Create a Puzzle

To make a jigsaw from an image on your computer, either:

  • Drag an image file from your computer file system onto this page. The puzzle will be created immediately (no upload to the server used).
  • Click the "Browse" button to select the image. If you then click the "Solve Now" button, the puzzle will be created without uploading to the server.
    If you wish to save it for future use or to share with others, then click the "Upload Image" button. Please note that you have to be logged in to upload an image to the server.


Description: (optional)


Solve Now

Supported image types are jpg and png.
Dimensions may be any size. If uploading to server, file size limited to 2 megabytes else may be up to 6 megabytes (image will be automatically resized). Maximum size may vary from browser to browser.

Images uploaded to the server will be private and only viewable by yourself or any friends you wish to share them with. They will be kept in the database for three days. Please respect the Terms of Use of the website.

View my private puzzles (must be logged in).

If you would like to contribute a puzzle for all, then please click here.