13:18) |
Has anyone had the little "blue guy" figures from the Pairs game suddenly show up in the middle of a Tilt It game? They just start popping up in the playing field. |
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wordsmith (by nyctaxi - 16 Dec 18, 9:35) |
Hey all...has anyone heard from Wordsmith? She was one of the original and high scoring ruffle players. |
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New Year's Day Reunion??? (by eastham09 - 17 Dec 18, 17:45) |
Well, I just got off the line with kookoo (Kate) and we lamented a bit about no action on wordsketch for "months" now - each "room" can only handle 8 players and it's "always a barrel of laughs", so... if you Terrij, jamp, ray, gbf, other "regulars" plus new players who might be a bit curious are up for it - New Year's day 10:30 p.m. in Greece, 8:30 p.m. in England, 3:30 p.m. east coast US and 12:30 p.m. west coast US let's check in and see if we can play a game or 2! Cheers to you all in any case. Eastham09, aka John |
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search within posts (by novb4u - 19 Dec 18, 16:06) |
It would be very helpful to have search functionality within these posts so that we can find what we need more quickly. |
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Back button ignores filter and goes to the posts home page (by novb4u - 19 Dec 18, 16:08) |
After browsing a topic and reading a post, the back button should go to your previous page, not the main/unfiltered page. |
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how to rotate joined pieces (by novb4u - 19 Dec 18, 16:14) |
How do I optimize the settings so that I can rotate joined pieces? |
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flash player (by iffywedges - 21 Dec 18, 21:33) |
I tried installing flash player three times and am still getting the blank white screen. In the recent past I have been prompted to update flash player about every three or four days and have simply clicked on the link to update. Additionally, in the address bar of googlechrome the site is showing "not secure" in red. |
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Help! note to dkm (by Rayisback - 21 Dec 18, 21:47) |
I recently got rid of my 9 year old computer and got a new one. Unfortunately, the program that had all my passwords in it didn't transfer over from the old computer, and I had to apply for new ones. Instead of doing that for your site, I signed up as a new player (can't use my old name anyway) but I'm finding some of the sites don't behave the same way, especially Free Cell Points, my fave. The cards just won't load on the board after I load the game. Any suggestion to fix this problem would be appreciated. |
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Bug with Firefox 64.0 and Flash player (by dkmGames - 21 Dec 18, 23:14) |
I have just discovered a bug with latest Firefox 64.0 and local storage in Flash. It does not allow you to save local storage (which is used to save your preferences). If you already have saved preferences and don't clear cache, the problem will not manifest. However, if not, the Flash games attempt to write default preferences initially and this aborts the rest of the code so game won't work - may just get a blank initial game screen. The only workaround for now is to use a different browser - Chrome and IE are fine. I will look at adding some code to trap for this error and at least allow everything to work other than saved preferences. |
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Hello guys i'm a newbie (by Encei - 25 Dec 18, 15:21) |
Hi and wish everyone have a good christmas eve. |
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Strategy Tips (by Bobo7777 - 26 Dec 18, 23:29) |
Been playing Shisen for about 3 weeks, and cant seem to crack 12 minutes. This puts me very very low on the challenge every day, which leads me to ask a simple question. Other than, "look for matches", or "you just get better with practice"... is there actual strategy to Shisen? Thanks |
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Forum won’t permit reply to posts (by jampots - 28 Dec 18, 4:05) |
When I tried to reply to a couple of posts on the forum just now, the ‘reply’ button just takes me back to the full list of posts again. Anyone else experiencing this? I wanted to welcome our new member and invite him (and anyone else) to join us in Word Sketch on New Years Day - see separate post for details. Derek - you are most welcome too! |
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dkmgames has moved to new server (by dkmGames - 28 Dec 18, 5:05) |
dkmgames has just moved to a new server! Supposedly this server will be faster than the previous one. Give it a few days and I would be interested in your perceptions about this. While I have taken as much care as I can to make this big transition (the site has thousands of pages/files and uses many technologies), there may be some teething problems. Please report any. Those of you playing daily challenges or multiuser games just after midnight (on the 27th/28th) may find that your results got lost in the transition (took an hour or so to migrate the DNS server pointers to the new machine). Hopefully it will all be worthwhile - was quite a stressful few days getting it all together and working. |
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Challenge not appearing (by ejs - 28 Dec 18, 7:05) |
The Daily Challenge isn't showing up--just the blank page. I've been trying for over 1/2 an hour. |
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SudokuReplaySelect (by FatFingers - 28 Dec 18, 13:57) |
Derek - Points. PHP Notice: Undefined variable: userId in C:CustomerDatawebspaceswebspace_00263984wwwrootdkmgames.comSudokuSudokuReplaySelect.php on line 44 |
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Server error 503 (by dkmGames - 29 Dec 18, 1:25) |
Anyone else getting intermittent error "Service Unavailable" HTTP error 503? The server rights itself after a short while but unacceptable if keeps happening. I think there is something wrong with the new server. |
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SERVER (by kookoovaya - 30 Dec 18, 4:46) |
HTTP Error 404.0 - Not Found The resource you are looking for has been removed, had its name changed, or is temporarily unavailable. Tried to see the scores for codeword and this came up! From other players posts looks like your new server is bleedin' awful. Why change in the first place?? |
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Statistics (by primus - 30 Dec 18, 16:30) |
I am wondering if it would be possible to generate another statistics, the percentage of games completed? Clearly, the larger the sample more accurate results, but, say over the last 50 or 100 games played. Curious. Thanks. |
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Not a word? (by akimbo - 31 Dec 18, 8:54) |
Just now, I got the message that "caring" was not a word, and "singed" was not a word (daily challenge). Just FYI. I never get on the board for the challenge anyway. Thanks, Kim |
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Score fails to register (by ctuchel - 31 Dec 18, 11:25) |
Yesterday and today my score failed to register on daily challenge. It was 1200 😀 |
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Type Error #1088 (by kountryking - 31 Dec 18, 14:18) |
I've tried to create a puzzle using two different browsers and I get error messages. I find nowhere to find out what these mean. My Flash is working fine. I can open a puzzle but not create one. |
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503 happy holiday (by nyctaxi - 31 Dec 18, 20:06) |
Hey Derek and Players, I know Derek requested no more posts to this thread. So Sorry, I just have to say the Only Time I received the 503 was at 3:00pm 12/31/18 PST. Chilled for two hours and back on now. Wanted to get this out in case I'm down again before the word sketch fun tomorrow! And.....Happy New Year to All players!! Big thanks to you Derek for everything you endure to maintain this site. We all appreciate it. Hope you can enjoy the holiday. Thanks & Cheers. NYC |
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Not recognizing valid words (by Punkinhead - 01 Jan 19, 0:29) |
January 1st Word Mesh challenge refused to recognize words like "it", "do", "craft", "arid",... I think the only words it recognized were "question", "quest", and "fix". Seems to have lost a lot of vocabulary since yesterday! LOL |
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Very slow today! (by Morris1960 - 01 Jan 19, 7:07) |
Over 17 minutes and I wasn't even partying last night! |
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New server problems (by Rayisback - 01 Jan 19, 11:45) |
In addition to the ever-present 503 error, I've encountered two new server problems today. When I tried to play the challenge Hearts game, the cards wouldn't load. The board loaded, but no cards. When I played the challenge Triplets game the board loaded ok, but my score wasn't posted. Maybe the server was just trying to save me the embarrassment of being in the bottom 10%, but I still like to see my name up in lights. Hope you get the server problemS sorted out soon. HNY, and thanks for a great site and some fine people who visit here, dkm. |
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Not Connecting to Server (by phoenix - 01 Jan 19, 12:11) |
Probably already on your list, Dereck, but just in case, Free Cell Points has not been connecting to the server for several days now. Happy New Year, and thanks as always for your great site. |
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average score and index (by dougcourt - 02 Jan 19, 14:57) |
Lately my scores are not being recorded. Sometimes if I log out and then log back in, it will then record a few scores but often within a game or 2 it quits?? |
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Select Curated Puzzle is missing (by gleeful - 03 Jan 19, 16:46) |
All the games are gone.Only this-- PHP Notice:undefined Property:std class::$... And,PHP Warning: Divisin by zero in c:/CustomerData/webspaces/webspaces_00263984/wwwroot/ on line 78 Don't know what is that mean.All the games is missing for days.What's wrong? |
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Not saving preferences (by bandw - 03 Jan 19, 21:18) |
It appears that Sudoku isn't saving preferences. I played Killer Sudoku this morning and set preferences. Just started a new game and had to reset preferences. Both times when I clicked 'play now' the preferences screen pops up over the grid. I'm having similar issues with Samurai and Classic. |
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Score and ranking sometimes fail to post (by lvont - 04 Jan 19, 16:21) |
I am getting frustrated because sometimes my ranking and score fails to post. Is there anything I can do to my equipment to keep this from happening? |
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Server 503 error - moving back to old server (by dkmGames - 04 Jan 19, 17:09) |
I have given instructions to move back to old server as the 503 error has not been addressed which is totally unacceptable. Please don't post anymore until I indicate that we are back on old server. Unfortunately some daily challenge and other multiuser results will likely been lost in the transition while the DNS pointers for change from new back to old. Sorry for the inconvenience. |
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Notification (by flygirl33 - 05 Jan 19, 9:57) |
Thanks for the notification of server problem. I thought it was my computer! flygirl33 |
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blank screen on sudoku points (by sarimarais - 06 Jan 19, 17:07) |
Hi Derek, Since this morning I get a blank screen on sudoku points. I use IE as browser. Has anything changed |
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Server issues update (by dkmGames - 06 Jan 19, 18:43) |
Well, the hosting company finally moved the site back to the old server while I was asleep last night. All seems to be working and I have tried to salvage daily challenge results and multi-user ones but there will definitely be some missing. Sorry about that - please don't report missing results until all server issues are resolved. At least now you should not be receiving any Service Unavailable messages. Yesterday I opened a new subscription with another hosting company (actually one that hosts JigsawJam). It is a VPS (Virtual Private Server) and I think it should provide much faster speed than before. Just doing some more testing and then need to get domain moved over to this new subscription. Hopefully that will not be too disruptive. I will keep you informed over next day or so. |
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On new server with new hosting company (by dkmGames - 08 Jan 19, 19:52) |
Finally I have the site moved to a new server with a new company. Hopefully all will go smoothly from now on and the server should perform better than the last. Currently the DNS propagation is in progress (change of pointers for to resolve to this server). This can take up 24-48 hours. If you are reading this, you are pointing to the new server. However, because of varying delays depending where you are located and the ISPs in between (still to happen for me here in Australia) , daily challenges or multi-user results during will be lost if started on the old server after 18:00 EST 8th Jan. Sorry for any inconvenience. I hope not to have to go through this process again for a very long time. |
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What a mess! (by carylmunford - 09 Jan 19, 9:17) |
When I go to “Solve User Created Puzzle” the “Date Added” are all the same and the “Puzzle Id”s keep changing, so it is impossible for me to know which puzzles I have played. As a result, I am only interested in today’s puzzle. It is a horrible system. Please put it back to the way it was! |
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all (by daddy - 09 Jan 19, 13:44) |
When I click Save for a puzzle it says saved but in not saved. Load brings up previous save |
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Autofill (by Rayisback - 09 Jan 19, 16:31) |
Is there a way to turn off autofill on this site? I play a couple of games where there's chat, WordSketch and FreeCell, and it's awkward to have a sentence from another game appear when I start to enter a totally different thought in the chat box. |
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Help needed (by RubyK - 09 Jan 19, 19:08) |
I just joined dkm Games and an happy to have so many word games in one Forum. I have always been good at word games but have a lot of trouble with Word Ferret. I've played it over and over and the highest score I have gotten so far is 62. Usually I get 30 or lower. Is there something I am doing wrong? I am aghast at the high scores some people get. Is there a secret I don't know about? Thanks. |
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Guess correctly but not given the guess as correct (by bokka - 10 Jan 19, 14:10) |
HI Derek, I have been playing a few games now, but every time I guess correctly it doesn't register my guess as correct, although the guess is the right word. I've been playing with Rumpus and nyctaxi in the latest game today and they both can see that I guess correctly but it doesn't go through as a correct guess. Would appreciate if you can investigate and let me know why this is happening. Thank you in advance. Bokka |
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Playing against bots (by bokka - 10 Jan 19, 15:21) |
It would have been nice if one can play against a few bots until other players joined in on the game, like in the card game Nertz. :) |
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Connection not secure (by phoenix - 10 Jan 19, 16:57) |
I'm finally able to connect to mult-player games with Flash. But the connection is not secure. When I type into my broswer, it comes up as "Not secure". Is this something on your end or do I need to troubleshoot on my end? Thanks |
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Multiple Solutions? (by Taruby - 11 Jan 19, 5:03) |
After being taught how to play Towers properly by DKMGames many months back, I've often been playing it daily. However, today I believe I came across a puzzle with two solutions for #582732. I fail to see where in the 6 red characters I made a mistake. I know in Sodoku, it's possible to have multiple solutions if a puzzle creator omits the necessary number of hints that force a singular solution, but after multiple checks throughout the evening, I cannot for the life of me tell if I missed something or if this puzzle actually has two solutions. |
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Replayable Challenge (by Bobo7777 - 11 Jan 19, 10:07) |
Would it be possible to make the Shisen Challenge re-playable, similar to Word Ferret? Obviously on first score counts, but i know it would help me greatly to try it a few times to see the best "path", helping me understand the dynamics of the board for future games. Thanks, Bobo |
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Challenge score not posted (by Rayisback - 12 Jan 19, 12:02) |
I just completed the Hearts challenge for 01/12 and my score of 121 was not posted or even listed upon completion of the game. I thought perhaps I had just played a normal game instead of the challenge, but when I tried to play the challenge again I received the message that I had already played the challenge round. This problem resembles a problem that players have had with Word Sketch, where a correct guess fails to result in their being credited with the correct answer. Trouble with the new server? |
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Another server glitch (by Rayisback - 12 Jan 19, 12:38) |
This time I tried the challenge on Triplets. The board loaded, but there were no widgets on the board. After waiting a bit, I hit the reset button at the top of the screen, and received the message that I had already played the game, did I want to play again. I hit Yes, and the widgets still failed to load. I'm not sure what the problem is, but it's a little frustrating, although not as bad as the 303 error. |
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Yet another glitch (by Rayisback - 12 Jan 19, 12:46) |
At the risk of being a pest, I have to report a glitch in the challenge for Minibridge. The hands load, and I chose the suit and level of the contract, but there is no play of the cards. The same thing happens when playing without the challenge. I also see block letters DUMMY, which I don't recall seeing before. I'm assuming this is not a personal attack, but simply indicating which hand is the dummy. |
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old puzzles being repeated (by oldbroad - 13 Jan 19, 11:01) |
I do the daily cryptograms, but they are just repeats of what was given in the past couple of weeks, nothing new since the server switch. |
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Don't put a space after the guessed word :) (by bokka - 14 Jan 19, 13:26) |
My problem is solved, only write the guess word without any spaces in front or at the back. We are so used to typing a space after a word and that was why the game didn't register my guess as a correct guess. Just played with Ray now and my game is working fine now :) Ready to play the next game !! |
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Sudoku Multi (by zogo - 14 Jan 19, 23:21) |
Could you add Sudoku Multi to the drop down Sudoku Menu? It seems to be missing and can only be played from the main sudoku screen. Thanks for your consideration! |
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we want to save Derek some effort... (by eastham09 - 15 Jan 19, 17:01) |
that would be the effort he would have to exert to take down our dearly beloved Word Sketch - since our New Year's day reunion there have been a host of games played, mostly every weekday. I've just come down from 1.5 hrs straight playing with what 10 different folks? We've got it working well, we have new players joining the fun, so relax and let it be! Thanks for all the other hard work you do to keep us amused. |
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WS is my favorite game. (by lynxx - 16 Jan 19, 18:11) |
It's like trying to draw with a bar of soap. Love it! Is there a general time when other players log in? |
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Puzzled! (by wordsmith - 17 Jan 19, 13:43) |
Okay, fellow puzzlers, I’m puzzled. First: I’m wondering why “shat” and “sorter” are accepted in some WordRuffle grids and not in others (I’ve noticed this several times over the years.) Hats and Resort are fine. Do earlier puzzles use a slightly different dictionary? Second: just curious, are there ever new WordRuffle puzzles or have we seen all that exist? I once thought of compiling those little numbers at the bottom but realized that was ridiculous! Third: under unbearable (!) pressure from NYCTaxi I recently gave WordFerret another try, even though I totally suck at it. Got slightly better following tips on the Forum. Got a whopping big 83 once - wow. But goodness, so many times I entered words accepted in WordRuffle that Ferret pinged as Not in The Dictionary. Including: snub, seam, gods, aits, muted, mute, dame, duos… Huh? |
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? Glitches not experienced when playing against Bots (by carolyna - 18 Jan 19, 6:54) |
Re the glitches experienced with playing this, I have noticed that these do not seem to occur when I am playing against Bots, only against other players. Just out of curiosity, do other players find this? The main problems I encounter are: being suddenly unable to move cards off the feeder pack, or certain cards not being accepted onto the suits column (card keeps getting sent back, and I get message that I was too late, when space is still available for that card) and sometimes the lower columns will just not accept a new card once they are emptied. Please don't remove game, as it is so much fun, but I would like to see if problems are being caused by something I am doing! I get one of these things happening almost every time I play against other players. |
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Preferences not saved for Sudoku Points (by blorchy - 20 Jan 19, 12:07) |
My preferences are not being saved for sounds off and auto-remove pencil in Sudoku Poins, yet they are saved for the Daily Challange. I'm using Firefox on a new MacBook Air and selecting "play in new window." To clarify, they are saved for a session but not retained for the next time I play (as it used to be). It has been like this maybe a couple weeks? Thanks! |
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Save Our Art (by BogglinRat - 20 Jan 19, 18:45) |
A hearty second from the BogglinRat to the pro-Word Sketch movement. It's my longtime favorite. Sorry I missed the New Year's bacchanalia (that would be a good word to illustrate). Hi to Kookoo Kate and all. |
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New format (by iluvbassets - 22 Jan 19, 22:37) |
I am not getting others' scores, only my own, when I click on "Play With Others" ... nor am I seeing other chat comments... what am I doing wrong? I play this game every night and hate to lose it. |
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Re: New Format (by DJ29 - 23 Jan 19, 17:46) |
There is a little button on bottom right side of the screen to toggle to full screen and it doesn't seem to toggle? |
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rayisback's question on losing WS (by eastham09 - 23 Jan 19, 18:03) |
Hi Ray - Bokka posted on 10 January under "Guess correctly ....." and Derek replied: Re: Guess correctly but not given the guess as correct (by dkmGames - 13 Jan 19, 22:26) Impossible to trace unless know exactly what was typed and expected at that moment in time plus data passed and received in the network socket active to multi-user server then. As I said earlier, will not be doing any work on Work Sketch due to very little activity. Most likely will be withdrawing it in next couple of months. It's the last two sentences that "tell it all".... John |
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dkmGames decision to keep WS while reasonable activity (by bokka - 24 Jan 19, 2:45) |
Re: we want to save Derek some effort... (by dkmGames - 16 Jan 19, 21:32) Okay I hear you. I think it is a great game, just been disappointed that so few are interested. I don’t like it when users select a game and can’t play because no one else to play with. But so long as there is reasonable activity I will keep. |
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Mr Persistent (by Brainy - 28 Jan 19, 2:03) |
Well done jimbogbp, awesome job I, I seem to have gone from 'sometimes first' to todays's 'I give up' I just couldn't seem to get started, so my hat's off to you for keeping plugging away until you cracked it! |
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Sudoku Points now HTML5 (by dkmGames - 29 Jan 19, 19:16) |
Like Shisen multi-player recently, Sudoku Points is now written in HTML5. The purpose is to continue removing Flash from the site and also to migrate off the old multi-user server written by a third party and not supported anymore. I have tried to make it look the same and have exactly the same features. If any features are missing, let me know. The exact same version runs on tablets and it is now also available on phones. If you are still getting the Flash version, please refresh the main Sudoku Points page. |
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Ipad Challenge (by Bobo7777 - 30 Jan 19, 15:15) |
Love the new format and the game. Just tried it out on ipad and it greatly increased my score, however I dont see the button for Challenge, just play with others. Is this a problem on my end, or does the Challenge not exist on ipad. Thanks. |
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where is everybody? (by gtnorsky11 - 31 Jan 19, 12:41) |
Where is everybody? guests. no people nobody.... This game is no fun withoyut people!!, So, Where is Everybody?? |
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How do you do it? (by Aardvard - 31 Jan 19, 19:34) |
How do you get perfect scores when locations are in places like Russia or the Ukraine? In other countries, I can usually find something in English, but finding something besides Cyrillic in these countries is baffling to me. Any clues from you all? I usually have to guess and sometimes I even land in the correct country. |
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ive tried the new sudoku points (by davek - 31 Jan 19, 21:09) |
EHHHHHHHHH not impressed sorry |
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"My Sudoku Scores" section (by eastham09 - 01 Feb 19, 13:32) |
Don't know if this feature has been present for a long while or is "new". As I looked at it today it's clear that it includes many, many scores from games that I started with way less time than the full allotment... Is that the case, that it records all scores regardless of whether it's a full game or partial? If I quit playing partial games that would likely raise my average score... |
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New Format (by aj0811 - 01 Feb 19, 15:50) |
Derek, I really appreciate your always trying to make our games better. A couple of suggestions. I think the size of the numbers inside the boxes should be larger in relation to the size of the boxes as in our old format. Also, being able to open a new window and hence change the size of the grid and numbers would be nice. Again, I appreciate it...Tom. |
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Grid not stationary... (by JimmieJoeJob - 02 Feb 19, 1:46) |
How does one keep grid from floating on iPad? I should add this is not a new issue with new version, which I like very much. Thank you. |
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Uh oh, another list of winning points (by wordsmith - 02 Feb 19, 11:35) |
When we first play WordRuffle, many of us make LOTS of lists (right, Skeeter?): words new to us, legitimate words not in this dictionary, variant spellings, the 19 8-letter pairs that give 560 instant points (assaying/gainsays, rivaling/virginal) etc. I once posted a long list of 3-6 letter words that add an a at the front: lit/alit, bashed/abashed. Here’s my latest list: take a 4 letter word and get as many points as you can. The longest I’ve found gets 162 points and seems to come up just about every other day: PARE (pear,rape,reap,ape,are,era,ear,par,pea,per,rap,rep). Closely followed by 158: OPTS (post,pots,spot,stop,tops,ops,opt,pot,sop,top). And at 138 we find: ARES (arse,ears,eras,sear,sera,are,ear,era). Another 14 set of letters for over 100 points: slap,mate,acre,apes,bust,ergo,abet,deli,fist,hops,diet,emit,evil,gnus. Like me, these may not lead you to a winning game but they may help you save some time (memorize/memorise them), rack up extra points by finishing a board, or just plain have some silly fun. You’re welcome. |
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Sudoku Points bug? (by blorchy - 02 Feb 19, 21:50) |
Hitting delete button kills the game and sends me back to the Points home screen. So whenever I input an incorrect number and go to fix it, it kicks me out. I'm on a new macBook Air and Firefox. Thanks! |
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Recorded Sudoku Points Games page (by Mute - 03 Feb 19, 0:36) |
is blankey. |
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Sudoku16 preferences (by Grammargirl - 03 Feb 19, 10:53) |
I tried a Sudoku 16 a couple of weeks ago and was able to use preferences to make it active number mode. I played that way several times. Now today and yesterday, when I hit preferences, nothing happens. The board is there, but whether I try before starting the game or after selecting Easy, the preferences list doesn't appear. Interestingly, if I try to leave the game immediately after the attempt, I need to hit the back button twice to exit the game - the first time, nothing happens. I use Firefox on a desktop running Windows XP. |
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Calibration (by Finnegan - 03 Feb 19, 21:26) |
Hi Derek, Finnegan here. I find that there's a calibration issue with the new Sudoku points format. I sometimes have to stop mid game to leave site, and rejoin, to fix (temporarily). Never had this issue before. Thank you kindly! |
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There is nothing shows of the puzzle (by gleeful - 04 Feb 19, 13:42) |
All the Puzzle Made by mfs since Nov.24.2018 are fail to show any imagine ,nor clues...etc. What's wrong? |
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Sudoku Points new window (by dkmGames - 05 Feb 19, 20:08) |
Some of you will be pleased to know that I have added the option to play Sudoku Points in a new window which you can resize and move around. I think it now looks and behaves the same as the Flash version did. Also I believe I have found the problem where selecting a cell was not always accurate. Should be good now. |
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In Points the numbers in the grid don't show up (by andre - 06 Feb 19, 10:31) |
I click on a square with the number and it gives me points but the actual number doesn't show up until I click on another square. Is this a glitch or is it something wrong with my settings? Thanks, |
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New Webpage Format (by 65dscharn - 07 Feb 19, 11:45) |
Why is it that websites change the layout and appearance of the site when there is nothing wrong with the old layout. Your new layout is terrible. Why do you fix something that is not broken? The layout of the pencil marks is terrible. Go back to the old format for the pencil marks (they were in a row) and reduce the size of the of pencil marks. I probably will not be using this site much longer. |
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Unable to connect to server (by x3x - 08 Feb 19, 10:36) |
I never had any trouble connecting to Sudoku Points at school using the Flash version. Now, however, I am unable to play with the HTML rendition -- I get the message "Unable to connect to server" whether I try to "Play" or "Play in new window". This happens in ALL browsers I use (Edge, Explorer, Chrome, Firefox) and on both Win 10 and Linux machines. I suspect the school is blocking the connection to the HTML Points game, although the other Sudoku variations and Word games work just fine. Any suggestions? (Those periods between classes are getting really boring....) |
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Change of new window to using a flash window now (by daddy - 09 Feb 19, 21:11) |
Frustrated with struggling through new window format these last couple of days came to forum to see what happened. I also don't understand why fix something not broken. You could have informed us. Now we use flash to play format preferred |
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Impossible "Extra Ball" (by nsmark - 12 Feb 19, 17:36) |
The Extra Ball in the 2-12-19 Tilt It Challenge is impossible to get without the 2nd ball shooting out the opening in the side. I've tried every technique I can think of--speed, angle, etc. What is the secret? |
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Jigsaws moved back to dkmgames (by dkmGames - 14 Feb 19, 23:06) | has now moved back to dkmgames ( It was moved to the different domain name about 4 years ago in hopes that it would improve SEO but this has not happened. It now makes sense to have it back part of and it simplifies some technical issues like login etc as the database has been the same for both sites but always stored on Any calls to will be automatically redirected to dkmgames but it is suggested you change any bookmarks that reference All functionality remains the same. |
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Puzzles/preferences not saved with Flash in Firefox (by dkmGames - 18 Feb 19, 18:43) |
As per previous post, Firefox changed something in latest versions that prevented Flash from saving data locally (like saving puzzles and preferences). I have found a workaround - please see the FAQ page (link at bottom in the footer), third question. |
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possibles (by bsmart - 19 Feb 19, 0:46) |
I certainly liked the way the possibles showed more on the flash version of this game. the new version seems like a step backwards. |
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On screen count-down timers (by eastham09 - 22 Feb 19, 12:44) |
I have notice that in word ferret, sudoku and shisen the on screen count-down timers ALWAYS have either 1 or 2 seconds left on my screen when the game ends. Not sure what, if anything, this might mean in universe of possibilities... and I choose to often feel a sense of annoyance at not getting my full allotment of time. To top that off, in shisen it occasionally comes to pass that I clear a pair of tiles just as the game ends (though my times shows 01 or 02 seconds left) and on screen the 2 empty spaces are highlighted "differently" from all the other empty spaces and, of course, my score as show in the leader board is 2 less that what the count at the bottom of my screen shows... Using windows 7, Firefox... Is it my system or ?? |
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How do you report? (by salsa - 25 Feb 19, 9:19) |
Hi Derek, How do you report foul language and intimidation on this site? I encountered this last night while playing Nertz. Also, I have encountered two players who want to use Nertz for their personal play. When you enter to game, they tell you to leave as this is a private game. Is this acceptable? Thanks. |
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Sudoku Survey (by aml - 25 Feb 19, 10:17) |
Hi, I hope you don't mind me posting this - I'm doing some research into puzzle games and why people enjoy them at St Andrews University. If you have five minutes and could fill out the survey below it would be really appreciated. We're really struggling to find people outside the academic environment. The survey is completely anonymous, there is the option to leave your email address at the end if you want to participate in a follow up study but it only applies if you are based in Scotland. (please still click the final arrow below the request though - otherwise your response may not be recorded!) Thank you so much! |
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New feature suggestion (by Conan - 25 Feb 19, 23:42) |
Hello, This suggestion is for Play With Others mode. When a player is stuck, I suggest having a button we could click that would tell us if there are any matches. But if that button is clicked, it would cost the player 5 or 10 points! And when a player is still stuck, I suggest having a button we could click that would give us a hint. But if that button is clicked, it would cost the player 10 or 20 points! If a player is skilled and playing for high scores, they may prefer to keep looking for matches without any help. But if a player is new and trying to learn what matches might be there, they could accept the penalty to their score for that round in order to improve more quickly! Thoughts? |
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Daily challange not loading properly (by Kate16 - 26 Feb 19, 11:54) |
Hi, For some time now my daily challenge 1) takes long to load, then 2) stalls after 0.03 secs and then 3) does not respond so I may have a number of red tiles but none disappear until about 1.5 mins or more and then 4) the board responds if I have managed to clear the red tiles first.... so a bit frustrating and basically totally out of the chances in the game. .. In short the board "gets active" and responds to my mouse clicks after 1.5 mins or so... (The clock stalls in between) What can I do to make it better or is it all to do with what is on your side DKM ? With thanks Kate16 |
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Bot players get smart (by Rayisback - 26 Feb 19, 13:47) |
I've noticed a major change in the "mentality" of the bot players in the challenge game. No longer are they passing just their three highest cards, and no longer are they willingly aiding players who try to shoot the moon by discarding hearts, starting with their highest holding until they have no hearts left. Good move! The challenge is more realistic, and maybe the torrent of 151 scores will be diminished. |
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chat not working (by claudie - 27 Feb 19, 12:14) |
Has anyone else had a problem with the chat feature not working? If not, then it must be at my side. |
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Issues with new HTML5 format (by skeeter1 - 27 Feb 19, 21:28) |
The main issue I'm having is, the Clear button isn't working. Letter tiles often stay on the board after I've entered a word, and then cover their old spaces for the next word or two. Usually I can enter the new word even if I can't see it, but sometimes those specific letters will freeze so I can't type them at all. The speed overall is slower (though playing in a new window is a bit faster, it's still a bit "sticky"). Also, the chat bar disappears when I enlarge the window to full screen. I hope these can be fixed-- I really do miss the Flash version! |
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log in (by pepper - 28 Feb 19, 14:28) |
When I go to the shisen page and enter to play with others, it does not have me logged in even though I am. I hit play and nothing happens. |
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Challenge doesn't load (by Rayisback - 01 Mar 19, 13:20) |
For the last 3-4 days when I try the challenge round in triplets, the grid loads but there are no widgets in the grid. Anyone have a suggestion, besides trying a different game? |
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coming back into the game (by Mumbaikar - 01 Mar 19, 16:58) |
by mistake if we press backspace, it goes out of the game and if we come back it shows"already played for today." If it is enabled to continue with the game, by coming back, it would be great. |
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chat not working (by claudie - 02 Mar 19, 11:33) |
Hello Rufflers still cant get chat but working on it. I will say hi to all of you now not ignoring you lol |
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Number of removed tiles. (by pilotx - 02 Mar 19, 16:15) |
Mostly the 'result last game' is less than the number 'removed'. That's an important bug! |
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Format Issues (by walsh1998 - 03 Mar 19, 12:22) |
I am unable to play the game any longer due to the fact that, on the second level, the last letter is either unavailable, or when it is, and I try to enter it to complete a word, I am unable to do so (nothing happens, e.g. word "resorts" will only be able to enter "resort" so cannot progress any further). Also, I am unable to enlarge the image on my screen to full size any longer. Additionally, depending on which of the two versions that I have tried to use, the chat is either unavailable, awkwardly positioned or reappears/disappears. Hopefully these issues can be resolved! Look forward to playing again! |
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Two or more solutions? (by lynxx - 04 Mar 19, 22:40) |
Can there be more than one correct solution? But only one counts? Sometimes I think I have a puzzle solved, but the computer disagrees. |
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Pop up of points (by mindy - 08 Mar 19, 17:20) |
Very recently I noticed when I'm playing and enter a number and when the amount of points pops up it hangs there for a bit and obstructs me from being able to see squares around it, plus it's distracting. Anyone else experiencing this? Is there a way I can turn off the points? |
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i wonder (by davek - 09 Mar 19, 21:47) |
Why do people do jigsaw puzzles and leave low scores??? i find this kind of impolite, if the puzzle was interesting enough to do, shouldnt you give it a higher rating??? i know if i took the time to contribute and got low reviews i would get discouraged. if the picture doesnt spark your interest just dont do it. |
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Chat (by skeeter1 - 10 Mar 19, 10:48) |
One more favor to ask-- is it possible to have chat pop up at the end of the game like it used to? Many old players have returned but aren't sticking around long like they used to, and I wonder if this might be part of the reason. Having to click the chatbar to check for messages doesn't seem like a big deal, but the game was more interactive and fun when chat was "right there." |
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scores (by claudie - 11 Mar 19, 13:24) |
Derek, today it has been the third time my highest score was incorrect . I scored higher than the registered score each time. I am trying to mend my chat mode which will not work , but only happens in Ruffle. It could all be down to my old computer, but everything else works fine. . Any pointers you could give as to where the problems may lie, would be greatly appreciated. |
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Number of players in a game (by dkmGames - 11 Mar 19, 23:27) |
It has been suggested that there should be a max of 3 players in a game rather than 4. What is everyone's view on this? |
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Multi-player stats not recording your final score (by dkmGames - 13 Mar 19, 0:28) |
I have found (and now corrected) a problem where your final score was not used in updating your stats. Actually, your score 30 seconds before end of round was recorded. This affected multi-player Shisen, Sudoku Points, Mahjong and Word Ruffle. |
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Timer glitch (by akimbo - 14 Mar 19, 12:29) |
Hi Derek. Player SHANTI posted in the Shisen Group on Facebook an anomaly that happened a little while ago. Player danred4ever got a score of 482. He said his timer had frozen. You can see the screen shot on that Facebook page. Is this something you need to look into, or would it just be a glitch on his computer? If it shows up in some statistics tomorrow, I'm sure a lot of people will have questions. Thanks! Kim (akimbo) |
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Admirable persistence (by BlueWombat - 17 Mar 19, 9:54) |
I'd just like to say that I have great admiration for the stamina and persistence of Morris1960 who cracked today's Codewords challenge in an hour and 9 minutes. Confess I'd have hit the GiveUp button much earlier. BW |
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Going Green (by shucha - 17 Mar 19, 14:24) |
So tomorrow those of us who have been playing flash Ferret for years will be forced to move...and I guess that's OK. BUT. There's no chat in the new version...can we add that? And, as a secondary, whiny concern: I hate the sound effects in the new version...can we import the old ones? Hopefully I'll still seeing all my ferret friends in the Green room, and hopefully still able to chat with them! |
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Why the change? (by tink - 17 Mar 19, 15:55) |
Wondering why the change in both the challenge and multi player formats? |
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undo feature (by iffywedges - 18 Mar 19, 11:50) |
I have been wanting to second the motion to provide an undo feature for the game for several days. Now I see the original post is gone. Nonograms are fantastic logic puzzles but they are marred by the inability of the player to back up a step. As the other player mentioned, it can become impossible to unravel yourself on the larger puzzles. If you check input and there are errors you have to revert all incorrect squares to grey (neutral). You thus are given specific information and the challenge is diminished. Unlike, say Yubotu, where you can back up without really looking at your mistakes until you have a correct board, Nonograms forces you to start over or cheat. My solution has been to only play the small puzzles and be very careful not to make a mistake. If I do I sometimes just start over. Checking input is more important in Nonograms than Yubotu because, like Sudoku, if you get to the end and something is wrong you are sunk. I did not really understand the explanation as to why it can't be created but if that is the case so be it. Thanks Derek. |
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Mouse sensitivity (by nsmark - 18 Mar 19, 13:03) |
Has something changed recently that causes the sensitivity the increase regarding getting outside the gray circle? The balls seem to react much more radically. Still doable, but requires adjustment for those of us who play almost every day. |
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Server restore again! (by dkmGames - 24 Mar 19, 0:57) |
My apologies again - had to restore server back to three days ago. At least I now know what caused Windows Web Server not to restart so should not have to go through this again. As you can see, posts from last 3 days lost as are new registrations in that time and multi-user results. Managed to restore daily challenge results as per 18 hours ago. Multi-user server running on another machine (same as was 3 days ago before attempted move) so should stay up reliably. Thank you all for your patience and support through this time. Has not been a fun weekend to say the least. |
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Score (by sam - 24 Mar 19, 12:00) |
Do you know why Word Ferret Challenge is not recording my score in the list of results? This has happened for 3 out of the last 4 days. I’m not a top scorer but I still like to see where I place. |
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March 24 Best statistics glitch? (by ffejsrem - 24 Mar 19, 15:09) |
Something's gone wrong here...only 1 high (?) score for yesterday? The report was accurate as of 12:15 am last night, but it has changed since then... |
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Game doesn't load (by Rayisback - 24 Mar 19, 16:17) |
Word Sketch doesn't load. When one hits the Create new game button, a message says "Connecting to server..." which does not happen. Refreshing the page changes nothing. There are a small band of Word Sketch fans who would love to play the game again, but are unable to because of this problem. Please help. |
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still unable to load word sketch (by jampots - 25 Mar 19, 16:08) |
Sorry for starting a new post, but the forum is not functioning correctly for me either - i can't reply (or go back or create new post ) from within a thread, my only working option is to create a new post from the opening screen. Word Sketch still will not "connect to server" for me - i have tried two different browsers without success |
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Two Days in a Row Challenge Doesn't Load (by PJM - 27 Mar 19, 7:35) |
This happens periodically but not usually in succession. The challenge game stalls before any tiles appear. Just letting you know. |
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Menu is not showing (by jbp12mcp - 27 Mar 19, 11:28) |
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leaderboard points (by sarimarais - 27 Mar 19, 18:12) |
Hi Derek, The leaderboard updates of live scores is not synchronized for all players. We get individual updates. So we can't follow live. |
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Extra time - player comments welcome (by elkster - 28 Mar 19, 5:06) |
It seems that there are an increasing number of letter combinations that generate a really long list of words. For such words, it might be worth considering a 4 (or possibly even 5) minute time limit. There is sometimes just not enough time to put in all those words and it becomes frustrating and self-defeating. Particularly as with those words there are more patterns present which requires a bit more flexibility and thinking time. I have not analyzed what the breakpoint should be as far as the number of words that should trigger that extra time allowance, but maybe Derek or other players could make reasonable suggestions as to where the time factor for input, more than game competency, negatively affects the ability to complete a round. Would be interested in other player feedback on this issue. |
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Message: Unable to connect to server, try later (by TonyASA - 28 Mar 19, 5:40) |
Browsers have been refreshed and Flash player updated on both home and work computers. Still unable to connect to SudokuMulti at either location. Been this way for over a week. Are the servers down? |
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speed issues (by skeeter1 - 30 Mar 19, 11:09) |
A niggling glitch that is frustrating some of the regular players-- this new HTML version doesn't seem to be keeping up with typing speeds nearly as fast as the Flash version did. For me in particular, it's the H and R letters. I thought it was my keyboard, but I don't have the same problem on other websites, or when typing docs. It just gets frustrating having to retype several words (and losing valuable seconds in the process). If you have a fix it would be greatly appreciated by the Ruffle addicts. Again, thank you for all you do!! |
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DKM Sweepstakes Challenge (by shucha - 31 Mar 19, 22:52) |
For a while, I've been thinking about a site-wide challenge...that is, a ranking of players based on performance across several daily challenges. Something like the 10 most-popular daily challenges...100 points for a first-place finish, 99 for second...down to 1 point for 100th place. Add up all the points at the end of the day (11 PM where I live), and post the results. Of course, there are many many challenges to include, how to distribute them (e.g., not 6 sudoku challenges and 4 from all other categories, or 6 word challenges, etc.), how many places get points, rankings other than daily (like some games have player rankings other than daily challenge...perhaps based on the weekly average ranking in the sweepstakes), even scoring options like bonuses for top places (100 for 1st, 75 for 2nd, 60 for 3rd, etc.) I'll shut up now...would anyone else like to see this? Does anyone have other ideas about it? Would it be harder to do than it seems like it should be? Thanks! ~Shucha |
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SudokuPointsResults page broken (by FatFingers - 01 Apr 19, 4:53) |
"Error creating stats" |
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Sudoku Points: Scoring Problem (by FatFingers - 01 Apr 19, 5:13) |
Derek - Likely you and others may find this an unusual "complaint". In Green room I played a round and got an *unusually* high score. 5681 in Green for a game that took 1:45, started with 49 empties, and no errors. My score should have been closer to 5.1K. To get a 5.6K on 49 empties in Green I would have had to finish around 1:05. It seemed anomalously high at the time, and I commented so in chat. Now that I have replayed the game, I am certain things are not right. The playback URL is: This score is just way too high and cannot be correct. Hopefully you can figure out what went wrong? Almost like a Gold room score got attached to my Green room game.... PS - playing on winXP sp3 chrome Version 49.0.2623.112 m |
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one -on-one (by terrij - 01 Apr 19, 15:20) |
Derek - FYI - after a game is completed, both players are booted from the game and it takes some time before we can connect to the server again. All ratings are at 1000, and do not change. Probably not many people play this, but a few of us do and get really competitive. So maybe you can check into this when you have time. Thanks for all you do. |
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Word list has been updated (by Rayisback - 01 Apr 19, 20:56) |
Attention sketchers! Derek tells me that he has fixed the problem with the list of words being repetitive, so come back and play! |
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Indistinguishable tiles (by judithweaver - 03 Apr 19, 2:43) |
Today's set up was very difficult; two sets of grey squares almost indistinguishable. One was very slightly darker than the other, one had very slightly more rounded corners, but it was pretty hard to tell them apart. The game is a good one, but shouldn't be just a test of acute eyesight |
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Light bulb moment! (by fujamadook - 04 Apr 19, 11:58) |
I've just realized that you can travel about in this game! I wondered how you were able to be so accurate! |
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Sudoku original (by KrysDean - 04 Apr 19, 15:50) |
I have Sudoku original on my computer, it loads, but will not respond to my input to select the game level I want . What am I doing wrong. I have had it for years and love it. Krys |
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"Please, sir, I want some more." (by Kejo - 05 Apr 19, 16:39) |
Yubotu is one of my very favourite games. Could we pleeease have additional archived games? After playing the Daily Challenge and the additional nine new games a day, I always find myself craving more of this excellent brain gym. Love it! |
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adobe flash player (by Lottorp - 06 Apr 19, 10:43) |
difficult to enter, flash player will be taken away in next year, please open the jigsaw without help from afp |
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Sudoko16 Easy not coming up (by Grammargirl - 12 Apr 19, 11:15) |
When I try to play Sudoku16 Easy, the screen says "Unable to get puzzle". This is the second day where this has happened. Interesting note, on Wednesday, which is the last time it came up, the Easy level was not easy, and looked more like a difficult game. The medium level will come up with no problem, but it's too hard for my skill level. Please check into it for me. |
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Daily challenges not loading (by jampots - 13 Apr 19, 4:04) |
Is anyone else having issues loading daily challenges today? I’ve tried several - nonograms, Suguru, ruffle, towers, but it either just hangs totally or offers me an ordinary game, not the challenge |
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Dkm games hacked or personal info sold? (by klilienfeld - 14 Apr 19, 4:35) |
I have my own domain and personalise my email addresses per account. This is both for security reasons (unique email + password per account) and also so that I can see if my email address has been sold. I just noticed in my spam folder that I have a number of blackmail emails sent to my dkmgames email address. Apparently someone has "hacked" my system and taken over my email account. They're threatening to release videos from my webcam of I don't pay bitcoins. Thankfully I'm technically savvy enough to know they're talking complete rubbish, but the question is how did they get that email address? It seems either my personal information has been sold on by dkmgames or there has been a breach in your system which means at the very least, email addresses have been exposed. Please could you clarify which event has occurred? |
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reply to Skeeter (by claudie - 15 Apr 19, 4:38) |
Hi Skeeter and fellow Rufflers It has not been possible to fix the chat feature on Ruffle. Chat works on every other game fine. I am hopeless with all things tech so have absolutely no clue what went wrong. There have been some brilliant games on Ruffle recently , and it really is not the same not being able to chat and respond. I understand that not everyone likes to chat, or considers it important, but, in my case I think sharing a conversation with like minded players enjoying a great game, greatly adds to the experience, I often see posts about great rivalries and great friendships on here, and all through the shared enjoyment of the puzzles that have brought us here, and think a lot of you might agree. So, to Skeeter, Coopers, Ariel, Winging It , Wordsmith, DilemNa, Valtar, Walsh and all , hope to chat soon. |
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Delago? (by Bobo7777 - 15 Apr 19, 10:38) |
Been away for a while, but still play challenges. Past few days i have been rocking and rolling with a bunch of 2nd place finishes to Delago? This a new star, or a cheat? I assume the latter, but if not, want to play him/her more often. Bobo - ferreter for life :) |
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help from gamers (by nyctaxi - 15 Apr 19, 18:15) |
This doesn't involve DKM just putting it out here for some tech assistance. 1. joined a neighborhood website called Next Door. Their original intentions were to connect neighbors RE: referals for local services, crime..etc... 2. Subsequently, it has turned sour for many reasons. I have been trying to unsubscribe for weeks!! My attempts have always resulted in 494 ERROR ...Bad Request generated by cloudfront. 3. Googled 494 today, several sites said, request header too large, used by Nginx, now deprecated. !? 4. Not on cloud. I use Windows 7, Internet explorer, outlook express. I never change anything! Don't use my phone or I-pad for e-mail. Never had any issues! 5. I would appreciate any tips from the DKM players or Derek. Thanks & cheers. |
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Sound Issues (by Violette - 16 Apr 19, 21:16) |
I keep reading the forum to see if anyone else has this problem, but I wonder if it's only me... Since the switch to html, on multiplayer games I do not get a sound when I type a letter, when a word is accepted, or when a round ends. This means I have to constantly look up and down to see my results. I do hear a "swish" when I ruffle the letters, but that's the only sound I hear. Yes, sound is enabled, and I have tried on multiple browsers. The Daily Challenge works fine, and I look forward to playing every day (although I don't usually make the leader board!). Thanks so much for such an enjoyable game (and for Word Ferret, too!) |
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puzzles do not load (by bowser - 16 Apr 19, 21:32) |
Same problem with all puzzles, not just restore. My tablet cannot use whatever that new format is. |
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Non-Flash version now available (by dkmGames - 16 Apr 19, 22:05) |
Have just added the ability to solve jigsaws without Flash - particulary useful for tablets (phones too small). You will note two solve buttons, one for Flash and a second one for the HTML5 version. The functionality is the same but you will notice some differences in the physical look of the pieces. Some of the options in Flash (piece thickness and smooth pieces) were not able to be replicated in the non-Flash version. There is also only one piece cut available in the new version. This can be added to if demand is there. |
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what happened to classic pieces? (by gregc - 16 Apr 19, 22:55) |
have been playing jigsaw puzzles for years. What happened to the option to select classic pieces? |
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Jigsaw and Sudoku (by dacgal - 17 Apr 19, 10:12) |
Wow. Why do you keep changing the games. First it was Sudoku on my phone. I used to have the numbers under the grid horizontally but now they are vertical and I have to keep scrolling down to use the higher numbers and then scroll back to the puzzle to insert them. Very time consuming. Now the jigsaw puzzles. The pieces are so big I can't even see all the pieces because they don't fit. Bring back the standard pieces. It took me so long to do the puzzle. Even on the lowest setting they are huge. Then while you are playing the screen keeps getting larger making it impossible to play. I have a 27" monitor and can't do the puzzle. |
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Minor glitch - percent not displaying (by BlueWombat - 18 Apr 19, 10:20) |
There’s a minor glitch in WordFerret multi-player games at the moment that’s crept in since the new format came in a couple of months ago. If you’re creating a word right at the end when the clock counts down to zero, then your total score appears with all others’ scores (as expected), but on the right hand side, instead of getting your percentage score and the list of words you failed to find, it’s sometimes continuing to display the words you made. May seem trivial, but to us percentage score junkies, these things are far more important than they should be. Thanks in advance if you could take a look. I’m using Chrome under Windows 10. BW |
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saving puzzles (by daddy - 18 Apr 19, 19:12) |
appears firefox is now saving puzzles |
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glitches (by nyctaxi - 19 Apr 19, 16:26) |
Since the switch, this is what I have experienced re: multi players. 1. I always go to mahjong first. I hit play w/all. The screen appears, but, empty of others and I can't play. 2. I go to word ferret and type in one word then exit. Back to mahjong and it works perfectly! 3. I'm not asking for any resolution. Know how to circumvent this one. Only issue for me is getting sucked into playing ferret and suffering public humiliation for low scores. :) Perhaps, my experience will be a clue to someone. As Always.. thanks Derek and team! Cheers and Happy Easter to all. |
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format for tablets (by bowser - 20 Apr 19, 12:02) |
I wrote earlier when I lost my ability to do jigsaws on my old samsung tablet, which used flash. I really miss being able to do puzzles, and may buy a new tablet, but I really can't do puzzles with the classic cut shape that the HTML5 offers. On flash I used the non-classic cut. Will you offer the non-classic cut on HTML5? If not, there is no point in my getting a new tablet. |
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Sudoku quit working right on my tablet (by teds - 21 Apr 19, 15:53) |
Today suddenly it asked me to rotate my tablet to portrait and refresh. When I did the grid was so large it only showed 6 squares across. Wasn't shrinkable and so is impossible to play. Worked fine up until this morning. Samsung Galaxy Tab A using Chrome. What's up? |
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Top score 22 April 2019 (by aqualung - 22 Apr 19, 5:10) |
I am really sorry about my ridiculous score today, it's because my laptop's clock doesn't work, and either lags or, sometimes, goes backward. I had assumed that although the game timer appeared to be at -37 minutes, the score would be calculated based on a server time, not on my laptop's time. I was wrong - I got a time bonus of some 2500 points. I only ever play the challenge, and only occasionally, and I've never encountered this issue before, which is why I didn't think it would be a problem. Once again, sorry! I'll stay out of the challenge until I get my laptop fixed! |
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Undo (by dkmGames - 23 Apr 19, 6:46) |
Undo is now implemented for Nonograms. There is a menu option and also a button. |
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my score (by danred4ever - 25 Apr 19, 2:31) |
I scored 334 on Tuesday the 23 this month but my score has not carried over to the top score of the last 7 days?! this has happened to me before, is there a reason why? Many thanks danred4ever. |
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Wor ferret statistics (by ffejsrem - 28 Apr 19, 0:06) |
For the past two weeks the daily results of top 50 players have not been accurately reporting my scores, generally skewing 1-2% higher than my actual avg. I keep track. Is anyone else noticing the same thing? For example, my 10 best scores for the past 7 days averages out to 76.3 but is reported as 77. |
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smooth joined edges on html5 (by bowser - 03 May 19, 20:09) |
I finally found a browser (UC browser) that enables me to do jigsaws on my old samsung tablet. It works pretty well, but I miss the smooth joined edges option. Will you be able to add that? |
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Problem with creating private jigsaws (by Bastette - 11 May 19, 19:34) |
Hello, I uploaded a puzzle a couple of days ago. Then I decided that it would be better with different dimensions, so I edited the file on my computer and tried to upload it again. However, that did not replace the first one. It looks like the second version didn't upload at all. Next I tried changing the name of the newer version, thinking I would then have two versions in my collection, but that didn't work either. Now the file has the new name, but it's still the old version. I don't have very many private puzzles, so I don't think I've passed a storage limit. What I'd like to do now is delete the file from my collection and start over, but I can't figure out how to do that. How does one delete a puzzle from a private collection? Thanks! |
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great games (by claudie - 12 May 19, 11:19) |
hello to beam some great games today sorry I cant join the chat, probably play more later |
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Log in always required if I want to see my user name (by smoorezzz - 12 May 19, 18:09) |
My user name would automatically come up and I don't know what I may have done to change things. This has been going on for a week or two. Any suggestions would be appreciated. |
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Chat (by bethww - 13 May 19, 22:12) |
Is the chat feature available on sudoku points for android? |
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I can't create any game. (by gleeful - 17 May 19, 21:19) |
It gave only 2 clues to fill in. And asked me to fill in clues after I have completed all the typing and tried to create the puzzle.The first clue,the hardest one,is missing. |
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New changes suck (by susanjayne - 25 May 19, 2:05) |
don't know why you changed the Hitori entry rules. they were fine as they were, and now they're awful, Please change them back to what they were. . . or I'm leaving you forever!! |
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won't connect with server (by nickgc - 26 May 19, 2:52) |
have a new laptop. it can't connect with either sudoku or shisen server to play with others. everything else seems to work |
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Slow Challenge response. (by k8t - 03 Jun 19, 5:37) |
Does anyone else find Shisen Daily Challenge is VERY SLOW?.....I have no chance whatever of a high score as it is always so painfully slow. It has always been this way for me. |
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Has there been a hack? (by bobynrobyn2 - 03 Jun 19, 12:12) |
I received an email and the first line was "I know one of your passwords is -----" which really was the password I used here. Thankfully it's the only place I use that password! So just wondering if something happened recently? I have already changed my password. I received the email Sunday at 5:11am. Thank you! |
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State visit (by BlueWombat - 04 Jun 19, 7:09) |
With the visit of the President of the US, I thought I'd play all games in the challenge in No Trumps. I didn't get a very good score. |
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unbelievable (by fujamadook - 05 Jun 19, 7:42) |
I can't believe I beat Brainy today! Yeah!! |
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menu (by susanall - 13 Jun 19, 8:45) |
What happened to the menu in the daily challenge? |
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Sudoku 16 Active Number Mode (by Grammargirl - 15 Jun 19, 12:49) |
When I play Sudoku 16 in active number mode, there is no longer any indicator showing which number is active. Is this a change you made or is it something on my end? In other games, the cursor becomes the active number and is either grey or blue depending on whether I'm in pencil or pen mode. Right now in Sudoku 16, the only way I know which number is active is by entering it into a cell or going over and chosing the number I want. Previously, this game highlighted the active number on the list. Now it doesn't. Of the 2 indicators, I prefer the cursor to change. Please check if it's my computer settings, or a change at your end. Thanks. |
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Where have my old submissions gone? (by AdamQ - 17 Jun 19, 20:29) |
I was reviewing my earlier submissions from previous years and I noticed that many of them can no longer be retrieved when I ask for All from my username as Contributor. Have you deleted them or are they not being retrieved for some other reason? |
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General (by iffywedges - 21 Jun 19, 19:49) |
