Sudoku Online Help

How To Play

Input Tips


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Other Tips

Description Of Menu Options

New Puzzle Menu

Main options to do with generating new puzzles or saving/loading. The first four options will generate a fresh puzzle at four different skill levels every minute. The first three levels - Beginner, Intermediate and Advanced - follow the tradition of creating puzzles with a symmetrical layout of starting, or fixed, numbers. The fourth level – Supreme - creates puzzles with as few fixed numbers as possible, sometimes as few as 22. At this level, the emphasis is on generating the most challenging puzzles that can be solved using logic, regardless of layout symmetry.


The puzzles generated here are for beginners. Start here if you are new to Sudoku.


The next level up from beginner.


Starting to get a lot more challenging!


This will generate a tough puzzle. All these puzzles are solvable by pure logic.

Input Manually

This option allows you to manually enter a puzzle that you may have got via a newspaper or elsewhere. Enter all the fixed numbers, then click the message box below the grid. The puzzle will then be validated to see that it is solvable, and if so, you can then solve in the same manner as for generated puzzles. All the solve options will be available to help you.

Input Puzzle #

This option allows you to play a puzzle that has been generated before. Every generated puzzle has a unique number (displayed in top right). This option is useful for challenging friends to solve the same one you did.


Loads the last saved puzzle on this computer. (Only works with Internet Explorer.)


Saves the current state of the puzzle to temporary user data on this computer. This is useful if you wish to come back another time to continue solving it, or if you are guessing which may necessitate you to backtrack later on. (Only works with Internet Explorer.)


This will open a separate window displaying the puzzle - suitable for printing. (Only works with Internet Explorer.)

Solve Menu

Main options to aid in solving puzzles.

Check My Solution

Checks to see if you have solved the puzzle correctly. Any errors made will be shown in red.


Suggests which cell may be the next easiest to solve. It will not fill in the value - for that you need to select the "Solve One Cell" option.


This will suggest you look where a particular number is located in a block, row or column and will highlight that area of the grid. This helps you more than the "Hint" option and is the easiest aid you can ask for, save getting the actual answer.

Solve One Cell

This option will fill in one of the cells and displays the reason why that number is the answer to the cell.

Possibles Level 1

This option will show you the obvious possible numbers for each unsolved cell. It does this by looking at what numbers are already present in the same block, row and column.

Possibles Level 2

This option uses more sophisticated algorithms in determining possible numbers for each unsolved cell. It looks at each possible number in each cell and sees if this number can be placed anywhere else on the same row/column/block. If not, the possibles for that cell are reduced to just this number (ie it is the solution for that cell). It goes a step further and looks for pairs of numbers in a row/column/block, that is, two cells that have the same two numbers only. This means that those cells must contain those numbers (although we don't know which is which), and so it allows us to remove those numbers as Possibles from any other cell in the same row (or column or block).


Fills in the solution to the puzzle.

Clear Possibles

This will clear all possibles displayed in the grid.

Clear All Input

This will clear all input (pen and pencil marks) displayed in the grid.

Possible To Pen

This will convert all cells that have only one pencil mark (one possible recorded) to pen. If "Automatically Display Errors" option is set, then these cells will also be checked for correctness.