Play Word Search with / against others - all solving the same puzzle at the same time.
How many words can you find before the puzzle is solved?
You can either play a private game with friends/family members, or a public game
with other dkmGames visitors. Currently each game is limited to 5 players and the puzzle is 24x24 and has at least 100 words.
(Can be changed, based on user feedback.)
The person who creates a game can choose to wait until a second player joins or can start on their own.
Each player is assigned a color which you may change using the Color Icon provided.
To play a private game with friends or family members:
Enter your name to use in the game.
Click the "Create New" button to create a new game. If you enter a Game Id, it will
be the reference for the game else a four-character Id will be generated for you.
You need to give this Game Id to the other player so they can join your private game.
To join an existing game, enter your name and the Game Id and then press the Join button.
Game starts once a second player joins or you can choose to start on your own.
My NameGame Id
Create New
Enter your name then select a game to join from list below (if one available) or create a new one.
Game starts once a second player joins or you can choose to start on your own.