Congratulations to Morris. aka "Jekyll or Hyde" for a great time today. Nice of Brainy, after a three or four-day run, to dally an extra 1:12 thus allowing someone else to achieve best score for today! I always feel guilty when I beat Mr. Wombat, who, in my book, could and should win every day but for an occasional split-second synapse misfire. When I don't see your name on the leaderboard I know for sure you were waylaid somehow and abandoned the the puzzle altogether. I am practically certain about this because of your past admissions regarding Mapit. Good on you though mate--this is not life or death. Cheers to all who try this challenge everyday. I still wish Wordsmith would "join the fun". |
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Daily Challenge (by iffywedges - 21 Jun 19, 20:01) |
I have tried more than once to collate data from the daily Hearts challenge. I have wanted to be able to post something to this forum to indicate who are the true stars of this game. My intention has never been to show that I am the best, which I surely am not, but to just reveal a sort of average among daily contenders. Alas, it is too difficult. There is too much data to capture with screen shots and I have no programs to run to collate numbers. I am no sort of engineer. Is there any way, Derek, to do what I have tried unsuccessfully to do with this challenge? |
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Daily Challenge (by iffywedges - 21 Jun 19, 20:45) |
I just checked and I see what you mean. With WordRuffle and WordFerret, for instance, you have a leaderboard for the last two days. Is there no easy way to have a running daily average for these and other games? Methinks this could add a world of excitement to aficionados of various games. It would be like a lifetime batting average, would it not? |
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Can't connect to server (by grams92 - 22 Jun 19, 11:04) |
Have not been able to play Sudoku points for quite some time now. Always get a message "Can't connect to server" Have tried refreshing. Doesn't make any difference. |
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score not recording (by Aardvard - 23 Jun 19, 17:56) |
I scored 14850 on today's challenge and it did not register. |
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No sound effects (by tribble - 24 Jun 19, 10:55) |
Derek, the ding has been missing from the "play-one-on-one" SpeedCross games when my opponent makes their play. I never know when it is my turn ;-) |
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All word submitted not recognised (by ctuchel - 26 Jun 19, 11:47) |
Is there a problem? |
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Not connecting to server on Cell Phone (by phoenix - 26 Jun 19, 13:19) |
Derek, I'm unable to connect to Word Ferret on my cell phone. I don't have the app, I just go to google and pull up DKM Word Ferret. It suddenly stopped working a few days ago, says "server unavailable now try later". Any ideas? |
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Not connecting to multi-player games (by Rayisback - 27 Jun 19, 18:04) |
Earlier today I had problems connecting to the Sudoku Points game, getting a message that read "Connecting to server...", only it wasn't connecting. After a while I was able to connect to the game. I just tried connecting to the Free Cell game, and got the same message, which caused me to check the Sudoku Points game again, and found that I again could not connect to the server. Any thoughts...? |
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Apparently Broken (by Jack49 - 29 Jun 19, 8:34) |
Map It appears not to be working. There were NO results yesterday (28 June 2019), and none so far today (29 June). When I tried to play yesterday, it told me it was unable to load a puzzle. I tried again later, and was told that I already had played. From the lack of posted results, I believe that everyone is having the same problem. |
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Please fix this... (by kayrod66 - 01 Jul 19, 10:53) |
The computer keeps doing this.... I lead from an off-suit JT xxx KQx Axx I lead small and play the J, and East plays x and lets me take 3 tricks for the suit.... what on earth... is this just a way to see who is playing it a second or third time and boldly going for a slam? |
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Multi-user server connection issue (by dkmGames - 01 Jul 19, 22:13) |
I have discovered an issue that may have been affecting some of you who are experiencing failure to connect to the multi-user server. If you were using https: (SSL) in the web address, ie "https://" at the front of the web address, this does not work for the multi-user server. I have now fixed to change those pages affected to drop the https: automatically if present. |
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Great score (by Susandermer - 02 Jul 19, 0:47) |
Rumpus, Great score! is 6120 a record! |
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8x8 Puzzles are not generated (by MvG180 - 04 Jul 19, 9:28) |
Hello, On July 4 the 8x8 Suguru puzzles will not show up, The message "Puzzle not found or generated" is coming up. |
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Out of office (by dkmGames - 05 Jul 19, 18:46) |
I will be out of office for next four weeks so may not be able to respond to issues promptly. Hope all runs smooth. |
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aborts while playing (by ajantha - 09 Jul 19, 13:13) |
in the last couple weeks, shisen play against others, loads but after a few moves abruptly aborts. unable to load it again. also the picture is left justified to my screen and I am unable to move it to the center. Used to be able to do so before. Any solutions? Ajantha |
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Today's challenge (Jul 12) awfully tough (by Kejo - 12 Jul 19, 1:42) |
Is it just me, or were those two different sets of five-pointed stars, both a kind of pale peach colour, practically impossible to tell apart in today's challenge? |
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Sudoku 16 HARD puzzle "Unable to get puzzle" (by brobinsonmcc - 16 Jul 19, 8:43) |
For several days now, Sudoku 16 HARD puzzle gives "Unable to get puzzle." Thanks. |
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Challenge (by properjewel1 - 17 Jul 19, 9:44) |
I have tried the resets as advised by you but I cannot get Minibridge Challenge to work. Has it been played over the last two days? |
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still keeps aborting when in challenge (by ajantha12 - 28 Jul 19, 13:50) |
some reason I am not able to finish the challenge mode as it abruptly seamonkey as my web browser please help. this is driving me nuts |
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html jigsaw (by Jacqueline29 - 03 Aug 19, 10:17) |
We are increasingly warned not to allow Adobe Flash, but am I the only one who hates the Html5 version? The colour is awful, the fit is rough and difficult to tell if it's even a match! I so enjoyed your jigsaws and now I'm looking for other providers, as I can't stand this poor result. Please DKM upgrade your Jigsaw experience. |
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38950 score? (by theodores - 06 Aug 19, 6:51) |
How do you explain a score of 38950 in a game where a theoretical maximum is no more than 25200? |
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Level 5 upset (by alicoo - 06 Aug 19, 13:54) |
For the second time I have been cut off. I do 4 levels then click to do the 5th and am told my score & where I am on the scoreboard! Before I have even done level 5 ! It allows me to do level 5 but doesn't count my score |
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Teetotal (by Morris1960 - 06 Aug 19, 13:58) |
A glass or two of wine before attempting the daily challenge is not a good idea! |
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Improving Scores (by ejs - 10 Aug 19, 7:22) |
I've been playing the challenge several times each day (under the same name, so the additional games don't count), and I've been quite surprised that I have rarely gotten a better score than the first game! |
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coming back to the game (by Mumbaikar - 12 Aug 19, 3:15) |
If we are midst of the game, and by any chance power is off, then the game is getting stuck and do not get restored on powering on. Instead it should be restored from the point where we left in case of any power disruptions. |
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Bottom of the class (by Morris1960 - 19 Aug 19, 9:54) |
! |
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no rules/tutorial (by sewista - 20 Aug 19, 21:22) |
when you click on Rules/tutorial, you get blank screens |
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solve one cell incorrect (by LonzoQPudley - 21 Aug 19, 5:24) |
When solving Medium 10 fleet, I became stuck and clicked on hint which said to look at cell in row 3 column 10. I was still stuck and clicked on solve one cell. It said that cell in row 3 column 10 must be a segment, which is incorrect. |
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background color (by pmchilders - 25 Aug 19, 12:28) |
How can I change the background color? |
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Thanks (by Morris1960 - 26 Aug 19, 3:36) |
Thanks to nickgc for making my score yesterday respectable! Could you please play again today otherwise I shall be last again? |
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Why so many top scores on Sundays? (by wordsmith - 26 Aug 19, 14:11) |
Yesterday (Sunday, August 25) a grand total of 39 (!) folks scored first place in the Daily Challenge, that is, filled in all 3 boards correctly and in time. Including me, for once, tah dah! I have noticed that often more people score first place on Sundays - not sure if more people play that day or if somehow the puzzle generated is ranked as easier. Hmmm... |
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edge/chrome w10 not moving (by Tigers - 02 Sep 19, 21:19) |
many month I cannot use 2048 any more. even after new updated w10 recently new game give 2 numbers but what ever I try nothing happen |
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Bot defenders not too smart (by Rayisback - 04 Sep 19, 10:52) |
I just completed an unbid Grand Slam on today's first deal in the Challenge. I only bid a small slam because defenders had an obvious trick with the Ace of Hearts. Twice I led Hearts, and both times the East defender failed to cover with the Ace, playing it on my last trump trick to complete the Grand Slam. There's such a thing as a "hold-up" play in Bridge where a defender will deliberately not take a trick to save the entry for a more opportune point in the deal, but the Minibridge bots use it to excess, and often inappropriately. I have no idea how to fix that through programming, just making an observation. |
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Samurai Sudoku seems to contain a flaw (by Eregelma - 09 Sep 19, 18:07) |
If I partially complete a Samurai Sudoku puzzle, and then save it, I usually can continue the same game later that day. However, if I try to continue the same game the next day, all entries have been erased, and I am forced to start that game over. What’s wrong with the system? |
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HTML vs Adobe (by trailblazer - 12 Sep 19, 0:12) |
Any plans to provide HTML5 versions for more games? |
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Predictive Text (by sjmont - 12 Sep 19, 8:31) |
Derek, Is there anything I can do to get rid of the annoying predictive text that reared its ugly head after the switch from flash to HTML? If I hurry to post chat in the short time allowed, and don't check to see what is going to be typed in addition to what I just typed because I typed those extra words at one time, I am inevitably embarrassed by congratulating someone who is not even in the room at the time, for example. Or it appears that I have referred to" Joolz" as "Jolly" when I have not. |
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Daily Challenge scores (by Grammargirl - 15 Sep 19, 21:57) |
When you play the Mahjong challenge a second time, I understand that your score won't count regardless whether you beat your previous or not. Is your previous score removed from the list entirely? I have done this a couple of times, and when I go looking for my score from the first game after playing the second, I can't find my name on the leaderboard to compare. |
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mouse non-responsive in puzzle (by nsmark - 18 Sep 19, 11:27) |
Lately, my mouse will periodically not respond to clicks inside the puzzle box. Everywhere else is fine. This is the only time I have this issue. I have replaced my mouse battery with no change. The only way to correct it seems to be leaving this game and restarting it. Could this be an issue with the server or some other site issue? |
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im lovin it... lol (by jadabutler - 20 Sep 19, 18:30) |
love this game so friggin much!!!!!!!!! |
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Disappointed (by nsmark - 25 Sep 19, 10:38) |
I'm very disappointed that Tilt It is no longer available. It's my favorite game on this page. Can someone tell me why it's gone now? |
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missing player (by Wiley - 25 Sep 19, 13:10) |
Anyone seen Greg? |
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New IPad operating system (by sam - 25 Sep 19, 13:51) |
The new ipad operating system doesn’t allow me to play Triplets.☹️ However, it does allow me to use my keypad when playing Word Ferret. Is it me or is the new operating system no longer compatible with all DKM games??? |
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Inconsistant dictionary (by CallieB - 26 Sep 19, 5:36) |
Many English Language words are not accepted on this game ,for example, 'QI' and 'Pixilated'. More confusing is the fact time and time again I try and place 'UT' as a word and it says its not a word yet yesterday the winning board contained this word. |
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Huh? (by proudgay - 29 Sep 19, 17:57) |
Derick, my good man: One of the "allowed" words in Ruffle is LOOSES. Can anyone please use LOOSES in any competent sentence? Also, I'm finding some "allowed" words in the Daily Challenge that are exempt in the Play With Others and vice versa. Different dictionaries? |
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Cheaters? Must be.... (by xenoblast - 02 Oct 19, 13:25) |
Seriously, no one and I mean no one can physically do word mesh in under 2 minutes without having done it previously and know what letters are coming up. I've tried it and even when copying what you've done previously (with a different user name) its not possible to input the words under 2 minutes. Why do people cheat? pathetic! |
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Derrick? (by xenoblast - 03 Oct 19, 5:05) |
Is Derrick a real person? If so thankyou for providing some great games. That's it. |
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Spades - Combined Bid 14 (by Bingo5363 - 03 Oct 19, 5:36) |
The two computer players bid a combined of 14. 1st bid by Adele = 6 2nd bid by Pam (my partner) = 1 3rd bid by Tom = 8 I have a screen shot if you are interested. Can logic be added to prevent combined bids of over 13? There is no option to select Spades under Topic. Thanks. |
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come on..... (by xenoblast - 03 Oct 19, 11:37) |
comorbidity is a word as is pixilation and many others that are not accepted . What's the point in playing if fantastic high scoring words are not accepted? Maybe update your dictionary? |
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Pause (by Rigal - 06 Oct 19, 8:46) |
Is there a way to pause the challenge. I had to take a call and when I tried to get back in, the message was I had already played. |
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updated iPad with Carolina now can’t move cards and tiles (by Marco11 - 08 Oct 19, 8:03) |
How do I get dkgames to work( soduku works) can’t move tiles or letters; tried with flash without flash and original since I Apple auto downloaded of Carolina ? |
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Upgrade site /Adobe flash (by marychrisw - 11 Oct 19, 8:58) |
Will the creators of this wonderful but insecure site be updating ? If no, what websites compare to this group play, specifically Shisen or offer challenges via Chromebook, ipads? Flash is soon to be disabled ty |
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new boards please (by sewista - 14 Oct 19, 18:35) |
I guess I play too much shisen because I recognize the boards. how do I get new boards" |
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Naltrexones? (by akimbo - 21 Oct 19, 10:38) |
I just viewed yesterday's winning board. The word "naltrexones" was used. I had to look it up. Be that as it may, in a game dictionary where it seems that a lot of more common words are excluded, I found it surprising to see that word on a winning board. |
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Full hand not being displayed after deal (by bpat - 21 Oct 19, 14:26) |
Not all cards are being displayed when a hand is dealt. The first time it happened today, I had 12 cards and was missing a diamond. This time, I have 11 cards and am missing a diamond between the 5 and the jack and one above the jack. I played the first round, and the six, queen and ace of diamonds appeared. I've got a screenshot if you need to see it. |
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Updated dictionary for Speedcross and WordMesh (by dkmGames - 21 Oct 19, 20:13) |
I see no reason why SpeedCross and WordMesh should not use the full Scrabble dictionary and have now sourced the official Collins Scrabble dictionary for 2019. Games will now allow 279,377 possible words. This is more that 100,000 words missing previously so I expect scores to be higher. I have just removed a few obscene and slang words so as not to offend anyone - probably quite a few more I have missed. |
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Timer (by CallieB - 25 Oct 19, 10:00) |
Why does the timer on the daily challenge stop after each round, until you click the next round button , but the timer on the normal games keeps counting through all ten levels?? |
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Scrolling down 2chat (by Puff - 29 Oct 19, 2:56) |
I've tried the chat box a few times it's difficult to use on this simple phone. I miss a lot of the conversation so if I don't respond I haven't seen your message. I like u all , apologies. |
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Incorrect attribution (by JanetMcBride - 31 Oct 19, 5:08) |
Today's cryptogram is not a quote from Jesus Christ. Paul is writing to the Romans, he quotes Isaiah, who attributes his words to God (the Father). You can argue that the quote is about Jesus, but the tone is completely wrong for Jesus to have said it. |
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Score giveaway (by Rayisback - 31 Oct 19, 14:31) |
In most of the other daily challenges the scores already recorded are not available until one clicks on the entry for "Today's scores". This is not the case for Hearts, where the scores are posted as soon as one clicks on "Challenge". Maybe I'm the only one affected in this way, but when I see that there are a number of perfect, or nearly perfect scores already recorded, I don't bother to complete the challenge if I find myself getting a high number of hearts in one or more of the hands dealt. If the scores weren't posted on the site until we asked to see them as they are in most other daily challenges, it would be more of an incentive for me to continue to play the challenge to see how my score compares with others. But maybe I'm the only one who is bothered by this. |
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Daily challenge (by Josette - 01 Nov 19, 4:22) |
I play the daily challenge frequently. There's only 2 types of bet, part and game. At the end of each hand the score lists the points for each bet based on tricks won. I do not get the full points. For example, in the last hand of today's challenge, I bet game nt. I won 13 tricks. The score lists this at 1220 points, but I only received 520. This happens whenever I play. Why/ what am I missing? |
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Is this a great site or what? (by Rayisback - 01 Nov 19, 12:28) |
I'm not known for gratuitous accolades where they're not deserved. But yesterday on this FREE site where you can play UNINTERRUPTED by ads I posted a concern with a minor glitch in the Hearts site, which revealed scores without asking before I played the game. When I saw a number of perfect scores displayed, it acted as a deterrent to my play that day, especially if I was hit with the Queen of Spades in an early hand. The next day that glitch was fixed! It's no wonder that we have a very faithful group who uses this excellent variety of games and puzzles regularly. Thank you dkm! |
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351a3 (by AyBeCee - 05 Nov 19, 11:09) |
This cryptogram is offensive to women. |
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21jaydkarl foul language (by akimbo - 05 Nov 19, 16:19) |
I just wanted to go on record that a player called "21jaydkarl" was in Word Sketch using foul language in chat just now. Probably a kid, because s/he said something about a baby sister. Thanks. |
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check user cryptograms (by AuntPolly - 06 Nov 19, 15:03) |
Your really need to check the user generated cyptograms. There are not that many a day and frankly some are verging on pornographic. The latest the user wants Mariah carey to munch on his......go figure |
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All tiles blank on challenge (by Aardvard - 06 Nov 19, 19:49) |
I pulled up the challenge today and all tiles were white/blank. If I clicked on them, they would come up and I could play, but I had to click on each on individually to get that to happen. Today was the second time this has happened to me. |
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Number 1 (by fujamadook - 09 Nov 19, 0:26) |
No 1 in the challenge today! How many have played I hear you ask, Only me Lol!! |
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Winning board 8th November (by AuntPolly - 09 Nov 19, 4:07) |
The winning board from yesterday ( 8th Nov) showing today was NOT the letters given in the puzzle so I don't know where that's come from. I always take a screen shot of my final round 10 and noticed straight away the winning board had an 'X' in it so checked and the letters are completely different! |
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Problems with iPad iOS release 13 (by dkmGames - 11 Nov 19, 0:46) |
A number of users have reported problems on iPad when upgraded to release 13. I have now identified the issue. Apple changed the browser user-agent string in Safari in release 13 - removed the words "iPad" and "mobile" by default so the software now failed to recognize it was on an iPad and a touch device. I have implemented a workaround for this - all should now be working (except Bricks which for some reason does not display the ball). There is another solution if you having problems or finding things slower. On the left of the address bar there is an "aA". If you touch this you get an option to "Request Mobile Website" - select this for things to behave as before. Apple decided to default to "Desktop Website" on the iPad?? |
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Daily Challenge words and scoring (by BlueWombat - 11 Nov 19, 5:18) |
I’ve only been playing Word Ruffle for a few months now – generally just the Daily Challenge – and having just achieved my first 100% score, I thought I’d ask about tweaking the words/scores for the Daily Challenge. I see from a previous post that one of the selection rules is that there must be at least one word of each letter length. I realise this looks neater, but it does limit the choice of words, especially for the 8-letter words, and I suspect it results in a lot of -ing words appearing, because there are often 7-letter -ing words there as well. For example, ruffling contains furling, ruling, ruing, etc whereas if the 8-letter word was something like rutabaga (what we call a swede) then there may not be a 7-letter or even a 6-letter word, but it may well meet the other criteria. A second thought is that when I squeak in with two seconds to go my score gets doubled. But if (and it’s rare) I cruise home with 45 seconds left, I end up with the same score. Some of the other games provide a bonus for early completion – would that be a good idea here? For example, abandon the doubling of the score and award 20 points per second less than 2 minutes. A side-effect would also be to differentiate scores at the top of the table. I realise that will result in my never ever achieving the Numero Uno spot, and it may well play into the hands of speedsters such as the fearsome Bobo777, but hey ho, I can live with that. Derek – your input also appreciated as I realise that any change means work for you, and is what I’m suggesting even feasible? BW |
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Advice (by Puff - 11 Nov 19, 5:29) |
I clean my phone sometimes in between games. I use a defunct email for games. Is there any other precautions I can use to stop corruption? any suggestions appreciated |
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Those pesky compound words (by wordsmith - 11 Nov 19, 16:37) |
Not sure why compound words give us so much trouble but I've heard many others, beside myself, confess that they do. Here are a few I've seen; feel free to add more! admen, airfare, airgun, airline, airways, bathmat, bedhead, bobcats, catkin, cornrows, fairways, gymslip, herewith, highboys, iceman, jaywalks, lawman, layman, laywoman, minicams, minivans, outface, payoffs, pigskin, railcard, ringworm, seaside, seaweed, seesawed, teacup, treetop, wedlock |
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New dictionary (by leighbarker - 12 Nov 19, 1:09) |
I’ve had a few words rejected that I was fairly sure are in the scrabble dictionary. Finally went to to see what they say. I asked about “gi” and “zen”. Collins says they’re both words on their Word Finder website. Why doesnt’t the Collins Dictionary here find them? |
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To Creators of Public Puzzles (by lynxx - 12 Nov 19, 5:05) |
Here's a big thank you to the creators of the public puzzles, even if they do have faster fingers and faster computers and faster brains than I do. Some of you are impossibly fast; it's a big thrill when I finish a puzzle. |
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I do not find the leaderboard of the daily challenge (by Miba - 17 Nov 19, 1:23) |
Hello, I would appreciate if you could post a link to the daily challenge leaderboard. I seem not to be able to find it. I do find the leaderboard of the 32 levels, but not the daily challenge one. Thank you. |
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Clarity (by Puff - 18 Nov 19, 15:55) |
I like to play with everyone and anyone. I'll try my question on nertz again. When I press 'join' I can be in the middle of a game. Is the nature of the game to have disrupters going in and out OR am I intruding on a private game. Should I play with bots only. |
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DEAD (by Puff - 19 Nov 19, 5:02) |
my brother gave me his old phone for about two years. the phone died this morning . i will miss u all. An early merry christmas and happy new year to u all. hopefully will get a tablet in the january sales and come back. bye |
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Back (by Puff - 21 Nov 19, 17:28) |
Phones working again. Dunno how long I'm back. Curious to kno what time zone ur all playing on. I'm on London time. I always assumed u were all Americans. |
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HTML5 version of Sudoku Samurai (by dkmGames - 22 Nov 19, 21:54) |
You can now play a non-Flash version of Sudoku Samurai. This also means you can now play on your tablet. |
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Word frequency (by judithweaver - 25 Nov 19, 7:17) |
Can we please have a moratorium on "oafish" as a word in codewords? It turns up with monotonous frequency - today both in challenge and flash - and always in the same place, line 6, extreme right. I don't think I've ever heard or read it anywhere except in codewords. And today challenge and flash had other duplicates, "who", "xerox" and "yacht", all in the same places. |
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Hanidoku HTML5 version (by dkmGames - 27 Nov 19, 22:26) |
You can now play Hanidoku without Flash. Also now available for tablets and phones. |
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Blue wombat (by Puff - 28 Nov 19, 3:57) |
I replied to u somewher near the bottom of the thread called back. Then it occured to me maybe you typed something specific on word ferret u wanted me t see. Did I miss something. |
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Thankful for DKM (by Susandermer - 28 Nov 19, 4:58) |
Happy Thanksgiving to those who celebrate it! To those who don't, enjoy your day too! Special howdy do to Rayisback. I haven't been around a lot lately (its complicated) but I miss the comradery! Everyone seems so nice. And thanks Derek for the fun times! |
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Christmas in London (by Susandermer - 01 Dec 19, 10:19) |
First time I have ever been to London. Any advice on things to do at Christmas? |
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HTML5 desktop version (by dkmGames - 02 Dec 19, 23:29) |
You can now play a HTML5 version of Yubotu on the desktop. There was one previously for tablet and phones and these have been upgraded to use the new version. The daily challenge has moved to the HTML5 version. |
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is it me or is it you? (by socks - 05 Dec 19, 20:03) |
Hi DKM, I play WF on a Mac. When I try to upsize, (so my aged eyes can see), the background enlarges, but the letter grid stays the same, and the mouse cursor does not register. I did reload Flash, and restart, but alas no luck. Is there something else I should try? I'm sorry to have to "complain", as this is such a fantastic site. Kudos to you and your fun job. |
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HTML5 version and daily challenge (by dkmGames - 05 Dec 19, 21:11) |
You can now play Tents without Flash and also on your tablet and phone. A daily challenge has also been added. |
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Challenge saying already played instead of giving ranking (by sozonepk - 07 Dec 19, 22:02) |
With the new version of the challenge, when I am finished instead of giving my ranking it will say already played. It will put me in the rankings in the correct spot at the time I just completed in when I look at today's results. |
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Click on cell and box appears in the lower cell (by laf2h - 09 Dec 19, 2:02) |
In the HTML5 version when I click on a cell, the entry appears in the cell below. Is this happening for anyone else? |
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Flash Player (by ejs - 09 Dec 19, 7:05) |
My computer will no longer be supporting Flash Player at the end of this month. How can I still play? |
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RumpDougLonzRayZuina (by Puff - 09 Dec 19, 14:57) |
Rumpus Lonzo Doug Zuina Rayisback and anyone who wants to join in. Is it possible to synch a day and time when we could all play together so we play the same games. I don't know if it's possible but I'm on London time. I need daytime. I have access to my phone throughout Monday. On Tuesday I can do a desktop and mouse for most of the day. We'd,Thurs,Fri difficult for me. Need daytime need London time. Don't know if it's possible r u guys willing. We would have to agree on time at least a week beforehand |
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HTML5 version (by dkmGames - 09 Dec 19, 20:49) |
You can now play Hitori with Flash and also on tablets and phones. |
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Shichi Sudoku HTML5 (by dkmGames - 11 Dec 19, 21:38) |
Shichi Sudoku now available in HTML5 for desktops and tablets. |
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redirected (by wordsmith - 13 Dec 19, 11:45) |
When I use my usual bookmark to sign in, I am being redirected to a new website with /Wordruffle in it. Something new? |
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New Html does not center on screen in full screen (by Mayvis - 13 Dec 19, 15:25) |
I would love to see the new HTML version center in the middle of the screen on full screen mode. I'm going to use the flash for as long as possible until HTML can do this! |
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Continue button in wrong place (by jflintnb - 16 Dec 19, 3:11) |
Scoring used to be at the top of the screen and now is at the bottom. Continue is now at the top instead and my screen won't show the word Continue if I score 100% now. So, if I score 100% I can't continue the game! What's up? |
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no title (by Puff - 17 Dec 19, 8:36) |
the one night i didn't erase dkm from my phone, i got glitches, Unable to access the name puff. My keyboard wont come up at all. so seeing as i'm leaving dkm i thought u might want feedback. i get about 20 games on my phone which is a nice variety and more than enough. the only one that has a chat room is word ferret. which is perfect for me because typing is not my strong point. nor does the automated words work well for me. word ferret; normal words like- incentivise, realised, realise, realize, and lots more don't work however the words n..ger wop dago f..k etc seem to work off and on. stabbing and rape come up frequently. ferret and freecell kept cutting out on me. could be my weak signal but it only happened on higher scores with certain top players. freecell very easy to play on touch screen. nertz; freezes or starts showing 1 ,11,12,13 instead of cards. learnt this game from u guys thanku. Minibridge; not a game i would choose to play but easy on this phone. slams as an option only come up on challenge. Forums; easy to use. automated typing corrections are not for me but others may like it. Overall dkm is about 85% good. i had one other problem which i wont go into here. ty to all the players that played with me. wish u all well. god speed. |
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Sudoku Points problem (by blorchy - 17 Dec 19, 12:18) |
When I try to play, whether trying either "Play Now" or "Play in New Window" it doesn't load and just keeps rapidly attempting to "read" over and over, showing a blank page. I'm on a MacBook Air (Retina, 13 inch, 2018) running macOS Catalina Version 10.15.1 with Firefox 71.0 (up-to-date). However, it works fine when I use Safari, so I can still play, but it used to work on Firerox until a week or so ago. Thanks! |
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Now on phone (by dkmGames - 18 Dec 19, 19:37) |
You can now play CodeWords on your phone. Also, daily challenge now available from phone and tablet. |
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renovation (by saxifrage - 21 Dec 19, 16:47) |
awesome job ! thanks for the new level. |
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keeps switching to pencil (by birdgirl - 24 Dec 19, 12:03) |
when entering numbers in the grid the board keeps changing to pencil mode, so I have to keep going back and changing it before I can enter a number- annoying and slow. Any idea why this is happening? |
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Happy Christmas (by Morris1960 - 25 Dec 19, 4:07) |
A very Happy Christmas to all players, I love competing with you all! |
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Daily challenger leader 0:47? (by akimbo - 26 Dec 19, 10:35) |
Just wondering how it's possible to clear the whole board in 47 seconds. There have been other games where the player has said they had trouble with their computer clock going backwards. If ukbunny reads this post, is that what happened? |
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Two-handed spades problem, no category for spades (by bpat - 26 Dec 19, 20:56) |
Two-handed spades reneges on playing spade cards. It doesn't do it every time, but fairly frequently, it will play some other card on a spade that's led to it, then play a spade on the last trick. I don't see any way to tell you which game it is, but if there's a way to do that, let me know and I'll make a note of it. |
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Australian Fires (by mumu - 02 Jan 20, 19:18) |
Hey Derek: Been thinking of you during the conflagration 'down under'. Hope you're safe. Thinking good thoughts, Mumu |
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pages reloading in Firefox (by Aardvard - 03 Jan 20, 17:03) |
When I try to play with others in FireFox, the pages reload about once/second. This happens with any game I try to play. Pages load fine in challenges or when just playing on my own. Any solutions out there? |
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Friendly Pinks and Blues gettogether (by bokka - 04 Jan 20, 15:00) |
Hi, Mindy and I want to arrange a friendly gettogether for pinks and blues on a Sunday for an hour or two, soon! |
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Challenge game not working (by dhc - 06 Jan 20, 4:19) |
Unable to play the daily challenge today for Triplets. None of the tiles will move. Hopeless! Anybody got any tips? |
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New golf course (by aj0811 - 08 Jan 20, 14:38) |
I really enjoy your perfect putt and Sudoku games. Just a suggestion, it would be nice to add another couple of golf courses...just for variety. Thanks, Tom |
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card selection (by SGib - 08 Jan 20, 22:10) |
Hey Derek, Just started playing freecell points and it's great. I have an ask: is it possible to make the card selection action mouse up click instead of mouse down (if this is actually an option you have control over)? That way, if you change your mind mid click, you don't get penalized with an undo. Thanks for your consideration of my humble request, sincerely, a big fan |
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Daily Challenge preferences (by sventer - 09 Jan 20, 18:12) |
I can't find where the daily challenge (sudoko) preferences are. Any ideas. |
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taking all the fun out of it (by sewista - 13 Jan 20, 9:27) |
I have just discovered this wonderful game and love it. In the last few weeks I have spent much time "driving around" strange places and finding clues, and am doing pretty well on getting perfect or near-perfect scores. But then, trying to "drive" in a different direction, I accidentally clicked on a place in the image that I hadn't intended to, and to my amazement, opened a new window to Google maps that showed the mystery place on an actual map, zoomable to show its place in the world, labeled with streets and with a little box showing the address of the specific place. I guess this is a good way to get a perfect score but I wish it weren't there. |
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BlueWombat (by Morris1960 - 13 Jan 20, 11:35) |
Well done, under a minute, respect! |
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Spades: Partner Fails To Save Nil Bids (by Bingo5363 - 14 Jan 20, 8:04) |
When I bid Nil and I play the highest card so far for a hand, my partner does not play a card to win even when the partner has a card that could win the trick. This is not a new problem. |
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Spades: Leading Off With Spades (by Bingo5363 - 14 Jan 20, 8:12) |
My opponents and my partner can lead off with spades. I am not able to lead off with spades. ... not that I would want to unless I had all of the spades. :-) Similar problem: playing spades before spades are broken.. My opponents and partner can do this. I play hours and hours of spades. Kind of messes up the strategy when the play is not as expected. Thanks. |
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Puzzle Quitting (by ckb1004 - 14 Jan 20, 22:15) |
Over the past couple weeks, I've had this happen a few times. I'll be in the middle of a game and it suddenly says that I've "already accessed today's game" and I can't finish. Anyone else had this happen? |
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Iowa debate (by Puff - 15 Jan 20, 11:30) |
I couldn't watch the debates yesterday because all the algorithms on Google and YouTube were redirected to nonsense. Sometimes to old debates with yesterday's date on. Is this my phone or the whole of YouTube. I've noticed more and more of YouTube videos are corrupted with cut and shut apps . Not looking for a reply just hope someone out there knows stuff and cares enough to know what to do. |
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New HTML5 version (by dkmGames - 16 Jan 20, 0:49) |
You can now play Word Drop without Flash. Also works on tablets and phones. I am looking to improve the game to make it more popular. Any suggestions how to improve play would be appreciated - specifically the rules, different levels, difficulty options and the like. |
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No game (by ejs - 16 Jan 20, 11:09) |
On today's Ferret challenge, only a blank grid shows up. Am I doing something wrong? |
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Jan 16 challenge - tough (by Grammargirl - 16 Jan 20, 11:10) |
I found today's challenge especially difficult because there are 2 very similar colours on what appeared to be identical shapes. Be fore-warned. |
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List of all time winners (by Rayisback - 16 Jan 20, 12:25) |
Something has happened to the list of all time highest scores for 2048. When that section is activated, the first page shows the highest scores all time, but pages 2, 3, and 4 are gibberish, showing very low scores with names that are often preceded by 2, 4, 6, or 8. I assume my all time high, along with about 100 others, has been lost. |
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Word Mesh super challenge? (by AuntPolly - 20 Jan 20, 5:34) |
Just a note for the suggestion box: How about a word mesh super challenge where the clock doesn't stop between rounds? Running alongside the normal challenge of course, not instead of. Just a thought...… Kind Regards Polly |
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Ferret challenge percentage (by Bobo7777 - 22 Jan 20, 0:20) |
Just got 89% of the words on the challenge. Only have to wait 23hrs and 40 minutes to see if it holds up :). If it is beaten, just want to say "job well done", as that is about as good as I can do on the challenge. |
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Play with bots (by akimbo - 23 Jan 20, 19:35) |
I just realized you can play with more than one bot! How fun -- now it's not Speedy Bot winning every single game any more! Every. Single. Game. :-D |
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iPad issues (by ffejsrem - 25 Jan 20, 0:41) |
Suddenly the tap mode is no longer available for iPads whether I use the Mobil version or the internet version. Additionally the swipe version allows me swipe keys but will not complete a word. Did you modify the game ? I am using IOS 13.3, the most current OS. |
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Archived games! (by equiwebz - 25 Jan 20, 18:37) |
Hi, Is it possible to go back to 23rd/24th December 2019 to find solutions to a codewords puzzle? Pete. |
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Asking for help with new word game (by dkmGames - 28 Jan 20, 22:31) |
I have written a new word game in the ilk of Word Ferret/Word Ruffle/Word Drop and would appreciate feedback from all you word gamers as to how it can be improved. It's very hard working in isolation to figure out the difficulty levels, scoring etc and all suggestions are welcome, including even the name. The link to the pre-release version is: Either respond to this thread or the feedback box on the page or email Phone version to come soon. |
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Keyboard shortcut for Fill Column? (by CPEG - 29 Jan 20, 15:43) |
I can't find a keyboard shortcut for the Fill Column tool. Is there one? It would be nice to have one, if there isn't, since it's the only tool where I have to move the mouse and click. |
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We’ve already had this daily challenge (by jampots - 31 Jan 20, 4:17) |
We’ve already had today’s daily challenge - not that I scored much better having had an earlier practice! |
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Daily challenge repeating (by CallieB - 31 Jan 20, 6:12) |
Why is the daily challenge repeating itself. ?Yesterday I thought I had Deja Vue and was sure the letters had come up recently. Today the challenge is the direct copy of one that's been on twice now in the last couple of weeks. |
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Words not grayed out properly (by bpat - 31 Jan 20, 10:23) |
Fairly frequently, words are not grayed out properly. It's never the word you just actively played, but another word that is incidentally filled in at the same time. In puzzle #W013110459, the word "each" was missed. Occasionally more than one word will be missed. |
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Cannot toggle pen/pencil with "shift" key (by mjd74 - 31 Jan 20, 21:30) |
For the daily sudoko (original flash), I've always been able to use the "shift" key to toggle to pencil. This no longer works - now I have to click the pen/pencil icon. It's really annoying and takes me out of the flow of the puzzle. I assume this is a bug on a recent update - any idea when it might get fixed? Thanks! |
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Daily challenge suggestions (by dkmGames - 01 Feb 20, 19:11) |
I want to implement a daily challenge for Word Zap and asking for suggestions. I definitely only want one challenge - was thinking one level (level 8) with a time limit of 3 mins and maybe earn bonuses for clearing grid (or just two tiles remaining) and for number of seconds remaining. |
Flag Inappropriate | (by Puff - 02 Feb 20, 4:48) |
Great codewords today .{ Normal not challenge) had me stumped for a bit. Hanidoku doesn't tell me when I've finished a game. Is that cos I cheat I.e. press check input a lot. Been sliding on word ferret instead of tapping. Occasionally the last letter isn't registered as a word that's ended. Have to tap on it a few times. Is this bad reception at my end or the changeover at your end |
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Message on screen in dkm games (by Rayisback - 02 Feb 20, 12:11) |
When I load most games on the dkm games site, I now get a message which asks "Do you want to allow downloads on DKM games?" I have a choice of "cancel" or "allow". This is a new message which I've only started seeing today, and I don't understand the significance of it. What am I allowing to be downloaded? Just the game, or anything that anyone wants to download on my computer? I'll admit to not being very tech savvy, but I'm not sue I want to click "Allow" on that screen. Anyone have some information for me? |
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Verdict (by mumu - 02 Feb 20, 16:40) |
Pretty cool. |
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Is Blog cheating? (by BlueWombat - 03 Feb 20, 11:32) |
Blog appears to have completed the daily challenge in 17 seconds, which is about the time it takes to click on the mouse and hit a letter 26 times. I can only conclude this has been done by cheating, in which case blog should be ashamed of themselves. I do keep results, as others may know, and I'm discounting blog's results, unless of course, they can provide a plausible explanation or apology. |
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donations (by Erascer - 03 Feb 20, 15:11) |
I used to be able to donate a five every so often but recently it won't go to pay after filling in the information. I wrote a couple of times about this with no response. I really love, love, love this site and would like to continue supporting it. |
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Extra levels opinions (by dkmGames - 04 Feb 20, 0:53) |
I was thinking of adding extra levels - next 8 would be same goal of number lines cleared as first 8 but minimum length of words being 4 instead of 3. Too hard? Also, could add levels of clearing columns instead of rows but I don't think adds much. It seems a little harder to clear a column so levels would be: "Clear one row" then "Clear one column" then "Clear 2 rows" etc. |
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Killer Sudoku new HTML5 glitch (by Schroedlater - 04 Feb 20, 8:38) |
I tried out the new HTML5 version of Killer Sudoku today. When I enter a number using pen, the number does not appear until I click on another box. At first I thought the app had stopped working, because I kept trying to enter the number in the same box, and nothing would happen. However, I discovered that the number would appear as soon as I clicked on a different box. I didn't see this problem when I entered numbers using pencil. Maybe it has something to do with toggling between pen and pencil, because when I entered two numbers in a row using pen, the second number would appear immediately. |
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HTML5 version of Killer Sudoku (by dkmGames - 04 Feb 20, 22:43) |
You can now play Killer Sudoku without Flash - also available on tablets and phones. Countdown to end of Flash - 11 months to go. |
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Daily Leaderboard Glitch (by jeffgamer - 05 Feb 20, 9:28) |
Just thought I'd send out the heads-up: For the last week or so, the daily leaderboard on Word Ferret only shows today and yesterday, even though there's an option for two days earlier. The two days earlier list is always blank. Cheers! |
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The educational value of WordRuffle :-) (by wordsmith - 05 Feb 20, 10:32) |
A few of the words I had never said before being pulled into the WordRuffle vortex, of which there is no apparent exit: biff, chinwag, dhoti, fop, gillie, laird, mingy, nipper, ocker, poofter, postie, prezzie, rani, ratbags, sadhu, sahib, skint, skipper, snog, tosh. I see spellcheck has red-lined 7 of those... And of course now I find ways to slip them into everyday conversation, wouldn't you? |
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hate panorama views, especially today (by sewista - 07 Feb 20, 6:26) |
With all the google street views available in the world, I don't understand why so many of the puzzle sites are inside dentist offices or stores or other retail establishments with restricted movement. Granted, these are puzzles too, but they aren't map puzzles of the sort that I like to solve. But today's #3 seemed especially stupid, since the panorama view was out of focus and included nothing but ads for clothing brands. I wish we could stick to street views -- "driving around" is what makes MapIt fun. |
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Change (by Puff - 09 Feb 20, 11:26) |
When I go to d.k.m I get redirected to same games but in different menus and layouts is this still u? I've got 45mph winds here so I'm putting other problems to weather and wifi connection. |
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Altered position of 'Check' button (by MTMabowels - 09 Feb 20, 11:53) |
Now that the 'Check' and 'Give up' buttons have been swapped around, may I request that the "Give up' button is given an 'Are you sure?' option before the Codewords board is filled in please? I have been playing Codewords for some years. With this recent swapping of the positions of these two buttons I am finding really annoying until I can train my muscle memory. I'm sure I won't be the only person to be caught by this. In case it is relevant I used the dark blue 'Play Now' button. Thank you in anticipation for your consideration. |
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HTML Killer Sudoku grid (by bpat - 09 Feb 20, 21:17) |
Would it be possible to make the grid lines in Killer Sudoku a little wider or a little darker? I find it hard to keep up with where the 9-square cubes are in the current layout. Thanks! |
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Double solution (by jimberg - 10 Feb 20, 13:07) |
Killer Sudoku (medium) of feb 10 has two correct solutions !!! |
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Suggested Feature (by RSWallace - 10 Feb 20, 16:27) |
Auto Play to Foundations sometimes leads to traps, so I leave it off. However, it is satisfying to complete a game even when success is obvious. I suggest adding an Auto Complete button that invokes Autoplay immediately but not persistently I(i.e., without changing the Preference). |
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Love it! (by yiayia - 10 Feb 20, 20:14) |
I like this game except for one thing - it is much too addictive for me! I find myself saying "just one more" all the time. Great game! I hope to get much better at it one of these days. Thanks for always making more ways for us to have fun! |
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no big deal, just thought I would ask. (by katze - 10 Feb 20, 23:06) |
When playing sudoku points there is a sound that lets you know the game is ending. I wish there could be a sound that lets you know the game is beginning. I often miss the beginning due to my short attention span. Kind of like the sound of the cards shuffling in FreeCell Points. |
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Idea for Challenge (by elkster - 11 Feb 20, 5:20) |
Derek, another winner of a game!! Here is a suggestion for the Challenge. When playing all the levels, you can accumulate the Powerups to use in the final difficult 8th Level, but with one level only, this is not possible and it can not always be assured that longer words are available to get Powerups. It might be a good idea to give one of each of the Powerups for the Challlenge. Everyone gets them and can be creative with using them, so it does not affect the efficacy of the challenge. I would humbly suggest this would make the Daily Challenge more interesting and fun with better opportunities for higher scores. Would love to hear Feedback from you and others. elkster |
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Frame Sudoku HTML5 (by dkmGames - 11 Feb 20, 19:07) |
Frame Sudoku is now available in HTML5 and you can also play on your tablet and phone. |
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Puzzle for Wed. Feb.12 (by ckb1004 - 12 Feb 20, 0:31) |
If anyone got a clue about number 3, please share. I've already done the puzzle, but I couldn't find anything that would help and I have to know. =) |
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daily challenge two letter words (by AuntyPolly - 12 Feb 20, 3:09) |
Why are two letter words accepted on the daily challenge, but not on the normal games? Its very frustrating to finish a normal game with a 2 letter word sitting on the grid and not being accepted. Also there seems to be a big difference between the easy and moderate modes, more so than between moderate and hard. However this game is really challenging and very addictive. |
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changes (by bowser - 12 Feb 20, 22:56) |
Jigcross is gone? Also, the new format for solitaire is not nearly as good as old one, i really can't bear to play it. |
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Dkm (by Puff - 13 Feb 20, 14:16) |
Having problems with timer. Keeps running to zero then stalling . If I pop out of the game then back in it says the game is still continuing with a few seconds still on the clock. Everyone else is still playing the same game.. Hope that makes sense. On Word ferret. |
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Scoring Question (by phoenix - 13 Feb 20, 15:06) |
Great new game, Derrick. Thanks! My question is at what point do you stop scoring points for words? It seems like when I get down to just a few letters or partial rows the words I make don't score any points. |
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Time delay.... (by Finnegan - 13 Feb 20, 17:31) |
Hi Derek, hope this message finds you well. We are experiencing a delay before the 30 second countdown till the next game, upwards of a minute. Just wanted to let you know. Long time player and lover of the site, Jaime aka Finnegan |
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Issues (by pppenguin - 13 Feb 20, 23:59) |
I’ve been having similar issues: round over freeze, no register of taps, not posting final score. For a while earlier today, was able to jog new game by clicking on options. On iPad Safari, not the mobile app. All had happened intermittently before, but now constant. |
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New puzzles (by jeffgamer - 14 Feb 20, 0:25) |
I like playing the challenges for the next day before I go to sleep (between midnight and 12:45). The last week or so, I've been finding that Codewords almost always puts up a blank screen...the puzzle is not generated...if I try to do so within the first 30 minutes or so. If I hit refresh, it now believes I've played the puzzle for the day...but if I wait a few minutes, it gives me a message saying that it was unable to generate the puzzle, and then I can try again when I'd like. The following morning, the puzzles generate. Just thought I'd toss out that trouble-shooting apparent glitchiness. ;-) |
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HTML5 version of Pearls (by dkmGames - 14 Feb 20, 17:23) |
You can now play Pearls without Flash - also now on tablets and phones. |
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hi skeeter (by claudie - 14 Feb 20, 20:23) |
I will be up and running on chat soon and will be so happy to chat with you again my friend I could not join in your chat in our game with Wordsmith so I thought I would add it here lol i play by memory and sometimes do well,, a lot of times i end up at the bottom of the group but am happy with that , some players are not. I just love playing Equally I am pleased when other players do well, it is not an easy game, so props to you for topping the board i do not keep lists and so am quite chuffed if I do well, it is sort of a personal challenge cant see the point of the game otherwise but that is only my opinion For all of you other rufflers who have kept me feeling included with friendly banter even when i cant answer you back ...... thank you Beam,, Coopers, DilemNa and others, you certainly reflect the true spirit of the game. and I enjoy our games and agree that this is a wonderful site with some great players. |
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rating doesn't work (by oldbroad - 15 Feb 20, 9:05) |
at completion, the star rating box appears, but after pressing the rate button, no update occurs (no thank you appears). Thanks |
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still has problem with rating and more (by oldbroad - 16 Feb 20, 13:02) |
Today's (Sunday 2/16/20) puzzle didn't use the "rule" that the letter displayed is NOT the letter it is ( B and O). Also- Rating, after given says. "puzzle not found" |
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What is a realistic score for Mahjong (by bokka - 16 Feb 20, 13:17) |
Hi, I'm just starting to play Mahjong and I was wondering what is a realistic score in Mahjong, was wondering if the high scores I see in Mahjong is reflective of a realistic score? :) |
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Highest score ever? (by wordsmith - 17 Feb 20, 20:28) |
Two years ago, on February 18, 2018, in between trips to far-flung countries for work, and happily getting back home to Riley (his little "chiweenie") and his fiancé, Drealen scored 7020 in a WordRuffle game. It was so unusual I took a screen shot of the Leaderboard - sure wish I knew which puzzle it was since that's the highest score I've ever seen in many years of playing. |
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Killer Sudoku won't de-emphasize completed numbers (by bpat - 19 Feb 20, 11:16) |
The flash version does, but non-flash doesn't. Is this a bug or a feature? I really like having the option of de-emphasizing them. |
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Daily challenge feedback (by dkmGames - 19 Feb 20, 23:44) |
Now that a number of you are playing the daily challenge, should there be any changes? One idea was to give a Power Up at the start - could alternate each day. More that one Power Up might make it too easy to clear the board, as might a bomb. |
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New solitaire - Addiction (by dkmGames - 20 Feb 20, 19:22) |
A new solitaire game has been added. It's different from others - give it a try. All deals are verified to be solvable (but not easy). |
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CHOCOLATE S (by Puff - 21 Feb 20, 1:05) |
Would anyone like to sync up and play best of three on free cell. Win a box, contents; Peanut butter KitKat s Cadburys +lindt + Godiva chocs Dark chocolate box Let me know if anyone is interested. |
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Scoring & Puzzel ratingf (by ral1 - 22 Feb 20, 14:01) |
How is score calculated. How is puzzel rated |
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Bonuses (by ejs - 25 Feb 20, 6:21) |
How do you earn bonuses? Today I earned 100 points, but I didn't know what for! |
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I'm tired of the same boards. (by sewista - 27 Feb 20, 18:48) |
I play often enough that I recognize each board. When does DKM refreash or replace with new patterns? |
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New game Block Fit (by dkmGames - 27 Feb 20, 22:07) |
Try this new game where you need to fit pieces into a grid and score as high as possible. Let me know of anything that should be changed or could be improved. Game under "Other" menu and also runs on tablets and phones. |
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block fit (by nyctaxi - 27 Feb 20, 22:28) |
Just enjoyed a game of block fit. Reminds me of the game Tetrus which we played many years ago. The whole family loved it! Any way to rotate the pieces? |
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Rude word! (by birdoman - 28 Feb 20, 6:19) |
Hopefully the rude word was computer-generated! It certainly made me smile! |
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The Home Icon or Menu bar in all pages (by MHG - 29 Feb 20, 3:30) |
The play page of many games like Pearls, Towers, Yubotu and ... does not have a Home icon. It would be great if you can quickly navigate to another game at least when the current game is over. |
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Addiction (by judithweaver - 02 Mar 20, 10:43) |
It's good to see Addiction - I used to play it a lot at one time but had forgotten about it. The version I used to play had one variation from yours; in dealing after a shuffle you left a gap at the end of each remaining run, which meant you always achieved something in that round! I think it's an improvement, not least because there seems to be no logic in where the gaps are left. But good to see it. |
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Addiction problem (by bpat - 02 Mar 20, 13:08) |
If you undo one or more moves, you then can't later move the card you undid. You can move other cards, just not that one. I'm not sure if it happens every time, but I think it does. |
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Suggestions (by Bobo7777 - 04 Mar 20, 15:11) |
Love Block Fit, thanks for the addition. Here are a few suggestions after playing the game for the past 4 days. 1) The point structure is frankly useless. In the beginning, similar to tetris, my strategy was to set up a removal of 3 or 4 lines at a time. While it would grant a maximum of 150 points, more often then not, it led to complete chaos, and a lost game. This morning I changed my strategy and solely went for 1 line removals (if by chance i stumbled into a 2 or 3 line removal, great).. and ended up with a score of 9000+, by far my best score. To sum up, who cares about 150 points vs 10 points, when the real name of the game is playing safe and avoiding death. I think the reward for a 4 line removal should be something more grandiose, that makes the risk worth it. Perhaps a "remove row" or "remove column" token. Or perhaps "remove piece", and you can pick one of three new pieces on the right hand side, to remove. Not sure really. All I know is, there is no reason I can see to go after 3 or 4 line bonus, when the risk is so ridiculous. 2) I think an undo button should be implemented, but it ONLY undoes the very last move. That being said, it can never be used on the final move of your three pieces (just the first or second piece). On a few occassions, I have tried to drag a piece and it "dropped" in the wrong place. Would be nice to easily fix that blunder. 3) After every _____ points, the top row is removed. So lets say its 2500 points... at 2500, 5000, 7500, 10000, etc, the board gets smaller and smaller... 4) Perhaps suggestion 3 above could only be used on a challenge? Once again, love the game, its really appreciated! Thanks. |
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delighted (by mermaidten - 05 Mar 20, 11:21) |
I am delighted with cycler11 and his or her cryptograms! There are at least a couple posted every day. I am a big crypto fan, so keep up the good work! |
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RE: Drawing on tablet device (by JamesF25 - 05 Mar 20, 16:29) |
Hi all, I tried to play on Word Sketch today, chat and guess' worked fine but I couldn't draw. Is there any way that this can be solved for me to play this on a tablet device?? Or not |
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Every time I go to daily challenge (by charlieT - 05 Mar 20, 18:11) |
It starts at Level 8.. is that right? |
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Challenge point rules/scoring (by jeffgamer - 06 Mar 20, 9:40) |
Was wondering if, on the "How To Play" page, there could also be a paragraph with specific information about how the scoring works. You get XXX bonus points for having an unused power get YYY bonus points for clearing a screen...etc. It could affect strategy and could be a useful paragraph to have as an easy reference. Thanks for considering! |
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what happened today? (by sewista - 08 Mar 20, 11:20) |
After being no more than a half-block from any of the locations in today's MapIt, I was surprised to receive 5400 points rather than 5500! And it seems that everybody else on top of the leader board got the same thing. I wonder if the program read "Hong Kong" as not being in the right country, and thus deprived us of our country bonus? |
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Men on International Women's Day (by wordsmith - 08 Mar 20, 21:28) |
Has International Women's Day heightened my awareness of how often Man and Men show up in Ruffle compound words? Here are some recent ones: adman, admen, airmen, barman, barmen, batman, boatman, bowmen, chessmen, doorman, dustman, freeman, headman, iceman, lawman, layman, oilman and yeoman! Breathe: there's lots of air too: airbags, airbus, aircrew, airfare, airgun, airline, airmen, airways and midair. Feline friends? Catkin, catnaps, catsuits. Time to get out: outface, outputs, outsells, outset, outvotes. Bye! |
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Colored blocks (by pppenguin - 10 Mar 20, 1:58) |
Am I missing something? Seems like the colors should be significant in scoring. |
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challenge (by terrij - 10 Mar 20, 10:02) |
Couldn't play the challenge today. On the second word, the screen froze, and said the game was not responding due to a long running script? It never played my second word, but the timer continued to count down. Wondering if this has happened to anyone else. |
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No coronavirus from Word Ruffle! (by BubbaBird - 15 Mar 20, 15:59) |
It's great to interact and not worry about catching any disease! |
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Thanks for DKM Games (by theprisoner - 16 Mar 20, 14:11) |
Looks like playing Ferret and the like are going to be one of my main activities for the next few months as the UK starts shutting down. I have postponed two holidays planned for end of this month and in late May. Feeling very depressed but thank you DKM for providing so much healthy mental stimulation and the challenges of the other players on here. |
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Family play? (by bettik - 18 Mar 20, 12:17) |
Is there an easy way to get in with 4 people of your choice if you want to play with just family members? |
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Glitch with auto remove pencil marks and undo (by Schroedlater - 20 Mar 20, 10:00) |
If you have Auto Remove Pencil Marks turned on, and then enter a cell with using pen, it correctly removes the corresponding pencil marks for cells in the same row and column. However, if you then Undo, it only restores the pencil mark in that one cell, but not the others in the same row and column. I see this in all the sudoku games that regularly play: Sudoku, Killer Sudoku, Frame Sudoku. I really like the Auto Remove Pencil Marks feature, and would like to see it added to Hyper Sudoku as well. However, if you make a mistake with a pen entry, it can wipe out a bunch of work you've done with pencil marks, so it's safer to turn the feature off. Thanks for providing all these great games. Keep up the good work! |
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HTML options (by Midget40 - 20 Mar 20, 15:49) |
Why does HTML have fewer options than the Flash? You can only choose colour OR texture and there isn't as many textures to choose from. Can't this be upgraded so the puzzles can be the same as Flash? |
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Daily challenge (3/23/2020) is ambiguous? (by CPEG - 23 Mar 20, 15:45) |
I was on the Towers daily challenge, and got all solved but 6 cells. It looked ambiguous, though; it looked like there were 2 valid ways to fill in the numbers. I filled them in the "wrong" way but could not find any rules that the solution violated. Did I miss anything? I took a screenshot I can upload to imgur if necessary. |
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Frame sudoku (by Doctor - 25 Mar 20, 5:12) |
How often are the games updated? |
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Word Zap Doesn't Load Any Longer (by PJM - 25 Mar 20, 9:08) |
I've played the Word Zap challenge daily but for the last five days it doesn't load any longer. All I get is the box with everything except the tiles. If I wait long enough (anywhere from 5-30 minutes) the red letter appear informing me I've already played. I don't know what has changed with the game but obviously there is an issue. Nothing has changed on my end. |
