How many words can you find in the allotted time? Three levels per game.
How many words can you find in the grid? Play with others or alone.
Solve these clueless crosswords where each letter matches a number.
Make words from letters to complete levels but you need to think ahead.
Make words from letters that drop. Combines elements of Word Ruffle and Word Ferret.
Classic word search. Play three difficulty levels and daily themed puzzle.
Place words on the board to see how much you can score in the time frame.
Play alone or with others.
Create grid of words using additional tiles each round.
Unravel the hidden saying using your code solving skills.
If you like crosswords, you will love this version where you need to reveal hidden text.
Solve the quote by "dropping" letters into the crossword squares.
Fill the crossword grid with the list of given words.
Guess the 5, 6 and 7 letter word in as few guesses as possible.
Find the topic words in the grid. Has elements of Word Ferret and Word Search.
Move from start word to end word in as few steps as possible.
Assemble the scrambled clue words by joining their bits.
Solve crossword puzzle where clues are anagrams of the words.
Place words on a shared board the size of 100 Scrabble boards joined together!