The object of the puzzle is to successfully fill in the missing letters in the text at the top of the puzzle by answering the clues in the cluebox at the bottom.
Click on the clue markers at the top of the cluebox to show each clue. You can also use the Up/Down arrow keys to move to the next/previous clue.
Enter answer to the clue using the virtual or actual keyboard. Each letter of the answer is color-coded to show you where it will be placed in the mystery text when entered.
The letter in focus, ie the one that will receive the input, is shown with a thick red border. The Left/Right arrow keys will move the focus to previous/next letter of the answer.
To clear a letter, press the SPACE or Delete key.
Pressing the "Hint" icon will fill in the current letter.
Pressing the "Check" icon will highlight in red all incorrect letters in the text.
Pressing the "White Flag" (Give Up) icon will show the solution.
You can solve the puzzle by a "two-way" process - answering the clues you know then looking for likely words or letters in the text. Clicking on a letter in the text will display the clue containing it and set focus to that letter.