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Daily challenge question (by shucha - 25 Mar 20, 14:13) |
So a centurion walks into a bar and says, "I'll have a martinus." The bartender says, "You mean a martini?" The centurion says, "Hey, pal...if I wanted a double, I'd have asked for it!" That's my enigmatic introduction to ask if our old ferret "friend" is back with a new name after being banned a few times. |
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cursor to draw goes nuts (by kookoovaya - 26 Mar 20, 17:46) |
It seems that recently the cursor for sketching goes haywire every so often. Not only me but other players too. What's happenin' Derek'? |
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uploading upsidedown (by JigsawJunkie - 27 Mar 20, 14:38) |
I tried to upload a photo into my private jigsaw puzzles but the image ends up being upside down. |
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Pinks vs Blues Tournament (by mindy - 27 Mar 20, 18:34) |
Sunday March 29th. There will be 3 half hour sessions @ noon, 4 pm and 8 pm GMT (London time). In the Green Room |
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Tiles not moving on bottom line (by epaulet - 28 Mar 20, 12:39) |
Daily Challenge; haven't been able to move tiles on the bottom line for several days (no tiles at all would move an another computer). Also, bombs and firecrackers won't move once they're freed from under the tiles. Anyone else finding this? Thanks. |
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American spelling. (by Morris1960 - 29 Mar 20, 10:15) |
I was caught out again today. Well, that's my excuse ! |
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New solitaire game - Spider Solitaire (by dkmGames - 30 Mar 20, 21:50) |
Spider Solitaire now added to the solitaire suite of games. Also, for the HTML5 versions there is an additional set of cards you can choose (in Preferences). The new simpler cards will work better for solitaire games where cards are stacked below each other. |
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not showing puzzle (by loverboy - 31 Mar 20, 11:49) |
I get a strange screen with a title bar across the top with the options that were always along the bottom when I selected the daily challenge puzzle |
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Derek? (by davek - 31 Mar 20, 15:50) |
Noone has asked how you are??? Hoping you are healthy and well.. please respond to let all your friends know how your doing? |
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Never-ending (but non-posting) challenge (by shucha - 01 Apr 20, 15:46) |
Twice in the last week, I've been typing away, thinking, "Man - I had more time than I thought!" When I look up, the clock is at zero, but I'm still able to keep adding words, and adding to my score. Of course, this score doesn't post (nor should it) since the game never "ends"...but I would rather have the timer cut me off and post my score than get a meaningless high score, posted or otherwise. Any advice on how to avoid this glitch? BTW - it only happens on my PC running Chrome (my Mac keyboard has started double-entering O's, which is why I switched computers for Ferret). |
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New solitaire - Scorpion (by dkmGames - 02 Apr 20, 0:21) |
Scorpion solitaire added. Also available on phones. In addition Flower Garden solitaire now rewritten in HTML5. |
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Yukon (by LouisB - 02 Apr 20, 5:37) |
Sometimes the Aces will not now move to the 'pit' when instructed - maybe the new format has a flaw. |
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Can’t get any Solitaire games to “launch” (by DVCMerida - 02 Apr 20, 17:15) |
As of today, I can’t play any of the solitaire games to start up. I get a blank screen, with the pause button and undo arrow icon, nothing else. This is on the tablet version. Anyone else with the same problem? |
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New Ideas???? (by davek - 03 Apr 20, 15:01) |
I like cribbage alot.. HINT HINT... |
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April 5th Tournament (by mindy - 03 Apr 20, 16:24) |
Next Pink vs Blue Tournament!!!! Sunday April 5th Times are London, UK 1200 12 Noon 1600 4 PM 1800 8 PM Eastern Daylight Time 700 am 11 am 3 pm Spread the word far and wide! |
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Challenge suggestion (by Conan - 04 Apr 20, 18:52) |
There are occasions when I cannot figure out the Challenge. This kinda bugs me as a personal failure, and I would like to be able to try solving it again. Would it be possible to let the Challenge be played multiple times, with only the first time counting toward the Leaderboard score? |
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23,000+ points (by jiminy - 06 Apr 20, 11:27) |
Yesterday's top score was 23,333, and congrats to blvngod. I am curious as to how long someone has to play to get that many points. My best score is just over 2,000 and that took awhile. |
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25 seconds? (by Toys - 07 Apr 20, 17:24) |
it took me almost 25 seconds to open it... |
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The disappearing clock (by Rayisback - 07 Apr 20, 20:33) |
There used to be a clock that would count down the 30 seconds between the end of a completed game and the start of a new game. It has disappeared. It's not a big thing, but I often am playing two different games on different screens at one time, and I can't see when the next Free Cell game is about to start. |
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4/8/20 Challenge (by Bobo7777 - 08 Apr 20, 0:24) |
We might just see an 800 score today, a true rarity. Good luck gang! -Bobo- |
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Spades Card Game Cheats (by walt - 09 Apr 20, 17:36) |
When playing Spades the computer cheats by leading Spades first thing. It is against the rules and won't let you do it. |
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word search times (by davek - 11 Apr 20, 17:26) |
i see some of the times posted in word search I call B.s. cheater cheater punkineaters..... |
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powerups (by xenoblast - 12 Apr 20, 4:56) |
High can someone explain how to use the powerup when using a touch screen on a HP Pavillion please? I've tried a few things -using two fingers, holding finger down on powerup and trying to drag -nothing works. Thanks |
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OKHOMEONLINE is a scam company (by Luckysmom - 12 Apr 20, 13:51) |
This site should NOT allow OKHOMEONLINE to advertise on this site. It is a scam company designed to play on your fear of the Corona Virus. They will take your money and give you nothing. |
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Keep getting booted out of game (by Violette - 13 Apr 20, 14:56) |
I'm not sure what button I'm accidentally hitting (possibly "delete"), but multiple times I've been logged out of the Daily Challenge while I'm playing (using Windows Explorer, if that helps!). Unfortunately I can't get back to the page - if I arrow back, says I've already played Challenge for the day. |
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Thanks for all that you do! (by sjmont - 15 Apr 20, 19:21) |
Derek, just want you to know how much I appreciate your site and all the hard work you do to keep it operating flawlessly. And for always offering fun new options. Sure you have noted how much participation has risen these past weeks. That is a good thing for those of us who like to chat. But a sad thing in many ways. I know you always say that you are not doing this for profit, I imagine it is a labor of love. But still, I want to send you a hug and big thanks for all that you do to help many of us keep our sanity and enjoy some moments of comaraderie during the day. Please stay safe. |
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pause button (by davek - 17 Apr 20, 15:23) |
is it possible to add a penalty for hitting the pause button in word search. it seems people have found the loop hole to lowering their scores?? |
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Hi beam (by claudie - 19 Apr 20, 8:19) |
Some good games today beam I luckily managed to see your messages and chat Ditto |
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top daily scores (by anemone - 19 Apr 20, 14:35) |
I have an average of 299 yet I rarely see my high scores listed in the top daily scores. I play pretty much every day. Any comment? Anemone |
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Time not showing p (by Luckysmom - 19 Apr 20, 16:45) |
My game time isn't showing up. Any suggestions or is this the website's problem. Thanks. |
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Undo button? (by CPEG - 20 Apr 20, 12:54) |
I really like Codewords, but I sometimes find myself wishing it had an undo button like many of your games have. For instance, if I accidentally assign a letter I had already assigned, it un-assigns what I had previously. Unless there is one and I didn't see it... I also have the same request with Nonograms since I've had the occasional misclick where I am not 100% sure where I misclicked! |
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Scorpion Bug or Undocumented Penalty? (by RSWallace - 20 Apr 20, 13:22) |
In Scorpion Hard, the last three cards will not deal to an empty column. In one case, the second column was empty, so the first card was dealt, then the second turned face up but remained on the stack. To my surprise, it was playable. However, when that exposed the remaining card, it stayed face down and would not deal. |
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how to get better (by sewista - 21 Apr 20, 16:13) |
I cant seem to get beyond 3000 points. What should I do to get better? |
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Full List of Players Times (by ejs - 25 Apr 20, 6:12) |
Would it be possible to post a complete list of times in Word Search? I'd be interested in knowing how many people are playing and how I stand over all. |
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Difference in color of words crossed off (by Luckysmom - 25 Apr 20, 16:40) |
Hi. Is it possible to have a much darker line or words blocked out completely after they've been found. I waste precious seconds looking for words I've missed because it's really hard to see what's crossed off since the line is so light. Thank you. |
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"You have already played today" message (by eastham09 - 27 Apr 20, 13:14) |
A few minutes ago I went to play Triplets challenge and was greeted with the "you have already played today" your score won't be changed on the leader board. I did go ahead and play and then scrolled through all 200 names on the leader board and my name was not to be found - anywhere. I'm pretty sure I had not accessed the page so am wondering what went "wrong"? |
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New multi-player (by dkmGames - 28 Apr 20, 0:02) |
I have a new multiplayer idea going where you solve the same puzzle simultaneously with others. Can be used competitively as you are scored on number of pieces fitted or can be casual and a collaborative pastime with family/friends. Any suggestions welcome. The link is on the main Jigsaw page. |
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Converting ship segments incorrectly (by Magnesium - 30 Apr 20, 7:32) |
First of all, I really like this website. Great games, everything works well, though there seems to be some kind of glitch with yubotu. If I make a mistake somewhere and click “convert segments”, it will convert the mistake segment into something it should not be. For example, if I have three blank ship parts surrounded by water, but the correct solution is only two, it will convert the parts into one two-long ship, and one single ship. It should be converting them to a single three-long ship. Thanks, Magnesium (Apologies for my lack of knowledge of the proper terms) |
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Start button for when to start a game (by bokka - 30 Apr 20, 15:15) |
How about putting in a start button, so that when all the players is in, one of the players can push the start button and then only the 8 rounds can begin. |
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Sudoku Sniper (by dkmGames - 30 Apr 20, 23:12) |
Sudoku Sniper is now rewritten in HTML5 and in addition supports playing against another human. Can play a private or public game. Also available on phones. (Flash version has been discontinued) |
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selection (by Erascer - 01 May 20, 4:16) |
I wanted to ask if it is possible to contribute a puzzle for consideration for the board? I don't know what the rules are for what kinds of pictures are permissable. For instance, are there rules for where it can come from? I got a really nice shot off the television screen and wondered if something like that (if it's up to the quality standards) could be used for the jigsaws? Also, are there size restrictions? I'm guessing all this info is somewhere here on the site. Thanks! |
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New Sudoku Sniper - disappointed (by sydneyzack - 01 May 20, 10:29) |
The new version of Sudoku Sniper no longer has a leader board when you play against a BOT. Disappointed, and will find another site. Why take away functionality with an update????? |
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Thank you to the creator of this game (by WestvaleLad - 01 May 20, 15:58) |
This game has kept me sane during lockdown (I think...) My only regret is that I'm binge-playing the curated puzzles and will run out soon. Such is life. |
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Font change request (by Conan - 02 May 20, 15:00) |
Hello, When I am chatting with others in Shisen, the font in the entry box is slightly different than the font in the box where the message ends up being displayed. For example, the entry display for an uppercase 'i' is sans serif, but when it appears in the delivered display, the uppercase 'i' is serifed. Additionally, the entry display for an uppercase 'i' is the same as for a lowercase 'L'. Visually, I = l as far as the players can tell. This means that players cannot know if they've keyed their chat text incorrectly until after it has posted to the messages thread! Is it possible to make the entry display also be serifed characters? :) aTdHvAaNnKcSe, -=CC=- |
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Comments (by klapka - 03 May 20, 17:12) |
Would it be possible to add comments for MapIt like there are on the Jigsaw - visible only if you click. It would be somewhere where anecdote and solving tips could be shared? |
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Puzzle 4 May 2020 (by dilbert - 04 May 20, 14:55) |
I'm afraid I gave up on No 2 today. I found over 60 versions of the same photo (with its embedded advertising) spread all over Russia. I'd be really interested to know how people decided where the location was. The actual underlying photo was of the underground showroom at Lexus of Las Vegas, 6600 W Sahara Ave. Thanks |
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Jigsaw Multi new random puzzle chosen the same image (by bokka - 05 May 20, 3:27) |
Hi Derek Solve new random image, after the first jigsaw has been completed, is the same every time you choose to solve new random image after that. Thanx for you great site Bokka :) |
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Software rewritten to allow play against humans (by dkmGames - 05 May 20, 21:04) |
Hearts has been re-engineered to allow play against others. You can set up a private or public game but can also still play against bots only. For multi-player, you do not need to wait for 4 players before starting - can do so with 2 or more. Missing players will be filled by bots. I have kept the same link and current version for now - will be removed when new one proves stable. Let me know of any problems or issues. |
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That no. 2 puzzle from Monday (by WestvaleLad - 06 May 20, 15:50) |
I gave up as well. When I made my guess - 800 miles wrong! - I too looked up Lok Lok's Google Maps contributions. I don't know what he's up to with the same image in dozens of locations scattered across Russia, but on scanning the QR code it certainly didn't feel benevolent. |
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latest iteration of our pitiful acquaintance (by shucha - 06 May 20, 23:28) |
I'm pretty sure that the small person FKA Delago is back at it, but I'm wondering if the best way to deal with it is...not to. I mean, what reward is there in cheating to win? There's no prize, so the only pay off is the (negative) attention of several dozen, maybe a few hundred people. Psychologists say that attention is the #1 payoff for the human psyche, so that makes sense...pitiful, but it makes sense. So if everyone just ignores the "newcomer," perhaps they will lose interest. The challenge of getting back in with a new IP address and the attention of a bunch of people that are PO'd at him/her would seem to be the only motivation. Their cheating makes next to no difference to me. I am neither impressed with nor upset by their scores. Now that I've noticed that they are back, I intend to fully ignore their existence. I would suggest that we all do the same. My $.02 worth. |
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Cannot make tiles appear (by M2k - 08 May 20, 12:10) |
Hello Since yesterday, when I open Shisen I get a blank board and cannot make the tiles appear. Refreshing the page does not help. Anyone else with this problem? |
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Total players each day (by theprisoner - 08 May 20, 12:21) |
It would be nice to know how many have played each day. At present we only see the top 30. With other games, such as Ferret, all players scores are shown. I occasionally scrape into the top30 but I have no idea if this is a good achievement or not. |
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Challenge scoring (by jdasher - 08 May 20, 16:53) |
Great game, enjoy playing it. Thought it might be more realistic if minor suites did not need to make additional tricks for 'Game' (11 instead of 10). The minor suits do not score as many points for making the contract, that should be a sufficient penalty... |
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Missing piece (by mindy - 09 May 20, 15:09) |
I’ve had a few puzzles that when I complete there is a missing piece. I assume it’s hidden under the puzzle. Any idea how to resolve this? |
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Cycler11 (by ckb1004 - 10 May 20, 0:39) |
Just wanted to let you know that you are awesome. You've been making so many puzzles for us and it has been so very much appreciated! |
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Updated Nertz (by dkmGames - 10 May 20, 22:01) |
The Nertz multi-player code has been reworked and hopefully has now removed "freezing" problems that seem to have been experienced by a number of users. Also you can now play private games. |
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Just a comment about the new look of Nertz (by jazz4u - 11 May 20, 6:25) |
cards faces were changed and are now very blurred on my screen. :-/ They were nice and clear before. not sure what happened. |
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Today's scores / date didn't reset (by jeffgamer - 11 May 20, 22:06) |
Odd. Usually at midnight, the day moves onto the next on the leaderboards and the list clears out. For some reason, the system thinks it's still Monday tonight, 65 minutes past the hour..... |
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Scoring is still off (by utl94 - 12 May 20, 18:18) |
I played a few games today with humans, and when I went out with the last nertz card I was ahead on points so I should have won the game. However, everyone else's score went up instead of down and another player was declared the winner. I think the scoring is adding points for having nertz cards left instead of subtracting. Please look into that. |
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Old game (by schaqiboi - 13 May 20, 8:35) |
Whose idea was to get fancy on the hearts game??? I just want to play the old game. geezes, it took me several minutes trying but no sucess. Please, give us the old game back. At least give us the option. Thanks, S |
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New game play on daily (by sgreeneps1 - 13 May 20, 18:36) |
Not happy with the new play on the challenge. Does not automatically play the only playable card. Much slower play than before. |
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Ferret games (by sfgjmg - 16 May 20, 14:35) |
today, May 16, 2020, I played ferret both the regular game with others and the daily game played only by one person at a time. I was frozen in place so unable to put in any more words twice during the Play with Others and once during the daily game played by one person. This is very frustrating!!! |
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Scoring on Sunday 17 May (by Lottie1001 - 17 May 20, 15:57) |
Is it my imagination, or has everybody dropped 100 points from the usual score today? |
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Saving a puzzle (by bpat - 17 May 20, 23:05) |
It would be really nice to save a puzzle on the multiplayer option. If two or more people are working on it and one has to leave for some reason, I don't see a way to save it and get back into it later. Maybe the host could save it and then reinvite people when everyone could get back together. |
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Play against another (by dkmGames - 18 May 20, 1:52) |
Merels has been updated to play against another human. Give it a try. Private or public games. |
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Flash player issue (by Greybeard - 18 May 20, 5:18) |
In the last couple of days, the jigsaw daily challenge freezes and then changes to a black screen after a few seconds. Non-flash still works. |
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Color of the squares (by elkster - 18 May 20, 5:25) |
Hi Derek, Thanks as always to your quick and fair addressing of player issues and requests as well as just having a great site of games. Currently, I am having a HUGE problem with Pairs since the board format has changed. I stopped playing completely for a while and tried again today. I have finally realized that the problem is that the color for the squares of already matched tiles does not have enough distinction to be readily seen. The difference between the light pink and white is just not obvious enough when one is going for speed. No one else seems to have mentioned this, so maybe it is just me, but ......... Anything you can do about this? Thanks, Elkster |
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More than One Solution? (by lynxx - 18 May 20, 9:24) |
Occasionally I work Sudoku Challenge with every number in an apparently legal place, but the puzzle is not "solved" with a score. Is it possible that there are several legitimate solutions to a puzzle, but only one is acceptable? This does not ruin gameplay, just wondering. Thanks for all your hard work, Derek. |
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Nertz broke? (by SGib - 18 May 20, 19:27) |
I get nothing when on Nertz.!!! |
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New puzzles soon, maybe? :-D (by tribble - 19 May 20, 17:53) |
Derek, I know we would ALL love some new Mahjong multi player puzzles! Especially now when I seem to be spending lots of time playing Mahjong for the last two months!! Thanks for keeping me entertained while stuck in the house, not sure what I would of done with all the spare time without DKM Karen |
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Proceedings of the Ukrainian National Signage Committee (by klapka - 20 May 20, 10:47) |
. |
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A fraction too slow? (by lynxx - 21 May 20, 6:26) |
The game goes so fast that I just realized that I get an error message "You were a fraction too slow" each time I play a card to the top row. Nevertheless, I get a point for playing that card. There sure is a lot going on in Nertz. Thanks, Derek. |
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Scoring idea (by shucha - 21 May 20, 12:31) |
Just a thought based on my game today in the challenge...what about adding bonus points for unused power-ups? I think that this could add another level of challenge...with today's puzzle, I got down to 7 letter tiles with 4 crackers and 2 asterisks. Since there's no reason to keep them, I blew up 4 tiles and used an asterisk to clear out the last three. But if there was a reward for cashing out those power-ups, I would have looked for a way to use as few of them as possible...there may have been words in those last 7 tiles that I missed; I just didn't bother looking at that point. What do others think? |
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Duplicate picture (by Lottie1001 - 21 May 20, 16:48) |
I think there was a fault when I played Map It today (Thursday 21 May). I definitely had the fourth picture showing the same place as the third picture, just a little bit further along the road, but when I put my pin in, I was on completely the wrong continent. I presume it was some fault at my end, since others have managed to get them all right, but how did it happen? |
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Move straight to 'Ready to guess', do not pass go (by klapka - 22 May 20, 12:51) |
Image four today was of my home city, in a part I know well. So I could solve it without even swivelling the picture. Has this ever happened to you? |
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New multi-player (by dkmGames - 24 May 20, 21:13) |
Try the experimental multi-player Word Search. All solve the same puzzle simultaneously. See who can find the most words. Can play private or public. Feedback would be appreciated. Don't think there is anything like this on the web. |
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New message re double clicks (by Tinuviel - 25 May 20, 15:20) |
There seems to be a new feature where I keep being told not to click twice but I'm not - I'm just playing faster than it seems to want. It's getting really frustrating and annoying. It's a shame because I really enjoy playing but not if I'm going to have to slow down so much. |
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Sound Effects options (by nsmark - 26 May 20, 12:52) |
Has anyone else noticed the Sound Effects not functioning? I play this game every day, and yesterday it stopped working. I don't hear the 'ding' when I don't select a word properly or the 'swish' when I do. ??? |
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Play against another (by dkmGames - 26 May 20, 22:32) |
You can now play Pairs against another person. Bot opponents still available as before. |
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glitch today (by lynxx - 27 May 20, 1:52) |
I got puzzle 1 in the right country. Puzzle 2 showed the same town, but it was supposed to be Japan! Never happened before, hope it never happens again. Did I do something wrong? |
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Multiplayer (by Rumpus - 27 May 20, 9:29) |
Hi! When playing the multiplayer game there appear to be some glitches. Some of the pieces get frozen, and cannot be moved. My best guess is this happens if a player chooses the arrange option. Yesterday, when playing one person had the game completely freeze, and then when we tried to reload we were getting blank screens. And as a suggestion, would it be possible to rotate the choosing of a new puzzle so that it is not just left up to the first person in the game? Thanks for all you do! |
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Game frozen (by iffywedges - 27 May 20, 9:52) |
The last two days the hearts challenge has frozen on me. Both times one of BobBot's cards would not clear the table at the end of a trick. Both times it involved me clicking on the table in an effort to clear the table before all the cards were played. |
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Playing on my cell (by salsa - 28 May 20, 14:20) |
Hi Derek, I am having a problem with playing Nertz on my cell. When I go to Public > new game > bot play, the bot plays all the cards in the suites. i.e. it will play all 4 aces in each suite, then the twos, and so forth. It will not allow me to play my cards unless I am super quick to click on a card that I have that should be played. I'm confused. Can you explain why the bot has 52 cards in it's pile? Thanks. |
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terri sorry (by Grammargirl - 28 May 20, 14:47) |
For the first time in years, I was on word sketch and someone joined me! I forgot how easy it is to accidentally boot yourself out. I disappeared by accident and I went right back in and you were gone. I'm sorry!! |
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Glitch on several games (by Cdav - 30 May 20, 14:46) |
Today, I couldn't play Mahong, the game literally would not let my mouse point at a key, nor would the keyboard work. On the codewords, I managed to get the arrow key to appear on a vacant tile eventually. On the word zap it would not work at all either. It did work on Shisen and the hearts game. What is going on? |
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Still can't play (by Cdav - 31 May 20, 4:24) |
Again I could play Hearts but couldn't play Shisen it will not let me play so will not bother with the others as it will likely do the same again. Most annoyed. Why is it doing this? |
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thanks (by rockweiller - 31 May 20, 9:57) |
just want to say thanks for doing all this. Its an entertaining site and has some great people on it. And the variety of games is nice. So thanks. |
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June 3rd Tournament (by mindy - 31 May 20, 19:25) |
Ray has organized a social hour in Sudoku Points/Green Room this Wednesday June 3rd. EDT = Noon CDT = 11am PDT = 9am BST London/UK = 17:00 5pm SAST Johannesburg S. Africa = 18:00 6pm EEST Timisoara Romania = 19:00 7pm Everyone is invited and spread the word! |
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Already played (by Lottie1001 - 03 Jun 20, 17:22) |
Weird! I just tried to play today's random puzzle, but it says I've already accessed it. I'm sure that was the first time I clicked on 'Play Today's Random'. Any idea what I might have done to make that happen? |
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June 5th Gathering (by mindy - 03 Jun 20, 17:55) |
There will be another social hour in Sudoku Points/Green Room this Friday. It will be the same time as today's get together. EDT = Noon CDT = 11am PDT = 9am BST London/UK = 17:00 5pm SAST Johannesburg S. Africa = 18:00 6pm EEST Timisoara Romania = 19:00 7pm Everyone is invited and spread the word! |
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Game goes awry after receiving three cards (by bpat - 03 Jun 20, 23:43) |
I'm playing three bots. I pick three cards to pass, and click the table. I get three cards, and then nothing happens. Whoever has the two of hearts doesn't play. If I click on the table, east and west move down, north and south move right. They do that with every click. This time, I've only got four Chrome tables open, and this computer has plenty of memory. I'm sending pictures in an email |
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Connect line disappears. (by Potsie - 05 Jun 20, 13:57) |
On level 4 . My android samsung gives up connecting the letters. Also does this on daily challenge from the start. |
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Dunno (by Puff - 07 Jun 20, 0:44) |
Someone's been using my phone and my name puff. I don't know if they've been chatting in my name or corrupting software some how. I do know all the glitches I've been getting are multiplied. So from now on in I'm only gonna play as guest. I prob won't play as much. Thankyou to dkm and everyone . I'm sorry if any corruption to dkm came thru this phone or because of me. |
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pauses in challenges (by bowser - 08 Jun 20, 12:16) |
I don't understand why some of your games allow pauses in challenges, and others don't. I think it would be better if pauses were allowed in all challlenges. |
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funny/ ironic/ apropos last words (by NeuDog - 09 Jun 20, 4:03) |
I played earlier and missed a great score by one word- the word was MORON. |
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Pause (by terrij - 09 Jun 20, 9:55) |
On the word mesh challenge, perhaps the pause could have a time limit of about 10 seconds, and then play would continue. It might level the playing field some. |
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What time is the game? (by Rayisback - 09 Jun 20, 16:12) |
There used to be a game that started around 2pm MST on a daily basis. When Daylight Saving Time came in (and 2pm became 3pm) I used to look for the game at the later time. Then I was told that it started an hour earlier, so I look for it at 2pm again. The problem is it doesn't matter what time I look, I never seem to find when the game is being played. Could someone please tell me what time the game customarily begins, if at all? |
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Acrostics updated (by dkmGames - 10 Jun 20, 0:28) |
Acrostics now written in HTML5 - Flash has been discontinued. Also works on tablets but not phones as they are too small. In addition there is a new daily computer generated puzzle. In the upgrade process I discovered why all the user defined puzzles has such low ratings. Someone had found a way to programatically submit ratings and was sending a few hundred ratings each day - all one star. Why do that !??? |
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Multi-player (by mindy - 10 Jun 20, 16:10) |
There are no puzzles in multi-player |
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Players are VERY GOOD today! (by lynxx - 15 Jun 20, 6:07) |
All the players for today's Map It are within 20 points of each other and within twenty points for a perfect score! How often does this happen? Congratulations, everybody! |
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does blockfit time-out? (by Safffi - 17 Jun 20, 7:12) |
Twice now when I got into the mid 5000s the game disappears and cannot be retrieved. Very annoying, is there a time limit on games? Anyone else encountered this? |
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Will the game be more simple (by lovecat - 17 Jun 20, 10:41) |
Its hard for people to what things are when its there turn to draw I can never tell what something is |
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not all there (by katze - 19 Jun 20, 2:46) |
There are not enough spaces for 2 clues. For example, the answer to clue 8 should have 13 letters but there are only 12 spaces. Clue 12 is a 14 letter answer but there are only 12 spaces. |
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Iron Person Challenge Tuesday 22 June (by klapka - 21 Jun 20, 17:13) |
WestvaleLad and I are undertaking a challenge on Tuesday 22 June. Complete MapIt WITHOUT opening any other window. No Google Maps, no Facebook , no LinkedIn dentists, no telephone number decoders. Time limit 5 hours. You are welcome to join. |
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New game Reversi (by dkmGames - 22 Jun 20, 21:15) |
The strategy game Reversi has been added - one you may be familiar with. You can play against another person or a computer bot. Let me know if the bot is too easy to beat and I'll try improve the AI. |
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MIA (by Wiley - 24 Jun 20, 11:45) |
Haven't seen Jane (sacred cow) for awhile. ?? |
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I can't chat (by nofeathers - 26 Jun 20, 19:15) |
I am unable to "chat." Is it my poor little computer's fault or have I been banned from chatting? |
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challenge glitch (by iffywedges - 27 Jun 20, 23:45) |
There is definitely something going on with the new Hearts. I reported a problem about two weeks ago and decided it was my problem when I didn't hear back from you Derek. Today a different problem occured. It seems to happen when I play a card and then tap the table. It the old version everything would clear from there and the next lead card would be played. Tapping the table after playing your card was a routine act in the old version. Now it seems you must wait for all cards to be played then tap the table to clear the trick. Today when I inadvertently tapped the table because of muscle memory and the cards of the other three players remained on the table even though the trick cleared and play progressed as normal although I had to ignore the three cards still on the table. To my surprise, when all the cards had been played from that hand the three cards were still visible and the next hand was not dealt. The game was frozen and I could not continue. I'm not sure if this is something you can try and trigger in order to see what I am talking about or not but something is askew. I will try and be more patient and wait for things to settle but I am sure this is not something you want to have happening often. Thanks for your attention. |
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Site not secure (by Jam56 - 29 Jun 20, 18:23) |
I have been playing Shisen for some time now and am thoroughly addicted! It has recently come to my notice that while playing in multiplayer mode I am being told that the site is not secure. Just wondering if anyone can explain why this should be the case and if this happens in other multiplayer games. |
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can't drag tiles (by Markv8 - 30 Jun 20, 15:37) |
I cannot drag tiles in Speedcross whene using my Surface Pro. No problem on my much older Ipad. Any suggestions? |
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repetitive puzzles (by saxifrage - 30 Jun 20, 22:06) |
we seem to be stuck in a loop of 6 or so puzzles. it has been going on for a while. |
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Why no backgammon? (by patbd - 30 Jun 20, 23:51) |
Why no backgammon? |
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Thanks (by judithweaver - 01 Jul 20, 17:02) |
I like it, thank you. I used to play it quite a lot at one time but never really worked out what worked! |
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Touch screen laptop issues resolved (by dkmGames - 02 Jul 20, 2:04) |
Up until now if you used a touchscreen laptop or PC, you were only able to use touch to tap elements (equivalent to click) and not do any move (drag) operations with your finger. This has now been resolved so you can play games like Triplets and Blockfit entirely with your finger. Other games affected by this are Word Ferret, Word Zap, Word Search, Speedcross and Word Sudoku. Also, some touch devices like Microsoft Surface were not recognized as touch and did not allow drag. This has also been resolved by the change. |
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Can't Drag Mouse Over Letters (by ejs - 02 Jul 20, 7:53) |
Today I have been unable to drag my mouse over the letters to select a word. This has happened on occasion before, in the middle of a puzzle, but works OK on a new game. Today it hasn't worked on numerous tries. Dragging the mouse works fine in other games (triplets). Any suggestions as to what I might be doing wrong? |
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Jigsaw multi (by anna62 - 02 Jul 20, 22:09) |
Usually it doesn’t work, click the button create game and it doesn’t create, or go to’ a screen with no Pictures, usually same pieces are blocked and you can’t move even il you are playing alone |
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Unable to drag mouse over letters (by Ossygirl - 03 Jul 20, 9:55) |
Hi, I'm still having a problem in that this is the second day that I can't drag the mouse over the letters. |
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Multiple solutions (by bpat - 03 Jul 20, 10:34) |
Unless I'm severely short on coffee this morning, puzzle #W070310172 has two possible solutions. If the only words left are AGLOW, ULNA and NAB, then AGLOW and ULNAB are interchangeable in the bottom two lines. |
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Killer sudoku (by anna62 - 04 Jul 20, 2:36) |
Why isn’t there killer sudoku challenge? |
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Bot sacrifice to prevent slam (by Rayisback - 05 Jul 20, 18:31) |
I've played many games of Hearts on this site, and I can usually count on the bots dumping their highest hearts at the earliest opportunity, but I have twice recently encountered a situation where the bot deliberately held onto a high heart to avoid my scoring a slam. Is this a new twist in the programming of the bots? Hard to believe they learned this on their own. |
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Triplets Multiplayer? (by Jam56 - 06 Jul 20, 5:03) |
Derek, I am wondering if it would be possible for you to create a multiplayer version of Triplets? Maybe 3 rounds in a similar way to Word Ruffle. This seems to be a popular game so I am sure it would be well received. |
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Scores (by Kleo - 06 Jul 20, 20:42) |
Can anyone understand the scoring in the multi player game? I have just done a puzzle with someone who disappeared before pieces were laid. Therefore I did the whole puzzle. She scored 1 point and I got none. The same sort of thing happened earlier - I got so little credit for putting in most of the pieces. It seems unfair. Surely there should be a regular scoring system so that it is an understandable game. The other thing that I found difficult to understand is when I put in pieces for a turtle which 'clicked' into place, they then moved as the other player 'placed' them. It was as if all my work was being undone. Really weird. The game is good but the glitches get one down a bit. If anyone can tell me how to get a realistic score it would help. |
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July 6 game... (by spiked - 06 Jul 20, 23:31) |
... was a repeat from just a few days ago! |
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Bots making illegal moves (by xenoblast - 07 Jul 20, 7:04) |
I've played othello lots in the past so know the game quite well. I was surprised at some of the tiles being flipped by the Bot, so, in my lockdown boredom, screen shot some of the moves and my suspicions were confirmed -the Bot is making illegal moves. As an example I was about to take a corner but was not allowed to place my tile, despite it being a legal move, then the bot took the corner in a completely illegal move, that's when I gave up. |
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Hint Button Not working (by sam - 07 Jul 20, 10:25) |
The “hint” button isn’t responding when I tap on it. Is it just my ipad or a glitch in Triplets? |
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NOT WORKING (by sfgjmg - 07 Jul 20, 10:36) |
Help! We have Dell laptop with Microsoft windows 10, chrome. We have had no problems playing word ferret but today, Tuesday, July 7, at 10:30 am est, we cannot tap a letter successfully. Nothing happens but the line connecting letters does crazy things elsewhere. Cannot play, Help! |
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dkm Sweepstakes Challenge - new thought (by shucha - 07 Jul 20, 11:00) |
There has been past discussion of some sort of multi-game combination a dkm pentathlon, or what-have-you. Part of the problem was choosing which games would be included. What if games were (somewhat) randomly chosen for inclusion that day? I'm thinking more popular games get higher chances to get in the the NBA draft lottery, where the team with the worst record has the best chance to get the top pick. Except here, even the least popular game would have at least one entry into the mix (I think the NBA excludes the best teams from the lottery). Then the sweepstakes leaderboard is just populated by drawing ranks from other leaderboards, adding cumulative ranks (low score wins) - no one shows up until they complete every game for the day. This would seem (to me) to be easier to do than creating a whole new system with separate challenges for a weekly sweepstakes. Anyway - love your games, Derek...if this can ever happen, I'd be happy, but if not, I'll still be here pretty much every day. |
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Challenge not working (by zenn - 09 Jul 20, 1:46) |
I haven't been able to access the Speedcross challenge for a couple of days. Comes up with a blank board??? Everything else seems okay. |
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Identification of mystery photo locations (by Rayisback - 09 Jul 20, 13:24) |
I'm admittedly not a good jigsaw puzzler, but I enjoy solving the mystery puzzles when they contain some new and/or exotic location. It's like I've discovered something! But when the identity is revealed after solving the puzzle, it's often lacking any location information at all. Today's mystery is of an enormous turtle of some construction being ridden through a city street. The identity is "Slow ride." BOOO! |
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Time to Edit the Word List... (by ffejsrem - 11 Jul 20, 0:08) |
Been playing happily for years now. Great game. Great people. But it seems time to edit the word list: insulting terms like "dago," "jigaboo," "jewed" and "jewing" are all ethnic slurs and really seem inappropriate Have I missed any others? |
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Scorpion solitaire (by dellia - 11 Jul 20, 7:46) |
It does not work the back button, i think it is just the picture of back or undo, it's not working 😊 I am a big fan of your site ! |
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12 July Puzzle - Final Round (by dilbert - 12 Jul 20, 13:30) |
When I placed my flag on the final location today, I got the message 0km from target, and scored 1000 points. I did not however get the 100 bonus. I then got a dialogue box saying Next Round. When I clicked that I had a message telling me my final score and position on the leader board. |
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The fortnight of Archives? (by jodar - 13 Jul 20, 20:59) |
How do I access the archived 14 days of games? |
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Trick finished with only three cards (by bpat - 14 Jul 20, 20:38) |
I'm playing all bots. On the second trick, I lead the five of clubs. Next two cards are three and queen of clubs. Game announces that DollyBot has won the trick, but the player to my right hasn't played yet. A few tricks later, I lead the two of diamonds. The player to my left plays the 10 clubs, the game announces he has won. Players across from me and to my right have not played. I'm emailing you two screen shots. |
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dear derek (by davek - 14 Jul 20, 22:48) |
in sudoku points when i click on the chat window below it pops out some things i wrote in the past as suggestions How do i get rid of these???? its been there for a long time and while im asking how the heck did i put them there if i knew what i was doing maybe i could stop doing it lmao THANKS oh by the way im davek |
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Challenge (by Puff - 15 Jul 20, 10:08) |
Hey all. I played codewords challenge today . Every word seemed to make sense but I was left with a v which didn't slot in. Is there anyway I can know the proper answer. There was nothing seemingly that I could interchange it with or shift a few letters. Curious to know the solution but not important if it can't be shown. |
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not working (by redruth - 16 Jul 20, 18:04) |
Why has Marhjong stopped working, it doesn't connect to internet. |
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No score for using rainbow tile??? (by Aardvard - 18 Jul 20, 18:24) |
Is it true that you don't get any points for using the rainbow tile? I was playing the individual levels today and used one where I kept my eye on the score and it surprised me that I didn't get any score for using it. ...or does the rainbow tile only swap tiles? |
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Misleading information on challenge (by Rayisback - 18 Jul 20, 19:23) |
As with most games on here, I'm a mediocre player at Mahjong. I regularly attempt the challenge, but rarely complete it. Usually I get stuck and have to ask for a clue. I will be told there are say four possible plays, with one block highlighted. A source of frustration is when I match that block, I'm often told there is now only one possible play, although there were four before. Where did the other three plays disappear to? Today I faced that situation, with a block highlighted and the message "four plays available". There were two other blocks available matching the highlighted one. I chose one of them, and got the message "one play available". This time, instead of continuing to play, I backed up and chose the other available block to match the one highlighted. I still got the message "one play available". Finally, I backed up again and chose the two matching symbols but not the highlighted one. "One play available." Is the clue program highlighting a block that really doesn't lead to the number of possible plays available? |
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advertisement interferance (by RedRose - 18 Jul 20, 21:16) |
Advertisements are interfering with the games. May be a spacing problem. Thank you for your prompt attention to this problem. |
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Sudoku Points Bug: Scoring breaks when go negative (by Mute - 19 Jul 20, 0:59) |
Seems to stop updating the score once u go negativo. Small bug. |
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Note to wordsmith (by BubbaBird - 19 Jul 20, 12:48) |
Hello wordsmith, Just wanted to tell you that I am the same prior player as RobinD. I stopped years ago because some words offended me and I couldn't enjoy the game because of that, Now It seems that I don't see them as much, or that I have grown a thicker skin (not sure). The only name besides yours that I recognize is jeff2012 ... So hi! |
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end of puzzles (by davek - 19 Jul 20, 16:14) |
at the end of doing regular jigsaw puzzles i get to rate the puzzle. then afterwards they fade.... Sometimes i want to keep the picture on my screen so i can show my family the beautiful animals .. is there anyway of keep it from fading????? |
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missing sudoku points member (by ushi - 22 Jul 20, 21:15) |
Hi, jimmiejoejob and I have been missing a player with the username FatFingers, is she still an active member? I currently play as ushi but have used holycow for a few years. Thanks |
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game names (by nyctaxi - 23 Jul 20, 12:42) |
A few yrs ago someone started a thread re: how you selected your name and why. I enjoyed hearing from my game pals. Seems as though this is occurring again in different posts. I was then able to explain my NYC Taxi name. Now, during brief chats ... players think I live in NYC. 1. When I had to select a game name for this site in 2001 ... my son, who was on a gap year moved to NYC. Bartender, Back waiter and yellow cab driver on the night shift ! 2. I Looked at his photo above my desk and selected NYCTAXI. 3. I live in the PNW near Seattle WA. Son is in Seattle again. Never intended to mislead anyone . 4. Never Change your game name ! Never change anything ! Too much work to reinstate anything! As always ... Thanks Derek for this delightful game site! And cheers to all players who bring me fun, challenges and annoyance during this isolation period. You know who you are . HA |
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Save (by nch - 23 Jul 20, 18:38) |
I do not have a Save button. In Help it says you can save but I do not see that button on my screen. How do I get it to show up? |
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Scoring Question (by xenoblast - 26 Jul 20, 13:16) |
Hi -I really like Word Drop but would like to know how the levels are scored. There is no timer like in Word Zap, but the counting bar ( my description) goes forward after every word until it reaches the end and the level is finished. How is this scorer moved? Are there a finite number of words that have to be found for each level -say 25 words for each level? or does the counter move forward faster/slower if you get a higher scoring word? I ask this as I've experimented using the smallest words I could on level one and two but the counter just seems to move forward as fast as when I input larger high scoring words. thank you. |
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Limited words (by nsusan - 26 Jul 20, 16:24) |
Is anyone else becoming a bit bored with the words in this game? With an almost endless choice of words, it seems there could be more variety and not so much repetition of the same "few" words. ??? |
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Search button for a previous post (by bokka - 28 Jul 20, 11:32) |
Hi Derek Long time ago I could search a post by searching a certain word and all the posts which had that word in would come up, does the search function still exist? I'm looking for the answer to my question about the random jigsaw puzzle that came up as the same puzzle each time, I thought I could search "random" and then that post would come up. Thanx again for this great site |
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How many do not complete the challenge? (by birdoman - 29 Jul 20, 5:32) |
I enjoy codewords and do the challenge most days. I like to compare my position with other folk, but my keyboard skills hold me back from being at the top. Would it be possible to display the numbers of people who start but do not finish the challenge as this may give a truer indication of performance? |
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Favorite New Game (by lynxx - 31 Jul 20, 14:38) |
We are starting to see more players for Map It. O boy, is it a fun game, and often very difficult. Best regards to the player in Mumbai, who frequently is the top winner. |
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Inappropriate chat (by wordsmith - 02 Aug 20, 14:07) |
Hi, Derek, yesterday (Aug 1) a regular WordRuffle player popped in for a few rounds on Nertz. In chat, another player said, "Oh what a lovely name. Are you a single lady?" It may seem trivial but was unnerving and totally inappropriate. Just a heads up, especially if this happens again in any of all these wonderful games you keep going for us. Unfortunately the user name is also a bit inappropriate: YourIndian. Sure do like your site! |
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Why did the Bot win on a tie (by karenypoo - 05 Aug 20, 21:41) |
Bot and I both had minus 4 but Bot won. That seems like cheating to me. |
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troubles (by kayrod66 - 07 Aug 20, 13:41) |
A few times this week i was unable to click on the grid, essentially shut out of the process. The rest of the screen was responsive to the mouse... |
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Top scores (by dkmGames - 09 Aug 20, 0:16) |
Following on from previous post where Sandy23 scored an amazing 140,429, I have changed the recording of scores to allow for 6 digits. It means yesterdays results don't display properly so I have disabled until tomorrow. Also, some of today's scores/names will look wrong if you are using a version prior to today. |
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They say I am already in the game (by Yogleen - 09 Aug 20, 14:57) |
I am playing on I pad |
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Printing issues (by uncledave47 - 11 Aug 20, 17:32) |
I like to print my Samurai Sudoku puzzles. Printing works fine with Flash activated, but I can't get anything but the Copyright message when I try to print the HTML version. I use Microsoft Edge and Google Chrome as my browsers. Both make it difficult to use Flash, and both tell me Flash will no longer be supported after December. Am I missing something? Mostly, how can I print the HTML version? |
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Deutsche/Post/Bank & DB Station - I have to ask (by Shebo - 12 Aug 20, 2:03) |
I have to ask - how on (GOOGLE) Earth did the few people manage to find the right Deutsche/Post/Bank & DB Station? I spent hours searching Germany to no avail. I finally grudgingly had to give up and go to bed! What was I missing? |
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Codeword and Shisen (by kookoovaya - 13 Aug 20, 3:32) |
Codeword today had blowsy spelt blowzy and gizmo spelt gismo!!! Try and stick to one spelling I dont want to wrack my brain toooooooo much. Also I notice recently that very often I have taken down - lets say- 80 tiles in Shisen and the final scoreboard shows 72. A difference of a couple of tiles okay but 6!! Wondered if anyone else has come across this? |
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playing same game with bot cards (by rleskosk - 14 Aug 20, 14:36) |
It would be interesting to be able to replay a game but with the cards of one of the bots, just to see how you would do essentially sitting in a different position. Is that at all possible? |
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Pause (by nannyynez - 14 Aug 20, 14:54) |
anyone else get the Pause button click on without pressing it? I had almost finished the Hard Puzzle well within my time and it suddenly Paused!! I can't express how annoyed I was it was soooo frustrating :'( |
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Multi-player locks up (by zogo - 15 Aug 20, 13:44) |
Multi player jigsaw is having some problems. Sometimes pieces outside of frame are not available to move. They are locked in place and will not move. This is usually 1-3 pieces total. Sometimes, pieces start out fine, then something happens and they won't move with cursor. Or are extremely delayed in placement. |
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High score (by shucha - 18 Aug 20, 10:50) |
Wow, Rattie...I have never seen a score over 1000, and you scored 1300+ on today's challenge! I bow fast and low to you, wordmaster! |
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jigcross (by mickjam - 22 Aug 20, 4:39) |
Jigcross locking up |
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How do you get Medium & Hard versions? (by zappazoe - 22 Aug 20, 17:14) |
I'm only presented with "Easy Game." |
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Duplicate solution to daily challenge (by BlueWombat - 23 Aug 20, 6:48) |
I haven't seen it before, but in yesterday's challenge, I completed the puzzle but it didn't register as complete. I eventually realised that I'd used the W for Fewer and Wan and I'd used the V for Viz, whereas swapping them around gave Fever, Van and Wiz, and the puzzle showed as complete. I guess it's always a possibility with Codewords, but I'd never seen it before. |
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Flash Player (by mindy - 23 Aug 20, 14:46) |
I saw your comment that Jigcross will be removed at the end of the year when Flash Player is disabled. What other games will be removed? Thank you for all you do to provide us with entertainment, exercise our brain and make new friends. |
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Samurai Sudoku Saved Games Disappear (by sigsky - 27 Aug 20, 8:45) |
Occasionally when I try to load a puzzle a box appears saying "No Saved Puzzle". I can't reproduce this consistently, but it seems to happen if I have not accessed the puzzle for at least a day. I use Firefox, Glary Utilities, and CCleaner to delete temporary files. I have tested by running the cleaning programs and then checking to see if the puzzle can be loaded and it can, but then some time later it is gone. Can you disclose where the file is stored so perhaps I can protect it? Would a Firefox update cause the file to disappear. I greatly enjoy your games. I have started taking screen shots after saving, but there is no way to input the data back into the solver |
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easiest game ever today!! (by sewista - 27 Aug 20, 11:00) |
couldn't believe it -- the longest I had to "drive" on any of the five locations today was two blocks before finding the right clue! Two of the five I didn't have to go anywhere, just look around. I guess this makes up for all those puzzles when you drive around the backwoods of Russia or Japan for an hour before finding anything useful... |
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Scoring (by gythio - 27 Aug 20, 12:08) |
What is a good score on the regular (not Challenge) game? I'd like to know what I'm aiming for. |
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Killer Soduku - archived puzzles? (by samgilroy - 29 Aug 20, 9:08) |
Could we please have archived puzzles (i.e., more puzzles) for Killer Sudoku like is being provided for in regular Sudoku? |
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words to eliminate (by shucha - 30 Aug 20, 9:59) |
I can't find - OK, I'm too lazy to find - the original thread, but Derek was asking for words to be removed. I just was able to use "spic" in Word Ruffle...I looked it up to see if I was missing a more appropriate use (e.g., "faggot" at least once had an appropriate use), but only got the slur definition, so I think it meets the criteria for removal. |
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Bots joining in public game (by zogo - 02 Sep 20, 0:41) |
Hi Derek, Today, there is an issue with the Nertz game. Bots are joining in public game with multiple players. Sometimes the game starts over at random, before it should be done. I have seen as many as 6-7 players (including bots) on one game. There must be a glitch somewhere. Thanks for all you do! Zogo |
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not working correctly (by jajo - 03 Sep 20, 13:45) |
Is anyone else having a problem with the Jigsaw puzzles? When you click on them to put them in place, the just turn to the shape with nothing in them. |
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pieces turning blank (by cookiemonstr - 03 Sep 20, 13:47) |
It's probably me (I'm not too tech-savvy) but I love to play the Daily Jigsaw Challenge. I've been using the HTML5 button to begin the puzzle, The puzzle starts, but as I move any piece to a different spot on my screen, it turns blank and you can't see the picture on the piece anymore. If I touch a different piece, the same thing happens. Each time I try to move a piece the picture disappears. This has continued for the past 4 days. What am I doing wrong?? Thanks for the help! Cookiemonster |
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handicap system (by buber - 04 Sep 20, 10:44) |
Here's my suggestion. A handicap system for Yubotu. If you play the game within 10 minutes of waking up, your time goes down by 10 seconds. And, if you having had a morning coffee yet, your time goes down by another 10 seconds. :-) |
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Pop up ads (by charlieT - 08 Sep 20, 5:08) |
Am I alone in now getting annoying pop up ads I have to delete to continue? |
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pieces lose color when moved (by sox - 10 Sep 20, 8:54) |
i continue to have same problem with puzzle pieces, started on 9/4. click on piece and it turns blank when i move them. I have google chrome for browser. any suggestions?? |
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Sorry - I inadvertently cheated (by shucha - 10 Sep 20, 11:30) |
I tried to squeeze in the challenge at 3 minutes to the flip last night...missed the deadline by a few seconds, and the score for yesterday's challenge posted for today. Derek, I assume that if there were an easy fix for this issue, you'd have already implemented it...thanks. |
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amazing score (by shucha - 10 Sep 20, 11:37) |
Melly1, how on earth did you manage 25K on today's challenge?! The next highest score is barely half that. Kudos! |
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Th e pesky -ough words (by wordsmith - 11 Sep 20, 15:09) |
Sandrider, yes, I learned that verse very early on (i before e except after c…) And I have long known of the hilarious I Love Lucy episode where Lucy asks Ricky (non-native English speaker for those not familiar with him) to read a bedtime story to their imaginary children - easily available on YouTube. I know of 8 pronunciations of -ough, but not 11, Found this just now: “A bird sat on a bough, gave a cough as he ate the dough to go through and he thought to be more thorough but it made him hiccough. ” Not elegant but effective! |
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Looking for my peeps( they're out there somewhere) (by lynxx - 15 Sep 20, 18:03) |
[Oops! posted under Word Search instead of Word Sketch] Second try: Funnest game ever. Chat is just as good as the game, bright minds with sense of humor. I will check every afternoon, hope to see you all soon. |
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private games? (by jampots - 18 Sep 20, 12:23) |
was a bit disappointed to log into Word sketch just now and receive this reply in the chat from the game with Bigpoppa69 and Queen2588 (I will add there wasn't much sign of any drawing going on) jampots: hi guys can i join you? Bigpoppa69: Private sorry |
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Time Ranking (by Priceless - 18 Sep 20, 20:48) |
Today we had several winners for top spot in Word Ruffle. is it possible to rank these according to who finished fastest or is that how its already done? |
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Ads (by pppenguin - 18 Sep 20, 22:57) |
I don’t mind passive ads, but have seen some active In past that were distracting in game mode. Derek deserves remuneration. |
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END button (by Shebo - 19 Sep 20, 14:16) |
Am I the only one who accidently hits the "END" button instead of the "SUBMIT" button. I have done it several times. I used to play a similar game (Text Twist) and the buttons were set up differently. Derek: Is there any way to change the END button - maybe make it smaller, slightly farther away or red like a stop sign? |
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Challenge already played - quick and easy (by getclint - 23 Sep 20, 5:24) |
Hi Derek Any chance you could say (where X is your current filter logic) if (x && score>0) echo 'You have already played today'; This is challenge filters. Shizen in particular has a habit of bringing up blank squares with no symbols showing, so you need to reload the page, then it says you've already played of course but actually you never saw the grid!. Picking up on a zero previous score would rule out filtering for failure to load or indeed, on our side, users fumbling around and closing tabs etc before actually playing. one line of code dude! :-) Cheers Clint |
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Unwanted downloads?? (by jeffgamer - 23 Sep 20, 8:18) |
Something new and disturbing. Yesterday and today, sometimes, when I click on a new game, something downloads onto my computer. It's happened at least twice this morning and twice yesterday. I haven't opened the downloads...immediately dropped them into the trash...but that definitely should be looked into. Not sure if it has to do with the ads....maybe some just appear on the screen and some download automatically?...or if there's some malicious bug that's been put onto the site...but it's definitely SOMETHING..... |
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problem with spider (by Markv8 - 23 Sep 20, 22:32) |
two issues....can't drag cards, and pop up ad sometimes cancels game in progress |
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flashing ads (by bowser - 26 Sep 20, 17:59) |
very distracting flashing ad on right side of screen while i am doing nonograms challenge. these are also present while i am doing other puzzles. i don't mind x-ing out the popups that appear while i am moving to a new screen, but the ones that flash while i am trying to concentrate are a real problem. i shouldn't have to cover part of the screen. |
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Free Cell (by TTW - 26 Sep 20, 18:52) |
Not loading in a playable way. Giant cards, maybe 3 or 4 |
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premature finish (by shucha - 29 Sep 20, 9:56) |
I got near the end of the board, and saw that I could use 2 dynamites to take out two letters and leave the word "aim" (Derek, I have the screenshot, if you want it). I accidentally dropped one dynamite on a blank space, but still had two left. So I took out the letters in my way...and the game ended as soon as I used my last dynamite. The screenshot shows :48 left. Clearly, I should have been able to spell "aim" and clear the board...right? Did I miss something? |
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todays puzzle (by holland57 - 01 Oct 20, 9:46) |
how on earth did you get the last one today,(in the dress shop) |
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Saying I've played when I haven't (by puzzler1 - 03 Oct 20, 13:54) |
Twice within the last 4-5 days I've gone to play Shisen and it says I've already played; but I haven't. It happened today again on 10/3. I'm not getting the blank screen; just a note that I've already played and my score won't count. I looked in the scores and nothing is showing for my screen name. This is only happening with Shisen. I can play Triplets and Mahjong with no problem. |
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Texasish (by aj0811 - 04 Oct 20, 14:00) |
Texasish, You must be from Texas also? |
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display played tiles (by katze - 09 Oct 20, 1:47) |
I was wondering if it would be possible to add a button to display in order the tiles that are already played? I mean on non-challenge games? Thank you. |
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Heats freezing (by Cdav - 14 Oct 20, 6:58) |
