DKM Binairo (also known as Binary Puzzle or Takuzu) is a logic puzzle where you need to fill the grid with either black or white cells according to the following three rules:

  • There are the same number of black and white cells in each row and column.
  • No more than two adjoining cells (either horizontally or vertically) can be the same color.
  • Each row is unique, and each column is unique.
You are given some fixed cells to get you started. A sample puzzle and it's solution is shown at the bottom of this page.

To mark a cell, click to set WHITE then click again for BLACK then again to clear. Alternatively you can right click to set to BLACK.

All puzzles are solvable by logic and there are hints to help you solve at any stage.

There are three difficulty levels and one new puzzle for each grid size and difficulty level per day. Click here for an explanation of basic strategies to solve.


Solving Strategies


Daily Challenge

Participate in the daily challenge to try make it on the leaderboard. Each day (US Eastern Standard Time) you can play the same puzzle as everyone else.
You will need to register and login first to play. Registration is free and takes less than a minute.

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