When I play Hearts I get a problem that seems to happen quite a bit, about half way through, I have played my hand, but the graphics seem to stick and then either it doesn't show one of the bots card at all, usually the one on the right, or you go to play your hand and it suddenly completely fails and it says that the bot on the right it's that ones turn, (bob on my game at present) then it freezes and that is the end of it. You can't refresh. I always refresh my cache before I start playing Hearts and lately it does this everytime. Two days in a row I have not been able to finish the competition game. Sometimes the previous hand is shown as being still there and it moves three cards behind that you can't see, or it just completely freezes and as such you can not play. I have had trouble with this on other browsers, I am currently using Vivaldi, but I had this problem on Chrome and so switched. Edge is no better. This is a new laptop. |
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All time winners (by Dragonink27 - 14 Oct 20, 18:38) |
So I have played to the point of some where around 33k. Was logged in when I did it. Why doesn’t my score show up on the all time winner’s list? |
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Bot play in challenge (by Rayisback - 17 Oct 20, 11:55) |
I have no idea how difficult it is to program how the bots play, so what I'm suggesting may be impossible to do. There are two kinds of play that most Hearts players employ in real games which the bots don't seem to have access to. The first is to drive out the Queen of Spades when they're not holding it, and the second is to lead the lowest card in their hand when they are trying to get out of the lead. The bots use neither of these tactics. The normal bot play is to lead Clubs and Diamonds almost until they are exhausted before leading Spades. And in end play I have often seen bots lead high cards in off suits, and finally lead a very low Heart, even though hearts have already been played. Adding these two kinds of tactics (if possible) to the bots play would make the Hearts game more challenging and realistic. It also might decrease the number of perfect scores that are regularly accumulated in the Challenge game. |
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Cards Freeze (by FearlessFox - 20 Oct 20, 17:52) |
Hi! Ok, so I don’t know if this is a web browser issue, because I’m using an iPad, or something in the game, but Nertz has the tendency to freeze up on me. I don’t usually get totally stuck, sometimes it’s just the deck or a few certain cards that become unusable. Leaving and re-entering the game fixes it, but then I have to restart with new cards. I play as Mai, so some of you might have noticed me jumping in and out of the game, likely multiple times in just one round. If it was just affecting me, I would have just brushed the whole thing off because my iPad is super glitchy and it seems as if this website was made for computers. But I’ve noticed other people bouncing out and in again, too. Often, it’s hard to finish a whole game if there are just two players and one has to jump out, ending the game. Well, whatever the cause, the problem isn’t too bad that it becomes unbearable. I was just wondering if it was me, or something else in the game. Anyways, thank you so much for everything you do! (I seriously wish I found who’s website sooner...) |
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Game 5 keeps resetting (by Aardvard - 24 Oct 20, 15:08) |
I've had Game 5 reset to the first level on me a couple times now. I've been working on level 5 or 6 and come back the next day and it has reset to level 1 |
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Tiny pieces (by Rayisback - 26 Oct 20, 17:58) |
Although I play on a Mac with a 21 inch screen, the pieces in the jigsaw puzzle challenges are sometimes hard for me to see clearly. I know there's a "Full Screen" button, but that doesn't change the size of the pieces, just the size of the background on which the pieces rest. Is there a way that a player could change the size of the pieces aside from choosing a different number of pieces, which of course isn't available in the challenges. |
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Throws me out (by janee - 27 Oct 20, 5:25) |
Today, not for the first time, I was on a roll in Shisen Daily Challenge, and it threw me out and back to the Shisen page. I finished in a reasonable time, but my score won't count. What caused this? |
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I'm not surprised ........................... (by xenoblast - 27 Oct 20, 16:55) |
I'm not surprised very few people play word drop -which is a shame as I like it. Firstly, there is the idiocrasy that there is no 'X' yet when you use a wild card you can get a word with 'x' in. Secondly the randomness of the letters is ridiculous. I wish I had had the time to do a screen shot of a recent game -sitting before level three with a nice score of 2250 under my belt- to get a board up on level three that threw out -I am not joking - five lines of letters without any vowels what-so-ever -this is a level that you need to make words from letters on the same line vertically or horizontally. Also, Levels three and five advise to make words of up to ten letters vertically and horizontally -when there are only 8 letter spaces on the board vertically. Finally, there is no 'reward' for playing the game at a higher level. Why should I bother to try the advanced level when I can win on the leader board at beginner level as there is no difference in the point scoring between levels? |
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Green Room (by mindy - 27 Oct 20, 21:07) |
This Thursday October 29th we'll have a social gathering in the green room and play for fun. Noon Eastern Time 9 am Pacific Time 4 pm London/GMT Time 6 pm Johannesburg South Africa/SAST Time 6 pm Timisoara Romania/EET Everyone come play! |
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trouble loading challenge (by starbuck - 27 Oct 20, 22:49) |
For a couple of weeks now, I've had trouble loading the Speedcross Challenge. I get the board but no letters. If I refresh or back out and try again, sometimes it loads but it also invariably tells me I've already played for the day even though I haven't. Anyone else having this problem? Fixable? I updated my browser, but that didn't change anything. |
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Ability to View or Play Past Daily and Mystery Challenges (by Bingo5363 - 29 Oct 20, 13:50) |
Would it possible to view and / or play past daily challenges and mystery challenges? I often forget what the mystery challenge was when I check how I fared on the leaderboard. Plus, some of the challenges are quite interesting and worth a second or third play. I understand that there would be a delay in posting past challenges. Thank you. |
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pause button (by lara7 - 31 Oct 20, 12:27) |
Todays top score in the daily challenge is impossible to reach. You can only achieve it with the pause button and the daily challenge from the previous day. Of course the challenge from the previous day has to have higher scores. That‘s the case today. Then the score counts for the wrong challenge. It can happen. But it happened already several times to this player... I get my scores in finding the best strategy, some skills and a good run. I suggest to remove the pause buttons in the daily challenges. |
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How about a new dictionary (by spiked - 31 Oct 20, 15:26) |
Word Ferret has always had a huge dictionary, and now Word Zap and Word Drop do too. Please can Word Ruffle have a better one too? It doesn't recognize so many really common words! |
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Missed puzzles (by JANA - 02 Nov 20, 16:16) |
I wish you would keep the hourly puzzles on line after their time. I love this game but I can't always get to a puzzle every hour. Then is I finish a puzzle too early, i have nothing. I missed the 2 PM puzzle today. |
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Error (by Franst - 09 Nov 20, 14:23) |
I just got a game "solved" with two black cells next to each other. This has happened to my games several times. |
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Such difficulty playing (by Kleo - 09 Nov 20, 18:23) |
I am finding the multi-solve jigsaws a nightmare to play. The pictures are lovely but finishing a game is such a rarity. One fault is that the pieces refuse to move from the background into the picture. A game I have just played was unresolved because 4 pieces would not move. I had to give up. The other thing that happens is that one finds it increasingly difficult to move the pieces as the game progresses - the game becomes incredibly slow and one just cannot place them in position. More than 50% of the puzzles I try are impossible to finish. This is getting frustrating. Can the nice pictures in the multi-solve puzzles be put into the puzzle library because this seems to work better and it seems a shame that we cannot solve them because the multi-solve is such a problem? Thank you |
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Make Challenge more Challenging (by Bobo7777 - 10 Nov 20, 23:36) |
Perhaps having only 6 different tiles as a Challenge has run its course? Currently the Pairs Challenge has three random possibilities (6 tiles, 9 tiles, or 18 tiles). Whenever there are only 6 tiles a ridiculously large amount of people get perfect scores (today for example there were 39). I believe the only thing that separates 1 through 39 is what type of device you are using, to allow for faster input (touch screen, vs mouse, vs laptop mouse, etc). It just seems too easy and maybe shouldnt be part of the Challenge. Whenever I see an "18" tile board I love it, but when I see a "6", the "challenge" part of the Challenge seems to disappear. If I'm off base here, so be it. Just giving my opinion on a challenge that is a daily activity for me. Thanks. |
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Black screen (by sewista - 11 Nov 20, 13:32) |
Today when I started on the fifth place all I got was a black screen and could not get out of it despite much clicking and rotating. On an earlier place I encountered a black screen but was able to click through to the other side. Yesterday I was having similar problems but managed to plow through, and rebooted everything after the game was finished. But obviously that was not the cure. Has this been happening to other people too? |
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Spider solitaire - line of cards covers back button (by Erascer - 13 Nov 20, 14:45) |
I posted this in a different thread and I think it went under, so I would like to try with a new thread. I was really happy to find Spider Solitaire here. I wish it were possible to only drag the cards, but maybe this will be possible someday. My bigger problem is that when I have a run of cards where the back-up button is and pull enough onto that column that it covers the back-up button, I can no longer back up. I can't click on the button because it's covered up. If I don't have any way to move the cards off the button, I usually have to end the game prematurely because I can't get to moves I need. Thanks! |
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flash player (by SHANTI - 15 Nov 20, 8:18) |
Flash in Chrome is going to end by december 2020 How shall we be able to continue play dkm games? Thank you |
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odd glitch (by shucha - 16 Nov 20, 9:45) |
In today's challenge, I got a tile with "50" over the shape...and I couldn't swap with that tile. I took a screenshot if you're interested, Derek. |
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spelling (by teltobil - 16 Nov 20, 12:27) |
"publicly," not "publically" |
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hearts game won't work (by shell - 17 Nov 20, 3:32) |
Ever since I tried to set up a public game of hearts I now only get a blank green screen. can't play anything, no challenge, no bot no nothing. Need help thanks |
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The Challenge within The Challenge (by Bobo7777 - 17 Nov 20, 10:36) |
Jeff...When I saw the separation between you and I on todays challenge, my first reaction was "oh Jeff is just gonna love this". Haha. I am always checking Jeffgamer, BlueWombat and Moni's scores (and Socks whenever she decides to play)... its the challenge within the challenge. But there is something about Jeff...its just *that* much sweeter! Nothing but love, Bobo |
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hearts game won't work still (by shell - 21 Nov 20, 1:04) |
Ever since I tried playing a private game it's like it is stuck, just an empty green screen this also has happened to my sister who joined the private game. I tried going to nertz and signed into private game and then go back did this 5 times still doesn't work, any other suggestions? |
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Play Challenge More Than Once? (by lynxx - 21 Nov 20, 9:11) |
Always starting day with sudoku challence. Sometimes finish, sometimes not. Sometimes give up in frustration. Could you please allow us to replay a game, but without having one's score count? Other games such as triplet challenge allow this. |
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Slow Movers (by jiminy - 23 Nov 20, 14:41) |
For the past couple of days, the little gray balls in Bricks have been moving incredibly slowly, near glacial speed. Has anyone else experienced this? |
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Shoutout (by flagman - 25 Nov 20, 8:23) |
Just a friendly shout-out out from flagman: Judithweaver, have you ever noticed how closely our daily Hearts and Yubotu scores track each other? It looks like we are both stuck in the same rut. I enjoy both challenges daily. |
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Amazing (by fujamadook - 25 Nov 20, 11:54) |
Yeeha! Number one today (so far)! There's a first time for everything! Considering taking a pic! Lol!! |
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Happy Thanksgiving to All (except Turkeys) (by BubbaBird - 25 Nov 20, 13:31) |
Happy Thanksgiving to all my fellow Word Ruffle players. May the Force Be With You! RobinD (BubbaBird) |
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Games aren't centered (by dobber - 27 Nov 20, 20:34) |
Help! Just replaced my monitor and some of the DKM games open on the far left side of the screen. How do I center them? This includes classic suduko, Shisen, triplets, and 2048 (but not Shichi suduko, mahjong, codewords which are centered on the screen). |
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On going problems (by AuntyPolly - 29 Nov 20, 5:12) |
Following on from the post regarding the 'slow' balls, I would like to point out something else I've come across. For the past few days when there are only maybe a couple of bricks left on the board, the game will stop itself and give me the score. This has happened with both coloured bricks and black bricks that have turned grey. If it happens again, I will send you a screen shot. When this happens the score is given, but no indication of where you are on the leader board (yes I checked I was signed in). |
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Sunday's puzzle (by Lottie1001 - 29 Nov 20, 11:53) |
It took me longer than it should to get the third one, considering I lived near there for nearly twenty years! My excuse - it's changed a lot in the last forty-five. As for the last one ..... |
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galaxy chrome sudoku still not centered (by srm - 03 Dec 20, 11:18) |
Is there something I need to do to fix it on my galaxy android? |
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Flash (by bassglo - 03 Dec 20, 17:53) |
I bought a new computer, and am unable to download Flash. Is there another way to play Hyper Sudoku? |
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Flash (by dacgal - 07 Dec 20, 9:37) |
I don't like the HTML5. It keeps changing to pencil without clicking on it. I don't usually notice it right away and then have to go back to change all the inputs. This uses more time. I used to do puzzles in much shorter time than now. It is a smaller puzzle than I like it since I used to enlarge the other one. |
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No more moves option on Challenge (by elkster - 09 Dec 20, 4:06) |
Hi Derek, Is it possible to put a button indicating that there are no more moves on the Challenge board as it is on the regular multi-player game? This would not go against protocol because that option is already available on the regular Mahjong Challenge and normal game play of Shisen. I believe this would be really helpful and prevent needless frustration on a daily basis. Thanks for all you do, Elkster |
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Unwanted random ink to pencil changes (by tj281 - 09 Dec 20, 15:01) |
I have been a user for years and liked the flash features, but I am going to quit using this product due to major frustrations from random changes flipping back and forth from pencil to ink. I use Magic Mouse and Mac. No wheel. No accidental touching of icons that are mentioned as the cause. Not worth it. |
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Change piece border (by dkmGames - 10 Dec 20, 0:59) |
I did a change to make the each piece border more distinct (darker/more 3D). I think this is an improvement but if you don't like it, there is the option in "Options" to change back to how it was. (Of course this does not apply to Flash version which is very near end of life.) |
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Time Bonus calculation (by jimpossible - 10 Dec 20, 21:00) |
In the help section under Scoring it says, "the average time for Medium puzzles is currently set at 12 minutes (720 seconds)". I have checked a few of my scores using your stated formula and my results don't match the scores I received. My question focuses on your word "currently" in the quote above. What are the current times used in the formula for each level of difficulty? |
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Shisen players please give feedback (by elkster - 11 Dec 20, 4:09) |
Shisen players, Please see previous post "No More Moves option on Challenge" and give your feedback regarding an appropriate time penalty for choosing that option during the Challenge. Derek is in agreement with adding this feature but would like more input on how players feel about what would be the best penalty amount. Thanks, elkster |
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Suggested Feature (by RSWallace - 13 Dec 20, 20:15) |
I've seen suggested, but not yet implemented, a feature that greys out exhausted numbers in Sudoku. This would be a really useful feature. Also, but more complicated to implement, would be a similar feature in Hanidoku, where exhausted numbers would have to be declared by the solver because not all numbers occur the same number of times in a given solution. |
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New enhancements (by dkmGames - 13 Dec 20, 23:03) |
Before now, the max image width stored in the library was 640 pixels (or max height 550). This has now been increased to 1024 pixels. That means if you upload larger images, they will be stored with bigger dimensions and so will be bigger when you try solve (resulting in larger size pieces). This assumes you have a large enough monitor. If not, the bigger images will be intelligently resized down to be solvable with enough space around them. Also, creating your own puzzles is now made easier. Simply drag any image file onto the page and puzzle will be instantly created with nothing uploaded to the server. You can use large images like 6 megabytes in size. |
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Position on challenge not logging (by blog - 14 Dec 20, 17:35) |
Time clocks but my position doesn't appear in the dialogue box at the end or on the tables the following day. |
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No more Adobe Flash? (by SusanMcD - 19 Dec 20, 9:00) |
I can no longer play the jigsaw...I get an error message that says Adobe Flash is not going to be available after the end of the year. It advises that I un-install Flash on my computer. Is anyone else getting this error message? I was able to play the puzzle in html, but it is super slow and jerky...too frustrating to use. Help! |
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fixed! (by bowser - 19 Dec 20, 11:41) |
Whatever you changed also fixed the problem of the pieces being partially surrounded (like the cutouts disappearing) when you touch them! Thanks. |
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How to blend matched pieces (by mom - 19 Dec 20, 21:19) |
I used to be able to have an option of the pieces blending together, when matched, so that the edges of each piece do not show. How do I do that now? |
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Loss of Player "Best" scores (by Rayisback - 19 Dec 20, 21:37) |
Not a big deal, but 2084 and BlockFit used to retain the best scores the player has ever recorded in a game they have played on that layout. I noticed my best score in 2084 was lost when the top Best Scores Ever column was removed showing all the players. Now, for both of those games my "Best" score (shown only to me) seems to be the highest score I've achieved in maybe the last two weeks. I know in both games I have had several scores higher than the "Best" score currently being shown on the screen. Since I'm the only one who sees the score, there's not a loss of bragging rights, but an accurate display represents a challenge to beat my personal best. Guess i should have made a note of them when I recorded them. |
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Scoreboard Suggestion (by JAZZ - 19 Dec 20, 22:33) |
Hey Derrick: Best of holidays to you. Have you ever considered --- in player v. player competition --- of posting the correctly solved words "alphabetically' rather than "sequentially"? As an example, if a player's first solve is the word 'time", it would not be posted in the top box for four letter words; rather, it would be posted in its appropriate alphabetic box. I believe this may level the playing field somewhat as it would provide a player a clue as to where remaining words would fit alphabetically. |
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Sudoku Points Tournament (by sjmont - 20 Dec 20, 7:23) |
There will be a Sudoku Points Tournament, pinks vs. blues, in the Green Room next Saturday and Sunday, December 26 & 27. One hour each day, beginning at 5:00 P.M. GMT. Sample times: 5:00 PM London, 7:00 PM Romania, Noon New York, 9:00 AM Seattle. All are welcome to join - come for the whole hour both days, or for as much time as you would like. Thanks to Ray Duncan for setting this up - always a good time with challenging playing, fast chat, and a lot of positive energy! |
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smoothe missing in options (by jgangi - 21 Dec 20, 12:21) |
what happened to smoothe pieces in options? also cannot move puzzle above top screen border. overall new version worse not better!!!!! |
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Congrats to the dominating players (by Aardvard - 22 Dec 20, 16:01) |
Just wanted to congratulate lara7 on dominating in the Bricks challenges and the six sets. I'm always impressed. I occasionally come close and very, very rarely win - happy if I can stay in the top 10. Congratulations to those who are always at the top - that's not me. ...don't want to list folks, because I know I will miss some, but you know who you are. Well done! |
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no html (by bowser - 24 Dec 20, 14:12) |
only flash as choice, no html showing, using chrome. i tried firefox also, the same, no html. |
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Merry Christmas! (by sewista - 25 Dec 20, 13:35) |
What a nice easy Map It today -- a Christmas present! thank you Derek for all the good fun this game gives us, and especially for not having to slog around in Russia this afternoon. |
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Adobe Flash (by elkster - 26 Dec 20, 7:37) |
Hi Derek, Hope you had a Merry Christmas and best wishes for a Happy New Year! As 2020 comes to an end and it appears that the demise of Adobe Flash is nearing reality by the end of this week, could you please give a brief explanation of what, if any, effect this is going to have on DKM games. I think there are probably many players who would find this information helpful. Thanks elkster |
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can be listed (by satsue - 26 Dec 20, 12:25) |
I can play but my score never shows up -- anyone know why? |
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Flash player end of life and dkmgames (by dkmGames - 26 Dec 20, 18:18) |
As I'm sure you are all aware, Flash player will stop being supported by Adobe and all the web browsers as at the end of the year (one week away). Almost all the games on dkmgames have been rewritten to use the native browser language (HTML5) except a handful that are not popular and I deemed not worth the effort to rewrite. These games are Word Hunt, Word Spy, Jig Cross, Perfect Putt and Merels and they will be dropped from the site in the next week. Other than those games, you should not be affected at all providing you are still not using the Flash versions. I have tried to keep all functionality of the Flash versions in the HTML5 ones but it has not always been possible, specifically in Jigsaws. Flash's own graphics capabilites are more powerful than native browsers. I loved developing in Flash. By rights, I should remove all Flash at the end of the year but I will keep the Flash versions on the site for a short while going into next year. I imagine if you don't update your browser you will still be able to run Flash but I would encourage all to move off Flash. |
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thanks and holiday cheer (by nyctaxi - 27 Dec 20, 15:31) |
Yes ! CHEERS to Derek and team for all the hard work again this year ! CHEERS to all players too ! HAPPY NEW YEAR ! |
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8 off HTML (by jumpup - 28 Dec 20, 18:21) |
The HTML version of 8 off is slow to the point that clicking on the cards to quickly causes the application to crash momentarily. |
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Challenge "Your-all-time-high" info? (by jeffgamer - 29 Dec 20, 21:29) |
Howdy! Today, for the first time, I played the new version of the Sudoku Challenge. At the end, it displays more statistics than it used number of errors in that game and your all-time high. I was wondering how far back the "all time high" goes. It said my all-time high on the Medium-level challenge is around 5800...but, acknowledging my OCD behavior here, I keep track of my records and back on 7/12/19, I nailed a 6769. Just wondering if this only goes back a year...and will it be tracking our records going forward from now until forever, or is it a last-12-months type of thing...or "other"? Merci for the info...and may all dkm'rs have an amazingly great 2021!! |
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Submissions (by oldbroad - 31 Dec 20, 19:43) |
I submitted several new puzzles at least a week ago, but they still haven't been posted. Is there a problem? |
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Happy New Year (by lynxx - 01 Jan 21, 1:25) |
Happy New Year to all of my friends on dkmGames, and to all of the new friends that I look forward to playing with. May 2021 see you happy, healthy, safe, and prosperous. A special thank you to Derek for making our games possible. |
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Gutted! (by AuntyPolly - 03 Jan 21, 6:11) |
Following a particularly boring New Years Day afternoon I managed to get up to a score of 23,548 on Block Fit. I kept the page open, went for dinner and when I returned to play hey ho blank page! Next day I started a new game, failed early on purpose, to check, and yes, my personal score remained the lower 5000 from previous games. very disappointed to say the least. |
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How do I get the Rating before I start the puzzle? (by jimpossible - 03 Jan 21, 11:35) |
Just to clarify, I mean the number rating, not just Medium, Hard, etc. Right now I only see it after I've completed the puzzle and get it along with my score and the other stats. |
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Game Pausing (by spangjs - 05 Jan 21, 9:29) |
Is it possible to stop the game from pausing if you switch to another screen in frame sudoku? I need a calculator to help me with the center sums. Thanks |
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Tents has disappeared (by tentsguy - 05 Jan 21, 22:28) |
Tents has disappeared from my ipad and is no longer available on the apple app store. I loved it and hope it will be back. Does this have something to do with Adobe flash being deactivated? |
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Stockpile Freezing (by p0k3m0nbr33d - 05 Jan 21, 23:04) |
Hi, First of all, thanks for hosting all these different games for people to play. Its been awesome these days as most people are stuck inside. I read the previous post about the cards freezing and I'd thought I could add some more information as I've gotten similar issues a couple times. There are 3 bugs that my friends and I have encountered. Two of them lead to freezes while the third is loosely related to the other two 1. The first issues comes from dragging cards from the stockpile (the facedown deck). It seems strange that I can drag the card in the first place but if I start dragging and then immediately release and click on the card, it gets turned over face up and sits on top of the stockpile. This results in the stockpile getting stuck until the end of the game 2. The second issue is one I can't reproduce yet. Every once in a while, the waste pile will only show 2 cards instead of 3. I would play a card from the waste pile, and it would never get replenished after going through the deck. Once that happens, the two cards are unplayable. 3. Lastly, I get a different type of freeze which seems to be related to the 2nd issue I mentioned. When the waste pile shows two cards, it seems to be like there is an empty card there. If I play enough cards from the stockpile to move that "empty" card to a different set of 3 waste pile cards, the stockpile will freeze the next time I go through the stockpile, it will freeze. For example, if the 5th set of 3 cards in the wastepile has an "empty card". If I play enough cards from the stockpile deck so that the "empty card" is a part of the 4th set of 3. The deck gets frozen the next time I get to that position in the deck Let me know if you have any questions |
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Shisen not loading with play with others feature (by loverboy - 06 Jan 21, 12:28) |
I have tried loading Shisen play with others option. The menu at the top of the page continually blinks and does not load. This also happens with MaJong. |
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Feature Request (by pkeefe2008 - 07 Jan 21, 7:20) |
Love the game! Any chance of you adding an option to play with a full deck? (ie 13 tricks per hand) I find this more interesting/challenging as all the cards are in play and luck factor of certain unknown cards being out of play is removed. Thanks! |
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Title of the Mystery Puzzle (by Lottie1001 - 07 Jan 21, 14:09) |
Can anybody tell me what the title of today's (Thursday's) mystery puzzle is? I don't remember from when I completed it, and doing the puzzle again doesn't give me the title again. |
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problem (by AuntyPolly - 08 Jan 21, 5:45) |
For the last few days this game is ending before the last bricks have been zapped - I have screen shots of the message with my score but bricks remaining on the board. |
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Identical pentagons (by Rayisback - 09 Jan 21, 16:13) |
Today's Triplets challenge was the most unfair test I've run into on this site. The screen was filled with brown/orange pentagons, no three of which seemed to match up. |
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Gotta go for now... (by BubbaBird - 11 Jan 21, 15:14) |
Hello Fellow Word Rufflers... I have already begun preparations for the 2020 Income Tax Season so I am saying "So Long" until things are quiet again... probably in May or June. Word Ruffle is way too deliciously distracting... I have a warm spot in my heart for everyone... Love, BubbaBird (aka RobinD) |
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Sudoku Daily Challenge pausing (by annlacko - 12 Jan 21, 14:53) |
I just read the 'game pausing' post by spangjs, but this addresses a different issue. Since early December, I have been playing the daily Sudoku challenges with the blue 'play now' button, abandoning the 'Play In New Window (Flash)' due to Adobe not supporting that anymore. Rather by accident I discovered that the challenge game paused as soon as I went to another tab in my browser (Firefox). And now I also figured out how same players get impossibly high scores, especially on the 'hard' level. All they need to do is take a screenprint of the puzzle, pause the game, solve it on paper (or any other way than live) and then just plug in the numbers when resuming their challenge game. Is there any way to disable the 'pause' feature in the daily challenge? |
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Country selection (by klapka - 13 Jan 21, 4:24) |
There has been a run of three locations in Israel in the past week, and before that none I can remember, as well as my first ever UAE. Is this pure chance, or is it possible to weight the random selection? Or to group countries so that there is not a concentration of very easy (USA and UK imo) or very hard (India, Thailand) in one day? |
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Bad Change (by jeanette87 - 13 Jan 21, 10:07) |
I always have done puzzles in flash, completing all new puzzles available each day and often going into the older ones. With flash no longer available the new system sucks. When a piece is selected. the edges blur, making it difficult to connect and the color details don’t come through. For instance, the water lily’s leaves were all one color rather than mottled as shown in the picture. I quit after about 10 minutes and plan to look for another puzzle site. Any suggestions? |
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no puedo jygar sudoku dkm (by jmoya - 14 Jan 21, 11:17) |
Luego de la bajada de ADOBE no puedo jugar Sudoku DKM, que alternatova existe para poder seguir jugando??? |
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Number of pieces in mystery jigsaws (by bpat - 14 Jan 21, 21:05) |
A couple of times recently (the most recent being tonight), the mystery jigsaw will break into many more pieces than the number at the bottom indicates it will have. The puzzle works OK, but I thought you might like to know there's a discrepancy between the number of pieces the puzzle says it will have, and how many it actually has when you click on it. |
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hourly games (by Mossy - 16 Jan 21, 0:33) |
I liked the ability to access the rolling 24 of hourly puzzles in Flash, is it possible to re-create that in non-Flash? |
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Can no longer seem to choose archived puzzles for each day (by jfilipek - 16 Jan 21, 6:48) |
It appears the game has changed. I assume much has to do with Flash. I much preferred the old implementation. |
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Samurai display too small (by sewista - 16 Jan 21, 17:06) |
I always played Samurai Sudoku in the flash version because it allowed me to blow the grid up to the full height of the screen. Now that flash has disappeared, the grid is so small that I can't see the numbers in the display. You suggest blowing the display up to full screen with the diagonal arrow icon, but all that does is blow up the window -- the grid stays small amid an ocean of white space. Any way we could get just the grid to open in a new window so it could be expanded? thanks |
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pgatenby (by pgatenby - 17 Jan 21, 11:49) |
I do the Codeword everyday but struggle to see the numbers partly because you use a greyscale rather than just black 15 or 16 and 25 or 26 or 5 and 6 and even 16 and 18 are always difficult to determine. Any chance you could improve the numbers before lockdown ends even here you set the print as a low grade greyscale WHY |
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Near Miss on Sunday (by Lottie1001 - 17 Jan 21, 18:12) |
I'm curious. As I write this on Sunday (17 January), eight people have scored 5500, but five people have missed by just one point with a score of 5499. I'm wondering if they all made the same error, or whether it's just a coincidence. |
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Perfect Putt (by aj0811 - 18 Jan 21, 11:47) |
Just curious what happened to Perfect Putt? |
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Darkness (by fujamadook - 19 Jan 21, 21:48) |
Can you tell me what's going on when a new location is completely black except for the arrows telling me which way I can go? Thank you |
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Puzzle appears small on MacBook (by jfilipek - 21 Jan 21, 6:33) |
Is there a way to increase the size of the puzzles. I am using a MacBook and since Flash went away I am only able to initialize small puzzles, taking up only a fraction of the screen space available. Thank you in advance |
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does not work (by be - 22 Jan 21, 2:19) |
Mozilla Firefox 84.0.2 on Linux Mint - photograph appears, no buttons |
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Contest (by Rayisback - 23 Jan 21, 21:28) |
There are daily contests in several card games, bridge, hearts, and a ranking in free cell. I think a daily contest in Oh Hell would be fun. The winner would be the person with the highest winning score. Rather than have a lot of duplicate winning scores, such as occurs in Hearts, perhaps the rank for ties could be broken by the difference between the winning score and the next highest score among the bots. A similar tie breaker could also be used in Hearts, where there are often ties for the best score (12 today with perfect scores.) I have no idea how much effort is required to program these changes, I just thought it might add to our enjoyment of this great FREE site. |
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the switcheroo happened to me today (by shucha - 25 Jan 21, 11:51) |
I know Derek has said that it's very difficult to completely avoid multiple solutions to I got nipped by it in the challenge. Without giving anything away (since it's still ongoing), two letters were completely interchangeable, so that switching them made legitimate (not even remotely obscure) words , either way. Nothing more to say...just frustrating to watch the time tick away as you look over every word to verify, and then finding the one pair of letters that can be switched while still making every word "work". And then it's kind of like a dubious honor...having found the needle in the haystack, even if it was by stepping on it in bare feet :) |
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Spider: Long card column still covers undo button (by RSWallace - 25 Jan 21, 14:56) |
1. Love the site, and thanks for all you do. 2. I have reported this issue before, and apologize if I'm being annoying. 3. I have also reiterated my issue in response to your reply (to another poster) that you have put Undo always on top, but in monitoring for quite a while I see no reply to my reply, so I'm trying another new post. 4. I'll take the opportunity to reiterate an alternative suggestion I had made elsewhere that perhaps a keyboard command could be used (in addition to the existing Undo) to trigger an Undo, in which case its being covered would not be an issue. Thanks! |
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Adverts in Bulgarian! (by Lottie1001 - 25 Jan 21, 18:07) |
I think we may have had too many MapIt places with Cyrillic scripts recently. I've now had a Google ad in Bulgarian. Having put the text into Google Translate I get "Cunning Bulgarian answer Ectypehub If you can read this, you we advise to read carefully"!! |
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Glitch (by klapka - 26 Jan 21, 16:36) |
I clicked on todays random and was immediately presented with the 'Ready to guess' map. Perhaps I'd mislicked? I logged out and tried as anonymous - exactly the same. Yet other players have obviously had no problem . Hopefully will correct tomorrow. |
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Auto resize grid (by dkmGames - 27 Jan 21, 22:22) |
I have changed Nonograms to automatically resize the grid to max possible (the constraint will be the height of your browser window). When you resize the window (or you can press F11 for full screen), it will change. Let me know if any issues. I am looking to do this for many of the other games. |
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Colours (by Lottie1001 - 29 Jan 21, 6:46) |
Would it be possible to make sure that objects with the same shape have distinctly different colours? I found that today's stars were particularly difficult to distinguish. |
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Scoring (by AuntyPolly - 29 Jan 21, 11:55) |
HI -Is there any way that if you are playing Bricks when it changes to the next days game (I believe at midnight Eastern) when you finish, the score for your game shows up as a score in that days game not the previous one? This is the only reason I can conclude that the likely winner of Bricks today could have such a huge score, more than 15000 more points than the nearest rival. The whole board could not score 29000 so something is going on. |
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Freecell completion animation (by klapka - 31 Jan 21, 10:19) |
A very minor request if its possible would be for the ordinary solitaire game to have the autoplay happen once you've solved it, like it does in freecell points. |
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Challenge (by danred4ever - 02 Feb 21, 2:54) |
Just want to say it was a pleasure to play a different challenge on Mahjong today 02/02/21 changing them up is a great idea. |
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Amazing score (by BlueWombat - 02 Feb 21, 9:47) |
I'd like to be the first to congratulate JeffGamer on completing today's Codewords challenge in zero seconds. BW |
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wish list (by sewista - 02 Feb 21, 11:37) |
When I start a hanidoku, the first thing I do is fill in all the digits in pencil in all the cells, then eliminate by logic. If you had a button or setting that could automatically put all the digits in all the cells, it would save me one minute and 40 seconds of typing before I can start thinking. Any possibility??? |
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Dummy isn't always opposite the declarer (by Rayisback - 03 Feb 21, 12:50) |
Bots are frequently a "dummy" in the slang sense of the word, because they never learned to cover an honor with an honor. My finesses almost invariably win, except when the opponent has no option but to cover the honor on the board. I don't know how difficult it is to program the bots to cover an honor with an honor, but it would make high scores somewhat more difficult, and play more realistic. |
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UncleDave47 (by TBear - 04 Feb 21, 5:48) |
Hey Uncle Dave. Thanks for representing us Canucks in your Acrostics puzzles. |
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Nonograms Daily Challenge not working (by Matilda27 - 04 Feb 21, 15:29) |
I have been trying to play the Nonograms Daily Challenge the past few days and can see the puzzle but it won't allow me to play it or mark any of the squares. |
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Auto resize grid? (by blorchy - 06 Feb 21, 12:31) |
For this morning's Daily Challenge the grid that came up was huge and the left-hand column of the grid was off the page. I couldn't do the puzzle. MacBook Air Retina 2017, Safari 14.0.3, Mac OS Big Sur 11.2. |
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Auto resize grid (by dkmGames - 06 Feb 21, 20:47) |
Yesterday I introduced automatic resizing of the grid after a number of feedbacks that grid size too small. It seems this auto sizing can be an unwanted feature for some so I have now introduced it as an option in Preferences. By default it is off (same behaviour as before). Same feature applies to Sudoku Points. |
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No scoreboard or chat box display (by rmpaladino - 07 Feb 21, 17:15) |
Last couple days can't access scoreboard or chat box display in Sudoku Points grids. Was able to resize grid from Preferences as noted in Forum, but not able to get scoreboard or chat back??? |
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Unreadable numbers (by pgatenby - 08 Feb 21, 4:07) |
Why are the numbers so dull They are not even as dark as these letters on this message |
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html (by FatFingers - 08 Feb 21, 7:37) |
forgot closing italics tag at end of "In Preferences there is now an option to resize the grid according to your browser height." in SudokuPoints.htm page |
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Piece movement (by Dragonink27 - 09 Feb 21, 8:48) |
So when I play chess I have to slide the piece to the desired square but when I do the whole screen moves with my finger making it almost impossible to move my pieces if I’m moving them all the way a crossed the board. Is there any (easy) way to change it so that I can click the piece then the desired square to move it? Thank you for this site and all you do to keep it going for us! |
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Moving cards (by Kate16 - 09 Feb 21, 13:15) |
Hello, I just want to say that the new jumping cards ( changing position on the table) makes my eyes flatter and I cannot concentrate... I feel that it could give someone a fit ... It has spoiled my enjoyment of the card game... :( sorry... I hope that you could change it back to normal |
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Sound effect volume (by Finnegan - 09 Feb 21, 16:34) |
Hi Derek, Jaime aka Finnegan here. I've noticed today that the sound effect volume has gone up significantly. I usually toggle between watching shows and playing games, so whilst the volume on my computer is adjusted fine for tv show volume, the game sound effects are now way too loud. Thanks 😊 |
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Jigsaw pieces are off the edge of the screen (by bpat - 09 Feb 21, 21:23) |
Have you done something recently to jigsaws? When the puzzle opens, a number of them are off the screen. If you click the "arrange" button, nearly all of them go off the edges. Also, and I don't know if this is new or not, but you can click on the middle of the screen and move the whole screen around. It's the only way you can see those pieces that have disappeared. I'd like to be able to move it to look for an occasional lost piece, but having large numbers of the pieces disappear means an awful lot of moving and looking for them. |
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wish list?? (by sewista - 09 Feb 21, 21:51) |
When I start a hanidoku, the first thing I do is fill in all the digits in pencil in all the cells, then eliminate by logic. If you had a button or setting that could automatically put all the digits in all the cells, it would save me one minute and 40 seconds of typing before I can start thinking. Any possibility??? |
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Sound issues (by ffejsrem - 10 Feb 21, 22:05) |
On I pad and Mac laptop. Did you change something, Derek? |
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Game doesn't load (by Rayisback - 12 Feb 21, 13:01) |
The multiple player Free Cell game is not loading on my computer. When I click on "Free Cell Points" under the "Cards" category, I get the usual "Play Now" screen. Clicking on that screen brings up the usual "Join the Game" screen, except there is no "Join the Game" box to click on that screen. Is it my computer or a glitch in the site? |
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they are wrong (by sewista - 13 Feb 21, 16:28) |
When I try to play my daily yubotu game, it reads "You have already played the daily challenge" Not so! I don't know how to 'trick' the system so I can play the challenge |
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Eight off (by Finnegan - 13 Feb 21, 18:23) |
Hi Derek, Eight off isn't working. Just the green background with no cards. Jaime aka Finnegan |
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Free Cell Points (by rwolfert - 14 Feb 21, 7:42) |
Not avaiable? |
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new contender or old nuisance? (by shucha - 14 Feb 21, 11:56) |
Today's challenge leaderboard is topped by one of the two. Call me a skeptic, but rarely does a new player suddenly appear at the top...especially by such a wide margin over the established top players (not me - today was one of my lucky days). If my suspicion is not warranted, then ikan will have my apologies, but my guess is that we will see ikan winning the daily challenge for several days without appearing in the normal game, and then Derek will banish them for the umpteenth time. |
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Another glitch (by Rayisback - 14 Feb 21, 13:55) |
At the risk of being a nuisance, I'll call attention to a new glitch in the Minibridge daily challenge which just happened. East is declarer at 2 diamonds and needs the last two tricks to make contract. North leads a club, East sloughs, I trump high with my last trump, and dummy plays his last low trump. I then lead an off suit which holds for the setting trick. If dummy had sloughed on my winning trump, it would have taken the last trick with its low trump to fulfill the contract. I guess sometimes dummy really is a dummy. |
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Derek, have I been cloned?? (by sewista - 14 Feb 21, 14:56) |
yesterday somebody called "sewista" posted to the forum about being locked out of the yubotu game, with the message that you've already played today. funny thing, that was not me who posted the message!! and yet, I too have been getting the sorry, you already played message a couple of times this week when I had not played. And I don't think it was from double-clicking, because I've been successfully playing challenges for years. Is there another person using the "sewista" handle? if so, maybe that's why whoever gets to Yubotu second is getting sorry messages. (I'd like to think of myself as the original sewista......) |
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Points Challenge: Zoomdoku? (by FatFingers - 14 Feb 21, 18:45) |
DKM. Have you thought about integrating Points Challenge and video/zoom? PC seems to be less game and more social media. Thoughts? |
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not loading (by meredith - 15 Feb 21, 10:47) |
unable to join game |
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flash is a terrible loss (by jgangi - 15 Feb 21, 21:29) |
html version does not work nearly so well as flash. |
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not loading (by Meryl - 17 Feb 21, 6:21) |
Still not loading - what's the problem? |
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Jeff goes crazy (by BlueWombat - 17 Feb 21, 14:38) |
So after JeffGamer's winning score in CodeWords of 0 seconds, Jeff has now scored over a 1,000 in the Word Zap Daily Challenge, which is about 200 higher than anything I've ever ever seen before. We all know you live on a different planet to the rest of us, but just how did you do that? Awesome. BW |
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Hats off to Rattie (by ctuchel - 17 Feb 21, 14:44) |
1325 in the Challenge today is some score. I thought my 940 was going to be a little short but not 400 short! Well done indeed. Is that a record? |
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Texas players please check in (by akimbo - 18 Feb 21, 10:34) |
Texas is frozen! I hope everyone is going to be okay. |
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Spider cards won't move (by holly - 18 Feb 21, 16:36) |
When I open Spider the cards won't move. |
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Chat (by mindy - 18 Feb 21, 23:23) |
This evening I played Netz for the first time. Why doesn’t chat carry over to the next game? Chat from the previous game disappears when the next games starts. |
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Curse words (by kayrod66 - 19 Feb 21, 15:55) |
Goodness gracious.... 2 were quite obvious in the easy puzzle for 2/19/2021. |
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unfair play or clever collusion? (by socks - 19 Feb 21, 20:47) |
Perhaps ffejrem and MSS88 would like to enlighten us as to how, and more importantly why, they play together. It is clearly an advantage. Is there a reason this should be considered fair? |
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what time of day does the new daily Sudoku puzzle appear? (by deana - 24 Feb 21, 8:53) |
I usually play pretty early in the am, and recently, Ive been getting the same puzzle I did the previous day. |
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Yes Adobe Flash is Sorely MIssed! Please Read On... (by JigzaJamer - 01 Mar 21, 19:00) |
I understand that it was Adobe that has retired their Flash Program, which was a stupid move on their part. It was the smoothest running program and made life much more pleasant. Our Loss! It would be nice though if someone at dkgames could search around and try to find another program to use other than HTML... The puzzle pieces sometime are missing the edges of their image, and these are pieces that are in the middle of the playing field (and Yes I do have the full screen open), and the grip and movement of pieces is slow and stiff. It makes working your puzzles slow and cumbersome, and is also very frustrating when playing a game where you are racing the clock. it take the enjoyment out of what was once a very relaxing and pleasant experience. Hopefully your "People" can find a better operating program for your games in the future. Your Gamer's would truly appreciate it. Thank you... |
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questionable words (by shucha - 01 Mar 21, 19:11) |
Hi, Derek, I'll throw this out there, and you can decide. "Gook" - first definition that comes up is derogatory term for Vietnamese and sometimes other South Asians. Now: I also know this word as a substitute for "gunk" so I'd be OK with leaving it...BUT..."coon" is gone, even though this also has a legit use as a shortening of "raccoon." So, if the reasoning for taking "coon" out of the game stands, then "gook" would have to go, too. I personally don't care either way, but I could easily see either being offensive without context. |
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Updated bots (by dkmGames - 03 Mar 21, 0:58) |
I have spent a large amount of time totally rewriting the bot artificial intelligence and I think they now play a strong game. Let me know what you think - obviously you need to play a number of hands first to be able to judge. The choosing of what type of game to play has not changed but the card play logic has. |
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Hate the sound (by Alitex - 03 Mar 21, 13:32) |
I love the feedback "Click" sound when placing a word, but really, really, hate the "kat-cheen", old-fashion register sound at the end! Otherwise, I love the game! |
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Fuzzy graphics (by Sandrider - 04 Mar 21, 16:09) |
I read the comments about jigsaw commenting on the loss of crisp definition and it sounds similar to my experience with Shisen. I don't play jigsaw and it's been years (maybe 6 or 7) since I noticed blurry pieces when I played Shisen with others. I know I mentioned it in the chat, but no-one else seemed to notice any change. I therefore concluded that it was because I was using Windows XP and was not able to access updates. I stopped playing Shisen, because it was not fun when I had to struggle to see the tiles. However, I got a new laptop last year and still find the pieces on that game blurry. Mahjong, with the same pieces, has always had crisp definition. Both games' graphics are unchanged since the loss of Flash, so I have no idea. I'm not sure what I expect from posting this other than to let Ray know that I believe him. (Derick, I'm still using Firefox because I resist change) Sandrider, formerly Grammargirl |
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update on smoother motion of play (Please read on) (by JigzaJamer - 07 Mar 21, 1:13) |
In doing more searching and playing around I have discovered that when I use my Mozilla Browser and play Jigsaw, the motion is ruff and sticky. But I did discover that if I use my Google Browser instead and play Jigsaw the whole thing runs smoother, I can grip the pieces easily and move smoothly around the board. I can once again enjoy playing Jigsaw and relax and chill with the game and have fun again. So if you are having the same problems I described in my earlier post, please try using Google Browser and see if this helps you too. Good luck, hope this helps... :) |
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A way to get more choices of pieces d sizes.. (by gleefulJ - 07 Mar 21, 4:28) |
I use win 10 d Edge. I start the game with about 90% or under . This way allows you more choices of pieces up to 200 up. Then change to 100% . Now you can use the wheel of your mouse to choose the size you want ,and the back ground becomes to a tray which can be moved and allows you to get 100%up , the size you prefer. You may try this with Chrome or others. Hope this can help some. By the way,you have to start with 90% first to get more choices,then start the game ,then change the size. |
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Help (by ewesername - 07 Mar 21, 21:57) |
Hello All! Today's (sunday's) puzzle begins in a hotel room it appears. I cannot figure out how to determine where we are without leaving the room. However I also cannot figure out how to leave the room. Could anyone give me any pointers how to proceed when this happens? Thanks! I am loving this game, |
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Educational & fun! (by fujamadook - 10 Mar 21, 13:15) |
I have recently taken up playing Mapit (after recently discovering that I have the ability to move!). When I get a perfect score, which has only happened once or twice, I'm over the moon! Apart from being a fun game, it has also given me a glimpse of various parts of our planet I've never visited. I've just discovered 'Google translate from image'. A really user friendly phone app. What a bonus. Using that, I can sometimes get through the places in less than 2 hours!! I wonder if it would be possible to rate the daily random puzzles - easy, medium etc? That way I'd have an idea how long I need to put aside for it. Just a thought. By the way, love love love your website. I try to get to it very day, rain hail or shine. It's not unusual to see me racing through the challenges at 3am if I've had a busy day! Many thanks. |
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Formations (by PJM - 13 Mar 21, 8:11) |
Finally, today is the original formation!!! I know the new changing formations are popular but I have to say I have thoroughly missed the original layout. The others just don't do it for me and I don't enjoy them nearly as much. The original is more difficult for me and today when it again led me down a dead-end, I wasn't frustrated. It's a challenge to beat it. The new ones, to me, are "enh." |
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Already Played? (by elkster - 15 Mar 21, 6:24) |
Hi Derek, I have had the same problem two days in a row. I generally play the daily game before the Challenge... but then when I started the Challenge, it told me that I already played. I had not mistakenly gone to the Challenge first, so hmmmmm? Any ideas why this would happen? Thanks elkster |
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SPADES (by flygirl33 - 18 Mar 21, 8:17) |
I love the card game Spades. However, as I see it, there are two main problems. The first is that all the computer players can lead spades before they are broken, but, the real person cannot. The second is the lack of awareness of the computer partner to what the bid is. E.G., let's say the bid is to take 7 tricks. We have taken 6 and, I, as the real player, play the Ace of Spades to win the seventh trick. In reality my partner would play their highest spade remaining on my Ace. In this game, however, my computer partner plays their lowest spade. On a following trick they play their higher ones, which leads to taking too many tricks. Is there any way to fix these issues? Thanks, Flygirl |
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Challenge -- number of words found? (by jeffgamer - 19 Mar 21, 0:18) |
Hey, Derek! Usually...unless I've been hallucinating for years...when I finish the challenge, it says the score, the total number of points possible, and the number of words found out of the number of words that were available. Today (3/19/21) I noticed that the only info provided was the total points. Is there a change in the system? And is there any way I can find out how many words I found? I think I may have zipped along fast enough to break my all-time word-count records but I don't know how many I actually got! |
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Triplet, pairs and jigsaw not responding (by loverboy - 19 Mar 21, 12:48) |
While trying to download triplets, pairs and jigsaw they are not responding. Not even the time. I cleared cache and cookies. |
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Dojo Sweep - Jeffgamer (by Bobo7777 - 20 Mar 21, 11:23) |
Jeffgamer, Honor was restored to my dojo yesterday. For the first time I won the Ferret challenge on three consecutive days (Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday)... thus sweeping the leaderboard. My daughter said I can now return to the dojo. I challenge you to accomplish the Dojo Sweep (i doubt I will ever be able to do it again, the competition is so very hard). Good luck ferreters! |
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Outstanding 1349 (by ctuchel - 20 Mar 21, 20:09) |
Well done Rattie today. |
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Highlight available matches at end of round (by Shebo - 21 Mar 21, 4:00) |
Derek, would it be possible to highlight the available matches left over at the end of each round in the "Play with others" Shisen game? |
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totally clueless! (by fujamadook - 21 Mar 21, 23:38) |
How did you people work out todays maps? On the first one the only writing I could see was 'LAWN". On another, I couldn't leave what seemed to be a bar. How did you do it? I'd love to know! |
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Surprise layout (by Rayisback - 25 Mar 21, 19:07) |
In today's Minibridge challenge East was declarer as usual on the fourth hand, but East's hand was displayed. I waited for a moment for North to lead, thinking perhaps the usual rotation wasn't in effect, but I finally had to lead. As soon as I did, East's cards disappeared and West's cards appeared. It didn't help me. I still lost miserably, but sounds like a hiccup in the system. |
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Seems to be Broken (by Jack49 - 26 Mar 21, 9:11) |
Unable to get Map It working today. I get a black screen. Also it appears that nobody completed the maps today. Please investigate. |
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unfair scoring in challenge (by Rayisback - 26 Mar 21, 15:16) |
I don't know how long the program has been set this way, but in challenge, when I contract for a part-score I have to make 8 tricks (2 over the base number). When the bots are the declarers, they only have to make 7 tricks to fulfill their contract. Not only is it harder for live players to make their part score contracts, but we get fewer points than the bots for doing so. I think this should be fixed. |
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Missing Pieces (by mindy - 26 Mar 21, 17:39) |
Just did the daily but not all pieces were showing. I was able to assemble the puzzle with all the pieces I was given but there were gaps in the puzzle and no more pieces left to use. Tried the puzzle again and same thing but different missing pieces than the first time. |
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Not grabbing the correct pieces (by mallen70 - 27 Mar 21, 18:56) |
Something new happened today. As I started to solve the daily challenge puzzle, when I clicked on the piece I wanted to move, an entirely different piece started moving across the screen. I tried several pieces and this was happening every time. It was fairly random as to which piece was moving, making it impossible to solve the puzzle quickly because I never knew which piece I was grabbing when I clicked. This also happened on the mystery puzzle. |
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Can somebody explain that score?! (by Conan - 29 Mar 21, 14:08) |
I see in today's Challenge scores list that Tinuviel scored -55:0-15. How is that possible? |
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red marked but ok (by carmen51 - 31 Mar 21, 17:47) |
several times i notice 2 area wrong by check and after adjusting 1 area it popup solved |
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Ripped off! (by fujamadook - 05 Apr 21, 4:56) |
Today I took a record 6 hours to complete the puzzles (just the Mapit!) attaining a perfect score. I was 8th but there were only 2 players listed. Needless to say, I wasn't one of them. Why so? |
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Curious Word Definitions (by lynxx - 06 Apr 21, 2:36) |
Too often the definition for a word is not very accurate. It almost seems that the definitions are not very specific. This makes it a real guessing game. Is anyone else bothered by this, or am I simply being cranky? "tape for video cassette" is "videocassette" "become more liberal" is "liberalize" "inquire for (information)" is "request" "devoid of intelligence" is "fatuous" "hold sacred" is "saint" " " |
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See-through pieces (by akimbo - 07 Apr 21, 10:05) |
I have some see-through pieces while doing the daily mystery challenge puzzle. I thought maybe they were the same color as my background color, so I changed that. But the pieces are still see-through. I have taken a screen shot. It seems to only be the bottom edge pieces so far. |
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Ipad sound (by ffejsrem - 09 Apr 21, 20:56) |
Have you made any adjustment lately, derek? I’m not getting any sound on my iPad. Have tried two different iPads... |
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Cheating?? (by Treb - 11 Apr 21, 10:35) |
Todays scores haave pk1, rpk and rpk1. Somebody trying as many times as it takes to win??? |
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"Yesterday" images (by tsii - 11 Apr 21, 12:45) |
Whould be nice to have a tumb image for the day before images, perhaps where going to yesterday coments. |
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The puzzle I saved is vanished (by gleefulJ - 11 Apr 21, 20:32) |
The puzzle I saved last week is gone. How come? I use Win 10 and Edge. |
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The puzzle is gone after pause a while (by gleefulJ - 14 Apr 21, 15:51) |
My unfinished daily puzzle is gone after a short pause. The screen shows the puzzle ready to be played . Same as other puzzle, just can't pause a few minute anymore. |
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slow response (by carmen51 - 15 Apr 21, 6:30) |
recently regular i see waiting for and some times it seems endless. why we need to refresh if u can refresh and clear cache |
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Yesterday's heroes (by kayrod66 - 15 Apr 21, 9:29) |
Gotta be on all 3 top lists: For April 14, 2021 gold: johnnymac 2 - 3 - 3 total of 8 silver: someguy 5 - 4 - 1 total of 10 bronze: pickles 4 - 4- 4 total of 13 honourable mention to me for this listing effort... 6 4 6 - 20 total a welcome to Boribori for tearing it up on the 2 boards, but you gotta run the gauntlet of the hard one :D |
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not working (by wormguts - 15 Apr 21, 19:15) |
am not able to play - new window Play with others, search engine keeps flashing under firefox |
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Ads between games (by Sandrider - 17 Apr 21, 14:17) |
After upgrading to whatever the last update from Windows was, I get advertising when I switch from one game to another. For example when I leave forum, I will get an advertisemet in the middle of my screen which I must close before I can get to the game. It's not that inconvenient, since it doesn't impair my ability to play the games, but it does seem odd that this site is the only place I get these ads. Is this something that others experience, or do I have some kind of virus? In the past, I have seen complaints about pop-up ads on this site but I have never had a problem with that. My games are not interrupted, but I did wonder if anyone else has experienced these ads when switching games. |
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new high? (by johnnymac - 19 Apr 21, 20:28) |
Scampy - great job getting to 6145 yesterday. I haven't been keeping track (feature request - personal high scores?) but I think I saw 6130 once. You're raising the bar so high I may just have to take an extended break from freecell. Well done. |
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2 possible solutions (by jampots - 26 Apr 21, 19:21) |
I’ve just played a round of word sudoku ( ate, banjo,...) and it had 2 possible answers as I had placed all the words but the clock didn’t stop. There were two locations for placing the horizontal word ‘ old’. This hasn’t happened to me before so I don’t know if others have come across it. I took some screenshots when I replayed it check I wasn’t imagining things! |
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cheating (by bream - 28 Apr 21, 7:32) |
just to let everyone know, bream1 is nothing to do with me. I would like the moderator to find out who it is. |
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"Shout Out!" for Skeeter (by BubbaBird - 29 Apr 21, 9:19) |
I can't throw a party, but I can do a "Shout Out!" for Skeeter getting a 7100 score this morning. I think she said "wow", but I can be the one with horns blaring and get the party hats on. BubbaBird (who will one day catch up to you!) |
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lucky guess or weird happenings? (by jampots - 30 Apr 21, 13:12) |
not really sure how i managed full marks on today's Mapit Challenge. Without giving much away to those still to attempt it, I had very little to go on to locate the Cinema, just a rather vague overall area. Not feeling inclined to spend much longer on the search, i just stuck the pin in a random spot and to my astonishment i was 0 miles from the target and received full points! but when i crossed checked the answer back into Google Maps, i couldn't find any cinema or similar marked in that area at all, nor any little blue circles. How did you other top-scorers find the location? Or did i just strike lucky with a game-glitch (which makes up for the previous times when i have been spot-on, but failed to receive full-marks)? |
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what a nice day! (by sewista - 03 May 21, 15:02) |
today's mapit was pretty spectacular -- never had to "drive" more than three pops to get the right location! Even the private photographer view in India, which was out-of-focus, was easy to solve. This makes up for a lot of hours spent driving around unmarked roads in Bulgaria. |
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Getting rid of pencil mode (by quintokid - 04 May 21, 15:59) |
How do you get rid of pencil mode or set it so that it's not toggling? |
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Average Score different from end of game to stats page (by Whynd - 05 May 21, 19:00) |
The average score shown at the end of my games is always lower than my average score as shown on the stats page. What causes this discrepancy? |
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Missing command (by Rayisback - 08 May 21, 16:55) |
There used to be something I could click in jigsaw to change the shape of the pieces. I'm not finding it now. Is that something that was lost in the Adobe loss? |
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Ikons - Definition? (by Bobo7777 - 10 May 21, 7:54) |
I was playing a round of Word Ruffle and got stumped on the final word, 5 letters. It turned out the answer was ikons (there was no 4 letter word ikon, only the 5 letter plural). Since the word icon/s has singular and plural, i doubt ikon with a "k" is just an unusual spelling of icon with a "c". Google wasn't much help to me, so any ideas as to what "ikons" is? Thanks, Bobo7777 |
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Green Room "fun time" tomorrow Noon Eastern USA time (by eastham09 - 11 May 21, 17:01) |
One of the regulars - aha - I think Mindy - mentioned that there will be a fun time gathering of addicts, for an hour. Hope to be there; hope to see you there. J |
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SpeedyBot (by terrij - 13 May 21, 10:17) |
why is SpeedyBot one of the players in the public game |
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Impossibly high scores in daily challenge (by annlacko - 14 May 21, 4:04) |
This question has probably been asked before, but how in the world can 'Cardenal60' get a score 18677 in yesterday's hard puzzle, or 'phatporn' get 16704? May I assume that these people have an alternate account, solve the puzzle there and then enter the correct answers in record time under their 'I am the best and will win' account? How fast would you have to enter the answers anyway to get those monster scores? |
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cheaters? (by fujamadook - 15 May 21, 1:10) |
How do you know if someone has cheated? How do you know if it's a private photo? I hope you've all noticed that I've had a couple of perfect scores lately! Haha! If I finish in under 2 hours it must be an easy day! |
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How long have I been playing? History of DKM (by eastham09 - 15 May 21, 13:06) |
Annlacko pinged a thought when writing (in sudoku cheating) "I've played on your site for about 10 years" - so maybe you (Derek) could give a brief history of how long you've had the site up and running and (maybe) a list of players with 5, 10 or more years of participation. I know I speak for a lot of players when I say "Thank you for your dedication and expertise in keeping so many of us engaged and learning." |
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Challenge not available (by Rayisback - 17 May 21, 13:02) |
When I tried to play the Minibridge challenge today I got a message "Challenge not available". I tried it a second time and got the message "Already played today". I'm not a great bridge player, but I enjoy the competition of the challenge. Anyone else have this problem today? |
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Apparently the challenge was easy! (by wordsmith - 18 May 21, 7:59) |
Wow, 51 people made it to first place in Monday's challenge (5/17/2021). That might be a record. Thank goodness I was one of them, lol. |
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can't post to forum (by sewista - 19 May 21, 13:49) |
I have tried twice to post a reply to one of the forum posts, and it allows me to type it in and hit "post message," but the reply does not show up. on occasion this has happened to me before, but then time will pass and I will be able to post again. ???? |
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why did I disappear? (by sewista - 22 May 21, 17:28) |
I did the Map It random earlier in the day and got 5500, and I think I was posted on the leaderboard. When I look at the results several hours later, I am not listed. The system knows that I have already played, because it won't let me access the random again. ???? |
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Well done! (by annlacko - 23 May 21, 5:44) |
You just have to love it when in the daily Sudoku challenge, upon finally finishing the easy puzzle after more than 10 minutes with a score of zero, you get a big, red 'Well done!' I wish I would have received the same encouraging remark in my school days. ;) |
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Auto Show Errors (by Sedma - 25 May 21, 6:34) |
Is it possible to add Auto Show Errors in Hanidoku? |
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Challenge didn't record score today (by jeffgamer - 26 May 21, 4:40) |
Hmm. I played Word Ferret's daily challenge about 15 minutes ago...scored a 424 or 428, but it didn't record it on the listing of players for today. It's not that I wasn't logged in...I was...and it recorded my scores for Word Ruffle and Yubotu when I played them right afterward. It also looks like there are fewer people who have attempted today's challenge at this point than normal, so I'm wondering if that's happened to other players today as well...? |
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Keyboard option (by Bobo7777 - 26 May 21, 9:24) |
Is it possible that the paddle in Bricks can be operated via directional buttons on the keyboard? I play on a laptop, so using the built in "mouse" makes playing Bricks at a high level extremely challenging. Thanks in advance for the consideration. Bobo. |
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Can't enter numbers in challenge (by shucha - 26 May 21, 10:27) |
Hi, Derek, I waited until it happened for three days straight, and I can't find the problem on my own...when I enter the suguru challenge, nothing happens when I enter numbers. I also can't switch from pen to's like the only thing that's working is the clock. Well, not quite...I can click on a square and make it highlighted, but nothing else. Any suggestions? Thank you!! |
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Offensive name (by fujamadook - 26 May 21, 10:38) |
screwthis, how about changing your name to something less offensive? I cringe every time I see it. Does anyone else have a problem with this. There are a few names that I'm not crazy about but this is the only one that bothers me to the point of posting about it. I find it really disrespectful to all players. |
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Bridge teaching (by dkmGames - 26 May 21, 22:31) |
I have been working with a very experienced Bridge teacher in NY and have developed what I think is some very nice software for Bridge teachers to teach online and offline. It allows the creation of curated hands that can be documented with walkthroughs which users can then use to learn and practice in their own time. Do any of you know Bridge teachers that may be interested? Or are you an experienced Bridge player and would like to contribute hands to a teaching library? If so please email me at |
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numbers locked (by judithweaver - 28 May 21, 2:46) |
Something's gone wrong with Suguru for me. I can access the puzzle and choose a square but cannot place a number in it - it just doesn't respond. I tried "edit" and when I pressed there the last number I had tried to place in the square appeared, but no way of placing more than one number in the square. The problem is in both challenge and play. It's been going on for three days now - I hoped it would clear itself but it hasn't. I haven't had problems with any other puzzles, and Suguru is one of my favourites! |
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Timed Suguru challenge? (by CormacOS - 06 Jun 21, 22:46) |
Hi. Thanks for all the wonderful games. There's something about Suguru though that makes it especially enjoyable. I've been playing it here for a while now and it still throws up surprises and arrangements where it definitely seems no progress is possible. Some players must be looking at the daily challenge in another account, and solving it there first, to get the really low times. Good luck to them, but where's the challenge in that? Some times are so fast (even 0 seconds showing up now) that they must be hacked or computer aided. Perhaps have another daily challenge that becomes available at a certain time of day and your score is measured from that time. It would at least foil the second account people. The starting time could rotate to be available for all time zones. Just a thought. Thanks again. |
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End Game (by JAZZ - 10 Jun 21, 17:06) |
Too many times to recall I will hit "END" instead of "ENTER" in my haste to move the game at a clip. My keyboard has END and ENTER juxtaposed. It's frustrating. Any chance we could include a warning, "Do you really want to end the game? before END OF GAME message? |
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New window not pausing when not active (by Conan - 12 Jun 21, 17:13) |
Hello, In the past, if I had started a Sudoku game in a new window and I was forced to attend to something incredibly less important, switching to that other window would automatically pause my game. Now, I'm no longer seeing that happen - the timer keeps going, even though the Sudoku game's separate window is no longer active. In contrast, when I am playing a Shisen Challenge game and I have to switch to another window, the Shisen Challenge game will pause until I return to that window and click therein. Is there a way to restore this auto-pause function to the Sudoku new window game? Thanks much! -=CC=- P.S. I am using the Chrome browser on a Windows 10 PC. |
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Addictive game (by annlacko - 15 Jun 21, 15:07) |
I recently discovered the fun of playing 'Map It'. Given the fact that my husband and I love to travel, it's a surprise that it took me this long to discover this joy. I try to play it at night before going to bed if I still have the energy. Unlike Word Ruffle or Sudoku Challenge, my other two dailies, there is no telling in advance how long 5 rounds of the daily random will take to finish. I should maybe not try to pin the location down to the meter, knowing that one could be off by one km and still get all the points. How long does it typically take the regulars to play the daily random? I am very pleased if I can do it in half an hour, but more often than not I lose track of time and spend the better part of an hour. |
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Updated Leaderboard (by Near - 16 Jun 21, 14:19) |
Hi, Yesterday I got a score of 83000 (on the dot), yet I don't see my name on the leaderboard. I played again today and after getting 2048 (my score was around 21000, i intentionally died, and still my name doesn't appear. I like that all time leaderboard is now an option, but does it only show the list of when you ended it, or will it eventually show new high scores for us new players. Thanks, Near |
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Public Jigsaw Mulitiplayer (by Matilda27 - 17 Jun 21, 14:52) |
It is not allowing me to make a public jigsaw multiplayer game. I click the public button but there is no way to join or create a room for doing jigsaws with people. |
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The correct answer is WHAT ?? (by lynxx - 19 Jun 21, 4:19) |
I enjoy the daily Acrostic puzzle because the clues are is so delightfully vague and confusing. The definitions of puzzle words are apparently compiled by non-English speaking persons. Many definitions are scrambled by tense, randomly conflate verbs and nouns, and sometimes contain just plain incorrect descriptions. This serves to add a whole new dimension of surprise to solving the puzzle. Please don't change a thing -- it's a wonderful mental exercise. |
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iOS (by klapka - 20 Jun 21, 7:05) |
Years ago I bought this on App store, as a way to support the site, and have played it a *lot* on my phone , but now it won't load and needs an update. Are you going to work on one? You're obviously not in this for the money but I'm sure many people on this site would be happy to buy mobile options of their favourite games. Not least because playing without ads is such a relief. |
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144 today's puzzle (by Serendipity - 20 Jun 21, 13:50) |
What does the message mean Can't solve but may be a solution from here. Help please |
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Crazy Eights (by jeffwg - 20 Jun 21, 17:16) |
Sam is a cheater. I will play an eight and pick hearts, say, and Sam plays a 7 of clubs. This has happened several times. Weird. |
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Game pausing by itself (by AmyStroop - 21 Jun 21, 9:19) |
I'm sure this isn't a DKM issue. It's probably a windows update. I'm just wondering if anyone else is having (or had) this problem and what you did to fix it. As you know when you pause word search your score doesn't count. So my issue is that when I'm actively playing that game it pauses itself. Kind of irritating. It started happening yesterday. Any ideas? I googled it and came up with nothing relevant. |
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Is this even possible? (by iluvbassets - 22 Jun 21, 2:13) |
Superhot3000 supposedly scored 34 seconds in today's challenge is that even possible? I know I am desperately slow, but solving the thing in 34 seconds just seems undoable to me... |
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Playing close to DKM day flip...which puzzle? (by shucha - 23 Jun 21, 23:34) |
Last night I screwed up and started the Word Ferret challenge about 3 minutes before the DKM day rolls over (11 PM my time, fwiw). My score was the first to show up on the next day's leaderboard. My question: if I start the puzzle at 10:57 but finish at 11:02, do I get the previous day's challenge or the next day's? In this case, the leaderboards were about the same range, but if I played a board with relatively lots of words in this time slot, I could conceivably have a score ridiculously higher than others, if the next day's board was lean on words and the challenge doesn't flip at 5 minutes til the new day starts. Just wondering. |
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Friday's game (by Lottie1001 - 25 Jun 21, 18:58) |
Am I the only person struggling with the Daily Challenge today? After many, many attempts I finally found a solution, but apparently it's the wrong one! :-( |
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New game (by dkmGames - 26 Jun 21, 2:33) |
I have decided to release an experimental version of SpeedCross, called MegaCross. It's 100 boards joined together. Idea is to build collaboratively on the same board. Feedback and suggestions for rules, scoring changes welcome. |
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Strange bot play (by Rayisback - 27 Jun 21, 9:58) |
Occasionally I can outsmart the bots in the competitive bridge game, but a play I just witnessed has to be some kind of glitch or programming error. East was declarer at 2 Diamonds, and I led a low club. West discarded the Ace of Spades on my lead, although several trumps were available, and the contract eventually went down one. Not a brilliant opening lead from me, but what caused dummy to discard the Spade Ace? |
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I give up! (by fujamadook - 27 Jun 21, 11:39) |
I surrender! Todays' first puzzle has me stumped! The only writing I can see is on a banana box but googling that gets me nowhere. Next I try googling the name of the photographer but that also takes me nowhere. I haven't looked yet but I'll bet there are perfect scores. How did you do it?? |
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being quiet (by Friday31 - 28 Jun 21, 18:41) |
To all the amazing Word Ferret players: I would like to wish all those who win their round of Word Ferret a well done and a good game! During play, I use my mouse and only use my keyboard on rare occasions. I am not sitting within easy reach of my keyboard and because I am prone to backaches which come on slowly or rather suddenly, sometimes it hurts too much to lean upwards to congratulate. When I am lucky enough to win the round, again, I may not say "thanks" when I am being congratulated, but I am indeed very thankful :) I wanted to explain why there are periods where I'm not chatting at all and periods where I am chatting probably too much! I look forward to playing my favorite Word Ferret with all of you. |
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Missing score (by shucha - 01 Jul 21, 10:10) |
No big deal, but I don't make the leaderboards all that often...I scored 605 on WordZap today, which would have been 4th on the daily board (currently)...but the score failed to register. I checked that I was logged in. I guess I got to brag here, so I'll call that good enough ;) Thanks again for all you do, Derek! |
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Pencil icon on phone (by phoenix - 02 Jul 21, 12:58) |
Hi Derek. On the phone version of towers can you move the pencil icon away from the "new" button? They're so close together that when going for the pencil it's too easy to accidentally hit new and lose all input. Thanks |
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pink pencil numbers coming on (by Maryh - 04 Jul 21, 17:02) |
Hi Derek, I enjoy the sudoku points game very much, but I'm having trouble with the pink pencil numbers coming on constantly today, can you give me some help here, many thanks, Mary Heaney |
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100 point challenge (by shucha - 09 Jul 21, 17:20) |
After seeing Rattie's incredible daily average today (I assume, Rattie, that you won't keep playing and lower it!), I am throwing down a gauntlet: Can anyone reach a daily average of 100 points? I know that it's possible, but it would require some good luck in tile draws and some serendipity in board opportunities. I'd love to see it! |
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Missing score (by klapka - 11 Jul 21, 6:41) |
I played for at least 20 moves, and put several distincitve words down. Then I played a word which neither scored nor was rejected. I recalled the tiles (thinking someone might have played where I was going) but they wouldn't come back. So I exited and re-entered. My tile set was the same (i.e reflecting how my hand had evolved) but my words were missing. the two I could be most certain of (survey and stringed) could be removed and not leave any invalid words. My cumulative score showed an unchnaged number of plays from yesterday. I can't be sure if any that would have caused this stayed on. I logged out of dkm and logged back in, pressed F5. All no effect. |
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Bot play really elevated (by dkmGames - 13 Jul 21, 21:18) |
I have been able to significantly increase the bot intelligence. No more silly plays - the bots will not be giving up needless tricks anymore. Also, let me know if you are able to defeat any of their declarer contracts. |
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glitch (by zenn - 21 Jul 21, 0:27) |
Playing the challenge today, the game glitched and overlapping tiles appeared. It worked for a couple more shots anyway and then it froze. |
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Congratulations Shebo (by phoenix - 23 Jul 21, 21:58) |
You did well on the towers challenge today! I keep trying but having a hard time improving my scores. |
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Map it (by tt - 24 Jul 21, 9:59) |
Last two guesses today blank for me What am I doing wrong? |
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Scoring change suggestion (by shucha - 26 Jul 21, 0:04) |
Currently, the bonus for using all 7 of a player's tiles in one play is 50 points. That's the same bonus as making just 4 words in one play. I know I've not played as much as a few others, but I'm pretty sure that it's easier to make 4 words in one play than it is to play all 7 tiles in one play. But here's my real reason for pushing to raise the bonuses for # of tiles played and possibly lower it for # of words played: the current scoring setup encourages unbalanced play. That is: in order to have openings for 3- and 4-word plays, there usually needs to be some long words with minimal intersections. Current scoring encourages shorter words with multiple intersections. I feel that boosting the bonuses for long words and possibly reducing bonuses for number of words would help balance the kinds of plays being made to keep boards interesting for all kinds of players. The way I play (for high-scoring, multiple-intersection words) must be frustrating to players who want to make long words. Heck, it's frustrating to me...I make my own game environment unsustainable for the kinds of plays I want. That's my $.02 worth for tonight! |
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Fuzzerooni doesnʻt like me (by katze - 30 Jul 21, 3:58) |
Last night around 2:30am central time, I am playing this game (its just me and fuzzerooni) and all of a sudden I look at the chat box and Fuzzerooni states: "Did you ever wonder why people donʻt like to play with you?" I answered that "I never knew that, why?" Instead of answering me he/she went away. I was left a little dumbstruck. First of all, I never thought of when playing Freecell that people are playing with me, I felt like they are playing at the same time as me. So if Fuzzerooni and the people he/she speaks for would like to explain it to me, and it is a legitimate complaint, I am definitely okay with looking at change or perhaps give you an explanation of my actions if I feel it is warranted. I got to say though, with everything going on in this world, why canʻt we just be nice to each other? |
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Glitch (by shucha - 03 Aug 21, 14:08) |
Not a huge deal, but I'll describe it so that it's out there: I had tiles on the board, but not submitted (couldn't make the word work). Before I hit recall, Rattie played a word that overlapped one of my tiles, so when I hit recall, I saw "iot" when the play-by-play part at the bottom told me that he had played "riot". A bit later, I had "rea" down, but needed to add to it to make it a word. I put u on top to make "urea", but I knew it wouldn't work because the (invisible to me) r from Rattie's "riot" would make "uru", which isn't a word. Lo and behold - it worked! Then, when I left the room and came back, "uru" was there...the r became visible but the word was still there. I'm guessing that this is the same kind of glitch that allows floating groups of words...branches that aren't attached to the first word by any chain. Regardless, seriously enjoying it, Derek! |
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Weird Changes (by karl123 - 12 Aug 21, 11:15) |
Recently, my jigsaws have been changing in the middle of solving the puzzles. They go into some kind of magnification, which hides part of the puzzle pieces. I have to do all kinds of manipulation in order to see all the pieces. I have taken to the habit of closing in the pieces from one side and top and bottom, and that doesn't always work. It will do an even higher magnification, then...maybe...will go back to normal, all in one game. What's going on? I've been playing for years. |
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What a treat! (by fujamadook - 12 Aug 21, 11:27) |
What a treat in Map It today. No Russia & no Japan!! |
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DKM Facebook (by mindy - 17 Aug 21, 10:44) |
I'm not able to post on the DKM Games Facebook page. Have the settings been changed? |
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Multi-user server down? (by BlueWombat - 18 Aug 21, 10:29) |
Has the multi-user server gone down? Trying to connect to "Play with others" and it hangs and says it can't connect. Same for Ruffle. Is it just me? BW |
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can't load games (by birdgirl - 18 Aug 21, 16:50) |
Having trouble loading games. Says trying to connect but never does. Not having problems with any other game. |
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annoying "Word Ruffle" Rectangle running over boxes (by BubbaBird - 18 Aug 21, 18:04) |
There is an annoying little rectangle "Word Ruffle" that is running in the middle of the screen. In fact, I have it sitting in the middle of this page that I am typing on right now. It is somewhere in the middle of the page, a small white rectangle about 3/4 inches by 1/4 inch with the words "Word Ruffle" encaptioned within. It does not move with the mouse, Seems like when I type it goes under the rectangle, as if there is a background and a foreground... I guess it's okay to be annoyed. There are serious things happening in the world right now, so this is very minor compared to that. |
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number of pieces (by bowser - 18 Aug 21, 22:41) |
i like to do puzzles with 252 (or more) pieces. it would be helpful if you could add the number of pieces to the search criteria list. could be a number range, with the highest choice equal or greater than 252. what do you thjnk? |
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Still can't connect to server (by shazzle - 18 Aug 21, 23:15) |
I have tried clearing cached browser history on both Chrome and Samsung Internet but I still get the cannot connect message for word ferret multilplayer. Any further suggestions? |
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Not working - have refreshed (by pk1 - 19 Aug 21, 10:57) |
Mahjong not working for a few days. Have refreshed by pressing the circle. Will try the F5 key, but wondered if others have issues also? |
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Crazy Eights (by Arttrot - 21 Aug 21, 13:41) |
What’s up with the bot being able to play a different suit than what I call after playing an eight? |
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Entering a word right at the end (by theprisoner - 21 Aug 21, 18:23) |
In solo play, if you enter a word just as the timer runs out, the final score and list of words not found is not displayed. There is no way to retrieve it. It would be nice if there was a button that would show it because that is the only chance you get to see how well you have done. |
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Problem with speed cross (by rwolfert - 22 Aug 21, 6:34) |
Doesn't open for play with others? |
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Rewards (by pppenguin - 22 Aug 21, 7:51) |
To Derek- I play Trickster Cards and they have reward chips (No cash value) for competitive play Have you considered adding this feature? They also sell chips for minimum amounts, but realize that’s a level up with accepting credit cards. Chips can also be exchanged for username vanity banners. My sister is top of leaderboards for pinochle play and rewriting their help manual. |
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Perfect Score (by Lottie1001 - 24 Aug 21, 3:01) |
All except one achieved a perfect score on Map It yesterday (Monday 23 August). Is this a record? |
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Repeated games!! (by kookoovaya - 26 Aug 21, 17:06) |
3 days running and we are getting the same words over and over and in the same order. Did something get stuck?. |
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Format of pieces (by Rayisback - 27 Aug 21, 16:36) |
There used to be a way that one could change the format of the puzzle pieces from the mostly square looking shapes to the more conventional shapes. Either I've forgotten where that change button is or it has disappeared. Help! |
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Two difficult "photosphere" days in a row (by sewista - 28 Aug 21, 18:35) |
Took me forever to figure out the fifth place in today's MapIt, partly because the photographer had not posted any images to his Google Maps link. And yesterday the same thing -- he had not posted any images to his Google Maps link. I even found interior photos of the shop on the photographer's business website, but with no ID of where it was located. I eventually solved the one in Spain yesterday by clicking and clicking and clicking at random on the street beyond the photosphere, and finally found a place that let me emerge from the photosphere into the regular Google Maps street network. Then it took 30 seconds to find where I was. Today was more difficult because there is no regular google Maps street network in most of Germany. There is a certain satisfaction in solving these photosphere places, but man, do I hate them. |
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Sketch still not working (by kookoovaya - 31 Aug 21, 2:13) |
Hi Derek, Sketch still misbehaving and repeating words. When wanting to chat , wrote the text but entering came up blank also a player couldn't even get into the game last week. Now that more people are playing it's , uh. frustrating. Hope it will be fixed soon. I know you do your best. |
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Glitches (by ffejsrem - 04 Sep 21, 0:06) |
Recently, it has become a fairly common occurrence for me to be booted from the game. I continue to play and finish, but my final score doesn't count. I gather that this is happening to others as well (including my playing partner MSS88, who plays on a laptop while I use an iPad). Was there some adjustment lately to account for this? BTW: in the past I'd have posted this comment on my iPad, but now I cannot post on the forum on the iPad. |
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Multi-user server problems (by dkmGames - 07 Sep 21, 18:57) |
I'm sorry but there is an issue with the multi-user server since I moved it to a third-party hosting platform. It seems to restart ever couple of hours which means you lose connection so your score does not post and you don't get the next round. (The current round keeps going when connection is broken). I have tried some changes and it seems it did not restart sometime a few hours ago. I will look at moving it back to my server today but have a couple of issues to resolve. Please do not post any more problems about the multi-user server until I post again. This problem affects Sudoku Points, Shisen, Mahjong, Word Ruffle, Word Ferret, Freecell, SpeedCross Multi, Megacross and Word Sketch. |
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Thank you, Suzyq (by ckb1004 - 09 Sep 21, 0:33) |
Thanks for all the puzzles, suzyq! I'll make more of an effort to post some regularly. |
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Jinx1 (by Jinx1 - 09 Sep 21, 3:27) |
Still can’t connect to new server on iPad.I’ve cleared my browser history,rebooted and logged out then in again.Please ,any suggestions? |
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One-on-one (by terrij - 09 Sep 21, 9:23) |
Hi Derek.....I have done all the recommendations, and the only problem I still have is connecting with the server on SpeedCross One-on-one play. Neither BCubed3 or I could connect yesterday. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks. |
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Tournament this Sunday (by mindy - 09 Sep 21, 15:57) |
Come play Sudoku Points in the the Green Room this Sunday, September 12th. Play will begin at: 12PM (Noon) east coast USA EDT 5PM London BST 7PM Romania EEST 9AM west coast USA PDT 9:30PM New Delhi, India IST Please reply to this message with your dkm username and your first name before midnight on Saturday the 11th. Once we have all the sign-ups people will be assigned to teams at random. You are welcome to join our Facebook Page DKM Sudoku Friends. |
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Multiple solutions (by Meno - 10 Sep 21, 9:57) |
I have come across a number of puzzles with two or three words that can go in different orders. I try them a few different ways and the chime sounds that the solution is correct. It's not a big hassle and I imagine it is difficult to have a puzzle come out one way only. But at 9:00 a.m. - 10:00 a.m. EST today, the puzzle had seven words that could go a number of ways. By logic, you are left with four slots for four letter words and three slots for five letter words, all of them heading down. Nothing going across to limit the options. So the puzzle becomes an annoying game of trying different combinations. Not sure what can be done about this, but thought it worth mentioning. The instructions say the puzzles can be solved by logic alone, but that is not the case. |
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blinking cursor (by pgraham9999 - 11 Sep 21, 9:40) |
This just started this morning. When I am moving the cursor in the game grid, the cursor disappears, shows up when I stop moving. Cursor is steady over the menu and function selectors. This only started today. Does not happen with other DKM games. Reboot didn't fix it. Have you changed something? Makes game almost unplayable! |
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Scattered Words and Letters (by jiminy - 11 Sep 21, 14:01) |
I am playing Megacross and there are several letters and words scattered around the board that are not attached (many not even close) to the central mass of words and letters stemming out from the center. I have refreshed a number of tomes and nothing has changed. No effect on play that I noticed, but not I have tried to use of those squares |
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Toggle sound (by oops2 - 15 Sep 21, 14:09) |
Hi Derek, just a suggestion - playing Sudoku Points I turn off the sound while I´m playing and then turn on again not to miss the next grid. To do so I have to open preferences and then change it. Playing Shisen Multi I found that there is a button to just toggle the sound rigt in front. That is much easier to handle. Would you consider introducing the same tool for Sudoku please? Thanks a lot. Cheers Steve |
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Pause (by Bobo7777 - 15 Sep 21, 15:22) |
I feel like the "Pause" feature in all timed challenges should be eliminated. Simply put, all one needs do is take a photo of any board, pause, and solve at your leisure. There are too many games (Towers, Tents, Yubotu, Shisen, etc) where Pause is unnecessary. I find it hard to understand why the Pause is needed. Most challenges are under 10 minutes, so simply do not start a challenge unless you feel you can play uninterrupted for that amount of time. Thoughts? Thanks, Bobo |
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To Derek (by phoenix - 17 Sep 21, 16:08) |
Hi Derek. Is there any way to make the previous day's challenge available to practice on? Today I was totally stumped and finally just made a guess that happened to turn out right. But I don't know why the guess was correct, and I'd love to be able to go back and study that challenge and make the opposite guess to see why it would have been wrong. |
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Bots are too smart (by Rayisback - 17 Sep 21, 21:34) |
A few weeks ago I posted a message about a play made by a bot in a Mini-bridge Plus game. The bot discarded an off suit Ace on a trick already won by me. Derek of course fixed the problem. Too good a fix for me, it turns out. I am no match for an opponent who knows every card in every hand. Admittedly, every other player faces the same overwhelming obstacle, but the effect on me is to underbid every hand where I'm declarer. I am now confronting a hand in mini-bridge plus (NOT the daily challenge) where I am declarer with a total of 20 points when combined with dummy. West is holding 15 points in its hand, and of course knows what's in my hand and in its partner's hand as well. Maybe I should bid to take four tricks, but I don't think that's an acceptable bid. Any chance of dumbing down the bots a bit, Derek? At least don't let them see the cards in everyone's hands. That would make it an even match for us humans. |
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Averages (by ctuchel - 20 Sep 21, 6:40) |
Would it be possible to show average score by letter used rather than just per move? it would encourage players to go for shorter “filler” words that’s than emphasize length. |
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Wrong move (by spm22 - 22 Sep 21, 3:07) |
Hi Please can you tell me if there is a way to undo your move if for example you make a mistake!! Thank you Sarah |
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Matches (by mindy - 23 Sep 21, 17:01) |
Is it possible to put the Matches button in the Scorpion game? When I think I’m out of plays it would be nice to know for sure or if there is still a play. |
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missing buttons (by be - 25 Sep 21, 10:11) |
Updated Firefox to 92.0.1 (64 bit) for Linux Mint still do not see any buttons. Will someone do something please... |
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Likes and dislikes (by Friday31 - 25 Sep 21, 15:42) |
Maybe we could have some fun listing our "likes and dislikes" while playing Word Ferret. The idea came to me while playing with 2Crispy, who loves to see "ing" during play. I dislike "ing" while playing because I become so fixated on it, looking for any combination I can find and usually end up with a low score while missing all the other great words. Like: double letter T and double letter L Dislike: Multiple vowels in one combined with eee or uuu etc. Like: suffix - er & ed Dislike: the trickery - I see a wonderfully long word only to see one letter is missing to form it, but somehow keep trying anyway Like: a favorite is the "ch" or "tch" or "itch" and "etch" combos. Hope to see some of your faves and pet peeves. |
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Likes and dislikes (by Friday31 - 25 Sep 21, 22:47) |
I posted this accidentally under Word Ruffle and was meant for Word Ferret! My bad. Likes and dislikes (by Friday31 - 25 Sep 21, 15:42) Maybe we could have some fun listing our "likes and dislikes" while playing Word Ferret. The idea came to me while playing with 2Crispy, who loves to see "ing" during play. I dislike "ing" while playing because I become so fixated on it, looking for any combination I can find and usually end up with a low score while missing all the other great words. Like: double letter T and double letter L Dislike: Multiple vowels in one combined with eee or uuu etc. Like: suffix - er & ed Dislike: the trickery - I see a wonderfully long word only to see one letter is missing to form it, but somehow keep trying anyway Like: a favorite is the "ch" or "tch" or "itch" and "etch" combos. Hope to see some of your faves and pet peeves. ADDITION TO MY OTHER POST UNDER THE WRONG CATEGORY: My #1 fave is finding the suffixes and prefixes to the "each" combo. |
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Wont load to play with others (by stachr - 26 Sep 21, 9:56) |
I can access daily challenge puzzles but can't play with others-- page won't load; tried options/command/E with no luck |
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Word Ferret not working (by Friday31 - 29 Sep 21, 16:57) |
Shazzle posted under Glitches, but maybe this will attract someone's attention. Is Word Ferret not working for others as well? It is not working for Shazzle and I have been trying as well and nothing seems to work. |
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Word Ferret and Word Ruffle multi-player resolved (by dkmGames - 29 Sep 21, 20:14) |
As seen by posts below there was issue with Word Ferret and Word Ruffle (and Megacross) not working and getting expired certificate. It appears the certificate was related to nodejs (used for multi-player server), not the certificate for I believe I have now resolved the issue. |
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Unable to connect (by sjmont - 30 Sep 21, 16:43) |
For about 24 hours I have not been able to connect to the server for multi-player games - word ferret and sudoku points, specifically. Earlier yesterday seemed to be working fine. Please advise, Derek, if something has changed or if there is something I need to do to be able to connect. Thank you in advance! |
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Multi-player and Apple (by dkmGames - 30 Sep 21, 23:15) |
There is a problem with Apple devices connecting to the multi-player server - works fine on Windows and Android. I am struggling to figure out why this has started happening. The games affected are Sudoku Points, Shisen, Word Ferret, Word Ruffle, Mahjong, SpeedCross, Freecell Points, Megacross and Word Sketch. If you are NOT having and issue here with an Apple device, ie able to connect to one of the above, please let me know. (Don't bother if you are having a problem). |
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Need help with Y-Wing Solving (by myaquadome - 01 Oct 21, 18:25) |
I am stuck at a point where it needs to use Y-Wing solving strategy. I cannot figure out which three cells would form the Y-Wing. I have taken a picture of the puzzle. If you would like to help, please email me at and I will send you the picture of my puzzle, Thanks, Husen Kabeer |
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Difference in bot play in MiniBridge and Oh Hell (by Rayisback - 02 Oct 21, 21:19) |
I'll probably be sorry for asking this question. Through several exchanges with Derek, I have learned that bots in bridge have knowledge of where every card is in every hand. I frequently play poorly against the bots, or they play much more astutely than I play. My rankings in the Challenge game reflect this shortcoming. However, in Oh Hell, which has some elements of bridge built in, I rarely lose. I'm curious as to why I can "outsmart" the Bots in Oh Hell, but not in bridge. Do the bots have less knowledge of the placement in the cards in Oh Hell, including which cards are not in play? Does the bidding process affect the bots play? Or is there some other factor at work? I'm not seeking a change to how the bots play Oh Hell; it's a pleasure to have one game among the many on this site where I have a chance of winning. I'm just curious why that exists in Oh Hell, but not in Bridge. |
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How often new games (by saracolq - 03 Oct 21, 15:07) |
How often are new games of Suguru posted? |
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Database upgrade (by dkmGames - 06 Oct 21, 21:09) |
All Acrostic puzzles have been moved into a fast database (were previously stored as individual files). So if you now encounter any issues, please refresh the main Acrostics page as well as the play page where you solve the puzzle to make sure you have latest changes. You may need to clear browser cached files if page refresh does not fetch the latest in your browser. |
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Size Jumping (by mimi27 - 06 Oct 21, 22:17) |
Is anyone else having trouble with Jigsaws? Using my touchpad, I find that the size of pieces enlarges without my help. If no one else is having this problem, it could be my touchpad, but I am interested in hearing from others with this problem. |
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I think i saw... (by kayrod66 - 07 Oct 21, 8:26) |
My right hand opponent lead a heart with none played to that point, won the hand and then led the queen of spades.... |
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Scores don't record (by phoenix - 08 Oct 21, 15:14) |
Hi Derek. My scores aren't recording in block fit even when I'm clearly within the top 30 for the day. When the game ends should I tap the X or the "play again" or something else? Sometimes I accidentally hit "home" even though the game hasn't ended |
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The started puzzle vanished after paused for some time (by gleefulJ - 08 Oct 21, 22:44) |
The started puzzle will be gone and back to the starting page after paused for some time ,say about over 15 ...minutes. Is this normal ? This happened since this year ?! All I know is the started puzzle used to be staying where I left it ,no matter how long I have been gone. |
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I love the computer generated clues (by maryroberts - 09 Oct 21, 18:05) |
The computer excelled itself today. 'One who perspires?' - answer, 'Sweater'! Ha ha! Love it. |
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Cards not showing suits (by nsp307 - 11 Oct 21, 13:12) |
With the new link, when I open up the challenge, the cards are not showing suits on my iPhone, Just red and black. Anyone have a fix for that? |
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matching 5 in 2 directions (by shucha - 12 Oct 21, 8:57) |
In the "how to play" page, it says that matching 5 results in 400 points and the rainbow tile. But when I match 5 in a right angle by swapping into the intersection of two rows of three, there's no rainbow tile. I could probably figure out for myself if I get 400 points for this move, but it seems that I get more points for making a 4-in-a-row match than for making a 5 not-in-a-row match. If that's the case, the simpler fix is to change the text of the "how to play" page to clarify that only 4 or 5 IN A ROW get the bonuses. Thanks Derek! |
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Early or Late daily challenge play? (by shucha - 16 Oct 21, 0:05) |
Not-at-all-important topic: As we are a few minutes from the DKM date change (now a few minutes past), I'm wondering: when do people like to play the daily challenges? There are advantages and disadvantages... If you play later, you have a much better idea of what kind of score you'll need to make the board or even finish on top, whereas playing early can lead to seeing your score bumped right off the board. On the other hand, if you play later, your name doesn't stay on the board for as long, and fewer people will see your score (unless everyone checks yesterday's scores...I rarely do). Maybe it's just my own conceits... you just play when it fits your schedule? I tend to play in the morning, when I get to my desk with my coffee. But I usually run out of time before I can finish my routine challenges (which I play in a ritual order), so I do tend to get around to Word Ferret later in the afternoon. I'm curious! |
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timer exploit (by iansnt - 18 Oct 21, 10:02) |
So my computer clock has an issue where it'll occasionally jump back a few minutes which happened today while I was doing the daily challenge. Judging from the leaderboard for today it seems that it just accepts the clients local time rather than calculating it on the server side so that's resulted in my 0:00 time today instead of the actual ~3-4 minutes which is kind of really easy to exploit. |
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Error Messages (by uncledave47 - 18 Oct 21, 22:39) |
What does the following error message mean: Duplicate entry '406E-7669' for key 'PRIMARY' |
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Thanks for including... (by kayrod66 - 21 Oct 21, 12:55) |
Leafs... for which I believe the only use on the planet is for the local NHL team the Toronto Maple Leafs :D |
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Unable to connect to server (by Rayisback - 24 Oct 21, 12:35) |
I've spent some time this morning trying to play Free Cell, only to get the message "Unable to connect to server". Anyone else having this problem? |
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inadvertently closing games (by bowser - 25 Oct 21, 15:53) |
my sister and i both have inadvertently hit some button and ours games are instantly closed, sometimes even in challenges. in shisen, it may suddenly start solving, or else just close the game. sometimes it diverts to an ad and our game is gone. this happened in shisen, and i am sure it also happens in the logic games, sudoko, jigsaw (if you don't use the save button). one solution would be to hide the buttons, and we would have to press a "show choices" button to see them. a other solution would be to add a question like "do you really want to solve/restart/quit?" with yes/no response required before the game vanished. thanks. |
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My highest score changed to a lower number. (by brunoj - 26 Oct 21, 20:31) |
My highest score eventually gets replaced by a lower one. It just happened again, and that does not seem right to me. |
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Personal ties today (by sewista - 26 Oct 21, 22:25) |
Every now and then I'll find a U.S. city that I have been in as a MapIt place, which is nice but hardly astounding. But today I was delighted to find a Russian city where I have been!! And not just St Petersburg, but Korsakov on Sakhalin Island, which is pretty remote from practically everywhere. And then to top it off, the city in Tunisia is where a guy I follow on instagram lives and posts photos every day. I expect many MapIt players come upon such places occasionally. What's the most exotic place you've ever found on MapIt with personal meaning? |
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renaming the green room (by davek - 30 Oct 21, 18:39) |
I think the name GREEN ROOM is old and out of date The new name shall forever be called "Davey's Room" Entered on this day Oct. 30th 2021 LOL |
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Can't start game (by spangjs - 31 Oct 21, 4:13) |
I can open up the sudoku menu but when I click "new" nothing happens. I've tried this over a few days with both frame sudoku and killer sudoku. I'm using firefox and windows 10 |
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Fruit (by mindy - 31 Oct 21, 16:22) |
Level 17 says you need to get 1 fruit to bottom row in 180 seconds. When I do that I get Level Incomplete you have destroyed a fruit. I don’t understand, how do you get the fruit to the bottom without it being destroyed? |
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New quiz game (by dkmGames - 02 Nov 21, 1:43) |
There is a new quiz game "Guess Who" (under Other menu). You need to match an image with the name of the memorable person. I decided to make all quizzes available (not one per day). You feedback appreciated. Any changes that should be made? |
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Replaying old daily challenge games (by theprisoner - 02 Nov 21, 7:41) |
Sometimes the daily challenge is a really fascinating game requiring a lot of patience to achieve the highest scores. It would be great if there was a way to save these or to have an archive in the same way as codewords. It is very satisfying to hit the bricks in just the right order to get the maximum bonuses, regardless of whether it is part of the daily challenge or not, |
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Scoring (by HuttyIpad - 03 Nov 21, 7:11) |
Is there any impact on score when you get No Moves and it reshuffles? Is that good, bad or neutral? |
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user name blocked (by davek - 03 Nov 21, 15:17) |
HI derek I have a second user name blocked it says its invalid id like to get it back |
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Good scores today (by Rayisback - 03 Nov 21, 17:18) |
When there are 22 people within 80 points of the top score, we're either getting better or the hands are getting easier to read. Maybe both. |
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Site not secure at night (by phoenix - 10 Nov 21, 11:29) |
Hi Derek. On my Android phone chrome is flagging the site as insecure but only at night. During the day there is no flag. Can you think of any reason why this is happening? |
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Interruptions :( (by shucha - 11 Nov 21, 12:56) |
Warning: whining follows! It makes me sad when I get interrupted during any challenge, but more so with word ferret (my favorite) than any others...and even more sad when I see before I start that the leader board is full of 500s and 600s - I love high-scoring boards - and even more so when I'm in the upper 300s with 2:40 to go...and that's when there's a knock on the door. First-world problem, to be sure, but dang...that one hurt. |
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Finishing the game (by dhc - 12 Nov 21, 4:44) |
Has anyone any tips for getting all the words highlighted in order to finish the game? I can see the words in the grid but I am unable to highlight them all. It selects just one or two and try as I might I am unable to finish the puzzle. So frustrating! |
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New word game (by dkmGames - 14 Nov 21, 17:58) |
A new word game "Drop Quotes" has been added. You need to unravel the quote from letters given in each column. If you like Cryptograms you will probably like this one. A new puzzle is available every hour. |
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Help please (by HelTen - 17 Nov 21, 5:51) |
Will someone be able to help me with my problem please? When I click on two matching tiles it takes forever to match them to disappear. I've tried clicking slower, staying on one tile a second or two longer but nothing works. It's taking me six or seven, maybe more, clicks before they match up. Am I doing something wrong or am I just being impatient? |
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Couple of suggestions (by elkster - 17 Nov 21, 5:59) |
Hi Derek, Once again a great new game! And, of course, I have a few suggestions. The answers are very difficult to read as they are presented. It might be better if they were separated into two columns, and arranged in alphabetical order from top to bottom not from column to column. Columns then would be left justified and much easier to scan through. The size of the comments under the pictures makes it difficult to read so possibly those could be bigger and maybe even bolded. The sequencing of the game is problematic, and it does not seem to be consistent so difficult to even get a handle on. Although it is a nice idea to give more than one chance for an answer, that ultimately comes to being a guessing game. Also, if this is going to be a challenge, it would be more fair to have one only guess per picture. That being said, it might be better if you would just go through all the pictures with one guess per and have your score at the end reflect how many are right, without the opportunity for multiple guesses per photo. Definitely, the opportunity to go back through the photos should be retained as it is educational and I have noticed that the same people show up in various games, giving one the chance to improve performance. A great value for players to learn some points of historical interest and importance. Congratulations again for a unique and worthwhile game that makes one think and expand one's knowledge. Thanks and best regards, elkstet Best regards |
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A pause on Challenge, please (by elkster - 17 Nov 21, 6:14) |
Hey all involved in the last post - it was really an interesting and fun interchange - loved it! But back to the original point .... it would be great to have the ability to pause the Challenge ---- Mixter is always interrupting me when I am playing it. He claims it is not sabotage... but sometimes I wonder..... Anyway, something always seems to interrupt. Great idea sucha! |
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iPad Samurai Sudoku App (by bellojt - 18 Nov 21, 23:25) |
Where can I download this app? I can’t find it on the App Store. Thanks, John. |
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New game TriPeaks (by dkmGames - 23 Nov 21, 22:31) |
TriPeaks solitaire has been added. There appears to be many different scoring algorithms. Any suggestions for improvement on my scoring please let me know. |
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#4386 (by pkramer - 25 Nov 21, 23:58) |
There might be a spelling error in this puzzle. Shouldn't "hop" be "hope"? |
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Missing Last Letter (by pkramer - 26 Nov 21, 11:24) |
Puzzle #201 was missing the last letter of the quote. |
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Solution for Challenge (by gramx6 - 27 Nov 21, 13:43) |
LIke the new puzzle! Got stuck today on the challenge and couldn't solve the puzzle. Where do I find the solution? |
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Updated list of all time winners (by Rayisback - 02 Dec 21, 13:54) |
Yesterday I hit my all time high of 60676 in this game. I checked the list of all time winners to see where that ranked, and I found that my all time high score was listed as 51864. Perhaps this list isn't autocorrected as new all time highs for players are achieved, but I'd appreciate your correcting my all time high. It will also move me up 15 places on the list, although still on the second page. |
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play each level and continue (by loverboy - 02 Dec 21, 15:28) |
I can't seem to continue and am always referred back to the same level I just completed. |
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New word puzzles, Word Fill (by dkmGames - 04 Dec 21, 17:59) |
A new word puzzle, Word Fill has been added. You need to fill the given words into a crossword grid. Unlimited puzzles available with different grid sizes and difficulty. The difficulty might need to be tuned (may be too easy overall) - feedback appreciated. Will also look at adding a daily challenge. Feedback also requested here as to what grid size and difficulty level. |
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Tough suguru (by marten - 05 Dec 21, 11:53) |
The tough suguru's are a very nice challenge when the rating is 10 or more. Derek, how do you decide what the rating is? Does it depend on the grid size? And is there any chance there will be an app (or so) that generates random tough suguru's. |
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Unique Solutions? (by edzoid - 06 Dec 21, 13:30) |
LOTS of non-unique solutions! I remember doing these as a kid, so I know there a lots out there that are unique. Hopefully ths can be resolved soon. |
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Daily challenge (by dkmGames - 09 Dec 21, 21:23) |
A daily challenge has been added. For now, it is grid size 16, Medium level. Let me know if you think it should change to something else. |
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Déjà vu (by Lottie1001 - 12 Dec 21, 8:55) |
Did anyone else get a sense of déjà vu with the last two places yesterday (Saturday 11 December)? I thought we'd seen those exact two locations (the South African car dealers and near the pub in Ireland) previously. |
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modification request (by bandw - 13 Dec 21, 19:48) |
I usually find, when I've gone astray, that I have multiple fields that are incorrect. It's a little bit clunky to erase all those incorrect letters. You have to click the field, move down and click the eraser, move back up and click the next field, move down and click erase. It can be a lot of up and down, back and forth. Would it be possible to 'pick up' the eraser, like in Sudoku? Or is there some other adjustment that could make that process less cumbersome? I'm not sure I would want to 'clear all input' but maybe.... I'm ridiculously attached to this game... sder Thank you! |
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how to delete own pictures in 'private puzzles? (by anajana - 23 Dec 21, 2:46) |
a couple pics got uploaded by me, by accident,. I would like to delete them. |
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Seasons Greetings (by BlueWombat - 24 Dec 21, 17:33) |
May I be the first to wish fellow players and everyone at DKM a Happy Christmas, and thank Derek for keeping us all sane during these troubled times. |
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what does the #number in the left corner of mahjong mean? (by alyoshak - 30 Dec 21, 21:22) |
question in subject line |
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pieces sticking (by TTW - 31 Dec 21, 1:26) |
Hi, When I play jigsaw, pieces will stick for no reason and at random times. Very irritating. Does not happen with othef dkm games. |
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Super low scores (by Toys - 31 Dec 21, 9:15) |
How does this happen? I can hardly type in random numbers in the times these people are completing these |
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Overly sensitive clicks? (by ultracat - 04 Jan 22, 13:47) |
Lately the clicks making boxes go black or white seem extra sensitive. Like, I have to click on a square multiple times because I want it to be black but my one click has turned into a double click and now it's white. Or, I try to right-click to make it white but it's done an accidental double click so that it's black. In a game of speed, it's annoying to be stumbling over these boxes when the clicks used to be more accurate. It may be my computer, but I've played it on two different computers now with two different mouses and the same thing keeps happening. Anyone else getting bothered by this? |
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two correct solutions? (by shucha - 05 Jan 22, 13:31) |
I seem to remember that Derek has said that this is almost impossible to keep from happening once in a while, but I'm pretty sure today's challenge puzzle has two possible solutions...I got to six squares left, all with the same two possibilities, and no clues left could tell me which way they should flip. I finally guessed, and guessed right. Anyone else see this today? (Derek, no fix requested btw...keep up your good work!) |
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Sob! (by Lottie1001 - 05 Jan 22, 16:59) |
I'd somehow managed to get logged out before playing today's game, so it hasn't registered my score of 5500, with which I was very pleased. I wondered why it didn't tell me where I was on the leader-board at the end, then I realised why. :-( |
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GAR is a word, a common fish (by drubekrb - 09 Jan 22, 15:43) |
Why is GAR not a word? |
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Firefox update stops credentials persisting between sessions (by getclint - 14 Jan 22, 6:07) |
Hi Derek Firefox 96.0 (64 bit) for Ubuntu canonical 1.0 (Linux). Previously links favourited directly to a specific game page were accessible between sessions for several weeks on long term remembered sign in before eventually having to re-enter credentials. Now you need to login at the start of each session with the above update. Cookie/session rules bug or changes I guess, the mysteries of Mozilla! Cheers Clint |
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Log in (by judithweaver - 14 Jan 22, 6:24) |
For years I've been doing these puzzles and logging in only on rare occasions - the log in seemed to be more or less permanent. Now these last few days I've been asked to log in more than twice a day. What has happened? |
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Revealing Name (by Bobo7777 - 15 Jan 22, 11:32) |
If possible, can you not reveal the name of the person who delivered the quote until AFTER the puzzle is solved. That information gives no help to those solving the puzzle, but does give lots of help to someone who wants to google "(author of quote) (subject of quote)". As an aside, I really like this game and thank you for its addition. Bobo... Bob O?... Bob Odenkirk? |
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Archive (by cockerel - 16 Jan 22, 7:03) |
Is there any way we can have an archive of recent Map It challenges, please? Today, as occasionally happens, my computer decided to shut down by itself half way through the challenge. It was probably a tough challenge as nobody had yet completed it with a 5500 score and I would love to be able to have another go at it tomorrow. Brilliant website, Derek, thankyou. |
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Suggestion: "Complete from Here" Button (by RSWallace55 - 18 Jan 22, 15:48) |
In several solitaire games autocomplete interferes with play strategy, so it's best left off. However, to enjoy the satisfaction of completing the game may require a tedious (OK, so not debilitating!) workoff of remaining cards. A "Complete" button that temporarily invokes autocomplete would grant the instant gratification without requiring selecting (and afterwards unselecting) autocomplete from Preferences. |
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Suggestion: Play Card on Click in Scorpion (by RSWallace55 - 22 Jan 22, 14:46) |
Suggestion: implement play-card-on-click, like in Spider. In Scorpion it's not even ambiguous: if a card is playable, it's playable only in one place. |
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First time I've seen this in 45 years (by kayrod66 - 23 Jan 22, 10:55) |
Player discarded for 6 or so rounds, then took the second to last trick and had to lead the Ace of spades to the queen. |
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challenge match (by kersheena - 25 Jan 22, 2:30) |
challenge Match goes out to Pippa, Rebecca, Texasgirl, from KERSHEENA |
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Invasion of new players in Sudoku Points? (by akimbo - 26 Jan 22, 20:08) |
vitoetc, bigmig, migle, agni365. Very weird. All of them know each other, lots of "bro" talk. I've seen this is Nertz before. |
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game no.15356 (by kookoovaya - 29 Jan 22, 14:07) |
Misspelling on the word does, should be dose. |
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basic solving strategies. (by Jaybee - 29 Jan 22, 15:32) |
On about the 7th screen.... "Continuing with the number 9, we now have an instance in column seven and nine. So the 9 in column eight needs to go in block six. Because of the 9 in row four, it must go in the highlighted cell." I am confused as to why the 9 cannot go in row 5,column 9. Can you explain the logic please? |
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Access to previous games (by maryroberts - 30 Jan 22, 10:39) |
I love Drop Quotes, and wondered if you would give us access to the library of previous games as well as the hourly new game. |
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Really weird (by cockerel - 31 Jan 22, 17:16) |
Yesterday I had the top score all day until just pipped into second place at the end of the day. What was weird was that the winning board was identical to mine apart from 2 or 3 letters switched which made a slight improvement on my board. Even the same 12 letter word "gobbledygook" on the final board and most other words in the same position. What's the probability of that? Really weird. |
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Nominee for easiest drop ever (by shucha - 04 Feb 22, 8:34) |
Yesterday's MapIt #4 dropped the player one move away from standing directly on top of the City of Franklin, Indiana's seal painted across the intersection with identifying street signs clearly visible. As a primarily English speaker, after slogging through a small Bulgarian city with Cyrillic text on all the signs in drop #3, this was certainly a welcome change. |
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Game #11093 (by elkster - 04 Feb 22, 19:06) |
This game has a double word THEY THEY |
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Vulgar new game (by akimbo - 04 Feb 22, 20:11) |
Hi, can you wipe the new game that started recently? Someone has populated it with vulgar words. Thank you. |
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Change in scoring rules? (by Rayisback - 04 Feb 22, 21:29) |
I just finished "setting" a Bot bid of part score in no-trump by taking 6 tricks, except the Bots were credited with making their contract. I then reviewed the Minibridge rules, which read in part: Minibridge Plus introduces a couple of changes that bring it closer to Bridge. Differences are: A part game requires you to make at least 8 tricks (instead of 7). Just a misfire in the computer program or a change in the rules? |
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No number of pieces, in any jigsaw (by bsellerberg - 06 Feb 22, 4:43) |
All I get is the picture, without numbers, The same problem with all pictures. |
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High scores in daily challenge (by annlacko - 07 Feb 22, 4:01) |
Hi Derek, it keeps puzzling me how anyone can get a score over 10 000 in the daily challenge. Yesterday in the hard puzzle, the top 5 scores were: Lievano67 18490 DJM51 17793 Kalisto78 17124 Denver8 16313 taja 13128 Would you mind explaining how your score is determined? Do correct answers score higher in the beginning of the game, similar to sudoku points? |
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Monday 7 February (by Lottie1001 - 07 Feb 22, 17:53) |
I was just about to give up after spending far too long failing to locate the aerial view of the railway (puzzle number 4), when I presumably managed to hit the back arrow on my DKM tab :-( So I can't finish the puzzle, or find out where it was. If anybody would like to tell me tomorrow, I'd be very grateful. And congratulations to everybody who has found it. |
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Broken streak (by ctuchel - 08 Feb 22, 17:51) |
Well done, Rattie, was going for 6 in a row there on the daily challenge but knew you hadn’t come out to play yet! |
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Congrats Cockerel (by bandw - 13 Feb 22, 13:00) |
With only one A, two E's and one Y - not to mention all the J's and F's and W's, yesterday's Word Mesh challenge was one of the toughest I've seen. Well Done to all who finished! Congratulations, Cockerel, on an excellent winning board! (and to Kate16 who was just one point under) |
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Request for Less Punitive Cookies (by RSWallace55 - 14 Feb 22, 10:11) |
A slip of the mouse or an impatient reload and I'm locked out for the day (oh, and therefore forever from this puzzle). I suppose I can understand the one-competition-per-day rule, although cheating at Map It seems like a pretty dismal pastime, but if it is possible to instead keep track of round completions, so that one can pick up in the middle of an aborted quest, it would be a welcome change. Almost as good would be, as I saw someone suggested, an archive of Daily Random challenges. I can live with being locked out of the leader board for the day, but having no puzzle at all is surprisingly frustrating. Thanks, as always, for a great puzzle site. |
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New logic puzzle - Snake (by dkmGames - 15 Feb 22, 19:30) |
There is a new logic puzzle called Snake. I hope you enjoy it. Feedback will be welcomed as to whether to make puzzles more difficult or any other suggestions for improvement. |
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two solutions (by CormacOS - 16 Feb 22, 18:08) |
Yes, Snake is excellent, very challenging. Thank you. Today's 10x10 had two solutions and one of them wasn't recognized by the game, so there is a bug there. |
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No option to play??? (by joolz1 - 17 Feb 22, 6:21) |
Hi Derek, After reading the comments re Snake, I was eager to give it a go. However I don't have that option as it's not appearing for me under Logic (or anywhere else for that matter!) Can you advise - do I need to do something in order for it to appear under Logic? I'm on a laptop. I'll take this opportunity to thank you again for all your work in keeping us entertained. |
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Indoors (by Jaybee - 19 Feb 22, 19:33) |
I'm a newby to Map It, and really enjoying it, but at an absolute full stop when the locale is inside a store - as with todays "Vitrine". How do you proceed? I got the country right, but other than that, just had to make a wild guess. Any tips please - and my apologies if this has been covered before. I did read some of the forum questions, but did not see anything pertaining to this. |
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Sudoku Points Statistics page (by FatFingers - 20 Feb 22, 16:17) |
There are a lot of regulars in the Green Room whose scores are not high enough (in the 3K range) to get them listed in the "top scores from yesterday and top 100 player rankings". Any possibility of raising the display limit from top 100, to top 150 or top 200? A little recognition for their efforts? |
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Reset Button might be good (by elkster - 24 Feb 22, 5:46) |
Hi Derek, Thanks for another new interesting game - simple concept but challenging. One suggestion I might make - or maybe I just missed it and it is already there - for the solo games, it would be nice if there would be a RESET button so you could start completely over with a puzzle. Seems the only available options are to 1.) Check and then tediously manually correct or backspace, or 2.) Give Up and get the solution without being able to go back to the puzzle. As far as how the time operates on Reset, I don't think it really matters, as it is not a challenge - just individual play for practice. It might be helpful for those trying to hone their skills, to be able to restart a game quickly, as understanding the pattern of a particular board or strategy of play becomes clearer. As always, thanks for all you do and your attention to suggestions from "the peanut gallery." elkster |
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New puzzle (by dkmGames - 28 Feb 22, 2:52) |
A new logic puzzle has just been posted called "Mines". You need to logically determine where all the mines are located in the grid. Hints and solve a cell are available at any time. As usual, feedback is welcomed. |
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Mark which games have challenges (by elkster - 04 Mar 22, 4:51) |
Hi Derek, Just a quick general suggestion.... it would be nice to have some indication on the pull down menu for games of which games have daily challenges. I play my normal challenge games but every once in a while, I am curious about which other games have challenges and the only way is time-consuming looking at each game individually. Plus I know you do add challenges to older games from time to time. For the indicator, It could be done like when you show "New" or a color of the print or maybe a little symbol next to the game link. Whatever makes sense and is workable. Think others might like this feature also. Thanks elk |
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Just curious about guest v named players (by Aedos - 08 Mar 22, 16:43) |
Hi fellow ferreters, I'm just curious why the hate on guest players!? I sign in for the daily challenge (only because you can't play it otherwise), but frequently play WF as a guest. As a socially anxious introvert (I get the irony that I'm playing alone at home), I don't enjoy participating in the banter, although I certainly enjoy reading it! Why must one be signed in and a "named player" for it to "count" and for others to feel compelled to put the guest "in their place" or voice other derogatory comments? Although I've been playing since around 2005, here are my thoughts over the last couple years: Thank you to jeffgamer (even though you are one of the aforementioned) for your goofy (and I mean that in the sweetest way) comments - I sometimes try to pick a guest name that will make you have an interesting comment, and you seldom fail to disappoint. Also, your humbleness and positive attitude (to the "named") are such an asset to all the players. As an aside, I'm also glad that ffej seemed to get a kick when my guest name happened to be fffj. Thank you to a few of you, especially Rattie & Shebo (and maybe shucha?) for occasionally posting a "well done guest" comment and acknowledging that I don't have to be signed in for someone to appreciate my playing ability. Thank you to socks, although a super competitive player, who will acknowledge that sometimes another good player can make you challenge yourself and not necessarily others. Super congrats to sfgjmg - I don't know what your pandemic (or otherwise) life looks like, but I've seen you play a lot when I'm playing, and I've seen you grow and soar over the last two years - you rock! Anyway, that's my ramble... can't we all just play and enjoy the game whether "named" or not? As another complete aside, I seem to remember, but I'm getting older and my memory is increasingly shady (can any super long time players comment?) that at the end of a round, the words were highlighted, the ones you got were one color, the ones you missed were another color and the words you got that no one else playing were another... or something along those lines... does that ring a bell with anybody? Thanks to you all for reading & playing. Guest_Aedos |
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Is Word Ferret Down - refreshed 5 times (by Friday31 - 11 Mar 22, 12:41) |
Hello Out There Is Word Ferret down? I have refreshed the page numerous times and still a blank screen. I cleared my browsing history. I am able to play Shisen and it looks like Sudoku is working. I tried in Chrome and in Micro Edge. Anybody else? It's my day - Friday so hopefully it will come back up |
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High score didn't show up (by cogrammyof9 - 11 Mar 22, 17:07) |
Yesterday, 3-10, I had a high score of 4600 something in the middle of the day but it didn't show up on the scoring today. It was well before the deadline. Anybody have that happen? |
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#67 Jimmi Hendrix "Life" (by Laughs2Loud - 18 Mar 22, 14:24) |
Quicker "than". not quicker "then" . |
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Today's jigsaw challenge "Goleta Beach" California (by eastham09 - 18 Mar 22, 22:22) |
Hello Derek - as a graduate of UC Santa Barbara, I spent many hours walking around Goleta Beach - a broad expanse of sandy cove with a public fishing pier located to the east side of the beach, close to where Goleta Slough empties into the Pacific - and it's not even close to the area pictured in the puzzle. I don't doubt that the picture could be somewhere in Santa Barbara county, and it's a lovely scene, just not accurately identified. |
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Discontinued game...? (by jeffgamer - 19 Mar 22, 11:33) |
Hey, Derek! I'm beginning to think I'm having a memory problem here, so hopefully you can set my concerns at ease. Wasn't there another game in the Logic category that was similar to Mines...I think it was Nobuku or Nobuto or something? I'm 99% certain that there was another game in the Logic category for which I was playing the daily challenge...I think that was its name (or thereabouts)...and I don't see it there any longer, and can't find any threads talking about a discontinued game. I remembering correctly...or am I losing my marbles? |
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Uploaded picture rule? (by jeffgamer - 21 Mar 22, 20:34) |
Hi, Derek! I was going to upload pictures of some of the games in my video game collection...thought it would be fun. of the uploaded picture rules says "no words"...but then goes on to say, "specifically, no web addresses or email addresses". So if I have pictures of video game from the old Intellivision game system...that have the titles of the games on that allowed or not allowed? Merci! Jeff |
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Funniest Daily Challenge Alternative Title - a fun challenge (by jeffgamer - 22 Mar 22, 16:09) |
I was thinking that it could be fun to make up an alternative (and kid-friendly) title for each daily challenge. Give everyone a laugh. Post your contributions here! For today's 3/22/22 puzzle (the tomatoes in various stages of ripeness): My alternative title: "Alien eyeballs" |
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Alphabet (by lynxx - 24 Mar 22, 21:52) |
Guess I need to learn Cyrillic alphabet if I ever expect to get good at this. |
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Request for retry of challenge (by niico - 28 Mar 22, 11:41) |
Hello. I wonder if it is just me who wants to retry a challenge. For example, we can re-challenge Shisen without being ranked. I wish I could redo challenges in Nonogram, Snake, Mine, etc. in a similar manner. (Forgive me if the issue has been already posted by any other user.) Always thank you for providing these great games! |
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Anyone else having issues with frozen game tonight? (by skeeter1 - 28 Mar 22, 19:28) |
I've refreshed and rebooted Ruffle a few times, but when I click to start, I only get a blank board and no timer. Any suggestions would be helpful! |
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site seems to be down (by MSS88 - 28 Mar 22, 19:47) |
Yes, word ferret and sudoku seem to be done. |
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frozen screens (by nyctaxi - 28 Mar 22, 19:51) |
YES ! word ferret.. word ruffle... totally frozen. mahjong and shisen o.k. never had this happen before. |
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Scores (by DPA - 31 Mar 22, 14:33) |
My scores are not being recording to my stats. It shows NaN. I logged out and back in and refreshed the page. |
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Problem with score average (by dougcourt - 31 Mar 22, 17:40) |
My index and 100 game average is not being recorded. Anyone else having that problem? |
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guest screen names (by Rayisback - 31 Mar 22, 19:40) |
I thought that when people join this site without signing in, that is as a guest, that they are assigned a screen name by the site. Just now I saw a guest with the objectionable screen name "f_ku", and you can easily provide the missing letter. I'm not a prude, but this sort of behavior can be offensive to some folks on the site. Perhaps if guests could only sign on using names assigned by the site, this problem would be eliminated. I have no idea how difficult that task is to accomplish. Just making a suggestion. |
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CHAT BOX (by kersheena - 01 Apr 22, 2:27) |
Can we have chat box like they do with other games, top challenge players can praise good scores. Like PIPPA TEXASGIRRL AND REBECCA. |
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Suguru not working (by Pippy1 - 04 Apr 22, 7:31) |
Hi there - I'm getting a blank screen when trying to open any levels of the suguru puzzles today. |
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Minibridge not working (by SuePas - 05 Apr 22, 1:14) |
Returning to site after initial setup several weeks ago and now able to open Minibridge but can open other card games. |
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new player (by poslfit - 05 Apr 22, 16:41) |
Hi - I just wanted to say I've been really enjoying playing Codewords on this server recently, ever since a friend (who only does them on paper) made me do a Google search for where to do them online. I think I've got a few of my friends from the competitive Scrabble and board gaming communities hooked now too, and it's been learning a new (to us) game together. |
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Challenge not working (by oldbroad - 06 Apr 22, 17:49) |
Hi- I did a refresh and then even restarted my computer. the challenge doesn't work for me. It opens but shows the menu you get when playing a regular game where you choose the difficulty. No game loads. If you pick a difficulty, nothing loads. Other games work, including the regular Suguru. Suguru challenge is one of my favorite things to "wake up my brain" in the morning for my work begins. Hope you can fix it soon! :) |
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Minor glitches in Killer Sudoku (by Schroedlater - 07 Apr 22, 10:52) |
In Killer Sudoku, with the Auto Remove Pencil Marks option turned on, the Undo function does not restore the auto-removed pencil marks. If I accidentally enter a wrong value, I have to figure out which pencil marks I lost from the column, row, and block. Also, when I use the Show Combos function and type in the number of cells and the total, it posts some of the numbers I type into the currently selected cell. This only happens if I have Active Number Mode turned on. Neither of these is a big deal, just thought I would bring it to your attention. Thanks for all you do! |
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Backgammon? (by zogo - 09 Apr 22, 13:06) |
Hi Derek, Would you ever consider developing a backgammon game? I've played a couple versions online and they all have their drawbacks. Would love to see a backgammon game on your site, as I know it would be quality! Thanks for all you do!! |
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game has frosted suddenly (by gleefulJ - 10 Apr 22, 5:40) |
Since yesterday , the game had frosted suddenly . I have to quit the game . |
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Wowsie! (by wordsmith - 16 Apr 22, 8:57) |
Yesterday four of us, the only four players at that moment, were all stunned by a result none of us had ever seen: all four scored a perfect 3600! Players were guest__lees, gbassom, goodsam, and myself. Wowsie indeed!!! |
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Options (by bassglo - 16 Apr 22, 13:18) |
I may be mistaken, but I seem to remember an option to bring all the edge pieces forward. I am not offered this option when I go into a jigsaw puzzle, so am I remembering wrong? bassglo |
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New trivia game (by dkmGames - 21 Apr 22, 19:43) |
New live trivia game now released. You play against any others who join or it can just be yourself. It's more fun against others as you get bonus points for getting answer first. I originally wrote the code a couple of years ago and spent a fortune of time trying to collect enough trivia questions (wanted at least 30,000 to prevent repeats after a few months). But I decided not to release because too many inaccuracies and badly worded questions. However, recently found a database of about 90,000 questions with answers supposedly verified. It's not perfect (never will get with so many questions) but I feel good enough. Hope you enjoy and let me know of any tweaks in scoring, timing or otherwise. |
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I have joined the Highest Dojo Rankings, Bobo! (by jeffgamer - 01 May 22, 0:45) |
Bobo.... Last year, you proudly achieved one of your Word Ferret bucket list items, when you topped the high score list for three consecutive days. Your daughter said you'd earned your place at the top of your dojo...and, while I cannot remember what, precisely, you said the rewards were, you threw down the gauntlet with a challenge for me (or anyone) to achieve your Golden Triplet. Well...I now proclaim, with equally high levels of pride, that I have matched your DQA (Dojo-Qualifying Accomplishment)!! Topped the list on Wednesday 4/28/22, Thursday 4/29/22 and Friday 4/30/22! Tell me...what honors (or honours, in Socks-speak) do those of us who successfully navigate your laid-down gauntlet receive? Tell me tell me tell me!!!! 😎 |
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Feature Suggestion - option to NOT show first word (by ybr - 02 May 22, 14:20) |
I think it would be nice to have an option to NOT show the starting word. This could be implemented by, on the game screen, a checkbox and a start button, or two start buttons, labelled "Start with clue" and "Start without clue" (or "easy" & "hard", etc.) |
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End button (by cockerel - 04 May 22, 3:38) |
Would it be possible to move the 'end' button away from the other buttons, please? I usually play the daily challenge on my mobile phone and today was the second time this week I have, in my haste to get a good score, accidentally tapped the 'end' button instead of 'ruffle' which instantly ends the game and records the low score reached so far. |
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Reset of Samurai Sudoko app (by SamuraiSteve - 04 May 22, 3:49) |
I’m sure this has been floated before, but does anyone know how to reset all games on the Samurai Sudoko app, as well as resetting the buttons that show the game as incomplete off solved ? Ive completed all the levels, and want to start again from the beginning. I cant find the app on AppStore, so don’t want to delete the app, if i cant re-install it. I use an iPad 4th gen. |
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what happened in Hong Kong? (by sewista - 08 May 22, 15:16) |
I know that Map It doesn't quite understand Hong Kong, and usually fails to give the 100 country bonus when you find the right place. So I was not surprised to get only 5400 points after locating today's last site perfectly. What I don't get is how other people got 5495 points, presumably after locating it not really perfectly..... ??? |
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Undo Sensativity (by Bobo7777 - 09 May 22, 8:51) |
Is there a way to make the Undo arrow just take away the previous cell that was imputed? Today's challenge I filled in about 95% of the grid, made a slight error on the 2nd to last tile, hit undo... and the WHOLE board went back. In essence, because I did one continuous line (which is necessary to get top score in snakes), hitting the undo button registered as undoing to the point where i last had a pause (which was when the game started). So maybe two undo buttons? One that erases last pause, and one which just does the last cell. If you need to erase more than 2 or cells you can always use the "white" square to clean away multiple cells. Thanks, Bobo |
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Anyone else having trouble connecting to the server today? (by skeeter1 - 14 May 22, 9:35) |
Several times this morning I've tried to click on the Play window, but can't connect. It seems intermittent. I've been able to play several games, but whenever I click off the window and then come back, I have the same problem. I've refreshed the page and restarted my computer several times, so don't think it's an issue on my end, but could be wrong. Any help appreciated, Derek! |
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Derek - hope all is well (by Bobo7777 - 26 May 22, 9:32) |
Greetings Derek, Frankly just checking in to make sure all is well. I happened to notice that you haven't responded to any forum posts in about a month (I checked, and the last one I can see is May 2nd). Few reasons why: 1) No post has sparked enough interest to warrant a response, fair enough. 2) You are on a vacation (well deserved, enjoy). 3) You are not well. So, just to easy a weary mind, please check in :). Your contributions to this platform are monumental and so very much appreciated by us all, so excuse me for the concern. My best, Bobo |
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Challenge solution(s)? (by CW - 26 May 22, 9:47) |
Can there be more than 1 answer to today's Challenge # 540107. I swear I solved it. Wish I could attach a picture for you. |
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Suggestion: Undo, with Short Memory (by RSWallace55 - 05 Jun 22, 15:59) |
Likely controversial, but an Undo function, even with only a single level, would permit correction of inattention oversights, such as overlooking a combination on the top row that allows a 2 to snuggle in next to a hard-won 1024, or missing the danger of an Up move that locks the puzzle and requires a Down move which necessarily fouls the top row. The tedium of working a new game up to that first 1024 breeds autopilot play, which sooner or later will cause a Doh! moment. Alternatively, perhaps a snapshot feature that allows "start from here" so that progress doesn't routinely require playing time that varies as the square of the score attained. Better for mental health would be to take the game down altogether: very addictive! |
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All time winners (by terete - 06 Jun 22, 12:21) |
Hi Derek. I cant find th "all time winner" link. It seems from the forum that people can access it. But I dont find any link. Could you tell me how can I see it? Thx and my gratitude for your work. This site has made me very happy many times. And I stil find new games to play. THANKS |
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Highest one-play score? (by shucha - 08 Jun 22, 19:44) |
Mine just happened - 423 for "outspan" played so as to also make 5 other new words. |
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Highlight number in pencil marks (by engrdav - 10 Jun 22, 12:12) |
Is there a way to highlight a number (for example, all 2's) in pencil marks? That would really help to identify x-wings. On difficult puzzles, once i have input all the pencil marks, it is hard to pick out all instances of any particular number. |
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Unable to connect to server - try later (by davecr - 13 Jun 22, 2:27) |
Getting this the last few hours. Anyone else? I'm starting to get the shakes.... |
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Glitch in challenge play (by Rayisback - 13 Jun 22, 9:08) |
In the course of playing a Challenge hand, somehow the 6 of diamonds was left on the board after it was played on a trick. It stayed there through the rest of the hand, and then I was unable to have the next hand dealt. Not a big deal, just thought you might want to look into it. Thanks for the great game site! |
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Google maps freezing (by Lottie1001 - 15 Jun 22, 17:41) |
That's the second time in about a week that the maps have frozen while I was playing MapIt. Each time I was only ably to put a random guess in for the last few places. Today I managed to get the first two places before the problem arose. Then, somehow, three random guesses were each in the right country! |
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Sudoku Points Score Advantage (by Friday31 - 18 Jun 22, 13:51) |
Using yesterday's "Recorded Sudoku's Points Game" as an example specifically, the top entry for Heywood's game, with a point score of 6112 -- is there a scoring advantage to not immediately completing the middle grid (which was possible to do) after entering the number 1 and instead entering the number 1 in the grid to the right and then again in the grid below left, prior to completing all of the middle grid? I am curious whether you score the most points by completing the whole grid quickly or whether there is a strategy to obtain more points with specific entries, such as whether one is able to enter as many "9"'s first before other numbers as that would guarantee more points. I wonder why at times, I complete a game with less points although I feel I was quicker than previous rounds where I scored higher. Of course that could be in my imagination as I have not kept track of my times. Thanks for any input. |
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Bell Free (by lynxx - 19 Jun 22, 11:28) |
Big thanks to Bell Free, source of so many of the jigsaw puzzle pictures. I don't know if BF is a person or an agency, could be either one. Thanks again. Bell Free. |
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Challenge not loading tonight.... (by jeffgamer - 20 Jun 22, 0:37) |
Title says it all. A glitch? Gremlins? Aliens? |
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Does it go higher? (by fujamadook - 20 Jun 22, 10:24) |
I've yet to reach 2048 but I wonder if the 2048 tile then goes to 4096 and so on. With such high scores, where does it end? Please enlighten me. Meantime, I'll keep trying! |
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A Dad joke for Father's Day (by Bobo7777 - 20 Jun 22, 16:46) |
I came up with a joke the other day and it made my daughter literally groan out loud (mission accomplished!). Did you hear the one about the guy who went to the hospital to get his foot amputated? Obviously it was a tough day for him, but on the plus side, at least he was able to park in the Toe Away Zone. Sincerely, Bobo (telling dad jokes long before I became a dad). |
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Mystery Puzzle (by nannyynez - 23 Jun 22, 10:39) |
where is the Mystery Puzzle for today? It has disappeared??? |
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Saturday 25 June (by Lottie1001 - 26 Jun 22, 4:13) |
Congratulations to Dilbert for being the only person to find the Indian school! |
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Difficulty with difficulty levels. (by Claudius66 - 27 Jun 22, 8:39) |
Why do we have 3 categories of difficulty - easy, medium, hard, which are then undermined by the rating. For example a time of 5:26 (easy) gets a score of 1761 on one day and another day a time of 7:27(easy) (+ 2 minutes) gets you a score of 2295 !. Surely if one has similar times, one should have close to similar scores. Would it not make more sense to have the rating determine the level of difficulty or at least give difficulty rating before one starts so that we know what to expect. As it is, at the moment a medium with a low rating is easier than an easy with a high rating. |
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Failed to get puzzle (by Prose65 - 28 Jun 22, 1:00) |
When I try to access the Nonograms puzzles, they all have "Failed to get puzzle". I did refresh the pages and it didn't help. |
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Failure to load (by Bernice53 - 28 Jun 22, 11:33) |
Unable to load sudoku or nonogram puzzles |
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Poor Design (by VodkaTonic - 02 Jul 22, 14:21) |
Poorly designed system. Users 90% of the time are forced to play hands with opening bids of 12 or less. No regard for the rules of the game. This is simply a card program that may teach you some minimal strategy in playing the cards. |
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Page won’t load (by RosieC - 02 Jul 22, 16:14) |
Tried the refresh suggestion but still get a blank screen? |
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Reunion time - 4th of July 9am west coast USA (by eastham09 - 03 Jul 22, 0:26) |
Saw SGib today and thought - We ought to call for a word sketch get-together to celebrate Freedom (??) here in the land of the free, home of the brave.... 9 am my time, 12 noon east coast usa, 2 pm ish west europe etc... Hope to renew some connections - see you there |
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We were framed! (by shucha - 04 Jul 22, 4:16) |
Nice work by whomever decided to complete the current board's outer frame first (or as soon as possible, given the starting word in the middle) and then work in - quite artistic! Derek, will this be the next game - Megacross Artwork? Single player, same mechanics, but the goal is to create art in the preview panel? Not a serious request. Unless you're intrigued. |
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Surprise pattern today (by lynxx - 04 Jul 22, 11:25) |
Somebody had a lot of fun with the Megacross. I was very surprised to see such an interesting pattern, and I wonder how long it took the artist to produce it. Never a dull moment on dkmgames. |
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Seems to be stuck today (by gufi - 06 Jul 22, 3:42) |
Location no one, seemed stuck as arrows did nothing. Stayed in same place, So on to location 2, but got same picture as location 1. Not sure if just my machine. Using Firefox browser. |
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Free Cell (by tnx4asking2 - 07 Jul 22, 14:01) |
Mouse not moving cards and/or once moved, they don't stay in place. They bounce back to previous location. |
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Cards will not play (by zogo - 11 Jul 22, 16:52) |
Hey Derek, I've seen a problem come up on Nertz more frequently lately. Get part way into the game and try to play a card and it won't move. Won't play. I can physically grab it and move it to the right spot, but it's not technically there and when I turn the deck, it goes back to where it was in the original pile. I'm finding this glitch happening more and more often. Only way to fix it is leave the game. Some games it never happens. Others it does. Any help would be appreciated. |
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Mines challenge isn't loading (by Jama - 13 Jul 22, 4:13) |
I tried Chrome and Edge, but the challenge for today's Mines game isn't loading. |
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9 seconds!?! (by jeffgamer - 18 Jul 22, 5:02) |
A big congrats to kweiss333 for a 9 second challenge!! WOW!! |
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hIgh aggregate score (by ctuchel - 21 Jul 22, 16:16) |
Can’t remember the top 3 ever having such a high aggregate score. |
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Speed of the game (by theprisoner - 22 Jul 22, 5:04) |
It sometimes seems that the balls move much faster on boards with a lot of bricks compared to those with a much lower number. This (to me) is the wrong way round. If there are only a few rows of bricks at the top and lots of empty space, then the balls should whizz around at high speed to make it harder and more interesting. When the board is full of bricks, such as today's challenge, and there are multiple bonus balls, a slower speed would make it possible to keep all of them in play but it would be still be very hard to achieve the highest scores. I gave up on today's game because the very high speed of multiple balls in a very small space just means my mouse is constantly moving outside the frame. I'm curious to hear the views of others who love this game |
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Unable to connect to server... (by eastham09 - 22 Jul 22, 20:02) |
My 11yr old iPad, using wifi, keeps getting "unable to connect messages", even after power off / reboot. Is it me or thee? |
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Inside store not accurate (by Pinoy - 23 Jul 22, 15:11) |
Why is it that when you select the store where the location is, it is not the correct one? I just lost a point. This happens a lot of times. Why o why? |
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Today's Daily Puzzle a repeat? (by MTRP - 26 Jul 22, 9:31) |
Is it just me, or is this puzzle I am seeing with a cat on the bed the same one from either yesterday or a few days ago? |
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crash (by kayrod66 - 26 Jul 22, 10:24) |
3 days in a row it's crashed on the challenge. Might be from my end of things... Just saying... |
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puzzle will not allow me to type in numbers (by thirdchance - 26 Jul 22, 20:20) |
Anyone else having this issue? Didn't have any problems with Word Ruffle, Shisen, Majong, or Yubotu. |
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Text Adventures (by dkmGames - 28 Jul 22, 0:48) |
Anyone here that used to play the old text adventures like Zork and Sierra Online games (genre now called Interactive Fiction)? This hearkens back the days before graphic interfaces. If so and you would like to give feedback on something I have been working on, please email me at |
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Remind me to post tomorrow... (by shucha - 31 Jul 22, 15:08) |
...because NO SPOILERS. Those of you who have already done today's challenge may know what the specific topic will be! |
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Same challenge puzzle (by annlacko - 05 Aug 22, 4:39) |
Hi Derek, it's been several times in the past few weeks that I have seen the same puzzle appear in the daily challenge, at least I think so because of the lack of a zero in the puzzle, and a constellation of two 4's next to each other near the top right. Anyway, I finally noted the number of the puzzle, #193050, and it would be nice if you could eliminate that one from the pool. As always, thanks for all you do. |
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Dictionary is terrible. Why? (by WordShark - 05 Aug 22, 20:33) |
I've recently discovered Word Ruffle when a friend recommended it and I've been really enjoying it. It's a terrific game. (Great practice for playing Scrabble too!). But the dictionary is terrible! It omits dozens (so far) of words that aren't even arcane, just regular words. In this day and age, how can there even be such a thing? Surely finding a good dictionary -- perhaps use a Scrabble dictionary? would not be too expensive? |
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Incorrect score (by cockerel - 08 Aug 22, 9:22) |
I'm not sure what happened today. I found each of the five locations exactly but my total score registered as 5400 instead of 5500. It seems as if one of the country scores of 100 went missing somewhere. One of the rounds loaded up with a repeat of the previous location but then, after about 10 seconds, reloaded by itself to the new location. Maybe that had something to do with it. |
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unique pattern (by davek - 08 Aug 22, 16:53) |
I am in awe of who every is creating todays pattern' 8/8/22 screen shot or something to get it into jigsaw Keep it up mystery word magic person |
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very fast results questionable! (by floka7 - 09 Aug 22, 15:10) |
I haven't been on your site for long but really enjoy your games. I like DropQuote and don't really rush it but I wondered how one can get a result in under 30 seconds unless someone did the challenge and then the other player typed it in, even so or if it is so, I will ignore such players who come top in challenge in such fast times!!! Pity . |
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settings? change appearance of my avitar? (by LH63 - 13 Aug 22, 2:33) |
Are there no settings on the laptop version of dkmGames? I am shown as a boy and I want to change my looks. I can do it on my phone but it doesn't show up when I'm on my laptop and I can't find any settings buttons. |
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Not including my score (by sam - 15 Aug 22, 9:19) |
Hello: I’ve been doing the daily Word Ferret challenge for many years now. During this past week, including today, my score wasn’t included in the list. Even after all these years, I feel lucky to make it to the top 50 but I do like to see how I compare to other players. Today, I had a score of 245 which would have put me better than 50% so far. Can you help? |
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Limited release - Text Puzzles (by dkmGames - 15 Aug 22, 22:46) |
Following on from a previous post about Text Adventures, I am providing a link here to those that want to try the first installment. It's not something that will appeal to all and if liked enough by those regulars who read the forum, I will add the link to the menus and other pages on the site. I suggest if you have never played a text adventure, you do the quick walkthrough first (link provided on page). Feedback is welcome but please do not post any spoilers on how to solve. The link is: |
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great site (by rockweiller - 16 Aug 22, 15:24) |
I just want to say that I really enjoy playing on this site and I truly appreciate you, Derek, and anyone else involved in maintaining it. Been here for a year or so and love it. |
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Cards either not moving or once moved, jump back (by tnx4asking2 - 17 Aug 22, 9:42) |
No one else experiencing cards not moving (locked) or they move back to where they started from prior to attempting moving? Very frustrating. What can I do to solve this? |
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Seems to have run out of locations (by gufi - 23 Aug 22, 5:57) |
Seems to have run out of locations |
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New logic puzzle Irasuto added (by dkmGames - 24 Aug 22, 20:44) |
A new Japanese logic puzzle added - Irasuto. Should be new to everyone - not available anywhere else. |
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The fun days (by kayrod66 - 29 Aug 22, 9:32) |
I most enjoy the fun ones where you can't really improve by playing it multiple times with different user names. Part scores and failed contracts a few times in the batch. The only chance i have of scoring in the top 6 or so... LOL!! |
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Only 4400 (by Pinoy - 31 Aug 22, 20:34) |
Very Strange. I got all correct but scored me 4400 only. I would have completely missed 1 to get that score. Very weird.. |
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Not working (by MadMandel - 02 Sep 22, 21:13) |
There is a huge flashing cursor next to the game and mouse does not move the objects. What is going on? |
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Classic Challenge Anomaly (by RedHerring - 07 Sep 22, 3:54) |
On two occasions so far I have entered a number in a position and the smaller Possibles font is displayed with that number. This seems to occur when there are only two left in a column, row or box so entering the other possible number in the same position results in both numbers displayed. Anyone else seen this happen? |
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Today's random - how do you identify location (by Aardvard - 09 Sep 22, 13:38) |
How the heck does someone identify the first location in today's (9/9/22) random puzzle? It is inside a clothing store in India, but way beyond me as to how to figure that out. Thanks! |
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Condolences for Queen (by pppenguin - 13 Sep 22, 16:20) |
To my British fellow gamers, and in the associated dominions, please accept my sincere condolences on death of Queen Elizabeth. She was a leading light of stability, dedication, grace and humor, and these qualities are deserving of all high accord. |
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Another new logic puzzle (by dkmGames - 13 Sep 22, 20:21) |
A new logic puzzle has been added - Binairo. You also need to mark all cells white or black but completely different rules to Irasuto. Four grid sizes and three levels of difficulty. The larger grid sizes are more challenging. |
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Color contrast (by annlacko - 17 Sep 22, 4:11) |
Hello Derek, I really enjoy the new addition of logic puzzles. What I find with Irasuto is that I often make a mistake because the contrast is not high enough between white and the unfilled gray boxes. In today's challenge I spent the better part of a minute to find that I had left one box unfilled. I mailed you a screenprint of my almost finished board. Would it be possible to maybe make the gray a few shades darker? Or maybe the fill colors could be black and blue, a or any color combination really that is also workable for the colorblind players. |
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"Unsolvable" Puzzle (by Bobo7777 - 19 Sep 22, 15:07) |
I have run into a few puzzles where I complete about 90% of the board and then am stuck. Sure enough today I was playing : Hard Puzzle 10x10 #306724 and ran into this puzzle. I have 10 blank spaces of the 100 left to solve and could not find any way to move forward. 1) I clicked Check Imput and received "All correct so far" 2) I clicked Hint and received " Unable to give hint" 3) I clicked Solve One Cell and received "Unable to solve a cell" Besides the obvious solving methods, I have determined that no two rows/columns are duplicates (thus helping to solve the blanks). This has happened to me about 4 times so far. Anyone else find this, any suggestions or advanced techniques I am unaware of. Thanks, Bobo |
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Highest all-time score? (by shucha - 23 Sep 22, 12:12) |
Today's Ferret challenge is resulting in some pretty dang high scores...and great work, jeffgamer! What is the highest score that anyone has made/seen in the challenge? Is it today? |
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Size 8 glitch (by Schroedlater - 26 Sep 22, 12:11) |
When I select the size 8 Irasuto puzzle, it comes up as size 14. The other sizes are correct. No big deal, just thought I'd mention it. |
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Where was it? (by cockerel - 29 Sep 22, 3:49) |
I would be interested to know where the fifth puzzle was set yesterday. I saw it, immediately assumed that it looked like a city in the North of England, then hit the wrong button and deleted the puzzle! |
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Hurricane Ian (by terrij - 01 Oct 22, 6:35) |
From Arcadia FL. Survived the storm. House surrounded by 26 inches of water. But we made it, no injuries. |
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Partner bot needs a slap (by Rattie - 02 Oct 22, 6:38) |
I am of course not advocating violence, even to a bot - but this is what my human partner used to say when I did something particularly annoying in defence. 'You need a slap.' In today's challenge, in deal no. 4, for the first time ever I thought I was about to defeat the evil opposition bots' contract. (Has anyone succeeded in defeating a contract since they became all-knowing? I certainly haven't.) My hand contained a singleton club and two hearts (contract 2 hearts). At one stage I won a trick and led the singleton club. Partner won with the ace (I think) and returned a club, which I ruffed. I led a diamond (I think) and again partner won with the ace. Instead of leading back a club (they had plenty), which would have enabled me to defeat the contract by ruffing again, they led a spade. Just wondering if it would make the game more satisfying if partner bot, like the opposition bots, could be made all-knowing. Maybe this isn't possible, though. I don't play 'real' bridge any more, so it's great to get a fix every day with the Minibridge challenge. I do really enjoy it, despite often cursing the bots! |
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Printed puzzle books (by dkmGames - 04 Oct 22, 2:49) |
A few printed puzzle books are now available on Amazon for those that might want to do puzzles the old-fashioned way or maybe for a gift for someone. |
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Unable to start play (by patilou - 04 Oct 22, 11:38) |
New computer, Microsoft Edge. Puzzle picture comes on screen but I cannot start play. |
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Ian (by Wiley - 04 Oct 22, 12:29) |
How did Greg fare? Thoughts are with him |
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MapIt scoring ????? (by sewista - 04 Oct 22, 13:32) |
I've always been curious about how MapIt comes up with the "average points for puzzle", because that often seems like it's way too low for simply taking a mean of the scores posted. But today I am even more confused, because I was the seventh person to complete the puzzle, every one of us scored 5500, and the box said "average points for puzzle is 4980." Are there North Korean hackers who play MapIt (not very well), whose scores go into the average but do not appear on the leaderboard??? Just wondering... |
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Thursday's game (by Lottie1001 - 06 Oct 22, 17:36) |
I'm not sure what happened today. The first three places were fine. The fourth one wasn't Google-generated, but findable. The fifth one gave me the same picture as I'd just left for the fourth place. So all I could do was stick a pin somewhere in the world, and struck lucky with the country, although not very close to the actual location. |
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Gambling on a Void (by BlueWombat - 10 Oct 22, 9:48) |
I was surprised and felt it was a bit unlucky that there was a split amongst the defender's suits which left one with a void and what had seemed a good Small Slam bid just went down after the first two tricks. Fair enough, these things happen. However, I also noticed that mysticmarv and pamacintosh1, who are often amongst the winners of the daily challenge and therefore frequently have to gamble that splits go in their favour in order to get as high as score as possible, took the rather unlikely conservative option and chose not to bid the small slam. I'd be very pleased to know what inspired them not to go for the small slam, unless of course "mystic" means rather more than I'd hitherto realised. |
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Inappropriate word in game (by mixter - 12 Oct 22, 20:00) |
Hi Derek, I think it was yesterday or the day before that one of the words in the Codeword Challenge was GODDAMN. I would believe that I would not be the only who would take exception to this word being used in a game that people with diverse backgrounds. For as long as I can remember, children have been threatened with having their mouths washed out with soap if they said that word. I am not saying that I never use that word, but it was just not pleasant, and a bit surprising to find it on the game board. Other words that are found there, such a bitch which is a female dog, are fine as they are more secular. As I know the same words are used often on the boards, I really would not like to see it again, and would probably stop playing that challenge should it appear again. After all, despite the lower standards of today, it is generally considered not to be a proper word for "polite conversation." - so I would not expect to find it in a game. Thanks for all you do and attention I know you will give to this matter. elkster |
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Adding an instruction dimension to mini-bridge (by Rayisback - 13 Oct 22, 17:18) |
I'm a pedestrian bridge player, but I'd like to get better, and Minibridge could be the means of accomplishing that. This may be an impossible request, but I'll ask anyway. When playing Challenge, after each hand the highest possible result in each suit is shown. I have to assume that the computer program has run through every possible play in each suit to derive these results. I very rarely get the highest possible score. It would be instructive if this same function was provided in the Minibridge and/or Minibridge Plus formats, AND if the complete actual play could be shown (perhaps at the request of the player) AFTER the hand is played in those formats. I assume the "total knowledge" of the bots would have to be applied to the other two formats as well, and I have no idea how the actual replay of each hand would be programmed, but it would be a very useful device for me, and perhaps for other less competent bridge players. Anybody else think this is a good idea? |
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Bug in SpeedCross??? (by aj0811 - 14 Oct 22, 14:34) |
I have had issues with an error message saying all my letters need to be on the same line, but they are already. Any others problems like this??? Thanks |
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Strategy Question (by Taruby - 14 Oct 22, 21:34) |
While it's only been two days of testing, I noticed all of my puzzles for Irasuto share the same logic not found in regular Irasuto involving double blacks or whites occupying the same row or column. 1_3 If both of the above are white, then the empty space between them is always black. 2_ _3 If both of the above are black, then only at most one of the empty spaces can be black, not both. I'm wondering if this is intentional and not covered in the 4 rules, or if all of my games were just fortunate to share this property. I'll keep playing in the coming week to see if this (hidden) rule remains consistent; making it a sound strategy for DKM's variant of Irasuto. |
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Bug in SpeedCross??? (by aj0811 - 16 Oct 22, 13:24) |
Yes, agree it's usually on the first word. Sometimes I have to start a new game. Fun game to play for sure! |
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New Low (by sewista - 16 Oct 22, 21:18) |
Well, this has never happened to me before!! I opened the Random puzzle and got a white screen; figured that it was just taking a second to load. But as I watched, the white screen showed a box that quickly scrolled from 1/5 to 2/5 to 3/5 to 4/5 to 5/5 -- still white screen -- and then popped up with my score of 0. This all took less than 15 seconds. I have never failed so completely so quickly. |
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Challeng score not posted. (by ctuchel - 18 Oct 22, 13:23) |
Completed Challenge today, got my score, and the thanks for playing message, but the score was not posted to the results. This has happened before on occasion (always my highest scores as it happens😎) |
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Same picture (by Lottie1001 - 21 Oct 22, 15:55) |
I found the first location today, but the second and subsequent pictures were all of the same place as the first! Guessing locations didn't work very well. |
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Game too large for mobile screen (by Bistophe - 26 Oct 22, 10:47) |
I've come back to the site after a few months, and when playing Pearls (on any level size), the board is now too large for my phone screen. Wasn't the case before on the same phone (Samsung Galaxy). You can't zoom in or out, so you can't see the whole board at once. Applies whichever board dimensions you choose. This gets in the way of trying to solve puzzles fast! (Have to spend time moving the board side to side by dragging on the white area underneath it) |
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Square already filled following level select (by Bistophe - 26 Oct 22, 10:50) |
After tapping on a level size for Snake (on mobile), the square under that point gets filled with a snake block, as if you'd tapped there again. As a first-time Snake player I assumed this was a 'given' cell, which made the puzzle unsolvable. |
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the program is getting better. (by kayrod66 - 27 Oct 22, 9:59) |
I smiled during the play of the D on the 3rd hand against 3NT today, Oct 27. It is very difficult to provide a solid computer D. |
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My outcome is not shown on results board (by tali - 03 Nov 22, 13:50) |
For two days, in the end of the game, my final calculation of point does not appear and not on the daily board. please check this up. Thank you, Tali |
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bottom row of the grid is broken. (by cpmast - 05 Nov 22, 16:17) |
For the past several days the bottom row is not accessible in the Triplets grid. I cannot drag any icons to the bottom row and cannot move any icon in the bottom row anywhere. This happens on both the Daily challenge and the regular play. I tried to refresh but that doesn't work. |
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Bug still present (by aj0811 - 10 Nov 22, 15:18) |
Often when I start a game, the error message states that all my letters must be on one line, or it shows black boxes extending from my word. In such cases, I see no problem with my word. This has been going on a while and is becoming rather irritating. I hope it is fixed soon. |
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can't move cards in multiple solitaire games (by bowser - 10 Nov 22, 20:15) |
suddenly unable to move cards. only movement i can do is tapping to put into open space at top. same in eight off, yukon, free cell and several others. i have tried different styluses and my finger. any ideas? |
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Total guesswork today! (by Kleo - 14 Nov 22, 13:51) |
I thought Yubotu puzzles could be solved by logic - what went wrong today? Far too many guesses were needed - I could not even get started. |
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cheating or not? (by hahahaha - 19 Nov 22, 4:03) |
I can really not understand how these consistent ultra-low (20...30s) daily challenge results can be achieved without cheating. But then - what would be the point? Can someone explain to us how you do that? |
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Error in 18x18 on21 Nov? (by MagsGamer - 21 Nov 22, 13:23) |
Hi there, I think there is an error in the 18x18 nonogram today. I hit an error first try. Second try, more carefully, produced a completed puzzle which was 100% correct on the rows but with exactly one error in Column 5 which is logically impossible. Column 5 was short of one single black square. I experimented with the erroneous column and got a "Well done, you completed the puzzle" by adding an extra single black in row 14. Ie Row 14's clue should read "1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1", not "1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1". |
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Thanksgiving (by rockweiller - 23 Nov 22, 12:28) |
Just wanna wish who ever celebrates Thanksgiving a happy one. And once again i would like to thank Derek and the team for the job they do on this site. |
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colour scheme (by kayrod66 - 24 Nov 22, 12:27) |
I plead you try to not have two colours that are practically the same for a challenge; those purples and light greens are too close for me... :D My retina damage and easily triggered migraines could be a hindrance on these days, a few times I've packed it in early. Computer monitor isn't the best either.. Nonetheless my one play today puts me in 8th place, one of my best ever scores comparatively |
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What is "LUTTUCE"? (by bandw - 24 Nov 22, 23:18) |
It's in the word list for the Easy Search that I just completed. Google just asks if I mean lettuce and my online dictionary thinks I mean lattice. Misspelling in the word list that Search draws from? |
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numerology (by shucha - 26 Nov 22, 13:06) |
Bobo777 sits atop the leaderboard with 666...I feel like it should have happened Jan. 11 or Feb. 22. |
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Speedybot wins are impossible (by Glyndwr - 04 Dec 22, 11:00) |
An adjustment to the program needs to be made! When playing against the computer bots there are occasions when Speedybot wins with a score that is IMPOSSIBLE to achieve. For example, I recently lost in a matter of minutes, and the Speedybot score was SEVEN - that can't happen in the game, as a minimum of 13 points has to clear the pile! |
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How to print puzzles? (by hsmom3boys - 05 Dec 22, 8:21) |
I would like to print some puzzles (Suguru, for example) to use with my Math students. But when I choose the print puzzle option from the menu, I get a mostly blank page, without the puzzle grid. What is the secret to printing? Laura |
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Error Game #13884 (by pkramer - 05 Dec 22, 22:30) |
Do you ever use games over again? In Game #13884, "the first thing YOURS see...: should be "the first thing YOU see." |
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Well done popup (by Bistophe - 08 Dec 22, 3:31) |
Hardly a bug but after finishing a game of Pearls, the "Well done! You solved the puzzle in X:XX" popup appears, then if you pick another grid size, the popup is still there on top of the new puzzle. Feels like it should disappear |
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Show Possibles Not showing in Sudoku (by TCtheRogue - 09 Dec 22, 22:22) |
I wanted to get some input on this, so I listed as General. I'm working back into Sudoku and thought I would turn on the option for Show Possibles. It isn't changing the puzzle at all. I thought when I had done them in the past it showed the pencil mark for each number that could potentially go into each cell. Is there something else that could be wrong on my end (besides needing the assistance of show possibles)? Thank you! |
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Today's challenge was rotated 90 degrees to the left (by bpat - 12 Dec 22, 16:33) |
Once solved, it turned to the right orientation. |
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Cards played and points awarded don't match (by Pippy1 - 19 Dec 22, 20:46) |
Hi there! First, thank you for this game site - I love it!! Second, Sometimes when playing Nertz, one player will have an unusually high score that just doesn't seem right. When totaled with the other players it doesn't match the number of actual cards played. For instance, I was playing a game tonight with one other person "Me" and when I glanced at their score it seemed unusually high. We were both stuck so I totaled our scores - 64 combined but # of cards played was only 48(ish? - I forgot actual amt. but it was considerably lower than our combined total). This happened 2 games in a row that I noticed today. I have also seen it happen periodically other times - not often, but enough to take note. Any idea of why this happens? |
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No buttons to start game (by be - 22 Dec 22, 10:42) |
Change the place of those buttons FGS! Still can't play... |
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New 3-D letters blocking cells (by Aardvard - 22 Dec 22, 12:35) |
It took a little bit to get used to, but I like the look of the 3-D letters. However, when your score for the level pops up, it blocks the cells at the bottom of the 3 and/or 4-letter words that you didn't get so you can't see them. Also, in today's challenge at level 3, it partially blocked the bottom of the 4-letter words. Any way to fix this without reverting back to 2-D? Derrick, thanks for all your work on these games! |
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Daily Decathlon (by shucha - 23 Dec 22, 9:21) |
Revisiting the idea of a multi-game daily challenge, wherein players would finish the daily challenge for all of the included games (DKM Daily Decathlon has nice alliteration, but it could be fewer than 10) to see who would finish at the top. I was just thinking about the difficulty in deciding which games make it in to the short list. Knowing that I'm proposing something that Derek doesn't have time to create...what about a randomized selection of challenge-enabled games? It would keep things interesting, give more people a chance at cracking the leader board, and draw people into games that they may not have paid attention to before. It's fun to dream about, anyway... |
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Tips (by sam - 25 Dec 22, 12:08) |
There are some players’ games on the public puzzles which I can never win — such as gleefulj and cufflinks. Can you give me some tips on the best way to win, please???? |
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Drag new game instead move card (by Tiger51 - 25 Dec 22, 20:01) |
Tablet android sudoku word play fine but freecell don't play at all |
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End of the year Binge (by eastham09 - 28 Dec 22, 1:00) |
Saturday, December 31, time to see all your old (and new / young) Word Sketch friends / fiends; I'll look to be there starting 9am west coast / noon New York / do the math for your time zone; maybe shoot for "on the hour starts", come when you can, stay as long as you want. Hope to some of you dear ones for a round or three. Eastham09 aka Johnboy |
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check post under "Word Search" for "Word Sketch" info (by eastham09 - 28 Dec 22, 14:40) |
I did mistakenly post my suggestion for a Work Sketch binge on Dec 31 under Word Search... hopefully Derek can change the earlier post title and then delete this one... |
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**Official** Daily Decathalon (by Bobo7777 - 29 Dec 22, 11:43) |
First and foremost, thank you Shucha for getting this off the ground! Figured I would get this rolling and set up a page to announce the daily festivities. I'm sure we will make numerous tweaks along the way, but you have to start somewhere. I also figured we could use the other thread to go over these changes, and keep this page solely for results. Without further ado here are all the games I finished in the top 15 (minimum at least 5 games). 12/28/2022 1) Ferret - 4th 2) Ruffle - 7th 3) Drop Quotes - 2nd 4) Snakes - 8th 5) Tower - 12th 6) Pairs - 7th Total = 40 over the 6 games = 6.66 score Bobo :) |
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request for feature (by bandw - 29 Dec 22, 16:57) |
The recent discussion about a cross challenge contest reminds me of a thought I had some time ago. When I first thought of it, I was playing the challenges shortly after the roll over to the new day's games. It wasn't hard to finish in the top 5 when only 3 players had done the challenge :) As fun as it was to get a good rating, I knew it wasn't real and often wondered where my score landed at the end of the day. Since then I play more in the middle of the day and occasionally! finish first. I try to remember to check the leader board the next day to see if the score held up. Would it be possible to have a 'how did I do in yesterday's challenges' query? I had first thought it would be neat to have it in the pop-up before each challenge "Yesterday you finished 28th..." but then I realized not every challenge has a pop-up and it would be a lot of work to change every screen. So just a button - someplace easy to add - that would query the scores for yesterday's challenges and return a list of the challenges I played and where I finished in the rankings. maybe? |
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5th round missing (by cockerel - 06 Jan 23, 11:35) |
Completed 4 rounds of Map It today but was then given a final score of 4400. No fifth round. Looking at today's challenge results, it seems I'm not the only one. At this stage there are 4 players with 5500 and 4 players with 4400. |
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January 9 Puzzle (by ckb1004 - 09 Jan 23, 16:06) |
I have to know how people figured out that 5th location. It was a closed loop and there were no signs of anything anywhere! How did you do it? |
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1/15 daily puzzle-words misspelled (by oldbroad - 15 Jan 23, 13:31) |
Hello- On the periodic table, I don't find Radeon. It should be Radon. Same with Thoreon should be Thorium. Thoreon is a pokemon. Radeon is a a graphics card company. |
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# and number (by Cdav - 17 Jan 23, 6:49) |
What on earth is the little Hastag and a number relating to in the daily game that you play with others? Why is it there and what does it mean? Current theories are numbers of players hanging around in Mahjong, but not necessarily in that game, what your score is in relation to others, but in my case not a chance! so what does it mean? |
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Erasing words (by Lottie1001 - 20 Jan 23, 9:35) |
Would it be possible to include a button to erase all the words from a Word Fill grid? It would make it much easier to start again when it's all gone wrong. Thanks for all the lovely games, and your hard work in creating them, and keeping everything running smoothly. |
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Feedback & Discussion on Map-it Daily Challenges (by jampots - 23 Jan 23, 16:54) |
NO SPOILERS PLEASE! Only post discussion on the locations of the Map-it Daily Challenges THE DAY AFTER the challenge - we are all in different time zones, so be careful not to spoil the challenge for those who have not yet attempted it. Having said that, today's challenges are all fairly straight forward, no tricky languages to translate nor miles of unmarked country roads, so a perfect opportunity for anyone who has not yet tried Map It to give it a go - and it shouldn't take you too long to solve the 5 locations. It's a fun way to explore the world from the comfort of your own home! |
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melly1 great score! (by katze - 24 Jan 23, 0:04) |
7455! Wow, what did time did you get it done in? 10 seconds?? |
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Speed bonus on daily challenge? (by jeffgamer - 24 Jan 23, 9:45) |
I only recently started dabbling in trying out the Map It daily challenge. It seems like, with unlimited time, it's pretty easy to nail a perfect score, which is why there are usually so many tied for first place. Me, I would LOVE to see a time-bonus added to the daily challenge. It would eliminate the multiple first-placers and would add a bit of strategy...should I take a guess that's CLOSE to ground zero in order to get more of a time bonus, or should I spend more time nailing down the exact spot? Like, maybe there's 300 bonus points available per round, and for each second for the first five minutes (i.e. 300 seconds) that it takes to make a guess, the number of bonus points go down by one. What do ya'll think? |
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Kicked out game restarts (by Cdav - 01 Feb 23, 8:32) |
This morning I was playing Shisen on the challenge, it's a game I could do fairly well on because like most of these it recycles them endlessly and I actually remember the sequence, so I get started and then .... It flicks off, reloads itself and tell me I have already played today. Grrr. It's done that before a few times, usually on either Shisen or Mahong and the previous time was a few days ago when I was just doing the play with others option. I was playing Mahong the previous time and could have actually completed and then .... it flicks off and reloads. Sigh. I am on a windows 11 computer, it's done it in firefox and Vivaldi, on my previous laptop it did it randomly too. Sigh. Why? We implore to the heavens, I haven't won yet. (lol) |
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Curated puzzles- who is gdubb0919? (by Aardvard - 01 Feb 23, 13:04) |
Are all the curated puzzles in Map It by gdubb0919 automatically developed by DKM Games? There are so many of them it pretty much excludes the chances of playing any games by others. |
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challenge (by quangle - 03 Feb 23, 3:27) |
Love doing the challenge, but please could the answer be given, maybe the next day? Thanks |
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Happy Valentine's Day all you Sketch lovers (by eastham09 - 07 Feb 23, 14:57) |
One week from today - Feb 14th let's get together for a sketch fest! 9 am Pacific Coast USA time; noon in New York, ah, 5 pm in London and just for Kookoo... ummm, 7 pm?? in Greece (sorry to be so USA centric) I love you all no matter where on Earth you reside! |
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foul mouth player (by terrij - 09 Feb 23, 13:36) |
Reporting foul mouth player Logan on Nertz |
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Pop up box blocking finished quotes - Relocate (by mangotango - 11 Feb 23, 21:39) |
The pop-up box at end of game, stating "Well Done, you've solved ..." is blocking the finished puzzle. It should be placed higher up, in the now-blank area above. People want to read the finished quotes when it is completed. Also, it is desirable to have a "New Forum Message" alert at respective game pages, ( MapIt especially), as new players may not realize the existence of the Forum until much later. |
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Face/off (by LT61 - 12 Feb 23, 16:41) |
There's no slash option! |
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Sudoku for smart phone (by smile2 - 12 Feb 23, 17:09) |
I tried playing sudoku points on my phone. The ad made it impossible |
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New puzzle type added (by dkmGames - 12 Feb 23, 18:30) |
A new Sudoku puzzle type has been added - Sandwich Sudoku. I think it's a great variant, quite challenging until you get the hang of it. Please give it a try and let me know of any issues. |
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Timed out in MapIt (by Lottie1001 - 18 Feb 23, 16:36) |
This is a problem I've had before. Is there a time limit on searching for a location in MapIt? I was searching for the last place today, and then went back to MapIt, but I got the 'Already accessed puzzle for today' message when I tried to go back to the game, even though I'd only entered four locations, and still had the fifth to finish. I had the game open in one tab, and was using others to search for answers to any clues I got from the pictures. I definitely hadn't hit the back-button on the MapIt game tab. Also, if anybody, tomorrow, would like to tell me where the last place was today, I'd be very grateful. |
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Alert (by ZARIF1008 - 25 Feb 23, 14:46) |
Ayat just get a fast speed and got in 4 today. |
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2nd Place Comment (by ZARIF1008 - 26 Feb 23, 13:32) |
ZARIF1008 closes to Lara7 before it was currently 2 today, tomorrow it will be the next challenge. |
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the game stop when I still got 1"46"" to go (by gleefulJ - 26 Feb 23, 13:40) |
It happened all the time . Today -Feb.27-, the game end when I still have 1"46"' to go. Why ? It happen every so often. |
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Putrid Pentathlon (by Rayisback - 02 Mar 23, 18:37) |
For those of us who will never qualify for the Daily Decathlon I am proposing a similar, but non-competitive posting of the worst scores for the day for five events. My first posting will forever demonstrate that I have no shame: Word Ferret 95 Free Cell 14 Bricks 24 Minibridge 11 Triplets 179 Average Score 65 In defense of this score I'll note that Free Cell, Bricks and MiniBridge tend to have few players, which causes my average to be lower than it might be if there were more players. Feel free to compete. That's one of the objectives of this site. |
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Word Hunt (by Hiskid - 13 Mar 23, 18:55) |
I miss word hunt . . . .Bring it back??? |
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scoring (by Rickymcg - 15 Mar 23, 10:42) |
in addition to daily ranking, it would be nice to see the number of "failed" attempts. in the scoring stats, adding an extra line for average daily score, would let folks see how they are doing versus others |
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/ symbol that won’t disappear (by CCologne - 16 Mar 23, 5:34) |
Hi, what does the slanted / symbol mean and how can I get rid of it when it appears? It appeared in my puzzle today and I couldn’t erase it. I carried on playing and eventually it went but I have no idea why or how? Thanks! |
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Sun, Mar 19 max score (by bandw - 19 Mar 23, 11:46) |
I don't often notice the max available score in Word Ferret. Usually I compare my score to the top players and am happy if I'm at 50% of their numbers. Today's max number got my attention. What is a 'normal' number for a max score available? Is today's number unusual? |
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Ipad message "unable to connect to server, try later" (by eastham09 - 19 Mar 23, 18:40) |
HI Derek - I seem to recall that a few weeks ago someone sent in a similar message and you replied with something to the effect that you had fixed something and to give it a try again. At the same time I was also not able to connect on my iPad, and when I read your note I did try again and sure 'nuff was able to get in (Word Ferret and Sudoku multi-player games) Now, it's happening again, where I cannot connect to those multi-player games; I have shut down the iPad and then come back on, to no avail... is there something amiss at your end? Or is it just me? Thanks for a marvelous adventure called "DKM Games" - Eastham09 aka EastJohn |
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Spider: sequence completed by Ace from stock doesn't clear (by Bistophe - 20 Mar 23, 11:11) |
In Spider, if we have a run of King through to 2 on a column, then get cards from the stock and an Ace lands on that column, then the column doesn't clear |
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Home page edit needed (by akimbo - 25 Mar 23, 9:40) |
On the SpeedCross home page, to the side of the Daily challenge button, it shows "Log in" and "Join for free". On other word games with a daily challenge (like Word Mesh), to the side of the Daily challenge button, it shows (for me) "akimbo" and "not akimbo?". I just noticed this in the last couple of weeks. It's not really important, but it distracts me to make sure I'm actually logged in. Thanks! |
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Kicked out in mid-map (by sewista - 28 Mar 23, 11:42) |
Last night, after I finished location #2, I was laughing because I had cleverly outsmarted the cellphone store in Germany. I guess I shouldn't have laughed out loud, because the screen went blank except for a message that said you have already played the game today, and that was the end of that. I hope I missed a frustrating 45-minute slog through the wilds of Thailand. |
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It's REUNION time again, day before Easter (by eastham09 - 29 Mar 23, 16:26) |
Hello all you word sketch lovers - by special request from one of our most fervent players I'm calling us to join forces once again for a hoedown, Saturday, April 15th, let's say High Noon, New York City time, 9am west coast usa, 4 or 5 pm UK, a bit later in Spain and Greece... and I don't know if we have players in Oz or Asia or ?? Hope to see you there. |
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Reunion time MOVED UP ONE HOUR EARLIER (by eastham09 - 05 Apr 23, 13:59) |
Hello all you dedicated (and even just sketch curious) players - I have come up with a competing time demand and would like to start at 8 AM pacific coast time (11 am New York, etc, etc) if that works for "everyone". Even if it doesn't, I will be there at the earlier time, able to play for a couple of rounds. Others may certainly be able to play longer etc... And just to confirm, we are only 3 days away - Saturday, April 8th!! Hope to see y'all there. |
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Row Labels Only Fit 4 Numbers on Linux (by foodProcess - 07 Apr 23, 11:25) |
When I play Nonograms on Linux, for some reason the font is a bit different, and if a row has more than four numbers, I can only see the last four. I played today's challenge on a Steam Deck, which runs Arch Linux. There were two rows with five numbers and it really threw me off. To make debug easier, if our fearless developer looks at this, I looked at the request headers my browser sent to the site, and it says: User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64; rv:109.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/111.0 I tried zooming in various ways and it didn't help (the game is drawn on a canvas that seems not to listen to zoom or font style). I might try Chrome next. Workarounds welcome! |
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Server Still Down noon et (by Lou50 - 09 Apr 23, 12:03) |
Not able to play multi user shisen all day. BUMMER Happy Easter Everyone. |
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Cannot connect to server (by Beachcomber - 09 Apr 23, 13:37) |
I've been unable to connect to the server all day (around 8 hrs now). I am able to play alone but not play with others. Tried refresh but no response. I am missing my Ruffle fix! |
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Please read before adding another post about the server (by skeeter1 - 09 Apr 23, 15:10) |
Dear fellow gamers, It's been established that the multiplayer server here has been down all of Easter Sunday, at least on our side of the world. What some might not know is the owner of this independent site, Derek, hails from Australia (which I gleaned from reading previous posts on this Forum), where it was the middle of the night when most players posted. Maybe we've grown too used to problems being resolved uber-quickly (if you've played on corporate sites before, you know how much better the service is here), but please consider that A) Derek may have scheduled server maintenance for this weekend, figured most of us would be busy with family; B) he's with his own family for the holiday; C) he's having trouble fixing the server, being it's a holiday; D) he's conducting a social experiment to see how badly people will freak out if they don't get an immediate fix. As I long-time player, I really think this site has been a labor of love for him, and it would be very easy I'm as addicted as anyone here (probably more), but Derek could easily read some of the comments posted today and say, "I'm over this petulance; there's easier ways to make a living." A little kindness and generousity goes a long way, considering today of all days... Deep breaths, all! tc. |
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What we learn (by kayrod66 - 11 Apr 23, 11:05) |
That the letter C is the worst of unsuspected enemies in our daily life on here.... |
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High score, a first! (by wordsmith - 14 Apr 23, 7:48) |
For the historical record, let it be known that on April 12, 2023, our very long-time high-scorer, Skeeter, a talented, generous player, as well as a dedicated public high school teacher, scored an all-time high (as far as we know), with the final long word being BEDHEADS. 8176. AMAZING! |
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Irasuto not loading (by Josette - 18 Apr 23, 19:00) |
Hi Derek- thank you as always for maintaining such a wonderful site! I wanted to let you know the irasuto challenge loads fine on my cellphone, but the puzzles stopped loading on my cell about a week ago. Challenge appears, just not the daily puzzles. Hope this is helpful in case there's a glitch, thank you so much! |
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Acknowledging my challenge glitch (by jeffgamer - 19 Apr 23, 1:12) |
Hey, all! It's been at least two years...possibly a lot more...since this glitch happened. You'll notice that I scored an incredible time on today's Mines challenge...0.00 seconds! That used to happen to me, periodically, on one of the challenges for a different game's daily challenge...can't remember if it was Word Ferret or a different game. It would happen when my speed was under a minute to complete the board...occasionally it would glitch out and give me a really weird reading, like today, when my time read -1:0-14...and that appears on the challenge leaderboard as 0 minutes and 0 seconds. I haven't seen that glitch in a long time...but I'm acknowledging that it happened today on my Mines score. So, no, I did NOT finish the board in 0 seconds, and I did NOT steal anyone's time stop device. I suspect I probably solved in 46 seconds or something (hence the -14)...but I have no way of knowing for certain. |
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Playing on phone (by katze - 19 Apr 23, 16:47) |
I haven't been able to play on my laptop as much so I have been playing on my phone. I have an android pixel 3 and I use Google and I play in portrait mode. I've noticed differences and I don't consider myself computer savvy so I was hoping Derek, if you have the time, or if anyone else can help me by answering some questions I have? Some of my queries are to make my game play more enjoyable and some are just curiosity. 1) When I play, for example, spider solitaire, when I press on a number my phone highlights the number to copy and paste it, it's annoying so is there a way to stop that in my phone settings? I tried googling it but couldn't figure it out. 2) Sometimes playing, for example, freecell solitaire, I go to drag a card from the foundation to the tableau and I guess I miss and go above the card and end up dragging the screen so that it begins a new game? 3) When I play a game, such as, sudoku sandwich, and I pause the game sometimes when I go back to it, it starts a new game? 4) I noticed that there is no chat for players even who are signed in? Which is okay, however I just wonder if someone else is chatting "good going" to you knows that? 5) There are not as many games? Just to name a few, no triplets, no hearts, no spades, no jigsaw puzzles? Please don't misunderstand, I'm not complaining and I still love playing. I'm just curious if I could be doing something that I'm not. Thanks to anyone who answers, I appreciate it! |
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Some titles inhibit delivery of a puzzle preview. (by philk1945 - 21 Apr 23, 16:38) |
There is no puzzle preview for any puzzle whose title contains a single quote. For example: (Encountered on safari 16.4) I suspect something similar would happen if a title contained a < or a > or a / ... |
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Locations run out (by gufi - 24 Apr 23, 9:23) |
Mapit gave only 4 locations today, not five. Think need to load more locations. |
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Inappropriate word (by cockerel - 30 Apr 23, 7:29) |
Hi Derek, I am not particularly bothered at all by bad language but I know some others are. The answer to the penultimate clue today is generally regarded as a very obscene word that has slipped through the net, so it might be best to remove it from the list of allowed words for the future. Great games site, thankyou. |
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Difficulty (by ral1 - 01 May 23, 18:55) |
how are games rated |
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Solitaire games not opening (by jbentley9494 - 02 May 23, 18:19) |
Why can't I get any solitaire games to open? All other games are working fine. |
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Playing game on phone glitches (by shazzle - 05 May 23, 1:50) |
For white a while now, when I play on my phone and press say the rotate button, it highlights the button and I have to press away to remove it. Now I also appear to have lost sound effects, even though these are switched on in preferences. Sound effects are working elsewhere though. Any advice? |
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How on earth (!) did you figure out that room? (by lmbond - 12 May 23, 8:16) |
I would really like to know how anyone got within 100 points of figuring out where room with the terrible decor is, posted May 11. What did I miss?? |
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CHAT BOX (by kersheena - 15 May 23, 1:25) |
DKM, says there is a chat box ,well, where is it. |
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PnP (by jeffgamer - 17 May 23, 21:09) |
Porker and Perch -- two new names in the Word Ferret world, toppin' (or near-toppin') the daily challenge. Are these power-guests-turned-named? Old friends under new names? Sneaks, new or old? I haven't seen them in the regular 3-minute games yet. Perch and Porker... introduce yourselves! Hi---I'm Jeff! 🤝 |
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Drop down ads (by Gamingram01 - 19 May 23, 13:08) |
Anyone having trouble seeing the cards when an ad drops down? |
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Credit artist (by SimonR - 22 May 23, 14:07) |
It would be nice if there was a way to credit the artist or photographer when submitting a jigsaw. When I find a jigsaw I really like, I sometimes do a reverse image search to find out who created it. Often it is by a contemporary artist. As well as giving credit where it's due, I assume we have to be careful about the copyright situation! |
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AI generated images (by SimonR - 22 May 23, 14:20) |
Well someone had to ask! How do people feel about these? If it is a good image for a jigsaw, does it matter that it was created by a machine? I have been fairly astonished by Microsoft Bing Image Creator, which uses the DALL-E generative AI engine. There's a bit of trial and error involved but a high proportion of images are good and occasionally something amazing turns up. Microsoft don't claim ownership and nor would I, although I would always say how it was made. I think it wise to do a reverse image search too, just in case the algorthm got a bit too derivative of someone's work. I think it OK to ask for an image in a generic style, e.g. "impressionist watercolor", but in my opinion it is a bit much to ask for the style of a specific artist, especially a living one. |
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Daily challenge changed (by akimbo - 31 May 23, 6:53) |
I started the Word Zap daily challenge yesterday, May 30th, and was doing very well until the cat ran across my keyboard and kicked me out of the screen. Well, I thought I might as well try it again, even if I'd get no score, and was surprised to find a different grid of letters. It wouldn't be a daily challenge if the grid was different for each person. I know I'm not a different person (LOL), but I think you know what I mean. Thanks. |
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Overdue thanks and hello (by HappyQuizzer - 01 Jun 23, 8:29) |
I’ve been enjoying the site for quite a while now so an overdue thanks to Deryck and a hello to all the regulars - I am suitably in awe of your times! Happy puzzling everyone |
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Interesting Scoring by Tor in Points Challenge (by FatFingers - 16 Jun 23, 10:29) |
But not a very good guesser.... |
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judithweaver (by judithweaver - 18 Jun 23, 2:29) |
Just to thank you for Sandwich Sudoku, which I fine stimulating and enjoyable. I found it difficult at first and even now don't always manage it, but skill is growing! |
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dkmGames and Opera (by bpat - 18 Jun 23, 10:31) |
I'm trying out Opera as a browser. Sudoku works fine, but after about 4-5 clicks, Nonograms kicks me out and I have to start all over again. Is this a known problem with this site, or do I need to just keep fiddling with Opera settings? |
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Iffy score (by Jinx1 - 19 Jun 23, 3:16) |
Tor strikes again with 67 score???? |
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TOR needs to be removed from rankings (by Bulldog77 - 19 Jun 23, 5:59) |
Tor cannot average 8800 for 10 games - this is above top possible score. Tor is listed number 1 and doesn't deserve it. I observed one of Tor's games yesterday - they come out of no where near end of game. Remove these fake scores from rankings - it ruins the game |
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Cheaters (by MeredithM - 19 Jun 23, 8:59) |
Hey Derek, tired of seeing cheaters. Would be nice if you would not record anomolous scores, ie within 10% of absolute maximum for the grid, without first confirming it is correct. Several suggestions from players for dealing with cheaters: permanent booting from playing, not recording any of their scores in stats, permanent play as guest only. Tor is the latest |
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Disable pencil function in Sudoku points (by pristan - 21 Jun 23, 11:09) |
Is it possible to disable pencil marks function in Sudoku points. I am asking because this functions interferes with normal play by switching to pencil haphazardly and mostly in inopportune times, as if it developed its own mind. |
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destroying fruit (by rockweiller - 22 Jun 23, 12:09) |
Im playing in a level where 3 fruits have to go to the bottom and a lot of times, i will destroy a fruit on the way down. I have no idea what im doing to destroy the fruit. if someone could tell me so that i quit doing that i would appreciate it |
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Sorry (by geordiemam - 27 Jun 23, 1:00) |
Just played shisen challenge - timer froze as I was playing - I completed and time showed 1.04 - I'm sitting in 1st place - I didn't cheat - just a technical hitch I guess. |
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Tor (by Tor - 29 Jun 23, 4:33) |
This is a message from Tor. For once an for all, I did not cheat. When the strange scores begun i have chatted about it and someone with s... told me she had it also and i had to remove the strange scores, i started to do that. And waited until DKM solved the problem. Than they removed my scores i thought they solved the problem. Then the scores started again, i try to remove as much as possible, but sometimes you walk away with the game and have no idea. This morning i saw when the game ended that there was a rest time from 33.xx minutes, so the problem was the time, and then i led the link to my laptop who is struckling with his clock since the heat period, and sometimes closed and startup out of the blue. A problem what i overhere try to solve, but have not solved until now. I play Sudoky to relax and not even to win. Now you are all informed i hope i solve it quickly |
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Bastille Day celebration with Sketch fest... (by eastham09 - 03 Jul 23, 17:45) |
Hello all you sketchers - things are heating up in our world, so let's see if we can honor "cooling down" the French fervor for freedom fighting... how about 6am Pacific time, 9am in New York, 4 pm in Athens (I think); if ya don't like that timing, give us another option; hope to see you there E |
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Scorpion Bug or Secret Back Door (by RSWallace55 - 04 Jul 23, 13:15) |
I inadvertently found I was able to pick up other than the bottommost up-facing card to move into an empty column. Doesn't always work, and circumstances under which it does are unclear. A fraction of the downward facing cards can be moved to the empty column and the exposed card turns face up. Sometimes the entire downward facing column can be moved to an empty column, which could itself provide a possible advantage if done before the extra cards are dealt. |
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Lottie1001 (by sewista - 04 Jul 23, 20:57) |
Hey Lottie, I haven't seen you on the games in quite a while. Hope you're just on a wonderful vacation and not having to deal with problems. We miss you!! |
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Challenge won't complete (by Schroedlater - 05 Jul 23, 10:04) |
I filled in the challenge puzzle with what appear to be correct answers, but can't get it to complete. I can't see any letter swaps that would give a different solution. I reset the puzzle and did it again, same thing. Any ideas? |
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Highest score? (by shucha - 05 Jul 23, 10:49) |
Maybe I'm just forgetting or missed it, but I don't think I've seen a score over 1300 before today. Rattie, what is your best score? Did someone else get the highest score ever? My money is on Rattie. |
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One play all-time high (by shucha - 10 Jul 23, 15:51) |
Brag alert: move on if you don't want to hear me crow. So I finally had a 7-word play in MegaCross: "nubile" parallel to "bonefish", also creating (no, un, be, if, li, es). Total score for that play: 567 Still waiting on that elusive and maximal 8-word play... |
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Archived games (by Bobo7777 - 10 Jul 23, 17:10) |
First and foremost, I love this game. I understand that there are not enough players to warrant a daily challenge, however was hoping previous games would be available to play. If possible, much appreciated. If not, still much appreciated :) Thanks, Bobo |
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Tor with impossible scores again (by Bulldog77 - 18 Jul 23, 8:17) |
Please remove Tor from rankings. Maximum score is is about 7650 and Tor continues to post 23,000. Claims to be not cheating. Amazing how it keeps happening. You need to block counting of all scores above 7700 and review all scores above 7500 for cheating. Ruining the integrity of the competition. |
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Screen blanking mid-jigsaw (by BHatcher - 28 Jul 23, 0:08) |
My screen sometimes blanks out when I am part way through a jigsaw and I have not been able to find a way to get it back without re-starting the jigsaw. I am using Windows 11 and Microsoft Edge. |
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Weekly times to play (by elkster - 05 Aug 23, 5:56) |
Hi to all Sketchers, It would be great to get a routine game playing time going again. i was thinking that instead of just a time of day any day of the week, why don't we set it for two days a week and then pershaps it will not be so "hit or miss" for finding players there. Since the time suggested - 9:00pm Central Europe Time and that would be 3:00 pm Eastern Standard Time - seems to be a good time for most we can leave it at that. BUT Maybe a fifteen minute time window would also be helpful- so from 5 minutes before the hour until 10 minutes after the hour - giving us more chance of actually meeting up. A fifteen minute time slot might work better than a one minute target. If we pick two days as "regular" - I suggest Monday and Thursday might be good for people. So, to reiterate: Monday and Thursday, from 8:55 to 9:10 CET, and 2:55 to 3:10 EST. What do you think? Any feedback or other ideas welcome. Elk |
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Google privacy error (by Mmags22 - 09 Aug 23, 5:42) |
Chrome keeps giving me the message NET::ERR_CERT_AUTHORITY_INVALID on all pages I've had this message occasionally for ages, but in the last couple of days it's making the site unusable as it harness every other page reload. Seems to be stopping my score recording on Codeword challenge, too (not that it was worth seeing today) . Using an old tablet so my browser can't update, so I think it's Google or DKM who's changed. Anyone help? |
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Klondike 779290 - 4 vertical aces (by tocguy - 19 Aug 23, 19:30) |
One of those one in a (astronomically large number) deals. All four aces are stacked one on top the of the other (vertically) with the top ace visible in the initial deal/setup. |
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Challenge for August 29 2023 (by ttm - 29 Aug 23, 1:03) |
A "player" completed the challenge puzzle in less than a second. Now, I that the world is full of smart people. But this one stretches credulity. |
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Is the site temporarily glitching? (by jeffgamer - 29 Aug 23, 14:51) |
I'm trying to log onto a few different games...boards aren't loading up. Just me...? Or temporary glitch? |
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list of words darker (by elkster - 31 Aug 23, 6:11) |
Hi Derek, Is there any way to make the list of words not gotten at the end of the game a wee bit darker? It's difficult to adjust from the larger very bold letters of the game to the smaller lighter color print in the side panel in the 30 seconds between games - especially while also chatting. Not necessarily starkly bold but somewhat more easily legible would be very helpful. Thanks in advance and thanks for all you do. elkster |
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Hong Kong anomaly (by sewista - 02 Sep 23, 9:07) |
congratulations sozo and jack for top scores on the Hong Kong location yesterday! congratulations to the rest of us who actually chose the correct location! I considered doing the Hong Kong play -- putting the pin a ways away from the real location so you lose points for distance but collect the 100 point bonus for being in China -- but as in the past, I'd rather go for accuracy. Too bad the program doesn't recognize that Hong Kong is in China these days... are there other places where the Hong Kong anomaly applies? I can't remember if I've encountered any |
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Disregard my challenge score today (by jeffgamer - 04 Sep 23, 4:42) |
Please disregard my Word Zap challenge score today. The system gave me an extra 2 minutes. I will probably be switching to a different computer later this week...hopefully, the occasional timer glitches will stop with the switch. |
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What about KenKen (by glendadoris - 04 Sep 23, 15:39) |
It would be great if the game of KenKen could be added, at least a 6x6 grid. (There are a number of sites that deal with 4x4, but not 6x6). I am looking for something that has a walk through, just like Sudoku. Having the solution is not enough. With a walk through, we can learn techniques for solving. I hope somebody out there can oblige. |
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Parlez-vous Francais? (by sewista - 15 Sep 23, 21:20) |
Three French-speaking countries in today's puzzle! That hasn't happened in a long time, if at all! |
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Hard puzzle yesterday / India (by sewista - 22 Sep 23, 14:52) |
Well, I learned something quite useful yesterday doing the Map It puzzle -- quite by accident. After striking out on the usual suspect ways to identify the movie theater in India, I took a screenshot of the front of the building and ran it through Google Lens. At first I was disappointed because none of the suggested matches were correct -- it was pulling up assorted hotels and temples and stuff. But then I noticed an option called "find image source," and it gave me the address of the theater shown in the puzzle. Couldn't believe it! |
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Computer gets "smart" (by Rayisback - 24 Sep 23, 15:21) |
In an apparent update of how the computer plays Hearts, particularly how it defends against the Player attempting to Shoot the Moon, the computer is now holding on to high Hearts, rather than dumping them at the first opportunity to be rid of them. I played (and lost) a hand in which I was going for the bundle, partly based on long Spades and only the KJ of Hearts (passed by West). Instead of tossing the Ace on my long Spades, North kept it to capture my penultimate lead of the King. I'll have to test to see if any of the bots will make the same play on an earlier lead of a Heart lower than the Ace. |
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Using all the tiles in Daily Challenge (by akimbo - 03 Oct 23, 10:18) |
How often do players use all the tiles in the SpeedCross Daily Challenge? I do once in a while, and have always wondered if there should be a bonus for so doing. But if the best players do so regularly, I guess there's really not a point. You all just know how to line the tiles up for the most points. Bravo. |
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pairs leaderboard (by Bigdicksoton - 10 Oct 23, 13:12) |
was an honour to briefly havde a high score on a daily table last week, I was wondering if anyone else had any experience playing others online or how anything was organised amongst regular users of this site. apologies if this thread is inappropriate for this topic or has been solved before. |
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Edges only (by bassglo - 14 Oct 23, 10:15) |
Why is it I don't get this option when I'm working the challenge and mystery puzzle? |
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interesting word (by terrij - 15 Oct 23, 10:32) |
Interesting word in the challenge today - wysiwyg - I guess what you see is what you get. |
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Printing problem (by Sucitalita - 16 Oct 23, 11:16) |
I am no longer able to print any of the puzzles as I have in the past. What do I need to do to get the printing function back? |
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Challenge Picture Stuck (by jampots - 18 Oct 23, 14:41) |
I completed the first two locations of today's challenge (18/10/23), and was feeling pleased with myself for getting the second one from the rather unusual picture presented. Moved onto #3 and was surprised to find exactly the same picture, so naturally i entered the same location, only to be told I was several 1000 miles out. Next round - again the photo from #2 appeared, with a different location, and the same again for round 5. I tried jiggling the picture size and moving it around the screen, going back and forth to the "make guess" map and back to "street view", but to no avail. Several players completed the challenges correctly, but did anyone else experience the picture freeze like I did? |
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Crazy 8 Question (by UnitedMick - 24 Oct 23, 22:20) |
Why does the computer play 2 cards at one turn? It happens often, and when it does I cannot see what the first card is that the computer plays. But you can easily see that 2 cards were played. This happens even if I could have played between the 2 cards. |
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Multiplayer Nertz, Pairs, WordSearch, Sniper, Jigsaw, Hearts (by dkmGames - 26 Oct 23, 21:22) |
The multiplayer server for the games listed in the title has been moved. The previous one was hosted on a third party address and was restarted a few times a day causing those connected to lose the state of the game. This should not happen anymore. Other multiplayer games like Shisen, Sudoku Points, Word Ruffle, Word Ferret etc are not affected. If you cannot connect to the above, please make sure you refresh the play page to update to latest (you should get a message to the like). |
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Multi-user server moved to new address (by dkmGames - 31 Oct 23, 1:29) |
The multiuser server for Sudoku Points, Shisen, Ruffle, Ferret, Mahjong, Freecell, Speedcross has moved to a new location. Please refresh the game page if you cannot connect (a message should be displayed). For some browsers that don't always refresh, you may need to clear the browser cache of downloaded web pages. (Do not need to clear cookies) |
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Multi-solve jigsaw impossible to complete (by dhc - 31 Oct 23, 10:24) |
Just tried to solve a multi-solve jigsaw and the top of the jigsaw is off screen. This means that when the bottom row of pieces are in place one cannot get the top on. The jigsaw does not fit the page! Is there any way to move the top of the jigsaw onto the screen so that it can be solved. Very frustrating glitch! Thanks |
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Not working (by purr123 - 01 Nov 23, 7:07) |
Did as iinstructed for new address. Cannot get it to come up. Worked with others. |
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So much India... (by sewista - 01 Nov 23, 13:20) |
Have others noticed that scarcely a day passed in Map It recently without a location in India? I've counted 24 in the last 30 times I've played, and 17 in the 30 times before that. I know India is the most populous country in the world but I sure wish the algorithm would take a vacation to other places. Who knew I would be wishing for Russia -- where we've been only 7 times in the last 30 days!! And have others noticed that yesterday's India place is less than 10 miles from the previous day's India place? Even has the same Agni steelworks signs along the highway... And temples painted in the same color scheme, with red and white vertical stripes around the ground floor? Deja vu |
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AAARGh (by Sandrider - 01 Nov 23, 17:32) |
Derek, are there not times when you just want to go and scream at the sky? |
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Error in Game #7370 (by dhd - 01 Nov 23, 18:57) |
The 2nd word in the quote is misspelled - should be 'prefer' and it's 'pefer'. |
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NO CONNECTION (by rmpaladino - 03 Nov 23, 21:20) |
Unable connect to server for Sudoku Points last few days. Able to connect to multiple Word challenges. |
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no puzzle (by sewista - 05 Nov 23, 8:55) |
For the second day in a row, I have called up Codewords and gotten a largely blank screen -- the white boxes for the 26 letters down the right, the "give up", "reset", time and pause buttons on the bottom, and a huge white expanse instead of the puzzle. No other message. |
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Changes Suguru and Word Sudoku (by dkmGames - 06 Nov 23, 1:31) |
There have been some internal changes to the format of Suguru and Word Sudoku puzzles. If the puzzle does not come up, please refresh the play page to get latest changes. |
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Puzzle Daily CHALLENGE (by zogo - 08 Nov 23, 12:10) |
The Challenge Puzzle today was really quite the challenge with clear pieces around the image. I discovered this after I even tried to change the background color. It was unique and very fun. Thanks for all you do Derek! |
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No puzzle for several days (by marty12345 - 09 Nov 23, 2:40) |
Turned iPhone 8 off off for several hours to no avail. Refreshing doesn’t do anything. It’s my favorite game! What’s the problem? |
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Daily challenge (by Oxford - 09 Nov 23, 20:27) |
My Suguru daily challenge isn’t downloading. |
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adding info along with photo (by davek - 11 Nov 23, 15:46) |
It would be great. When downloading a new puzzle to also include as much info as possible |
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Unable to connect to server (by gogo55 - 12 Nov 23, 6:24) |
Is the system down? |
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Level of difficulty question (by Pippy1 - 14 Nov 23, 19:59) |
Hi there - I've been completing all (Easy/Hard/Difficult) Suguru puzzles every day for a few years. Did something inadvertently get changed when the internal changes were made? I ask because the "Easy" puzzles have become more difficult - I usually fly thru them and I now find my self having to pencil numbers in and taking much longer to solve while the "Hard" puzzles have become easier. Did something get flip flopped or have half my brain cells suddenly died? I thought I was imagining it at first but all four easy puzzles are consistently taking me 2-3 times longer to solve than usual. |
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Blackouts (by sewista - 14 Nov 23, 23:06) |
Am I the only one who struggled with lots of blackout points along the roads today? Especially in the Indonesia location, but also in the U.S. I don't know if it's my computer acting weird or a problem with the DKM server losing its signal from google maps. Interestingly, when I went back to the same location after the game, in a regular Google Maps program, not the DKM Map It program, I had no blackouts when driving along the same road. |
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Dev appreciation message! (by 0x0 - 16 Nov 23, 12:27) |
Just wanted to say thanks to the guys who run this website! Used it for years and it’s just amazing! Thanks guys! |
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Jigsaw on phone (by katze - 16 Nov 23, 14:36) |
I noticed yesterday that I can play jigsaw on my phone, which I thought I tried in the past and it said it wasn't available on phones? Maybe I was wrong and I could play all along, however when I try to do the challenge it says "select number of pieces (only one choice for challenge)" there is no where to choose it. Thanks! |
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Zero seconds (by striger2 - 18 Nov 23, 4:55) |
So today's time of 00.00 set by Calvario has me wondering if there's another way to cheat other than to log in under another name and use your first go as a template. And, as always, WHY???!!! |
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ANTIPODEAN (by swathmore8 - 18 Nov 23, 8:51) |
Hi Antipodean you have beat me twice in a row for 2 days now. I'm watching you as always. Swathmore8 |
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Playing against perfection (by Rayisback - 19 Nov 23, 18:31) |
Has anyone ever set a N/S declarer hand in the daily challenge? I admit to being a poor to mediocre bridge player, (my daily standings are testimony to that) but I have never seen N/S misplay a single trick, much less go down on any bid they have made. In a way it's instructive to play against perfection, but it's also frustrating. An occasional misplay by N/S, perhaps brought on by a deceitful play by one of us poor humans, would enliven the game, and maybe even the competition. |
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minor glitch (by shucha - 22 Nov 23, 9:21) |
I'm not complaining, because it worked out for me, but here goes: I found a place to put my 8-letter word, but there were only 6 spaces left after the starting tile. As I often do when I think I'm SO close to finding the right spot, I entered it anyway...and lo and behold, it accepted it with one tile hanging off the board. When I moved the board, that extra tile disappeared. As you might suspect, I was entering the word via keyboard when this happened. |
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Changes to Google Maps (by JofromOz - 22 Nov 23, 17:42) |
Yesterday I sat down to my daily ritual of MapIt and alongside I opened up Google Maps for references. Lo and behold Google Maps has changed Birds view into a monochromatic style which I find very hard to focus on. I didn't even get through one game before I realised that it was just impossible trying to focus on the google map let alone locate areas of interest. My fave game has been shelved for the time being because my eyes just can't seem to focus. Has anyone else noticed the changes and had problems. |
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Why the changes and why so difficult? (by Bcubed1 - 24 Nov 23, 14:40) |
I'm probably one of the 10 longest players of this game (play as Bcubed1). Whatever recent developer changes made to the difficulty level of Shisen, Mahjong and others has made the games frustrating and no longer much fun. Solvability has greatly declined. High scoring games are few and far between. I don't think it has anything to do with my ability, because other regular players have noted it as well. Sorry, but definitely not a fan of the changes! |
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Best one day average (by shucha - 26 Nov 23, 22:40) |
shucha points: 3985 moves: 20 ave: 199.3 - 11.26.23 ...I REALLY wanted to find a 200+ word to bump it over 200, but I couldn't find it...and then I didn't want to start swapping tiles, chasing the big word and going backwards. |
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Jigsaw "not avaible" (by Boltsfan2029 - 28 Nov 23, 23:44) |
Anyone else getting this error message when trying to upload a photo to make into a puzzle? I've been getting it for 2 days. Thanks. |
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Shisen Results (by maja66 - 01 Dec 23, 2:51) |
Can somebody explain results of Top 100 score results yesterday? 638?? |
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PIPA (by kersheena - 04 Dec 23, 1:17) |
They certainly a job on you today, i check how you get on every day, and we play a very positive game, which i love. Get your game face on tomorrow and lets see a 151. Kersheena |
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Mystery Jigsaw won't load (by zogo - 04 Dec 23, 17:54) |
Mystery puzzle comes up with a blank screen today. Only 1 person on the results list. |
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Advertising uses wrong language. (by lynxx - 09 Dec 23, 22:15) |
Why am I receiving advertisements in Spanish on this site.? Spanish is not my language. |
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Challenge strategy (by jeffgamer - 10 Dec 23, 7:44) |
Hey, all...strategy question on the Challenge. Say you've got about 30 seconds left on the clock and there are two tiles left. You have the option to end now to collect a time bonus and keep two firecrackers...or to use the firecrackers to clear the entire board, get the cleared-board bonus and a higher time-left bonus, but lose the bonus for those two firecrackers. Which option leads to the better score? At one time-left point does it pay to use firecrackers and at what time-left point does it pay to end early? |
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multiplayer modes are mostly dead (by assyria - 21 Dec 23, 5:34) |
i have been looking for players in multiplayer modes, and only like sudoku points is popular, all other modes are very much dead that's very bad for this site that has many multiplayer modes, but all players are focused on one game |
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Times (by victor46 - 21 Dec 23, 11:03) |
I usually complete the codeword challenge in 3 to 4 minutes but I see that today's champion did it in 45 seconds. To my mind, short of copying the answers from another player who has given up and has the completed codeword to show todays leader, I cannot see how anyone could complete the puzzle in 45 seconds or even 85 seconds. |
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Disappearing comments (by Lottie1001 - 22 Dec 23, 4:32) |
A puzzle, definitely. Twice, recently, I've tried to add a comment in the box for a puzzle (two different ones). Not only has the system not allowed me to post it, it has also apparently deleted an existing comment that was already there. So my apologies to anybody whose comment I have inadvertently deleted. I can't, apparently post the links to the puzzles. The first was contributed by negrochico on 2023-06-30, and is titled 'Arthur?'. The seconds is the 'Beautiful Bird' contributed by benewman yesterday. |
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Happy Holidays (by shucha - 25 Dec 23, 0:12) |
If you celebrate it, Merry Christmas! If you celebrate something else, I wish you the best of whatever holidays you celebrate! If you don't celebrate any of them, then I wish you the best ending for 2023...and light and love to all. Thanks to everyone and especially Derek for providing me with such an enjoyable pastime and community to share it with. Cheers! |
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times/scores not listing (by oldbroad - 27 Dec 23, 17:35) |
Just played the Tents daily challenge and it told me I was #6 for the day, but when checking the scores for the day, not even 11 scores were listed and mine wasn't one of them. |
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Wrong Again (by victor46 - 28 Dec 23, 9:25) |
Vcuum I obviously need to brush up on my English language or stop playing this game! |
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Bonus for early finish? (by shucha - 28 Dec 23, 11:40) |
Not that this happens to me often, but I played the last tiles from the "bag" with something like 12 seconds remaining. Lots of games have bonuses for time remaining, so I thought it might be fun for Speedcross. What kind of bonus? Well, I figure that 1000 is a pretty good score for Speedcross...that's 200 points per minute, or just over 3 points per 3 points per second remaining works. Of course, 5 also has appeal in a base-10 system, but I'm not biased toward that. Then, should there be a bonus just for finishing? Or should finishing with 2 seconds left be just 6 or 10 points? What do regular players think? Rattie, what does the champion Speedcross player think? Anyway...these are the kind of things my brain has room for on Holiday break. Cheers, Derek! |
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Changes to a number of puzzles - need to refresh (by dkmGames - 28 Dec 23, 15:57) |
I have changed a number of puzzles to optimize generation and all the logic for solving options (hint/clue/solve cell) is now done in the browser and should give instantaneous response. Because of changes, you may find the puzzles do not come up. If this is the case you have the old version in your browser cache - please make sure you refresh the page or you may need to clear browser cache - go to Settings->Privacy and Clear Cached Files (wording varies from browser to browser). Affected puzzles are Samurai Sudoku, Shichi Sudoku, Hyper Sudoku, Frame Sudoku, Killer Sudoku, Hanidoku, Yubotu, Hitori, Pearls and Tents. (Sudoku to come). |
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challenge won't start (by be - 29 Dec 23, 3:34) |
This is the third time it is happening. No puzzle appears and when you refresh "you have already played" message comes up. Okay... but at least let us play the game. I don't mind not being at the leader board... |
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only one puzzle a day (by be - 29 Dec 23, 3:36) |
Why don't you put some puzzles from the archives? |
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Hanidoku don't work. (by LOJ58 - 29 Dec 23, 4:05) |
Hanidoku doesn't work. Only "GETTING PUZZLE" and no more |
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Font size change (by CrispPacket - 30 Dec 23, 4:40) |
Hi. I love to play the tough sudoku every day, have done for years, but today I find the font size of the numbers has decreased and it's almost unreadable for my old eyes. Please could you restore the previous font size. Thanks! |
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End of the Year ("23) Blow Out Sketch Fest (by eastham09 - 30 Dec 23, 18:54) |
Well, I promised KooKoo I'd do something to get the sketchers back one more time; tomorrow, New Year's Eve day, 8 a.m. Pacific time; 11 a.m. New York and those who are good at time zones can figure out the rest of the world for us... time to say hi to all your sketching friends and EVEN MEET SOME FIRST TIMERS WHO KEEP WONDERING "What is the Word Sketch thing all about", so doesn't matter if you're a long time player or just curious, come join in.... Eastham09 |
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Happy New Year (by BlueWombat - 31 Dec 23, 14:36) |
HNY to all from a tropical storm of biblical proportions in Mauritius. Thanks to Derek for this site and and thanks to everyone for all the fun we have. BW |
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Nearly all answers completed (by judithba - 01 Jan 24, 5:21) |
All answers and no clues today! Happy New Year Judithba |
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Print a puzzle (by bobq - 01 Jan 24, 9:16) |
How can I print a sudoku puzzle? Help Says from the File Menu, but there is no File Menu. Edit menu has a Print button but it does nothing?????????????????????? |
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Grid almost all filled in (by grammalyn - 02 Jan 24, 9:54) |
Still not working. Grid is almost all filled in. |
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Hard sudoku now only one a day! (by maydressler - 02 Jan 24, 10:41) |
HI! I noticed that the time to get new sudokus have changed. Till yesterday there was one easy sudoku each minute and one hard every hour, now it is one every hour (easy) and one every day (hard). Why? |
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Drag become reset (by Tiger51 - 03 Jan 24, 5:28) |
Im used to play on laptop without problems. Roken laptop use samsung tablet but some games need drag and that does not work |
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limited number of scores (by BlueWombat - 03 Jan 24, 7:58) |
I notice that in Word Ruffle every now and then there's a limited number of scores for the "Top 100 Scores Yesterday". As an example, there are only two scores showing today. Minor glitch somewhere perhaps? |
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"Invalid time" on daily challenge puzzle (by kweiss333 - 04 Jan 24, 0:01) |
I love to play all of the logic puzzles daily, including the daily challenges. Recently, it's happened 2 or 3 times that I complete the Tents challenge and receive an error message, "Invalid time." It always happens with the 8x8 puzzles, when my score is below 10 seconds. Wondering if there's a glitch there and if it's fixable? If not, it's not a big deal -- I still love doing the challenges anyway! Haha. |
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All-time high? (by shucha - 04 Jan 24, 11:25) |
Did Rattie get the all-time high on Word Zap today? |
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Samurai (by Santulis - 04 Jan 24, 15:22) |
The Samurai Sodoku has not worked since New Years Eve. When trying to pull in a new puzzle it is stuck on "Getting Puzzle". It will also not pull up archived puzzles. Tried to F5 refresh but got same result. |
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Sandwich Sudoku (by Stripey - 04 Jan 24, 18:12) |
Still getting nonsense. Everything else seems ok with JavaScript but this - no. |
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not a good day (by terrij - 05 Jan 24, 16:35) |
Not a good day for anyone in MiniBridge. By the way, not a fan of "no trump". I have never been able to stop the opponent |
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Blank Screen (by uncledave47 - 05 Jan 24, 17:12) |
I tried the clearing cached images and file from my browser (Microsoft Edge), but I keep getting the same thing The puzzle appears to open, but without any blanks or definitions. |
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Daily Challenge leaderboard message missing (by akimbo - 06 Jan 24, 11:39) |
Hi. Probably within the last week, after playing the Word Mesh daily challenge, it gives me my point score, but no longer tells me my placement on the leaderboard in the same message. No big deal, since I can just exit and look at the leaderboard for myself, but just thought you'd like to know. Thanks. |
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Today's challenge quote (by Sandy23 - 06 Jan 24, 13:48) |
Did anyone else have a laugh when they had a misspelled word in today's completed challenge puzzle? I found it likewise misspelled on random websites across the internet (because I wondered if it was an accepted word), so now I wonder if that will become an accepted spelling! |
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settings don't stay (by Friday31 - 06 Jan 24, 18:05) |
Hi there. It is not the biggest inconvenience, but just in case it is an easy fix. Within the last few days, my settings on Sudoku Points are lost each time I turn off my laptop. When I log on the next day, I have to set them again. Thanks |
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Saxifrage! (by uncledave47 - 07 Jan 24, 18:53) |
Two excellent puzzles today (Jan 7). I gave them both a five, but I wanted to give them much more! |
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New Year's Resolution resolved for me (by Kydoku - 08 Jan 24, 2:27) |
I have spent way too much time on this site for the past 10+ years. Have been contemplating making a new year's resolution to spend less time here, and more time doing "more productive" things. I didn't do that, but turns out the recent changes are now doing that for me. Derek, first I want to say "thank you", for having provided such a great site over the years. But next I want to say "what's up?" with all the recent changes. Dropping down the limits on games to one new game per hour, for all levels, severely limits my interest in playing. I know this used to be a "labor of love", but over the years, it has developed more and more into a "commercial venture". These recent changes only highlight that. I'm happy for you, and wish you only the best, but these changes are driving me away from your site. |
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external puzzle (by rmo - 08 Jan 24, 18:34) |
For some reason when I input an external puzzle I get s zero score. Any idea why? It was ok up until a few days ago. |
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Almost at that 151.... (by kayrod66 - 11 Jan 24, 10:34) |
and today opponents sat at 96 and 97 forcing another hand... bad enough one ekes it out... *********************!!!! got it though, figured it was a 3% chance from hard experience |
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New game - Trivia (by dkmGames - 17 Jan 24, 0:11) |
Daily trivia quizzes have now been added to the site (under "Other" menu). It's taken a lot of effort to source decent questions and enough of them so as not to be repeating any for a long time. |
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judging (by person - 17 Jan 24, 19:34) |
I have a question about making a judgement on the score to give a puzzle. What are the criteria? Is it to be on ease, or, difficulty? or maybe on the picture itself?? I love the photos, especially by negrochico, and wonder if this is how we judge it's worthiness. Many thanks |
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I'd Like To Buy A Vowel (by Luckysmom - 21 Jan 24, 10:33) |
How about you add more vowels to the word mesh. Getting 8 consonants in a row is tough. |
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Multi player games - suspect the server is down? (by BlueWombat - 23 Jan 24, 3:41) |
Disaster for those wanting to do a spot of light ferreting before breakfast. Looks as if the multi-player server has gone - ruffle, mah jong also affected. |
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Try, try again? (by shucha - 25 Jan 24, 22:33) |
I've only tried the trivia game a few times now. Tonight, to see a question again to read to my wife (I found the answer surprising), I re-played the medium quiz...and, to my surprise, it gave me a new rank (higher, since I then knew all the answers). On the second time, I was hovering over the correct answer before they revealed on almost every question the second time through, and I still was ranked 16th. Maybe those top scores are legit; there are brilliant people playing on this site. But I do hope the eventual plan is to lock the quizzes after one attempt like all of the daily challenges. If it's not, I won't complain...I just won't play that one. As always, thanks Derek! |
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Killer Sudoku glitch (by Sandrider - 29 Jan 24, 19:14) |
I ran into trouble playing the Hard Killer Sudoku today, Jan 29, but when I asked for a clue, nothing came up. I asked for a hint: still nothing. Even asking it to solve one cell, nothing happened. I checked my input and was assured that everything entered was correct. So, I started over and asked for help sooner, and the system gave me clues, and hints so there wasn't a problem with that. Does this mean that it was a board where I was forced to guess? I took a screen print, but I can't seem to include it here. Any ideas? |
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Rating system question (by BernadetteE - 29 Jan 24, 21:15) |
I would like to ask how the rating is determined for the hard and tough puzzles. Sometimes they’re 4 or 5 or higher. The highest one I’ve seen recently was 21 for a size 8 tough puzzle. Thank you! |
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Replay gives new grid (by akimbo - 02 Feb 24, 12:20) |
I've seen this before. I play the Word Search easy puzzle daily, and once in a while I have to abandon it, for whatever reason. Then I come back to it later, figuring it doesn't matter if I get an "already played" message. Except I don't get that message. Instead I get a whole new grid. This can be only a half hour later. And today when I did that, I got a new set of words, and finished quickly (for me), getting a "you're 14th" message. So my question is how can you score on the leaderboard when you might be playing a different set of words than others? |
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No Challenge result (by Heldscalla - 06 Feb 24, 8:48) |
I played Towers Challenge a few minutes ago (i.e. approx 8.40) and went to the results, but my name (Heldscalla) wasn't in the list. Went back into the Challenge in case I'd done a normal Tower problem by mistake, but no, the warning came up that I'd already done it. BTW, thanks for all these games! |
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What's with the ratings? (by Rayisback - 06 Feb 24, 18:42) |
My usual approach to the Trivia test is to start with the Easy, and progress (and watch my score plummet) through Medium and Hard. Occasionally, and without warning, I will get a ranking of my score. Today I got a ranking without requesting it when I completed the Medium section. No rating for Easy and Hard. Is there some rubric which causes ratings to appear sometimes and not others, or is it just random? |
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Rankings went to next day at 1900 EST today (by sozonepk - 07 Feb 24, 0:12) |
All the rankings seemed to switch to Wednesday at 7pm EST on Tuesday. |
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High scores on Feb 6 (by ffejsrem - 07 Feb 24, 0:30) |
Something's wrong with the scores for yesterday...ffejrem and MSS88 had 5 or 6 scores in the 60s, plus one 80, and it's reporting high scores of 54. I'm sure we witnessed some other players with scores in the 70s (Gameleg for one). |
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No sudoku points (by HOMERSON44 - 07 Feb 24, 10:05) |
Hi Chief, a few of us addicted players did not receive our scores from yesterday, 2-6-2024 for Sudoku points. As a result, I lost my number 1 ranking spot!!!!!!!!!! Please adjust. Thanks! |
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Chat window on Android (by Kydoku - 07 Feb 24, 16:02) |
Hi. I have been having this issue, and probably it is just the way it is, but thought to ask in case you're not aware of it. When I play from my phone (which is most of the time), and I go into Sudoku Points, I only see the leaderboard - there is no chat window. The only way I can get the chat window to be available, is if I ask the site to render in Desktop mode. I then have chat, but it does cause other issues - notably, the keyboard input is very sluggish, and slow to switch numbers. Thanks for any feedback you might be able to give on this. As always, appreciate what you do for us with this site. |
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Medium puzzle (by bobatbanktop - 08 Feb 24, 5:54) |
Would it be possible to bring back a new Classic Medium puzzle say every 5 minutes rather than every hour. I love this game. |
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Easy and medium puzzles (by dkmGames - 08 Feb 24, 23:18) |
In classic Sudoku, Easy and Medium puzzles are now available on demand ie unlimited. If you are not getting that, make sure to refresh page for latest change. |
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Google password warning (by theprisoner - 13 Feb 24, 8:38) |
Google informed me of a password breach and some problems. The only actual breach was this site. I changed my password. Hard to think that anyone else in the world would give a damn about it and it is unique to this site so no harm done. |
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What a site! (by Rayisback - 15 Feb 24, 11:51) |
I was just scrolling down some of the entries in the forum, and the responses to those entries by dkm. At the risk of sounding like a sycophant, I have to say "WHAT A SITE!" Where else can you get the variety of games on one site that are meticulously maintained, frequently updated or improved, and presented FREE with completely unobtrusive ads. This forum should be loaded with thank you note to dkm by its myriad of users. And NO, I am not a relative of dkm. |
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What a site! (by joolz1 - 16 Feb 24, 3:54) |
Well done for starting this post Ray. Yep, I agree, We're all mega grateful for the brill work Derek does on this site. I, and many others, would be lost without it! Give yourself a massive pat on the back Derek! |
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Possible new game in style of Wordle (by dkmGames - 17 Feb 24, 18:20) |
I'm sure many of you word lovers play Wordle. I am contemplating adding a new game, some version of Wordle. Thinking of a multiplayer version where you all get a new word every 6-8 minutes (?) and introduce some type of scoring system. Also, you will be able to see each player's progress so far (how many guesses and the green/yellow letter squares). Is this worth pursuing? Any suggestions welcome. |
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Really, yaks are smaller than cows? (by Aardvard - 21 Feb 24, 11:08) |
I'm not buying the answer in today's trivia (Feb. 21, 2024) about a small animal related to cows in the Himalayas. The "correct" answer was yak. I've been up close and they are not a small relative of cows. They are generally much larger. |
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Multiplayer lobby (by dkmGames - 22 Feb 24, 23:20) |
There is a page "" where you can see who is currently playing and join games. If you find it useful, let me know. I need to put the link somewhere, just don't know where. Definitely not on the top menu bar as it is full and this page would not be used by the majority of users. |
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Invalid time (by HappyQuizzer - 24 Feb 24, 2:28) |
Hi Derek, the snake gods were on my side today and I completed it in 0.09 seconds but message popped up saying ‘invalid time’ and can see not gone through to leader board. Echo everyone’s comments on what a brilliant site this is so thanks for all your hard work. |
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Oafish (by CCole - 26 Feb 24, 4:00) |
Why do you use the same pattern almost every Monday of oafish, acquit, askew, dying, sty etc It spoils the day!! |
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adverts (by dobber - 26 Feb 24, 12:24) |
No beef with those women and men who like to dress like sex workers themselves. but really tired of the hooker costume that keeps showing up as an advert when I try to play Mahjong. Ad from Light in the Box. Tried so many times to dismiss it. Laughably sophomoric demographic, dudes. |
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57 seconds? (by bsmart - 27 Feb 24, 16:32) |
would like to see the video |
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Thank you Derek! (by gera59 - 29 Feb 24, 7:43) |
Fully agree with all other fans!! I visit the site almost every day, play a few games, for sure more than 10 years already. Many greetings from the Netherlands where you have a lot of fans! One remark: only option was to 'flag inappropriate' while I really wanted to respond with a lot of positive emoticons! |
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New game for testing (beta version) (by dkmGames - 02 Mar 24, 19:02) |
For you word lovers, I have posted a new game called Word Ladder. It's not in the menus anywhere yet as I'd appreciate some feedback and testing first. There is no scoring or timing as yet - any suggestions? Post feedback here or, if you prefer, email me at The link is: Thanks! |
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Wordle ideas and input please (by Friday31 - 05 Mar 24, 13:46) |
Hello All, Please share your eagerness to have a word game similar to Wordle. Derek will still consider it, but didn't go forward initially because there wasn't really any response with ideas of what players would like to see in that game. 1. Please express if you too are excited about a new game with the characteristics of Wordle. 2. Please add your ideas of what might work for a scoring system, multiplayer version or anything you can add. Thanks to all the wordsmiths out there :) |
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Oafish! Bravo on 4th March (by CCole - 06 Mar 24, 4:59) |
Nearly fell for it! But anus?????? Purely coincidental????!! Chris Cole |
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Repeating words / whole section (by YbrNoHint - 06 Mar 24, 12:27) |
In the last 8 weeks the top left corner has been one identical value 8 times (incl. today & yesterday), and another one 3 times. Whoever or whatever is generating the puzzles seems to be stuck in a rut! |
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Blocked by ad (by katze - 11 Mar 24, 6:11) |
I'm playing on my phone, Google, and I can't see the beginning word. It is blocked by an ad. Tried refreshing. |
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New word game in beta (by dkmGames - 12 Mar 24, 0:15) |
The Wordle clone (called Wordiz) has been released for testing and feedback (not yet in any menus). Is the scoring correct? Time limit? I know there is only one puzzle per day so not a lot of chance to test (might put in some temp feature to give more). There will be a daily challenge going forward. Link is: |
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A trivial observation (by Rayisback - 16 Mar 24, 18:49) |
I find that the Easy Trivia questions are generally the most difficult for me, and there is a reason why this is so: the Easy category is usually contains more questions about contemporary culture,, e.g. songs, films, and TV productions that have been released in the last two decades. The Medium and Difficult categories generally call for a knowledge of history, geography, etymology and other topics which generally seem to occupy the brain cells of older folks, such as myself. Anyone else notice this distinction? |
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can no longer enter external sudoku (by rleskosk - 17 Mar 24, 17:36) |
When I try to input an external puzzle, finish entering all the numbers, and click on DONE, the puzzle is not accepted. The site seems to recognize an invalid puzzle, though. |
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i like it (by saxifrage - 18 Mar 24, 15:31) |
somehow harder than wordle or the canadian version thanks dkm squad |
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Changes (by dkmGames - 23 Mar 24, 0:18) |
Some changes have been implemented to address duplication of words and word sections in puzzles. now have bigger word lists, many more templates and logic to prevent word duplication. The format of puzzles has changed so if the puzzle comes up blank, please refresh the page or, if necessary, clear the browser cached files. |
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Challenge (by Brainy - 23 Mar 24, 3:48) |
I completed the lone play code word then went for the challenge, but it told me I'd already done it! |
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Nertz public play not opening (by Pippy1 - 23 Mar 24, 11:01) |
Hi there - anyone else opening the Public play for Nertz with nothing there to proceed into play? Refreshing the browser didn't change anything for me. |
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changes - good and bad (by elkster - 23 Mar 24, 11:44) |
Yes, I agree the game had become stale with the same words and patterns, and a change from that is welcome and will be more interesting and challenging. However, on today's open puzzle, WYSIWYG was used as a legitimate dictionary word. It is not a word . it is an acronym. -There are other acronyms that have appeared regularly in the games and it is somewhat annoying and contrary to the rules for most word games. For instance ICBM, UNESCO, ROTC to name a few. When I saw the notice of the changes, I was really hoping that a new real expanded dictionary would solve that problem, so it was disappointing to when an even longer, more obscure (for many peope) acronym showed up the first day. I don't know if acronyms can be filtered out, but I think it would be in the interests of the players and fariness - in this constantly growing acronym laden world in which we live. Thanks for the new life being breathed into Codewords but I do hope something can be done about the acronym issue. |
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A suggestion on the start letters (by elkster - 23 Mar 24, 12:04) |
Hi again DKM, Not to be a pest, but since the new format has random letters instead of a word to start the game, it might be helpful to include a box or something with those letters for reference during play. It was not difficult to remember a WORD when completing the puzzle but it is less memorable with just a trio of scattered letters. Thanks for considering this idea. |
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changes?? (by Sandrider - 23 Mar 24, 22:27) |
We don't like change. I always check the forum when I first log into DKM, so now I'm afraid to check codewords, one of the games I occasionally play. Yes, I will admit that oafish had become an issue. I also agree that the acronyms were somewhat annoying, but, hey, it's a free website. You learn to deal with it. On that note, I will play my daily codewords, killer Sudoku and Sudoku 16. It fills the time while I listen to really good tunes on my radio. I'll see you on the Mahjong forum. |
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change (by hc - 24 Mar 24, 17:43) |
I like the change |
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word lists (by poslfit - 24 Mar 24, 20:08) |
If you'd like to license the official North American Scrabble Players Association word list for this or any other word game, please drop us a line at That said, although in most cases I prefer to stick to that one dictionary because it's popular and I know it well, I do enjoy playing with whatever list you're using for Codewords because all the proper nouns and adjectives keep me on my toes. :) |
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only 5 archives are available (by russellbrown - 26 Mar 24, 20:47) |
When I return from a 2 week holiday I like to catch up Thiis used to be about 10 games Now it is only 5 Is thsis a mistake ? can there be a "settings" facility to be able to custimize this sortof thing? Regards Russell |
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disconnected grids? (by poslfit - 26 Mar 24, 22:15) |
Have disconnected grids always been permitted in Codewords? I found today's quite jarring. |
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scoring (by tracemark - 28 Mar 24, 0:15) |
I was playing at 11:59pm and my score carried over to the next day. It looks to be an easier game that I played. That score should not have posted after midnight. |
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Error in today’s puzzles (by jampots - 30 Mar 24, 7:19) |
The Stephen King puzzle I have just completed appears to contain an error. 9th column needs 3 S’s and no N ( unless I’m going crazy) |
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Daily Challenge Scoring Question (by akimbo - 30 Mar 24, 11:28) |
I've often wondered how there can be so many duplicate scores at the top. I can understand getting all the words will get you a score for each word, but is there no time bonus? (As an experiment today, I typed in all the words from a scrabble word finder in another window. That's the only reason I'm on the leader board.) Thanks. |
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Names and Scores Mixup? (by FatFingers - 02 Apr 24, 6:01) |
To dkm: The SudokuReplaySelect.php page shows that I (FF) got a 6660 in Medium. I replayed the recorded game. That's not me! I've only been playing Green lately, not Gold/Medium. Plus, and more importantly, I'm not that good! And, that's not my solution technique. On the SudokuPointsResults.php page you can see that OM007 got the same 6660 score! Coincidence? I don't think my account account credentials are compromised, so I'm guessing a bug in computing list of SudokuReplaySelect.php players/scores. OM007 deserved the credit for that great 6660! |
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Puh-leeze (by mumu - 02 Apr 24, 18:55) |
Derrick: Please spare us any quotes from lying adulterous scum such as Newt Gingrich. Sheesh. |
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error message persistence (by poslfit - 04 Apr 24, 11:48) |
If you type one of the original hint letters into the wrong square on the grid, an error message is displayed. It would be nice if this message were dismissed automatically with your next keystroke, rather than requiring explicit dismissal. |
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Glitch in the game process (by Sandy23 - 05 Apr 24, 18:25) |
I played the first three locations fine, but after I clicked the fourth location, the button to proceed to the next location was hidden/blocked, and so I could not finish the puzzle. It appears that no one could finish the puzzle today (there are no results in the ranking). I'll email you a screenshot. Thanks for a great game! |
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Another Drop Quotes error (by jampots - 07 Apr 24, 14:02) |
I really enjoy Dropquotes and the opportunity to solve a new one every hour, in addition to the daily challenge is great. But one of today’s hourly offerings again had an error. (Higher spelt higer). I fully appreciate Derek that you can’t be expected to check every quotation for suitable content nor accurate spelling . This is more of a heads up when solving that the database does contain errors - this is the second one I’ve come across lately ( and I only play a max of 2 or 3 a day). |
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The Impossible Dream (by Rayisback - 07 Apr 24, 16:55) |
I am still a mediocre bridge player at best, and will probably stay that way forever. In the past I have asked if there were things that could be done in the Challenge area which might help me and other players to improve on our respective games. A new thought occurred to me which might help a lot, but it probably falls into the area of the Impossible Dream: I just successfully bid and played a part score hand. When the results were displayed, the computer said that one small slam contract was makeable with the same cards, and at least one game level contract was also possible in a different suit. It would be VERY useful if there were a way that I (and others) could click on a result and actually see how the computer would have completed that bid. Given that the computer must have calculated the play to display the successful bids possible, it must be in there somewhere. Is there any way this infomation could be called up by the player to learn HOW to make bids which appear unmakeable to those incapable of the mental gymnastics needed to understand how achieve a higher level of success at bridge? |
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Suggestions (by largemarge - 07 Apr 24, 18:36) |
Love this new game! Very challenging. Just a couple of thoughts: it would be nice if the correctly guessed letters were repopulated for the next guess. Would love for the letters that have been used/are no longer possible to somehow fade into the background maybe? Also anyone have suggestions for strategy or good possibilities for starter words in the 6- or 7-word puzzles? Thanks for this site. I spend way too much time here, though :) |
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knocks me out (by purr123 - 08 Apr 24, 8:51) |
When on mahjong and near the end (and often winning) I just get knocked off the game. Aggravation! This only happens on Mahjong. |
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Thank you! (by TCtheRogue - 14 Apr 24, 20:33) |
Thank you for the Archive!!! |
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New word game - beta (by dkmGames - 16 Apr 24, 21:06) |
There is a new word game in beta, has elements of Word Ferret and Word Search. Would appreciate some feedback and any elements that should be changed. Also, for a daily challenge, it would probably be time based (quickest to solve) but time added on for using hints and clues. Link is: |
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Love the nonograms! (by WoodKat - 19 Apr 24, 13:09) |
I just discovered the nonograms; fun! Games Magazine used to have a version where the larger grids would created pictures... |
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kicked off AGAIN (by sewista - 20 Apr 24, 13:14) |
For the second time in two weeks, I went to play the MapIt random challenge and was told that you have already played puzzle for today. This was not so (I would have remembered!!!). Is this just a random glitch that just happened to hit me twice so close together, or is there something compromised about my account? I hope it doesn't keep happening, because I sure love this puzzle |
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Are there public games? (by iffywedges - 23 Apr 24, 21:25) |
I have never found a community game available when I am ready to join. When do people play? I would love to join the fun. |
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Boast! (by Rayisback - 26 Apr 24, 14:39) |
It's not often I get to brag about my scores here, but my 108024 score in today's grid is the third highest ever recorded. Yay me! |
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Wtg melly! (by skeeter1 - 03 May 24, 8:09) |
Just saw that melly, a familiar name on the Triplets challenge, scored a massive 20,000. Is that a GOAT score? Even if not, it is pretty darn amazing. Well done melly! |
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Is there a rule that terminates the game early (by heleneb - 05 May 24, 0:46) |
I've been rereading the rules several times, but can't find anything related to this. Often, the Triplets game stops even when I have time on the clock, sometimes even a minute left. I've been unable so far to see a pattern of when it does this. Is there a rule that can make the game terminate early? |
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Dictionary (by gameleg - 05 May 24, 0:55) |
Is there a reason that bloviate is not a word? Just curious. :-) |
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Timer (by psparry - 06 May 24, 5:52) |
Does anyone else wish that it was possible to pause a game? Sometimes the doorbell rings, or my wife calls, and I'd love it if I could pause Codewords until I can get back to it. The screen could be hidden until then. |
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Blank (by pk1 - 06 May 24, 14:19) |
All my tiles are blank in Shisen and in Bridge. Any idea of what settings I need to adjust? |
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Very Punny (by oldbroad - 08 May 24, 22:00) |
Quite a string of puns this past week. Would have given my long gone father a good chuckle. I am groaning daily over them, but smiling just a tad as well. Thanks for the walk down memory lane and all your efforts as well. |
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suggested message change (by poslfit - 10 May 24, 12:06) |
If I finish in second place by 0:01 behind my friend eberofsky, I would rather see wording to the effect of "nice try" rather than the current "well done". :) |
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Multiplayer and challenge (by Jaybee - 11 May 24, 9:08) |
When I go into Shisen I only have the option to play alone. To access multiplayer or challenge I have to Google that (ie: Shisen multiplayer) but the board is too large to play on my phone and there seems no way to resize it. What am I doing wrong? |
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Screen resolution question (by akimbo - 13 May 24, 19:40) |
I got a new laptop and Shisen is a little smaller on my screen, which is the same size as my previous laptop, a little over 15 inches. I wondered if there is a screen resolution I need to adjust. Thanks for your help. |
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similar icons (by judithba - 16 May 24, 2:20) |
Please, please - today's triplets featured two square grey icons, both identical shapes and sizes and with only a very minor difference in shade. I found I could only work by trial and error - please have some sympathy for those of us whose perception, though adequate for most purposes, can't cope with such subtle grading. |
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Holland 16 May 2024 (by dilbert - 17 May 24, 6:47) |
Well done Sewista for finding that location. How on earth did you do it? I couldn't find any clues at all. D |
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High scores (by terrij - 20 May 24, 11:08) |
i would like to ask the high scorers what level of play they use. I use Intermediate and can only get into the 3000 range. Any suggestions would be appreciated. |
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max powerups? (by shucha - 23 May 24, 10:02) |
First time for me...earned a cracker for a 6-letter word, and got a message that I already had the max number of power-ups. Does this mean I didn't get the bonus for it, either? That would change strategy a bit. Thanks! |
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bottle error? (by Friday31 - 24 May 24, 17:22) |
I'm either going insane or there is an error, or I am just plain stupid. Today's word subject is bottle. I have all the target words except 1. It is 8 letters long and I don't want to spoil the game for anybody, but for the life of me, I can't figure it out. Within those 8 letters, there are 2 words, both with 5 letters that are associated with the word "bottle" which could then leave 3 stray letters. I gave up and started over in case there was a glitch and used "clue" hoping it would reveal whether those 8 letters consisted of 2 words, but it doesn't. If you also encounter what I did, please let me know if you figured it out. If a number of players have the same issue, then I will post the remaining 8 letters. Please help me, I can't take it anymore!!! |
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And so it goes.....on (by oldbroad - 28 May 24, 19:49) |
Today's puzzle reached a new height today on your pun run. My father, long gong, would be so proud of you! I must admit it made me lol. Where do you find these?? |
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Shi-sen wont start (by Ru - 30 May 24, 10:55) |
wont run lately, just a black screen |
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Part of a correct answer is flagged as erroneous (by tomasklos - 02 Jun 24, 19:22) |
In today's (June 3, 2024) 12x12 Pearls puzzle, part of my correct answer is flagged as erroneous. In the top right, the 'correct' solution goes in a straight line from the top right cell to the cell 3 positions to the right (corner -> left -> left -> left). But the solution that has a detour (corner -> left -> down -> left -> up -> left) is also correct, and was later on in fact accepted as correct. So the algorithm that flags cells as being correct or incorrect seems to miss this possibility. It's apparently too stringent. |
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Getting past 5499 (by sewista - 03 Jun 24, 23:11) |
I note that many times players get scores of 5499 or 5498 or other "almost there" numbers. This means they ended up extremely close to the right place, but couldn't pinpoint it exactly. Been there, done that -- but I have some suggestions based on experience that might help with those last few kilometers and get the perfect score more frequently. (I invite other Map It aficionados to chime in with their own suggestions.) Probably you all know 99 percent of this drill, but you might pick up a hint or two if I run through my routine. For me, the key is to take a screenshot of the starting place so I can refer back and make sure I'm at the right place before I place the "guess" marker. Don't know what programs you all have on your computers, but I park the screenshot in a Paint program. Before I take the screenshot I do a 360 degree look and find the most identifiable view -- especially important if the starting place is on a rural road with the same boring grass or rocks as far as you can see -- look for a sign, a mud puddle, a piece of trash, a flower, or a landmark visible in the distance, anything to help you know when you've gotten back to the right place. I also draw a paper map as I start to "drive" around from the starting place. I note street names if there are signs, names of businesses, landmarks like bridges or temples. To make the process easier, I try to drive in a straight line as much as possible, so it will be easier to get back home. If I have to make a turn, I will note on my map what the intersection looks like -- a pink house, or a gas station, or a huge truck, or a construction site, or a gaggle of guys on motorscooters. Sometimes if the intersection seems particularly complicated, I'll rotate the image so I'm looking back up the road I just came from, and take a screenshot (a technique I learned in real life while taking long walks in Japan). When I finally find the eureka clue that gives me a matching image in the game window and in a second window showing regular Google Maps, I switch to the second window and retrace my steps till I get back to the start. During this process the second window shows the street view at top and the inset map at bottom. The inset map shows a red pin where you entered your eureka clue, and also shows a little yellow guy walking back toward the starting place. It usually takes a lot less time to get back to the start than it did to get there in the first place, because you can look at the inset map and often deduce where you need to go, and just leap there with the cursor instead of driving back bit by bit. So for instance if you know you started at a dead end road, wound around a lot and then made a left turn on the main road, you can often look on the inset map, find a spot that seems to fit that description, and leap there and see if that is indeed where you started. A caveat about this method -- you can only zoom out a little bit from the inset map while you're in the top/bottom mode. So after you've made your way back to the start you may look at the inset and say "well, I know that I'm on such-and-such road on the outskirts of Remote City, India, but how the hell do I find Remote City, India on the game map?" If you inadvertently close the street view at the top of your window, you'll go back to a regular map and you can zoom out far enough to figure out that Remote City is due south of New Delhi, or right on the Nepal border, or wherever, so you can locate it on the game map. But wait -- when you closed the street view you also lost the inset map with the little yellow guy! You still have the red pin, but unless you have a photographic memory you don't know the starting place, especially if you have had to go a long way with twists and confusion. Here's what I do: if I plan ahead, the minute I find the eureka clue, before I start to retrace my steps, I will close the street view, zoom out on the world map far enough to see where the pin is compared to a recognizable city, state, ocean, etc. Then I go to the game map and zoom in so I'm seeing pretty much the same small area, centered on Remote City, that I had in the inset map. Now I go back to the second window, call up street view, make my way back to the starting point, and I should be able to easily find that spot on the matching map in the game window. If I fail to plan ahead, and retrace my steps back to the starting place but don't know where in the world I am, I look at the pane at the top of the street view that tells the street address, city, state/province, country -- which by now is showing the address of where the yellow guy is, not the address of the eureka pin. Highlight it and copy it into a second Google Maps window, and you can zoom that out as far as you need to see where in the world you are. Return to the top/bottom window and copy the location of the yellow guy onto the "Ready To Guess" game window. If this all sounds like a lot fussier than you like in your games, you may be right. I happen to love the search for precision, and am willing to spend time keeping track of where I go as I wander about the wilds of strange countries. But I think you have to be somewhat anal to enjoy this game in the first place, and it sure is fun to wrestle a real hard one to the ground and get that 1100 score! (PS all of this discussion presumes that you have already figured out how to narrow it down from the whole world to a eureka pin within a couple of kilometers of the right place. The people racking up 5490s clearly don't need help with this part of the game, but if anybody else would like to get helpful hints, I'd be happy to share my experience. I do love this game and I hope we can maintain and maybe even grow a healthy MapIt community so Derek will keep it coming!) |
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Just one more (by Friday31 - 04 Jun 24, 0:26) |
Hello Derek, Is there any chance of posting 2 puzzles per day? Asking with appreciation for this new game, even if you say no. :) Friday |
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Au Revoir (by RedHerring - 04 Jun 24, 10:04) |
Ferreters, I bid you all adieu at least for now. I mentioned my mangled mouse hand in a previous post and please believe me it really is swollen and hurting after serious ferreting for the last few months. The adage from the fictitious doctor is pertinent - well, if it hurts then stop doing it! To be honest I had about ten reasons to stop and only one that kept me playing. That daily chase for a 70% or more is ridiculously addictive and I now accept I must go cold turkey to beat the craving. To achieve that percentage every single day was always going to be an impossible task for an elderly pensioner with a dodgy hand. And why would anyone want to be consistently beaten up and thrashed by better players anyway? Last night I decided to stop playing Word Ferret but we all know I was never very good anyway. I could always hold my own on the 'short' games as I called them. Those devious 25 letters hiding 50-70 words were where I could trounce most of you at one time or another. I knew I was never going to become a Titan like the top players simply because I am far too slow. At least my plodding achieved reasonable scores and I tried, and tried, and tried to achieve the magical 80% or beyond; an accomplishment limited to just a select few. Good luck with that! So I leave Word Ferret with the unfulfilled dream of being in the top echelon. Finally, I have one last comment: bfn N.B. No round, square or curly brackets were used in this post (I was tempted though)! Dammit, I have relapsed already. I blame my parentheses. |
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Pentathalon (by shucha - 07 Jun 24, 9:08) |
First: I KNOW we had a looooong thread going about this, but it's been a hot minute, and I couldn't find it (easily) so I just started a new one...sorry. It's also been a looooong time since I qualified, and I'm guessing it's not even a personal best and I KNOW it's not tops among all, but I finally had another qualifying day of 2, 2, 9, 11, and 14, or an average of 7.6. I may have to quit my job so I have more time to focus on's really getting in the way, lately. |
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Hearts, 4 slams in a row. (by ctuchel - 10 Jun 24, 17:37) |
To get 151 today i had to get 4 slams in a row. Elche did it as well. Is this relatively common? |
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Lobby page (by phoenix - 08 Jul 24, 15:09) |
Thanks Derek! |
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challenge question (by shucha - 15 Jul 24, 9:25) |
Derek, this is a "just curious" question, so no rush whatsoever: In Triplets challenge, everyone gets the same slate of tiles ready to there's a common virtual column of tiles stretching up above the board, ready to drop (as I understand it). When you have no more moves available and the board is reset, does every player in the challenge then get the same _new_ slate, as well, or is it random after that? Thanks! |
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Playing with others -- Bonus points? (by jeffgamer - 18 Jul 24, 21:51) |
Hallelujah! Today, for the first time, I completed a Shisen board while playing against others! I hit a score of 184 with about 35 seconds left on the clock. I believe I received a bonus at the end...I'm GUESSING that it was "amount of seconds left on the clock"? In fact, the instructions read: "Race against the clock to finish the puzzle in time and score bonus points while playing against others in realtime. A new game every 5 minutes." Soooo....what exactly IS the bonus structure on the game? Inquiring minds want to know!! :-) |
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Is the server down? (by skeeter1 - 19 Jul 24, 9:56) |
Might be my computer, but Ruffle and Ferret were working fine an hour ago. Refreshed several times; getting the "can't connect" message :-(. Anyone else having this issue? |
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highlighted matches at end of game (by iluvbassets - 19 Jul 24, 14:23) |
I just discovered this new feature - thanks! |
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Not working (by Ranger1969 - 26 Jul 24, 3:29) |
Today's suguru (26th July) isn't working. Tapping a cell puts the number in the cell below it, rather than the intended cell |
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obsidian hören horgerate horsysteme (by DCRGame - 30 Jul 24, 5:33) |
That took some tracking down from all their shops. |
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Display total score and word count for solo games (by theprisoner - 30 Jul 24, 17:15) |
Hi Derek I am trying to improve my ferret skills by playing a lot of games solo with the timer off. I get to a point where I think "Yup, that's nearly all of them" and then find that I have got 46%. Would it possible to have an option to display the total score and word count at the start of the game so I would not give up so easily in future? Obviously this is a niche request but maybe some others would like it. Thanks a lot. |
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National Borders (by tas77 - 30 Jul 24, 17:46) |
The second location on the 28th of July was the Quaria River on the Uraguay / Brazil border. I guessed Uraguay, but many of the regular plays guessed Brazil, which was correct by a whisker - well done! I learned an important lesson: If your starting location is in the middle of a bridge over a river, you may be on the border of two countries. Snipping an image of the precise location before moving forward in the search is essential. |
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Misleading topic (by Schroedlater - 03 Aug 24, 12:00) |
The topic of today's Word Hunt challenge was "study". I'm having a hard time seeing how the answers fit the topic. Just curious if anyone else saw a connection between these 9 seemingly unrelated words. |
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mouse (by Jerryl7 - 06 Aug 24, 13:06) |
I've been having trouble with my mouse working on the Jigsaw and Word Ferret games, it works once I'm off the game page. Any suggestions? I play on a laptop. |
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Rack changes when I change machines (by shucha - 06 Aug 24, 18:46) |
I kinda thought this was the case before, but I confirmed it today: When I open megacross on a different machine, I get the rack of tiles that I left that machine with, not necessarily the rack that I last played from (if it was on a different machine). No big deal; just found that interesting, and wondered if you were aware. |
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Can Someone Explain? (by Bobo7777 - 12 Aug 24, 8:44) |
I have no idea what today's Drop Quote means (August 12 2024). I will not reveal the quote or the person who stated it, to avoid obvious spoilers, but I will tomorrow if no one here responds today. I thank you in advance! The subject is "intelligence" just to make sure we are discussing the same quote. |
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Possible glitch in word ferret (by phoenix - 13 Aug 24, 0:32) |
Don't know if it's just my phone messing up, but in the last few days the leaderboard seems to get stuck. Not the full leaderboard for the whole day, just the leaderboard on a multiplayer round. I see my words getting listed and my total score going up, but the list of players and scores gets frozen. So for example when the round ends my total score might be 100 but down in the list of players it's still showing a lower number with all the players numbers frozen at a prior moment in the game. As I said it might just be my phone. Anybody else seeing that happen? |
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Bug with convert segments feature (by Enigma - 16 Aug 24, 3:22) |
Filling in the entire board with the segment tile and choosing convert segments causes all ships to appear. Some segments remain, but those can easily be converted to water tiles in order to complete the puzzle in record time. Completely stumbled on this by accident. |
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Unable to connect to server - try later. (by GoHabsGo - 20 Aug 24, 9:04) |
Having trouble connecting to server. Works ok for the challenge |
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Bug in the program (by Toys - 27 Aug 24, 16:26) |
I found a bug in the program. Once you find one of the words in the Hunt, you can give that same answer over and over until you answered all 7 of 7 or 8 of 8 ... whatever the count is, and it gives you a score. Now, stupid to do that, i did it by mistake one time and found the glitch, so the next day I tried it on all 9 of the answers and finished in like 25 seconds... Please fix that glitch! |
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A number in the game (by Sandy23 - 31 Aug 24, 2:15) |
Anyone else have a numeral 2 in the grid for the challenge? For me it worked as an S. |
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Solving time (by Julieburger - 31 Aug 24, 21:52) |
Are there solving programs which enables some to solve puzzles in incredible times. I just can’t fathom being able to solve these searches under a minute or slightly over a minute. With a minimum of 20 words that is 3 seconds a word. Just curious. I would rather challenge myself than try to beat a system as it appears that would merely be to place higher than normally capable. |
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Re-post of a puzzle (by tomasklos - 01 Sep 24, 8:32) |
While solving it, today's "10x10 hard" Mines puzzle (#270309) felt *very* familiar to me. Could it be that it was posted before, maybe a couple of weeks ago? Otherwise it's probably just similar to the puzzle I'm thinking about. I presume there's a script that generates new puzzels and makes sure re-posts aren't possible, but this was uncanny. I would appreciate it if you could check. Thank you. |
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A*AR, *AVA (by poslfit - 03 Sep 24, 23:16) |
Maybe do like Sudoku constructors and disallow grids that have two valid solutions, like today's that featured a pair of words that could have been AJAR and FAVA, or AFAR and JAVA? |
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alternate challenge... (by shucha - 04 Sep 24, 9:50) |
Does anyone else look at the leaderboard before playing Pairs and challenge themselves to predict the number of different tiles (6, 9, 18) based on the range / distribution of the top 15 scores? I've gotten to about 75-80% accuracy at this goofy little self-challenge. |
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Advanced Strategies (by Bobo7777 - 05 Sep 24, 18:03) |
***This is a post for the more advanced Shisen players*** I consider myself a medium range Shisen player, where my average solve time on the challenge will be about 5 to 8 minutes (usually about 50th to 150th). However one problem I consistently find myself in is that I will be done half the board (sometimes more sometimes less) and have "No More Matches". This obviously hurts the final time tremendously as you have to double back and find a better "path" to clear the board. It happens to me often enough, that I feel I am intrinsically making some poor decisions. Which leads me to the following question: What advanced strategies, if any, are top players utilizing to eliminate (or at least minimize) this situation? Or better put.. other than "I see a match!" what strategies do you use to clear the board? Thank you very much in advance, Bobo |
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CHEATING. (by grumpiest - 06 Sep 24, 8:00) |
COOPER9997 is a low-life cheat. He gets the maximum score every time he plays. We can do without the likes of him, not only is he spoiling the competitive game for all players, he is only cheating himself. I would like to see him barred from playing altogether. |
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tough word (by terrij - 09 Sep 24, 12:33) |
Tough seven letter word today - one I've never heard of. Judging by the scores, I'm not alone. Glad to learn a new word. |
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Unfair advantage to the computer (by Rayisback - 10 Sep 24, 16:33) |
After playing Minibridge for some time, both in the competitive mode and in "practice" mode, I have concluded that the computer's having full knowledge of all hands is a woeful disadvantage to most players, regardless of their level of play. Consider that the computer always has full knowledge of both opponents cards, and which opponent has which cards. The most obvious way this works to the advantage of the computer is that humans have to guess whether and which way to take a finesse. . Admittedly with the play of cards we can gain a level of insight into this decision, but the computer always has that perfect knowledge, starting from when the cards are dealt. Another computer advantage is in deciding on which card/suit to lead. Again humans can often deduce the right play, but especially on opening leads the computer can ALWAYS know the best card/suit to lead. If any other bridge players agree with this complaint, and think that perferct knowlege should be taken away from the computer, I'd appreciate your endorsement of this position. Otherwise, it's just a voice crying in the wilderness. which already describes me too often. |
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Time for a Laugh (by RedHerring - 10 Sep 24, 18:26) |
Recently there's been a bit of negativity in the forum so maybe it's time for something to tickle your fancy if you need your fancy tickled. I hope any Italians, Americans or old ladies reading the forum are not offended. A red double decker bus stops in London and two Italian men get on and sit together downstairs just in front of an old lady clutching her shopping. After a few minutes they begin an animated conversation. At first the lady politely ignores them and stares out of the window but then her ears pricked up when she hears one of the men say the following: "Emma come first. Den I come. Den two asses come together. I come once-a-more. Two asses, they come together again. I come again and pee twice. Then I come one lasta time." The lady was horrified and could stand no more. "You foul-mouthed man, " she splutters indignantly. "In this country we keep our voices down and we definitely don't talk about our sex lives in public!" "Hey, coola down lady," said the man. "Who talkin' abouta sexy, sexy? I'm a justa tellin' my frienda how to spella 'Mississippi' to improva his english." |
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Is the multiplayer version of Word Ruffle down? (by walsh1998 - 11 Sep 24, 14:13) |
Can play single player but not multi-player? Is the server down? Thanks! |
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My laptop just updated and can't get it. Is server down? (by Friday31 - 11 Sep 24, 14:39) |
Hello All, Is anybody able to confirm whether the server is down? My laptop recently performed an update and since then I am not able to connect to the server. I have cleared my cache and browsing data. Thanks! |
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Multiplayer server down! (by dkmGames - 11 Sep 24, 18:18) |
Sorry folks but the multi-player server is down. The hosting site for it is apparently upgrading the server to newer faster hardware. I have sent support tickets to them and waiting to know the status. Very disconcerting. (This is a different company to the main website where everything else is up and running). |
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Server connection problems for playing with others (by Conan - 11 Sep 24, 18:39) |
I've been experiencing numerous occasions of connection to the server for playing with others will simply not connect. I'm on Windows 10 using Google Chrome. Are there any suggestions for how to alleviate this? |
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I love the humor! (by wordsmith - 12 Sep 24, 14:39) |
Rockweiller, I used to be much better myself, then I stopped playing nearly as often and now, I, too, am meaty okra. |
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Button change? (by jeffgamer - 15 Sep 24, 6:44) |
I am trying to determine if I have gone prematurely senile or if the rotate button changed in the last couple of days. I THINK there used to be a big "rotate" button that we could click on to rotate the orientation of the tiles...and now it's a small circular arrow in the options instead. I could find it during one game yesterday...then realized after the game where it was...and this morning, I used it, but hesitantly. So either it's changed to a small font button (I liked the larger one better), OR it's always been that way and I'm really losing my memory. The verdict.....? |
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Bug with daily challenge at end/start of day (by Matilda27 - 17 Sep 24, 0:17) |
When playing a daily challenge and finishing right at the end of the day (US Eastern Standard Time) it counts the attempt finished for the day before as done, but then will not let you play the daily challenge for the next day even though you had only played the daily challenge for the day before. |
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To jlmer1, re: mouse (by jeffgamer - 17 Sep 24, 21:08) |
Hey, jlmer1 -- In Ferret this evening, you said that your mouse was not working with Ferret (and probably other games), and you thought the DKM system might have a bug. Just wanted to let you know that I pulled out my mouse and tested it while playing Word Ferret. It worked i BELIEVE the problem is almost definitely with either your mouse or your computer settings. |
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Multi user Server changed - may need to refresh (by dkmGames - 19 Sep 24, 0:23) |
I was not happy with the hosting company I was using for the multi-player server (they halted the server a few days ago for a number of hours). So I have signed on with another host and moved everything over to the newer (and I think faster) server. So there is a change in one of the web files to point to the new IP address. If you cannot connect, you should get a message that your page is out of date. Make sure to refresh the page and if still getting the message, then clear the browser cached files. You do not need to clear cookies. |
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Crazy Eights (by EileenP - 19 Sep 24, 14:22) |
I have 2 statements or questions. The robot will sometimes call spades with only 1 card left, then have to pick cards! Why would he do that? ALSO, I have played where the robot plays more than one card. I never played a game like that. Whose rules are they? Under what condition? Thank you. |
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word ferret and word mesh (by rockweiller - 19 Sep 24, 22:31) |
I played word ferret at 1023 pm tonight (Thursday) and it listed my score for Friday. I looked to word mesh to see if that was also doing that and it is. Did I miss something? |
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Daily competitions went to next day early (by sozonepk - 20 Sep 24, 0:30) |
It is only 8:30pm EDT and results are saying it is Friday already |
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Challenge puzzle day timing is off (by WoodKat - 20 Sep 24, 1:36) |
Sudoku challenge thinks it's Friday a.m. when it's 9:30 PM Thursday EST |
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Sudoku Points (by JohnB517 - 20 Sep 24, 8:24) |
I keep getting a "Unable to connect to server. Try again later." message. This has been going on for 2 days now> |
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Tile selection. (by JohnB517 - 20 Sep 24, 8:27) |
To select a tile you have to place the mouse pointer on the tile to the left of the tile you want to select. |
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Shisen not connecting (by taichimomma - 20 Sep 24, 10:16) |
Shisen not connecting to internet |
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Unable to connect to server (by Wiggley - 21 Sep 24, 5:49) |
Word Ruffle multi player says " Unable to connect to server" i tried refreshing the page, and rebooting my compujter, it says to try again later. |
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Sudoku Points (by Pescadore3 - 21 Sep 24, 15:30) |
Unable to "Connect to Server" try again later |
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Unable to connect to server (by Benji - 22 Sep 24, 2:52) |
Free Cell has been down since the server was changed |
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scores (by Jerryl7 - 23 Sep 24, 20:53) |
I don't understand the scoring, I get most of the words but my score is always in the low hundreds while others are in the thousands. I play level one. |
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Request to Remove Insulting Word from Game (by walsh1998 - 29 Sep 24, 11:11) |
Hi DKM Games, I would like the word "Poofter" to be removed from the game Word Ruffle. It is an outdated and derogatory term for a gay man. Today, we need to be more considerate and cognizant of the feelings of others, especially minorities, including the LGBTQ community, who on a daily basis deal with insults due to the lack of education and misinformation out there. We need to respect others, that includes everyone. Would like to receive a confirmation from someone in charge regarding my request. Thank you - walsh1998 |
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Today's challenge score (by AmyStroop - 02 Oct 24, 17:02) |
How do you score higher than the winning score which is 4080 for today? |
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question (by banersam - 04 Oct 24, 1:40) |
Is there a time limit on solving the puzzle? And if i manually erase the mistakes , does that disqualify me from that days position? |
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Challenge works, multi does not, followed instructions (by getclint - 05 Oct 24, 3:36) |
Hi Derek As per title, multi-shisen not working. Challenge and single play fine. Sudoku all good. For multi shisen, pressed F5, Ctrl F5 for full upload, cleared cache via full menu driven sequences in Chrome and Firefox and Edge on Ubuntu and Windows. Restarted devices, still getting "Cannot connect to server, please try later". We have fibre optic cable Wifi domestic modem supplied by very large UK retailer and telecoms ISP. Have your server people given you an overly zealous firewall or perhaps they are running an IP blacklist, they've not fully disclosed? Curiously, I've just tried multi on Android by overtyping the shisenphone.htm link with shisemulti.htm and it works. That is a first time run on that phone and the weird thing is mobile data is off and it is logged into the same router as all the other devices which won't run it. This does point to something clientside of course. I actually run a webservice for accountants for a living and we've had trouble with ISP and server changes ourselves. What I do in these circumstances is rename my JS and CSS files to include a version number (shisen1.js -> shisen2.js etc) which seems to absolutely force a reload in all circumstances. We haven't had any issues since adopting this strategy. Just a thought... Thanks and regards Clint and Kate (getclint and Kate16) |
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can't connect on multi player. Can on dingle. (by shazzle - 05 Oct 24, 5:20) |
Sorry correction! It is as expected: it is only the multi player that won't connect. |
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Unable to connect to server - try later. (by Beachcomber - 05 Oct 24, 9:13) |
Hi I'm based in the UK and am having issues in playing Word Ruffle using the Play with Others option over the past several days. On my laptop I've deleted my all time browser history and cache in Chrome and Microsoft Edge, and even downloaded a new browser (Firefox) and tried to log in a fresh for the first time. All of these give the same message when I try to select Play With Others: "Unable to connect to server - try later." I can see on the forum I'm not the only person having issues with the new server switchover. I wonder if this points to an issues which needs fixing on the server host side, rather than for us individually to refresh/cache clear, as I can't access the game at all and I've followed all the advice - and tried other options! Many thanks, Brenda |
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Same word twice (by ybr - 05 Oct 24, 14:08) |
Just an observation: 21-13-7 appears twice in today's puzzle |
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iphone not getting beyond search screen (by shazzle - 06 Oct 24, 5:43) |
Just out of interest and fiven the priblems I'mhaving, I asked my daughter who lives 200 miles away in the UK to access the multiplayer on Word Ferret. She has an iphone and she can't get beyond the search screen for dkm games. In other words dkm games won't load at all. She says there is definitely something wrong with the site. She works in tech and uses her phone as part of her work and she has no other issues accessing any other sites. |
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sudoku points (by kimtow1 - 07 Oct 24, 12:09) |
Will not connect to server and I have tried all the tips mentioned. Played this game for years and now it is impossible to play, yet other games on the multi game site are all ok. |
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Shisen Multi (by Tal2011 - 08 Oct 24, 7:16) |
I still cannot connect to the multi game. I have tried everything you suggest, but no joy. I really miss playing..... |
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I give up (by Schroedlater - 08 Oct 24, 9:33) |
Can anyone tell me what the word in the top right corner of today's challenge puzzle is? I have seven of the eight words, and the hint gives me "No more definitions to show". I have entered the remaining 9 letters into every anagram solver I can find, with no results found. Is it some sort of brand name? |
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Cant connect either! (by Brilliant - 12 Oct 24, 6:46) |
We are based in the UK and can't play multi player either. Tried but 'site can't be reached' |
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Well done Derek, UK multi players access problem solved! (by getclint - 14 Oct 24, 12:35) |
Well it works for Kate16 and me anyway. Very pleased that you sorted your DNS issues. Much appreciated by your UK addicts, sorry I mean players! |
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New word game - Word Bits (by dkmGames - 18 Oct 24, 0:42) |
A new word game has been added called Word Bits. Any feedback will be welcome. |
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mouse (by Jerryl7 - 18 Oct 24, 13:30) |
I play Word Ferret, The puzzle, Mahjong and a couple of others that require movement. I use a wireless mouse and for the last few months it's intermittent making it near impossible to play Word Ferrett and Mahjong, the puzzle is very frustrating. The mouse works fine on other game sites and as it should on other regular sites, only on this one does it fail. I have to click several times on the Mahjong tiles, the Ferret won't let me connect times as it'll either skip a time or just quit until I try several times. Very frustrating. |
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Triplets Won't restart after completing all levels. (by lilnel - 18 Oct 24, 23:13) |
Triplets game completed. Won't restart. Have refreshed page, logged out and back in, shut down and restarted entire computer. Either brings up level 1 grid, but never shows anything in the squares, or sometimes it brings up a filled chart, but pieces disappear leaving blank squares and points showing for a while, then just shuts down. |
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Badly aimed cracker (by Rattie - 20 Oct 24, 5:36) |
At the end of my game in the challenge today, I had one tile left and one cracker. I'm not sure how I managed it, but I missed the tile and exploded the cracker in the blank space next to it. The last tile remained apparently unscathed on the screen, but from my score I think I was credited with having removed it. Just wondering if that is possible. Thanks! |
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Thanks to negrochico (by Rayisback - 24 Oct 24, 18:05) |
Negrochico must be one of the most well-travelled persons on the planet, judging from the wide variety of locations in the photos in their travels provided for us to solve. If you're not a jigsaw puzzler (I'm a very inept one) you might want to look at that site, and call up "Places". It's like taking a whirlwind world tour. |
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Dilemma (by tali - 25 Oct 24, 1:46) |
I ask myself if playing first before everyone else is an advantage or a disadvantage - is there an unequivocal answer to this? |
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Minor bug in game (by jampots - 29 Oct 24, 10:00) |
I tried Wordbits for the first time today. I had one clue and 2 segments remaining. I clicked on them in the correct order and although both disappeared from the bank, only the second was displayed in the answer box so was not marked as correct. Upon deleting this ‘answer’ both segments reappeared in the bank and all was well when I repeated the process. |
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Missing words (by BPods - 31 Oct 24, 11:08) |
Where's "Illegal" and "Invader"? |
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Oops (by mshapiro99 - 03 Nov 24, 11:33) |
You're missing an extra "AL" ... not enough letter combos to complete the puzzle. |
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Dark mode? (by dkmGames - 04 Nov 24, 17:31) |
How many interested in a "Dark Mode" option for the website? It would be an optional feature, making background of all pages dark and text light. It will not affect the actual game boards - does not make sense to implement there. I personally like dark mode and have it set on the desktop and phone. Its a big job though to implement for the website with so many pages but I will consider if enough interest. |
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I mean.. I believe in coincidences.. but? (by Bobo7777 - 05 Nov 24, 11:40) |
Just a random post about the amazingness of coincidence. 1) If you remove all the tiles from the board, you get a score of 144 (notice the 44 please) 2) When I finished the board, I had a time of 4:44 (notice the 444 please) 3) At the exact time I finished, that placed me in.. you guessed it... 44th place (44 again please). Now Im sure by the end of the day, my place will be worsened by those scoring better than me throughout the day. But for just one moment in time, a rip in the space time fabric occured, and everything coincided to land on 4's. Random post over, have a great day all! Bobo :) |
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Misspelled word (by Schroedlater - 06 Nov 24, 8:25) |
In today's regular puzzle, the word ASSENT is spelled with only one S. |
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Computer is stuck! (by jampots - 06 Nov 24, 12:17) |
I was playing Hanidoku today and went for a hint to help me continue, received this message "I am stuck - would have to guess at this point". Never got this before - have others seen it often? |
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Updated Google image search (by Sandy23 - 09 Nov 24, 0:17) |
Hello fellow Map It players, I assume you use Google image search as I do. I updated my computer today and found an improved search. If you don't automatically see it, you might update your browser. Now I can add information or a request to the image search. I had better results adding "Where is this place?" than adding what I knew about the place (for example, "Netherlands"). The image search appears to be much better than it used to be. The Translate function is still there, accessed by clicking on an icon, which is in the lower right corner of the search box. The icon has an Asian (Chinese?) character and a Roman A. I went on a search to figure out what the Asian character means and found that it might mean "Arts" in Chinese, or Hangzhou numeral 9, or (Japanese) "sentence, literature, style, art, decoration, figures, plan, literary radical (no. 67)" according to "KanjiFlash." This character is apparently used by Google to indicate translation. It's new to me, but probably familiar to those who use Google's translation app on a phone. Happy searching! |
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Keeps telling me to log in (by marycontrary - 12 Nov 24, 23:34) |
When I select the daily challenge it tells to to log in when I'm already logged in. I've tried logging in, logging out and logging back in, I've closed the browser, cleared the cache and opened the game again with the same results. This is on a windows 10 computer. Any suggestion? |
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Thanks to DKM games.. (by yuyunski - 13 Nov 24, 17:42) |
From Maekjami, not my Japanese wife Yuyunski. Easier to write from here, as where I am logged in all is in Japanese only, and I prefer to write this in English. (Better for most people.) Thanks for fixing the problem there was a while ago with Mahjong challenge, and thanks for thanking us for reporting it. By the way, I speak 11 languages, which is quite a lot. My wife Yuyunski speaks only 4 of those. We communicate with each other best in German, which we are both very good at. Her other 3 languages are: Japanese - where she is a native speaker - Chinese and Hungarian. |
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Trinidad and Tobago (by klapka - 17 Nov 24, 8:44) |
North American? |
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New Sudoku variant (by dkmGames - 21 Nov 24, 0:59) |
Try the new Jigsaw Sudoku. Same rules as regular Sudoku but each of the 9 blocks is an irregular shape and differs for each puzzle. I have changed the layout a bit for desktop and tablet to maximize the grid size. Also moved the pen/pencil and Undo icons to the number pad which I think is a more appropriate position. |
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Bug on mobile - frozen board (by aqualung - 23 Nov 24, 22:28) |
Does anybody else experience this extremely frustrating issue in Word Hunt when playing on a mobile device (or maybe just iPhones?), where the board will freeze if you accidentally tap and drag from a place outside the board? I’m not sure if I’m describing the issue very well, but if you miss the first letter of the word you’re going for and tap elsewhere on the page (say because you’ve got unusually fat thumbs), it kind of grabs the entire page, as if to refresh it; the board then becomes completely unresponsive afterwards, no matter how quickly you let go. In Word Ferret, doing this might occasionally cause it to stutter for half a second or so, but not freeze; in Word Ruffle this might sometimes hide the list of words underneath the board, so you can no longer see which words you’ve already found or even how many there are in total, but you can still go on playing. It’s particularly annoying in the Word Hunt challenge though, as there is nothing else for it but to restart, and not get a chance at the leaderboard for that day. |
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11/30 puzzle (by oldbroad - 30 Nov 24, 21:34) |
I'd like to condiment your puzzle today. i was quite the pickle. |
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Trivia scores not posting... (by AdamTheLlama - 01 Dec 24, 0:11) |
Hi all, I've been doing the challenges the past two days, but it hasn't been recording my scores for it, even though it's recording all my other scores for the other games. Helpppp! |
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Pic is upside down (by zogo - 01 Dec 24, 12:06) |
When you choose the ghost or thumbnail pics, the image is 180* off of correct orientation. Derek, thought you may want to know and check on it. |
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Red Grid Lines (by RedHerring - 02 Dec 24, 1:35) |
Has anyone else seen red, one pixel grid lines in Shisen in between the tiles? They began appearing a few days ago. Magnification up or down doesn't remove them. I see them specifically in the Shisen daily challenge using Firefox 133.0. I don't see them with Chrome or Edge so is this a limited rendering issue in Firefox? Personally I don't regard tham as a problem so I don't expect any DKM investigation; I'm just checking that I finally haven't lost my marbles. |
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Extra word?? (by jeffgamer - 13 Dec 24, 8:09) |
Am I crazy...blind...or was there an extra three-letter word in today's puzzle that wasn't used???? (Took a screen shot of it...cannot find any undone spaces....) |
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Screen not loading (by fredbloggs - 14 Dec 24, 15:58) |
The screen does not load in chrome, Firefox, Edge. I have followed all of the above, still no joy. I can access on my android phonr. Is there some setting on my anti-virus (Avast) or Firewall (Avast) or Microsoft causing this? |
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Multi player server down (by dkmGames - 16 Dec 24, 3:54) |
The multi-player server has a problem and unfortunately I am away on vacation without the necessary tools or software to diagnose the problem. I can't believe this issue has happened at the worst time. Please accept my apologies - I will be back on the 20th to fix the issue. Also please do not post messages saying it is down. |
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Server is down 12/16/2024 (by sfgjmg - 16 Dec 24, 7:30) |
12/16/2024 at 7:30 am est Server is down! |
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Time to Spare (by RedHerring - 16 Dec 24, 18:00) |
With so much time gained from NOT playing the multi-player games I wondered who has used it in the most productive way? Or the wackiest perhaps? I'll start the ball rolling. Today I completed the UK RadioTimes Christmas 2024 Crossword, rewrote it all neatly on a copy, scanned it and emailed to win glory and a prize - which I do every year and never win. Not very exciting I know but I achieved something nonetheless. What have you done? |
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Multiplayer server back up! (by dkmGames - 16 Dec 24, 19:17) |
All should be good now. Sorry for inconvenience. |
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Score not posting (final score) (by sfgjmg - 19 Dec 24, 6:28) |
Twice this morning (December 19, 2024 at 625 am est) my score did not post after the game ended. |
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Happy Holidays to all! (by Kydoku - 20 Dec 24, 13:48) |
Hello fellow DKM users! First and foremost, I want to send a big thank you to Derek, for another great year of providing us with such a vast variety of quality games. And your dedication and responsiveness is unbelievable, as you demonstrated once again, still tinkering with the multiplayer issues while on vacation. I hope you had a fantastic time away. Next, I want to wish a happy holiday season, and a happy new year to all. I know we're a varied group from all over the world, so merry Christmas doesn't cover it for many, but for those it does apply to - merry Christmas! One thing we all have in common, is we enjoy the many hours of play, and fun interactions with others we meet, on this great site. Will look forward to continuing the good times with you all next year. Cheers! |
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Great Christmas Cryptogram (by dmittleman - 25 Dec 24, 9:59) |
Today's (12/25/24) Cryptogram was great! I usually get them in < 2:00 without errors. I was on my game today buy this one took over > 5:00 with 5 errors. Excellent misdirections. |
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Interface suggestion (by ybr - 25 Dec 24, 10:05) |
Firstly, Happy Holidays and thanks for this fun puzzle! Ok, so I often have difficulty finding the last empty square, possibly due to my aging eyesight. Likewise finding a letter I already have on the board (to reassess it). Might I suggest a "find" feature as follows: 1. Right-clicking a letter on the letter legend on the right (that you've already placed on the board) would highlight those squares (like clicking any of its instances on the board), and 2. Adding a space (blank square) at the end of letter legend (next to the eraser button), specifically for that usage (so right-clicking it highlights the remaining unused squares). 2.a. An alternative would be to use the eraser button, but perhaps some would find that confusing. 2.b. Another alternative (or addition) is to have the space key on the keyboard provide this functionality. |
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Impossible (by Uranus - 30 Dec 24, 2:29) |
How can someone do a drop quote in 18 seconds? |
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Bring back the fruits :-) (by skeeter1 - 01 Jan 25, 8:04) |
For over a week now, all the challenge games have been fruit-free, for high score only. If possible, can you bring back the fruit games? Though keeping them from being destroyed can be difficult sometimes, it makes the game more interesting, and also provides a way to hold off on getting the fruit to the bottom until the end of the round, to get maximum points possible. Many times my game will finish with several seconds left on the clock. This has happened with both fruit and no-fruit challenges, and I cannot figure out why or how to prevent that, other than to delay bringing the fruits to the bottom. I get that there are minimum scores to reach on the fruit games, but why end the game immediately? It seems unfair; also, why does that happen on the no-fruit games when the object is to score as many points as possible? I greatly appreciate your help in looking into this, or if anyone could explain how to avoid this in the future... Thank you so much! |
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Leaderboard did not post my score (by sfgjmg - 02 Jan 25, 12:47) |
I played the Leaderboard today, 1/2/2025 at 1245 pm est, and it did not post my score. That has never happened before. I tried to play again in case it never recorded my playing but it said I had already played. |
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Made up words? (by oldbroad - 06 Jan 25, 18:19) |
I know sometimes contributors (myself among them) sometimes misspell words when making a contribution. But today's? When did "U" become a word? Fair is fair. |
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Glitch that needs fixing (by kittycatjr - 07 Jan 25, 0:14) |
I couldn't fill in a few words in this game. When I clicked the space for a word to fill in it wouldn't move t that space. It just kept hopping between two spaces for words that were already complete. It happened all over the board. Thanks |
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New word game - AnaCross (by dkmGames - 09 Jan 25, 22:12) |
A new word game, AnaCross (short for Anagram Crosswords) has been added. Solve crossword puzzles where the clues are all anagrams of their associated words. |
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Location determination (by staggerlee - 16 Jan 25, 18:16) |
How today's India location was determine? |
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Puzzle thank you (by Erascer - 17 Jan 25, 12:17) |
Hey McLaren, everyday I look to see what new puzzle you came up with this time. Awesome! A very big thank you for tweaking my imagination! Eraser |
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Word duplicated on daily puzzle (by oldbroad - 19 Jan 25, 16:23) |
"Upset" is listed twice. Not able to complete. Clock does stop when only the duplicate is left but no completion is given. |
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Change in method to insert numbers in puzzles (by carolyna - 22 Jan 25, 1:36) |
I have suddenly noticed a difference today in how the numbers are inserted for Sudoku Points and Suguru. Some of the other games may have also been affected, I haven't checked yet. Instead of just highlighting the number in the side column and then being able to insert it as many times as needed, today I have had to highlight the square first, then the number, and have to repeat for each square. This takes a lot longer. Is it just me? Is there something I have to adjust? |
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Does anyone remember how to play word sketch? (by Rayisback - 27 Jan 25, 18:19) |
It's been a while, but maybe it's time to revive the game that was more fun to play than it was to win. Or at least it seemed that way to me, since I almost never won. If anyone is interested in trying to resurrect this old source of fun (the game, certainly not me!) leave a message here and let's see if we can get something going again. |
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Premature ending (by shucha - 28 Jan 25, 11:47) |
In today's challenge game, I got down to three tiles and one asterisk power up. When I used the asterisk (but before I could make a word), the game ended with 19 seconds left. The final screen showed 19 seconds left, three tiles still on the board, one of which was now an asterisk (and yes: a 3-letter word was definitely possible). I think that's a glitch, but if anyone knows of a valid reason why this happened, I'd like to know! Thanks! |
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Button I hadn't noticed (by Lottie1001 - 29 Jan 25, 7:47) |
Doing a jigsaw just now I discovered a button I hadn't noticed before. I was going to use "Bring front" to check that I hadn't 'lost' any pieces under the completed part of the picture. But I managed to click on the next button which was "Restart". I stared, stupefied, at the screen for a moment, cursed myself for my carelessness and decided I would try very hard not to make that mistake again, before restarting the puzzle. |
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Obscured Foreground (by staggerlee - 31 Jan 25, 17:35) |
How come there hasn’t been any mention about the partially obscured foreground we get with every India location? I’m I the only one who find this extremely annoying? And what’s causing it? |
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every day new one? (by ukguy88 - 03 Feb 25, 1:06) |
i cannot find what timezone is used , so how i know if it is new ? is there daylight saving to count with? options are: - down timer till new start - timezone in time - ... |
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smeared bombs (by Erascer - 06 Feb 25, 7:27) |
Hi! I had trouble with the Triplets today. Whenever I clicked on the cells which release the bombs (or I did something that activated them), the bombs appeared in the bottom right corner where they usually are, only they were smeared. At that point, I could no longer activate any of the squares in the bottom row of the game.. I tried starting over again with the same result. I tried again with a different browser and it works with Edge but not with Firefox. It's the first time I've had trouble with it. Thanks! Erascer |
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Ahhhh (by geordiemam - 08 Feb 25, 0:22) |
Too hard to distinguish colours in todays challenge. This colour blind grannie needs slightly different shapes when shades are v similar please. |
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Scoring double on opposition cards (by shazzle - 09 Feb 25, 2:56) |
I am finding the same thing with scoring as a previous post. One player appears to be scoring double when they place a card. Their score then is always way higher than the total cards they have played. The score of all cards played at the end is therefore much higher than it should be. Is there something I'm missing in the scoring? I can't see anything in the rules to this effect. Thank you. |
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All hail Rattie (by shucha - 09 Feb 25, 12:40) |
This isn't even close anymore...Rattie is the reigning sovereign of SpeedCross. Huzzah and good work! |
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Avian attack :) (by Bobo7777 - 10 Feb 25, 12:09) |
There were reports of predatory birds attacking the high ranking members of local Native American tribes. While it was predicted they would easily thwart these avian menances, the birds fearsome offense and defense tactics proved too formidable. It was indeed a rout. Sincerely, Bobo, a proud Philadelphian :) *For those not into sports in general, and football in specific: The Philadelphia Eagles destroyed the Kansas City Chiefs to win the Superbowl last night. Fly Eagles Fly! |
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Multi-player server down? (by BlueWombat - 12 Feb 25, 3:18) |
I suspect the multi-player server is down. No ferreting etc. Checked lobby and nobody playing anything. |
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Sserver down (by sfgjmg - 12 Feb 25, 6:49) |
Word Ferret is down (the server) as of 650 am on Wednesday February 12, 2025 |
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It's back online (by Friday31 - 12 Feb 25, 16:41) |
Yay, we're back!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Thanks Derek |
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leader bord needs total leaders/players :) (by ukguy88 - 24 Feb 25, 6:36) |
leader bord is nice but 7/7 is not nice but 7/888 is very nice :) |
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score NOT BEING COUNTED (by sfgjmg - 24 Feb 25, 7:05) |
2/24/2025 7:00 am est USA Went through entire word ferret game only to discover my score was not being counted. This has happened frequently lately. Very frustrating. |
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Wrong answer (by kookoovaya - 24 Feb 25, 7:44) |
In todays Medium quiz you ask 'what was Jackie kennedy's name before she married JF Kennedy. You have as ( supposedly) the correct answer Jackie Onassis, Oh Boy!!!!!!!! She married Onassis AFTER JFK NOT BEFORE. Please spell Onassis correctly too. Didn't expect such a goof. Never mind. |
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Queens (by johnnymac - 25 Feb 25, 9:23) |
Wondering if the linkedin puzzles like Queens and Tango will make an appearance here. |
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Solitaire Spider Four Suits (by Erascer - 26 Feb 25, 9:13) |
When I play Spider Solitaire at Four Suits, I'm restricted in how many cards I can play on the column that's located just above the back button. If I play cards onto that column that go so low they cover the button, I can no longer back up, so the game ends at a moment where there might be other moves possible. With ths puzzles, I can make the puzzles smaller in order to complete them, but with the Spider Solitaire, if you make the game smaller, the relative distance to the back button doesn't change, so the problem doesn't go away. I love this site! So many great games! |
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Multiple answers (by Yasaelin - 07 Mar 25, 15:54) |
Hi, would it be possible to get the answers for sandwich sudoku on the 4th of March 2025?ive done it on paper and have solved it, but column 4 does not add up to 22,but 23. have I made a mistake or was it supposed to be 23 instead? Thanks! |
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Spit Out My Coffee (by mumu - 08 Mar 25, 18:08) |
I was playing the Word Ruffle Challenge today and had all but one word in the first level. I tried everything imaginable and with 1 second left and desperate, I typed in "TWAT". Bingo!! Laughed so hard my computer screen had spit coffee running down the glass. |
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